Cao Zhen found that there was a big benefit when his disciples gathered together, that is, after communicating with one disciple through Zhonghua Cloud, he could still connect to another disciple through Zhonghua Cloud, and he could communicate at any time if necessary.

After the exchange with Xiang Ziyu, he quickly connected with Tang Xiaorui, and at the same time his eyes fell on the woman in the crowd.

As for Xiang Ziyu's words, he did remember to appreciate them, even though Xiang Ziyu seemed very unreliable many times.

However, these were unreliable, and in many cases, they turned out to be correct.

After Xiang Ziyu finished talking to his master, he looked at the crowd. The monk who was wearing a black robe and looked extremely gloomy sent a message into the secret passage: "Heiwu, let's go in another direction, towards the south. Walk."

The south is the direction his master is coming from.

The Black Mist Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, and with some confusion, he sent a message into the secret and asked: "Why do you want to change places?"

Xiang Ziyu did not say that this was what his master told him, but he sent a message into the secret and replied: "Because I feel that there is danger ahead, and there are even traitors from the human race among us!"

"Traitor?" A strange color suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Black Mist Demon Lord, and he asked in a deep voice, "What did you find?"

"It hasn't been discovered yet, but my intuition tells me that there is a traitor among us. If there is a traitor and we change direction, he must inform the foreigners about our situation.

When the time comes, we will naturally be able to notice it. "

"Okay, then let's move to another place." Black Mist Demon Lord said to everyone, "Let's move in another direction."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed toward the south: "Let's go that way."

Xiang Ziyu naturally did not speak, but Tang Xiaorui and Haoyue Xingjun and others saw that Xiang Ziyu did not speak, so they naturally did not speak either.

However, among the crowd, the male cultivator who met them later asked with some confusion: "Why do you have to change directions?"

"Jipu Sword Master." The Black Mist Demon Lord glanced at the male cultivator who spoke, and whispered, "I just felt that there was some danger ahead, so I changed the direction and continued moving forward. Okay, don't say it, there are a lot of us, everyone. Everyone knows that the Celestial Clan is targeting us, so everyone should pay attention."

Without asking for anyone's opinions, he turned around and flew towards the south.

Everyone also acquiesced that the Black Mist Demon Lord, who had the strongest cultivation level, was the one to take the lead, and followed him one after another.

Although everyone did not speak, Lord Haoyuexing, Madman Ax and several junior brothers and sisters of Xiang Ziyu sent messages one after another to ask.

Xiang Ziyu briefly explained that there might be a traitor among them, so he changed his position, and said nothing more after that.

While flying, Xiang Ziyu deliberately fell behind and at the same time quietly observed the woman who they said was named Cinnabar Immortal Lord.

But along the way, he didn't see any other movements by the woman.

Just when he felt that they were about to meet their master.

Suddenly, in the distance, bursts of sound broke through the air.

"There's movement!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

They were flying towards the south, and the sound came from the east.

Soon, in everyone's sight, the figures of the Celestial Clan appeared one after another.

"Celestial Clan!" Lord Zipu Sword suddenly widened his eyes. Eighteen Celestial Clan, unexpectedly encountered so many Celestial Clan. Before, the Black Mist Demon Lord said that he felt there was danger ahead, and deliberately changed the direction, but the result was still the same. Met the Celestial Clan.

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind. Could it be that the Black Mist Demon Lord had a problem? He had colluded with these heavenly clans and then deliberately brought everyone here?

In addition to him, the eyes of Black Mist Demon Lord, Haoyue Xingjun and others fell on Xiang Ziyu. Is there really a traitor among them? And they didn’t hide away even after changing direction!

"A total of eight human monks, very good!"

"Don't let any of these human monks go!"

"Do it!"

Opposite, a group of monks from the Heavenly Clan did not give everyone a chance to react. After seeing everyone, they immediately attacked him. In an instant, fairy palaces rose up, and nine figures appeared behind three of the monks. A strange fairy palace!

This time, the Celestial Clan came directly to three existences at the peak of the True Immortal Realm.

In addition, there are several monks who own eight immortal palaces, and the weakest ones are the monks who own seven immortal palaces.

On the human side, behind everyone, fairy palaces also emerged and quickly greeted them.

"Don't fight hard, look for opportunities to escape."

The Black Mist Demon Lord let out a low cry and retreated towards the surroundings.

The opponent's number is twice theirs, and the opponent also has three beings at the peak of the True Fairy Realm. How can they fight!

In the current situation, one must be able to run and count.

Almost as soon as he opened his mouth, Immortal Cinnabar flew out from the side, not flying somewhere else, but in the direction of the Celestial Clan. At the same time, she took out a token in her hand, ordering There is a word "天" written on the card!

Heavenly Royal Token!

She is from the Eternal Society!

When several Heavenly Clan saw the Heavenly Control Token in her hand, they did not take action directly, but moved a distance.

Let her retreat safely to the rear.

Although everyone didn't recognize the token, they all reacted quickly when they saw her take out the token and none of the Heavenly Clan attacked him.


"Cinnabar Immortal Lord, you actually betrayed our human race!"

"Damn it!"

Immortal Cinnabar looked at everyone with an expressionless face and said nothing.

While flying, Cao Zhen looked at the situation of his disciples.

That traitor turned out to be this female cultivator. Xiang Ziyu was right again.

However, this female cultivator acted somewhat calmly. The previous traitors from Guangyao Hall were extremely excited after seeing the Celestial Clan, and they would also sneak attack on a Human Clan to show their identity.

This woman, however, did not take action, but flew directly to the side of the Celestial Clan.

Although this woman did not attack the human race, there were too many of them, and Xiang Ziyu and the others might not be able to stop them.

Cao Zhen quickly turned around and said to Ling Xi and others behind him: "Let's take a step first, and you can follow us from behind."

Now that the situation is critical, we must arrive as quickly as possible. After all, his disciples are only six immortal palaces and seven immortal palaces. Compared with him, the Cold Wind Immortal Lord and the Bipolar Immortal Lord, there is still a gap in their flying speed. It's also slower than them.

As he spoke, something moved in his mind, and he quickly took out two tokens, handed them to the Cold Wind Immortal Lord and the Bipolar Immortal Lord respectively, and said: "In a moment, we will pretend to be traitors of the human race, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure appeared in the distance.

In the distance, the Black Mist Demon Lord had just finished speaking. In front of him, the three Celestial Clan at the peak of the True Immortal Realm had already rushed in front of him and attacked him.

Xiang Ziyu didn't care about the traitor of the human race at this time. Behind him, all eight fairy palaces appeared, and they quickly flew in front of the Black Mist Demon Lord. One person stood in front of the other two peaks of the true fairyland.

"It's just eight fairy palaces, but they still want to stop me, they are looking for death!"

Among the three Heavenly Clan’s peak True Immortals, one was wearing a black robe, with long hair that fell over his shoulders, and was full of femininity. He laughed ferociously, and a long whip appeared in his hands, and he whipped it directly towards Xiang Ziyu’s cheek. .

At the same time, behind Xiang Ziyu, eight visionary fairy palaces began to rotate together with the fairy mountain below. As the eight fairy palaces rotated, waves of fairy energy surged like a vast galaxy.

As the Immortal Palace rotates, these immortal energies turn into yin and yang energy.

Even the surrounding air and this space are rotating with the rotation of the fairy palace, and this world is divided into yin and yang!

Xiang Ziyu's whole aura also changed drastically, making the surrounding heavenly clans feel as if there was an ancient immortal king or a demon king coming to the world!

"What's this!"

"Is this the alienation of the immortal palace? He only has eight immortal palaces. How did he achieve the alienation of the immortal palace?"

The alienation of the Immortal Palace, generally speaking, can it be achieved by condensing the existence of ten Immortal Palaces? Even nine Immortal Palaces will not work.

This human race is just eight fairy palaces. How come the fairy palaces have become alienated?

Two rays of light, one black and one white, surged out from Xiang Ziyu's body and gathered together, like two divine dragons, one black and one white, surrounding him.

The long whip fell and was instantly entangled in the black and white light. Just two rays of light made the long whip that was originally drawn towards Xiang Ziyu rotate uncontrollably along with the trajectory of the black and white light.

The feminine Celestial Clan monk's eyes suddenly stared back. Although he didn't know why the other party's Immortal Palace could rotate, this was definitely not a true Immortal Palace alienation.

The other party is only eight immortal palaces, but he is nine immortal palaces!

In the True Immortal Realm, if there is only one Immortal Palace, the biggest difference is between the Eight Immortal Palaces and the Nine Immortal Palaces!

I am a being at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, and no matter how fancy the opponent's spells are, they cannot make up for the gap in cultivation strength!

The fairy palace shook behind him, and the fairy energy surged out, entered his body, and then followed his arm and entered the long whip in his hand.

In an instant, the originally soft long whip became extremely hard, like a spear, and continued to thrust forward.

But the next moment, waves of yin and yang came from all around. The rotation of yin and yang instantly formed a whirlpool visible to the naked eye!

Suddenly, a look of horror appeared on his face. Just now, he just casually drew out the whip, but after discovering that the opponent's black and white light was blocking him, he already swung the whip with all his strength.

But even so, his long whip still rotated uncontrollably with the rotation of the black and white aura, and even his arms seemed to vaguely rotate with it.

The gravity in that vortex is so strong that even he, who is at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, cannot stop it!

The vortex was filled with strong yin and yang energy, and even vaguely, all the breaths in the world were in the vortex, rotating according to a trajectory. It seemed that everything falling into this vortex would follow the vortex. Turn it up.

Such profound methods, such methods, such understanding of the yin and yang energy, how could this be possible in a true fairyland with only eight fairy palaces!

Being able to understand the energy of yin and yang to such a deep level means that he is at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, even a half-step Golden Immortal!

On the other side, the clothes on the only female cultivator among the three heavenly tribes at the peak of the True Immortal Realm began to stir wildly under the surge of immortal energy. A jade bottle appeared in her hands, with the mouth of the bottle facing the other. The correct direction of Xiang Ziyu.

Suddenly, a hurricane suddenly rushed out of the jade bottle.

The wind howled and was so strong that it swept up all the weeds and trees within a ten-mile radius. The white clouds in the distance were instantly blown away by the strong wind.

Even at the rear, the protective spells on everyone were shaking crazily under the strong wind, as if they were about to be blown apart by the strong wind.

The black and white light all around Xiang Ziyu was shaken by the strong wind.

But the next moment, Xiang Ziyu seemed to just wave his hand. Suddenly, the black and white light began to spin in the opposite direction. For a moment, the yin and yang reversed!

The terrifying yin and yang energy suddenly surged out from the huge whirlpool. For a moment, every corner of this space seemed to be filled with yin and yang energy.

The yin and yang energy here is not the normal yin and yang energy, but the inverted yin and yang energy. For a moment, everything seems to be reversed.

In the void, the strong wind that seemed to be sweeping the entire world in was everywhere, and it seemed that its direction had been reversed, and all majors had disappeared for a long time.

This strong wind disappeared so quickly. If every weed on the ground had not been uprooted by the wind, everyone would even wonder whether this strong wind had never appeared before.

Behind them, the monks from the Heavenly Clan suddenly widened their eyes. This human race was actually just one person, and he blocked the attack of the two of them who were at the peak of the True Immortal Realm.

Moreover, this human race only owns eight immortal palaces!

Behind him, Zipu Sword Jungenshi had a look of disbelief on his face.

"Xiang Ziyu!"

Suddenly, among the three immortals at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, the only one who did not take action shouted loudly: "The attainment of Yin and Yang Qi has reached such a high level, it is not the peak of the True Immortal Realm. Among the human race, only Xiang I’m done!”

Xiang Ziyu!

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Lord Zhipu's face. This fellow Taoist who had been with them turned out to be the famous Xiang Ziyu.

It is said that the inheritance of Yin Yang Immortal Lord that appeared in the previous killing battlefield was obtained by Xiang Ziyu!

A look of understanding appeared on Immortal Black Mist's face. No wonder, when he communicated with this fellow Taoist before, many of the other's theories gave him a feeling of enlightenment.

He even had the illusion that the other party was just like him, at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm.

If this person is Xiang Ziyu, then everything will be explained!

Behind, a group of heavenly clans also reacted.

Yes, Xiang Ziyu received the inheritance of Yin Yang Immortal Lord. It is said that Yin Yang Immortal Lord is the existence of Daluo Jinxian.

Those Yin and Yang techniques that Xiang Ziyu just performed must be the inheritance of the Yin and Yang Immortal Lord!

Then, a look of excitement appeared in their eyes.

They are all beings in the True Immortal Realm and have no idea about other realms. However, on the human race’s True Immortal Realm hunting list established by their Celestial Clan, Xiang Ziyu is ranked second!

Ranked first is naturally his master Cao Zhen!

In fact, at the earliest time, the second place on this ranking list was the so-called Grand Master of the True Immortal Dynasty.

But later, their Heavenly Clan united with other clans to send out masters to kill Cao Zhen, but they were blocked by the Zhenxian Grand Master. There were ten Grand Masters at that time, and each of them was extremely powerful!

Later, the higher-ups of their Heavenly Clan sent a message saying that they should ignore the Grand Master, and even removed the Grand Master from the hunted list. This second place fell on Xiang Ziyu, and it became more and more stable, and the rewards for killing Xiang Ziyu became more and more.

The reward now is that if you kill Xiang Ziyu, you can get two high-grade magic weapons and two high-grade magic weapons!

This is almost the ultimate reward. The stronger ones are heaven-level magic weapons and heaven-level spells. Even though the Celestial Clan is the strongest among all the clans, the heaven-level magic weapons and spells among their Celestial Clan are also very powerful. rare.

That is rarely given.

It has been hundreds of thousands of years since their Celestial Clan has been given the task of granting heaven-level magic weapons and spells.

Of course, if you complete such a mission now, you can directly obtain a heaven-level magic weapon and a heaven-level spell by killing Cao Zhen.

Although the reward for killing Xiang Ziyu is not as good as that for killing Cao Zhengao, it is still considerable enough. What's more, killing Xiang Ziyu will not only get rewards from the senior leaders of their Celestial Clan, but if the other party dies, the Ring of Qiankun will naturally belong to them. of.

Xiang Ziyu is a disciple of Cao Zhen of Baifeng Sect. There are countless treasures in the Qiankun Ring.

If Xiang Ziyu is killed, all the treasures in the opponent's Qiankun ring will belong to them.

"Kill Xiang Ziyu first!"

Another Heavenly Clan cultivator who did not take action shouted loudly, and the other two beings at the peak of the True Immortal Realm immediately attacked Xiang Ziyu again.

At the same time, the monks in the rear quickly killed another group of monks.

They might not be able to snatch Xiang Ziyu's Qiankun Ring. After all, there are three beings at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm here, and it's not their turn.

However, there are other human races here, and the cultivation level of these human monks does not seem to be very high. There are also monks from five or six Immortal Palaces, or even five Immortal Palaces.

They are enough to kill these human monks.

Take action and kill them first!

Just when Gao Qian, a kind of heavenly monk, was about to take action, suddenly, a gust of strong wind came over, and then three figures flew over quickly.

"Human race again?"

"When did there become so many humans?"

"What about the human race? There are only three human races. They can't make any trouble. It just so happens that if we kill a few more human races, we can share more resources. Let's kill these three races."

Among the Celestial Clan, three monks who owned eight Immortal Palaces rushed over as they spoke, but before they could move, the three Human Clan opposite them spoke first.

"Don't do anything. We are our own people. We are all our own people." Cao Zhen said while taking out the Heavenly Royal Token. Cold Wind Immortal Lord and Shuangji Immortal Lord also cooperated very well and took out Cao Zhen's Token. their token.

For a moment, all the heavenly clans were stunned.

The three human races are indeed holding the Heavenly Royal Token in their hands.

But don’t those human races all act separately? Why are three human beings holding Tianyu tokens getting together?

Also, why did they come here so quietly?

Behind the scenes, Cinnabar Immortal Lord was also confused. The monks who had obtained the Heavenly Royal Token should act separately. Why were they gathered together?

As Cao Zhen approached the group of heavenly tribes, he looked surprised and deliberately shouted: "Why are there so many human tribes? Didn't you come to help us kill those five human tribes?"

"What do you mean? Help you exterminate the human race?" A monk from the Heavenly Clan lost his mind for a moment and asked full of doubts, "We also want to ask you why you came here."

"You ask us? Of course we sent a message to ask for your help to kill those human beings." Cao Zhen pointed at himself, the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, and the Bipolar Immortal Lord, "The three of us happened to be together. We got together, and then we met several human races, and then we ran out in the name of exploring the road. Then we sent out a signal. Didn’t you receive our signal and then ran over? "

Naturally, he didn't send any signal, but in this situation, a war could break out at any time. I guess these days, the Celestial Clan would have to take out the clan watch and have no time to take a look at it.

Even if there is a Celestial Clan who takes out the clan watch to watch, then just do it directly.

The reason why he wanted to pretend to be a traitor to the Celestial Clan was because he saw the female traitor doing this, and the Celestial Clan was unprepared, so he had an idea. If he wanted to seize this opportunity to sneak attack on the opponent, it would be best to kill the opponent's three true fairy realms. The peak was hit hard.

Then it will be much easier for them to clean up the remaining real wonderlands.

After all?

Therefore, it would be best to weaken the opponent's strength first.

The expression on the face of the Black Mist Demon Lord suddenly turned ugly. There were actually three traitors. There were a total of twelve human races in this place, and four of them were traitors. Are there so many traitors in their human race?

Suddenly, Immortal Cinnabar’s voice rang out.

"Who are you? Who from Guangyao Hall?" She originally just wanted to keep a low profile, so she didn't take action. But now, these humans holding the Heavenly Royal Order appeared so suddenly that she even suspected that the other party was not They are glorious people.

Who knows, maybe someone from Guangyaotang was accidentally discovered, and then was killed by the other party, who also obtained the Tianyu Token.

However, this doesn't seem to make sense. One of their Guangyao Hall members may be discovered, but they can't all be discovered at once.

But the problem is that at this time, the only people around here should be people from Guangyao Hall.

So she spoke anyway.

Cao Zhen suddenly turned his head, looked at Immortal Cinnabar and said angrily: "Who are we? I also want to ask you who you are! We all wore masks when we met, and we didn't know each other's identities. That's what we are now His appearance is also fake, but now you ask us to reveal our identity!"

As he spoke, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

The other party directly asked who they were from Guangyao Hall. In other words, the other party was sure that the only people here were from Guangyao Hall, so what about her?

From her tone, it seemed that she was also from Guangyaotang.

But Guangyao Hall sent a total of four members into the killing field, and all four of them were killed by him. Who else could this woman be?

It seems that, after all calculations, there is only one person left, and that is the person who gave them the Tianyu Token, the leader of Guangyao Hall.

Moreover, the leader of Guangyao Hall happens to be a woman!

As he was talking to Immortal Cinnabar, the eyes of the surrounding Celestial Clan also looked over.

Among the heavenly clans, the leader who guessed Xiang Ziyu’s identity first showed an unpleasant look on his face and said loudly: "Now is not the time for you to discuss each other's identities. You said there is another one." Are you teaming up with the human race? Then quickly kill the few human races in front of you, and then go and kill those people!"

As his words fell, each of the Heavenly Clan quickly turned around and charged towards the Human Race on the opposite side.

Cao Zhen also quickly sent a message to the Cold Wind Immortal Lord and the Shuangji Immortal Lord into the secret passage: "Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, seven visionary fairy palaces appeared behind him, and the mighty fairy energy surged out. The Zixiadong Sheng Sword in his hand suddenly stabbed towards a heavenly clan in front of him.

He originally planned to severely damage the three opposing True Fairy Realm Peaks first, but the three opponents were a bit far away from them. Now he could only attack whoever he could attack first!

Suddenly, a terrifying aura suddenly rose behind him. This aura was so terrifying that he even felt that it was stronger than the auras of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord and the Bipolar Immortal Lord!

Moreover, this breath came straight to his back.

This aura was so terrifying that even with his current physical body, if he could fully withstand this blow, he would probably be severely injured in an instant.

Cao Zhen had to transfer all the immortal energy in an instant and pour it into his immortal palace. In an instant, the Great Walls emerged from his immortal mountains, and the immortal mountains even enveloped him.

With all his strength, his nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine-foot fairy mountain was fully revealed.


Cao Zhen only felt that behind him, terrifying impacts were coming one after another, and the Great Walls kept collapsing, but the sword in his hand still stabbed out.

Although this sword was not strong in immortal energy due to the need to defend itself, the speed of this sword was still fast enough, and his Celestial Clan in front of him never expected that he would be surrendered to their Celestial Clan. The human was attacked by surprise, and the sword completely penetrated the opponent's body.

But at the same time, a terrifying force came from behind, causing his body to fly forward.

Although his Great Wall Immortal Palace blocked the opponent's attack, it could not completely block the terrifying impact.

As he rushed forward, he turned around and looked back.

On the left and right sides of Cao Zhen, the Cold Wind Immortal Lord and the Shuangji Immortal Lord were not disturbed in any way. They were at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. They made a sneak attack and directly killed the two monks from the Heavenly Clan!

But then their expressions became serious, and they also felt it, thinking how fierce the attack of Leader Cao was! They immediately turned around and protected Leader Cao's side, while looking at the woman opposite.

Suddenly, an extremely huge fairy palace came into view!

It was an extremely gorgeous and magnificent fairy palace. On top of the fairy palace were hung agates, emeralds, luminous pearls and other jade stones. It seemed that every piece of jade was a magic weapon. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of these jade stones. many!

"The Alienation of the Immortal Palace! The True Immortal Realm of Great Perfection!"

Immortal Lord Hanfeng's eyes instantly became solemn.

Not counting the opponent here, although there are six peaks of the True Immortal Realm, they are all nine Immortal Palaces.

But the one opposite has ten immortal palaces!

The other party almost injured the leader Cao with one blow. Naturally, such a terrifying attack could not only be done by a monk who owned a fairy palace.

Obviously, the other party has gathered all ten immortal palaces together into one immortal palace!

Not only the crowd, but also the sudden change caused the heavenly clan to stop attacking the human clan on the opposite side. While looking at Cao Zhen and the others, they looked at the alienated human clan from the fairy palace.

Cinnabar Immortal Lord looked at the 9,999-foot-high Immortal Mountain, with a solemn look on his face, and slowly uttered a few words: "Leader of the Hundred Peaks!"

Seeing such a high fairy mountain, there is no need to think, it must be Cao Zhen of Baifeng Sect.

All around, a kind of celestial race also discovered this towering fairy mountain, and a frightening look appeared in their eyes. The human race's Cao Zhen was actually here.

That was a terrifying existence that could severely injure or kill twenty masters of their Heavenly Clan by one person! There is a half-step golden immortal among them.

Now there are less than twenty of them, and the human race is not weak at all. Plus this Cao Zhen, how can they fight!


They instantly thought of escaping!

Suddenly, Immortal Cinnabar’s voice sounded again.

"Don't run away. Cao Zhen wants to kill so many people. After all, the area covered by his secret attack is huge. If we escape, we will play into his hands.

On the contrary, there are so many human races here, if we are at war with these human races. He is afraid of hurting these human races, so he must not dare to use that secret method. Only in this way can we have a chance! "

With that said, she was the first to rush towards the human race on the opposite side!

As soon as she finished speaking, all the heavenly clans reacted and rushed towards the human clan. Of course, unlike before, their purpose this time was not to kill the human race in front of them, but to create chaos.

Just as a group of Heavenly Clan monks rushed out, suddenly a pair of translucent wings appeared behind Cinnabar Immortal Lord, which spread out about one foot.

With the waving of her wings, her body suddenly turned around and flew rapidly towards the distance.

Why fight with the opponent? What she thinks about is not fighting at all, but escaping!

Cao Zhen could even defeat twenty true immortals who had half-step golden immortals, but their combined total was not enough.

The reason why she let those Heavenly Clan rush over was just to create chaos.

With the wings waving, the Immortal Palace behind her also completely erupted, flying towards the distance at an astonishing speed.

"Still trying to escape!"

Behind Cao Zhen, the three-color divine wings also appeared, chasing the escaping Cinnabar Immortal Lord.

He was already very good at speed, but as he chased him all the way, the distance between him and Immortal Cinnabar became farther and farther.

If he continues like this, he will be dumped by Immortal Cinnabar soon.

Cao Zhen looked at the Cinnabar Immortal Lord who was getting farther and farther away from him. His body shape suddenly changed and he instantly turned into a big roc and chased after him quickly.

Ahead, Cinnabar Immortal Lord was flying, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. Why did Cao Zhen's aura disappear, and was replaced by another aura!

Surprised, she flew forward and looked back.

Suddenly, her eyes suddenly widened!

A big roc with its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun, flew from behind, and the opponent's speed was even more frightening.

This is...Cao Zhen?

Immortal Cinnabar was horrified. She knew that Cao Zhen could change. When Cao Zhen was still in the Immortal Realm, monks from all races chased Cao Zhen, but Cao Zhen escaped every time. It should be because Cao Zhen is good at the art of transformation!

Later, when Cao Zhen was escaping from the Celestial Clan's pursuit, he turned into a giant kun.

But now, Cao Zhen has turned into a roc again. Changes will change. What's even more terrifying is that after Cao Zhen turned into a roc, his flying speed became significantly faster. If this continues, Cao Zhen will definitely be able to catch up. she!

I don’t know if Cao Zhen can use the magic he had as a human after becoming a roc, and whether he can use the secret method that can defeat twenty heavenly monks. If not, he still has a chance.

Ancient lamps appeared in the hands of Cinnabar Immortal Lord. In an instant, vast, ancient and mysterious auras emerged from the ancient lamps.

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly condensed. Although he didn't know what kind of magic weapon this ancient lamp was, just the breath gave him a feeling of palpitations.

Don't wait to give the other party a chance to take action!

At this distance, you can also use the Immortal Killing Flying Knife!

As he thought, a red gourd suddenly flew out of his Qiankun ring.

For the first time, the Cinnabar Immortal Lord opposite could not help but feel horrified in her heart. At this moment, she felt that her life no longer seemed to be in her hands, but in the hands of Cao Zhen opposite. In the gourd on the opposite side.

At this moment, she even felt that her whole body was bound by the gourd, not her body, but her soul!

All the hairs on her body stood up straight, and a chill rose from her back and went straight to her head.

The next moment, opposite her, the red gourd suddenly opened, and a silvery light burst out.

At this moment, the light of the entire world seemed to have doubled.

It was just a ray of light, but she felt that what she was facing was a life. There was a huge head in the light, with only eyes and eyebrows, and no mouth, nose and ears.

She didn't know why, but the moment the head appeared, she couldn't help but look over. Just looking at it, she felt like her soul was locked, and there seemed to be a watch on her whole body. The missing shackles.

She even felt that her sense of touch, smell, and hearing had all disappeared, and the breath in her body seemed to be sealed.

What is this?

The next moment, her eyes suddenly widened, and in her sight, another silver light seemed to be emitted from the gourd.

The speed of this light was too fast. When the silver light fell in front of her, she saw clearly that it was a flying knife!

The flying knife fell and penetrated her body instantly.

She is a perfect being in the true fairyland. Even if her body is penetrated by a sword, unless the sword contains terrifying sword energy, and the sword energy rages inside her body, she will be seriously injured.

There was no terrifying sword energy in this flying knife, but after the flying knife entered her body, it stirred inside her body.

The internal organs and meridians in her body were instantly cut open.

This flying knife also contained a strange aura that she had never encountered before. This aura went straight into the depths of her soul, instantly cutting off most of her soul.


She has been cultivating from a mortal to the perfection of the true fairyland. She has gone through countless years and lost weight and been injured many times.

But this was the first time her soul was hurt, and most of it was severely injured. For a moment, she couldn't bear the pain and let out a painful roar.

At this moment, she almost fainted from the pain. Under the severe pain she had never felt before, her whole body was instantly covered with sweat, and she looked as if she had just been fished out of the water.

At the same time, her body fell uncontrollably downwards.

Cao Zhen had transformed from a roc back to human form, waving the three-color divine wings behind his back, and helped the opponent when he fell to the ground.

He was really afraid that Immortal Cinnabar could fall to death directly if he hit the ground in his current state.

In fact, the Immortal Killing Flying Knife directly kills the opponent's head, but this woman is most likely the leader of the Guangyao Hall and a high-ranking member of the Eternal Society. She may know many secrets of the Eternal Society.

That's why he let the immortal-killing flying knife penetrate into the opponent's body instead of killing the opponent directly.

If possible, he didn't want to release the flying knife, but this woman was in a true fairyland, and the ancient lamp gave him a really terrifying feeling, so he had no choice but to use the flying knife to kill the immortal.

The previous Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife could be used three times and would disappear after three uses, but today's Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife is still not a true Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife.

He estimated that he would have to enter the Golden Immortal Realm to refine the real immortal-killing flying knife, and he would have to have the most sufficient materials.

Because the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife from the village was still being refined, this Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife is also not permanent. Although its power has been enhanced, the number of times it has been used has been reduced.

The immortal-killing flying knife he spent a lot of resources to refine can only be used twice. Now that he has used it once, there is only one left.

Of course, this immortal-killing flying knife is indeed powerful. If he had just wanted to kill the other party, this woman would already be a corpse.

Although the other party was not killed, the other party also suffered heavy damage and was no longer much different from a dead person.

The immortal-killing flying knife, whose full name is the immortal-killing flying knife, can severely damage the soul!

Immortal Cinnabar was hugged by Cao Zhen, and she could attack Cao Zhen with just a wave of her hand, but at this time, all the meridians in her body were broken. What was even more terrifying was that her soul was severely damaged, and she could not gather any strength to attack Cao Zhen. Even, her Her body was constantly trembling due to the heavy damage to her soul, and she could only let the other party hold her and fall to the ground.

Cao Zhen fell to the ground and raised his hand to grab the face opposite. He didn't believe that this was the true face of this woman!

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