The Weeping Blood Demon Sect is an extremely cruel and selfish sect among the demon sects in Dongzhou.

They have been trapped in their own great religion for so many years, and their hearts are full of hatred.

Just like what their leader said.

Although they are a human race, other human races do not regard them as a human race. If other human races regard them as a human race, then why not send experts to suppress this blood river.

There are so many masters in the human race, even Tian, ​​they can fill up this river of blood, let them come out.

But people from other big religions and experts from the human race did not come to help them, so naturally they did not regard them as human beings.

Since other human races do not regard them as human races, then they naturally do not regard themselves as part of human race.

What if the human race is conquered by the heavenly race?

So what if more people die?

Anyway, when they came out, they were released by the blood demons in these boundless blood prisons, so they believed in these blood demons and wanted more blood rivers to appear in this world.

But not long after they flew out, figures suddenly flew towards them from the opposite side, each figure exuding a terrifying aura.

"That is the existence of a true fairyland!"

"It seems like everything is a true fairyland!"

"Why are there a few of them? I feel that the aura is extremely powerful!"

"What do they want to do! Why did they suddenly surround us!"

The disciples of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult were blocked one by one as soon as they flew out. They wanted to keep a low profile and leave quietly, but the problem was that they had just left the scope of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult. A region was too desolate because of the blood river, and even the land was unable to be cultivated because of the influence of the blood river.

There are no mortals living in this area at all, and the only ones who can appear here are monks.

The Returning Tomb Demon Lord looked at the five monks in front of him who had not yet separated, and asked in a low voice: "You are the monks of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect."

As his words spread, a terrifying coercion fell towards the opposite side. For a moment, every word of the several monks from the Weeping Blood Demon Sect on the opposite side seemed to contain boundless demonic energy. The resources seemed not to come from the air, but directly from their minds and from the depths of their souls. They were so shocked that their three souls and seven souls seemed to be shattered.

What kind of existence this person is, and why he just speaks is so terrifying.

Several people were shocked and even denied it.

"Weeping Blood Cult? How could we be members of the Weeping Blood Cult?"

"Yes, aren't all the people of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult trapped in the river of blood?"

The Returning Tomb Demon Lord glanced at a few people and said coldly: "Then who are you?"

Everyone just looked at him slightly, looking at the pair of dark pupils, but each of them felt as if they were staring into the abyss.

They hurriedly lowered their heads and said, "We are casual cultivators."

"Although we are casual cultivators, we are casual cultivators."

If they don't lower their heads, it feels like the whole Holy Son will be shocked if they just look at each other.

"Rogue cultivator? Where are the rogue cultivators?" A strong demonic energy suddenly surged out of the body of the Demon Lord Returning Tomb, instantly entangling the cultivators on the opposite side.

Immediately, his cold voice sounded again.

"Tell me, who are you?"

Several monks wanted to open their mouths, but found that their bodies became uncontrollable at this moment and they could not open their mouths at all.

Among the five, the only one opened his mouth and said: "We are disciples from the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect."

Several other people around him were very anxious when they heard the sound. How could he tell the truth?

If he tells the truth, isn't that asking for death?


No, why are his eyes so dull? He has fallen into the opponent's illusion!

The Returning Tomb Demon Lord is an existence in the Golden Fairy Realm. It is easy to control all the monks on the opposite side, let alone one person on the other side.

"As expected, he is a member of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult. Let me ask you, why are you going out this time?"

"We are going to release those underground rivers of blood..."

Upon hearing this, the Demon Lord of Returning Tombs didn't even wait for the other party to finish speaking. He suddenly stretched out his palm and grasped the void.

In an instant, the bodies of the five Blood-Weeping Demon Cult monks across from them suddenly exploded, and bright red blood splashed around.

"As human beings, they betrayed their own race. They are not worthy of being human!"

The Demon Lord of Returning Tombs gave a cold shout, and turned to one side, a monk whose body was also pitch black and filled with a cold air, said: "Demon Lord Three Demons, you lead people to explore far away, and you must kill all the rebellious members of the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect. Kill them all, and the rest will go to the Weeping Blood Demon Sect!"

Although everyone flew from the same place, they were not on the same road. In addition to the Returning Tomb Demon Lord, Sancai Sword Lord and others also encountered monks flying out from the Weeping Blood Demon Sect.

Cao Zhen did not follow any of the Golden Immortals, but led Ling Xi, Xiang Ziyu and others in another direction.

Lingxi and the others were originally from the Baifeng Sect, but they could imagine that the other party might attack Dongzhou at any time. They all came to the border of Dongzhou. Not only the Baifeng Sect, but also various major sects during this period also sent experts to Dongzhou. borders of the continent.

Not long after, a figure appeared in Cao Zhen's sight.

The Love Blood Demon should now be called the Love Blood Demon Lord.

Not long after the Love Blood Demon Lord flew out of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, suddenly bursts of sound broke through the air. The sound was so loud that it even hurt her ears.

Who can make such a loud noise while flying?

The Love-Blood Demon was startled and quickly hid behind a big tree, calmed down and looked in the direction of the sound.

Cao Zhen?

The expression of the Qingxue Demon Lord suddenly changed. The Weeping Blood Cult Leader had just asked them to leave the Weeping Blood Cult. Why did Cao Zhen show up and bring so many people with him!

"Come out!"

Cao Zhen suddenly raised his hand and waved, and the next moment, a self-reproaching thunder suddenly fell in the void and struck in the direction of the Love-blood Demon Lord.

not good!

Feeling the terrifying thunder falling from the void, the Love-blood Demon Lord quickly dodged to the side.

She had just avoided it when a thick purple thunder fell from the void, like a violent dragon, its body winding and circling, easily splitting the mist in the sky.

The power of this thunder was so powerful that the entire sky was darkened, as if all the light had been swallowed up.

The next moment, thunder crashed onto the ground, its power so powerful that it shook the entire void violently. Countless electric lights exploded in the sky, as gorgeous and spectacular as fireworks.

At the same time, the entire earth was trembling, countless earth and rocks flew up from the ground, and the world was filled with the smell of dust and gravel.

Just now, the ground where she was standing seemed to be torn apart, leaving a bottomless crack that seemed to go straight to the depths of the earth.

The thunder did not hit her, but the terrifying aftermath hit her, causing the energy and blood in her body to shake slightly.

The Love Blood Demon looked at the figures on the opposite side, a complicated look flashed across his face. Once upon a time, she was the strongest person in the entire Eastern Wasteland, besides the Grand Master Zhenxian.

Until later, among the people who woke up, only Cao Zhen was stronger than him.

In fact, she was once not weaker than Cao Zhen.

But slowly, she was pushed away by Cao Zhen, and was even surpassed by each of Cao Zhen's disciples, as well as the reincarnated powers of Donghuang.

Especially during the years when she was trapped in the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect, the original monks in the Eastern Wasteland had grown too fast. In the Hundred Peaks Sect, there were more than 20 monks who far surpassed her.

Although she did not leave the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, she also knew that someone had been passing on outside news to the Weeping Blood Demon Sect. She also knew that Cao Zhen now owned seven immortal palaces, which was far beyond what he could compare to.

And based on her enmity with Baifeng, if her people find out about it, there is only one outcome, and that is death.


Auras surged rapidly in the body of the Love-blood Demon Lord. Even if she died, she would die in her own hands, not in the hands of people like Bai Feng Sect.

But she had just activated her breath when a sword light suddenly flashed before her eyes, and the purple light shone like a shooting star across the night sky.

Cao Zhen noticed the change in the aura of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, and thrust out his sword. The sword's light was like lightning, and it pierced the air in an instant and went straight to the neck of the Love Blood Demon Lord.

The sword light is like a shuttle.

The Love-Blood Demon Lord felt a flash of purple light in front of his eyes, and bright red blood spurted out from the broken neck, bright and dazzling.


Is the gap between them already so great? She didn't even have time to self-destruct before she was chopped off with a sword!

With blood and brains splattering everywhere, her head fell to the ground and rolled away.

The Love-blood Demon Lord is dead!

Cao Zhen raised his hand and put the opponent's head directly into the Qiankun Ring. At the beginning, their Baifeng Sect lost countless disciples because of the Love-Blood Demon King.

He wanted to take this head back because of the disciples of the Love Blood Demon who died because of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult.

As for him connecting to the Love-Blood Demon Lord?

So what if it’s connected?

The Love-Blooded Demon Lord was not the first monk he connected to die in his hands.

"Let's go, first surround the Weeping Blood Demon Cult!"

Cao Zhen did not stay too long and quickly flew towards the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect with everyone.

In a short time, they had surrounded the Weeping Blood Demon Sect. After leaving some of the masters behind, they even sent some experts to search for the escaped disciples of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect.

Although they arrived quickly enough, some disciples of the Crying Blood Demon Sect have already escaped. They must kill these disciples as quickly as possible to prevent the other party from unblocking the blood river and letting more people from the boundless blood hell The monsters in them entered their Dongzhou.

On top of the mountain gate of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, the leader of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult looked at the figures that suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes full of despair and incomprehensibility.

"How could this happen? Why? We just left the Boundless Blood Prison, and they came. They must know something.

Could it be that there are still traitors in our Blood-Weeping Demon Cult? Otherwise, how could they move so fast!

Those are the Three Talents Sword Lord, the Returning Tomb Demon Lord, and the Multi-Pagoda Immortal Lord, three masters of the Golden Immortal Realm, and there are so many True Immortal Realms. Are they trying to destroy our Weeping Blood Demon Sect?

No, there are experts from the Blood Prison and the Boundless Blood Prison. They will definitely be able to help us. "

General Sancai looked at the blood rolling in front of him, and his eyes fell on the Weeping Blood Cult opposite him. A rare cold look appeared in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "Weeping Blood Cult, you are also a human race, but you actually colluded with each other. The monster in the boundless blood prison colludes with the heavenly clan! You are still not a human being!"

"You're still questioning me!" Hearing this, the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult suddenly showed a look of madness on his face, and shouted loudly, "Do you regard us as a part of the human race? After we were surrounded by this river of blood, did you Take care of us, have you sent any experts to calm down this river of blood?

You have done nothing!

Since you don't regard us as part of the human race, why should we identify with you! "

So what if the opponent is a master in the Golden Fairy Realm?

The posture of Sancai Sword Lord and the others clearly meant to kill them.

If that's the case, then why is he so polite?

Behind Cao Zhen, Bei Yan heard the shameless words of the Qixue Cult Leader and couldn't help but curse loudly: "I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen anyone as shameless as you.

Didn’t you, the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, create the river of blood yourself? The river of blood you created yourself is left to be cleaned up by others. What's the point?

Master, why should you reason with such a shameless person? Just take action! "

Bei Yan had finished speaking, and the monks all around him also spoke one after another.

"Yeah, what else can you say to these people!"

"Since they don't think they are human beings anymore, what are they left to do?"

"Sancai Sword Master, don't waste any time. The Heavenly Clan may come and kill you at any time. Let's deal with the Blood-Weeping Demon Cult first!"

The Sancai Sword Master listened to the sounds coming from all around, nodded slightly and said: "Do it!"

After the words fell, he was the first to rush out.

The next moment, endless blood suddenly rolled up in the blood river.

The bloody river seemed like a furious beast, constantly making violent impacts towards the shore.

Wave after wave of huge bloody waves, rolling, roaring, and violent, seeming to swallow up the entire world.

The blood and water rolled, each one reaching a height of tens of feet or even a hundred feet.

As the blood rolled, it made a deafening roar, as if countless brother beasts from hell were roaring at the same time.

Suddenly, in the bloody water, a blood-colored monster about one foot tall, with two hands like eagle claws in front of it, and four tentacles around the hands, suddenly flew out.

Its body is not considered powerful among the blood-colored monsters, but when it appears, it gives people the impression that a towering giant mountain condensed with blood appears in front of them.

The rich bloody aura completely enveloped this world in an instant!

It waved its eagle-claw-like hands, and in an instant, its aura surged again, giving people the impression that it was the overlord in the sea of ​​blood and the master of this world.

At the same time, the endless societies gathered together and turned into two huge bloody claws, grabbing at the Sancai Sword Master!

The Sancai Sword Lord has black robes and black hair, and a cold light shines on the sharp sword in his hand.

For a moment, the world trembled, and the cold light on the sword flickered even more, as if telling a story between it and the sword owner.

An unparalleled sword intent erupted from his body. He had not yet taken action, but just the breath coming out gave people the illusion that it could tear apart everything that stood in front of him.

The next moment, he suddenly stabbed out with his sword!

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale.

At this moment, it seemed as if the whole world was shaken.

The long sword turned into a stream of light and shot out, stirring up the world. Wherever the sword energy passed, the void suddenly split open. The sword energy was like a rainbow, majestic, like a rainbow passing through the sky.

Under the shroud of this sword energy, everything around him was stirred to the point of losing its color. It seemed that everything in the world would be turned into powder under this sword.

Everything is pale, but the sword energy shines brightly!

This sword seemed to be at the end of the sword path, and the sword fell, as if heaven, earth, and man were one.

At this moment, everyone felt that the whole world had lost its voice, and only the sound of the sharp sword was heard.

In an instant, all the endless blood dissipated, and the giant claw disappeared without a trace.

The terrifying sword light swept away like a storm.

Suddenly, the giant beast in the blood river opened its mouth and roared so loudly that the heaven and earth shook.

In an instant, endless blood swept across, as if all the blood in the blood river here had been drained and gathered together. The thick bloody smell made people feel like they had fallen into a boundless blood prison.

The scarlet blood condensed into a vortex, and frightening surging power surged in the vortex. The rapidly rotating bloody vortex seemed to swallow everything in the world.

That peerless sword landed on the whirlpool, and in an instant, the whirlpool with the power of the blood river that surrounded the entire Weeping Blood Demon Sect began to stir crazily under the impact of the sword energy.

Two destructive forces collide.

The power of blood surged, and the sword energy rushed forward.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be torn apart.

Slowly, the sword light and the power of the vortex canceled each other out and dissipated.

However, the blood that originally only existed in the blood river flew out of the blood river under the collision and spread all over the earth, dyeing the ground of this world into blood red. The blood was so bright that it seemed to have Tens of thousands, even hundreds of millions of lives died on this land.

This bloody monster actually blocked this sword, blocked the sword of a strong man from the Golden Fairy Realm!

Golden wonderland!

Only the blood-colored monsters in the Golden Fairy Realm can possibly block the sword of Sancai Sword Master!

On the mountain gate of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, the leader of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult was delighted when he saw the blood-colored monsters blocking the attack of the Sancai Sword Lord. As long as these blood-colored monsters took action, their Weeping Blood Demon Cult might not be defeated by the opponent.

But soon, a look of worry appeared on his face. There were three human masters from the Golden Fairy Realm in front of him, and right now, they only had one Golden Fairy Realm monster here.

Unless there are two bloody monsters appearing in the blood river.

Suddenly, in the blood river that originally seemed to be dry, bright red blood gushes out from the depths of the ground, filling the blood river in an instant, and the blood does not even show signs of stopping. The torrent of the embankment rose into the sky and rushed toward the shore.

In the blood, there were terrifying roars that made people feel scalp numb.

The next moment, countless bright red monsters rushed out.

They are huge, ferocious-looking, with red blood flowing all over their bodies. They also look strange. Some are like beetles, but have a pair of teeth like giant pincers that can crush mountains. Some are like poisonous snakes, but they are... Four more were born, like demonic cows, with four strong hooves.

Every bloody monster exudes a strong bloody aura.

They roared and rushed towards the monks in the void. During the flight, a spell of blood flowed down.

"These bloody monsters have completely devoted themselves to the Heavenly Clan and are going to fight us to the death!"

The Demon Lord Returning to Tomb snorted coldly, and an aura of death surged out from his body. For a moment, the whole world was shrouded in strange darkness.

The next moment, he suddenly waved his hands forward, and the endless darkness gathered and turned into a huge tomb!

In front of the tomb, there is this huge tombstone. On the tombstone, there are lines of words carved on it. I don’t know how many epochs this tombstone has gone through, but these words make it impossible to see what is written, but every time Every word is filled with an eerie, strange aura and a chilling aura of death.

In an instant, everyone present felt as if they were in a huge cemetery, as if they had fallen into the depths of the Nine Nether Hell!

When this tomb appeared, all the atmosphere in the world seemed to turn into death energy, and boundless evil energy gathered from all directions.

The next moment, his whole body suddenly flew out and landed on the tomb, seeming to have been integrated into the aura of death.

As the tombs fell, the entire world was enveloped in a gloomy and dark atmosphere, as if a death celebration was taking place.

The faces of the bloody monsters were even more frightened. They felt the terrifying power emanating from this tomb, and even instinctively wanted to escape, but found that they could not move at all, as if they were being swept away by an invisible force. bound by the power of.

Seeing that these bloody monsters were about to be bombarded into powder by the huge tomb, suddenly, endless blood rose into the sky, and a huge monster flew out of the blood river.

It was huge in stature, with a body taller than the mountain peak. Its whole body was covered with blood-colored scales, its eyes were flashing with violent light, and red light surged around it, as if its blood was boiling.

The moment the tomb fell, its eyes widened, and the blood around it seemed to spurt out.

Its huge body was blocked under the tomb, and as it waved out its hands, it was like two pillars of heaven, raised towards the sky.

In an instant, the most primitive, violent, and ferocious aura burst out from it.

In the middle of its hands, a huge rune was condensed. The rune flashed with bright red light, like a bloody thunder, suddenly bombarding the tomb.

In an instant, the entire time was swallowed up by bloody light.

And at the next moment, its hands were bombarded heavily. At this moment, its hands seemed to have turned into ancient giant trees, and the power of endless years was deposited in these palms.

With both palms slapping down heavily, the tomb in the void suddenly began to shake crazily.

Golden wonderland!

On the mountain gate of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult looked overjoyed. A second blood-colored monster from the Golden Fairy Realm appeared, so will there be a third and fourth blood-colored monster from the Golden Fairy Realm!

"The second golden fairyland, I want to see how many golden fairylands these bloody monsters can have!"

Immortal Lord Duota snorted coldly, and just when he was about to take action, the whole world suddenly shook crazily.

From the border between East Continent and Central Continent, streaks of extremely bright light shot out, and for a moment, the entire East Continent was shaken at this moment.

All around, the expressions of all the human monks changed greatly.

"That's the border!"

"It's the Celestial Clan. The Celestial Clan has begun to attack our Dongzhou!"

"We are still a step too late!"

"What now!"

While everyone was panicking, the voice of Sancai Sword Master rang out.

"Fellow Taoist Duota, please lead people to the border quickly, we don't need so many experts here!"

What they wanted at the beginning was to kill the masters of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect as quickly as possible, and first resolve the internal dangers before going all out to fight the Celestial Clan, so the force coming here was extremely powerful.

But now, there is danger on the border, and they have to rush to the border to help!

Now, they are fighting in two places at the same time!

Cao Zhen even shouted: "All disciples of Baifeng Sect, fight into the blood river!"

The border needs to be rescued, and these bloody monsters need to be dealt with. Since the monsters in the boundless blood prison have joined forces with the Celestial Clan, they must be able to seal the blood river!

Those monsters allowed the disciples of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult to open more blood rivers. Obviously, the power of the current blood rivers is limited and cannot allow more monsters to enter the human world.

Under such circumstances, they cannot ignore these blood-colored monsters. If they are not suppressed, these monsters will really open up more blood rivers, and then the human race will only become more passive.

Since there are people to stay here, the Baifeng Sect and the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect are sworn enemies, so they naturally want to stay.

As he and the Sancai Sword Master finished speaking, a monk from the human race suddenly turned around and flew towards the border.

At the mountain gate of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult was overjoyed. The Celestial Clan took action. Sure enough, he made the right bet.

As long as you persist and wait until the Celestial Clan breaks through the defenses of these human races, all of these people will die, even those in the Golden Fairy Realm will die.

When the Celestial Clan wins, he will be the hero of the Crying Blood Demon Sect.

Maybe, I can really assist the Celestial Clan and manage the Human Clan!

In the blood river, the Sancai Sword Lord and the bloody monster on the opposite side were fighting together again. The bloody monster was covered with the power of blood and water.

Its four tentacles waved each other, as if four forces that destroyed the world and destroyed the world were attacking at the same time. The momentum was extremely majestic, as if it had drawn endless energy from the depths of the earth.

They waved faster and faster, and the afterimages they left behind seemed to burn the air, making bursts of terrifying sounds.

The first tentacle, its blood-covered surface shone with a cruel red light, as if it could easily tear the air, and came straight towards it with the smell of blood, which was frightening.

The surface of the second tentacle was covered with traces of corrosion, and it looked like it had crawled out of the land of death. The dark aura it brought seemed to be able to swallow up the light of the entire world.

The third tentacle was emitting a dazzling light, like a huge sword shining with golden light, carrying endless killing energy.

The fourth tentacle, with a dark red surface, exudes the aura of destruction, as if it is a messenger from the end of the world, and can turn everything into nothingness in one wave.

These four forces are intertwined, making people seem to be trapped in a place of no return for an instant.

The four tentacles waved faster and faster, and the power of blood and water continued to gather and condense into a huge whirlpool. The power of each tentacle was enough to destroy the entire world, making people shudder.

The Sancai Sword Lord's sword energy collided with these four tentacles, causing deafening roars. The waves of blood were like mountains, making the river of blood begin to roll.

Even some monks from the Immortal Realm who had not participated in the battle were so shocked by the sound that their ears hurt, and the energy and blood in their bodies seemed to be boiling.

On the other side, another Golden Fairy Realm monster roared, and the blood and water power in its body burst out, forming a blood-red light, converging into a huge blood ball, and smashed towards the Returning Tomb Demon Lord.

In front of the Tomb Demon Lord, the shadows of tombstones suddenly condensed, like sharp flying knives, stabbing towards the bloody ball of light.

On the other side, the sword light in Sancai Sword Lord's hand flashed, and the sword energy was everywhere. Every time the sword collided with the monster's tentacles, it made an earth-shattering roar.

The sword energy flowed out like a waterfall, and the world was filled with majestic aura. A sword energy swept across, as if it could destroy the world. The amazing power made the Golden Fairy Realm monster in front of him have to retreat slightly.

At the same time, everyone in Cao Zhen also fought with the bloody monster in front of them.

Yan Yourong was the most jealous and almost the most impulsive among the disciples at Sibao Peak.

She was the first to rush into the blood river, the blade of the Wrathful Dragon Sword in her hand was flowing with bright brilliance,

The mighty magic power flowed like a torrent of river water, pouring into her body, and then poured into the Sorrowful Dragon Sword.

For a moment, the blade was bright and cold, and the blade was filled with a sharp aura. The sword energy is condensed and the light is blazing, like a sea of ​​stars pouring down, dazzling and dazzling

The long knife slashed across, revealing a clear black mark in the void. This knife split the void.

On the sharp blade, five colors of light shine, and the power of the five elements is wrapped in the long knife.

Falling together gives people the illusion that this sword can wipe out some monsters in the world.

The friction between the long knife and the air caused bursts of sonic boom sounds. This knife contained the knife intention of her life, and contained her endless hatred for these bloody monsters and the Blood-Weeping Demon Cult.

Sadness and anger filled the space.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and the ground shook.

But his multi-faceted blood-colored monster seemed to have no idea what to fear, and seemed to have the same personality as hers. The blood condensed into red sword light and pierced straight towards her.

The two collided, and the two unparalleled forces collided together. The force was so strong that the surrounding mountains began to shake.

The next moment, the long knife broke through the blood sword, and suddenly struck the bloody monster. It was like a huge wave crashing down, and the bloody monster suddenly turned into a pool of blood.

Beside her, Duoduo was almost inseparable from her after sealing the knife and sword together with her.

Behind Duoduo, six strange fairy palaces gathered together, waving the long sword in their hands, and in an instant, a sharp sword energy shot out, like a white lightning, directly piercing the huge body of a blood-colored monster in front of her.

For a moment, blood splattered everywhere.

But the next moment, its body exploded with a bang, and countless fresh things turned into mist that filled the surrounding space.

Duoduo frowned slightly, the long sword glowed brightly, and he stabbed out with another sword. The sword light flew and occupied the entire void, making bursts of piercing screams, like a silver lightning, instantly piercing the blood mist, towards the bloody The monster stabbed away.

The long sword fell, the void shattered, and a powerful sword energy erupted like a tide. The sword light continued like a storm,

And in the blood mist, a huge bloody palm print flew down at the same time. The huge palm covered the sky and the sun, like a towering mountain pressing down, oppressing the entire battlefield.

This palm was like a huge weight, swung down with unparalleled force, and the air around him seemed to be frozen in an instant.

However, this palm is just a palm, but Duo Duo's sword technique is different from Yan Yourong's Tao technique, and he is not pursuing that sword.

Duoduo's sword fell and was blocked by this palm, but the next moment, sharp swords were thrust out like lightning, each time the sword shook the air and made a harsh scream.

One sword after another in succession, instantly shattering the giant bloody palm into pieces.

Duoduo followed the trend, pointed the long sword in her hand, and a sharp sword energy swept across, cutting the bloody monster's body into two halves.

Suddenly, on the side, a bloody monster with a huge body like a giant bear but a mouth like a crocodile suddenly rushed out and bit Duoduo.

There is not just one bloody monster here, and of course, there is not just a group of monks here either.

The Immortal Palace had already appeared behind Yi Sheng. As the Immortal Qi circulated, she put her hands together, and a blazing flame gathered in her palms. Like a giant ball of flames, it shot out from her hands and went straight towards the bloody monster.

In an instant, under this suffocating heat, the surrounding temperature instantly increased.

This huge fireball showed dazzling red and orange colors, like the scorching sun falling in the void. Under the crazy burning, the surrounding air began to twist and deform, forming a vague heat wave.

The fireball flew forward, leaving a bright trail of firelight. Everything he passed was burned to ashes, and the blood and water around him evaporated instantly.

The blood-colored monster noticed the terrifying energy contained in the fireball, and let out an angry roar. Its body was like a ball of hot blood, turning into a blood mist that quickly dissipated, and then gathered and formed from a distance.

However, the flame chased him all the way, and the flames even grew stronger and stronger, turning into a sea of ​​​​fire in the blink of an eye.

On the opposite side, the blood-colored monster flew back, and the blood on its body condensed into a sharp blade, which suddenly flew out, making a harsh knife sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in mid-air, causing the surrounding void to vibrate crazily.

Suddenly, Yi Sheng opened his mouth suddenly, and a ball of flame shot out.

Samadhi is really hot!

Suddenly, a heat wave more terrifying than a volcanic eruption swept through, and the entire space became distorted.

Opposite, the blood-colored monster's eyes showed an obvious look of fear. There were also flames in their boundless blood prison, but he, who was in the True Fairyland, had never seen such terrifying flames. This kind of power was even more powerful. It makes it feel as if it can burn the whole world.

It wanted to dodge, but the speed of the flames flying down was too fast, and it bombarded it in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, it let out a sharp roar and tried to resist the blow with blood attacks, but under the bombardment of the Samadhi True Fire, its blood instantly burned into black smoke and turned into nothingness.

Then, the scorching flames enveloped its entire body, and in just a moment, its body turned into a rain of blood, and then was turned into nothingness by the high-temperature dharma of the Samadhi True Fire!

Beside Yisheng, Linghu Gudu, who had already parted ways with Yuhua Sword Master and returned to Baifeng Sect, followed him this time, did not take out his shield again, but condensed the immortal energy in his body into ice.

A wisp of ice air spurted out from his fingertips, like a cold wind in winter. It was biting and biting. It instantly froze the surrounding air. The cold air filled the air, like a giant blade condensed from thousands of ice needles, slashing at the opponent on the opposite side. Bloody monster.

The long sword formed by the condensed ice energy cut through the void and brought up bursts of icy wind.

The monster in the distance that exuded a bloody aura let out a low roar, and the blood in its body began to rotate continuously, producing a violent aura. It waved its hands and released an invisible force, shooting towards Linghu Lonely like a bloody whirlwind.

For a time, the air of ice and the magic of blood intertwined with each other, and the air was filled with rich blood and ice-cold air.

The next moment, the two harmful forces collided fiercely, making a deafening noise, and the bright red blood was all frozen in an instant.

And the frozen area spread rapidly, freezing the monsters behind it, and then the monsters exploded.

At the same time, Ruoyun, Lingxi and other disciples from Sibaofeng also took action to kill all the bloody monsters in front of them.

Especially Xiang Ziyu, who was surrounded by yin and yang energy. In just a short moment, he had killed three blood-colored monsters that were equivalent to the human race's true fairyland.

And under Cao Zhen, three bloody monsters had fallen!

On the mountain gate of the Weeping Blood Demon Cult, the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult looked at the people from the Baifeng Sect who were killing everyone in all directions, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. He had heard that the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks were very strong, and they were all from the human race. The geniuses among them can be said to be invincible existences in the realm of fellow practitioners.

But he didn't expect that the disciples of Four Treasure Peak were so powerful.

Of course, the most terrifying ones are Cao Zhen and Xiang Ziyu. One of them is a Seven Immortal Palace and the other is an Eight Immortal Palace, but he has the illusion that he cannot win against either of them. .

He is an existence at the pinnacle of the true fairyland!

However, no matter how strong they are, they will all die when the Heavenly Clan arrives!

As long as he holds on and waits until the Celestial Clan arrives, he can win.

As the leader of the Weeping Blood Cult was thinking, he sent a message to the Weeping Blood Demon Sect, asking all the disciples in the sect to come and join him in starting the mountain-protecting formation of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect!

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