Enough monks have gathered at the border between Dongzhou and Zhongzhou, but after Cao Zhen started to arrange the formations, there were still monks from various major religions and forces coming, and all of them were practicing formations. Taoist monk.

Cao Zhen wants to set up a formation that no one can break through like a saint. Even if it is not a complete formation, as long as he can get a glimpse of it, it will definitely be of great benefit.

The people from these great religions immediately notified the monks who practiced the formation method in their religion to come.

Cao Zhen didn't care. The more monks came, the faster his formation would be deployed.

Although he only knows how to arrange formations for others, his level of formations is also increasing rapidly.

Rising, rising...

"The level of the array has broken through to a great level. The administrator level has been improved. One designated user and one random user will be added. Please specify."

When Cao Zhen heard the voice of Zhonghua Cloud in his mind, a look of surprise appeared on his face. Was this a breakthrough? I didn't even pay attention to it.

Specify a user?

Isn't this easy to specify?

Aren’t the Celestial Clan going to attack the Human Clan now? Then he designated the boss to connect to them. Then, wouldn’t he already know what the Celestial Clan wanted to do?

Cao Zhen shouted directly: "I appoint you as the emperor of the Celestial Clan!"

After he said these words, he felt awkward. The emperor of the Heavenly Clan, in short, wasn't the Heavenly... Dog?

But as he finished speaking, Zhonghua Cloud's voice came, but it was not the voice of successful access.

"Access failed."


Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. Was it because he didn't say the other person's name?

However, it seems that you can access it without saying your name.

What's going on recently? Why are the connections failing?

The previous attempt to connect to the Grand Master failed, and now the connection to the Heavenly Clan's Emperor also failed.

Is there a virus in the China Cloud system? Or am I not a Xinyue member?

Or maybe it’s because you’re not of the same clan, so you can’t access it?

But the question is whether members of the same clan should also be able to access it. I had also accessed the Little Silver Dragon before. In addition, there were Qinyuan, Batie and Kunpeng, all of whom I had accessed.

Could it be that because he is a monk from the six foreign races, he cannot access it?

"Please specify."

Cao Zhen listened to the urging voice from Zhonghua Cloud, thought for a moment and said: "Connect me to the monster clan, the princess of the fox monster alien clan, Ju'e."

After the words fell, Zhonghua Yun immediately reminded: "The princess of the demon clan, the fox demon clan, Ju'e has successfully connected."

Is this a success?

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. Therefore, it was not that the monks of the six foreign races could not access, so why couldn't he access the emperor of the Celestial Clan?

It can't be that there is too much difference in cultivation level between yourself and the other party, right?

He has access to even Da Luo Jinxian, who is also equivalent to a quasi-sage. Because of his cultivation realm, he cannot access it. What kind of cultivation realm must he have?

Is it possible that the other party can still be a saint?

If the other party is really a saint, there is no need to go to such trouble, just hit him directly.

Cao Zhen didn't quite believe that the other party was a saint, and he couldn't tell the reason why he couldn't access it for a while.

As for the connection to Ju'e, it was not just for the purpose of experimenting with whether it could connect to the six demon clans. Although his cultivation realm is getting higher and higher, and the levels of various six arts are getting higher and higher, it is much more difficult for him to access it now than before.

He couldn't just take the opportunity to connect and experiment casually, not to mention that he still had many people who needed to be connected. For example, the disciple he had just accepted, Xingchenzi, had been connected to all his disciples. He couldn't help but connect to this disciple. Bar.

His disciples have all been connected, how can his children not be connected?

These are at least three access quotas. The reason why he did not access them was because he wanted to see the attitude of the demon clan.

Although he trusted Ju'e very much, it was safer after connecting.

While he was thinking, Zhonghua Cloud's voice rang again: "Random user, Our Lady of Golden Spirit has successfully accessed."

"Our Lady of the Golden Spirit!"

A look of joy appeared on Cao Zhen's face, and it was just a look of joy. If he had been randomly connected to such powerful people before, he would have been extremely excited. But slowly, Taoist Lu Ya and Fairy Qiong Xiao among the Three Heavens came to the rescue. The strong ones have all connected, and then he joins the Golden Spirit Holy Mother, but he is much calmer.

All in all, the Golden Spirit Mother is probably a more powerful being than Fairy Qiongxiao and Taoist Lu Ya. That is one step away from becoming a saint. She was the one who defeated the three masters Manjusri, Samantabhadra and Cihang alone, and was finally defeated and killed by Ran Deng in a sneak attack.

Cao Zhen quickly opened China Cloud, and immediately, an extremely huge document appeared in his sight.

User: Our Lady of Golden Spirit

Identity: One of the four direct disciples of Jie Jiao Tongtian, the leader of the female immortals of Jie Jiao.

Cultivation: Daluo Jinxian

Owns: Dragon and Tiger Ruyi, Four Elephant Tower, Seven Fragrance Cart, Flying Gold Sword...

Talisman level: eighty-five.

Formation level: eighty-three...

After reading the introduction of the Golden Spirit Mother, Cao Zhen had only one feeling: powerful, extremely powerful. This was really even more powerful than Qiong Xiao and Lu Ya.

Then, he opened Ju'e's document and started reading it.

User: Ju'e.

Identity: Demon clan, princess of the fox demon clan.

Cultivation: True Immortal Realm (Seven Immortals Immortal Palace)

All in all, his cultivation level was almost the same as Ju'e's at the beginning, but his breakthrough speed was so fast. However, Ju'e's cultivation level has always been able to catch up, and is not weaker than those of his disciples. This is It's very strange. It seems that the fox demon clan has some kind of treasure or some special method that allowed Ju'e to break through so quickly.

As the level of the formation broke through, he became more and more comfortable in setting up the formation.

The older the Suihe formations have been, the more difficult it is to arrange them. Sometimes, he has told the monks how they should arrange the formations, but they can't follow his instructions for a while. The requirements were well arranged, and he had to teach in more detail.

But as he continued to teach, suddenly, the light of a Tao rose up.

"Epiphany, someone had an epiphany!"

"I gained enlightenment because I helped the leader of Baifeng Refining the Formation!"

"Sure enough, the rumors are correct. Master Baifeng is indeed very good at making others realize their enlightenment!"

After the first person had an epiphany, the second and third monks gradually had an epiphany.

At first, everyone looked at how many people had enlightenment, but slowly as more and more people became enlightened, no one paid attention to how many people had enlightenment.

The monks from various religions who had promised to gather resources for Cao Zhen also successively brought the hit resources that Cao Zhen lacked.

Because there were so many people helping out, it only took Cao Zhen a year to arrange this bankrupt version of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

The entire formation completely encompassed the boundary between East Continent and Central Continent, and also encompassed all the surrounding rivers.

From a distance, the formation looks like a silver python surrounding this world.

The entire formation was filled with a mysterious and sinister aura, making people feel a little bit frightened involuntarily.

Around the formation, the mountains seemed to be integrated into the formation. The entire formation was emitting bursts of bright brilliance, and even the air around the formation began to become more and more turbid.

Looking down from the sky, the entire formation looks like a magnificent picture, which makes people feel awe.

As the formation was completed, everyone felt a kind of spiritual shock just by looking at it.

Cao Zhen turned around and looked at the crowd and said: "Although this formation is not a complete formation, it still requires at least three people with the cultivation level of the Golden Immortal Realm to control it. Moreover, the person who presides over the formation must also be proficient in the formation." people."

Upon hearing this, the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation immediately said, "In that case, let me do it."

As he said that, he looked to the side: "Demon Lord Fantasy Sky?"

Demon Lord Huan Kong smiled freely and said: "I will assist fellow Taoist disciples of the sect formation."

Among the six Golden Immortals present, only he and the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation were formation practitioners, and the person presiding over this must be one of them.

However, their path is a golden fairyland, and who will preside over it is a problem.

If it were any other situation, he would naturally not give it up casually.

If he gives up, wouldn't it mean that he admits that he is not as good as the Immortal Lord of Zongzhen?

But now that the human race is facing a formidable enemy, he will no longer fight. After all, the Zong Formation Immortal Lord's formation skills are indeed more advanced than him.

The two of them had been identified, and soon, a beautiful woman on the side also said: "In that case, count me in."

Cao Zhen saw that there were already people presiding over the formation and continued to speak: "Besides, in order to exert the power of the formation, at least a thousand true immortals are needed."

Although this is the bankrupt version of going to the Yellow River Formation, the real one is going to the Yellow River Formation, which is presided over by Quasi Sage and Daluo Jinxian.

Even if it is a bankrupt version, they don't even have a Daluo Jinxian, so they naturally need more monks.

Sancai Sword Master nodded slightly and said, "At this time, I will make arrangements."

These are a thousand monks from the True Immortal Realm. They cannot be arranged by just making arrangements. They need to be carefully counted.

Cao Zhen whispered: "Fellow Taoist Sancai, we should hurry up. After all, I need to tell them how to control the formation together."

When the Sancai Sword Master heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he quickly assigned good people and asked Cao Zhen to teach them how to control the formation.

at the same time.

In Central Continent, monks from the Heavenly Clan, the Hell Clan, and the Evil Clan gathered together.

Among them, a female cultivator from the Hell Clan with a junior high school appearance and fair skin looked at the Celestial Clan in front of her, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face, and said in a deep voice: "Fayou Immortal Lord, your Celestial Clan invites us Hell Clan and Evil Clan to join you. Attack the human race together.

We also promised you and sent a large number of experts, but why have we been waiting here?

The human race on the opposite side is obviously setting up a large formation. Why should we wait for the opponent to set up a large formation before attacking? In that case, wouldn't our losses be even more severe? "

She was holding a long blue sword in her hand, and waves of frightening cold air emitted from the sword, seeming to freeze everything around her in place.

On the side, a male cultivator from the evil clan with a ferocious face nodded slightly. He also didn't understand. Since the Celestial Clan invited them to destroy the human race, the Celestial Clan even promised them that after wiping out the human race, they would also destroy the human race. Two of the four continents were given to them, and they were even given priority to choose.

The Celestial Clan must destroy the Human Clan, so why not attack the Human Clan before they have fully constructed the formation, but wait for the Human Clan to be fully prepared?

Immortal Lord Fayou said stiffly: "This is what our emperor wants. The emperor's orders must not be violated."

He didn't know why the emperor gave such an order.

But he knew one thing.

He glanced around and said in a deep voice: "If you are worried about heavy losses, you can follow our Celestial Clan. This time, our Celestial Clan will take the lead."

On the side, when the monks led by the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan heard this, their expressions changed again. What had the Human Clan done to make the Emperor of the Celestial Clan insist on killing them, even at the cost of heavy losses?

They absolutely don't believe it, just because there are several geniuses among the human race, and just because the human race killed a prince of the heavenly race, the emperor of the heavenly race must destroy the human race.

The human race is not a small race. Even judging from the experience of fighting against the human race during this period, the strength of the human race is even higher than that of the prison race and the evil race.

If the emperor of the Celestial Clan sends all the Celestial Clan out to destroy the human race just because of this trivial matter, then he is not worthy of being the emperor of the Celestial Clan.

The prison female cultivator sighed in her heart. In fact, she was not in favor of going out this time.

But there was no other way. Their emperor had already decided to take action, so she had no choice but to comply.

In the words of their emperor, the six alien races, the Monster Race, would never stand with the Heavenly Race, and the Zerg and Beast Races, no matter how powerful they were in fighting against the Monster Race.

However, when encountering big problems, they will also join forces with the Celestial Clan.

After all, none of them wanted to have a Celestial Clan weighing on their heads.

In the past, the six major alien races suppressed the Heavenly Clan, which was also promoted by the joint efforts of these three races.

These three tribes are all powerful on their own, but they can actually be regarded as allies.

Their prison clan must also have a team.

At the same time, the Hell Tribe and the Evil Tribe are the two weakest tribes among the six tribes. If they side with the three tribes of monsters, beasts and insects.

Once they really join forces to destroy the Heavenly Clan, they will not have the good life of the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan in the future.

After all, they are obviously weaker than the other three races.

So they can only side with the Celestial Clan, so as to maintain a balance. With their Hell Clan and Evil Clan, the other three clans will never be able to destroy the Celestial Clan.

When the time comes, the Heavenly Clan will even share some benefits with them, but this is much better than fighting against the Heavenly Clan with the other three tribes.

It was also because of this that their emperor promised the emperor of the Heavenly Clan to come and help those who wanted to destroy the human race.

However, when they arrived in Central Continent, they discovered that this Celestial Clan was so unreliable. Everyone had already gathered, but they did not take action.

Immortal Lord Fayou paused for a moment, then spoke again: "Furthermore, everyone, we still have help this time.

The human race has set up formations at the border, but they have not set up formations inside them. They will be in chaos first. "

Will there be chaos within the human race first?

The monks from the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan looked puzzled. Is the human race the first to be in chaos? Are they traitors to the human race?

But haven’t many traitors from the human race been eradicated?

Besides, how many traitors can they have in the human race? It's okay for those traitors to provide intelligence in the dark. How could they directly cause chaos within the human race?

Dongzhou, teaches the Weeping Blood Demon Sect.

Today's Blood-Weeping Demon Sect seems to have nothing to do with the entire East Continent, or even the entire human race.

After all, they were surrounded by boundless bloody hell and could not leave their great religion. Although the masters of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect have all awakened, the top beings in the Boundless Blood Prison have also awakened, and their situation has become even worse as a result.

After all, in the boundless blood prison, there are more masters among the blood-colored monsters than among the masters in their great religion.

Although it is said that monks spend hundreds of thousands of years in retreat, the problem is that no one will stay in retreat forever and be trapped in such a place.

Previously, there were monks from the Immortal Realm in their Weeping Blood Demon Sect who wanted to fly out, but not long after they flew out, dozens of blood-colored monsters equivalent to those from the Immortal Realm flew out of the blood river, directly tearing the monk apart on the spot. Shred into minced meat.

Since then, no monk has tried to fly out.

The Weeping Blood Demon Sect can only continue to huddle in their mountain gate. Although huddled here, they also know the news outside.

They also know that humans are now facing attacks from the Celestial Clan.

But so what? Those heavenly clans came to kill them, so what if they killed all the human clans except them? Does it have anything to do with them?

They are all trapped here and cannot get out.

Because it was surrounded by the blood-colored river, the area where the Weeping Blood Demon Sect was located seemed extremely desolate. In the desolation, a huge mountain gate stood among the mountains. This mountain gate seemed to be integrated with the surrounding mountains.

Around the mountain gate, blood rivers flowed endlessly from the bottom of the mountain gate. The sound of the rushing water of the blood river was filled with wails that seemed to come from the depths of hell.

Even standing on the mountain gate, people can feel the terrifying aura brought by the blood river. The air around the mountain gate is even more unusually oppressive, as if countless indescribable monsters can emerge from the blood river at any time.

Over the years, the blood river has continued to grow, and one of the blood rivers has flowed into their Blood-Weeping Demon Cult.

The blood river that had spread into the great religion suddenly surged crazily. It seemed that the endless blood would fly out of the blood river at any time.

Suddenly, the river spread again.

In the past, everyone in the Weeping Blood Demon Sect has seen the blood river spread, but the blood river has never spread as fast as it does today.

In a short time, the river of blood had spread to the depths of the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect.

The back mountain of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect is a desolate swamp, full of eerie and strange atmosphere, and the air is filled with the almost suffocating smell of blood and death.

But in the middle of the swamp, there was a huge blood pool, and the blood seemed to be boiling, constantly rolling.

The water in this pool was dark red, as if it was made of condensed blood.

There were even white bones in the blood pool. In the depths of the blood pool, a figure was lying quietly in the blood pool. He was wearing a black robe, and his whole body exuded a cold and evil aura.

And the bloody aura exuding from his body seemed to be the blood in the blood pool and the aura of all the lost lives in this world, gathered on his body.

There was no life around the blood pool, only desolation and deathly silence.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, and suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward.

On the desolate land, a blood-colored crack spread rapidly and stopped in front of the blood pool. The next moment, the crack suddenly became larger, and balls of red blood poured out from the crack and gathered together in the void.


The Weeping Blood Cult Leader suddenly stood up from the blood pool and looked at the bloody monster in front of him with a wary expression.

Its body seems to be condensed from burning blood. Compared with common monsters, its body is not that tall. It looks like it is only about one foot. In front of it, there are two hands like eagle claws. There are four tentacles surrounding the hands, each tentacle wrapped in sharp barbs.

In just an instant, its body was completely solidified. Waves of pungent smell of blood surged around, seemingly stronger than the smell of blood in the blood pool!

Waves of extremely evil aura shrouded this space.

Its eyes looked towards the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult. In an instant, the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult said that he was satisfied with the situation ⑹Young Pong’s words?

The other party just glanced at him, and he felt as if his own soul was about to shatter.

I am already an existence at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. A being that can make my soul tremble with just one glance. This is definitely a blood-colored monster that is equivalent to an existence in the Golden Immortal Realm!

Why did the monster from Golden Wonderland suddenly appear here? What did he want to do?

"Do not be nervous."

The bloody monster suddenly spoke, and as its voice sounded, the surrounding air became less oppressive.

"I'm just here to discuss one thing with you. You don't want to be trapped in this blood river even if you want to come. Now, I'll give you a chance. I can get your entire religion to leave the blood river.

Even in the entire East Continent, as long as you disciples of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect don't take the initiative to find the creatures in our blood rivers, you can enter all the blood rivers. "

The Weeping Blood Cult Master gradually regained his composure after the other party calmed down. He asked in a deep voice: "Then what are the conditions?"

The other party will never give them benefits for no reason.

"The conditions are simple."

The Golden Fairy Realm monster said in a deep voice: "Continue to widen the blood river and let the blood river continue to spread into the distance and surround the entire East Continent."

Although they could slowly widen the Blood River, that would be too slow. External force was needed for the Blood River to spread faster, even throughout the entire East Continent.

When the leader of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult heard this, he immediately frowned and said, "Widen the blood river? Then wouldn't our entire Weeping Blood Demon Cult become the sinners of the entire human race!"

The monsters in the Golden Fairyland tsked and laughed strangely: "Sinners of the human race? Does your Bloodweeping Demon Church care about the human race? Have they ever regarded you as a kinsman?

If they regard you as a kinsman and you are trapped in a river of blood, why don't they come to rescue you?

You humans are from the Golden Immortal Realm. Together, they can still save you from this river of blood.

But none of them came to help you.

Besides, you think the human race can survive. I'm afraid you don't know how powerful the Celestial Clan is.

This time, the Celestial Clan is out in force, and the Human Clan has no chance of victory!

Of course, the Heavenly Clan will not completely kill the Human Race. Their purpose is to weaken the Human Race, and then the Heavenly Clan will establish the order of the Human Race.

The human race will eventually be ruled by the human race.

If it were before, the one chosen by the Heavenly Clan to rule the human race on their behalf was the Eternal Life Society, but the Eternal Life Society had already perished.

So, next, whoever helps the Celestial Clan will be chosen to rule the Human Clan.

By helping us widen the Blood River, you are helping the Heavenly Clan! "

The leader of the Weeping Blood Cult instantly understood that the Heavenly Clan had also found the monster in the boundless blood prison.

He didn't know whether what this blood demon said was true or false.

However, the conditions offered by the other party were too tempting.

That is to be able to leave this blood river and walk freely outside. Although they are trapped in this blood river, they still know everything that happens outside. They also know about the Tianwai battlefield, and they also want to go to the Tianwai battlefield. opportunities to find them.

They are really depressed in this great religion.

Now, letting them leave the Great Cult is the best condition for them.

Not to mention, what if the Heavenly Clan really chooses them to rule the Human Race?

"Okay, I promise you. So next, how should we widen the blood river?"

"Wise choice, it is not difficult to widen the blood river. I will tell you that there are still blood rivers hidden in those places. The first thing you need to do is to dig out all the blood rivers underground.

Of course, I will also tell us that the creatures in the blood river will not attack you. "

At the border between Dongzhou and Zhongzhou, Cao Zhen finally told everyone how to control the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

With this pseudo-Nine-Meander Yellow River Formation, if the Heavenly Clan wanted to capture it, they would have to pay a huge price.

He didn't believe it. The Celestial Clan would continue to fight with the Human Clan even though they were injured.

With this bankrupt version of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, his prosperity should have improved a lot...

As Cao Zhen thought about it, he looked at his prosperous age. At first glance, his face suddenly turned ugly.

A certain position in his prosperous age has become extremely unstable, and there are even vague signs of troubled times.

This location, this is the location of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult!

He naturally knew that the Weeping Blood Demon Sect had always resented him and their Baifeng Sect, as well as many of the great sects in Eastern Continent.

Although the Weeping Blood Demon Sect is located in the East Continent, the Weeping Blood Demon Sect has never provided him with the spirit of prosperity. He can understand it and does not pay too much attention to it. After all, the Weeping Blood Demon Sect is trapped by the Blood River. In the great religion, one cannot leave.

However, the Weeping Blood Demon Cult did not provide the Qi of a prosperous age, but they were not traitors either.

But now, there are countless auras in the entire sect of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, which are the same as the auras of those traitors of the Eternal Society, or even worse!

The Blood-Weeping Demon Sect, this is how the entire sect has become a traitor, but none of their monks can leave the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect. How could they suddenly become traitors?

A look of confusion appeared on Cao Zhen's face, and his heart moved, but he quickly connected to the Love Blood Demon through the Chinese Cloud.

In order to fight against the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, he had connected with the Love Blood Demon.

Although it is said that the Love Blood Demon's cultivation speed is fast enough, and now he has become a true fairyland, but it is only a true fairyland with two fairy palaces.

He couldn't win too much because of the Love Blood Demon, and the Love Blood Demon had been trapped in the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, so he hadn't paid attention to the Love Blood Demon for a long time.

Soon, the figure of the Love Blood Demon appeared in his sight.

Also appearing at the same time were the masters of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, as well as the leader of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, who was sitting on the main seat.

"This time, your mission is to dig out all these underground blood rivers. Then, return to our Weeping Blood Demon Sect as soon as possible."

On the main seat, a look of madness appeared on the face of the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult as he spoke.

After speaking, he was silent for a moment, and then continued: "Remember, this time when you go out, you must be as low-key as possible. No one is allowed to wear the uniforms of our Weeping Blood Demon Cult. All monks in the True Immortal Realm and the Returned Immortal Realm must Try to pretend it’s like an earthly fairyland.”

Cao Zhen was shocked when he heard the words of the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult. Is the Weeping Blood Demon Cult coming out? Broadening the blood river will not actually allow more monsters from the boundless blood prison to enter the human world!

What kind of deal did they make with the Boundless Blood Prison? They made the Blood River change even more, while the monsters in the Boundless Blood Prison asked them to leave the Weeping Blood Demon Cult.

And the time they chose, when the Heavenly Clan was about to attack the Human Race, allowed more monsters from the Boundless Blood Prison to enter the Human Race.

In other words, the monsters in this boundless blood prison are also colluding with the Celestial Clan!

Cao Zhen suddenly heard what his disciple Xiang Ziyu once said to him. Xiang Ziyu said that he once met a monk from the secret tribe. The secret tribe said that at the beginning, their secret tribe was conquered by the immortal tribe. and another clan were wiped out.

It's just that the monk of the secret clan couldn't tell which clan the other clan was for some reasons. He just said that the other clan still exists in today's world.

Therefore, it is very likely that the other clan is the monsters in the boundless blood prison. These monsters are all condensed from blood. Or, in other words, they are actually the same clan, a blood clan?

Moreover, the Celestial Clan is from the Immortal Clan, and now the Boundless Blood Hell is cooperating with the Celestial Clan.

In this way, it was probably the Boundless Blood Prison who helped the Immortal Clan to destroy the Mysterious Clan. Being able to join forces with the original Immortal Clan, the Boundless Blood Prison is probably stronger than all the clans thought. many.

If during the battle between the human race and the heavenly race, the monsters from the boundless blood hell suddenly burst out of the blood river, the human race would be left passive.

Everyone must be informed of this as soon as possible.

However, the Baifeng Sect and the Weeping Blood Demon Sect are mortal enemies. Everyone in the major sects knows that if he tells it, others will doubt it.

And, how did he explain it, how did he know about it?

Cao Zhen's eyes turned around and landed on the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation. In an instant, he had an idea in his mind.

He also has another identity, and has always been connected with the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation.

Thinking of this, he quickly opened the Chinese Cloud and at the same time connected to the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation.

Immortal Lord Zongzhen looked at the incomplete Nine-Meander Yellow River Formation in front of him, thinking about the mysterious changes in it, and his heart was filled with sighs.

Such a terrifying formation was still incomplete, and he could also feel that the formation was incomplete.

Such a complete Nine-Meander Yellow River Formation would be so terrifying.

He was thinking, and suddenly, a voice that had not appeared in his mind for a long time sounded: "The Weeping Blood Demon Cult has betrayed the human race. Now they have joined forces with the monsters in the Boundless Blood Hell and are preparing to leave the sect. , opening up the rivers of blood everywhere.

Not wanting the human race to perish, they quickly destroyed the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect and suppressed those blood rivers. The monsters in the blood rivers had joined forces with the Heavenly Clan. "

"Human teacher?"

When the Zongzhen Immortal Lord spoke in his heart, the other party had already disappeared. When he was only a half-step golden immortal, and to be honest, he was in the true immortal realm, this master was like this. He suddenly spoke from his heart and told He was a traitor to the human race, and then disappeared.

At that time, his cultivation was weak and he could not detect the other party's existence.

But now, he is already in the golden fairyland, but he is still unable to notice the other party's existence. The other party's voice appears in his heart just like before, and then suddenly disappears.

What kind of existence is this person!

As he was surprised, Cao Zhen's voice suddenly rang out.

"Everyone, go to the Weeping Blood Demon Sect quickly. They have betrayed us. The monsters from the Jade Tiger Boundless Blood Prison have joined forces!"

Everyone around heard the sound, and everyone looked surprised.


"The Weeping Blood Demon Cult? How can they, being human, join forces with the monsters from the Boundless Blood Hell?"

"The monsters from the Boundless Blood Hell have not caused trouble in our human race for a long time. Why did they suddenly find the Weeping Blood Demon Cult?"

"Master Cao, I wonder how you knew about this?"

Cao Zhen looked at everyone's doubtful eyes and whispered: "A guy who calls himself a master suddenly appeared from my heart and told me about this."

He can speak out this moment through his identity as a human teacher.

"Master, I've never heard of it."

"Who dares to claim to be the master of the entire human race!"

While everyone was talking, the voice of Immortal Lord Zongzhen suddenly sounded, "At the beginning, I was responsible for hunting down the traitors in our human race, and all the traitors in Dongzhou were found out because of this human master. .

Just now, he also sent me a message. At the same time, he also told me that the Boundless Blood Prison has joined forces with the Celestial Clan.

Therefore, everyone should hurry up and destroy the Weeping Blood Demon Sect and suppress the Blood River at the same time. Otherwise, if we fight against the Heavenly Clan in front of us, and if these monsters in the Blood River cause chaos in various places, we will be attacked from both sides, and even be defeated. Unable to concentrate on fighting the Celestial Clan. "

Brother Xuehe exists all over the East Continent. If the masters of various religions leave the great religion and defend the Celestial Clan near the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, the defense power of their great religion will inevitably be greatly reduced. If these people from the boundless blood hell The monsters in the monster suddenly appeared near their big religion and attacked their big religion. How could they not care about the comfort of their big religion? How could they concentrate on fighting the Celestial Clan!

Therefore, we must eradicate the Blood-Weeping Demon Cult as soon as possible and suppress the Blood River!

Hearing the sound, the Returning Tomb Demon Lord quickly looked around and said at the same time: "Where is that master? Why don't you show up and see him?"

Immortal Lord Zongzhen looked at his appearance, and immediately shook his head and said: "There is no need to look for fellow Taoist Returner. No one knows where that human teacher is, and if he wanted to show up, I'm afraid he would have already shown up. .”

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on the face of the Demon Lord Returning Tomb and he said: "Fellow Taoist Zongzhen, he sent a message to you. With your cultivation level, don't you know where he is?"

Immortal Lord Zongzhen shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know."

His words had fallen, and everyone around him was stunned for a moment. The Immortal Lord of Zongzhen was an existence in the Golden Immortal Realm.

"I'm transmitting messages to a Golden Immortal, but the other party doesn't know where he is. Could this Master be the Daluo Golden Immortal?

However, the existence of Daluo Jinxian probably cannot do this. Also, why didn't he show up? "

When several people were surprised, their eyes fell on Cao Zhen again, and they asked curiously: "Master Cao, he also sent a message to you, don't you know about his existence?"

Although Cao Zhen is not in the Golden Immortal Realm, he is the reincarnation of the Daluo Golden Immortal. He has more knowledge and more methods. If even Leader Cao can't detect anything, the other party will be a bit too scary.

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said: "I can't detect the other party either. The other party didn't use sound transmission to enter the secret, but the sound came directly from our hearts. That method should be a very special secret method.

As for the opponent's cultivation level, it is indeed at least Daluo Jinxian, but even Daluo Jinxian cannot do this. That should be the opponent's unique method.

The reason why the other party didn't show up was probably because he couldn't show up for some special reasons. "

Cao Zhen said, looking at Sancai Sword Lord: "Fellow Sancai, the masters of the six races entered our human world and wanted to kill me. It was this master who informed me of the news, so I was well prepared.

The other party is obviously a person who loves the human race and shouldn't lie to us. We'd better act quickly. "

The Sancai Sword Lord nodded heavily when he heard the sound, then looked at the crowd and said: "In that case, the three Taoist friends from Zongzhen will continue to lead you to guard the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation. The remaining monks and we will go to the Blood-Weeping Demon together. teach."

Then, he suddenly turned around and flew in the direction of the Blood-Weeping Demon Cult.

On the side of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, a group of monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm, including the Earthly Immortal Realm, flew towards the outside of the great sect after receiving the tasks assigned by the leader of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect.

Soon they flew across the rivers of blood.

In the past, not to mention flying directly over the blood river, even if they were close to the blood river, they might be attacked by monsters in the blood river. But now, they fly over the blood river one by one, But there was no attack.

Not long after, the monks flew out of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect one by one!

"I'm out. After so many years, I thought I would be trapped in the Great Sect for the rest of my life, and now I'm finally out again!"

"This is the outside world!"

"This time, we flew out of the mountain gate. We can't be trapped in the mountain gate anymore!"

"Let's go, let all those blood rivers be unsealed!"

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