The Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation is different from those mountain-protecting formations.

The mountain-protecting formation is powerful in keeping the enemy out, while the Jiuqu Yellow River formation is powerful in allowing the enemy to enter the formation.

After the monks from the Heavenly Clan, Hell Clan and Evil Clan entered the formation, the scenes they saw were even different.

Some feel like they have fallen into boundless hell, some feel like they are in a desert, and some even feel like they are on a battlefield outside the sky.

Many of the monks felt that their bodies were getting heavier and heavier, and even breathing became difficult.

There is also a feeling that oneself seems to be bound by something, but no matter how hard one struggles, he cannot escape.

Some monks even felt that they were surrounded by a group of bloodthirsty demons with distorted faces and eyes full of madness and violence.

At the same time, in the Nine-bending Yellow River Formation, thousands of human monks were hiding and appearing like phantoms.

The foreign monks who entered the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation could not clearly see where the enemies were, and they did not even know that they were their companions. However, the humans guarding the formation could clearly see these aliens.

After they appeared, they immediately launched an attack on these alien races.

Moreover, they would not linger at all. After attacking, they quickly hid deep into the formation.

For a time, the aliens who had just entered the formation could only be beaten passively. They wanted to fight back, but those human beings had already disappeared. Even after they counterattacked, their attacks would fall directly on their companions, turning them into It became cannibalism.

Even if they want to withdraw, they can't find a place to push it out.

In the formation, water, fire, thunder, earth, wind, light, and sound attacks gathered together, frantically attacking the aliens who entered the formation.

"Damn it, you can only passively defend yourself when entering this formation!"

"How to fight when you can't even see the enemy!"

Each alien race is even more troubled. In this case, the best thing to do is to break the formation.

All formations in the world, whether they are simple formations or top-notch formations, there are only two ways to break the formation. One is to rely on a deeper understanding of the formation and rely on your own formation level to find out. Weaknesses in the formation will then be cracked one by one.

Of course, this method is slower.

Even a top formation master will need a long time to understand an unfamiliar formation and then find a way to break it!

Moreover, the fierce battle will not give you time to slowly study the formation.

Unless someone protects you and allows you to concentrate on breaking the formation.

Generally speaking, everyone uses the second method to break the formation, which is to directly break the formation violently!

But in the current situation, if they break the formation violently, their attacks are likely to fall on their companions. They have also tried to directly attack the top, which should not be able to hit their companions.

However, this formation obviously reversed the direction of yin and yang. The top they saw was not necessarily the real top. Even if they attacked above their heads, they might still attack their companions.

For a time, apart from passive defense, they had no effective way to deal with each other.

In the formation, a Celestial Clan wearing a dark green robe, who looked very old, and even slightly stooped, felt the changes around him, and at that moment, he appeared and released a spell attack at him, and then The human monk who then disappeared gradually frowned.

He is a being in the Golden Immortal Realm. It is useless for these True Immortal Realms to sneak attack on him. He does not even need to release spells and magic weapons. He just relies on the unique body-protecting divine light of the Golden Immortal Realm to block the attacks of these human monks.

But the problem is, if he can block it, how can other Celestial Clan True Immortals block it?

Moreover, this formation...

At a glance, let alone finding the weakness of this formation, he didn't even know what kind of formation it was. He had entered the Golden Fairyland with the formation.

Otherwise, he would not rush into the formation immediately to break it.

But he had never even seen this formation before him, this style of formation.

Before, those people from the Eternal Society took refuge with them, not only to collect information on the defense situation of the human race, but also where the geniuses of the human race were.

They will also collect some human spells and techniques for forming formations, refining weapons, and refining talismans.

And among the formation techniques that Yongshi will provide to their Celestial Clan, the human race definitely does not have the techniques for the large formation in front of them.

He has been studying formations for his whole generation, and he has also entered and studied all the great formations of their Celestial Clan, but he has never discovered such a mysterious formation.

He even felt that this formation was more exquisite than their Celestial Clan's Clan-Protecting Formation.

This formation was definitely arranged by a certain golden fairyland of the human race.

There are currently two strongest Golden Immortals in the human race, one is the Phantom Lord, and the other is the Zong Formation Immortal Lord who has recently become a Golden Immortal.

He had encountered Demon Lord Huan Kong before in those special areas outside the Tianwai battlefield. Although the opponent's formation methods were brilliant, they were definitely not as sophisticated as the formation in front of him. Moreover, he could feel that Huan Kong The aura of the Demon Lord is completely different from the aura of this formation.

What's more, Demon Lord Huan Kong doesn't have the ability to set up such a mysterious formation! As for the human race, it is impossible for the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation who has just become the Golden Immortal Realm!

This formation was so mysterious that he couldn't understand it for a moment. He never believed that there was a golden fairyland among the human race who could arrange such a formation.

If it’s not the Golden Fairyland, could it be the Daluo Golden Fairy?

A name suddenly came to his mind, Cao Zhen!

The human race's Cao Zhen is the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian.

If there is someone who can lay out such a formation, then it is most likely Cao Zhen.

It's just that Cao Zhen's cultivation has not reached the Golden Immortal Realm. Cao Zhen should not be able to set up such a formation unless he gets help from others. But if others help, wouldn't they be able to understand the key to this formation.

Could it be that Cao Zhen was crazy and contributed such a formation?

Or perhaps, this is what the human race’s Immortal-Suppressing Grand Master did!

Even he didn't know what the level of cultivation of the Grand Master of the Human Race's Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty was, and what his origins were. Even their emperor couldn't tell clearly.

But there is one thing. The human race's Immortal-Suppressing Grand Master can never be as simple as a true fairyland.

Therefore, this formation may also be the work of the human race’s Immortal-Suppressing Grand Master!

Anyway, this formation couldn't be broken through at all, so he could only quickly take out the family list and contact the few Golden Fairy Realms outside the formation who had not yet entered the formation.

"This formation is very weird. It can't be broken from the inside for a while, and I can't attack from inside. With your cooperation, I can only forcefully break the formation from the outside!"

They are eight golden immortals. Four golden immortals have entered the formation, and four more golden immortals are still outside the formation.

Among the four golden immortals, there are two golden immortals from the heavenly clan, one golden immortal each from the hell clan and the evil clan.

Suddenly, one of the golden immortals took out the clan form, looked at the words on the clan form, a strange color appeared on his face, and whispered: "Tongzhen Immortal Lord, cannot break the formation! We can only wait outside, The formation was forcibly broken by external force."

He had finished speaking. On the side, the female cultivator from the Golden Immortal Realm of the Prison Clan and the Golden Immortal Realm from another evil tribe could not help but show a look of surprise on their faces.

The evil clan Jin Xianjing even asked: "Fayou Immortal Lord, did Tongzhen Immortal Lord tell us how we attack the formation, where he forcibly attacked inside, and we cooperated outside to break the formation together?"

"No." Immortal Lord Fayou said in a deep voice, "Immortal Lord Tongzhen only said that he could not attack the formation inside, but did not say anything else."

As soon as the voice fell, the other three masters of the Golden Immortal Realm were stunned for a moment. The Tongzhen Immortal Lord, his word "Tong" means that he knows all the formations in the world.

Even if they are not monks from the Celestial Clan, they have to admit that Immortal Lord Tongzhen is the most proficient monk in the entire world.

They also know that after entering a large formation, it will be difficult to break through the formation in a short period of time. Especially, this formation is specially used by the human race to resist their heavenly race!

But even if you can't break through the opponent's formation, with the formation skills of Immortal Lord Tongzhen, you should be able to see the weakness of this formation. Even if you can't find the drag point, you should be able to judge where to attack forcefully. It would be easier to break through the formation.

As a result, Immortal Lord Tongzhen actually said that he could not attack!

This formation looked pretty powerful from the outside, but it didn't give them that terrifying feeling.

It turned out that Immortal Lord Tongzhen didn't even know how to attack in the formation.

Suddenly, another master of the Golden Fairy Realm from the Heavenly Clan said: "Our three tribes join forces, no matter how powerful this formation is, it is impossible to defeat us.

Since you don’t know how to break it, then break it forcefully! If we attack one place together, we will definitely be able to break through the formation. Brother Fayou, where do we attack from? "

"Even Immortal Lord Tongzhen can't tell where to attack, let alone us. In that case, just attack anywhere at will."

Fayou Immortal Lord pointed in front of him and said at the same time: "All monks should stop for now. After we attack, launch an attack at the place where we attack."

As his voice came out, the Golden Immortal Realm monks who were attacking the formation stopped their attacks one after another.

As for these four Golden Fairy Realm beings, human flowers appeared above their heads.

For a moment, waves of mighty aura surged towards the surroundings as if they were boundless, shaking the entire space as if it was about to collapse.

The next moment, these four Golden Immortals took action at the same time.

At this moment, they were like gods descending, releasing powerful power wantonly.

Among them, Fayou Immortal Lord was dressed in golden robes and held a huge golden sword in his hand. As he waved, the sword energy soared into the sky and turned into thousands of golden lights, instantly covering the entire Xiukong.

This sword was so powerful that it felt like it could split the entire East Continent in half.

On the side, a female cultivator from the Hell Clan, with an elegant figure like an immortal, holds a long blue sword in her hand. The sword energy is as cold as ice. Wherever she goes, everything is solidified under the light of her sword, even for a moment. , time seems to have stood still.

Another monk from the Celestial Clan was dressed in purple robes. His long hair was fluttering and his eyes were focused. As he waved his hands, a ball of flame suddenly appeared, and the temperature of the entire world skyrocketed.

The power contained in this flame is so strong that it makes people feel as if the huge sun is falling from the sky!

Another evil clan, Golden Fairyland, waved a dark wooden stick. For a moment, waves of demonic energy surged out like a tide, shattering the surrounding mountains into powder, making people feel as if the entire world They were all trembling.

The attacks of the four of them fell at the same time, and for a moment, it seemed like the end was coming!

A frightening momentum enveloped the earth.

Four rays of heaven-destroying and earth-destroying power bombarded the formation, and for a moment, the Nine-Meandering Yellow River formation began to shake crazily.

Following that, the other monks from the three tribes also took action, and spells flew out one after another, impacting down like a sea of ​​spells.

However, the next moment, their eyes suddenly widened. They were clearly attacking the same place, but after their spells fell, they suddenly scattered and landed in every place in the entire formation.

"What kind of formation is this!"

"Attack the same place, but our attacks will still be separated."

"This...doesn't this mean that wherever we attack, it will be the same!"

"As a result, it will be troublesome to break this formation."

The four Golden Immortal Realms all frowned. They knew that now, the vampires of the Boundless Blood Prison were fighting against the human race, but there were still too few blood rivers left in the Boundless Blood Prison to fight. The masters they could enter the East Continent were also limited. Might hold up too long.

At that time, if the vampires in the boundless blood prison fail and the human masters arrive, they will suffer considerable losses even if they break through the opponent's formation.

What's more, they didn't seem to be attacked much from the outside, but the problem was that they still had many monks entering the formation.

But now, they have no other choice but to attack the formation forcefully!

Now, they also somewhat understand why their emperor must destroy the human race. As far as the human race is concerned, even their heavenly clan does not have such a magical formation!

The monks outside the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation are still safe for the time being, but the monks from the three races within the war are under attack from the formation, as well as from the attack of a personal race monk within the formation. Down, down and down.

In the great formation, Immortal Lord Zongzhen looked at the Immortal Lord Tongzhen who was constantly searching for the rules of the formation. He suddenly sent a message to Immortal Lord Huankong and the two Golden Immortals: "You two will preside over the formation. I will Go and kill them first in the Golden Wonderland!"

After the words fell, his figure appeared in front of the Celestial Clan's Immortal Lord Tongzhen. Looking at this, he followed.

He didn't even use the Jiuqu Yellow River Battle, and just appeared in front of the opponent openly and openly.

The Immortal Lord of the same formation narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the figure appearing in front of him, and powerful demonic energy surged out of his body, gathering around him, and said in a concentrated voice: "The Immortal Lord of the Human Race's Immortal Formation!"

"That's right. I have heard of you, the Immortal Lord of the Celestial Clan. It is said that you are the Golden Immortal Realm with the strongest formation method among all clans. Today I want to take a look at the formations of your Celestial Clan. , exactly how strong it is.”

Immortal Lord Zongzhen, after he finished speaking, a formation diagram appeared in his hand. As the immortal energy in his body poured into the formation diagram, a colorful light suddenly shot out from the formation diagram. The next moment, the formation diagram suddenly It exploded, and in an instant, flames shot down.

These flames burned fiercely, scorching everything around them, turning the entire space into a red color. The flames became more and more fierce, and they gathered into a sea of ​​fire, filling the entire space and rushing towards the Immortal Lord in the formation.

In the hands of the Immortal Lord of the same formation, a magic weapon like a mirror appeared, but on this mirror magic weapon, there were ninety-nine and eighty-one different grids. As he raised his hand, he patted the bronze mirror. , suddenly, among the ninety-nine and eighty-one grids, forty grids lit up one after another, shooting out streaks of light.

In front of him, a formation diagram appeared, and all these bright lights fell on the formation diagram.

The next moment, the formation suddenly expanded, enveloping this entire space.

The moment the scourge transformed from the Immortal Lord Formation of the Zong Formation struck, a terrifying ice energy suddenly burst out.

In an instant, frost filled the entire space. This ice seems to be able to freeze everything in the world.

The flames collided with the cold air, and a sound was made, like a boulder exploding. In the sound, the flames dissipated, and the ice evaporated into water.

But Immortal Tongzhen's, on the bronze mirror magic weapon, there were forty grids that shot out a stream of light. At the same time, a second picture appeared in front of him. These rays of light fell on the array chart, and the array chart melted instantly. , while melting, more breath fell on the water formed by the flames.

The next moment, these ordinary water droplets became extremely heavy. Each water droplet was like a mountain. The water droplets filled the sky, flooding the space, and falling towards the Immortal Lord Zongzhen like a majestic heavy rain.

Before the sound in his ears stopped, a third formation diagram appeared in front of him. The same bronze mirror shot out rays of light and fell on the formation diagram. Then, the formation diagram turned into terrifying thunder, terrifying. Human power makes this space seem to collapse.

The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation looked at the successive attacks, but there was no trace of fear on his face. He waved his hand, and immediately, a formation chart flew out. Under the thunder and heavy blows, the formation chart exploded. , forming a terrifying tornado hurricane.

The wind was so strong that everything in this space was swept up, including the heavy water that was as heavy as a mountain, and even thunder.

The expression on Tongzhen Immortal Lord's face became more and more solemn as he looked at Zongzhen Immortal Lord who calmly neutralized his attack. There were really too many talented people in the human race.

Although it is said that Immortal Lord Zongzhen has been borrowing the formation diagram, this formation diagram must have been refined by Immortal Lord Zongzhen himself, just like him, his formation diagram was also refined by himself.

A monk who practices formation diagrams must refine the formation diagrams himself.

The formation diagram that everyone refined can most directly reflect this monk's attainments in the formation method.

The reason why he is known as the number one master of formations in the Golden Fairy Realm is because he knows many formations, and there is almost no formation type in the world that he has not seen.

To be able to do this, in addition to his own proficiency in formations, there is also a very crucial point: he has obtained it long enough.

Only if you live long enough can you see various formations. He is the second oldest among all the Golden Immortals in their Heavenly Clan, second only to the one who has always been with the emperor.

He has lived for such a long time, and he is still among the most powerful Celestial Clan, so he has seen so many formations. The accumulation of these countless years has allowed him to reach his current attainments in formations.

However, the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation opposite is not too old, and his vitality is still very strong. In fact, the other party has just become the Golden Immortal Realm, but the other party's formation skills are not weaker than his own!

If this Immortal Lord of the Human Sect Formation is allowed to be as long as he is, how far can the other party reach?

Will the opponent become a stronger Taiyi Golden Immortal, or even Daluo Golden Immortal!

In his hand, on the bronze mirror magic weapon, strange runes continued to appear, and rays of light continued to shoot out. In front of him, array diagrams continued to appear. These array diagrams seemed to be endless. The endless generals attacked the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation on the opposite side.

Every formation map has amazing power. His biggest advantage over his opponent is that he has lived longer and his Celestial Clan is stronger, so he has more formation maps!

He didn't believe it. The opponent now had enough formations to block him. After a while, the opponent would still have enough formations!

There will always be a moment when the opponent's formation is exhausted, and when the time comes, you will definitely be the winner.

What's more, I still have the Bagua Array Mirror!

In the hands of the two people, formation diagrams flew out one after another, and terrifying forces collided continuously.

During the collision of the formations, the two of them were even moving towards each other behind the formations, dodging attacks from the other formations while also attacking each other.

In the void, the figures of the two people became increasingly blurry, with only shadows remaining in the air.

Suddenly, the figure of Immortal Lord Tongzhen swayed, and he released ten Zhengtu at once. At the same time, his whole body turned into countless figures, as if countless selves appeared in an instant, and each figure kept dancing the immortal weapon in his hand. , like countless blades, densely swept towards the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation.

This terrifying power made the air around him become violent, and it was like thousands of troops galloping past, and every collision brought a biting murderous aura and boundless power!

The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation was dressed in white clothes like snow, and his whole body exuded a faint light.

His body remained motionless, but the formation diagram in front of him turned into a long dragon, like a living life, like a giant dragon that has existed since ancient times. The dragon roared, but it was like ten thousand dragons flying out, The attack was resolved again.

The battle between these two golden immortals was truly terrifying. Under the battle, the space continued to fragment, and all other sounds in this space seemed to disappear. Only the sound of the battle between the two golden immortals echoed in the air, resounding through the air. Skyrim.

Suddenly, during the battle, Immortal Lord Zongzhen retreated backwards, avoiding the attacks of Immortal Lord Tongzhen. A winner's smile appeared on his face, and he laughed softly: "You The method is good, because the carrying capacity of the array is limited, so you find such a magic weapon and treat it as a part of the array, so your array can release more at the same time. The power is also stronger.”

Immortal Lord Tongzhen looked at Immortal Lord Zongzhen who took the initiative to speak, but he no longer took the initiative to attack, but also said: "Yes, this is my way! Although you and I are enemies, I cannot I don’t admit it, when I was your age, or even when I just became the Golden Immortal Realm, I was far from as powerful as you are now.

With the help of my magic weapon, the formations I released were more powerful, but you actually blocked all my attacks.

In other words, I don’t have this magic weapon, and I am not even your opponent now.

You've got my approval.

It's a pity that one of you and I will die here today. "

Their emperor said to destroy the human race, so all human races must die.

If their emperor hadn't said that, he would have recruited the other party to join their Celestial Clan and work for their Celestial Clan in the future.

"If one person dies, it can only be you." The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation shook his head and said, "Your formation method is actually unimaginable. No one in our human race has followed your formation method before. Tao, it's more because there is no suitable magic weapon.

Besides, relying on foreign objects is only a small way after all. Next, I will let you know what is a formation, the real avenue, a human formation! "

A bright light suddenly shot out from the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation, and then the clothes on his body exploded.

Immortal Lord Tongzhen's eyes were instantly attracted to the body of Immortal Lord Zongzhen. Zongzhen's body actually had lines one after another. These lines were obviously the lines of the great formation.

In an instant, his eyes widened and he said in disbelief: " actually painted the great formation on yourself, you madman, this is a great formation!"

Placing a large formation on oneself and arranging it on a magic weapon are two completely different concepts.

Arranged on the magic weapon, in fact, in some aspects, it can be seen as being placed between heaven and earth, or relying on the power of heaven and earth, and if something goes wrong, only the magic weapon will be damaged.

However, if you arrange a large formation on your own body, if something goes wrong, it will only be minor if you suffer backlash and get severely injured. It is not impossible to go crazy or be killed directly.

Moreover, their formations will continue to improve. If they are placed on magic weapons, there will naturally be various ways to improve them.

How to improve the arrangement on the body?

On the magic weapon, you can use various materials to directly destroy part of the formation's lines, or add them.

In humans, would it only destroy the original formation? How to improve it so that when it is destroyed, you will not suffer backlash?

The more proficient the formation cultivator is, the more he realizes how difficult it is to place the formation on one's body!

The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation in front of him is definitely a madman.

However, there was a proud look on the face of the Zongzhen Immortal Lord, and he said loudly: "You know? The power of magic weapons is also limited, and magic weapons are external forces after all. Only your own power is endless, and that is complete of one's own strength.

After all, formations are set up by others, so talents are in charge!

Only when people lead the formation can the power of the formation be the strongest. Your formation is dominated by the formation. What kind of formation is that!

Now, let you feel what the real formation is! "

As his voice fell, streams of immortal energy began to flow crazily in his body, and the human formation on his body began to flow slowly. Although the flow was serious and fast, it allowed the immortals in the formation to clearly see However, as his human formation rotated, the entire world began to rotate. Vaguely, the world the two of them were in seemed to be separated from the Nine-Meander Yellow River Formation and the human race. The big world, claiming to be a small world!

At the same time, a terrifying coercion came from all directions. For a while, Immortal Tongzhen even felt that it was more difficult to breathe than before, and the air around him became extremely heavy, even heavy. It was no longer able to flow, which made him wonder whether this world had completely stopped flowing at this moment and turned into a static world!

What a terrifying smell!

Immortal Lord Tongzhen felt the terrifying power emitted by Immortal Lord Zongzhen, which seemed to be able to blow up most of the entire East Continent in an instant, and he was even more horrified. At this moment, he felt a fatal threat, and he even gave birth to a He had an illusion that his life would end after Immortal Lord Zongzhen released his attack!

Under the terrifying pressure, he frantically activated the aura in his body. For a moment, on the bronze mirror in front of him, each one emitted a bright brilliance.

The ninety-nine and eighty-one grids were all lit up for the first time, and the entire bronze mirror no longer looked like a bronze mirror at this moment, but an array.

On top of the formation diagram, there are countless beast figures painted with different shapes and majestic momentum.

Suddenly, a low roar came from above the formation, and then the entire space began to vibrate, as if countless wild beasts were howling and roaring.

Above the formation diagram, fierce beasts were summoned, including wolves, tigers, lions, elephants, bears, dragons, snakes...

All kinds of ferocious beasts roared incessantly, shaking the void around them to pieces. And these ferocious beasts seem to be flying out of this formation, filling this space with a strong aura of primitive wildness.

At this moment, the entire world returned to the ancient prehistoric era, and the surroundings were filled with a wild atmosphere.

The wind howled, roars sounded like thunder, and the shadows of these ferocious beasts suddenly flew out.

For a moment, there seemed to be tens of thousands of ferocious beasts in this space, as if they had been awakened from ancient times.

Countless shadows of ferocious beasts that cover the sky and the sun fill the void. Each shadow is like a real ferocious beast. Each ferocious beast seems to have the power to shatter the sun and the moon!

Opposite him, on the body of Immortal Lord Zongzhen, one hundred and eight light spots suddenly lit up. In an instant, his whole body gave people the illusion that he was the universe, and these one hundred and eight light spots , are the one hundred and eight brightest stars among them!

Thirty-six of them are Tiangang, and the remaining seventy-two are Earth Evil!

As these one hundred and eight stars emerged, the Immortal Lord in the same formation suddenly felt the pressure increase greatly, as if there were invisible mountains pressing on his head!

Among the thirty-six stars, Tiangang Star Lord is in the center, and the power of the surrounding stars gathers and moves according to his will, forming bright rays of light, as gorgeous and mysterious as the starry sky!

Among the seventy-two Earthly Evil Stars, the Earthly Evil Demon King is sitting in the center, with a rich ghostly aura that makes people's hearts tremble.

Looking at the phantoms of beasts flying down, one hundred and eight stars burst out with brilliant brilliance at the same time!

The two forces collided, causing terrifying roars.

For a moment, the shadows of beasts disappeared under the power of the stars.

In an instant, these one hundred and eight stars broke through the great formation of beasts and rushed directly in front of the Immortal Lord Tongzhen!

The two sides, who were evenly matched before, each used their own methods to suppress the bottom of the box, and after the new sect formation used their human formation, they seemed to have a vague crushing attitude!

Immortal Lord Tongzhen showed a look of horror in his eyes. He suddenly understood why the other party did not use the power of the human formation from the beginning. It was not because the other party meant to have fun with him.

The opponent was observing the weaknesses in his formation. Although the formation he used before was different from the current formation, they were all his formations after all, and they all contained his formation methods.

Now after they launched the final attack, the opponent's attack easily tore apart his formation. Each of the opponent's one hundred and eight stars directly hit the weakness of his formation!

He has never seen the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation before. This is the first time they have fought against each other. In such a short period of time, the opponent has already judged the weaknesses of his formation and directly exploited them!

What a talent!

This person is much more terrifying than he thought!

What is even more terrifying is the power of the opponent's human formation. This power is definitely not the power that the formation diagram can possess. This is the terrifying power that can only be revealed by the large formation that takes energy and time to set up!

Seeing the power of the stars falling in front of him, he could only reluctantly cross his hands in front of him to protect them.

The next moment, he suddenly felt an incomparable force coming towards him.

On his body, the golden immortal light that could not be broken no matter how many attacks by ordinary true immortal realm masters, shattered instantly!

A frightening force hit him, and he flew backwards. The energy in his body was boiling with blood. His internal organs and meridians were all shattered under the impact of this boundless force. His old face, At this moment, there is no blood at all!

The stars rushed into his body and then exploded, completely exploding his body in an instant.

The aura of the extremely old Immortal Lord Tongzhen was already so weak at this moment that it was almost undetectable.

However, the voice of the Immortal Lord of Zongzhen came again.

"Is this your strongest method? The Heavenly Clan's formations are nothing more than this? Among all tribes, in the Golden Fairy Realm, the monk with the best formations? Are you worthy? This attack is not even my strongest The means, because you are not worthy of seeing the stronger means."

Isn’t this the opponent’s strongest attack method?

The Immortal Lord in the same formation suddenly widened his eyes, relying on the terrifying blow just now, and relying on the pride that the other party exuded that was in his bones and melted in his blood, he believed the other party's words.

At the same time, he still had one problem he didn't understand.

He almost exhausted all his strength and asked: "Before I die, can you tell me the name of the formation I am in now, and who set up this formation?"

Hearing the sound, Immortal Lord Zongzhen flew over and looked down at Immortal Lord Tongzhen, who was lying on the ground, almost dying, and said in a low voice: "This formation is called the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and it is a hundred peaks. The great formation of the leader Cao who taught it. And the leader Cao said that because of insufficient resources and not enough powerful monks, it is impossible to set up the complete Nine-Meander Yellow River formation!"

" is indeed because of him that such a terrifying formation is not complete. If it were a complete formation, it would be so terrifying. If you set up a complete formation, wouldn't it mean that even our Celestial Clan cannot break it!"

"Even if this incomplete formation is present, you Celestial Clan cannot break it!" The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation raised his hand and patted downwards, and suddenly the shadow of a large formation flew out of his palm.

Accompanied by a loud noise, like the earth exploding, the body of Immortal Lord Tongzhen exploded completely.

The Golden Immortal has fallen!

"There are eight golden immortals in total, one died, and now there are seven more!"

The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation did not stop, and flew towards the distance, directly looking for the next foreign golden fairyland. Although the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was powerful enough, there were too many monks on the other side. This number far exceeded that of their formation. , the number of guarding monks.

Under constant attacks from the opponent, the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation will eventually be broken.

What he has to do now is to kill all the foreign monks trapped in the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation before it is broken!

Soon the Immortal Lord Zongzhen found the second alien Golden Immortal Realm, this was a male cultivator from the Prison Clan.

The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation did not directly appear to attack the opponent as before. Instead, he used the power of the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation to hide in it and continuously release the formation patterns to bombard the opponent.

The other party was also in the Golden Immortal Realm, but after the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation used the Human Formation, it was as if he had arranged a terrifying killing formation here in advance.

If two monks have similar cultivation levels and one of them sets up a formation, then the result will be obvious. What's more, there is also the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation here.

The Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation can not only directly attack the enemy, but also weaken the opponent's strength, enhance one's own strength, and even restore immortal energy and heal injuries!

Just as the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation was fighting against the Golden Immortal Realm of the Prison Clan, in the Nine-bending Yellow River Formation, the foreign monks fell one after another under the attacks of the human race.

Today, there are only a dozen or so foreign monks who entered the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, including three, who are still alive.

Now it should be said that there are two golden wonderlands!

The Golden Immortal Realm of the Prison Clan had no way to deal with the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation, and was eventually killed alive by the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation!

It didn’t take long for the sect formation to become the Golden Immortal Realm. It only took about a year. Not to mention for a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm, for a monk in the Earth Immortal Realm or even the Golden Core Stage, one year was considered. Nothing.

It can be seen that he just broke through to the Golden Immortal Realm and killed two Golden Immortal Realms!

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