Cao Zhen clearly remembered that before time travel, when he was still young, he accompanied his parents to see those semi-familiar and unfamiliar people. His parents would often pull him and tell him, this is Uncle Liu, and that is Aunt Zhang. Let him call someone.

But now, his own wife is holding his children and telling them that this is their father.

This scene is so similar to the one he experienced when he was a child.

He really wasn't a good father.

Cao Zhen sighed and looked at his child. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

After all, he had only seen his children through Zhonghua Cloud over the years, and he felt strange when he suddenly saw his children.

For a moment, there was a strange silence under the mountain gate of Sibaofeng.

Just when Cao Zhen was thinking about how to alleviate this embarrassment, two figures flew over from a distance.

Everyone around them started to say hello after seeing the visitor.

"Elder Bronze Disc."

"I've met Elder Bronze Disc."

In the Baifeng Sect, Elder Tongdie is a very special existence. Just like the Four Treasures Peak, other disciples will not normally enter the Four Treasures Peak.

However, the formation of the Four Treasures Peak is open to Elder Tongdie. If the Elder Tongdie wants to, he can enter the Four Treasures Peak at any time.

Elder Tongdie looked at Lingxi and the others and said with a smile on his face: "They are all back, okay, okay, it will be good if they are all back."

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Cao Zhen. His eyes were like that of an old father, full of pride and joy when he saw his child who was the number one scholar in high school or a high-ranking official in the court come back.

"Leader, you are back."

"Yes, I'm back." Cao Zhen said, his eyes falling on the child held by Elder Tongdish. This was a child who looked to be in his teens, and should be a disciple who had just left the academy.

He asked curiously: "Elder, who is this child?"

"His name is Xingchenzi." Elder Tongdie touched the child's head lovingly and said with a sad look on his face, "This child is the descendant of an old friend of mine. A few days ago, that old friend of mine His longevity was exhausted and he left.

Before he left, he entrusted the child to me. And this time, I came to you because of this child.

He is called Xingchenzi because he is a star body, an ancient immortal body. "

Ancient immortal body?

Cao Zhen was startled for a moment. He had not heard of the Ancient Immortal Body for a long time.

Everyone around him quickly realized that without the master, the Ancient Immortal Body would have been almost impossible to break through.

Elder Tongdie brought this child to find the master, and his intention was already obvious.

"Master, this child is really very smart. Only by sending him to you will he not be delayed. Therefore, I brought him here to ask you if I can accept this child as a disciple." Elder Tongdish knew. , Cao Zhen doesn't like to accept disciples, but this is a child entrusted to him by an old friend, and he cannot ignore it. And the ancient immortal body can only grow all the way here with Cao Zhen.

What's more, this is also a disciple of their Baifeng Sect.

Look at Lingxi and Xiang Ziyu.

There are five ancient immortal bodies in Sibaofeng, each of which is extremely powerful. In the future, when this child grows up, their Hundred Peaks Sect will also be able to add a powerful warrior.

"Since Elder Tongdish has spoken, I will naturally not refuse." Cao Zhen nodded slightly. He was really embarrassed about Elder Tongdish's face.

Hearing this, Elder Tongdie suddenly had a happy look on his face. He pulled Xingchenzi and said, "Why don't you pay homage to your master soon?"

When Xingchenzi heard the sound, he didn't look at Cao Zhen immediately, but looked at Elder Tongdie, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, Elder."

Then, at the urging of Elder Tongdie, he turned to look at Cao Zhen and knelt down with a bang: "Disciple Xingchenzi, pay homage to Master."

"Okay, get up."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly. It was indeed rare for this child to be able to thank Elder Tongdie at the first time instead of paying homage to him.

Although Xingchenzi is just a child, children in this world are also more precocious in some aspects.

A child of this age knows the importance of a leader and a true powerful person in the fairyland.

Not to mention ordinary children, other adult monks would kneel down and recognize their master as soon as they learned that they could become their disciples. However, Xingchenzi's first thought was Elder Tongdish.

Star body.

Cao Zhen has some understanding of this ancient immortal body. This ancient immortal body is unusually friendly to the power of the stars.

Although none of the people he connected to specialized in the power of stars, many of the masters he connected to practiced similar spells.

Moreover, there are many techniques that actually absorb the power of the stars after they are in operation.

If he accepted Xingchenzi, it would not be impossible for him to teach this disciple.

He doesn't accept any disciples, and now he has accepted fourteen disciples without knowing it.

Counting his children, as well as Bei Yan and Zhu Peng's children, Sibaofeng is now much more lively than before.

But this situation did not last long, as the Baifeng Sect received a letter.

It is a message from Sancai Sword Lord.

At the same time, all the major religions in Dongzhou received messages from the Three Talented Sword Lord.

"Due to the current actions of the Tian Clan, the Three Talented Sword Lords, etc., we hope that as many of the five Golden Immortals in Dongzhou can come to the border of Dongzhou with the resources of the great sect and find one of the top The formation master arranges the formation."

At the same time, there was a sharp border between East Continent and Central Continent.

The top of a high mountain.

Six figures stood here, looking into the distance.

After a long time, Sancai Sword Lord said: "Everyone, when setting up the formation this time, a recognized formation master needs to be in charge. Do you have any recommendations?"

On the side, a man wearing a black robe, who exuded bursts of heart-stopping demonic energy even just standing there, said in a deep voice: "This matter should be presided over by Demon Lord Huan Kong.

After all, he is the only one in our Dongzhou, or in other words, our entire human race, who has entered the Golden Immortal Realm through formation. "

As soon as he finished speaking, a beautiful woman wearing an emerald green robe, with an extremely beautiful appearance and full of elegance in her movements, and the only female cultivator among the crowd, spoke up and said: "I suggest Zong Zhen. Immortal Lord.”

The demon cultivator shook his head when he heard the sound and said: "I have also heard about the profoundness of Zong Zhen Immortal Lord's formation methods, but Zong Zhen is still in the True Immortal Realm after all and has not entered the Golden Immortal Realm.

Therefore, the formation method of Immortal Lord Zong Zhen should still be one level behind compared to Demon Lord Huan Kong. "

Among the five people, one has completely gray hair. Although he is called Demon King, he is wearing a robe as white as snow. It seems that there is no demonic energy gushing out. Instead, he gives people an air of immortality and an inverse angle. The old man shook his head slightly and said: "Demon Lord Returning, there is no need to say more. In fact, I have discussed formations with fellow Taoists of the Zongzhen before."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him suddenly looked surprised. They were the existences of the Golden Immortal Realm. Although the Immortal Lord of Zongzhen had extremely high cultivation and was already a Half-Step Golden Immortal, a Half-Step Golden Immortal was also a True Immortal Realm.

When they call the True Immortal Realm, they don't use the title "Fellow Taoist". Demon Lord Huan Kong, calling the other party a fellow Taoist, obviously recognized that the other party also existed in the Golden Fairy Realm.

Demon Lord Huankong glanced at the Immortal Lord Zongzhen, who was standing aside and had been silent all this time, and sighed with a look on his face: "The Human Formation of fellow Taoist Zongzhen really inspired me a lot. Moreover, even if there is no Human Formation Together, my Taoist friends from the sect’s formation understand the formation, and I am ashamed of myself.”


"Fellow Daoist Huan Kong, this is not the time to be humble."

Everyone looked at the Demon Lord Huan Kong and the Immortal Lord of the Immortal Formation in disbelief. The Demon Lord Huan Kong entered the Golden Fairy Realm simply by relying on the formation method.

And the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation also follows the formation method. If the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation has a higher understanding of the formation method than Demon Lord Huan Kong, shouldn’t it be that the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation should have already entered the Golden Immortal Realm, instead of being a half-step Golden Immortal? .

Demon Lord Huan Kong looked at the crowd with a calm face and said, "In terms of the formation, I am indeed not as good as fellow Taoist disciples from the Zong Formation."

Following his words, everyone's eyes fell on the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation.

The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation felt the gaze of the Golden Immortal Realm, but there was no expression change on his face. He still looked calm. After a while, he slowly said: "I am only slightly better."

Everyone was completely shocked. Even if they were even slightly better, they were still victorious. Now that both of them said this, even if they didn't want to believe it, they had no choice but to believe it.

Among the crowd, another person, a man with a majestic figure, as strong as a majestic mountain, looked at this place. The only Immortal Lord of Zongzhen who was not in the Golden Immortal Realm said: "Immortal Lord Zongzhen, since you are on the way to the formation, , not weaker than Fellow Daoist Huan Kong, that Fellow Daoist Zong Formation, you should be able to break through and enter the Golden Immortal Realm."

Hearing this, the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation gently shook his head and said: "My way of the human formation is not perfect yet. When my way of the human formation is completed, that will be the day when I become a Golden Immortal."

As he spoke, he paused slightly, then looked at everyone and said, "Besides this, in Dongzhou, you have forgotten someone who is extremely good at formations, Cao Zhen from the Baifeng Sect.

Now that you have chosen me to preside over the formation, then I will go and compare with him. If he is better than me, I will give up my position of hosting the formation.

If I defeat him, I will come to personally preside over the formation. "

As soon as the words fell, the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation turned into a divine light and disappeared from everyone's sight.

On the mountain peak, everyone looked at each other.

Naturally, they have not forgotten Cao Zhen. They had also discussed before whether Cao Zhen could be the person in charge of the formation.

After all, Cao Zhen was a Daluo Golden Immortal in his previous life, and Cao Zhen could also guide the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation to become the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm.

But the problem is that Cao Zhen is only in the True Immortal Realm now, and has not even reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm.

Cao Zhen's cultivation was limited, and there were some large formations that Cao Zhen could not arrange himself.

Of course, this time, time is tight, and I am afraid that only one formation master cannot set up the formation. They must find other formation masters to help arrange the formation together.

However, the other positions of the formation are fine.

If you let others arrange the core position of the formation, they will be able to understand many principles and secrets of the other party's formation.

Generally, no one would let others arrange the core position of their formation.

Therefore, they have been hesitant and did not go to Cao Zhen.

As a result, Immortal Lord Zongzhen went directly to find Cao Zhen, and even had a competition.

Inside the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect, inside Jizhen Sect.

After Zongzhen Immortal learned that Master Cao was back, she originally wanted to go to the Four Treasures Peak. Over the years, she had been thinking about her path and had some vague clues, but she was still one step away from stepping into the real world. Perfection in the fairyland always missed the mark. She wanted to ask Leader Cao.

But thinking that Leader Cao had not come back for so long, and that Leader Cao's wife and children had also returned, she decided to wait for a while before asking Leader Cao.

Not long after she returned to her cave, a voice did sound outside the cave.

"Master of the Jue Formation, Master of the Jue Formation..."

Jue Zhen Immortal Lord heard the sound and opened the door of the cave with some curiosity, and a young and beautiful face came into view.

Xia Qi.

There is a very talented junior in their Jue Zhen sect. This junior is still in the formation diagram. Now he has already existed in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and he is also very valued by her.

Before, when she was taking care of Cao Zhonghua, she often took Xia Qi to teach Xia Qi the formation techniques.

Cao Zhonghua is a top-level immortal body, his father is Cao Cult Leader, and his mother is also a true immortal realm, Guanyue Immortal Lord of Longyin Sect.

But Xia Qi's is not much worse than Cao Zhonghua's. This shows how talented this child is.

After Jue Zhen Immortal Lord saw Xia Qi, he couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face and asked, "Why are you looking for me so suddenly? What's the matter?"

"Master, you know that the disciple went out into a small ruins before, but now he heard the message from the big sect, so the disciple returned to the big sect as soon as possible.

On the way back, the disciple met a strange man.

That should be a very powerful being. He just glanced at me and knew that I practiced the art of formation.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he set up a formation. When I entered that formation, I even had the thought that I would never be able to break the formation.

Then he took away the formation and even asked me if I was a disciple of the Ji Formation Sect. After knowing that I was a disciple of the Ji Zhen Sect, he said that he recognized his master.

He also gave me a jade pendant and asked me to give it to my master. "

Jue Zhen Immortal Lord frowned when he heard the sound. He knew his own person and was good at formations. Could it be him...

A bad thought suddenly appeared in her mind, and she took the jade pendant. This was the first time she saw this jade pendant, but the moment she saw the jade pendant, her whole body was filled with anger and was out of control. trembled.

Zongzhen Immortal Lord!

This person is definitely Zongzhen!

There are lines on this jade pendant, and these lines are exactly the lines of the human formation that Zongzhen laid on her body!

Damn it!

How come he came to the Ji Zhen Sect at this time and met Xia Qi.

Immortal Lord Zongzhen thought of his previous experiences and what Immortal Lord Zongzhen had done before, and quickly asked: "He didn't do anything to you, Sang Jun?"

"No, he just handed this jade pendant to me, and also gave me a formation diagram for me to come back and study slowly. It was the formation he laid out casually."

Xia Qi said, took out a formation diagram and asked curiously: "Master, who is that person? What kind of existence is he?"

She could tell that after her master saw the jade pendant, he seemed to be on the verge of rage. In all the years she had known him, this was the first time she had seen him lose his composure.

"He... these are not things you should know now. When you become a true fairyland one day, you will naturally know who he is.

Okay, you go back and rest first, and don’t tell anyone in the big church about this. "

If this matter were to be known to other people in their Ji Zhen Sect, there would be some trouble. Now that the Tian clan was about to attack their human clan, she didn't want to cause chaos at this time.

After Jue Zhen Immortal Lord finished speaking, he flew directly out of Ji Zhen Sect and out of the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect. Since Zong Zhen asked Xia Qi to send the jade pendant, he was obviously looking for her.

She wanted to see what tricks Zong Zhen wanted to play this time.

As she expected, she had just flown out of the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect and immediately felt a special aura, an aura that had the same origin as hers.

Jue Zhen Immortal Lord followed this aura and flew into the distance. Soon, he saw a figure standing on the top of a high mountain.

"Zong Zhen!"

Jue Zhen Immortal Lord flew down to the top of the mountain, glared at the man in front of him, and said coldly: "Haven't you caused enough harm to our Ji Zhen Sect? Haven't you killed enough disciples of Ji Zhen Sect? You Why do you want to provoke Xia Qi again!"

"Xia Qi? Are you talking about that little girl? That little girl is pretty good. Her talent is no less than yours when you were young."

Faced with the question from the Zongzhen Immortal Lord, Zongzhen Immortal Lord showed no sign of anger on his face. He said with a smile: "I met a junior from our Jizhen Sect and found that he has talent. Can I give you some guidance?" should?"

"You are no longer a member of our Ji Zhen Sect!" Immortal Lord Jue Zhen looked at the Immortal Lord Zong Zhen coldly and said, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do when you come to our Ji Zhen Sect this time!"

"I'm not here to find you this time." Ji Zhen Immortal Lord said, looking at Zong Zhen Immortal Lord, he shook his head and said, "Jue Zhen, I remember when you ran away before, you said you would meet me next time. , you must crush me to ashes, why, now I am standing in front of you, why don't you do it?"

When the Immortal Lord of the Jue Formation heard the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation, he took the initiative to mention the humiliating scene of the other party forcibly suppressing him and placing a human formation on his body. A surge of anger rushed into his mind, and his whole body was violently bullied uncontrollably.

However, Immortal Lord Zongzhen continued to speak provocatively: "I'm very angry, why don't you take action? Do you know that you are not my opponent?

Speaking of which, I have always thought that you are the most talented person in the entire Ji Zhen sect after us.

But now, you really disappoint me.

I will set up a human formation for you and help you take the final route, and then there will be Leader Cao of the Baifeng Sect to help you transform the human formation...

Don't ask me how I know, he helped you transform the Human Formation.

I set up that human formation. Someone moved my human formation. How could I not notice it!

As a result, there is a reincarnation who can help you transform the human formation. Until now, you have not yet broken through and entered the true fairyland of Dzogchen. It seems like your talent is just that. "

As he spoke, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and said with a strange smile: "Speaking of which, Master Cao transformed the human formation for you, so he wanted to see all of your body. Why didn't you want to crush Master Cao to ashes? "

"Zong Zhen!"

When the Immortal Lord Jue Zhen heard the Immortal Lord Zong Zhen keep mentioning the humiliating scene, he was instantly furious, and the Immortal Palaces suddenly appeared behind him.

But the next moment, in front of her, the Immortal Palace of the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation also appeared, suppressed by an even more terrifying force.

She was clearly at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, but facing the Immortal Palace of the Zong Formation Immortal Lord, she felt like she could hardly move.

"Want to take action? You are too far behind. If you continue to take action, you will only be humiliated again. This time, I am here to see Master Cao, and I will discuss it with him.

When the time comes, just watch from the side and remember to learn more. The more you learn, the more opportunities you have to get close to me and seek revenge from me. "

In the Baifeng Sect, not long after Cao Zhen returned to Sibaofeng, his son, Cao Zhonghua, found him.

"Father, Teacher Juejin, I want to see you for something. She asked you to meet outside the mountain gate."

Cao Zhonghua spent most of his time studying formations with Zong Zhen. Cao Zhonghua even wanted to become his disciple, but was rejected by Zong Zhen every time.

According to Zong Zhen, Cao Zhen is her leader, so how could she accept Cao Zhonghua as her disciple?

Cao Zhonghua had no choice but to call Zong Zhen his teacher.

When they were in the academy, they also had teachers. They couldn't call them master, but there was no problem in calling them teachers.

Zongzhen had no choice but to agree.

Cao Zhen was very surprised. When Zong Zhen came to see him for something, he came directly. Why did he let his son come to him and make an appointment outside the Baifeng Sect?

He quickly flew out of the Baifeng Sect without much thought and flew outside. Soon, two figures appeared in his sight.

One of them is the Immortal Lord of the Jue Formation, and the other is the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation.

Cao Zhen looked at these two people with some surprise. Jue Zhen Immortal Lord hated Zong Zhen Immortal Lord. How could he be with Zong Zhen Immortal Lord? Moreover, it’s not like the clan formation doesn’t have its own clan form, so it can just contact itself directly through the clan form. Why did he let Jue Zhen contact him? What did he think?

Immortal Lord Zongzhen, without waiting for Immortal Lord Juezhen to speak, said directly: "This time I am asking you to discuss the Tao.

You should have received a message from the Three Talents Sword Master, hoping that the major religions would bring resources to the defense office to arrange formations.

And this formation is naturally arranged by the person with the strongest formation.

Originally, the person they chose was me, but you were able to break through my human formation and improve it.

Your formation technique is not inferior to mine, so I want to come to you to discuss the technique. If you can beat me, you will be the one to set up the formation.

Let her come, just let him watch from the sidelines. How much she can learn is up to her. "

Cao Zhen discovered that this Zongzhen Immortal Lord had really not forgotten the Ji Zhen religion, just like the Jue Zhen. He transformed the Jue Zhen into a human formation just to make the Jue Zhen stronger. But now he was discussing it with himself, but He also found Jue Zhen.

As for setting up the formation, at this time, he naturally has to contribute.

Once the borders of Dongzhou are breached, then the entire Dongzhou will fall into catastrophe. And in the entire Dongzhou, there should be no one who is stronger than his own formation method!

Cao Zhen nodded for me and said, "You said before that you wanted to discuss Tao with me. Now, I'll satisfy you. How do you want to discuss Tao?"

"On humanity!" Immortal Lord Zongzhen said, suddenly tearing open his clothes.

Cao Zhen was speechless for a while, no, are you sick? Exhibitionist? There are women here, and you just tore off your clothes like this?

"Come and see, how is my human formation? My human formation is the result of my lifelong study of formations."

Cao Zhen didn't need to look at it at all. He just glanced at the Immortal Lord Ji Zhen and said, "Your human formation doesn't seem to have any problems, but there is one biggest problem with your human formation."

He was connected to the Zongzhen Immortal Lord. He didn't know how serious the Zongzhen Immortal Lord was, and he didn't know where he needed to see it.

The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation looked disbelieving: "Then tell me what's wrong with my human formation!"

Even if the other party is the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian, Cao Zhen even revealed to him before that he was a quasi-sage in his previous life.

But what's the point?

He did not become a quasi-sage because he had no previous life, he only had this life. As long as you give him time, he can also become a quasi-sage, or even become a saint!

He didn't believe it, not because Cao Zhen said so just after looking at his human formation.

It's because he has the confidence of being in the forefront. Although there are problems with his human formation, it won't be a big problem, let alone conflicts!

Even if the other party is the reincarnation of a quasi-sage, he doesn't believe it!

Cao Zhen slowly said: "The reason why you set up the human formation on your body is actually because you think that just relying on the formation diagram as a carrier is not powerful enough to carry too terrifying power. The power of the human body is unlimited, so you I just tried to use the human body as a carrier. There is nothing wrong with your point of view, and I agree with it."

Although it was the first time for Immortal Zong Zhen to hear the word carrier, he understood the meaning of the word as soon as he heard it. He continued to listen without interrupting Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen continued: "Actually, in my opinion, the way of human formation can be divided into two types. One is to regard us as the master, and it is said that it is based on people. The other is to use the formation to be the main one. Lord.

You let your body be the carrier, instead of all formations being based on yourself. This should be based on formation.

But your future path is based on me, and your character is based on me!

In this case, wouldn’t it be contradictory? "

Just after saying a simple sentence, the Zongzhen Immortal Lord suddenly widened his eyes. The next moment, golden light burst out from his body, and the golden light shot straight into the sky.

Above the void, the clouds shattered instantly as the golden light impacted the nails.

In the sky above everyone's heads, phantoms of formations appeared. These were all the formations that Immortal Lord Zong had mastered in his life.

The shadow of the formation stretches for thousands of miles, and there is still no sign of stopping, spreading towards the entire East Continent.


Cao Zhen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is the real genius, just because of his own words, he had an instant enlightenment.

In fact, in some places, he felt that Zongzhen Immortal Lord was somewhat similar to his disciple Xiang Ziyu. Both of them had the same confidence, the kind of confidence that reached the extreme!

Likewise, both of them also like to do some research and make some changes.

If there are scientists in the world of cultivation, Xiang Ziyu and Immortal Lord Zongzhen must be the top scientists in the world of cultivation!

But the difference is that Xiang Ziyu's character is not as extreme as Zong Zhen.

In other words, Xiang Ziyu is kinder than Zong Zhen, and similarly, Xiang Ziyu should still be more talented than Zong Zhen.

The research and transformation carried out by Xiang Ziyu was done by himself without consulting him, and he finally understood it.

The Immortal Lord of Zongzhen is already a half-step golden immortal, and he has reached the perfection of the True Immortal Realm. After his sudden enlightenment, his momentum became even greater!

For a time, almost everyone in the entire Dongzhou saw the brilliance of enlightenment in the void.

Inside the gate of Baifeng Sect, everyone was the first to see the golden light of enlightenment.

"This golden light, someone has had an epiphany!"

"Who has such an epiphany that can have such momentum!"

"This...this must be the epiphany of existence in the true fairyland, right?"

"True fairyland? I'm afraid even the peak enlightenment of the true fairyland doesn't have this kind of light!"

On the Four Treasures Peak, Xiang Ziyu looked at the shining light in the void, but his whole person exuded a strong fighting spirit, and loudly said: "This kind of momentum, this is definitely not the peak epiphany of the true fairyland, this is The half-step golden immortal is having an epiphany!

I have become a half-step golden immortal, and I can still have an epiphany! I'm afraid that after this person's enlightenment is over and he settles down for a while, he will be able to become a golden immortal.

No, I feel that after his enlightenment is over, he will become a golden immortal!

I am the protagonist, and that person can achieve enlightenment at the half-step of the Golden Immortal. I can also achieve enlightenment at the eighth level of this True Immortal Realm! "

Within Xiang Ziyu, waves of terrifying aura rose to the sky.

The next moment, yin and yang energy suddenly shot out from his whole body, shooting straight into the nine heavens.

All around, the younger generation of Sibaofeng were stunned for a moment.

Can this also lead to enlightenment?

You just saw someone being enlightened, how could you have such a strong will to fight?

Moreover, what others have achieved enlightenment is the formation, and it has nothing to do with your Yin-Yang Way. Why is it that when you see someone being enlightened, you can also follow suit?

They had always heard that Xiang Ziyu's talent was unparalleled. This time they really saw how terrifying Xiang Ziyu's talent was.

However, Xiang Ziyu's light of enlightenment only lasted for a moment and then disappeared, and he no longer condensed a fairy palace.

After Xiang Ziyu finished his enlightenment, he turned around and flew into his own cave to retreat without talking to anyone.

Although the light only lasted for a moment, everyone inside the Baifeng Sect's mountain gate still noticed Xiang Ziyu's light of enlightenment.

"That light, that must be Ancestor Xiang Ziyu!"

"It is indeed the ancestor Xiang Ziyu. The ancestor has already existed in eight fairy palaces. Now he has enlightened himself. Doesn't it mean that it won't be long before the ancestor can become the pinnacle of the true fairyland?"

"There is a difference between enlightenment and breakthrough. Of course, generally after enlightenment, practice will be smooth, and those monks who encounter bottlenecks will soon break through after enlightenment.

A genius like Patriarch Xiang Ziyu will definitely not encounter bottlenecks in his cultivation. However, I also believe that Ancestor Xiang Ziyu will be able to break through again soon! "

"You... you have explained so much, what is the difference between what I said!"

"This is Patriarch Xiang Ziyu, but what about this aura? Who is this?"

"Do you still need to ask? It must be the Ji Zhen sect, Jue Zhen Immortal Lord." Within the Baifeng Sect, a disciple of Five Elements Peak said with a proud face, "Who doesn't know that Jue Zhen Immortal Monarch became a real person because of the leader? The pinnacle of wonderland!

All the Immortal Lords of Juezhen recognize the leader as their leader. It must be that after the leader returned to our Baifeng Sect, he knew that Juezhen Immortal Lord had been teaching his son, so the leader was a little embarrassed and gave some pointers to Juezhen Immortal Lord, and then Juezhen Immortal Lord had an epiphany. ! "

"That makes sense. I saw the leader fly out of the mountain gate of our Baifeng Sect before."

"Speaking of which, I don't know how many geniuses have had an epiphany because of the leader. I don't know when we will also get guidance from the leader."

"Don't think about it. I'm not saying that the leader won't enlighten us. It's just that our own understanding is not enough and our own cultivation level is too low. Even if the leader enlightens us, we can't have an epiphany.

The leader of the previous sect preached publicly, and at that time some disciples of our great sect and masters of other great sects also had epiphanies.

But without exception, those who achieve enlightenment are either those with advanced cultivation, or the top geniuses from various peaks with excellent understanding. "

"What we have to do now is to practice quickly and improve our level of cultivation. When the leader gives a sermon next time, we can understand more things. Maybe with luck, we can really have an epiphany!"

In the Ji Zhen Sect, everyone also saw the light of Xiang Ziyu's enlightenment, but in the Grand Sect, everyone's eyes were more focused on the phantoms of the formations in the void!


"This enlightened person is from our Ji Zhen Sect!"

"It must be someone from our Ji Zhen Sect. Look at the phantom in the void. That is the Ziwu Guiyuan Formation from our Ji Zhen Sect."

"And the one next to me, that's from our great sect, there's no way to return to the formation!"

"These are almost all the formations of our great religion!"

"There is such a breath, such a terrifying breath. This must be the epiphany at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. It must be the epiphany of the ancestor of Juezhen!"

"Yes, the ancestor of Juezhen left the mountain gate in a hurry before."

Xia Qi was sitting outside her cave, looking at the shadow of the formation in the void, but she frowned. The aura didn't seem to be that of the ancestor of Jue Zhen, but more like the one she met on the road before. Human breath.

Did that person have an epiphany?

Why does that person also possess the formations of our Ji Zhen sect? What is the relationship between that person and the ancestor of Jue Zhen?

Ji Zhen Sect, outside the leader's hall.

The Supreme Elder of the Ji Zhen Sect, the leader of the Ji Zhen Sect, and the masters such as Cuo Zhen looked up at the phantom of the formation in the void, but their expressions were extremely ugly.

"This formation... and this aura, this is definitely not the ultimate formation!"

"Zong Zhen, this is the aura of Zong Zhen, it's Zong Zhen's enlightenment!"

"Zong Zhen, why did he come to the outskirts of our Ji Zhen Sect? Also, Jue Zhen left our Ji Zhen Sect before Jue Zhen, and then Zong Zhen had an epiphany. Is there any relationship between this?"

"It seems... Baifeng Cult Master, he has also left the mountain gate. Could it be related to Baifeng Cult Master?"

At the border of Dongzhou, the five Sancai Sword Masters looked into the distance and sighed at the sudden golden light of enlightenment and the shadows of the formation that continued to spread around.

"This is the enlightenment of Immortal Lord Zongzhen!"

"The Immortal Lord of Zongzhen is already infinitely close to the Golden Immortal Realm. Enlightenment, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to achieve enlightenment. His ability to achieve enlightenment and talent at this level of cultivation is truly terrifying! So, fellow Taoist Sancai, you What I said before is correct. The Immortal Lord of Zongzhen is indeed the most likely person in Dongzhou to become a Golden Immortal. After his enlightenment, I think it will not take long before he can become a Golden Immortal. When the time comes, what will our human race face? The Celestial Clan can also have one more person with the strongest combat power!”

"Speaking of which, he seems to have gone to see Master Cao of the Baifeng Sect to discuss the doctrine. I don't know if this epiphany has anything to do with Master Cao. If he had the epiphany because of Master Cao's instructions, then Master Cao of the Baifeng Sect, the leader of the formation, How high has your attainment reached?"

"I remember that many masters of our human race had an epiphany because of the Baifeng Cult. Even when the Baifeng Cult was still just a sect, more people had an epiphany because of the Baifeng Cult."

"Speaking of which, we have never seen the reincarnated Da Luo Jinxian."

Outside the gate of Baifengjiao Mountain.

Jue Zhen Immortal looked at Zong Zhen Immortal who had fallen into enlightenment and sighed in her heart. Although many people said that she was very talented, even before Zong Zhen Immortal had not betrayed Ji Zhen, many people also said , she is a genius disciple whose talent is second only to the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation.

The gap between her, the second best, and the first Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation is infinitely huge.

Leader Cao just gave some advice to Immortal Lord Zongzhen, and Immortal Lord Zongzhen immediately had an epiphany. However, she was now walking the same path of human formation. She also heard the same words, but she did not have an epiphany.

She is far from having the strong self-confidence of Immortal Lord Zongzhen, nor the aura of putting me first...

With me as the main one?

Leader Cao just said that the way of human formation can be divided into two types, one is based on me, and the other is based on formation.

Leader Cao said that Zongzhen had taken the wrong path and that the two paths were contradictory to each other.

My own human formation is dominated by the formation, but I don't have the domineering attitude to focus on myself.

I have always focused on formations in battles, which is more suitable for my personality.

However, it seems that when I am practicing, I will be unknowingly affected by the sect formation. I want to defeat him, so I will unconsciously move closer to the formation!

I have taken a fork in the road!

Leader Cao has said that these are two paths, and Leader Cao has not said that there is any advantage or disadvantage between these two paths.

So, why should I take the road that is dominated by people?

In fact, the human formation of Immortal Lord Zongzhen is opposite to his path, but his own path is consistent with his own human formation. In fact, he is one step ahead of Zongzhen!

As long as he firmly takes the formation as the mainstay, he can surpass the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation!

Jue Zhen Immortal Lord suddenly became enlightened. This was the first time since she became the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm that she was so transparent.

Suddenly, rays of golden light shot into the sky from her body, and shadows of formations appeared all over the sky.


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