A big religion is naturally led by the leader.

However, many great religions have a special being, and that is the Supreme Elder!

The Supreme Elder is generally the highest-ranking person in the great religion and the oldest person. How to get a long life, you must first cultivate high enough.

After all, although the life span of monks is long, it is not infinite.

Only with a high enough level of cultivation can one survive to the end and become the Supreme Elder. In many great sects, there are even situations where the supreme elder is countless generations higher than the leader.

Even when the leader was young, he was taught by the Supreme Elder, took him out to practice, and cultivated all the way up.

Although this is not the case.

But their leader had been guided by the Supreme Elder during his golden elixir period. The master of the leader is their old leader, but the old leader spends a lot of time practicing in seclusion and has no time to teach the leader. The person who teaches the leader is the Supreme Elder. Compared to the old leader, the Supreme Elder is more like the leader's master.

Moreover, almost all the masters in their great religion have been taught by the Supreme Elder.

Although the Supreme Elder has completely delegated power, he barely interferes with matters in the religion.

But the prestige of the Supreme Elder is no less than that of their leader!

Now the Supreme Elder actually said that the mountain gate would be closed and the leader would not be allowed to go out. All the disciples suddenly got a headache.

Following this, the Taishang Elder’s voice spread throughout the entire Shensha Sect.

Within the Shencha Sect, all the young disciples were confused.

"Who is Shakong?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of this person!"

"The one who shouted was the Supreme Elder, right? Listening to the voice, the Supreme Elder was obviously furious. Who provoked the Supreme Elder?"

"Yes, although the Supreme Elder is usually very majestic, he rarely gets angry!"

"Isn't the Supreme Elder guarding the border? Why are you back?"

When the disciples with higher cultivation level and more seniority heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

The name Shakong has rarely been mentioned.

Nowadays, in the entire sect, I am afraid that only the Supreme Elder dares to call this name.

Shakong, that was the title of the leader before he became the leader!

What is going on? The Supreme Elder who was supposed to be guarding the border suddenly returned to the sect, and even called the sect leader by his name.

For the sake of the majesty of the leader, the Supreme Elder never called the leader that way after Sha Kong became the leader. What happened this time? What did the leader do to make the Supreme Elder so angry!

Although they were curious, when they heard the anger in the Taishang Elder's voice, no one dared to step forward to find out!

The Supreme Elder did not stop, and soon his voice sounded throughout the entire sect.

"Minghui, come see me!"

"Knife Mountain."

"Crazy Star."

"Come see me quickly!"

On the way here, he already knew that Ancient Deng Immortal Lord died in the killing battlefield, so this time he did not call out to the Ancient Deng Immortal Lord.

"Minghui...that's the great elder's name."

"The rest are the disciples of the leader and the disciples of the great elder!"

"What happened? The Supreme Elder actually came to these experts!"

"It seems that Mad Star Immortal Lord is no longer in our great religion, but has gone to the True Immortal Realm battlefield."

The voice full of anger kept rolling through the entire church like thunder.

In the Shensha Sect, there are only three people in the magnificent leader's hall at this time. The three of them were discussing something when suddenly a rolling sound came.

Among the three people, a sinister man couldn't help but trembled when he heard the voice coming from outside. A look of panic appeared on his face, and he whispered: "It's the voice of the Supreme Elder. He, he." Aren't you guarding the border? Why did he come back suddenly? And why did the people he was looking for happen to be just a few of us! No, he didn't say ancient lanterns. Is this just a coincidence? "

Among the three, the male cultivator who looked the youngest stood up from his seat and said in surprise: "Did the Supreme Elder know something? Master, what should we do?"

He and the sinister man looked at the leader of Shensha who was sitting on the throne of the leader at the same time. However, at this time, the majestic face of the leader had lost its former look.

"There is no need to doubt, you all should know the character of my uncle. Since he has returned and named us, there is only one possibility. He knows our identity.

As for how he knew it, it was probably because of someone whose name he didn't call just now.

The ancient lanterns today may have fallen into their hands, or even died. "

"Do they really know our identity? We are so secretive, how did they know it! And! Master, what should we do now? We must not sit still and wait for death!" Sword Master Daoshan looked at his master in panic.

Suddenly, a fierce look flashed across his face and he said: "Master, let's fight out! The Supreme Elder is in the Golden Immortal Realm just like you. But he is only one person. You, the Great Elder and I are the three of us. If people join forces, they will definitely be able to rush out.

When other disciples of our great sect saw us taking action, they would never dare to stop us or participate in it! "

"Rush out? How could we rush out!" The Great Elder immediately shook his head upon hearing this, "The Supreme Elder has been stationed at the border. Even if he knew our identities, someone else must have told him.

At this time, there must be other human races involved, and those who can participate must be the existence of the Golden Fairyland. Since the other party knows our identity, they naturally also know our strength, and they will not give us a chance to escape. "

The Crazy Sword Lord seemed to be a little too excited. He raised his voice and shouted: "What should we do? Are we just tied up like this!"

"That's all, stop arguing, let's go out and take a look first. If we don't go out, they can find this place. Now, we can only take one step at a time."

The leader of Shencha sighed in his heart and stood up from the leader's seat. He did not cast any spells and walked slowly forward. As he walked, he took out a clan chart and wrote something on it.

After walking to the door of the leader's hall, he had finished writing, and a golden light burst out from his palm. The next moment, the clan table burned into ashes. He turned back and looked at the main hall, glanced at the leader's throne, and then He pushed open the door and stepped out, releasing his breath at the same time.

The moment he released his breath, Immortal Lord Yisha instantly caught their breath at the mountain gate. He moved and appeared in front of the leader of the Divine Temple in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the three figures in front of him, a surge of anger rushed to his forehead. He could hardly help but want to question the three of them, but he still held back his anger and said loudly: "Follow me to Yingling Mountain!"

Say it, he suddenly turned around and flew towards the back mountain.

The three leaders of the Shensha cult saw the Supreme Elder, and at the same time they also saw the two people following the Supreme Elder.

Maybe others don't know these two, but seeing as they are the top masters of the True Immortal Realm and the top leaders of the Shensha Sect, they naturally know these two.

The leader of the immortals and the leader of Yanyang.

Two golden fairyland existences!

Even their leader said that although they were both from the Golden Immortal Realm, neither he nor the Supreme Elder of their Shensha Sect could compare to the leaders of the Immortals.

Sure enough, the top leaders of the human race already knew that at this time, the two Immortal Leaders and Yanyang Leader came to prevent them from escaping.

In fact, the Supreme Elder had already flown towards the back mountain, but these two people did not move. Obviously, these two people were guarding against them.

Seeing that the leader had already flown to the back mountain with the Supreme Elder, they had no choice but to follow.

The Immortal Cult Master and Yanyang Cult Master naturally followed. Any major sect, or even any sect, would have a Mount of Heroes. Generally, a major sect would not allow people from other major sects to climb the Mount of Heroes.

Therefore, they only stayed on the outside of Yingling Mountain and did not step into Yingling Mountain.

The Yingling Mountain of Shensha Sect.

Immortal Lord Yishi did not stay elsewhere, but fell directly to the end of Yingling Mountain, in front of the tallest tombs. Looking at the three people flying down in front of him, he shouted angrily: "Kneel down!"

This is the tomb of the past leaders of their Shensha Sect.

When the Great Elder Minghui and the Crazy Sword Lord heard the sound, they almost instinctively knelt on the ground, but an extremely calm voice came and made their knees stop bending.

"Why are you kneeling?" The leader of the Shensha cult looked at the Supreme Elder in front of him indifferently.

"Why do you say you have to kneel down!" Immortal Lord Yisha looked at the leader of Shensha who didn't look back at all, as if he was like gunpowder ignited by flames. His whole body seemed to explode in an instant, and he roared angrily: "You can do it yourself. Don't you know what's going on?

When my senior brother passed the position of leader to you, it was for you to lead our Shensha Sect to glory, but what have you done? Is everything you do worthy of your senior brother's trust in you?

Now, when I ask you to kneel down, I want you to tell me all the things you have done over the years in front of your senior brothers and the ancestors of our Shensha Sect, and let you repent in front of them! "

Immediately the Immortal Lord spoke louder and louder, the sound was like rolling thunder, seeming to shatter the entire sky.

The leader of the Shensha Cult, however, still said calmly: "Just say it, why do you need to kneel down? Besides, you also said that when the master taught me the position of leader, he wanted me to lead the Shensha Cult. On the way to glory, and I, with the Shensha Sect, are walking towards an even more glorious position.

It's just that something happened in the middle and you discovered it. If you discover it later, I will definitely be able to lead our Shensha Sect to a more dazzling position.

So, what's wrong with me? "

"You...you..." Immortal Lord Yisha looked at the leader of Shensha who still had no intention of repenting. He was so angry that he couldn't say a word for a moment.

However, the leader of Shensha Cult continued: "Why did I establish the Eternal Society? All this is to protect our Shensha Sect in the future.

Uncle Master, you have been guarding the border of our Xizhou. You have never gone out. How much do you know about the outside world? How much do you know about the Celestial Clan?

The Celestial Clan is far stronger than you think, much stronger than everyone imagines. And our human race has absolutely no chance of winning when facing the Celestial Race. If that's the case, then why don't I just join the Celestial Clan?

With the support of the Celestial Clan, our Shensha Sect will definitely become the largest sect in the world in the future! "


Immortal Lord Yisha directly burst out with a curse word and said angrily: "If this greatest religion in the world came because of betraying our human race, I would rather not be number one!

I believe that senior brother, as well as the ancestors of our Shensha Sect, would rather our great sect be destroyed than see you betray the human race and seek refuge with the heavenly race! "

"That's just what you think." The leader of Shencha suddenly became excited as he spoke, and he pointed at the tombs opposite.

How do you know that my master, as well as the ancestors and leaders of our Shensha Sect, will definitely let us, the Shensha Sect, be buried with the human race?

How do you know that if they were in power and if they were the leader, they would not choose to join the Celestial Clan! "

"Asshole! Don't think that all leaders are as bottomless as you!"

When Yisha Immortal Lord heard that the leader of Shensha actually dared to insult his senior brother and the past leaders of their Shensha sect, the anger in his body could no longer be suppressed. He raised his hand and struck at the leader of Shensha.


A crisp sound echoed on Yingling Mountain.

Immortal Lord Yisha landed a heavy slap on the face of the leader of Shensha, leaving an obvious slap mark directly on the face of the leader of Shensha. The force was so strong that the body of the leader of Shensha shook. .

The leader of Shensha didn't change his hands, didn't even use any immortal energy, and just endured the palm forcefully.

"This palm is in return for the teachings you have taught me over the years."

The leader of Shencha looked at Immortal Lord Yisha, but his face gradually became crazy. He pointed upward and shouted: "You think you are doing the right thing?

Let me tell you, the Celestial Clan has never thought of completely exterminating our human race. They just want to suppress our human race and keep all races in a subtle state.

But what about you? You have provoked the Celestial Clan again and again to challenge the Celestial Clan’s bottom line. In the end, the Celestial Clan was completely angered, and the Celestial Clan decided to completely exterminate our human race!

If it weren't for your provocation, the current Celestial Clan would still be slowly suppressing the Human Clan as before. It was you who harmed the human race!

It's because of your constant provocations that the Celestial Clan is almost ready to launch a full-scale war against our human race.

You keep saying it’s for the human race, but have you ever thought about how many people will die when the Heavenly Clan really goes to war with our human race!

And if you don't find out that I formed the Eternal Society, I can even bring the entire Shensha Sect to join the Celestial Clan, and I can keep the entire Shensha Sect!

Do you still think that all the church leaders have the same idea as you? Although you are older, you have never been a leader. You never know how much you need to consider as a leader! You never know what the leader is thinking! "

"So, you are still reasonable? So according to your opinion, you want to join the Celestial Clan and then become a lackey of the Celestial Clan? So, in order to preserve our Shensha Sect, you want to kill so many of our fellow humans?

You say, I have never been a leader, and I don’t know what a leader thinks. Well, then I will find someone who has been a leader. The Leader of the Immortals and the Leader of the Yan Yang, both of them are leaders, but they did not betray our human race and join the Celestial Race like you! Our human race still has so many great religions, and the leader of those great religions, you are the only one who has betrayed our race!

What else can you say?

You also said that you can save the human race in this way? How are you sure that the Celestial Clan is just suppressing our human race, rather than really trying to kill us all?

Even if you are right, even if the Celestial Clan only suppresses our human race, and then our human race joins the Celestial Clan. Then what? What will happen to our human race?

We will only become a vassal clan of the Celestial Clan, and our human race will become a second-class nation!

Our human race will be bullied by the Celestial Race at will, our women will be insulted by them at will, and our children will be snatched away by them and used as slaves.

Why should we fight? We are doing it for our entire human race! Have you ever thought about this! "

The leader of the Shensha Religion roared loudly: "I have never thought about it, and I will not think about those problems! I only know that I am the leader of the Shensha Religion, so I will be responsible for the life and death of our Shensha Religion! , has anything to do with our Shensha Cult!"

"What do you think it has to do with it!" Immortal Lord Yisha pointed at the nose of the leader of the Shensha Cult and shouted, "The backbone of our entire human race has been broken, and then we will never be able to straighten up again! Even if you bring the Shensha Cult with you If you join the Celestial Clan, you can only be a lackey and walk with a stooped waist.

Tell me, which monk, or person, is willing to bend down for the rest of his life?

Don’t you know how to repent until now? "

The leader of the Shencha Church was still unconvinced and said: "I have nothing to say to you. The winner and the loser will be delayed until the Celestial Clan invades the four continents of our human race. At that time, I don't know how many great sects and masters of our human race will rebel. .And at that time, I will be appointed by the Celestial Clan to take charge of the entire human race. At that time, I will be the victor, and I will be respected by all the disciples of the Divine Temple Sect.

However, you discovered me in advance, so I failed and became a traitor to the human race. "

Yisha Immortal Lord said angrily: "Betrayal? Do you think everyone will be like you? Also, don't open your mouth to talk about the Shensha Sect. You are not worthy to be the leader of the Shensha Sect. You are not even worthy to be a disciple of the Shensha Sect. . There are no disciples like you in the Shencha Sect! Now tell me, who will you still have in eternity?"

"Them? They are just following my orders. I have asked them to hide. When I die, they will no longer pose any threat, and you don't have to look for them anymore."

Immediately after the Immortal Lord finished speaking, he raised his hand and struck hard at the great elder of the Shensha Sect and his disciples in front of him.

Minghui Immortal Lord and Crazy Sword Lord never expected that their leader would suddenly attack them. Even if they were prepared, they could not stop the golden fairyland's powerful attack.

The leader of Shencha's attack was too sudden, and no one expected that he would attack his disciples. It’s too late for everyone to take action!

Two heavy palms fell, golden light was shining brightly, and the immense power hit both of them heavily, and there were two loud noises that seemed like the void was exploding and the earth was shattering.

The two of them were instantly blown into pieces.

He didn't want to resist. Although he was from the Golden Immortal Realm, there were three Golden Immortal Realms opposite him. Even if he resisted, he couldn't escape.

What's more, although Immortal Yisha is not his master, he has always regarded Immortal Yisha as his master, and he does not want to do anything with Immortal Yisha.

This is still their Shensha Sect, and he doesn’t want to do anything in the Shensha Sect!

As for Immortal Minghui and his disciples, they are also going to die. Since they are going to die, it is better to die in his hands than to die in the hands of others.

As for himself, he doesn't need anyone else to do it.

A powerful force surged out of his body and gathered under his own hands. The next moment, his hands crashed on his own head.


A shocking loud noise was heard. The sound was so loud that the entire Yingling Mountain shook crazily. Waves of sound rose into the sky, shattering the clouds in the void.

For a while, the pattering rain fell.

The leader of Shensha chose to commit suicide!

Immortal Lord Yisha looked across at the three people who died in an instant and closed his eyes in pain. In his mind, scenes of guiding the leader of Shensha in his training and training with him kept reappearing in his mind.

Because of this loud noise, the True Immortal Realm and Returned Immortal Realm members in the Shencha Sect also flew outside of Yingling Mountain. Although they did not come to Yingling Mountain, their current cultivation level can be easily seen. On the Yingling Mountain, there was that corpse and the countless blood and water around it.

And the Supreme Elder with a painful look on his face.


"What's going on? What happened?"

Everyone looked at a good-looking male cultivator.

The latter felt everyone's gaze and couldn't help but ask: "Supreme Elder, what's going on? Where are the leader and the others?"

When the Immortal Lord heard the sound, he opened his eyes. It was clear that the Supreme Elder was already very old, but at this time, they had the feeling that the Supreme Elder was much older.

"They are all dead, and they are no longer the disciples of our Shensha Religion, let alone the leader and great elder of the Shensha Religion!"

When everyone heard the words of the Supreme Elder, their eyes widened in surprise. The leader and the others were dead. The Supreme Elder also said that they were no longer members of their Shensha Cult. What happened?

Immortal Lord Yisha looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "They betrayed our human race, so they have all been expelled from the Shensha Sect."


Everyone around them was completely unable to accept it. Both the leader and the great elder had betrayed the human race?

Before everyone could come back to their senses, Immortal Lord Yisha looked at the man who had just asked the question and said, "In a blink of an eye, now you will be the leader of the Shensha Sect."

A great religion cannot exist without its leader.

Generally speaking, the leader of a large sect is decided by the old leader, the Supreme Elder, and a group of elders through consultation. Of course, most of the decisions are made by the old leader.

Under normal circumstances, the Supreme Elder and the elders will agree with the candidates proposed by the leader.

Now, the leader and the great elders have all rebelled. The person with the highest status and the strongest cultivation in the entire Shensha Religion is the Supreme Elder. He is directly designated by him, and no one will say anything!

At the same time, everyone also began to look for Immortal Nuan in Qianming Mountain. However, Immortal Nuan was not in the vast world of the human race, but on the battlefield outside the sky.

Moreover, the Immortal Lord Zhuang was obviously notified by the leader of the Divine Temple and hid himself. For a while, he could not be found at all.

Although it is said that it is very disgraceful for the leader and elder of a great religion to betray the human race.

People from Shensha Cult certainly don’t like to publicize this matter.

But slowly, the news spread slowly, and even soon spread from Xizhou to the other three continents.

"Our human race actually has a leader of a great religion who betrayed our entire human race!"

"The president of the Eternal Society is dead. He was the leader of a great religion!"

"Damn it, I always thought that the president of the Eternal Society was the one who came up with it, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be the leader of a big sect!"

"No matter if they die, they will always be the biggest cancer on our human race. Now this cancer has finally been eradicated!"

"I heard that there is an Immortal Lord from Qianming Mountain who is still alive."

"If he doesn't die, he can only hide. Moreover, now everyone knows his identity. As long as he enters our human city or returns to our human world, he will definitely be discovered.

He can only hide in the battlefield outside the sky, and he can't make any trouble! "

"Yes, almost all the top leaders of the Eternal Society have been eradicated. Now, who dares to join the Eternal Society!"

Cao Zhen knew that not all members of the Eternal Society were dead. In his hand, among the family lists of the members of the Eternal Society, there was a text - the Eternal Society was disbanded. Everyone should hide themselves and act as if they had never joined the Eternal Society. .

Obviously, this was a message sent by the president of the Eternal Society before the incident.

Those who are members of the Eternal Society will no longer be exposed, and it will be difficult to find them again.

Unless, they themselves are still unwilling to give up, and quietly contact the Celestial Clan, and work with the Celestial Clan to kill the human race, and then earn resources. Moreover, there may not be many members of the Eternal Society who do this.

For example, they have already assisted the Heavenly Clan in killing eight Human Races. If they kill two more Human Races, they will be able to get a Human Race's Universe Ring and all the treasures in it. Will they continue to do it?

It doesn't matter if there is no Eternal Society, they can just join forces with the Celestial Clan.

Cao Zhen didn't care about Xizhou's affairs. Those matters were the responsibility of the higher-ups of the human race. What he needed to do now was to kill these Celestial Races!

But slowly, as more and more Heavenly Clan monks died in their hands, these Heavenly Clan monks also discovered a problem.

A team of Celestials did not fly in the air like before, but moved forward quickly from the ground in a low-key manner.

In the middle of the team, a female cultivator couldn't help but said: "Brother, why don't you let us fly? Moving forward on the ground will be much slower."

At the front of the team, a Celestial Clan monk wearing a black robe said in a deep voice: "Didn't you notice? There are a lot fewer Celestial Clan monks in us."

The female cultivator from the Celestial Clan said with confusion: "Is it a lot less? I haven't heard that our Celestial Clan monks have lost a lot. It's not mentioned in the family list."

"It's not mentioned in the family list, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Haven't you noticed that the number of times we encounter our Heavenly Clan monks is getting less and less.

Anyway, it’s better for us to keep a low profile. "

As soon as he finished speaking, a Celestial Clan monk in the team whispered: "Immortal Yangliu said it. She said that Immortal Tie Kong and other ten monks from our Celestial Clan have not replied for a long time. They must be dead." .

Another Taoist friend said that they also found that many Taoist friends had not responded to their letters, and they were probably dead. "

"There are also those human races. These human races feel very unreliable. Many of the same races who received the message from the human race all died after going there."

"That's right, so we just need to find the human race ourselves. If there are any messages from the human race, we won't pay attention to them."

"Actually, there are not many humans in the killing field now. Those humans, after discovering our target, probably started to withdraw, and then concentrated their efforts on us."

"I feel now that it is meaningless for us to continue to hunt for humans everywhere. Since we can't find humans, we might as well explore here directly and see if we can find any adventures before waiting."

"Yes, we... No, we are human race, there are many human races..."

Did Cao Zhen lead everyone to take action? He quickly killed all the Celestials who came to the door. Then he looked at everyone with a headache and said: "It's almost time. We should leave the killing battlefield. After all, killing is There are very few human races on the battlefield, and we used the clan lists of those members of the Eternal Life Society to contact these heavenly clans, and very few heavenly clans came. Even if they did come, there were also a large number of heavenly clan teams. They had already started I doubt that they are members of the Yongshihui. There is no great significance for us to stay any longer. Instead, we may be rounded up by those Celestial Clan."

Before killing this Celestial Clan team, they sent out information through the clan members of the traitors in the Eternal Society that there was a team of five human races, and they said that the strongest among them was the Eight Immortal Palaces.

However, twenty Celestial Clan arrived, and among them were the existence of the last two True Immortal Realms. Apparently some Celestial Clan discovered the problem and wanted to kill them, but the other party underestimated their strength and was defeated by them instead. Killed.

In fact, it's not that he can't kill more Celestials. He also has the Celestial Clan monks' clan charts in his hand, and he can use these clan charts to convey some false information.

But in this case, I am afraid it will be exposed that he can watch and use the Celestial Clan's Clan Watch, so he rarely uses these Celestial Clan Clan Watches to convey information to the Celestial Clan.

Although they were less than twenty people in total, this time they killed more than 600 Heavenly Clan monks in the killing battlefield.

Mainly because at the beginning, they used the clan members of the Eternal Life Society to trick those heavenly clans into coming, and killed more than ten at a time. By killing ten groups of heavenly clan monks, the number would exceed a hundred.

Celestial clan, the vast world!

High above the Heavenly Palace, the Emperor of the Celestial Clan looked extremely ugly.

He sent a large number of Heavenly Clan monks, and in conjunction with the banner he had planted in the Human Race, the Eternal Society, he thought he could defeat part of the Human Race's fighting spirit in one step.

But the result was that Eternal Life would be destroyed, and a large number of Heavenly Clan monks, especially those in the True Immortal Realm, died in the killing battlefield.

According to current statistics, in the killing battlefield, more heavenly monks died than even human monks!

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the outer battlefield to distract the energy of the human race so that he could explore the large formation on the border of the human race. But now that all the trash from the Eternal Society are dead, whoever is going to explore the large formation can only forcefully charge forward.

Soon, the monks from the Celestial Clan began to return from various battlefields outside the world. But instead of returning to the vast world of their heavenly clan, they entered Middle Continent and began to continue their power.

At the same time, the two kings of the Celestial Clan also left the Celestial Clan and quietly went to the vast world of the two alien races.

If their Celestial Clan went to war with the Human Clan alone, their Celestial Clan would definitely win.

But the problem is that other tribes such as the Monster Tribe and the Beast Tribe will probably not let their Heaven Tribe destroy the Human Tribe.

After all, if their Heavenly Clan takes the initiative to attack the Human Race, they will form a deadly enemy with the Human Race. These tribes, especially the Monster Clan, are naturally happy to see that their Heavenly Clan has another mortal enemy!

In addition, attacking the human race can be used by the next force!

After a long lapse, Cao Zhen finally returned to the human race and returned to the Baifeng Sect again.

I haven’t returned to Baifeng Sect for a long time, but there are some new disciples in Baifeng Sect.

In the past, he could often return to the Baifeng Sect alone, but rarely returned to the Baifeng Sect with a large number of disciples like now.

After returning to the Great Sect, he immediately issued an order for all the disciples of the Baifeng Sect to return to the Great Sect.

The Celestial Clan suddenly sent so many monks to attack the monks of their human race on the outer battlefield. Now, the Celestial Clan has sent all those monks into Central Continent. This is obviously a good way to attack their human race.

Although, he still doesn't know why the Celestial Clan attacked their Human Clan.

After all, the six major foreign races have not taken action against the human race, because they are worried that they will attack first, hurt both the human race and the other races, and take advantage of other races.

In fact, before he gave the order, the top leaders of the four human states had already ordered all the masters to return to their respective continents.

Now, all major clans know that the Celestial Clan is going to attack their Human Clan, and the Human Clan will naturally respond.

As usual, he first came to the leader's hall, and after listening to Nie Jie's report on what had happened to the Baifeng Sect over the years, he returned to the Four Treasure Peak.

At this time, there was a lot of excitement inside the Four Treasures Peak.

All the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak have returned to the Four Treasures Peak. Beiyan and Zhu Peng have also brought their Taoist companions, Qiao Jingyao and Liao Youdi, and their children to the Four Treasures Peak.

In the past, Beiyan never brought his children to Four Treasures Peak because of their young age and because there were too many secrets in the Four Treasures Peak.

Now, the original children have grown up and have joined Sibaofeng.

At the front of the crowd were Li Ke, who came to the Four Treasures Peak from the Suzaku Peak after learning that Cao Zhen had returned to the Four Treasures Peak, and Guanyue, who flew from the Longyin Sect.

Speaking of which, after Li Ke married Cao Zhen, she wanted to pass on the position of Peak Master to her.

However, Tu Zhuque and the disciples of Suzaku Peak have always disagreed, so she can only continue to be the peak leader of Suzaku Peak.

In fact, she has not been teaching at Baifeng for a long time. Generally speaking, if Cao Zhen is teaching at Baifeng, she will naturally be at Sibao Peak.

If Cao Zhen no longer joins the Baifeng Cult, she will go back to Suzaku Peak.

In fact, both Suzaku Peak and Four Treasure Peaks are within the Baifeng Sect. With her current level of cultivation, she can reach them just around the corner.

In comparison, the closed moon is much further away.

Guanyue wants Longyin Sect and Baifeng Sect to rush back and forth.

It wouldn't matter if she was an ordinary disciple of the Dragon Song Sect, but the key point is that she is a saint of the Dragon Song Sect. She still has to go back from time to time to appease the dragons of the Dragon Song Sect.

This time she also knew that Cao Zhen was going to return to Baifeng Sect, so she rushed back from Longyin Sect.

And in their hands, one person was holding a man and a woman. The man was handsome and the woman was handsome.

Cao Zhen looked at his two children. Although he had seen his two children in the past when he was connected to his wife through Zhonghua Cloud, and when he was connected to Lingxi and Juezhen Xianjun, he had seen his own children. His natural child.

But after all, it was through Zhonghua Cloud. Now, when I really see my two children and feel the aura emanating from these two children, I can't help but sigh in my heart that my children have grown so big in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, my two children are now in the earthly fairyland.

After all, it has been too many years since he left the Baifeng Sect.

As for his two children, Cao Zhonghua is in the Qiankun Formation, a top immortal body. His half-body talent is high enough and there is no shortage of resources. Yisheng only left the Baifeng Sect later. Before leaving, she gave The master's two children refined many elixirs.

As for other resources, there will be no shortage.

Their senior brothers and sisters are all in the true fairyland.

And the person who taught him was the Immortal Lord Jue Zhen.

Think about it, a top immortal body does not lack any resources, and then from the very beginning of cultivation, when it was only the Immortal Bridge stage, it was taught by a true immortal realm peak. What is so strange about entering the earthly immortal realm now? of!

And her sister, Cao Sixia, is similar. She has a Xuanfu Immortal Body and has been taught by Lingxi since she was a child.

Although Lingxi's level of cultivation is not as high as that of Juezhen Immortal Lord, Lingxi's understanding of the talisman is not as bad as Juezhen Immortal Lord's understanding of the battle method, or even higher!

The two siblings have already entered the Earthly Immortal Realm, and are now heading towards the Returning Immortal Realm.

After Li Ke and Guan Yue saw Cao Zhen, they immediately gently pulled the child's hand and said, "Why, why don't you speak when you see your father?"

When the two heard the sound, they immediately took a step forward, bowed to Cao Zhen respectfully and said, "I have met my father."

The two of them are the disciples of a master of the True Immortal Realm, the children of the leader of a great religion, and the brothers and sisters of the True Immortal Realm. However, there is no look of arrogance on their faces. The two children look at He also looks very well-behaved and obedient.

But Cao Zhen looked at the two children with a look of respect on his face as he spoke, but he sighed in his heart.

My own child still seems too different from me.

They feel more like a disciple of a great religion seeing his leader. That kind of respect and respect is not respect for his father, but respect for his leader.

After all, I left the Baifeng Sect very early. For me, it may not have been a long time, but for them, there have been too many changes.

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