The new leader of the Tian Clan has only one idea when meeting with the heads of each tribe.

Unlike the previous clan leaders of the Tian Clan, he did not want to destroy any clan, let alone suppress any clan.

"In ten thousand years, the world we are waiting for will have to fight with alien races. If we continue to fight among ourselves at this time and consume our own strength, our world will undoubtedly be defeated. At that time, whether it is our Celestial Clan or the You demon clan or beast clan will all be exterminated!

That's why I came to you all just to discuss it and stop here. "

There were really too many things he said this time. Even though the clan leaders of various clans were present, Kaname and Kaname were silent for a long time, as if they were digesting what he said.

After a long time, the leader of the demon tribe slowly said: "So what you mean is that we will no longer fight, and then we will each return to our own world, and then accumulate strength and wait to fight the monks from the other world?"

"It is true that we need to accumulate strength, but we cannot just retreat to our world. We still have to continue to compete. Only competition can put pressure on the monks of our various races and allow them to continue to improve.

It's just that there is no need to fight to the death as before, and there is no need to start a clan battle, as that would cause too much damage.


The emperor of the Heavenly Clan paused slightly and said: "There is also the Human Race's Middle Continent, the Human Race's Great Thousand World, which is almost at the center of the Great Thousand World of our races. Since we have taken root in the Human Race's Middle Continent, then we will move to the Human Race's Central Continent. Consider it a gathering place for all our races.

Even our various ethnic groups should set up an organization to jointly manage and coordinate the conflicts between various ethnic groups. What do you think? "

Surrounded by other clan leaders, after thinking for a while, the evil clan leader was the first to speak: "I have no objection."

After his words fell, the clan leaders of the surrounding tribes also agreed.

In fact, the Celestial Clan has stopped intending, so all their tribes should withdraw from Central Continent. But the problem is that the six tribes have already carved up Central Continent. They all have their own interests in Central Continent. How can they let go of the interests they have already obtained? Get out!

Therefore, they all agreed to let Zhongzhou remain as it is!

"So when we set up a new organization, who will be in charge, or will each race take turns to be in charge?"

"That's right, let the juniors discuss it."

"If that's the case, then so be it."

"Then this time, since it is for ten thousand years to fight against the monks of another world, then the human race is also a foreign race in our world. I think everyone has seen the power of the human race, and it is not weak. Then this matter naturally revolves around Don’t open the human race.”

"You shouldn't bypass the human race. Just inform them of this matter."

"Then, who will inform the human race?"

The leader of the Monster Clan suddenly said: "This time, it was our three tribes who came to help the Human Race. If it was you three tribes who informed the Human Race, I'm afraid the Human Race wouldn't believe it.

It's up to us to inform the human race. It just so happens that one of our fox tribe has some connection with the human race, so let us take care of it. "

The clan leaders of other clans did not object when they heard this. Soon the clan leaders of each clan disappeared. They had more important things to do. They had to ask quickly. Their [Heaven] was about the way of heaven and about another world. things.

Human race, Dongzhou.

After Cao Zhen finished imparting instructions to Immortal Lord Kuangcao and Master Xianhua, he began to instruct other monks.

And the half-step golden immortals did not leave, but gathered around, either discussing with each other, or watching Cao Zhen playing chess with another half-step golden immortal.

On the mountainside of a mountain in Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhenzheng was teaching a half-step golden immortal who practiced chess skills. Suddenly, a figure of ten thousand enemies appeared on the mountain peak and said: "Master, Fox Gong Ju'e of the demon clan is here, and she seems to want you to have something urgent."

Although the voice of Ten Thousand Enemies was not loud, they were surrounded by beings from the Half-Step Golden Immortal Realm, and even the Sancai Sword Lord, an existence from the Golden Immortal Realm. When they heard the sound, they immediately turned their heads and looked towards Cao Zhen.

However, there was not much disgust on their faces.

After all, this time, it was the Monster Tribe, the Orc Tribe, and the Zerg Tribe who helped the Human Tribe. Although these three tribes must have acted for their own benefit, they helped, so when they heard that the other party was the Monster Tribe, There was no hostility.

"Since it's an emergency, the clan leader should go first."

"Yes, patriarch, let's go take a look first before talking."

No one thought there was anything urgent, but when Cao Zhen returned, everyone was stunned.

"What? So, the current Celestial Clan has changed a lot!"

"Every race has [Heaven], but our human race's [Heaven] has never been known where it is, or our race may not have the existence of [Heaven!]!"

"There is another world!"

The news they got this time had a huge impact on them!

"So, they said that our races should unite? That is to say, let us put down all our previous grievances? They just finished attacking our human race, and then they said they would let it go?"

"Okay, we humans are not careless. For the sake of our entire human race and our world, we can let it go.

But since they said let go, why don't they return our Middle-earth to us! "

"These are the meanings of the Celestial Clan, but what the Celestial Clan says may not be true. Who knows if their Celestial Clan is playing some conspiracy!"

"Yes, the Celestial Clan is absolutely untrustworthy!"

After everyone learned the news that Ju'e brought to Cao Zhen, they started talking a lot.

After a long time, the voice of Sancai Sword Master rang.

"Everyone..." Sancai Sword Lord looked at everyone and said in a deep voice, "They said that grudges are just like buying and selling. They didn't even return our Central Continent to us. I was also angry.

However, now that the other six tribes have reached a consensus, there is no other way with our current strength. We have just experienced a catastrophe, and our fellow tribesmen have suffered countless casualties. We cannot start a war at this time.

We can only temporarily agree with the meaning of the six tribes. At the same time, we also need to go to Central Continent to attend the meeting. "

Cao Zhen is now the clan leader of the Dongzhou Human Clan, so he naturally has to attend the meeting, and Sancai Sword Lord is the one who accompanies him to the meeting.

As for the other masters, they all stayed in Dongzhou.

This time, the Monster Clan helped them. If the Monster Clan really wanted to destroy the human race, the Monster Clan would not have taken action in the first place. Therefore, he was not too worried and was only with Sancai Sword Master.

The remaining masters from Dongzhou stayed behind.

At the same time, Sancai Sword Master also informed all this to the human masters from the other three continents.

After many years, Cao Zhen finally flew into Central Continent again. He still remembered that when he first entered East Continent, he entered alone, and then encountered the invasion of alien races.

But now, he has returned to Central Continent again, but those alien races are still there.

He flew by with the Sancai Sword Master and Ju'e who came to tell him the news, and he could clearly see the dilapidated cities and villages, and there were also many human beings living in the cities and villages.

The Sancai Sword Lord looked at the dilapidated big city in front of him and sighed softly: "These big cities are far less prosperous than before.

In fact, we felt sorry for these mortals. We evacuated but ignored them. I don’t know how many mortals were killed by these alien races! "

While he was sighing, the expressions of several people changed slightly. Not far away, bursts of strong bloody smell came.

It is a village located on the banks of a river, surrounded by lush trees and dense canopy.

The villagers in the village live a simple and peaceful life by growing crops and raising poultry.

Suddenly, at noon, three ugly villains flew down from the sky and entered their village.

Although they rarely come into contact with foreign races, they have lived here for generations, and through word of mouth from the older generation, they can still distinguish the six major foreign races.

Their village is very remote, and no foreign race has ever appeared in them over the years.

At this time, seeing these three ugly villains, the villagers suddenly panicked. The farmers ran towards their homes with their children in their arms, while the young and strong men picked up hoes and sickles, Coming together to protect their home.

They have heard too many stories about these alien races.

Especially these evil tribes, they and the beast tribe are the most cruel. Once they enter the village, they will kill, even during lunch break!

The three villains couldn't help laughing loudly when they saw a human clan standing opposite them holding sickles, hoes and other agricultural tools.

"Look at their appearance. These humans who spoke of you are actually trying to use these farm tools to resist us!"

"Their hands holding the farm tools are shaking. You know? I just love watching them look so frightened."

Among the three villains, one of them looked the strongest. He shook his head slightly and said, "Your preferences are really special. Isn't it normal for them to be afraid of us? In comparison, I prefer those children. Their The meat is really delicious.

After a while, all the children in this village were enough for me to keep. "

"It's okay to keep those children with you, but all the women must be kept with me."

"Naturally, I have no interest in these mortal women."

"Then, except for women and children, leave the rest to me. You are all too low-level. Watching these human races kill each other is the real fun."

Among the three villains, one looked slightly whiter than the other two villains, but the villain who was still extremely dark looked at the people opposite him, slowly stretched out a finger and said: "Now, I will give you a Chance.

Out of all of you, one can survive. No matter what method you use, whether it's poisoning your kin or hacking your kin to death, as long as you can become the last person alive, then he can leave here. "

After that, he looked at the people who were still indifferent, with an unpleasant look on his face: "How could it be possible? Didn't I make it clear enough? Or do you all want to die?"

"Devil! You are the devil!"

"You want us to kill each other, you are just dreaming!"

"Folks, there are only three of them, let's kill them together."

"Yes, we have all heard what they said. Even if we are lucky enough to be the ones who survive, there is no telling whether the other party will keep their promise and let us go.

So what if they really let us go? Our women will be abused by them, and our children will be killed by them!

Our relatives are gone, what’s the point of surviving? "

"Fight them!"

Among the human race, a few brave young men raised their forks, hoes or sickles and killed the three villains on the opposite side.

The three villains on the opposite side looked at the charging aliens, and each one of them sneered.

"A little mortal dares to do something."

Among the three villains, the villain with the fairest skin waved his hand forward, and suddenly, a huge phantom of a handprint appeared in the void.

The shadow fell, and in an instant, the body of a human race that had just rushed out exploded, and for a while, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and blood spread all over the ground!



"elder brother!"

Behind, a tribe of people looked at the piece of flesh and blood in front of them, and their eyes were about to burst!

"You devils, you will be punished sooner or later!"

"I'll fight with you!"

There were even farmers holding their farm tools and rushing towards these three villains.

"What a fool!"

Among the three villains, the fair-skinned villain raised his palm again and slapped it down again.

Seeing that these ordinary farmers who rushed out were about to be blown into powder by this palm, suddenly, a loud shout came from the void.

"court death!"

After the words fell, an even bigger palm shadow flew from the void. This palm shadow contained endless power, and it seemed that it could easily bombard a huge mountain into powder.

At the same time, there was a terrifying coercion that bypassed all the human races and pressed directly on these three evil races. The pressure was so strong that the air around these three villains seemed to freeze.

These three villains felt this terrifying pressure, and instantly felt as if their souls had been crushed into powder.


Three consecutive silent sounds were heard. Under the terrifying pressure, these three villains fell to their knees uncontrollably.

True fairyland, this is the pressure of true fairyland! And it’s not just an ordinary true fairyland, it’s the most top-notch true fairyland!

How could they encounter a true fairyland!

Before they could come back to their senses, the palm shadow that appeared later in the void had already collided with the palm shadow taken by the evil clan.

Suddenly, the palm shadow of the evil clan was like a flame falling into the raging torrent, instantly dissipating without a trace, while the palm shadow on the opposite side was not affected at all and was still rushing forward.

Under the pressure from all around them that almost made them faint, their bodies were so compressed that they could not move at all. They could only watch the man's huge palm getting closer and closer to them, and then lined up heavily behind them. on the body.

In an instant, they felt an overwhelming terrifying force coming. The force instantly broke through their bodies and rushed into their bodies. The impact almost shattered their internal organs.


Under this palm, the three aliens vomited blood one after another. The huge impact made their bodies move backwards, but the astonishing pressure around them seemed to be like a pair of invisible big hands. , pulling their bodies tightly so that they could not move at all.

Only then did they notice that in the void, three figures flew down, including two humans and a beautiful fox demon!

How come the human race and the demon race get together?

The hearts of the three alien races were full of doubts. They knew that the demon race, the orc race, and the Zerg race had helped the human race. These three races even joined forces to attack them in Central Continent and captured many of their territories in Central Continent.

But the problem is that the human race has suffered heavy losses and has never followed these three races into Central Continent.

The humans who entered Central Continent were all traitors to the human race, and they all hid in the territory of the Celestial Race.

Why did these two human races appear together with a demon race, and he was also a master of the true fairyland.

All around, the villagers looked at the sudden appearance of two human beings who looked exactly like them. They were stunned for a moment, and then one of the human beings shouted loudly.

"Immortal, the immortals from our human race are back!"

"Our immortal is back, we are saved!"

"Master Immortal, please save us!"

An old man even knelt down with a puff, and one person knelt down. Then, the villagers who were still alive around him knelt down one after another, and even kowtowed in the direction of Cao Zhen and the three of them. He kowtows and shouts at the same time.

"Master Immortal, please save us!"

The Sancai Sword Lord fell from the void. Looking at the ordinary mortals kowtowing to him, a look of pain appeared on his face. He raised his hand and waved, and a gentle force enveloped every villager and stood up.

" don't have to be like this. We are already here. These aliens will never hurt you again. It's our fault, it's all our fault!"

What he said was not only that they arrived a step too late, but also that they were incapable of protecting all mortals and could only withdraw from Central Continent.

And Cao Zhen walked step by step in front of these three alien tribes, looked at the three evil tribes in front of him with a cold expression, and said coldly: "Tell me, why do you come here to torture and kill the villagers here!"

The three evil tribes felt the terrifying aura exuded by the human race on the opposite side. For a moment, their livers and gallbladders seemed to be broken, and they did not even dare to open their mouths.

At this time, tell the other party that they have no reason to come here just to have fun and kill the villagers of the same clan, and the other party will definitely kill them directly.

All they can pray now is that the Immortal Lord in the distance can discover the situation here, and then rush here to save them.

This sect went out this time with an extremely powerful immortal king, who was at the pinnacle of the true immortal realm.

Because that person had something to deal with, he asked them to go around for a while and then return after half a day.

If that person can feel the aura of the True Immortal Realm that just erupted here, that person will definitely come over immediately. That person is at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. Even if the other person is a strong person in the True Immortal Realm, he will definitely not be that powerful one. existence of opponents.

Now, they can only hope that the person will come soon.

"Did not say?"

The chill on Cao Zhen's face became even colder. He looked at the other villain and said in a deep voice, "You tell me."

As he spoke, a black aura surged out of his eyes and rushed directly into the other person's body.

The next moment, the expression of the villain on the opposite side became dull. He seemed to have lost his life and said blankly: "There is no reason. The three of us just came here to have some fun."

"Looking for fun, you guys are looking for fun, so come and massacre our people!" Anger surged in Cao Zhen's body, "You are looking for death!"

On the side, the other two villains felt the terrifying murderous aura emanating from each other, and they spoke quickly with horror in their hearts.

"You can't kill us. We, we came with a peerless strong man. If you kill us, you won't survive!"

"That's right, please let us go. We can pretend that nothing happened."

When Cao Zhen listened to the threatening words of the two villains, the killing intent in his body became even more intense: "What kind of peerless strong man? Let him come. Spare you? Spare you and let you kill me more." Are you of the same clan? Today, the three of you will die!"

As he said that, he was about to take action. Suddenly, a villager from behind who was closest to here suddenly grabbed a hoe and ran towards here. As he ran, he said normally: "Let me come, my eldest brother, I will My father was killed by them, I want to avenge them!"

As one villager rushed over, the remaining villagers also picked up their farm tools and rushed over.

"Yes, let us do it, we want revenge!"

"My two brothers were both killed by them. I want them to pay with their blood!"


Cao Zhen looked at the rear. The villagers were full of anger and were controlling them with coercion. The three evil tribes were unable to get up and generally retreated to the rear.

These three evil tribes are all in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and they are just those who have just entered the Earthly Immortal Realm. With his current cultivation level, it is easy to suppress the opponent with coercion and unable to move.

However, the Earthly Immortal Realm is extremely insignificant to him now, but these are just mortals, and all they have in their hands are farm tools.

Even though these three evil tribes were severely injured by his palm and their flesh and blood were blurred, the physical strength of these three evil tribes is still too strong for ordinary mortals!

The farmers' tools kept falling down, but for a while, they were unable to kill these three villains.

Cao Zhen did not take action. These three evil tribes had already been severely injured by him. Even if he did not continue to take action, unless these three evil tribes could take some miraculous medicine, they would definitely die.

In this case, let these villagers vent their anger first.

The three villains looked at the farm tools falling above their heads, and at these ordinary mortals who kept waving their hands, their hearts filled with anger.

They are existences in the earthly fairyland. They never thought that one day, they would be insulted by these mortals!

These two human races, allowing these mortals to insult them like this, is provoking their evil race. Just wait, even if they are severely injured, these mortals will not be able to kill them for a while. They will only die because of that human race's true fairyland. A blow.

And this also takes time. The longer the time is delayed, the better it will be for them. The longer the time is delayed, the more likely that person will have finished handling the matter and discovered them.

They had just finished their thoughts when suddenly, a resounding sound of breaking through the void came over. The sound was so loud that the entire void seemed to shake, and even the doors of many mortal houses were shaken. Come down.

The three evil tribes were constantly being attacked one by one by the villagers, but the faces of the evil tribes all showed joy. That one has come, that one has come, and has arrived here faster than expected. As long as this one comes, it will definitely be over. If you can kill these two human races and a demon race, you can definitely save them.

Cao Zhen, Sancai Sword Lord, and Ju E heard the sound of the sky breaking and looked up. In the void, a figure of a villain appeared.

He was tall and mighty, with an angular face, but extremely ugly. The hem of his black, loose robe swayed gently with his body, and his hair was also as black as ink, hanging loosely on his shoulders, following him. The movements are floating.

On the ugly face, the eyes flashed with brown-red evil energy, which made people shudder.

Waves of cold breath surged out of his body, and behind him, nine immortal palaces emerged.

The evil clan at the pinnacle of the true fairyland.

At the same time, the other party discovered two humans and a demon clan below, as well as his clansmen who were lying on the ground and being attacked by mortals.

Suddenly, his falcon-like eyes fell on everyone, and boundless chills surged around him with him as the center.

"Human race, how dare you insult our evil race like this? You are looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, waves of powerful aura surged out from the nine immortal palaces behind him and entered his hands, and a long black knife appeared in his hands.

As the long sword emerged, in an instant, countless ghosts' shadows appeared in the void, and bursts of ghost cries filled the world.

The next moment, he suddenly swung his sword towards the void in front of him. In an instant, a black energy emerged, accompanied by a strong demonic energy.

This knife was like a demon's claws, ferocious and terrifying, radiating with radiance, instantly chopping up the surrounding air.

As the long knife was waved, the whole world seemed to be trembling, and the black aura gave people the illusion that it could swallow up everything in the world.

The whole world turned pitch black at this moment.

But the next moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed, and a more powerful aura surged out of the village.

This light is so sharp that everything in front of it will be torn apart.

The sword light that enveloped this area of ​​the world into pitch black was cut open in an instant, leaving only a gap. However, the next moment, the sword light suddenly shattered and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The evil tribe's True Immortal Realm Peak looked at the light of his shattered sword, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face. He was a True Immortal Realm Peak being, how could his attack be broken so easily!

There is still light, this is sword energy...

What kind of sword energy is this? I have never seen such sword energy before. This sword seems to be completely integrated with this world. It seems that I don’t know that the sword is attacking me, but the power of this world is attacking me!

This is……

"Golden Wonderland! The existence of Golden Wonderland!"

He felt the other party's aura and was horrified. How could the human race's Golden Fairyland suddenly appear in Central Continent?

Could it be...

He remembered what the evil clan's Golden Fairyland had said before, which made it difficult for them to fight with other clans for a while. Now, the seven major clans in their side of the world want to establish a new order.

There are seven major tribes, so naturally there are humans.

It seems that the masters of the human race are coming to their Central Continent to discuss how to establish a new order.

Therefore, the Golden Fairyland I met came to discuss how to establish a new order! How could I be so unlucky to meet them!

If he had known that the other party was from the Golden Fairy Realm, he would not have flown here no matter what he said, but now it is too late to regret.

In front of his eyes, the sword flew down and penetrated directly into his body.


With a loud noise, his body exploded completely and turned into a piece of powder, with bright red blood falling from the sky.

Although he is at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, he is only the most ordinary and weakest one at the top of the True Immortal Realm. The Sancai Sword Master is an extremely powerful being in the Golden Immortal Realm. One sword is enough to kill an ordinary True Immortal Realm!

Everything happened so fast. In the human village, the three evil tribes were beaming with joy just a moment ago because of the arrival of a strong member of their evil tribe. Even their smiles had just bloomed. In the void, their powerful Existence has turned into blood.

For a moment, the three villains were completely confused.

That existence is dead!

That person, who was at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, was actually killed by a sword!

What kind of existence can kill the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm with one sword?

Golden wonderland!

Only the existence of the Golden Fairy Realm can do this, so the two human races in front of you, in addition to a strong man in the True Fairy Realm, also have an existence of the Golden Fairy Realm!

They don’t know how many Golden Fairy Realms the human race has, but among their evil tribe, the total number of Golden Fairy Realms is less than twenty. And with the previous invasion of the human race, several of their evil tribe’s Golden Fairy Realms died, so the number is even higher. If there is less, I am afraid that their evil clan may not even have fifteen golden fairylands now!

Even if the human race has more golden fairyland than their evil race, the number is limited!

As a result, there were so many human monks, and the three of them happened to encounter a human golden fairyland. What kind of luck did they have!

After the Sancai Sword Master killed the opponent's True Immortal Realm Peak, he looked back at Cao Zhen and said softly: "Since the evil tribe has the True Immortal Realm Peak, there may be other evil tribes nearby. In order to avoid future troubles, I will first kill the nearby evil tribes." The clan beheaded."

As he spoke, his figure disappeared instantly.

And in the courtyard of this village, the three evil tribes slowly died away because of Cao Zhen's palm.

But these villagers still didn't stop. They were still attacking the corpses of these three evil tribes crazily.

Cao Zhen looked at the crazy-looking people, sighed in his heart, and let everyone vent for a while, then slowly said: "Okay, they are dead."

As he spoke, he condensed a heart-purifying spell into his words.

The villagers, listening to these words, instantly calmed down.

Then, they dropped their farm tools, knelt on the ground, and cried bitterly.

"Father, have you seen it? I avenged you!"

"Eldest brother, second brother, I killed these evil tribes!"

"Don't worry, these evil tribes are dead and our village has been saved!"

"My son, why did you leave? What will the old man and I do if you leave!"

Although the three villains died, for a while, the whole village burst into tears.

Cao Zhen looked at the people crying in pain, with a look of pain on his face. These are all humans, all of his clansmen!

Facing the crowd, he didn't know what to say for a while. He didn't even want to use the Qingxin spell to calm everyone down. He just cleaned up the nearby battlefield.

Then, he used magic to collect the blood and broken minced meat of the previously dead humans.

Even though he is now in the true fairyland, he cannot distinguish the blood and minced meat of everyone.

Soon, the Sancai Sword Master who had flown away before flew back, apparently taking care of the nearby evil clan.

Only then did Cao Zhen cast his Heart-Cleaning Spell again and said: "Okay, dead people cannot be resurrected. If they are dead, they should be buried in their graves earlier. I have collected everyone's flesh and blood. We'd better let them go first." Let them be laid to rest.”

Because the flesh and blood of the people could not be distinguished, Cao Zhen could only seek the opinions of these villagers and bury them all together.

He and Sancai Sword Lord helped everyone build the tomb before flying away, but their moods became heavier and heavier.

Compared with the monks and mortals in the Four Continents, the lives of these mortals in Central Continent are more difficult. They have no backing. Who knows what day, there will be a monk from a foreign race, just because they want to have fun, they will destroy their entire village. Even a city.

They would even be closely affected by the fighting of some foreign monks, causing the entire village to die.

They live in fear every day!

They flew all the way and passed by a large city and village of a human race. Some of the villages were obviously destroyed and turned into a waste. There was even a large city that was destroyed!

Cao Zhen looked at the destroyed city and suddenly said: "Fellow Taoist Sancai, we had no way to take them away at first, but now, we can no longer let them go.

Our compatriots must also want to leave Central Continent and enter our four continents, but the area of ​​​​Central Continent is too large. Even if they walk non-stop for a moment, even if they walk for a lifetime, they will not be able to reach East Continent.

In the past, we had no way to bring them into East Continent, but now, isn't it necessary for the seven races to establish a new order and coexist peacefully?

We don't care what kind of order they want to establish. They have already spoken, so they won't break up directly. Then we can directly bring these civilians into our Eastern Continent. If one Dongzhou cannot flourish, then the other three continents will be included. "

"Okay, this time when we go back, we will have people take action immediately. No, there is no need to wait for us to go back.

Every day we delay, more mortals will die. I will now inform the Demon Lord Returning to Tomb and let them control the flying boat to pick up these mortals.

Since the monks from Central Continent can be accommodated around us, the mortals from Central Continent can also be accommodated. If there really is no environment suitable for them to live and farm, then let our monks create for them an environment suitable for mortals to live and work!

It was us who abandoned them in the first place, and now it is our time to repay our debt. "

Cao Zhen nodded lightly. Although he is now the clan leader of Dongzhou, when he became the clan leader, he said that Lord Sancai Sword Master would be the deputy clan leader of Dongzhou Human Clan. Lord Sancai Sword Master could also mobilize the entire clan. Human monks from Dongzhou.

This is the advantage of establishing a dynasty-like regime in the entire East Continent. With one order, all the monks can mobilize.

This time, the place where all the tribes gathered was within the territory of the Tian Clan.

However, even though it is within the territory of the Celestial Clan, everyone is not worried.

This time everyone wants to discuss how to establish a new order. If the Heavenly Clan suddenly takes action, it will offend the other tribes. Important members of the tribes will die, and the Qi Yu tribes will definitely attack together. No matter how strong the Celestial Clan is, they can’t hold it back!

Cao Zhen, Sancai Jianjun and Ju E were immediately discovered by the Heavenly Clan after entering the Heavenly Clan's area.

Not long after, a monk from the Celestial Clan appeared in everyone's sight.

He was wearing a dark blue robe, which was decorated with golden runes and strange patterns, which seemed to tell his extraordinary identity and extremely powerful cultivation.

He is not tall in stature, and his face is sharp and angular. His brows reveal a fierce and unyielding will. His slender eyebrows are slightly twisted, exuding a detached and cold temperament. His eyes are deep and dark, as if he can see the truth of everything in the world, giving people an extremely mysterious and inviolable feeling.

Although his aura did not reach the Golden Immortal Realm, it was far superior to the ordinary True Immortal Realm. It was even much stronger than the peak of the True Immortal Realm of the evil tribe they killed before.

This should be a half-step golden immortal from the Celestial Clan.

The other party obviously knew the identities of Cao Zhen and the others. After seeing a few of them, the monk from the Heavenly Clan raised his hands to them and said: "I am the Immortal Lord of the Opening. The three talented swordsmen of the human race, the leader of the Hundred Peaks, and the demon Princesses of the fox demon clan, please come with me, the rest of the parties have already arrived, and now I am waiting for you."

Cao Zhen nodded lightly. He also knew that now the people in power of the Tian Clan have changed, and even the monks of the Tian Clan have become another branch. But before, countless monks and countless mortals from their human race died. In the hands of these Heavenly Clan monks, it was impossible for him to give them a smile.

Ju'e, the weakest among them, is an extremely powerful being in the True Immortal Realm. She was so fast. Under the leadership of Kai Xianjun, it took only half a day to fly to the place where they were discussing and establishing a new order. , Fengtian City.

This was originally a large city of the human race. Because of the name of this city, after the Celestial Clan captured this place, they regarded it as the center of their Celestial Clan in Central Continent.

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