Although Immortal Jinglu saw three human beings appearing, he never thought that his life would be threatened.

Although there are people at the top of the True Immortal Realm on the human side, there are also people at the top of the True Immortal Realm on their side, and there are two of them.

There are still six beings with eight immortal palaces on their side, while the opponent only has three human beings left, and one of them only has seven immortal palaces like him.

What could the other party use to hurt him!

But at this time, the opponent's sword stabbed him, and the sword pierced his heart directly.

Suddenly, a huge force like a tsunami struck, and it directly bombarded his body and fell backward uncontrollably.

At the same time, the sharp sword energy that seemed to be able to pierce mountains and cut off rivers was raging crazily in his body!

In his body, the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys...

Each organ was cut open instantly!

The meridians in the body were also cut apart by the sword energy!


There was a heavy sound, like a loud noise like a meteorite falling on the earth.

Immortal Lord Jinglu fell directly to the side of Immortal Lord Yingzong and Immortal Lord Luoqiong who were injured before.

The huge impact directly created a deep circular pit in the middle of the mountain, and his body was even deeper into the circular pit.

He couldn't understand why the gap between him and the other party in the True Immortal Realm, which was also the seven Immortal Palaces, could be so big!

If under normal circumstances, he was smashed into this round pit, there would be many ways to escape.

But now, the opponent's sword broke the meridians in his body and almost shattered his internal organs. He didn't even have the strength to lift his arms, let alone get out of this round pit.

Not far from the circular pit, Immortal Lord Ying Zong and Immortal Lord Luo Qiong turned their heads at the same time and looked towards the figure.

His eyes were also filled with incredible color.

Jinglu Immortal Lord was just with the Celestial Clan, the monks who owned eight Immortal Palaces. However, this sudden appearance, this fellow human race, took action, and these Celestial Clan members with eight Immortal Palaces did not appear. react to.

That speed was terrifying even when they looked at it from a distance. The opponent seemed to ignore the existence of space and appeared in front of Immortal Lord Jinglu in an instant.

And that sword is even more powerful.

No matter how you say it, Immortal Lord Jinglu possesses seven immortal palaces, but he almost died under this sword.

"court death!"

All around, the monks from the Heavenly Clan reacted quickly.

Among them, two Celestial Clan monks blocked the way, the human Celestial Immortal Lord Guanshan and the Celestial Clan Immortal Lord Guanta, and the other four Celestial Clan monks attacked Cao Zhen at the same time!

This is an existence second only to the peak of the True Immortal Realm. For a moment, the surrounding space was suddenly split open, and there was even a loud sound that shocked people's ears.

One of the four Celestial Clan monks, holding a long stick, swept over. As he swung the stick, it crushed the air around him and made a series of terrifying sounds. It was like a huge mountain supporting the heaven and earth sweeping over. , so powerful!

There was also a Heavenly Clan monk who stabbed directly with a spear. Although he took action a little late, a flash of cold light flashed, and the spear appeared at the tip of Cao Zhen's nose.

Seeing the next step, the spear will fall on Cao Zhen's head. Its endless sharpness can completely penetrate even mountains, let alone a human head.

Suddenly, the purple sword suddenly flashed by, and before he could take a chance, the sharp sword tip accurately hit the tip of the spear.

The Celestial Clan monk suddenly felt a vast and boundless force, as ferocious as a flood bursting through a dam, coming towards him. The force was so strong that his body involuntarily retreated backwards, his eyes filled with incredulity.

His Immortal Palace is more than the opponent's Immortal Palace, and it was after the opponent attacked. After attacking the human race, the opposite human race hurriedly defended.

Under such circumstances, he actually fell into a disadvantage.

This is definitely not the monk who owns seven immortal palaces.

However, no matter how strong this human race is, he is still dead. He can block his own attack, but he still has three companions.

On one side, the shocking stick landed on Cao Zhen's head.

As for the other two Heavenly Clan monks, a ball of pitch-black flames surged out from one of his hands. The flames were filled with a dark and sinister aura. The flames even converged into one head, with a ferocious appearance and a wolf-like head. , a strange beast with dragon horns on its head and sharp teeth like a crocodile.

A ferocious and bloody wild atmosphere enveloped this world.

There was also a monk from the Celestial Clan who directly released streaks of thunder, some of which were golden in color. Some are purple and some are blue. There are thunders of different colors. Each thunder is full of power that can destroy the world!

The attacks of three real fairyland masters with eight fairy palaces fell at the same time!


Immortal Lord Guanshan and Immortal Lord Guanta wanted to rescue this fellow tribesman, but they were blocked by the two heavenly tribes in front of them, and there was no chance of rescue at all.

Cao Zhen looked at the three attacks that fell. On the fairy mountain behind him, seven strange fairy palaces shook crazily. Fairy palaces emerged one after another on the fairy mountain. At the same time, the Great Wall fairy palaces spread all over the fairy mountain, covering his entire body. Wrapped.

And all the power from the other six Immortal Palaces were merged into the Great Wall Immortal Palace.

The next moment, these three different forces fell at the same time.

Suddenly, the Great Wall collapsed under the impact of this terrifying force. But the first Great Wall reaches him, and there are second and third Great Walls...

The Great Walls collapsed one after another, but these Great Walls seemed to be truly endless.

For a moment, loud noises like a mountain collapsing were heard continuously. Cao Zhen followed the force of the impact and quickly retreated backwards.

Although he blocked the opponent's attack, the opponent was after all four monks from the Eight Immortal Palaces, and he still blocked the opponent head-on. The attack that had been brewing for a long time caused the energy and blood in his body to fluctuate slightly.

Just a slight shake!


"This human race, a monk from seven Immortal Palaces, actually blocked the attack of four monks from eight Immortal Palaces!"

On the side, the two Heavenly Clan monks who were fighting against Immortal Lord Guan Shan and Immortal Lord Guan Ta had a look of disbelief in their eyes.

The four Celestial Clan who took action were all filled with surprise when they looked at the seemingly unharmed Human Clan on the opposite side!

"This fairy palace is like a fairy palace with city walls!"

"And a purple sword!"

"Seven Immortal Palaces..."

They looked at the human monk in front of them, and a name naturally emerged from their minds.

"Cao Zhen, you are Cao Zhen of the human race!"

"It's Cao Zhen from the human race!"

After reacting, they actually retreated towards the rear at the same time.

It is said that the human Cao Zhen was a single person. Facing twenty strong men from their heavenly clan, and even half-step golden immortals, he severely injured or even killed those twenty strong men!

Together they are not enough to see.

When they retreated, their first reaction was to run away, and their second reaction was to quickly pass on the clan information and tell them the masters of the Celestial Clan that Cao Zhen of the Human Clan was here.

Let all the masters come and kill Cao Zhen.

But the four of them had just retreated when five figures appeared in front of them, and these five figures were all human!

Why are there so many humans?

Seeing a human race appearing in front of me, a look of surprise appeared on his face. When did there be so many human races?

Following their master's guidance, the five people from Lingxi arrived almost at the same time. Looking at the few Celestial Clan monks in front of them, all the fairy palaces emerged behind them.

Among them, behind Ruoyun are seven Immortal Palaces of Visions. In addition, behind everyone are six Immortal Palaces of Visions!

They are the strongest group among the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak. Except for Ruoyun and Yisheng, all of them are of the ancient immortal body. Their cultivation speed is slightly faster than Linghu Lonely and others.

And Ruoyun, that is a reincarnated power.

Although it is said that Ax Madman, who is also a reincarnated powerful man, only had five fairy palaces before.

However, among the three reincarnated powers of Haoyue Xingjun, Ruoyun and Ax Madman, Ax Madman should have been at the lowest level in his previous life. Ruoyun was originally stronger than Ax Madman, and following Cao Zhen, the Immortal Palace is stronger than Ax Madman. There are more ax lunatics but they are normal.

As for Yi Sheng, although she spent most of her time refining elixirs at the Four Treasures Peak, she followed the path of human elixirs, and refining elixirs was also part of her practice.

What's more, today's Sibaofeng also has the Sheng Clan and the Yao Clan, and they all have their own understanding of elixirs. Yi Sheng often communicates with them about the method of alchemy, and he also got a lot of inspiration. Today's Immortal Palace is also more Linghu Lonely and the others wanted more.

Vision of Immortal Palace!

A group of heavenly clans looked at the strange fairy palace that appeared behind these human clans, but their expressions did not relax in any way.

Although these human races have fewer fairy palaces than theirs, all of these human race's fairy palaces are fantasy fairy palaces, which is rare.

Normally, they would not be afraid when they meet these five human races. They also believe that they will win in the end. But the problem now is that there is Cao Zhen behind!

After they were stopped by these human races, Cao Zhen was able to hunt them down.

Although the four of them had more Immortal Palaces, when they looked at the human race in front of them, they had no intention of fighting, and they quickly fled into the distance one by one.

"Want to escape? How can we let you escape after killing so many of our fellow humans?"

In Yan Yourong's hand, the Sorrowful Dragon Sword suddenly came out of its sheath.

This sad and angry dragon sword is not her previous sad and angry dragon sword, but the dragon sword that Cao Zhen got after he killed Wansheng City Lord. He gave the dragon sword to Yan Yourong, and the spirit of the sword was in After meeting Yan Yourong, he instantly recognized Yan Yourong.

As Yan Yourong's sword slashed down, in an instant, the mighty sword energy swept across, as boundless as the sea, and at the same time surging!

The friction between the knife and the air produced a horrifying sonic boom, and the sky was instantly cut open.

On the long knife, the power of the five elements gathers.

This is a sword, but it is also like a torrent that breaks the embankment, a huge mountain range that stretches thousands of miles, and a flame that can burn all the wastes.

With this sword slashed out, the colors of heaven and earth changed, and the world turned upside down!

With one blow, he was filled with the belief that he would never return! It is full of momentum of killing demons when demons block it, and killing Buddha when Buddha blocks it! It seems that he wants to kill everything in front of him!

So what if the other party owns eight immortal palaces?

No matter who stands in front of her, he will be killed with a single blow!

The sword fell, and a golden dragon suddenly rushed out from the long sword. The golden dragon roared, and the roar of the dragon resounded thousands of miles away. The clouds in the sky were instantly shaken away. The roar of the dragon was so loud that it was heard by all the dragons on the ground. The rats and ants were instantly shocked to death.

At the beginning, no matter how much Wansheng City Lord asked, the sword spirit did not borrow its power, but now, there is no need for Yan Yourong to speak. It felt the anger contained in Yan Yourong's sword, and the fearless Momentum, actively mobilize the power to fly out from the long knife.

Opposite Yan Yourong, the Celestial Clan monk holding a long stick suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face. Although the opponent's immortal palace was two fewer than his, the sword intention contained in the opponent's sword was stronger than his stick. It's even more terrifying!

And this magic weapon, what kind of magic weapon is this?

A magic weapon for the middle level of the earth?

Obviously he has more immortal palaces, but at this moment, he feels like he is being suppressed by the opponent. He even feels that he is the weak one.

Looking at the knife that seemed to be threatening him with life and death, he instinctively took a step back, then raised the long stick in his hand to block it in front of him.

Behind him, with the convergence of all the power of the eight immortal palaces, dragons and tigers leaped up on the long stick, and the shadows of dragons and tigers appeared, but the next moment, the long sword fell down.

This sword seems to be able to split the sky, chop the earth into pieces, and smash down with an unparalleled momentum.


There was a loud noise.

The Heavenly Clan monk suddenly felt an extremely terrifying force coming from him. On his bare stick, the shadow of the dragon and tiger instantly shattered. Under the impact of the boundless force, his arms were sore and numb, and at the same time they were hot. The energy of the flames, the heavy energy of the earth... all the energy of the five elements came. Under the bombardment of these waves of power, his body flew backwards and flew a certain distance!

He looked across at the woman holding a long knife, her eyes filled with disbelief. He, a majestic being with eight Immortal Palaces, was knocked back by a human race with only six Immortal Palaces, or even just one. He was injured in the moment of the fight!

After Yan Yourong slashed out with her sword, she did not continue to pursue. Instead, she raised her hand. A ball of colorful light suddenly flew out from her hand, and then, five rays of light fell at the same time.

The five rays of light are the five rays of thunder.

Her master has taught them the changes of the Five Thunder Zhengfa, and the Five Thunder Zhengfa, as well as the Fire Thunder Zhengfa, Golden Thunder Zhengfa, etc.

And she is the body of the Five Elements. Whether it is the Fire and Thunder Zhengfa, the Water Thunder Zhengfa, or the Golden Thunder Formation, she can practice it. Over the years, she has been studying her own Five Thunder Zhengfa.

Finally, after communicating with Xiang Ziyu many times, and with Xiang Ziyu's help, she cultivated her own Five Thunder and Five Elements method!

Five thunderbolts fell at the same time, and the five thunderbolts contained the energy of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth respectively!

In fact, this is not enough.

When she completely integrates the five thunders and five elements, that will be the day when the spell is completed.

Even if the spell was not successful, five thunderbolts fell at the same time, blocking all the opponent's escape routes.

On the other side, Duoduo also swung his long sword and stabbed suddenly towards a Celestial Clan in front of him.

As soon as the sword fell, countless sword shadows appeared in the void, each sword shadow was different.

Some sword shadows are as fast as lightning, some sword shadows pursue the ultimate sharpness, some sword shadows are like thick mountains, some sword shadows are ever-changing, some sword shadows are like flowing water, and some sword shadows are like the breeze blowing. noodle……

Countless sword shadows filled this space.

The sword shadows are vertical and horizontal, and each sword shadow has a different sword intention, and vaguely, these sword shadows seem to come together again to form a sword. Her sword contains endless changes and contains With thousands of sword intentions, it seems that all the sword intentions in the world are contained in this sword.

With one sword shot, the sun and moon lost their light, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sky shattered!

The Heavenly Clan monk on the opposite side also swung his spear and stabbed forward. In an instant, countless spear shadows appeared in the void.

For a moment, the shadows of swords and guns collided in the void, making clear clanging sounds. It seemed like tens of thousands of monks holding sharp weapons were fighting each other in this space.

For a moment, it looked like the two were evenly matched.

Yan Yourong's sword pursues the ultimate sword, but Duoduo's sword technique is more sustainable.

She didn't succeed with her sword, but she didn't cast any other spells. Instead, she held a long sword and fought with the opponent.

On the other side, there was a monk from the Celestial Clan. Black flames suddenly shot out from his hands. But before these flames fell, a more terrifying high temperature rose from the opposite side of him.

A group of burning flames appeared around Yisheng's body. These flames came together in different colors, but they seemed to be like an elixir.

Yi Sheng opened his mouth and suddenly spit out a mouthful of red flames.

This flame was as fast as lightning, and it flew above the black flame released by the other party in the blink of an eye. The two different flames collided together, and suddenly made bursts of crackling sounds, which seemed to blow the surrounding air away. Everything in one space was on fire every other day.

In the void, places where there had been no flame collisions burned. The weeds below and the ground under the weeds also burned, and even the distant mountain peaks burned.

The temperature of the two flames touching is too terrifying!

In the void, two different flames seemed to be indistinguishable, and they continued to die under the collision.

The heavenly monks looked at the unharmed human monks on the other side with shock on their faces.

His cultivation level is higher, but his flame does not overwhelm the opponent's flame, so there is only one possibility. The opponent's flame is more powerful than his flame.

But what he was practicing was from the Celestial Clan, and the World-Destroying Mysterious Fire was one of the top five flames in the Celestial Clan, but he actually lost to this human race!

At this time, all eight arms on Ruoyun's body had emerged, and they were killing the last monk from the Celestial Clan.

Although they have fewer fairy palaces than each other, they are no weaker than each other when it comes to fighting.

Suddenly, in the void, a formation diagram unfolded, encompassing all the Heavenly Clan monks and everyone who were fighting.

Lingxi released, after she became a true fairy, she assisted the master in refining the new supreme infinite array!

There are not only four people here, but five people!

The moment the formation disk unfolded, the expressions of each of the Heavenly Clan monks changed drastically.

"What's going on? I feel like my power is being restrained!"

"Similarly, I feel restrained too!"

"Not just in one direction, but in all places. As long as we are behind this formation, we will be restrained!"

"We must defeat the formation as soon as possible!"

One by one, the Heavenly Clan monks wanted to break through the formation, but Yan Yourong and the others did not give them a chance to attack the formation.

They were able to maintain a stalemate with each other outside. Now, the monks of the four heavenly clans are restrained by the Sovereign Wuji Formation, and Lingxi has injected the same formation talisman into each of them. Naturally, they will not be restrained by the Sovereign. The influence of the Zunwuji Formation, not to mention the addition of Lingxi on their side.

Under the ebb and flow of one another, they quickly suppressed the four monks from the Celestial Clan.

Cao Zhen looked at Lingxi who had released the formation diagram, and was not worried about any accidents happening to his disciples. When he helped Lingxi refine the supreme Wuji formation diagram, he almost exhausted his resources.

Under the formation diagram, let alone four monks with eight immortal palaces, even if there is one more person on the other side, his disciples are likely to win.

He turned to look at the two Heavenly Clan monks who were fighting against the Immortal Lord Guanshan and the Immortal Lord Guanta, and they suddenly rushed out.

The next moment, he appeared behind a Celestial Clan, and at the same time, the Zixia Dongsheng Sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out.

Those two monks from the Celestial Clan were on par with Immortal Lord Guanshan and Immortal Lord Guanta in terms of strength, and could not be distracted by anything else. Suddenly, when he found someone appearing, it was too late to dodge.

In an instant, the sharp sword pierced into his body, and then, the terrifying sword energy exploded directly in his body, instantly tearing apart his internal organs and meridians.

After Cao Zhen succeeded with his sword, he no longer looked at the other monk from the Celestial Clan, but turned around and flew towards the Cold Wind Immortal Lord.

This Celestial Clan monk has been severely injured by himself. Now there are two people, Guanshan Immortal Lord and Guanta Immortal Lord. If they fight each other, they can't kill each other!

The Cold Wind Immortal Lord in the distance and the Bipolar Immortal Lord are not weak among the peaks of the True Immortal Realm, but the other two peaks of the True Immortal Realm are just the most ordinary peaks of the True Immortal Realm.

The two faced each other separately and already had the advantage. With Cao Zhen's arrival, the other party was completely passive.

Immortal Lord Guanshan and Immortal Lord Guanta are brothers. From the beginning of their cultivation until they reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm, they have been together all the time. The two of them cooperate with each other incomparably well.

They had previously fought each other against a Celestial Clan, and the battle was a draw. Now, the two of them were dealing with a Celestial Clan together, and they had suppressed each other in an instant.


After the Heavenly Clan on the opposite side realized that they were no match for the other side and could not escape, their eyes fell on the huge array.

Now, the two strongest True Immortals among their Celestial Clan have also been suppressed, and there is no way they can be expected to come to the rescue.

The only thing he can count on now is the four members of his own race trapped in the formation.

However, as his injuries became more and more serious, the formation showed no signs of breaking, and the injuries on his body became more and more serious.


Immortal Lord Guanta held the giant tower upside down and hit him hard, like an extremely towering mountain crashing down. The energy and blood in his body were churning under the bombardment, and his internal organs seemed to be shattered under the huge impact. He seemed to be paralyzed, and his body retreated backward uncontrollably.

Behind him, Guanshan Immortal Lord's spell happened to fall.

Two giant mountains condensed with immortal energy rushed from the left and right sides, directly sandwiching his entire body in the middle. If he were in full strength, he would naturally be able to break through this giant mountain, but now he couldn't break free at all, and in the void, the attack of the Tower Immortal Lord had fallen again.

This time, it’s the spire! The sharp spire cut through the void like a spear and pierced his neck directly!

And those two giant mountains were still squeezing him!


After being hit one after another, he opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood. His breath became weaker and weaker, and his consciousness became more and more blurred. After a moment, his breathing disappeared completely!

Until death, the formation on the opposite side was not broken.

Immortal Lord Guanta accidentally killed another monk who had been severely injured by Cao Zhen before. He looked at his senior brother and asked: "Brother, should we go to help Master Cao and the others, or should we stay here and wait for the formation?" Is the picture broken?"

Immortal Lord Guanshan glanced at the opposite side and whispered: "Master Cao and the others already have an absolute advantage. The opponent's two true immortal realm peaks have been injured. It won't be long before they win. There is not much difference between whether we go or not. , it’s better to stay here.”

In that formation, after all, there were four human monks with six Immortal Palaces and one Seven Immortal Palaces. Although they had not been at a disadvantage before, they had just fought. After all, their four opponents are all Celestial Clan with eight Immortal Palaces.

After the fight lasts for a long time and the other party understands their methods, I am afraid that the five of them will be defeated.

Therefore, they might as well stay here and wait for the formation to be broken by those heavenly clans, and then immediately rescue these five human clan companions.


Immortal Lord Guanshan nodded and looked at the array with a solemn expression. In the Immortal Palace behind him, streams of immortal energy were still surging crazily, and he was ready to take action at any time.

Suddenly, in the next breath, the formation diagram disappeared in front of them.

The magic weapons in the hands of Immortal Lord Guanshan and Immortal Lord Guanta clenched instantly, as if they would take action at the next moment.

But after seeing the figures flying out of the formation clearly, they were stunned.

In the formation, although the five human race members could not be said to be standing in front of them unscathed, none of them seemed to have been seriously injured, and they only received some minor injuries.

And in the hands of four of them, each of them was holding the corpse of a true fairy from the Celestial Clan.


The five of them actually killed the four heavenly tribes in the True Immortal Realm?

It was a true fairyland with eight fairy palaces.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is one more person among them, it is impossible to kill each other. After all, the difference between most of them is not one fairy palace, but two fairy palaces, and it is also the gap between the middle stage of the true fairyland and the late stage of the true fairyland. Even if they were all from the Immortal Palace of Visions, it would not be enough to make up for the huge gap between them.

But the fact is right in front of them. These five members of the same race not only killed four of each other, but the killing time was not much shorter than them.

They are two people fighting each other, and the other party is five people fighting four people.

In other words, each of these five people may be stronger than one of the two of them!

No wonder, in the past, all the tribes were not only afraid of Master Cao, but also extremely afraid of Master Cao's disciples. They can cross the realm of cultivation and kill strong men, let alone the realm of fellow practitioners.

They are absolutely invincible among fellow practitioners!

Although these five kin did not say their identities, they appeared after Leader Cao arrived. Moreover, some of these people used talismans and had eight arms. These were obviously the disciples of Leader Cao.

It didn't take long for Lingxi and others to kill the four heavenly tribes in the True Immortal Realm. Two screams came from the front.

The two beings at the peak of the True Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan died one after another under the siege of Cao Zhen and the others.

"Quick, let's relocate first. You take care of the injured."

Cao Zhen whispered, taking the corpse of the Celestial Clan, he asked everyone to move. They were fighting here. Such a big movement would inevitably attract other monks.

Now, before finding all the human traitors, he didn't want to cause trouble.

And his eyes naturally fell on that human traitor, Immortal Lord Jinglu.

Immortal Lord Jinglu and Cao Zhen looked at each other, with a look of horror in their eyes, and he quickly said: "Don't kill me, I am a human being.

I was wrong, no, I was forced before, I really don’t want to betray the human race. I also know many secrets of their Celestial Clan. If you stay here, I can tell you these secrets. "

"Forced? You took the initiative to find our kin, and then told the Celestial Clan to let the Celestial Clan kill our kin. Were you also forced?

You took the initiative to be a dog for the Celestial Clan before, but were you forced to do so? Are you a human? We humans don’t have such shameless people as you! "Cao Zhen stretched out his palm and killed Jinglu Immortal Lord with one palm. Then he and everyone else flew towards the distance. They flew for half an hour before they stopped.

Although Immortal Yingzong had suffered heavy losses before, he still received a message from Cao Zhen: "Thank you, Master Cao, and fellow Taoists for your help.

Otherwise, the four of us may have to answer here. Unexpectedly, there are such traitors in our human race! "

"There is no need to say this. We are all human beings, so naturally we cannot ignore it! As for the traitor, he is a member of the Eternal Society. There should be other traitors in the Eternal Society. We have to continue to look for these traitors, so we won't do it for the time being. With you.

Two of you have been severely injured, but you need to be more careful. Also, in their Qiankun ring..."

Before Cao Zhen finished speaking, Immortal Lord Yingzong said directly: "If it weren't for you, we would all die. The things in the Qiankun Ring will naturally belong to you."

"This... Fellow Taoist has misunderstood. We are not talking about the treasures in the Qiankun Ring. We are looking for the traitors of the human race. Some of the things in the heavenly clan's Qiankun Ring may be useful to us. Whether we save them or not Everyone, we still follow the rules. The spoils of the aliens you kill will naturally belong to you. We are just those special things."

Cao Zhen said, taking out the universe ring of the monk who killed Guanshan Immortal Lord and Guanta Immortal Lord, just took out the clan chart inside, and then handed the universe ring to each other.

As for the other monks, they were all killed by them, or were killed by the other party after being severely injured. The Ring of Heaven and Earth naturally belongs to them.

Cao Zhen hurriedly said a few words to a few people, and then flew towards the distance with his disciples, the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, and the Bipolar Immortal Lord.

He knew that Guangyao Hall sent a total of four members into this killing battlefield. Now they have killed three, and there is still the last one left.

But in his hand, the Celestial Clan's clan tables began to shake again.

"The fourth person has appeared, let's go!"

Cao Zhen led everyone to go quickly. The eight of them gathered together, and their combat power was extremely strong in this killing battlefield. And the members of the fourth Eternal Society were only walking with three human races this time, so There were not many monks sent by the Heavenly Clan, and they were not strong enough. They easily killed each other.

He and the Cold Wind Immortal Lord saw with their own eyes that the leader of Guangyao Hall sent four people to enter this killing battlefield. However, after killing the four traitors, the Celestial Clan's clan table started to shake again in Cao Zhen's hands.

He looked at the crowd and said: "This clan member, our human clan, has also contacted the Celestial Clan and asked the Celestial Clan to kill a team of people. Moreover, this team has a lot of people, eight people in total. Among them, there are even Also, the existence of the pinnacle of true fairyland.”

"So, the Yongshi Association is not only a Guangyao Hall, but also has other halls that have sent people to collude with these heavenly clans!" Hanfeng Immortal Lord analyzed, "With eight people, these alien clans should send about twice as many monks. Kill them, we can handle them!

With Leader Cao here, as long as these people from the Yongshihui contact the Celestial Clan, we will find out. We will kill one by one. I want to see how many people in the Yongshihui collude with the Celestial Clan here. "

Killing intent surged in the eyes of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and led his disciples, Cold Wind Immortal Lord, and Bipolar Immortal Lord in pursuit in the direction shown on the clan table.

While chasing, he also opened the Chinese Cloud and began to check the current location of Xiang Ziyu and others.

Soon, Xiang Ziyu's figure appeared in his sight, and then his eyes paused slightly.

In addition to Xiang Ziyu, there are also Tang Xiaorui, Shen Pingyi and Wen Shuhua here.

They finally came together. In this way, his disciples on the killing battlefield were like ten thousand enemies in one place in midsummer.

However, the enemy of ten thousand people is fast, and that boy is not far away from them now.

Moreover, at this time, in addition to the four people, there were five human races on the side, making a total of nine human races here.

Nine human races?

And this location, isn't this the direction where the person from the Eternal Life Society delivers the message and tells the Heavenly Clan to go?

There are traitors to the human race here.

The traitor wants to kill Xiang Ziyu and the others!

Cao Zhen suddenly felt anxious. He was still some distance away from Xiang Ziyu and the others. If those heavenly clans arrived before them, it would be troublesome.

Although Xiang Ziyu is strong, Xiang Ziyu still only owns eight fairy palaces after all, and the opponent will come to at least two of the true fairyland peaks.

Even when this clan report spreads, the nearby Celestial Clan can already receive it. What if several Celestial Clan teams want to dare to come!

Moreover, Xiang Zi Yuqiang, but what about Tang Xiaorui and the others? Xiang Ziyu is just one person, and he may not be able to protect Tang Xiaorui and others.

Cao Zhen was shocked and quickly said to Xiang Ziyu: "Ziyu, one of the nine of you is a traitor to the human race."

"Huh?" Xiang Ziyu suddenly heard his master's words. He paused slightly as he moved forward, and then asked in his heart, "Who is the human traitor? He actually betrayed our human race. I will kill him now."

"I don't know who the traitor is, but I know that the traitor has informed the nearby Celestial Clan of your location, and some Celestial Clan are on their way!

Now, it is best for you to change the direction and walk towards a place two away.

When you change direction, the traitor will inevitably send a message again, so be careful when the time comes.

After discovering that the other party has passed the message, kill the other party, and then change the direction and continue moving forward. The question now is, how do you change direction. "

"It's too easy to change the direction." Xiang Ziyu said immediately after hearing the sound, "There are already four of us in the Four Treasure Peak lineage. In addition, Master, you may not know that Ax Madman and Haoyue are also here. The two of them The appearance has changed, so you didn't recognize it. We add up to six people.

The remaining three people, Black Mist Demon Lord and I met first, and then we met our junior brother and the others. He was at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, and on the surface everyone obeyed his words.

Moreover, as we talked along the way, he was quickly impressed by me. If I asked him to change his direction, he would definitely change.

And, I think, he should be fine.

Master, you said there is a traitor, it should be one of the remaining men and women. Just looking at the two of them, it was so easy to check, and now I have a judgment in my mind. "

Cao Zhen heard the sound and immediately said: "The human traitor said that there is a peak True Immortal Realm in your team. Therefore, if your team only has one Peak True Immortal Realm, then there should be no problem with this Peak True Immortal Realm."

Xiang Ziyu heard the sound and replied in his heart: "On the surface, only Black Mist is the pinnacle of the true fairyland."

Cao Zhen continued to ask: "That's one of the other two. You said you had a judgment in your heart, do you know who it is?"

"Master, it's the woman in the blue robe." Xiang Ziyu glanced at the other party as he spoke.

Cao Zhen also took a look at this woman and asked, "Why did you think it was him?"

"Intuition belongs to the protagonist's intuition!" Xiang Ziyu said firmly, "And if there is a problem with this kind of thing, it may be a problem for a man or a woman, so it must be this woman who has the problem."

Cao Zhen was speechless for a moment, what kind of logic is this!

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