The Heavenly Clan, the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan were not just attacking the East Continent, they were also attacking the West Continent, Beizhou and South Continent at the same time.

Of course, this time, they mainly attacked Dongzhou, and their power to attack the other three continents was far from as strong.

But even so, the other three continents could not spare experts to support Dongzhou for a while. After all, just running out a few True Immortals to support would not have much effect, and the Golden Immortals also had to block the opponent's Golden Immortals.

Of course, it was also because there were fewer masters attacking these three continents, so for a while, the three continents actually blocked the joint attack of the Tian clan and the other two clans.

Even in Dongzhou, where the Tian Clan focused their attack, at this time, the Tian Clan's attack was blocked.

For a while, they were unable to break through the large formation in front of them. Although they could not see the monks in the large formation, they could use their clan watches to contact them, hoping that the people inside would join them. They attacked the formation, but now, after contacting them, they were surprised to find that few of the monks inside responded to them.

Moreover, some monks responded to them one moment, but there was no movement the next moment, and they were obviously dead inside.

Immortal Fayou's expression also became more and more ugly, and Immortal Tongzhen actually didn't respond.

Did Immortal Lord Tongzhen fight inside, or did he die inside?

Soon, the Golden Immortal Realm of the Prison Clan on the side also screamed, and the other Golden Immortal Realm of their Prison Clan also lost contact.

So, now, it is possible that two Golden Immortal Realms died here!

They had eight Golden Immortal Realms attacking Dongzhou, and now, two of them died. In other words, they were equal to the number of Human Golden Immortal Realms!

No, it’s not the same!

Another member of their Celestial Clan, Jin Xianjing, also died!

In other words, now, the number of their Golden Fairy Realm is smaller than that of the human race.

A total of four golden immortals from their heavenly clan entered the formation, but now, three of them are dead!

In the great formation, after the Zong Formation Immortal Lord killed two of the opponent's Golden Immortal Realms one after another, his whole aura began to weaken. After all, the opponent was a Golden Immortal Realm existence. Even if he could kill the opponent with the help of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, But his consumption is not small, not to mention that he still has to leave part of his strength to guard the formation.

Therefore, the third Golden Immortal Realm was not killed by him, but by the existence of the other two Golden Immortal Realms.

As for the opponent's fourth golden fairyland, they did not kill it for a while.

At first, the three of them were all consumed, especially when they killed the other Golden Immortal from the Heavenly Clan, the other two Golden Immortals from their Human Clan also suffered some injuries.

Secondly, when they go out to attack the opponent's Golden Fairy Realm, there will be fewer people guarding the formation. Now they are in the formation, and they can also feel that the formation is somewhat loose at this time.

If they continue to attack each other and consume too much, they will no longer be able to guard the formation. If the formation is breached by the opponent, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, they can only guard the formation first, wait for recovery, and then look for opportunities to kill the remaining golden fairyland of the opponent.

As all three people were reunited, the formation slowly became stable.

Outside the formation, Fayou Immortal Lord gradually frowned. He had just noticed that the formation was no longer so stable, but the problem was that now, the formation had become stable again.

There are so many experts in their Celestial Clan, so they can't all be blocked by a large formation.

Moreover, this time, their Heavenly Clan united with the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan to attack the Human Clan.

Currently, four of the seven major clans are fighting, and three major clans, namely the Monster Clan, the Zerg Clan, and the Orc Clan, are still inactive.

Who knows what those three big families will do!

What if these three major clans take advantage of their Heavenly Clan’s attack on the Human Race to attack their Heavenly Clan’s Great Thousand Worlds?

This time, their Celestial Clan almost came out in full force!

Thinking of them all coming out in full force, Immortal Fayou showed a strange look on his face. He always felt that their Celestial Clan was missing a lot of masters.

I don’t know where those experts from the Heavenly Clan have gone.

On the periphery of a quiet river of time, suddenly, this space began to fluctuate violently, and the void in three places was distorted at the same time.

Slowly, three phantoms emerged from this twisted place.

One of them looked like a human being. He wore a golden robe and exuded endless majesty.

Although it was just a shadow that appeared, it made the air in this space seem to change its direction with his appearance.

The only thing that makes him different from humans is that he has two horns on his head, dragon horns!

In another twisted place, a giant dragon phantom appeared, a real divine dragon. His body was huge, like a long river entrenched here. A domineering and ferocious aura accompanied the appearance of this phantom, and Disperse this space.

In the third place of distortion, the shadow of a white insect appeared. It was huge and seemed to be bigger than the mountains. It was round and could not see any tentacles or tentacles. It was not even possible to distinguish her head. and body.

The Demon King, the Beast King, and the Insect King, three masters, arrived here.

Although they are just phantoms, each one exudes a frightening aura of terror, and even the space where they are located is slightly distorted.

The Demon King looked at the emperors of the other two clans, and a voice full of mystery and etherealness rang out.

"Two of you, the Heavenly Clan, the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan have joined forces to attack the Human Clan, but just one Human Clan cannot stop the Celestial Clan.

If the human race is wiped out, then the structure of our six races will still not change. "

As he spoke, he looked at the Insect King beside him and said, "You Zerg race can still only let each female insect fight on its own, and you don't dare to form a real legion."

The competition within the Zerg tribe is extremely fierce, and they are also the most fierce group of cannibalists. If their female insect knows where another female insect is, she will definitely find ways to kill the other female insect and then devour the other one. In this way, they will Can have the power of another female insect.

Under normal circumstances, a female insect can only give birth to one type of soldier insect, and each type of soldier insect must have various shortcomings.

In a real fight, you will be at a great disadvantage and easily targeted by monks from other tribes.

The Zerg also knew about their problems, but instead of uniting, they let it go.

They know that if they unite like this, they will become even more powerful, and when the time comes, they will inevitably be crazily suppressed by the Celestial Clan.

In fact, even the demon clan will be afraid of them.

That's why they have maintained such a state, which is not a means of self-protection.

The Insect Emperor's body, whose head and body could not be distinguished, each compound eye glanced at the Demon Emperor. She did not discuss this issue with the other party, but laughed strangely.

"Isn't it the same with you Monster Clan and Beast Clan? You were one clan at first, but later you separated. It was because of [Heaven] at first, but why didn't you merge later?

Isn't it because you are worried? If you merge, the largest clan in the world will be your clan, not the Celestial clan. "

All races know that the demon race and the beast race are mortal enemies, and their monks will fight madly after meeting, but this only exists at a lower level of cultivation.

Those monsters and beasts at the top of the True Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm do not fight immediately after meeting.

They are already high-level leaders of each clan and know some of the internal situations within their clan.

In fact, the demon clan and the beast clan will reach a consensus in many cases.

From the perspective of the Monster Clan and the Beast Clan, although they have different ideas, they come from the same source after all, and they were once the same clan.

They just want to prove that they are stronger than the other party, but the Monster Clan will never watch the Beast Clan be exterminated, and the Beast Clan will not let other tribes besiege the Monster Clan.

The reason why they allowed their monks to fight each other to the death was also to train those monks.

Before the emergence of humans.

The Celestial Clan is the strongest alien race, but if the Monster Clan and the Beast Clan join forces, they will surpass the Celestial Clan, so the Zerg Clan is also working hard to maintain a balance.

The Beast King did not respond to this question again, but said: "What we need to discuss now is what we should do now!

Although we don’t know why the Celestial Clan wants to destroy the Human Clan, we have to make it difficult for the Celestial Clan to do anything they want to do. "

"Let's take action directly." The Demon King said slowly, "Now the Heavenly Clan, the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan are attacking the Human Race together, and it is impossible for the Human Race to block the attacks of these three clans.

Only if we take action can the human race survive. Now, the two of them have almost fought each other, and it's time to take action. "

The Beast King seemed to be speaking for the Demon King just now, but when he heard the Demon King's voice, he shook his head and said: "Of course I have to take action, but now is not the time.

Their battle has not yet reached its most intense stage. Wouldn't it be better to wait until the losses on both sides are greater before taking action?

In this way, our losses can be reduced even lower. And, how to take action? Pass directly through Central Continent, enter the four continents of the human race, and sneak attack on the Celestial Race from behind?

In that case, we won't gain anything. Therefore, my suggestion is to directly attack the Heavenly Hell clan or one of the evil clans.

Especially the evil clan, they have always been the weakest clan among our six clans, so when encountering big events, they have always followed the Celestial clan firmly in order to protect themselves. Especially after the appearance of the Human Race, they have become closer to the Celestial Clan. Now it seems that they can even be said to be the dogs of the Celestial Clan.

This time they attacked the human world, and their evil clan sent more masters than the prison clan.

Since we want to help the human race, why don't we attack the evil race directly. In that case, the evil race will definitely return to rescue, and the pressure on the human race will become smaller.

If one evil clan is not enough, we can attack the Hell clan and capture them. We can even seize their resources directly in their vast world.

If these two clans send so many monks to follow the Heavenly clan to attack the human clan, their defense power in the world will inevitably be greatly weakened. "

The Insect King nodded slightly and said, "I also agree to attack the evil clan."

"Attack the Evil Clan?" The Demon King frowned and said, "Even if the Evil Clan leaves, even if we attack the Hell Clan again and let the Hell Clan leave, the Heavenly Clan will not be affected. If we don't leave, what will happen if we don't leave?" It may wipe out the human race!”

"Just destroy it." The Beast King laughed ferociously, "If the Heavenly Clan destroys the Human Clan, and we can destroy the Evil Clan and the Hell Clan, then the Celestial Clan will lose two allies, and our world will also be destroyed. From seven major clans to four major clans, this is also a good thing.

It's you, Demon King, you wouldn't think of it because your demon clan looks more like humans, so you think of yourself as human beings. So you are anxious for us to rescue the human race? "

The Demon King frowned and did not speak.

In another space, the voice of the Insect King had already sounded.

"Then we decide to attack the evil tribe first. This time, we Zerg will take the lead."

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the Insect King disappeared.

The Demon King and the Beast King looked at each other, as if they wanted to say something, but they still didn't say anything, and their figures quickly disappeared.

Not long after, at the entrance to the evil world, the armies of the Zerg, Monster, and Orc tribe suddenly appeared.

The evil tribe also thought that if they attack the human race, the other three tribes cannot ignore anything. They are not stupid, and they have also worried about whether the other three tribes will attack them, but they did not expect that the three tribes would gather so many As a master, the attacks of the three tribes were so fierce.

Although they were prepared, they had already sent a large number of masters to fight with the Celestial Clan, and the remaining strength could not stop the joint attack of the three clans.

In desperation, the evil clan even sent messages to the masters who had been sent out, asking them to quickly return for help.

In the vast world of the human race, within the four states, the evil monks from the Golden Immortal Realm quickly took the masters of the evil race and prepared to return to their great world.

"They just left like this?"

Fa Youxianjun looked at the evil monks who were quickly leaving in the distance, his expression extremely ugly.

They have not yet broken through the large formation on the border of Dongzhou, and these evil tribes are actually leaving.

In this case, when will they be able to break through the large formation on the border of Dongzhou!

Suddenly, in the distance, in the direction of Dongzhou, figures of monks appeared one by one.

For a moment, his eyes became even more ugly. It was the monks from Dongzhou who had defeated the vampires and arrived.

The opponent's strength has been enhanced again. As a result, they are even more unable to break through the human race's formation!

In Dongzhou, among the dangerous places, monks from the Heavenly Clan, leading the monks from the Evil Clan and the Hell Clan were advancing rapidly.

The direction of their attack is not just Central Continent, but also these dangerous places!

I am afraid that even those human races would not have thought that in addition to the cities they discovered, there are other places that can be reached in the dangerous places of their human race!

In the past, the human race went to the outer battlefield through dangerous areas, so the dangers in the dangerous areas had to be cleared up long ago.

Even if they are not cleaned up, those strange beasts cannot stop them.

There are four dangerous places, and each dangerous place is led by two beings from the Golden Fairy Realm!

Not long after, they passed through dangerous terrain and appeared in the human race.

Just after leaving the dangerous place, a group of monks from the evil clan discovered the clan information passed down from within their clan.

Suddenly, all the evil monks started shouting.

"Our world is under joint attack from the monsters, bugs, and orcs!"

"Damn it, aren't the Monster Tribe and the Orc Tribe mortal enemies? The Zerg Tribe and the Monster Tribe are also mortal enemies. How could they join forces and attack our evil tribe!"

"We can no longer stop them. They have now rushed into the world of our evil tribe, killing our people everywhere, and even started to rob our evil tribe's resources!"

"We must go back as soon as possible!"

Among the monks, a tall man with a handsome face and strong muscles like a mountain said in a deep voice: "I know that your world is under attack, and you definitely want to go back, and I will not stop you. you.

However, the passage we took can reach us, but we cannot go back the way we came. Your only way to go back is to return to Central Continent through East Continent, and then return to your world through Central Continent.

However, the border of Dongzhou has not been broken yet, so if you want to go back, you should break the border as soon as possible. "

He was wearing a white robe, but he had long black hair, and his aura was the same as him, giving people a sense of contradiction.

As soon as he finished speaking, the monks from the evil tribe flew quickly towards the border between East Continent and Central Continent.

But his deep gaze was looking into the distance, with a ferocious look on his face as he said: "Originally, our mission was to rush directly into the great religions of the human race and break through these great religions.

But now, our team attacking East Continent from Central Continent has some problems. Therefore, after the evil tribe leaves, I still need to take the ordinary masters away.

Although there are only half of you left, the masters of Dongzhou are almost all concentrated at the border, so you are enough to defeat those great religions.

At that time, all the resources in those great religions, no matter what you grab, will be yours! "

As he spoke, his eyes fell on a man wearing a gorgeous robe. Holding a paper fan in his hand, there were invisible forces flowing around the monk.

He whispered: "Qinshan Immortal Lord, you lead them to defeat the major religions. The other monks follow me!"

As his words fell, the monks split into two halves.

He has received a message from his clan, and the masters such as Fayou Xianjun were blocked by a large formation.

However, they were unable to break through the formation with the help of Immortal Fayou, so their emperor sent a message asking them to help Immortal Fayou, attack from inside and outside, break the human race's formation, and let their heavenly army enter the East Continent.

In fact, the main reason is that the passage they entered Dongzhou has limited carrying capacity and can only carry so many monks.

Otherwise, Fayou Immortal Lord and the others would not have to rush from Central Continent, they would all come directly through the passage, and the large formation in Dongzhou would become a decoration.

A group of monks who were assigned to attack the major religions all looked happy at this time. Although they didn't know what happened at the border, they were able to trap all the masters. Obviously, the human race concentrated all their strength on the border. , the battle on the border must be extremely dangerous.

In comparison, it would be much safer for them to attack each major religion without the masters of the major religions.

What's more, breaking through those great religions can rob each other of their resources.

This kind of harvest is obviously greater. They are assigned to attack various major religions, and their luck is obviously better.

"The dangerous area we left is called the Fourth Dangerous Area by the human race. Near the Fourth Dangerous Area, there is a very famous sect, the Baifeng Sect!

Everyone, Cao Zhen is from the Baifeng Sect. You should also know that Cao Zhen is the reincarnation of the Great Luo Jinxian. Perhaps his inheritance can be found in his great sect.

It is said that our emperor will kill all the human races just once, and then all the human races in the world will die. We can all practice these inheritances.

Let's attack the Baifeng Sect. No matter who it is, no matter what we grab, it's all ours! "

"Yes, let's attack the Baifeng Sect first!"

Among the monks, a large number of monks directly chose to go to the Baifeng Sect.

However, some monks avoided the Baifeng Sect and rushed towards other major sects. With so many monks attacking the Baifeng Sect, they may not be able to grab many treasures if they break through the Baifeng Sect.

Moreover, these people also said that the leader of Baifeng was the reincarnation of the Great Luo Jinxian. They did not believe that the leader of Baifeng would leave no backup plan.

Instead of attacking the Baifeng Sect, it is better to attack other great sects.

So many monks from the True Immortal Realm and the Returned Immortal Realm flew rapidly, causing the entire space to shake crazily.

In the Baifeng Sect, almost all the True Immortal Realm masters have followed Cao Zhen to besiege the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect, and all the True Immortal Realm masters from the Ji Zhen Sect are also guarding the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation. At this time, in the entire Baifeng Sect, there were only the Supreme Elders from the Ji Zhen Sect, Ximu Immortal Lord from the former Ten Thousand Immortals Sect, Lie Yan, and Qiu Yixue from the True Immortal Realm. exist.

Among them, Lie Yan and Qiu Yixue have only just entered the true fairyland.

Although the Tian Clan has not yet broken through the large formation they set up at the border, they also know that the Tian Clan is attacking their Dongzhou. In order to prevent it, the Tian Clan really breaks through the big formation they set up at the border and beats them. Caught off guard. Therefore, the masters from the Baifeng Sect and the Extreme Formation Sect, the two great sects, have also arrived at the mountain-protecting formation.

Above the gate of the Baifeng Sect, the Supreme Elder of the Ji Zhen Sect suddenly turned aside and said solemnly: "There are monks flying over, many monks, their aura, this is not the aura of the human race!

No, it's the Celestial Clan, they broke through the defense line! "

At the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect, everyone's expressions changed drastically when they heard the sound.

"If there are monks here, doesn't it mean that our human race's defense line has been breached!"

"The defense line is broken, the leader and the others!"

"This... master, uncle, and the others..."

The Supreme Elder of the Ji Zhen Sect looked at the panicked crowd, with a look of displeasure on his face, and said angrily: "Why are you panic? We are still fighting on the edge of Dongzhou. These monks should not have broken through our formation, but I don’t know what method they used to appear in Dongzhou.”

While he was speaking, Ximu Immortal Lord and others also noticed the flying auras.

"So many monks!"

"This number is definitely not less than 200 monks! Moreover, they all seem to be from the True Immortal Realm and the Returned Immortal Realm."

"They are coming for us!"

"Start the formation quickly!"

As the orders fell one after another, large formations rose up above the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect. These formations were mainly arranged by the Ji Formation Sect, and Cao Zhen also made some modifications later.

Although almost all of the top combat forces of the Baifeng Sect and the Extreme Formation Sect have left, there are still some monks from the Immortal Realm and the Earthly Immortal Realm within their major sects.

As long as you are in the Earthly Immortal Realm and can display your Immortal Qi, you can support this mountain guarding formation!

The mountain-protecting formation slowly rose, and for a moment it was radiant, like a huge pagoda, enveloping the entire sect.

In the light curtain, visions of the Four Saints appeared all around, as if all the changes in heaven and earth were gathered here at this moment.

The phantom of the green dragon in the east loomed in the light curtain. It was huge and its scales flickered, like a winding but endless river.

The shadow of the Suzaku in the south dances gracefully, with blazing flames, like a burning phoenix.

The white tiger phantom in the west is majestic, tall and powerful.

The basalt shadow in the north stood guard quietly. It was huge and its shell was inlaid with crystal clear gems, shining with alluring light.

The shadows and visions of the Four Saints are intertwined in the light curtain, and all the changes in the world seem to be gathered here at this moment. The light is so bright that people dare not look directly at it.

Under the shroud of this mountain-protecting formation, the entire sect became extremely quiet, as if time had stopped at this moment.

The Supreme Elder of Ji Zhen Sect looked back at a disciple at the mountain gate who suddenly threw out a token and said loudly: "In the back mountain of our Ji Zhen Sect, there is a large moving formation, Cai Zhen. You take my token and mobilize all the disciples of our Ji Zhen Sect.

There are also people who are taking our great sect, and the great hall quickly leaves through the moving formation and goes to the depths of our East Continent. "

There are so many masters coming from the other side, there is absolutely no way they can stop the other side!

That's why she asked the disciples of their Ji Zhen Sect to leave. As for leaving with the main hall, it was because if a big sect was captured, the fate of this big sect would be greatly affected.

There is a way to make up for this, and that is to leave with the core of the entire sect. If you come here several times, although the fate of the sect will still be affected, the impact will not be that great.

These great religions in Central Continent also did the same thing when they left Central Continent.

I just didn't expect that they would leave again so soon. Moreover, I don't know if they can survive this time. I don't even know if their human race can still exist in this world!


When Venerable Cai Zhen heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head and said: "Elder, if I don't leave, I will return to the Immortal Realm. I can stay and fight!"

The Supreme Elder of Ji Zhen Sect said angrily: "You stay? What's the use of staying in the Immortal Realm alone!"

Venerable Cai Zhen, who had never dared to disobey the Supreme Elder, now held his head high and said motionless: "Although my disciple's cultivation level is low, I am willing to live and die with our Ji Zhen Sect, and I can also enter the big formation." Among them, contribute the power of disciples.

What's more..."

He paused slightly as he spoke, then raised his hand and pointed to the people on the side. Several people modified: "Uncle Feng Zhen Master, Zhen Yuan Master, and Zhen Ying Master, they are also the existences of returning to the fairyland. They can stay here. Contribute their strength, why not disciples!"

Before the Supreme Elder could speak, the old men he pointed out were the first to reprimand him.

"You also know that we are your masters. We are all your masters. You also know how old we are. To put it bluntly, in this life, our ability to cultivate to the immortal realm has come to an end.

Our talents are limited and we cannot go any further. And we have all lived for so long, so what if we die! "

"Yes, we will die if we die, but you are different. You are still young, and you still have hope of becoming a true immortal! No, with your talent, you will definitely become a true immortal. Therefore, we will not let you stay. !”

"Boy, what's the point of you staying here and dying with us? What you want should be revenge. Take them with you, leave with the resources you can take away, and then practice well."

"Boy, do you want our Ji Zhen Sect to be truly invincible? Hurry up and get out with others. From now on, the Ji Zhen Sect will depend on you!"

Venerable Cai Zhen wanted to say something else, but the Taishang Elder's voice suddenly sounded: "Do you think you are a hero if you stay, and you are a coward if you run away?

You are wrong. Being able to escape requires more courage! Because, after you escape, you will remember every day that we sacrificed for the Ji Zhen Cult, and you will live in great pain and torture.

However, for the revival of our great religion, you must live well, and you must continue to practice, so that one day you can avenge us.

If you run away, the pressure on your hearts will be even greater!

But this is true heroism!

For the sake of our Ji Zhen Cult, let’s go quickly! "

The Supreme Elder of the Ji Zhen Sect said, looking back at the Baifeng Sect and said: "Everyone, our mountain sect may not be able to bear it this time.

We don’t know where our moving formation will move you. However, it should stay in the vast world of our human race.

Everyone, let the young disciples in the sect also go together. "

Their Ji Zhen Sect and Baifeng Sect share a mountain gate. After spending so long, he also knows very well that these monks of Baifeng Sect are the same as their Ji Zhen Sect.

That is, if there is danger, those with higher cultivation will go first, and the old guys will go first, to protect the young disciples in the great sect.

Above the mountain gate, Nie Jie frowned when he heard the sound. Now that Cao Zhen is not here, the Baifeng Sect naturally has the final say, but...

He knows his situation.

A long time ago, when the Baifeng Sect was still the Baifeng Sect, his talent was one of the best among the great sects.

Even in the original Hundred Peaks Competition, he only lost to Li Ke, but slowly, as the Hundred Sects became a big sect, and as the Hundred Peaks Sect had more and more disciples, they were more talented than him in the big sect. There are more and more good disciples.

His talent is really not the best, so he wants to stay and die together with the Baifeng Sect. What he is considering now is who to let take the people away.

While he was thinking, a voice came over. The voice was gentle and pleasant, but it carried a meaning that could not be rejected.

"Nie Jie, go ahead and leave with the young disciples in our sect."

When Nie Jie heard the sound, he quickly looked towards the figure who heard the sound.

Qiu Yixue!

Although he is now the deputy leader of the Baifeng Sect, he has always maintained respect for Qiu Yixue.

Qiu Yixue, this was the former head sect of their Baifeng Sect!

"Elder, you..." Nie Jie looked at Qiu Yixue and was about to say something, but Qiu Yixue waved her hand. She was no longer the head of the Baifeng Sect, and the Baifeng Sect had long become the leader of the Baifeng Sect. Although she is a member of the Peak Sect, she rarely appears in the resolution meetings of the Baifeng Sect. She spends almost all her time practicing, just like an ordinary disciple of the Baifeng Sect.

But at this moment, she once again exuded a majestic aura, and she once again showed the aura she had as a leader.

"There is no need to say so much. You have heard what the Supreme Elder of Ji Zhen Sect said just now. I don't want to repeat the same words again.

Moreover, we don’t know how long we can block the opponent. Now, every time you delay, our disciples of the Baifeng Sect will be in more danger.

Do you want to become a sinner of our Baifeng Sect and kill our disciples? If you don’t want to, do it now.

There is no one more suitable than you to lead everyone away. After all, Leader Cao has not been a big sect for many years. Our Baifeng Sect has been able to remain so stable because of you. "

"Yes, disciple, I understand!"

Nie Jie resisted the tears in the corners of his eyes, turned around and flew towards the great sect. He knew that if he led everyone away this time, he might never see his former master again.

However, just like Qiu Yixue said, there is indeed no one in the Baifeng Cult who is more suitable than him to lead everyone away first.

Just like what the Supreme Elder of the Ji Zhen Sect said, those who can leave the great sect now will actually have to endure more pain.

But they must endure these pains, all for the sake of the Great Religion!

On top of the mountain gate, Qiu Yixue turned to look at Lie Yan again, and whispered: "Lie Yan, you should leave too."

"Elder, you don't have to persuade me, I won't leave. I am an existence in the True Immortal Realm. The power I can exert in this great formation is much stronger than that in the Returned Immortal Realm.

What's more, I have never managed Baifeng Sect. It is enough to have Senior Brother Nie Jie to lead everyone.

Elders, don’t say anything to me about passing on the incense of our Baifeng Sect. I believe that the inheritance of our Baifeng Sect will not be interrupted, and our Baifeng Sect will not disappear, because I believe that our leader will definitely Will survive.

As long as the leader is here, there will be no problems in the inheritance. In short, please stop trying to persuade me, I won’t leave. Moreover, I owe the Baifeng Sect, and I can only repay it with my life! "

He was talking about the Baifeng Sect, not the Baifeng Sect!

Because they were just a sect at that time, he betrayed the sect, and later the leader accepted him.

From that time on, he had already thought that if the Baifeng Sect was in danger and someone needed to sacrifice, then he must be the first to sacrifice!

Qiu Yixue sighed when she heard the sound, but did not persuade her again.

Not long after Nie Jie left, figures of monks appeared in the void. The number of these monks was much greater than they had felt before!

Moreover, the weakest of these monks are those in the Immortal Realm.

"This is the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect."

"There are only four true wonderlands above their mountain gate."

"The four true fairy realms, what power can their mountain guarding formations exert!"

"Break the formation!

The monks from the heavenly clan and the hell clan took action one after another. For a moment, the void was filled with a roaring sea of ​​fire. It was like a fire spell that could burn everything to ashes; a water spell that was like a giant dragon shuttling through the void; it was like a water spell that could freeze everything. Thousands of miles of ice, huge mountains, sword energy that can pierce the sun and the moon...

All kinds of attacks fall instantly!

In an instant, the void seemed to be torn apart. Under the terrifying energy fluctuations, the sun and the moon lost light, and the color of the sky and the earth changed, as if the end of the world was coming.

At the top of the mountain-protecting formation, all the phantoms of the Four Saints appeared, and a translucent light curtain guarded one side, guarding the entire sect.

The light in the void was so bright that people dared not look directly at it. The terrifying power kept falling, and the large formation that was directly bombarded was shaken crazily.

But this first wave of attacks did not damage the formation.

After all, this is the great formation set up by the Ji Zhen Sect. The Ji Zhen Sect is a specialized formation. Later, Cao Zhen also made some modifications to the great formation. Among the great sects in the entire Dongzhou, it is better than theirs. The powerful mountain-protecting formation may not exceed one hand's count.

However, there were too many attacking monks. They only had four true immortals, and the rest were only returning immortals or even earthly immortals. They were unable to fully exert the power of the formation.

Under these attacks, clear cracks appeared in the light curtain of the formation instantly, and these cracks continued to spread to the extent visible to the naked eye.

Hold on!

Above the mountain gate, there are disciples from the two great sects, especially those from the Earthly Immortal Realm. Although the formation has not been broken, their cultivation levels are really far behind. Under the attack of the other party, they have become more powerful one by one. The energy and blood were churning from the shock, but all of them gritted their teeth, or frantically mobilized the immortal energy in their bodies to pour into the formation, and some threw pieces of immortal stone into the formation. middle.

In the void, the light above the light curtain of the great array was shaken and kept shining, sometimes bright and sometimes dim. Although the shadows of the Four Saints were still flying in the void, guarding the great array, this The light of the shadow also became very dim.

In the mountain gate, the Baifeng Sect and the Ji Zhen Sect have quickly mobilized.

It's just that after some disciples heard that the great religion asked them to desert, none of them had any intention of leaving.

But without waiting for Nie Jie to persuade him, Tu Zhuque, Lu Chaoqiong, Qiu Wuxing and other elders from the great sect began to speak.

"What do you want to do? Are you still not leaving? Do you know why these masters of our great religion did not choose to escape on their own, but stayed at the mountain gate. They were buying time for us, but you are wasting it here. , the time they exchanged for us with their lives, do you want them to die with their eyes open?"

"What's the use of staying here? You're just dying in vain. Why don't you leave quickly? Stay useful and avenge us in the future."

"Let's go, let's all go!"

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