A group of old people from the Baifeng Sect were trying to persuade or even order the young disciples in the sect to leave, but none of them chose to leave.

They even flew towards the mountain gate one after another.

Suddenly, Tu Zhuque saw at a glance that Tongdie Zhang was flying towards the mountain gate with them. He stopped and stopped in front of Elder Tongdie and said, "Tongdie, what are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Of course you are going to guard our Baifeng Sect!" Elder Tongdie shouted with his eyes widened, "Time is urgent, don't stop me, let's go quickly."

But Tu Zhuque did not get out of the way, but shook his head and said: "Tongdie, you'd better not follow them and join in the fun, just follow them."

Everyone in the entire Baifeng Sect knows that Tongdie is the most respected senior of the leader Cao Zhen, and she does not want Tongdie to suffer martyrdom like this.

When the time comes, when the leader comes back and finds that the copper plate has been martyred along with him, he will definitely feel bad. What if the leader’s Taoist heart is affected by that time?

So she wanted to let the copper plate leave with everyone!

"What? You let me go!" Elder Tongdie heard this and shouted angrily, "Tu Zhuque, what do you mean? Do you look down on me! You are old men in a great religion, I, Tongdie Die is also an old man in the great religion.

You are not afraid of death, so am I afraid of death? You let me escape, are you looking down on me? "

Tu Zhuque said with a heartbeat: "Tongdie, I don't mean that. You are different from us. We have returned to the Immortal Realm now, and you are still just the Earthly Immortal Realm. You won't be able to play any role if you go there, so you'd better leave first." Bar."

"What's wrong with the Earthly Immortal Realm? Can't the Earthly Immortal Realm make a contribution to our Baifeng Sect?" Tongdie suddenly raised his hand, pointed around and shouted, "Look, Elder Huang Yu and Elder Yan Qing, they are all Earthly Immortal Realm." Isn’t it the same in Fairyland? We have to go to the mountain gate to guard our Baifeng Sect? What’s the difference between me and them!”

"Elder Bongdie..." came a voice from behind. Just when Tongdie was about to turn around and look, suddenly, a force came from another direction. This power directly enveloped him, and the next moment, he fainted. past.

Qiu five elements.

He also entered the Return to Immortal Realm, and Elder Copper Disc was only in the Earth Immortal Realm. He still made a sneak attack. It was not difficult to really stun Elder Copper Disc.

Many people around looked at Qiu Wuxing, who suddenly knocked Elder Tongdie unconscious, with doubts on their faces.

Qiu Wuxing said in a deep voice: "Quickly, the disciples of the Gongbu Immortal Palace will take Elder Tongplate away."

He knew why Tu Zhuque wanted Elder Tongplate to leave. He also believed that it would be better for Elder Tongplate to survive. This was also done for the sake of their Baifeng Sect.

Just like some time ago, their leader accepted another disciple, Xingchenzi.

Everyone knew that the leader Fei Chu didn't like to accept disciples, but just because of Elder Tongdie's face, the leader accepted another disciple.

As for the disciples of the leader, except for Xingchenzi, who has just entered the mountain gate and has not practiced much yet, without exception, all of them are already in the True Immortal Realm, and they are all extremely powerful existences in the realm of general cultivation. .

If there were no Elder Tongplate, the leader might not accept that disciple.

Therefore, if Elder Tongdish is allowed to survive, perhaps Elder Tongdish can allow the leader to accept other disciples in the future, which will also strengthen the strength of their Baifeng Sect.

Besides, with Elder Tongplate around, he can sometimes persuade the leader.

So he also believed that Elder Tongdish should be allowed to live, but he also knew Elder Tongdish’s temper. Elder Tongdish definitely didn’t want to do anything special, and definitely wanted to coexist with the Baifeng Sect, so he could only let Tongdish live. Elder Die was stunned and fainted.

Elder Tongplate has always been an elder in Gongbu Immortal Palace. Soon, disciples from Gongbu Immortal Palace came to take Elder Tongplate away.

At the same time, Little Silver Dragon in the entire Baifeng Sect also directed his children to help the disciples of the Baifeng Sect move to the back mountain.

Cao Zhen has not had time to take care of him these years, but other disciples of Sibaofeng and even other disciples of Baifeng Sect are aware of his habits.

It itself often sneaks out of the Baifeng Sect.

Now, the number of his descendants in Baifeng Sect has reached a very terrifying number! In addition, some of his descendants also inherited his preferences.

There are quite a lot of dragons in Baifeng Sect nowadays.

Of course, there are not many purebred dragons. They are almost all different kinds of dragons. Although they are not purebred dragons, some of them are very powerful.

Today, his descendants are also playing a role.

Of course, it was also because of these descendants that he did not go to the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect. Although many of his descendants were mounts of the disciples of the Baifeng Sect, and some of them also had deep ties with the disciples of the Baifeng Sect, but , there are also some unruly ones among them. Without him, his unruly descendants would not obey orders and help the disciples of the Baifeng Sect escape, and they might even cause trouble.

Moreover, the masters from the Four Treasure Peak are no longer here, but the Four Treasure Peak still has some resources. These resources have to be taken away, and they cannot be taken advantage of by the Heavenly Clan and the Hell Clan who are about to break through their mountain gate.

Moreover, there are still members of the Sheng Clan and Yao Clan in the Baifeng Sect, and they have to take them all away.

There is also Cao Zhen's daughter Cao Sixia who is still in Baifeng Sect, and Beiyan and Zhu Peng's children also need to be taken away by him.

His current task is to escort them to escape safely.

Qiu Wuxing, Tu Zhuque, Chen Qingluan and others flew to the mountain gate of their Baifeng Sect.

At this time, the mountain-protecting formation of the Baifeng Sect seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Outside the formation, monks from the Heavenly Clan and the Hell Clan were divided into several small teams, each distributed in different positions, attacking the mountain-protecting formation of the Baifeng Sect.

They had just landed, and before they could speak, suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a terrifying force suddenly bombarded the formation, as if it was going to tear the entire formation into two halves. Huge shock spread throughout the Baifeng Sect.

In the great formation, whether it was the monks from the Hundred Peaks Sect or the monks from the Extreme Formation Sect, even though their energy and blood were boiling from the shock, even though they knew that it was impossible for them to block the attacks of so many Heavenly Clan and Hell Clan monks, they did not One disciple wanted to escape.

They all frantically activated the immortal energy in their bodies, eager to inject all the immortal energy in their bodies into the formation without leaving any room.

But there were a few disciples with weak cultivation who were shocked to the point of bleeding from the corners of their mouths under the opponent's crazy attack, but they still persisted.

"Quick, let us guard the formation!"

"It's my turn!"

"You young guys, why are you still here? Why don't you just follow us!"

Tu Zhuque and others couldn't help but rush into the formation, pulled out several injured disciples who were shocked, and directly took their place.

Several young monks who were forcibly replaced did not leave the mountain gate immediately. Even if they were injured, they still stayed above the mountain gate.

Each one of them said firmly: "We are not leaving, we want to stay here and live and die with our great religion!"

Chen Qingluan heard the sound and shouted loudly: "What's the use of you staying? We old guys, this is the way it is in this life. If we die, we will die. You are still young and you can continue to make breakthroughs. You stay here. What to do! Leave quickly!"

Qiu Wuxing also persuaded: "You are still young. You are the future of our Baifeng Sect. In the future, Baifeng Sect will still count on you to revitalize it."

"Elders, our Baifeng Sect can definitely be revitalized with the leader here."

"Yeah, even if you leave the fire, it's not inferior to us!"

"Yes, if we leave, we may not be able to do anything in the future, but now, if we stick here for a while longer, we can let more disciples of our Baifeng Sect leave."

"Grand Formation, our Grand Formation can still attack, we can also attack them, we can't just let them attack us!"

One by one, the disciples of the Baifeng Sect quickly entered the attack formation.

It was not just the old people from the Baifeng Sect who came here, but also the old people from the Ji Zhen Sect. At this time, the replaced disciples in the Ji Zhen Sect, after seeing the actions of the Bai Feng Sect disciples, also quickly entered. In the attack formation.

Just when they were about to activate the attack formation to attack, a mighty pressure came from the void.

At the same time, a voice came: "You wait until I attack before launching the attack."

As the words fell, a shadow appeared in everyone's sight,

Everyone in the Ji Zhen Sect was stunned for a moment, and even everyone in the Baifeng Sect was stunned for a moment. Immortal Lord Ximu looked at the sudden appearance of the shadow, with a complicated look on his face.

Formation spirit.

This is the formation spirit that once belonged to their Ten Thousand Immortals Sect!

It actually appeared again.

The formation spirit looked at the crowd and slowly said: "Originally, I should have perished with the former Ten Thousand Immortals Sect because I have been around for so long. Now is the time to do something for the Baifeng Sect. what."

As soon as he finished speaking, a vast force suddenly rushed out from the back mountain of the Baifeng Sect, where the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect was once located, and these forces instantly appeared above the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect.

The next moment, the originally clear sky suddenly turned pitch black, and stars appeared one after another in the void, as if the entire world was covered by stars.

And these stars, which only appear in the dark night, emit a brilliance that is even more dazzling than the scorching sun.

Suddenly, the entire void shook crazily, and a terrifying pressure descended on the world.

Outside the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect, the monks from the Heavenly Clan and the Hell Clan raised their heads in shock, looking at the stars emerging in the sky, and each of them felt heart palpitations!

"What a terrifying pressure!"

"What kind of formation is this?"

"Sure enough, the Baifeng Sect is Cao Zhen's great sect. It is impossible for him to have no back-up plan. This is probably his back-up plan!"

"No, why is this aura still increasing? It's such a terrifying aura!"

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

The monks of the two tribes felt the rising power in the void. They were all horrified and flew back one after another, but it was already too late!

In just one breath, the stars in the void suddenly fell, as if all the stars were detonated, as if the entire galaxy fell.

For a moment, the entire void shattered crazily. This world seemed to be filled with countless stars, and every star was exploding. Every star exploded, creating a powerful and boundless energy. strength.

For a moment, it seemed like the end was coming!

The monks who were closer to the Baifeng Sect didn't even have a chance to react, and they were instantly reduced to ashes!

The auras of the monks behind them instantly rose to their peak. Some of them held sharp swords and slashed out with one sword. In an instant, countless sword shadows appeared in the void. These sword shadows were extremely sharp and chopped the stars into pieces.

But after the stars shattered, the broken fragments still came towards him, and the stars here were as endless as an endless ocean.

He can break one star or two stars, but it is impossible to break all the stars!

Some monks released shields, turtle armor, pagodas and other magic weapons to protect themselves immediately.

But when the terrifying power of star explosions hit, the magic weapons they released, whether they were pagodas or shields, shattered in an instant!

Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Gathering Star Formation!

The Ten Thousand Immortals Sect was so powerful back then. The reason why they were destroyed was because the Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Formation was too powerful!

Back then, when they faced the top sect that had existed for more than two million years, the Heaven and Earth Sect, they only used the Zhou Tian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Formation to launch a single strike, and they broke through the opponent's mountain-protecting formation and even destroyed the opponent's mountain gate with one strike. Above, half of the masters, including those at the pinnacle of the True Fairy Realm!

It was also because of that battle that the Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Formation was known as the most terrifying attack in the Eastern Wasteland!

Over the years, Cao Zhen has been devoting various resources to restore the Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Formation. Although the formation has not yet been restored to its peak, it is not far off.

How terrifying to land such a blow!

For a time, the monks from the heavenly and hell clans were either bombarded into powder or severely injured, and all the monks who returned to the fairyland died!

With just one blow, a group of monks from the heavenly and hell clans surrounding the Baifeng Sect were killed. Half of the monks who were severely injured and unable to fight were killed by the blow.

At the same time, this blow was also exhausted. All the power of the Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Formation also exhausted all the power of the formation spirit!

The figure of the array spirit also disappeared.

With this blow, he not only exhausted the power of the formation, but also exhausted all its own power.

After one blow, there was no longer the Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Formation in the world, and naturally it was no longer the spirit of the formation!

"Array spirit..."

Immortal Lord Ximu looked at the disappearing formation spirits with a look of deep sadness on her face. After their Ten Thousand Immortals Sect was almost destroyed, she actually no longer regarded the Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Array as an array. Spirit, but their religious spirit, is her faith and her sustenance.

Now her sustenance has disappeared!

The disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect and the Ji Zhen Sect behind them quickly recovered from the shock and started attacking one after another.

In an instant, within the Baifeng Sect, rays of light shot out and struck at the people who were extremely panicked under the attack of the Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Array.

Just when the Baifeng Sect was under attack, every major sect in Dongzhou was also attacked by the allied forces of the Heavenly Clan and the Hell Clan.

Many great sects have sent their experts to the borders of Dongzhou. There is not much defensive power in the great sects. At this time, some great sects have been breached!

However, there are still some great sects who have left behind some masters for defense, and most of the great sects’ mountain-protecting formations are powerful enough.

More big religions are still persisting today.

However, some major religions began to waver at this time.

The armies of the Celestial Clan and the Prison Clan all had headaches one after another. These human races were much stronger than they imagined.

Mainly, the human race set up a large formation on the border between East Continent and Central Continent. Because of the existence of that large formation, their army was blocked from the East Continent. Now they even have to devote more than half of their strength to break it. Array.

As a result, their power to attack these great human religions will inevitably weaken. Otherwise, how could those great religions persist for so long.

In Dongzhou, a team of more than a hundred people, all composed of Heavenly Clan monks, was advancing rapidly.

At the front of the team, one of the female nuns was wearing a light blue robe. The robe was covered with star patterns. Each star was shining brightly, exuding a mysterious and noble atmosphere.

She is extremely beautiful, and her whole person exudes all kinds of charm. However, the light revealed between her eyebrows gives people a feeling of wisdom.

And above her head, there is a huge fairy palace, which is a huge fairy palace gathered by ten fairy palaces.

The true fairyland is perfect, and it has also completed the alienation of the fairyland!

But even she is not the strongest person in this team.

She looked at the tall and muscular man in the team. He was wearing a golden robe. The robe was also engraved with various complex lines and patterns, like the runes of a secret tribe.

His face was gloomy, and his eyes revealed an aura of indifference and arrogance, as if he were a cruel devil.

However, his clothes were extremely gorgeous. There was a silver belt tied around his waist, with a blue gemstone inlaid on it, shining brightly.

Wearing several exquisite rings on her slender fingers, each ring exudes a powerful wave of energy.

The female cultivator suddenly said: "Sixth Prince, these human races are stronger than we expected. If we want to kill all the human races, it will probably take a lot of effort."

The sixth prince's cold voice soon sounded: "Tell me, what can you do?" The reason why this female cultivator has been following him is because of the other party's strategy.

"Sixth Prince, in fact, we don't need to fight head-on with these human races." A confident smile appeared on the female cultivator's face, and she said meaningfully, "Those human races must now know the situation they are facing.

Although some human races are stubborn and not afraid of death. However, there are always some human races who are afraid of death. There were so many human races who betrayed and established the so-called Eternal Society.

I believe that this time, as long as we let some humans see hope, they will definitely betray the humans. "

The woman's voice had just finished speaking.

Behind, a monk reminded in a low voice: "Bizhen Immortal Lord, the emperor's order is for us to kill all human races. If we want them to see hope, then we need to let them go. This is against the emperor's order. .”

When Immortal Bizhen heard this, the company commander showed a charming smile and said with a smile: "Who said we have to let them go?

We just need to make use of them first, and then kill them after our entire army rushes into Dongzhou.

Before that, wouldn't it be good if we use them to kill more humans and let these humans fight against humans? "

The monk who had just spoken suddenly understood.

The sixth prince nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Very good, go according to your plan."

At the border between Dongzhou and Xizhou, after Cao Zhen and others arrived, they immediately launched an attack on the Celestial Clan here.

Although only a thousand human monks can enter the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation he has set up, they can hide behind the formation to attack the coalition forces of the Heavenly Clan and the Hell Clan.

There is another great advantage of having the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, that is, through the formation, their spells will not be affected in any way when they fly out, but the opponent's spells will be bombarded by them, so go to the Yellow River Formation. Array of obstacles.

After Cao Zhen attacked, he discovered that those evil tribes were missing!

"The evil clan is missing?"

"Why did they leave suddenly?"

"There must be some problem happening within the evil clan!"

"That's good. They don't have the evil clan anymore, so we should be able to stop them."

Everyone felt a little relieved. Suddenly, powerful auras came from a distance. Suddenly, everyone's expressions became extremely solemn.

"This breath..."

"What a strong aura, this is the aura of a true fairyland, even a golden fairyland!"

"The numbers are terrifying and they are flying towards us!"

"This aura, this is definitely not the aura of our human race, it is the aura of the evil clan, the heavenly clan, and the hell clan!"

"This breath comes from within our Dongzhou!"

"They entered our Dongzhou? Where did they come from?"

"They still have so many masters?"

"If they appear directly from our Eastern Continent, wouldn't it mean that... our great religion is in danger?"

"No, I have been taught by our great religion that those alien races have really emerged from within our human race, and they are now attacking our great religion!"

"What...what to do!"

For a moment, everyone who had already seen hope and felt that they could win this battle became panicked.

They are stationed here, even fighting to the death with each other here, just to keep their great religion safe.

But now, the other party has appeared directly in their Dongzhou through some unknown means. The great religion that was originally extremely safe in their eyes has instantly become extremely dangerous.

In this case, what's the point of them guarding here?

There are even many monks from great religions who have already decided to quit, and some monks have a look of urgency on their faces, wanting to return to their great religions and rescue their great religions!

"Everyone, our great religion is about to be attacked by aliens. I want to go back first to rescue my great religion!"

Suddenly, someone among the monks spoke.

When he opened his mouth, he immediately received responses from many people.

But before they could leave, black shadows appeared in the distance.

Evil clan!

They want to go back to rescue their great religion, so they are extremely anxious, but these evil tribes seem to be even more anxious than them!

When a group of evil monks saw the crowd, they didn't even say a word, so they directly attacked and blasted away at the crowd!

After these evil clans, the coalition forces of the Heavenly Clan and the Hell Clan also arrived.

At the border of Central Continent, a group of coalition forces from the Celestial Clan and the Hell Clan were stunned for a moment when they saw the sudden appearance of the coalition forces of the three clans. They have never heard that they have so many masters within the human race!

Then, their faces showed excitement.

Now that they are attacking from both sides, they will definitely be able to break this human race's formation!

Immortal Fayou, at this moment, finally understood why he always felt that he was missing many masters. It turned out that they had directly entered the human race through some means!

Because of the existence of the human race formation, those human monks could attack them without any scruples, but their attacks would be blocked by the human race formation.

But now, their monks have appeared behind the human race. As a result, the human race's large formation is useless to them.

The faces of the human monks were extremely ugly. The monks who had started to fly away one by one, and those who wanted to retreat, now couldn't leave even if they wanted to.

As these alien monks took action, the entire scene became extremely chaotic.

Cao Zhen looked at the monks who suddenly appeared one after another, and he was extremely worried. With his reputation, how could these monks not take action against the Baifeng Sect after entering Dongzhou.

However, like everyone else, he wants to go back but can't break through because there are too many alien races coming!

Within the Baifeng Sect, the disciples of the Baifeng Sect and the Ji Zhen Sect quickly escaped through the Jizhen Sect's formation.

The weather has turned cooler, and the desolation of autumn has made the atmosphere of the entire Baifeng Sect even heavier.

Many disciples, the moment they stepped onto the Great Formation Sect's formation, turned back and looked at the place where they lived and the plants and trees here with nostalgia.

After this trip, they didn't know when they would be able to come back, or if there would be a chance to come back, let alone what the Baifeng Church would be like if they came back.

Is their mountain gate still there? Can their peak still be there?

Their Yingling Mountain and their fairy palaces will not all be destroyed!

Wails and sobs were heard all around, and many people had collapsed.

There are even many disciples who are still standing here and refuse to leave.

"We can't leave! We can't let these aliens destroy our religion! This is our root, our home, and we have to fight!"

"Yes, even if I die, I will die in our great religion and die to protect the great religion!"

"That's right, if we leave, where can we go? By then the entire human race will be conquered by the foreign races, and all of us will die. In that case, why not stay in the great religion and fight until the last moment!"

Their voices had just sounded, and Nie Jie's scolding had already been heard.

Although Nie Jie is the deputy leader of the Baifeng Sect, no matter who he sees in the sect, he always smiles. But at this time, he showed unprecedented seriousness and majesty.

"Stay? What's the point of staying? If you stay, you won't pose the slightest threat to the other party.

Also, your Peak Master, your elders, they had the chance to escape, but none of them chose to escape. They all stayed on the mountain gate of our Hundred Peaks Sect.

Don't you know why they do this? They are here for you, to buy you time so you can escape!

Because you are still young, you are the hope of our Baifeng Sect!

I know you hate it too, I know you also want to kill the enemy, don’t I hate it? Am I a coward? I have been a member of the Baifeng Cult longer than you, and I want to live and die with the Baifeng Cult more than you do.

But I have to leave, because I want to take you away, and I want to take you to leave a fire for our Baifeng Sect.

As long as our human race has not been completely conquered, we still have hope. When we regroup our strength, we can come back to avenge our fellow members of the Hundred Peaks Sect who died in battle!

Now, everyone is leaving the Great Religion, and don’t let the persistence of our elders become meaningless! "

All the disciples of the Baifeng Sect were already in tears.


They really don't want to leave, and they don't want to see the place they love being destroyed, but they also know that the deputy leader is right, leaving is the best choice, and everything is for the Baifeng Sect!

At the same time, their hearts are full of self-blame. If their cultivation level was higher, if they were stronger, if they were as powerful as the masters on the Four Treasures Peak, why would they leave!

All because they are not strong enough!

They are angry and unwilling, but they also know that leaving Baifeng Sect is their only way now.

On the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect, due to the bombardment of Zhoutian Ten Thousand Immortals Star Gathering Formation, a large number of masters on the alien side died, and the pressure from everyone also laughed a lot, but it was only a lot less.

As a group of alien monks launched another attack, the mountain-protecting formation on the mountain gate once again became shaky.

Slowly, there were more and more cracks in the formation. In the formation, the weak Earth Immortals fainted to the ground under the terrifying impacts, and some even bled directly from their seven orifices. Death.

Generally speaking, if a large formation has not been broken, the monks in the large formation will not die. But the problem is that the gap between them and the opponent is too big. They are just monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the people who are besieging them are A true wonderland.

Although the large formation will block the opponent's attacks, these attacks are blocked by the large formation, and part of the power needs to be borne by the people guarding the large formation.

If they were monks from the True Immortal Realm, they would naturally be able to block it, but they were only monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm, and there was still a Return to Immortal Realm between them and the True Immortal Realm. How could they possibly block it!

Not to mention them, all the monks who returned to the fairyland were vomiting blood at this time.

But even so, none of them escaped.

The great religion behind them is their faith and their root. It is the existence of the great religion that gives them the strength to persevere and allows them to move forward step by step on the difficult road of spiritual practice.

During the battle of Shoushan, everyone, whether they were monks from Ji Zhen Sect or Baifeng Sect, were willing to dedicate their lives to the great sect. In order to protect the safety of the great sect, they would do whatever it took, even death.

Even though the qi and blood in their bodies were already agitated, and even though the formation was about to break apart, they still frantically mobilized the power in their bodies and injected it into the formation. No one cared about their own injuries at all.

They want to buy more time for the Great Religion.

Everyone's face was resolute and resolute, and everyone's eyes shone with a strong light that seemed to be able to illuminate the entire formation.

Here, there is no retreat, no fear, just faith and indomitable spirit.


Suddenly, Chen Qingluan opened her mouth and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood. She looked extremely weak. There was almost no blood on her face, and even her breath seemed extremely weak. The fairy mountain behind her became a little unreal.

A voice from the side came over almost at the same time.

"Chen Qingluan, you can't do it anymore, right? If you can't do it, just step back."

She didn't even need to look, she knew who it was, the voice was too familiar.

"Tu Zhuque, take care of yourself first." When Chen Qingluan heard Tu Zhuque's voice, his already extremely weak aura suddenly became stronger.

But the next moment, beside her, a stream of bright red blood suddenly spurted out, directly spraying on her face.

It's the blood of Suzaku Tu!

She suddenly looked back and saw that Tu Zhuque, who was sitting cross-legged, had fallen to the ground, and the breath in his body was completely cut off.

"Tu Zhuque, stand up, what are you doing! I'm still alive, are you going to die? Are you going to lose to me like this? Stand up!"

In an instant, Chen Qingluan screamed like crazy, but Tu Zhuque didn't respond at all!

Just now, because of her injury, Tu Zhuque took the initiative to help her bear some strength. Their cultivation level was already between the two.

In fact, Tu Zhuque was also injured. After suffering more, she could no longer hold on. All the internal organs and meridians in her body were instantly shattered!

Chen Qingluan and Tu Zhuque have been fighting for their whole lives. Neither of them wants to surrender to the other. They want to compete in everything, and they have to outdo each other in every aspect.

Now, she seems to have won. She has lived longer than Tu Suzaku, but she is sadder and more crazy than anyone else!

"Damn aliens!"

Chen Qingluan frantically mobilized the immortal energy in his body to enter the formation, but the next moment, a loud bang came from the void.

For a moment, the entire sky, the entire earth, and the entire Baifeng Sect began to shake crazily.

The mountain-protecting formation of the Baifeng Sect was shattered!

Above the mountain gate, the masters of the Baifeng Sect and the Ji Zhen Sect who were still holding on to the mountain protection formation were shocked to death at this moment. Only the Supreme Elder of the Ji Zhen Sect and Bai Feng Sect were killed. Ximu Xianjun, Lie Yan and Qiu Yixue from the Peak Sect were still standing in the formation.

Although Cao Zhen has rearranged the golden light array over the years, the golden light array is not a complete golden light array and is simply not enough to stop these people.

At the gate of Baifeng Sect, the four of them looked at the aliens who had broken through the mountain-protecting formation one by one, and then quickly broken through the golden light formation, with a look of determination on their faces.

The mountain gate was broken down, but almost all the disciples in their great sect had escaped.

It was impossible for them to escape, and they didn't even think about escaping!

Looking at the foreign monks coming towards them one by one, the aura in the four people's bodies rose crazily, and the Immortal Palace behind them swelled crazily, and when it swelled again, it seemed as if it was about to burst at any time.

At this moment, their experiences of continuous training on the path of cultivation, their hatred for these alien races, their reluctance to abandon this world and the great religion, entered the fairy palace!


Four people chose to self-destruct at the same time!

Even if they are going to die, they still have to pull a foreigner to back them up!

If you pull two people on the back, you will make money!

The next moment, a loud sound was heard in the void, which resounded to the extreme.

Almost at the same time, the second, third and fourth loud noises came out one after another!

The sound was so loud that it instantly shattered the clouds in the void. The foreign monks had just rushed to the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect. They suddenly felt that the void, the ground under their feet, and even the ground below them were already running. The mountain gate was shaking crazily at this moment.

The earth split open in the middle, revealing a crack like a rift valley. The cracks spread like spider webs in all directions.

Waves of terrifying and boundless power swept away in all directions.

The few alien monks who rushed the fastest had no time to escape. Under the impact of the terrifying power of the self-destruction of the four true fairy realms, the monks who had just rushed to the gate of Baifeng Sect were instantly enveloped by this terrifying power.

Among them, the bodies of the five monks at the front were instantly blasted into powder. Several monks at the back were also blown away, and some were even knocked unconscious.

The sudden explosion caused the other monks of the Heavenly Clan and the Hell Clan to feel a little bit horrified. They did not even fly to the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect again immediately, but waited for a while before flying down. When they arrived at the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect, they all looked at the corpses lying on the ground with complicated expressions.

After a while, a prison monk said with emotion: "They only have a few monks, but they have blocked us for so long!"

"These human monks are not afraid of death!"

"Okay, stop talking. Come on, let's see what treasures there are in their great religion. This is Cao Zhen's great religion!"

When a voice came, they all reacted and rushed towards the depths of the teaching. Many people also started searching around.

But soon, they started yelling curses one by one.

"Poor ghosts, these poor ghosts, they don't even have the Qiankun Ring on them!"

"There is the Qiankun Ring, but the Qiankun Ring contains some fairy stones, which are obviously prepared to maintain the operation of the formation!"

"They took all the resources away?"

"I don't believe it. They knew in advance that we were coming and could take the resources to other places. They must have hidden all the resources and kept looking!"

For a time, all the monks at the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect flew into Baifeng Sect.

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