Fengtian City is called Fengtian City, but Fengtian City is no longer the Fengtian City it once was.

Fengtian City used to be extremely prosperous, and every important day was even more crowded. But now, there is almost no mortal human being seen in the entire city.

The only human race that can be seen is also because this time, the seven major races are going to hold a meeting, and masters from all races have come from four continents.

Cao Zhen and Sancai Sword Lord were delayed for a while because of mortal matters. When they arrived, masters from all races and human masters from other three continents had already arrived.

Although Ju'e is the princess of the fox demon clan, her cultivation level is still too low, and she has not inherited the position of the leader of the fox demon clan, so she did not enter the main hall.

In the main hall. Cao Zhen glanced towards the hall in front of him. At a glance, the majority of people here were human beings.

Other foreign races only sent two or three monks, but their human race had four continents, and each continent sent representatives. He and Sancai Jianjun came on behalf of Dongzhou, and they also came from the four continents. Among the continents, the one with the smallest number of people, two of the other three continents sent three people, and one of them even sent four people.

These people should all be from the Golden Immortal Realm of the other three continents. Cao Zhen had come into contact with the True Immortal Realm of the other three continents before in the True Immortal Realm battlefield, but he had not come into contact with the Golden Immortal Realm of the other three continents.

He didn't know any of these people either.

After looking around, his eyes quickly fell on a rabbit demon.

This female rabbit demon is sitting in the middle of the beast tribe and the demon tribe. She has a beautiful appearance, long hair shawl, and wears a white dress, giving people a fresh feeling. At the same time, her eyes are bright, revealing a kind of Gentle, her breath gives off a feeling of lightness.

The only difference between her and humans is that her ears are extremely long, like rabbit ears.

No matter how you look at it, this should be a demon clan, but the aura she exudes is not the aura of the demon clan, but the aura of the beast clan.

The rabbit demon seemed to have noticed Cao Zhen's gaze, but she smiled slightly at Cao Zhen without any intention of getting angry.

Suddenly, a slightly hoarse female voice came from Cao Zhen's ears.

"Master Cao is wondering why the rabbit beast looks like a monster, but its breath is that of a beast. Is Leader Cao wondering whether she is our monster or the beast?"

Cao Zhen's eyes immediately fell on the side of the demon tribe. This time, there were two demon tribes, one was a dragon demon, and the other was a very old-looking fox demon.

Obviously, it was this fox demon who had just transmitted the message to him. Ju'e also said on the way here that one of the two people representing their demon clan this time was the great elder of their fox demon clan. The ever-changing immortal king.

He is not the leader of their fox demon clan. There is more than one Golden Fairy Realm of their fox demon clan. This is also the reason why their fox demon clan is so strong within the demon clan. They have so many masters. Second only to the strongest dragon clan!

Cao Zhen also sent a message into the secret and replied: "Indeed, I am wondering about her, but she should be an orc."

"Yes, she is indeed from the Beast Clan." Baibian Immortal Lord said, "Among our Monster Clan, there is a clan called the Sky Bear Clan. They are not the Bear Clan. Although they are Monster Clan, their It looks more like an orc.

Similarly, there is also the Rabbit Clan among the Beast Clan. One of them is called the Yao Rabbit Clan. They obviously look more like our Monster Clan, but they are indeed the Beast Clan.

It's just that whether they are the Tianxiong tribe or the Yaotu tribe, their number is not large. Moreover, the Yaotu tribe is regarded by the Yaotu tribe as the demon tribe's traitors, and the beast tribe regards the Tianxiong tribe as the beast tribe's traitors. Once discovered, they will be madly targeted. .

Therefore, the presence of these two tribes is almost invisible on the outer battlefield. Therefore, Leader Cao didn’t know that the Yao Tu people were normal.

And this time, it is normal for the Beast Clan to send out the Yao Rabbit Clan. After all, their brains are not very good, and the Yao Rabbit Clan are the smartest clan among the Beast Clan. "

"I see."

Although Cao Zhen understood the reason, he still wondered why the Yaotu tribe of the beast tribe looked so like the demon tribe?

Although it was the first time for a group of monks from the other three continents to see Cao Zhen, they recognized each other's identity at a glance.

Cao Zhen is so famous in the battlefields of Guixiang Realm and True Immortal Realm. Even in the other three continents, there are a large number of people like Cao Zhen.

However, this was the first time they saw Cao Zhen, but they did not greet Cao Zhen directly, but greeted the Sancai Sword Lord one after another.

One by one, the human monks stood up from their seats, cupped their hands towards the Sancai Sword Lord and said, "Fellow Taoist Sancai."

"Long time no see, Sancai Daoist friend."

"Fellow Taoist Sancai..."

Every human monk is very polite. The Three Talented Sword Lord is also a very powerful existence in the Golden Fairyland.

It can even be said that the Three Talented Sword Lord can definitely be ranked among the top three existences among all the Golden Fairy Realms of the human race today.

The Sancai Sword Master smiled and raised his hands to everyone. Just when he was about to reply, a cold snort rang out very suddenly in the hall.


The heavy sound was filled with obvious dissatisfaction.

In an instant, the eyes of all the monks in the hall fell on the monk who made the sound.

The evil monk.

Cao Zhen raised his eyebrows slightly. This evil clan was as ugly as the other evil clans.

Their ferocious ugliness is not seen in terms of the aesthetics of the human race. All races see it this way. Even the evil race thinks they are ugly. To be more precise, it should be the female cultivators of the evil race who think the men of their evil race are ugly. Cultivation is ugly, and the male cultivators from the evil tribe feel that the female cultivators from the evil tribe are extremely ugly.

This evil monk has a gloomy face, a pair of sharp eyes, and a sharp gaze. His hair was messy, and there was an imperceptible sneer on his face, full of intrigue and cunning.

Beside him, another villain was wearing a black robe. This robe exuded a dark and cold aura, making people feel chilling.

The whole body exudes an aura that makes people feel depressed and suffocated. Hearing the voice of his companion, he sneered: "Here, there are masters from all races gathered. You, the last one to arrive, don't know how to express your apology, but you say some polite words here. You think this is still your human race?" Middle-earth?"

His voice was low and hoarse, and every word he spoke carried a sense of oppression.

When Cao Zhen saw these two villains, a look of anger suddenly appeared on his face, and he said coldly: "Silly!"

As soon as these two words fell, all the monks present were completely confused!

Those present today are all among the top monks of all races. Even except for Cao Zhen, none of them are below the Golden Immortal Realm.

Today is an occasion for all ethnic groups to discuss how to establish a new order.

On such an important occasion, Cao Zhen actually said such vulgar words! Not to mention the Golden Immortal Realm, even the Returning Immortal Realm and Earth Immortal Realm monks would not say such words!

No, it should be said that this is not something a monk can say!

However, many monks laughed secretly.

On one side of the Evil Clan are two monks from the Hell Clan, one male and one female. The male monk is as ugly as the Evil Clan monks. He just sits there without saying a word, turning into a human being. It feels like this is a jealous and sinister monk.

However, the female cultivator from the prison clan next to her had skin as white as snow. Her skin was as fair as green onion, and her appearance was even more beautiful.

Compared with the human monks, her face has a deeper outline, and her light-colored eyes exude a cold light that makes people dare not look directly.

She was wearing a silver-white cultivation robe. The robe was as smooth as water, light and elegant, as if it would leave a trace of silver wherever she passed. And her long hair hangs down to her waist like a waterfall, undulating slightly, making people fascinated.

There was a faint fragrance exuding around her, as if the whole room was surrounded by her breath. At the same time, the air around her was obviously much colder than elsewhere. It seemed that others were in the same world, but she was alone. One person, sitting in the ice and snow.

Suddenly beside her, a male cultivator from the Prison Clan whispered a voice into the secret: "Linfeng Immortal Lord, these two evil tribes are really stupid, especially the Fengfu Immortal Lord who was insulted by the human race. Here, everyone The purple race is the weakest of the evil race. Even though the human race has just suffered a heavy blow, the strength shown by the human race is still higher than that of the evil race.

Everyone is better than the evil tribe, but no one of them speaks, yet they take the initiative to offend the human race. I know that they want to show that their attitude is good to the Celestial Clan.

But the current Celestial Clan is different from the previous Celestial Clan. The Celestial Clan does not want to create any more conflicts, at least on the surface, the Celestial Clan does not want to create any more conflicts. "

After he finished speaking, he didn't get any response, and he didn't take it seriously. Everyone knew that Linfeng Immortal Lord's personality could no longer be described as cold, but was extremely cold.

He would only feel strange if the other party responded to him!

In the hall, the masters of other races were thinking about something, and each one of them was speechless.

Nongfu Xianjun felt the strange gazes of the monks of all races around him, and the anger surged in his body, and a vein bulged out on his ugly face.

He had only one purpose in saying this, to show the Celestial Clan their evil attitude.

There is no way, their evil tribe has offended the human race before, and they have also fought against the demon race, the orc race and the insect race, so they can only stay close to the heavenly race.

But he didn't expect that this little human race would dare to curse him in such vulgar language!

As his anger surged, he stood up suddenly, standing so violently that the chair behind him was shattered, and at the same time, he slapped his palm heavily on the table below.

In an instant, the entire table exploded and turned into ashes. He looked at Cao Zhen angrily and said angrily: "You bastard, you little beast!"

When Cao Zhen heard these three words, he suddenly remembered the novels of a master he had read before he came to this world. His heart moved and he quickly said: "Who are you scolding, little beast?"

Nongfu Xianjun was so furious that he followed Cao Zhen's words without even thinking, "You little beast, I'm scolding you!"

After the words fell, the surrounding area instantly became quiet, and each of the monks looked at Xian Fu Xianjun with strange expressions on their faces.

"Pfft..." On the side of the demon clan, a dragon demon with a handsome face, deep features, and a high nose bridge looked the same as the human race, except that he had a pair of dragon horns on his head. He couldn't hold it back at first and burst into laughter.

As he laughed out loud, many monks around him couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Even Linfeng Immortal Lord, who was like an iceberg, couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Nongfu Xianjun also reacted instantly. For a moment, the anger in his body almost reached the point of bursting, and boundless killing intent surged out of his body.

This human race actually humiliated him again and again in front of so many monks and masters from all races!

If he doesn't do something, how will he have the face to be in Zhongzhou in the future, and how will he be able to do everything inside and outside!

"Human race, you are looking for death!"

At this moment, the killing intent seemed to condense into substance and surged towards Cao Zhen.

But the next moment, before the murderous intention flew in front of Cao Zhen, a majestic shout suddenly sounded in the hall!


The sound wave surged out and directly dispersed the murderous aura.

Cao Zhen couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

In the position of the master, a man from the Celestial Clan with an elegant temperament and unusually tailored clothes, giving people a sense of cultural accomplishment, appeared in his sight.

The other person has an elegant temperament, but his eyes reveal a strong sense of confidence and calmness.

When Nongfu Xianjun heard the man's words, although he wanted to take action, he had to calm down at this time. The other party was the monk in charge of this meeting from the Celestial Clan. In other words, the Celestial Clan's status in this Central Continent was The most noble one, the responsible monk, is the fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan in front of him!

Although the Tian Clan has now changed to another branch, the rules of the two branches are the same. The fourth princes of the Tian Clan are among the royal family of the Tian Clan, other than the emperor, they can rank fourth in cultivation talent.

Their evil clan now had no choice but to seek refuge with the Celestial Clan, and he would never dare to provoke the Celestial Clan.

The fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan looked around and frowned. There was no sign of anger on his face. It seemed as if the stern shout just now was not coming from his mouth. He said calmly: "Everyone, we are here to build a new world." It’s about order, not to fight to the death.”

He knows what the evil clan means. He also knew that the evil tribe had a tendency to completely fall to them, but this time he would never let the two sides fight here.

Although he didn't know what their emperor wanted to do, at least on the surface, the emperor wanted to maintain the stability of this world and wanted all races to put aside all their grudges for the time being.

And this time he was in charge of convening the meeting. If the meeting hadn't started yet, they would have had a direct fight. What would the Emperor think of him then? Would the Emperor think that his ability was not good enough? Or do you think that he deliberately disobeyed the emperor's orders and went against the emperor?

Therefore, he must not let these monks conflict here.

After finishing speaking, he shouted towards the door: "Prepare a good table and chairs for Immortal Nongfu."

After all, the evil tribe is going to surrender to their heavenly tribe, so he also wants to express some of his goodwill.

When Nongfu Xianjun saw that the four princes of the Tian Clan had spoken, and the other party had found steps for him to get down, he naturally restrained his murderous intent, but he still looked in the direction of Cao Zhen, and said harshly: "You, Wait."

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, he seemed to be looking at a fool. He looked at Nongfu Xianjun and uttered two words again: "Silly."

After these two words fell, many monks around him couldn't help laughing again.

They even felt that what Cao Zhen said was true. The overthrow of the Immortal Lord was all in Cao Zhen's hands. No, it should be said that he had suffered twice. He hadn't eaten enough yet and took the initiative. Send it up and suffer the third loss.

This is not stupid, what is this?

Cao Zhen was really right.

Nongfu Xianjun just said something to regain his position so that he would not be so embarrassed, but this Cao Zhen was like this!

If he hadn't been here, if the fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan hadn't just spoken, he would have taken action no matter what he said. But now, after the fourth prince had just finished speaking, he couldn't just take action, because God would not give the fourth prince face.

But if he doesn't take action, he can't defeat Cao Zhen.

For a moment, he was in a dilemma.

Fortunately, at this time, the people in the hall opened from the outside, and two heavenly clans arrived with brand new seats and placed them in front and behind Immortal Nongfu.

Then, the fourth prince's voice rang out: "Nongfu Xianjun, please sit down."

Nongfu Xianjun cupped his hand towards the fourth prince and then sat down.

At the same time, in the hall, the voices of the four princes of the Heavenly Clan rang out again.

"Human race, it's okay that you are late. There are too many people." The fourth prince looked at the human race in the room with a calm tone.

Although he said that he wanted all the tribes to negotiate peace this time, everyone knew that the evil tribe was going to surrender to their heavenly tribe. Cao Zheng just humiliated the evil tribe and overthrew the immortal king, which was tantamount to denying them to the heavenly tribe. Face, if he doesn’t say anything and doesn’t regain some ground, what will others think of their Celestial Clan!

When Cao Zhen heard this, his brows suddenly furrowed and he asked, "So what if there are too many people? I thought, your Celestial Clan didn't say how many people can only come from each clan, right?"

The reason why so many people from the human race died, and the reason why so many monks from the Bai Feng Sect died, were all because of the Celestial Clan. How could he give the Celestial Clan a good look!

The fourth prince was silent for a moment, and there was no trace of anger on his face. He still said calmly: "I haven't said anything. However, there are so many people from your human race, who is the one who calls the shots? Should you choose to make the decision first? People? Otherwise, what if our meeting starts later and you have different opinions? After all, which of you can represent the human race? "

Cao Zhen suddenly laughed. He wanted to alienate the human race. This method was really low-end.

He continued to ask: "How do you know that our opinions will definitely be different? Moreover, you asked us to hold a meeting. Now that everyone is here, should the meeting start?"

"Okay." The fourth prince of the Tian Clan said with a calm smile, "Since Leader Cao can't wait any longer, our meeting will begin.

In fact, everyone knows why the meeting is held. I think since everyone is here to participate, they should all have the desire for peaceful development of all ethnic groups. This should go without saying.

What we really want to discuss is how our various races can establish a new order. If we want to establish a new order, then our various races must have a unified organization. "

As he spoke, he glanced around, and after seeing that no one had any objection, he continued: "We have seven major clans in total, but don't forget, there is another clan in our world, the Blood Clan!"

As his words fell, a bloody aura suddenly gathered in the hall, and not long after, a huge bloody monster emerged from the ground.

This bloody thing seems to be spliced ​​together from many different monsters. It has a head like a wolf, with horns on its head, and a body like a snake, but it also has claws like eagle claws...

At the same time, there are countless tentacles on his body. These tentacles are long and thick, exuding a chilling stench. There are sharp claws on each tentacle, which look extremely sharp and seem to be able to easily tear the Shining Painting into pieces.

Its mouth is wide and full of sharp teeth that can easily crush the bones of prey.

In addition to its claws, it even has four legs, each of which has strong muscles that can easily support its huge body. And the legs are covered with a thick layer of scales, which look extremely strong.

The monster's ears look like they were spliced ​​together from bat wings, and are large and flat.

With his appearance, the strong smell of blood filled the entire place.

The fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan looked at the monks and said: "Everyone, after ten thousand years, we will face a world with powerful people. We must unite all the races in our world. Therefore, the Vampire Race should also be considered. Above, what do you think?

If there is no objection to this, it is passed. So I propose that our name be, Alliance of Eight Tribes. Do you have any opinions? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Nongfu Xianjun left and said, "Eight Clans Alliance, this name couldn't be more appropriate."

On the side, another evil monk also nodded and said: "Yes, there is no more suitable name than this."

But except for the two of them who spoke, none of the other monks spoke. Many of the monks' eyes fell on the two monks from the Hell Clan.

Cao Zhen also looked at the two monks from the Hell Clan with some strangeness. The Hell Clan and the Evil Clan had defected to the Celestial Clan and attacked the Human Clan.

At this time, as an ally of the Heavenly Clan, shouldn’t the Hell Clan also respond to the Celestial Clan? Why didn't you say a word at this time?

Could it be that the prison clan has other ideas?

The fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan even looked deeply at the two monks of the Prison Clan, and then he withdrew his gaze and continued: "Since you all have no objections, the name has been decided. Since we have the Eight Clans Alliance, then Naturally, there needs to be an alliance leader. The emperors of various tribes cannot come to this world, and this time, since you are here, then I think you can represent each tribe, so our alliance leader should also be selected from among us. .”

All around, the monks were getting excited at this moment. Everyone knew that this was the focus of this meeting.

As the fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan spoke, his face that had always been indifferent suddenly showed a look of domineering, and he said in a deep voice: "This meeting was proposed by our Heavenly Clan, and the situation in the other world is also affected by our Heavenly Clan's situation. It is even clearer, after all, we have fought against them in our ancestral land before.

Therefore, I suggest that our Celestial Clan be the leader of this alliance. At the same time, we will choose two deputy leaders.

We have a total of eight tribes, and each tribe has a right to vote. Whoever gets more voting rights will be the deputy leader. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the dragon demon said in a deep voice in the direction of the demon clan: "This move is deeply inappropriate. Why does the deputy alliance leader need to be voted for, but the alliance leader does not need to vote?"

As soon as his words fell, all the monks around him, except the evil ones, started to respond.

"That's right, if you have to choose, let's all choose together!"

"Celestial Clan, you mean that our seven tribes can coexist peacefully, you don't mean that we have the other six tribes obeying your orders!"

"Celestial Clan, your method won't work!"

Cao Zhen noticed that on the Prison Clan side, the cold female cultivator did not speak, but the sinister male cultivator from the Prison Clan also spoke up to object.

So, is the Hell Clan backstabbing the Celestial Clan again and siding with the Monster Clan, the Orc Clan, and the Zerg Clan?

Beside the fourth prince, another old man who looked ordinary and wore simple clothes, but whose aura was extremely calm, slowly said, "Then, what should we do according to your wishes?"

There are deep wrinkles on his face, which are obviously traces of time, but these wrinkles seem to contain wisdom and experience.

"What do you mean? Didn't everyone say before that we have eight tribes in total, so each of our tribes will have one vote to elect the leader and deputy leader."

"Yes, this is the only fairest thing!"

"Since our seven tribes want to coexist peacefully, we must use the fairest method to select the leader and deputy leader!"

The old man from the Heavenly Clan nodded slightly after listening to the words of the monks, and then continued to ask: "So, you mean to select the alliance leader and deputy alliance leader in the most fair way, right?"

The other tribes heard the sound and spoke one after another.


"Yes, what we want this time is fairness."

The old man from the Tian Clan suddenly laughed: "In that case, let's follow what everyone said, how to be fair and how to choose."

Cao Zhen frowned slightly as he listened to the words of the old man from the Celestial Clan. This meeting was convened by the Celestial Clan on their own initiative. Their Celestial Clan must want to strive for greater interests, but in the current situation, how to make a fair choice? The clan will definitely suffer.

If things go wrong, the Celestial Clan won’t even be able to choose the deputy leader.

Whether it is their own human race, the monster race, the orc race, the insect race, or even the hell race that seems to have stabbed the heavenly race in the back, they will never choose the heavenly race as their alliance leader or deputy leader.

Counting their own vote from the Heavenly Clan, plus the Evil Clan and the newly joined Vampire Clan, that's only three votes, which is far from enough.

So why did the Heavenly Clan agree to this approach?

Could it be that the Celestial Clan wants to take advantage of the little thoughts among the various clans?

After all, although all tribes are afraid of the Celestial Clan, if they want to choose the Monster Clan as their alliance leader, will the Beast Clan agree? Can the Zerg agree? How to protect their own interests?

After seeing all the clansmen nodding, the old man from the Tian Clan showed a bright smile and said: "But it must be fair. The method you mentioned is not the most fair."

As he said that, he stood up, looked at the monks present, and finally his eyes fell on Cao Zhen, and said: "Except for the human race's leader Cao, everyone present is a being in the Golden Immortal Realm. This world, Even including the Tianwai battlefield, the highest combat power that everyone can see is the Golden Fairyland.

We can even say that for each tribe, the Golden Immortal Realm is the strongest combat power, and the Golden Immortal Realm is also the most important monk for each tribe.

In this case, then we have to vote, and naturally every Golden Fairyland member can vote.

Everyone, when the time comes, just send everyone in Golden Wonderland to vote. "

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly condensed, it turned out that the Celestial Clan's plan was here.

Although he didn't know how many Golden Immortals the Celestial Clan had, the Celestial Clan's Golden Immortal Realms were definitely the most among all the clans. After all, the Celestial Clan's strength was twice what everyone originally thought, and the number of masters was as much as double.

Although the evil clan is weak, no one knows how strong the vampire clan is!

If the number of the Blood Clan in the Golden Fairy Realm is similar to that of the Celestial Clan, then it is really possible that the Celestial Clan’s number in the Golden Fairy Realm could exceed the combined number of the other five tribes.

No wonder, the Celestial Clan initially said that they should be the leader of the alliance, and they also knew that the other tribes would not agree with the Celestial Clan.

They must have also guessed the requirements of the other tribes, so they successfully proposed the fairest method, and it seems that their method is indeed the fairest.

The old man from the Tian Clan looked at the many monks and asked, "What do you think?"

On the Zerg side, a soldier insect that looked like a bean insect, but had a pair of wings and seemed to be a foot long, suddenly said: "That's inappropriate!"

The mother worm of the Zerg is almost unable to move, so this time the Zerg sends soldier worms.

The old man from the Tian Clan looked at the other person and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Those vampires," Bing Chong said, "Even the human race, which has the latest contact with us, we are more familiar with than the vampires. We can also know how many golden fairyland the human race has, so let these human race's true fairyland vote.

But these vampires come from underground. Who knows how many golden wonderlands they have!

I even suspect that their bodies can change at will. We all know that they can turn into blood.

So after they turn into blood and water, can they be combined into another form, and even their breaths will change.

This is not a difficult matter. After all, the human race's leader Cao can change his breath at will.

Then, how much Golden Wonderland they have is entirely up to them. "

It is absolutely impossible for the IQ of the soldiers to be so high. Obviously, this is the intention of the mother insect behind the soldiers.

In the hall, the only vampire who came heard the sound and laughed loudly: "If you are like this, there is no need to worry at all.

I know that it is impossible for you to go underground to see how many golden fairyland we have.

It's okay, our clan can appear as long as there are enough blood rivers. When enough blood rivers are expanded, our Golden Fairyland will appear at the same time, and you will naturally know how many Golden Fairylands we have. "

When Cao Zhen heard the other party talking about widening the blood river, he immediately said loudly: "That's inappropriate. Everyone, if more blood rivers are opened in this land, the spiritual energy of this land will be affected. Moreover, once the blood river is widened, Now, who knows if you will do other things, after all, we are not familiar enough with you."

This is the vast world of the human race, and before he entered the golden elixir stage, he knew how much influence the blood river of the vampire race had on their human race.

He will never allow these vampires to expand more blood rivers in the vast world of their human race.

In fact, if all races really want to coexist peacefully, the first thing they should do is return their human race's territory to them.

But he didn't bring it up because he knew that even if he brought it up, all the tribes wouldn't agree.

Those monsters, orcs, and Zerg seem to stand with their human race, but if I propose that the other party return all the human territory, it will affect the interests of the other party. How can the monsters agree? So he didn't even mention this.

However, in the vast world of the human race, it is absolutely impossible to widen the blood river.

As Cao Zhen spoke, the Demon Clan's Variety Immortal Lord was the first to speak in agreement: "Indeed, this is inappropriate."

They don't know the strength of the vampires. If they can prevent the vampires from participating, it's better not to let the vampires participate.

On the side of the Heavenly Clan, the fourth prince who had not spoken for a long time heard the sound, but suddenly said: "You all think it's inappropriate, it's just that you don't want the Blood Clan to open up more blood rivers in this vast world of the human race.

In fact, they have no plans to open up more blood rivers in the human world, because this world cannot bear more blood rivers.

Therefore, the place where they will open up the Blood River is our Celestial Clan.

We will open up enough blood rivers in the Celestial Clan. At that time, all the Golden Immortal Realm masters in their Vampire Clan can appear at the same time, letting everyone know how many Golden Immortal Realm masters their Vampire Clan has. In this way, you still have Questions? Do you still have questions? "

All around, the other clans frowned deeply when they heard this. The Heavenly clan dared to let the Blood clan expand more blood rivers in their vast world, which could accommodate all the blood rivers that appeared in the Golden Fairyland of the Blood clan!

Many monks say that the Zerg tribe is the most special tribe in their world. In fact, the most popular tribe should be the Vampire tribe.

The Vampire Clan does not only exist in the vast world of the human race. There are blood rivers of the Vampire Clan in the vast worlds of all races.

Theoretically, the Vampire Clan is a clan that can appear in the hinterland of each tribe. Similarly, their tribes have always been wary of the Vampire Clan and have been suppressing the Blood Clan's blood river. Therefore, the number and masters of the Vampire Clan who can enter their tribes are very high. It was very limited and didn't cause much damage.

But now, by doing this, the Celestial Clan has completely united with the Blood Clan!

Aren't they afraid of backlash from the Vampire Clan?

Why do they trust the vampires so much?

These two tribes may have already formed an alliance earlier! Much earlier than they knew!

In other words, the destruction of the strongest branch of the Immortal Clan was also related to the Blood Clan?

After all, at the beginning, the strongest branch of the Immortal Clan was not the Celestial Clan, but another branch. But no one knew why, the strongest branch of the Celestial Clan was destroyed, and only the Celestial Clan was left!

The old man of the Tian Clan looked at the silent crowd and raised his voice: "Everyone, didn't you say before that you would choose the fairest way? And my way is indeed the fairest, what's wrong with it?

Everyone, we all belong to our own side of the world. You said before that we should choose the fairest method, and we also agreed to use the fairest method.

As a result, you think my method is not fair enough. Do you have a more fair method? "

All around, all the clans fell silent for a moment.

After all, everyone's core idea is the same, which is to stop fighting.

The Monster Clan, the Orc Clan and the Zerg Clan do not want to continue fighting. First, what the Celestial Clan said may be true, even if it is false. Now, continuing to develop peacefully in this way can buy time for the human race. The human race regains its strength.

They believe that after the human race regains its strength, if the heavenly clan conflicts with them again, the human race will definitely stand on their side!

Since it is peaceful development, they cannot go too far in this meeting. They cannot oppose everything the Tian Clan says. That would really force the Tian Clan to throw the table.

However, they don't know the strength of the Blood Clan at the moment, but looking at the appearance of the Celestial Clan, they are obviously very confident.

That's why they didn't want to agree, but they had no better way.

Just when they had a headache, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Your method seems to have no problem, but it is not the most reasonable." Cao Zhen's heart moved and he suddenly said: "Just a single vote from a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm is not enough.

Because every monk has many choices in his heart.

For example, I... I am not a monk in the Golden Fairy Realm, but suppose that I am now a monk in the Golden Fairy Realm. When I voted, there were many monks who wanted to vote. I wanted to vote for the Demon Clan's Ever-Changing Immortal Lord, but also for the Beast Clan's monk, and I even wanted to vote for a Zerg Clan monk. What should I do?

I probably think all three are excellent choices. Moreover, it is too troublesome for us to vote for the alliance leader once and then vote for the deputy alliance leader twice. We are all monks in the Golden Fairyland and we have a lot to do.

Therefore, I think that one of our monks should have three votes. They are the first vote, the second vote and the third vote.

The first ballot is counted as three votes, the second ballot is counted as two votes, and the third ballot is counted as only one vote.

At that time, the monk with the most votes will be the leader, and the monks with the second and third most votes will be the deputy leaders. What do you think?

Moreover, we are eight tribes after all, and the purpose of our choice is also for fairness, so we have to add another condition, that is, the same tribe can only have one monk as the leader or deputy leader. "

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