Cao Zhen had been able to disguise himself as a monk from various tribes a long time ago, just like when he disguised himself as a fox demon in the small world of the fox tribe. If it weren't for the magic weapon in Ju'e's hand, Ju'e wouldn't be able to detect his existence.

And back then, whether he became Bi Tie or Qin Yuan, disguised as an orc, his aura also seemed to be that of an orc.

But it was just aura, just like the beast clan or the demon clan, but his aura was still the aura of the human clan, and it was not the same as the aura of the two clans.

But now, he can actually transform his Qi into the Qi of the Celestial Clan.

Cao Zhen kept changing his aura, and slowly, a piece of text appeared on the clan table in his hand.


The Cold Wind Immortal Lord looked at the words on the clan form. As a person at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, she even subconsciously reached out and gently rubbed her eyes, with a look of disbelief on her face.

This is the clan form of the Heavenly Clan. The leader of the Hundred Peaks can actually make words appear on the clan form of the Heavenly Clan. In other words, the leader of the Hundred Peaks can even perfectly disguise himself as other aliens?

And now, Leader Cao can see these family members, doesn't it mean...

They can quickly find all the members of the Eternal Society by relying on the Celestial Clan's clan list!

Cao Zhen looked at the words on the clan list, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "There are people who are looking for the Celestial Clan, and there is a place above this clan list.

This place is about half a day away from us. Let's rush there first! "

The two quickly flew towards the location recorded on the clan table. Before, they had a headache of how to find all the members of the Eternal Society. Now, not long after they entered the killing battlefield, they found a way to kill those members of the Eternal Society.

Soon, figures appeared in their sights.

How could it be them!

There was a look of surprise in Cao Zhen's eyes. It was Linghu Linghu and the others. This... what kind of luck were they? When he was with them before, they either met people from the Eternal Society or people from the human race. traitor.

Now, I met another person from the Eternal Society!

How about sending them out directly and letting them wander around here to see if they can attract all the human traitors?

Cao Zhen's eyes swept towards the crowd, and soon fell on a strange human race.

He has already met the others, and there is no doubt that the person in question is this unfamiliar human monk.

On the side, Immortal Lord Hanfeng frowned tightly when he saw so many human beings, and whispered: "With so many people, who is the one who belongs to the Eternal Society? Moreover, with so many people, the Heavenly Clan wants to To kill, a large number of monks will definitely be sent. We are just two people. We may not be able to block the many monks from the Celestial Clan. Even if we can block it, if one or two Celestial Clan monks run out and then tell the matter If it spreads, our strategy may fail."

"Don't worry, I know who is the traitor."

Cao Zhen whispered and flew out from behind.

The Cold Wind Immortal Lord was stunned for a moment, but he quickly followed Cao Zhen and flew over.

Linghu Lonely and others felt the sound of wind coming, and they all looked up.

"They are monks from our human race, and there are two of them."

After seeing that it was the human race, the vigilance on their faces suddenly disappeared.

Among the crowd, the strange monk wearing a white robe and a sunny smile on his face secretly laughed in his heart. Two more people came, which couldn't be better.

In this way, more than ten human monks can be killed at one time.

Then he will be assigned a person's universe ring.

Immortal Lord Yunhuo saw the flying people and asked directly: "Don't you know what to call these two fellow Taoists?"

"I am the Four Heavens Sword Lord." Cao Zhen pointed at himself and said, then raised his finger and pointed to the Cold Wind Immortal Lord beside him: "This is the Red Fire Sword Lord."

His words had fallen, and everyone was stunned. Sixiao Sword Lord and Red Fire Sword Lord, those were the names that Baifeng Cult Leader said when he met them. How could this monk know it, and specifically said it? these two names.

This, this is the leader of Baifeng!

Just when they were about to speak again, in their sights, the leader of the Hundred Peaks and the seven immortal palaces behind him appeared, and then suddenly stabbed the strange male cultivator with a sword.

The strange male cultivator never expected that after this fellow cultivator arrived, he would attack him directly without saying a word, and he would do it so fast.

He just saw the opponent draw his sword, and before he could react, the sword had already fallen on him and pierced directly into his neck.

Then, an icy air came from behind him. The astonishing cold air instantly froze his body and soul, causing him to die instantly.

This change was too fast. Before everyone could react, why did the leader of Baifeng suddenly appear? The monk who had just joined them was already dead.

What exactly does the leader of Baifeng want to do?

Also, is he the leader of Baifeng?

Cao Zhen quickly grabbed the monk's body and called to everyone at the same time: "Quick, don't delay any longer, Linghu, you have been exposed. This person is a monk from the Eternal Life Society.

Now, there are a group of Heavenly Clan monks who dare to come. Leave this place with me quickly. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Linghu Lonely quickly set off to follow. Everyone around him was also sure that the person in front of him was the leader of Baifeng. Otherwise, how could they know the two names used by the leader of Baifeng and which one was Ling? Fox is lonely!

Although Shuangji Immortal Lord had never seen Cao Zhen before, he heard people say that he had met Cao Zhen before and knew the two names Cao Zhen used. He also followed everyone towards Fly far away.

Although the family table can display the current location, it cannot really be like a locator and can display the location no matter where it goes.

The traitor from the human race informed the Celestial Clan of its location through the clan table, and then continued walking forward. As long as they continued to follow the previous path, the Celestial Clan would naturally be able to find them.

However, if they were in another position, those Heavenly Clan might not be able to stop them!

As Cao Zhen flew, he looked through the clan list of this traitor of the Eternal Society, and soon found out that the other party's clan list was dedicated to sending messages to the Tian Clan. He thought about leaving a string of words on the clan list.

"The other party suddenly wants to change their location. Wait until they get there and then tell them where they are."

He directly deceived the other party that they were going somewhere else. In this way, there will be a chance to get rid of those Celestial Clan monks.

Everyone followed Cao Zhen in confusion. Immortal Lord Yunhuo was flying and asked with confusion: "Master Baifeng, how did you know that the human race was a traitor? We are going there." where?"

"How do I know he is a traitor? It's very simple, because I saw the content on the family list he passed to the Celestial Clan.

And I know all of you, and I also know that Bipolar Immortal Lord. Only this person I don’t know. It’s obvious that he is the traitor!

As for where we should go, of course it is to find my disciples! "

While Cao Zhen was speaking, Qianji's speed did not slow down at all, and his disciples, Lingxi and the others, were really not far away from here.

They were approaching Lingxi and the others, so they had a chance to find Lingxi and the others before the Heavenly Clan caught up with them.

They can then proceed with the transfer.

As for those Celestial Clan, I can even stop contacting them. At that time, even if they guess that the traitor from the Human Clan is found dead, it will have no impact.

A traitor to the human race who wanted to secretly deliver information through the clan. If he was discovered while delivering the information, wouldn't it be normal for him to die?

Moreover, their current goal is not to kill many Celestial Clan, but to find all the human traitors first. Now, they have found two members of Guangyao Hall, and there are still two more to go.

The reason why he went to fight with Lingxi and others was, firstly, to protect them. Secondly, with more people, they would be stronger. If they encountered a Celestial Clan that was weaker than them, if it was just him and the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, the two of them would Individually, if the opponent's number is larger, even if they are not their opponent, the opponent may escape or pass out the family list.

But when the number of people increases, and one person confronts the other monk, then the other party will not be able to escape, and there will be no chance to pass on the family list!

Just about half an hour after Cao Zhen and others left, where they had encountered the human traitor, heavenly monks flew in one after another.


"The human race said that the other party suddenly changed its direction! We have no place to look for it!"

"Forget it, let's go find the human race ourselves first. I don't think those traitors in the human race are very reliable."

Soon this group of Heavenly Clan monks flew towards the distance.

However, before he could find his disciples, a Celestial Clan table in his hand began to shake slightly again.

"There is another traitor from Guangyao Hall who has contacted the Celestial Clan."

Cao Zhen turned to look at the Cold Wind Immortal Lord and whispered: "We changed our route and did not find the traitors from the Tian Clan."

After that, he looked back at everyone and said: "You should all know that among our human race, there is a Yongshihui, and all the people in the Yongshihui have defected to the Celestial Clan. Now, some of their members are on the killing battlefield, in contact with Our fellow humans will then provide information to the Celestial Clan, so that the Celestial Clan can come and kill our companions.

Now, I am going to kill the traitor of the human race and at the same time rescue our compatriots. For now, you can find a place to hide or quietly leave the killing battlefield. "

He didn't have time to look for his disciples now. After all, if he didn't dare, one of their fellow humans might die and be injured in the Celestial Clan. He did not intend to take everyone with him, but just as he finished speaking, Hongyu Xianjun and others spoke one after another.

"Master Cao, please take us along."

"Yes, Master Cao, we are also monks in the True Immortal Realm. One more person means more power!"

"Master Cao, although we are not very strong, we still exist in the late stages of the True Immortal Realm."

Cao Zhen frowned as he looked at the people who wanted to go together. Some of these people did have fairly good cultivations, such as Huayu Sword Lord, Yuhua Sword Lord, and Hongyu Immortal Lord, but there were also some with weak cultivations. He was afraid that there would really be a conflict with some of the monks. They obviously went to save people, but more of their own people died.

"Master Cao, we are also human beings, and we also want to contribute to the human race. Please take us with you."

"Yes, Master Cao."

Cao Zhen was having a headache when Immortal Fenghan's somewhat cold voice rang out.

"You all leave the killing battlefield. We are here to save people this time. If we delay even one more breath, our kin may die in the hands of the Celestial Clan, and you simply cannot keep up with our speed.

If we take you with us, we will still have to wait for you. Besides, we don’t know how many more traitors we want to kill.

With so many of you, the goal is even bigger. Maybe we were discovered by the other party before we found the monks from the Celestial Clan. Okay, I know you want to contribute to our human race, but now, your best choice is to leave here.

Leader Cao, let’s go quickly! "

Cao Zhen nodded when he heard the sound and said to everyone: "You should leave the killing battlefield first."

"Wait a minute, they will leave together, and I will be with you. I am also an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm." As he spoke, the Shuangji Immortal Lord flew in front of Cao Zhen and the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, and at the same time turned back towards the people behind. Everyone advised, "Don't delay, leave the killing battlefield as soon as possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Cao Zhen and Hanfeng Immortal Lord had flown away, and quickly chased after them.

Immortal Lord Wind and Fire looked at the three figures leaving, and looked at the senior brothers with complicated expressions. Therefore, they were despised by others, and others felt that they were holding back.

She was already in the late stage of True Fairy Realm. This time she entered the killing battlefield and was looked down upon several times. This...

While Cao Zhen flew towards the position shown on the clan table, he also contacted his disciples through China and informed them of the new place.

Moreover, he also discovered that this new place seemed to be closer to his disciples.

His five disciples are gathered together, and he can contact different disciples. In this way, he can contact Lingxi and other disciples five times in one day!

Among the weeds that were taller than people, four men and one woman, five human monks, quickly moved forward. As they walked, the human female monk was still facing to the side. One of them was wearing a powerful outfit and holding a sharp weapon in his hand. The monk with the sword said: "Fellow Daoist Jinglu, although your monks are not bad, the killing battlefield at this time, or even the entire True Fairyland battlefield, is too dangerous.

There is no need for you to go deep into the killing battlefield. In fact, at this time, you should leave the killing battlefield, or even leave the true fairyland battlefield. "

"Leave?" Immortal Lord Jinglu showed an angry look on his face and said angrily, "Is it because the Celestial Clan is targeting our human race that we, the human race, have to leave this killing battlefield or even the true fairyland battlefield?

If most of our human monks want to leave, then the strength of the human monks who stay here will be even weaker. In that case, they will not even be able to resist the Celestial Clan, and the same people we left behind will only be suppressed by the Celestial Clan. Kill!

After all, not all members of the same race want to leave. Also, if we leave, doesn't that mean we have given up the entire True Fairyland battlefield, or even the entire Outer World battlefield?

Although our human race entered the Tianwai battlefield much later than the other six races, over the years, we also know how rich the resources of the Tianwai battlefield are, and our human race has also received a lot of resources from the Tianwai battlefield.

If we give up the outer battlefield, without those resources, the gap between us and other races will become wider and wider. In the future, there will really be no place for our human race to turn around.

Immortal Lord Luo Qiong, in short, I don’t know what other monks in our human race think, I will never leave the battlefield of True Immortal Realm! "

On the side, a tall, dark human monk looked at the impassioned Jinglu Immortal Lord and couldn't help but echoed: "That's right, no matter what others do, we will never withdraw from the killing battlefield, and even, we have to start from Enter here from the outside, and then kill more Celestials!

Is their Celestial Clan the recognized first clan among all the clans?

Who recognized that?

They are number one, that’s because our race entered the outer battlefield, and we met them too late. If our race had been exposed to all this earlier, the real first race should be our race!

What about the Celestial Clan? It’s not like we have never killed the Celestial Clan, but I, Guanta, have killed three Celestial Clan monks.

Senior Brother Guanshan, more Celestial Clan were killed, maybe five in total! "

Beside him, a monk who was equally tall but not as dark as him heard the sound, nodded slightly and said: "You're right, why should we retreat? Why didn't their Celestial Clan withdraw?

Others are afraid of their Celestial Clan, but I am not afraid of their Celestial Clan. "

As his words fell, suddenly, sounds of breaking through the air rang out in the void, and figures appeared in their sight one after another.

In an instant, the eyes of the five people suddenly changed and became solemn.

There are still so many heavenly clans!

Immortal Lord Jinglu was also stunned. He had made it very clear that besides himself, there were four human monks here. One of these four human monks was at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, and the remaining three All clan monks are monks from the eight immortal palaces.

These people are quite strong, but they don't need so many Heavenly Clan monks.

Eight monks came at one time, and among these heavenly monks, two were at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, and each of the remaining ones owned eight Immortal Palaces.

This is completely based on what I reported, the double strength of the human monks.

Moreover, it has only been a short time since I informed the human monks that so many powerful heavenly monks have arrived.

It is said that there are few monks in the Celestial Clan, but now it seems that there are not many monks in the Celestial Clan, at least in the True Immortal Realm, there are quite a few monks in the Celestial Clan.

Choosing to join the Eternal Society is indeed an extremely wise choice.

On the side, the four human monks looked at the eight heavenly monks who surrounded them, with extremely serious expressions.

The number of opponents is almost twice as many as theirs, and there is one more master of the real fairyland than them.


If the numbers are about the same, and the opponent only has one or two more monks from the Eight Immortal Palaces than them, they can naturally fight to the death, and it's hard to say who will win in the end.

It is said that there are no weak monks in the Celestial Clan. Every Celestial Clan monk is extremely strong within the realm of his fellow cultivators. But in their opinion, the Celestial Clan monks are just like that!

The key is that the other party has much more than them!

There is even an additional existence at the pinnacle of the true fairyland.

Among the group of people, the leader of the monks whispered: "I will hold back the two strongest monks on the other side, and you can quickly flee elsewhere!"

The other three monks were very anxious when they heard this, and said quickly: "Immortal Ying Zong, the other party has two people at the top of the True Immortal Realm, you..."

Immortal Lord Ying Zong said anxiously: "Don't say so much, you just have to go first, and one of you can escape! If we delay any longer, no one can escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he went straight to kill the eight Heavenly Clan monks on the opposite side.

"court death!"

Opposite me, a monk at the peak of the True Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan sneered, and a giant ax appeared in his hand. In an instant, his aura suddenly changed.

He was not tall, but he looked unusually majestic at this moment. When everyone looked at him, they had the illusion that they were looking at a huge mountain with no top visible at a glance, and a majestic and heavy aura rushed towards their faces.

Behind him, the nine immortal palaces were spinning crazily.

Waves of immortal energy surged out from the fairy palaces. The sound was as huge as a waterfall falling from nine days away. The tight breath surged towards the surroundings, and there was a terrifying feeling, as if it was... The illusion of tearing this world apart.

In just an instant, his aura had reached its peak.

As the giant ax in his hand fell down, a violent wind suddenly blew in the void. This wind was so strong that it instantly formed a tornado hurricane!

For a moment, on the ground below, all the weeds that were taller than a person were rolled up.

Waves of air were like sharp sword energy, attacking Immortal Lord Ying Zong.

While Immortal Yingzong was flying, his aura had completely risen to its peak. Golden light surged out of his body and was hesitating on his body.

In his palm, a bronze mirror emerged.

On top of this bronze mirror, this bronze mirror is unusually simple. Not to mention its exquisiteness, it can be said to be rough. There are obvious breaks even at the edge of the bronze mirror.

However, this bronze mirror gives people the illusion that even if it experiences the erosion of endless epochs and is attacked by countless monks, it will still stand like the highest mountain in Central Continent.

The next moment, the giant ax broke through the sky and suddenly struck down.

This ax gives people the illusion of creating a new world.

But when this giant ax that could unfold the world fell on the bronze mirror, phantoms suddenly appeared above the bronze mirror.

They are the phantoms of human monks. These human monks are all wearing uniform clothes. On the left chest of the clothes, there is an embroidered symbol of a high mountain surrounded by clouds and mist.

Yunshan Sect!

These are all monks from the Yunshan Sect. They are obviously just phantoms of the monks, but they give people the illusion that there are really monks walking out of this bronze mirror.

Some of them wielded sharp spears, some held majestic mountains high, and some were wrapped in blazing flames...

Every monk exudes a vast and terrifying aura, and every one's eyes are filled with the determination to look forward to death!

Every monk used their best attack!

For a moment, flames, thunder, sword energy, and sword light all shot out from the bronze mirror.

That ax that seemed to be able to shatter everything in the world was constantly dying at a speed visible to the naked eye under the countless attacks, and completely dissipated in the blink of an eye.

He blocked the attack of a true fairyland peak person on the other side, but there was a second true fairyland peak person on the other side.

On one side, another peak of the True Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan appeared behind Immortal Lord Yingzong at some point, and a leaf appeared in his hands.

It just looks like an ordinary leaf, but the leaf exudes an extremely terrifying power. The leaf seems to contain countless lives. It seems that this leaf is a world.

The next moment, the leaves suddenly shot out.

In an instant, this world trend was filled with countless leaves, all of which were transformed from the original leaf. However, these leaves were different, and each leaf was filled with a different breath.

The same thing is that every leaf is full of unparalleled power, and every leaf contains endless murderous intent!

The surrounding void collapsed at this moment.

These leaves look light, but the power they exude is even more terrifying than the previous axe!

After the phantoms shot out from the ancient bronze mirror shattered the giant axe, their power was almost completely exhausted. Under the attack of the leaves, all these phantoms dissipated.

Then, all the leaves rushed towards the bronze mirror.

Immortal Lord Yingzong felt the terrifying aura exuded by these leaves, and his eyes revealed a look of determination that was as resolute as the shadows projected in the bronze mirror.

Behind him, the nine fairy palaces were shaking crazily. It seemed as if these fairy palaces were about to burst.

The strange movement in the Immortal Palace caused another stream of immortal energy to pour into the bronze mirror.

Suddenly, a tragic aura surged out of the bronze mirror.

Those phantoms that had dissipated emerged from the bronze mirror again, but the phantoms before were like real monks, and the phantoms now are phantoms, and they are also gray phantoms, as if they were after the death of those bodies. Leaving a shadow on the shadow stone.

These are the dead martyrs of their Yunshan Sect!

Ever since he joined the Yunshan Sect, he has become the most talented disciple among his generation. His journey has been smooth sailing, and he has cultivated to the realm of returning to immortality.

But after entering the Return to Immortal Realm, ten years, a hundred years, and a thousand years later, he has been unable to find the way to enter the True Immortal Realm.

Many people said that he was in decline, but he was naturally unwilling to accept this. He went to the dead end of Central Continent.

And he almost died in a desperate situation. It was his two uncles who braved the danger to break into the dead end and rescued him.

However, the two uncles were severely injured in this desperate situation. They did not even insist on returning to the big religion, but they could not hold on and were seriously injured and died.

The two uncles died entirely because of him. He buried the two uncles in Yingling Mountain, and began a long period of vigil in Yingling Mountain.

After he set foot on Yingling Mountain, he never left Yingling Mountain again.

Slowly, many monks in their great sect have even forgotten his existence.

However, in Mount Yingling, he had been wiping the tombstones of martyrs for many years, watching a monk in the sect die for protecting the great sect and for protecting the disciples of the great sect, and then was buried. In Yingling Mountain.

But he found his way unknowingly!

The shadows in his bronze mirror are the martyrs of their Yunshan Sect!

The "ying" in his honorific means "heroic spirit"!

He will lead his group of heroic spirits from the Heroic Spirit Mountain to continue to dominate the world!

The martyrs of the Yunshan Sect sacrificed their lives to protect the Yunshan Sect, and he could also sacrifice himself to protect the human race and his junior brothers and sisters!

The moment he used the bronze mirror to block these flying leaves, he frantically gathered the immortal energy in his body. For a time, the immortal palaces behind him surged even more fiercely.

Destroy the fairy palace!

He is going to blow up the Immortal Palace to help a few people escape!

However, just as his immortal palace surged, his bronze mirror shattered in the void. One of the seeds flew down.

It's the seeds mixed in the leaves.

When the seeds fell, they sprouted instantly and swelled into a towering tree. The rhizomes of this great technique even took root in his immortal palace, causing the ever-expanding immortal palace behind him to expand slightly. slow.

Get out of here!

Yingzong Immortal Lord shouted violently, and in an instant, the big tree's follow-up shattered into pieces. Although the big tree only blocked his effort for a moment, this moment's effort was enough.

The leaves that flew through the bronze mirror, and the giant ax that was swung again by another Celestial Clan at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, fell at the same time.


A heavy muffled sound was heard, and Immortal Yingzong fell directly from the void, hitting a mountain peak below heavily.

The force of his fall was so strong that it directly shattered the mountain peak.

The two peaks of the True Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan laughed loudly when they looked at Immortal Yingzong who was instantly severely injured.

"Still want to self-destruct the Immortal Palace? Do you think that we, even at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, will give you a chance? Or do you think that our monks from the Heavenly Clan are the same as those idiots from the Beast Clan?"

"Senior brother!" Not far away, Immortal Lord Guanta looked at his severely injured senior brother with tears in his eyes, as if he wanted to fight these heavenly clans desperately.

On the side, Immortal Lord Guanshan held him tightly and said urgently: "Junior brother, calm down, senior brother was severely injured because of us.

If you go back at this time, senior brother's sacrifice will be in vain. Leave quickly. Only by escaping can we be worthy of senior brother! "

Immortal Lord Guanshan said and flew outside quickly. During the flight, his eyes were already filled with tears.

But not far after flying, his way forward was blocked by the true fairyland of two heavenly clans.

The Celestial Clan not only has two beings at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, they also sent eight monks this time.

At the same time, Immortal Lord Guanta and Immortal Lord Luoqiong were also stopped by monks from two heavenly clans respectively.

Immortal Lord Luoqiong felt the aura of the two Heavenly Clan monks in front of her, and without looking back she said to Immortal Lord Jinglu who was following her: "The two of us drive away, we still have a chance."

Her senior brothers were all blocked by two immortals, and now she and Immortal Jinglu were blocked by two heavenly monks.

In other words, if a monk from the Heavenly Clan on the other side blocks one of them, if anyone has a chance to escape, it will only be her and Immortal Jinglu.

As soon as she finished speaking, a terrifying force suddenly erupted from behind her. Before she could react, a terrifying impact suddenly came from her back.

The terrifying force hit her back heavily, knocking her whole body away and hitting the ground, and fell heavily to the side of Immortal Yingzong.

"Junior sister!"

Immortal Lord Guanta and Immortal Lord Guanshan both exclaimed, looking behind at the same time, and made a sneak attack on their junior sister.

"Jinglu Immortal Lord! Damn it, you are a human, why did you sneak attack on Junior Sister!"

"What grudge does our Yunshan Sect have against you?"

The monks from the Celestial Clan all around saw that two of the four monks on the other side had been severely injured. They had a chance to win, but they were not in a hurry to kill everyone.

After hearing the words of Guanshan Immortal Lord and Guanta Immortal Lord, they even laughed wantonly.

"It's already this time, and you're still asking such stupid questions."

"I found that you humans are really stupid. I doubt that you humans can pose any threat to our heavenly clan!"

"Aren't you curious how we found you so accurately?"

A Celestial Clan laughed loudly, looked at Immortal Lord Jinglu, and said, "Come, tell your fellow clansmen how we found him!"

The tone of his voice was like saying to a dog, "Come and bark for me."

However, Immortal Lord Jinglu did not show any dissatisfaction when he heard the sound. He even licked his face and said, "Yes."

When his eyes turned to the Immortal Lord Guanshan and the Immortal Lord Guanta, his expression turned ferocious in an instant, and he said with a ferocious smile: "You want to know the answer? It's actually very simple, because I have already abandoned the dark and turned to the light, and have taken refuge in the great people. The Celestial Clan has taken refuge in the most powerful Celestial Clan in the world!"

"Damn it!"

"You traitor!"

Immortal Lord Guanshan and Immortal Lord Guanta were instantly furious. Below, Immortal Lord Yingzong, who crawled out from under the broken mountain peak, heard these words and could not help but spurt out a large mouthful of bright red blood. He was guarding , turned out to be such a traitor!

" are a human race, but you betrayed your own race, and even led foreign races to kill your own race. Are you still a human being!"

Immortal Lord Yingzong stretched out a finger and pointed at Immortal Lord Jinglu. He didn't know whether it was because of the injury in his eyes or because of the atmosphere. His whole body was shaking as he spoke.

Immortal Lord Jinglu was scolded like this, but he did not show any anger on his face. Instead, he shouted: "I really hope that I am not a human race, but a heavenly race. What a pity, I am a human race, not a heavenly race!" "

When the most powerful Celestial Clan who was shouting just now heard this, he immediately sneered and said: "Quite a Celestial Clan? You deserve it too!"

When Immortal Lord Jinglu heard this, he nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right, I'm not worthy of being a Celestial Clan, I'm just a Human Clan!"

"You are not worthy of being a human being!"

After the words fell, three figures appeared in the sight of everyone from the Celestial Race and the Human Race.

Cao Zhen flew in from afar. Hearing the words of Immortal Jinglu, his whole lungs almost exploded with anger. Those heavenly clans regarded Immortal Jinglu as a dog, but Immortal Jinglu was still licking him. Face smile!

He even said that he didn’t want to be a human race, but wanted to be a heavenly race.

He has also seen many human traitors, but this is the first time he has encountered such a shameless and unscrupulous person among those human traitors!

"Human race?"

The eyes of the Heavenly Clan monks in the distance suddenly condensed.

When Immortal Yingzong saw the three human beings appearing, he shouted anxiously: "Go quickly, go quickly, they are at the peak of the true fairyland!"

They could no longer escape, and he didn't want other humans to die in vain because of them.

"So what if it's the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm? It's not just them who are the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm!"

Immortal Lord Hanfeng let out a low cry, and nine immortal palaces suddenly appeared behind him.

On the side, behind the Bipolar Immortal Lord, nine strange celestial palaces also appeared!

And behind Cao Zhen in the middle, all seven immortal palaces appeared!

On the opposite side, the faces of the heavenly monks suddenly showed expressions of surprise. In such a remote, killing battlefield, they were able to meet three human race's true fairyland peaks on the same day!

It's a pity that these human races are so stupid that they come to die one by one. If these three human races are at the peak of the true fairyland, they may not be able to compete.

But now, Yingzong Immortal Lord has been severely injured and has little fighting power. They only need to stop the two human races from reaching the peak of the True Immortal Realm, and then wait for the remaining monks of their heavenly clan and the human traitor to kill the other three humans. They were the monks who besieged these two human races at the peak of their True Immortal Realm.

In fact, it is also a good thing that the human race has two more cultivators at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. It allows them to kill two more people at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. After returning, they can receive a lot of rewards.

In addition, for those human monks they killed, the other party's Qiankun Ring belonged to them.

Even if the human race's true fairyland peak is not as rich as their heavenly race's true fairyland peak, they should still have a lot of resources.

Immortal Lord Jinglu looked at the three flying humans, with a look of ridicule on his face. These humans were really stupid. They rushed forward to die even though they knew they were not their opponents.

Fortunately, he betrayed this stupid clan early.

However, three more monks from the human race have come, so that's good. This means that I have helped these heavenly tribes find seven human races at once.

After killing these seven human races, as long as he kills three more human races, he can get a Qiankun Ring.

Just as he was laughing secretly in his heart, a black shadow suddenly flashed before his eyes.

In an instant, his eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He was still far away from this human monk, so how could he suddenly appear in front of him.

This speed, how could this be the speed that a monk from the Seven Immortal Palaces could possess.

Before he could figure it out, the other party had already stabbed him with a sword.

It looked like a sword fell, but as the white robe on his body shattered, his body was instantly stabbed with criss-crossing wounds.

And the purple sword has already pierced his heart!

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