Cao Zhen is really convinced. Who do you think I am? I came to attend a conference in our world, not to go on a blind date. In the blink of an eye, I got three more wives!

The Monster Tribe and the Beast Tribe all agreed. When it came to the Hell Tribe, the Hell Tribe said so. If they didn’t agree, what would the Hell Tribe think?

Moreover, the problem now is that before he could speak, the Golden Immortal Realm monk from the human race around him had already begun to persuade him.

"Master Cao, look..."

"Master Cao, this monk is in the Golden Immortal Realm. His cultivation is powerful, and he is also beautiful..."

"Master Cao, for our human race..."

Cao Zhen listened to everyone's words, but looked at the several soldiers of the Zerg tribe with an ugly expression. Whether it was Ju'e of the demon tribe, the Yao rabbit tribe of the beast tribe, or this Linfeng Immortal Lord, he could Accept it, but the problem is, there are still Zerg here!

He won't find another Zerg Taoist companion, right? This...

Many monks around also looked over.

A soldier of the Zerg tribe quickly said: "We, the Zerg tribe, are different from you. We, the Zerg tribe, do not need a Taoist companion."

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, he felt relieved. If he were to find a Zerg, he would really be crazy. However, this prison woman...

He glanced at the Immortal Lord Linfeng Immortal Lord, and they all said that he had the wrong name and not the wrong title. However, he felt that the title of Linfeng Immortal Lord was wrong. What should Linfeng Immortal Lord be called Ice Fairy? You, the Ice-Cold Immortal Lord is the right one. What does this cold breath have to do with the wind?

But that's fine. In this way, she probably won't harass him, and it saves her worries.

Cao Zhen glanced around, and then spoke again: "Everyone, we should get down to business now. I hope that we can still steal the tickets to the same monk.

I thought about it, even if we get the position of two deputy leaders, we can't compete with one leader.

What do you think? "

"That's right." Baibian Immortal Lord nodded slightly and said, "The role of the deputy leader cannot be compared with that of the leader. Since Patriarch Cao is so confident, we will fight for the leader with all our strength. Even if there are not many leader positions now, We will also pull each other down in the future.”

"We, the prison clan, also agree."

"We, the beast tribe, also agree."

The Hell Tribe and the Orc Tribe agreed one after another. After all, soon, Cao Zhen would be able to become half of his own people, but on the Zerg Tribe side.

The soldier insect, which had been speaking before, waited for a moment, and seemed to have received the order from the mother insect before speaking: "We, the Zerg race, naturally agree."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and asked: "Then let's first determine the first choice at that time, and then determine the second choice."

They have five races here, but they can only have three choices. It is even estimated that they can only choose the first choice.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Zerg soldiers said: "We Zerg are special, so we will not be involved in who you choose. Once you have decided, just tell us."

Upon hearing this, the Hundred Transformation Immortal Lord suddenly fell on Cao Zhen and said: "We, the demon clan, choose Patriarch Cao. After all, Patriarch Cao will become a Taoist couple with the monks of our demon clan. We, the demon clan, feel more at ease if we choose Patriarch Cao.

Moreover, during the previous meeting, it was Patriarch Cao who spoke. Because of Patriarch Cao, we have the rules we have today. Patriarch Cao is a reincarnated powerful man with two lives of experience. There is no one more suitable than Patriarch Cao. "

Cao Zhen felt ashamed in his heart. His character as a reincarnated powerful man was really solid!

On the side, the monks from the beast tribe and the evil tribe also nodded.

"That's right, we can rest assured when we choose Patriarch Cao."

"It's better to choose Patriarch Cao, but there is one person problem." The monk from the evil tribe frowned and said, "Chief Cao, we are not in the Golden Immortal Realm yet."

"So what if you're not in the Golden Immortal Realm?" Baibian Immortal Lord sneered, "At the beginning, it was said that only those in the Golden Immortal Realm have the right to vote. But it didn't say that monks who were not in the Golden Immortal Realm could not vote."

"That's right." The tiger beast of the beast tribe nodded heavily, "If they say they can't vote for Chief Cao, then we will disband."

All around, a group of human monks saw that everyone was choosing Cao Zhen, and they nodded in agreement. The other races all chose Cao Zhen. Even if they had not chosen Cao Zhen before, they could not choose other monks now.

Seeing that everyone had chosen him, Cao Zhen raised his hands and cupped them to everyone. Thinking of the human race who were still in Central Continent, he said, "Thank you all for trusting me. Don't worry, if I become the leader of the alliance, I will definitely take care of you." The interests of all our ethnic groups should be treated equally.

Speaking of which, there is one more thing I would like to ask you for help with. "

"Oh? Patriarch Cao just says what he wants." Baibianxianjun has always been the first monk to support Cao Zhen.

"That's it. Do you know why I came last? Because I flew here and met many mortals from our human race.

The life of these mortals in Middle-earth is really too difficult.

Among them, I passed through a village and met three evil monks. They entered our mortal village and slaughtered our mortals at will, and the reason was just for fun.

We have seen too many such things. Although they are mortals, they are also human beings and are our same race! "

Cao Zhen became more excited as he spoke, and his voice grew louder: "We abandoned them at the beginning, but they still remember that they are human races. Now, although we say that all races should coexist peacefully, you should also know that we will not do it. True peaceful coexistence.

The monks in each of our groups may fight over certain treasures, not to mention the mortals who are powerless to fight back in the eyes of the monks.

If they stay in Central Continent, they don't know which day they will be destroyed because of an alien race who wants to have fun. So I wanted to bring them back. "

Cao Zhen said, paused slightly, restrained his outgoing emotions, and then continued: "Besides, bringing them back can also slowly increase our strength. Maybe some of them are extremely beautiful. People may even become existences in the golden fairyland in the future.

But if you stay here, don’t forget that our human race still has many traitors. If they stay in Central Continent, if they have such talents, they will be trapped by those traitors of the human race, and finally become the pawns of the heavenly clan and fight against us.

After all, the number of our human monks is limited, not to mention that there are still many places that are the territory of the monster race, the beast race, the hell race, and the insect race, so I want you to help us bring these mortals back to our four continents. "

Four Continents, a group of foreign monks heard the sound, and there was an unnatural look on their faces. The place they occupied was still the territory of the human race. Now they cooperate with the human race, but they still stand in other people's places. In fact, there are still some It’s unjustifiable.

However, it is impossible for the place they captured to be returned to the human race.

Those places are full of resources, and there are many mountain gates with abundant spiritual energy, which are useful to them.

However, these mortals can still help.

The male cultivator from the Prison Clan was the first to speak without waiting for the Immortal Hundred Changes to speak: "Clan Chief Cao is welcome. I will organize the masters of our Prison Clan to send all the mortals in our Prison Clan to Dongzhou when I get back."

There is no use for these mortals. Even if there are children with top cultivation talents among the mortals, the human race cannot practice the skills of their hell race.

Just send it back and send it back.

Although sending these human races back will increase the strength of the human race, the current situation of the human race should not grow to the extent that even the union of their various races can withstand it in a short period of time.

And they are still an alliance. Naturally, the stronger the alliance, the better.

Cao Zhen looked around. The human masters from the other three continents coughed and said, "You don't have to send them all to our Dongzhou. They can also be sent to the other three continents. If so many mortals are sent to our Dongzhou, our Dongzhou will also bear the consequences." No."

The prison monk continued: "We are closer to your Dongzhou."

"Oh, okay then." Cao Zhen looked at the masters of other races.

"We, the demon clan, will help give them away."

"We, the Orcs, have no problem, but we, the Orcs, don't have flying boats, so you, the humans, need to send your own experts. Of course, our experts can protect you along the way."

"We, the Zerg, can't send you away. You can come into our Zerg to take people away by yourself."

When the monks from the other three continents heard Cao Zhen's words, they all raised their hands to Cao Zhen and said, "This action of Master Cao is a blessing to our entire human race."

"This is a great good thing."

"There is no problem in any of our three continents. We can all accept mortals from Central Continent."

The greater the number of mortals, the more people are suitable for cultivation, and they can also recruit more disciples, which is a good thing for them.

Cao Zhen once again raised his hands to the monks of all races and said, "Thank you very much."

"Clan Chief Cao doesn't have to be so polite, we are all our own people." Bai Bianxianjun said, but there was a look of worry on his face, "It's natural for our tribes to talk, but the human race in the area controlled by the evil tribe and the heavenly tribe, That's hard to say.

They definitely don’t want these mortals to return to your human race. I even heard that the Celestial Clan chose four places to serve as mountain gates for the traitors of your human race, allowing them to re-establish four major religions.

They must want those mortals who are suitable for cultivation to join these four major religions. "

Cao Zhen also had a solemn look on his face, and said in a deep voice: "So, what we need to do now is to enter the area of ​​the Evil Clan and the Celestial Clan as soon as possible to bring back all our fellow humans.

Especially in the areas of evil tribes and heavenly tribes, those heavenly tribes may cause the human race to gather near the mountain gate of those traitors.

However, those evil tribes are cruel by nature. From what I have seen along the way, the evil tribe is the one that kills the most human beings.

Once they know that we are starting to take away mortals, they will definitely find ways to stop us, or even directly kill the mortals in their area. "

Cao Zhen thought for a while and looked at the Sancai Sword Lord beside him and said: "Let's enter the evil tribe first to rescue the human race within the evil tribe, and the Taoist friends from the Golden Immortal Realm in the other three continents..."

Before Cao Zhen could finish speaking, the Golden Fairyland from the other three continents had already spoken: "Let's go together too."

"Yes, we are all monks from Central Continent. We left them behind, and now it is time for us to atone for our sins."

"It's just that Patriarch Cao and fellow Taoist Sancai are going together, but the number is still too small. If the evil tribe forcibly blocks it, the two of them will be in danger. We have already informed other masters in our continent to come and see off other mortals."

The Immortal Lord Baibian waved his hand gently and said: "You don't have to worry about us, we will send experts. As long as you send some monks, they don't need to have too high cultivation. They only need to let you mortals from the human race It's enough to know that we are helping you send them home. You can send more masters to the territory of the evil clan.

Or, I can go with Patriarch Cao. After all, Patriarch Cao wants to become a Taoist couple with our Princess Ju'e. Princess Ju'e will naturally follow Patriarch Cao, and I want to protect Ju'e. "

As soon as she finished speaking, the tiger beast of the beast tribe also spoke: "In that case, Immortal Lord Yao Rabbit is also the Taoist companion of Patriarch Cao, so he will naturally go together."

Cao Zhen was startled when he heard the sound. Is Yao Rabbit Immortal Lord her name? Speaking of which, the other party was about to become his Taoist companion, but he just knew the other party's name.

Directly using the name of his own clan as his title, it is obvious that this Immortal Lord Yaotu has a very special status in the Yaotu clan, and may be the leader of the Yaotu clan.

Thinking about it, it should be the case. The number of the Yao Tu clan does not seem to be particularly large. It is normal for a Golden Fairyland existence to be the leader of the clan.

The male cultivator from the Prison Clan also spoke up after hearing the sound: "In that case, Immortal Lord Linfeng should also be with us. I will go to the area of ​​our Prison Clan to assist the human race."

"Thank you all very much. Without further ado, we will set off now."

Cao Zhen didn't dare to delay any longer. After both the Evil Clan and the Celestial Clan reacted, it would definitely be more troublesome for them to pick people up than it was now.

Soon they walked out of the hall, and Ju'e, who had been waiting outside since they had not become the Golden Fairyland, flew towards the evil clan together.

At the same time, he has also contacted his disciples through Zhonghua Cloud and asked them to bring people and flying boats to go directly to the 褡米哓叏oti?

He did not say that he would directly ask all the masters from Dongzhou or all the four continents to go to the evil tribe to pick up people.

The territory of an evil clan does not need so many of them. Besides, it is like the territory of the demon clan. Although the senior leaders of the demon clan have reached an agreement with them, they have agreed to help them.

But who knows what the demon clan below will do!

Who knows, there may be monsters who want to take revenge and massacre the village.

Therefore, areas such as the Monster Tribe, Orc Tribe, Zerg Tribe and Hell Tribe also need to send experts to pick up people. In this way, the momentum will be slightly greater, and those alien races among their allies who want to make changes will not be able to do anything. It won't move again.

Among Cao Zhen and others, Ju'e, who is the weakest, is considered a master in the True Immortal Realm, and she also has the All-Changing Immortal Lord to help her. The flying speed of everyone is extremely terrifying, and it doesn't take long to fly to the territory of the evil tribe. .

The territorial boundaries of each tribe are not as obvious as the previous boundaries with Central Continent. After all, the boundaries of various tribes sometimes have battles and often change.

However, because there are battles at the borders, there are usually some monks at the borders of various tribes.

As for the strength of these monks, they vary greatly.

The borderline of evil tribes.

An evil monk from the True Immortal Realm sat on the top of a mountain that was full of spiritual energy and closed his eyes slightly. A dense aura was constantly surging around him.

Suddenly, waves of terrifying aura came from a distance. The aura was so strong that even as a true fairy, he felt that the aura around him became suppressed. The loud sounds of breaking through the air, It made him feel as if this whole world had been torn apart.

A look of horror suddenly appeared on his face. This aura was the aura of the Golden Immortal Realm, and why was there so much aura of the Golden Immortal Realm!

What's happening here?

Moreover, this aura is not the aura of their Hell Clan, but the aura of the Human Clan, which is also mixed with the auras of the Beast Clan, Monster Clan, and the Hell Clan!

How could they suddenly enter the golden fairyland of their evil clan? There are not so many golden fairyland of their evil clan together. What do they want to do? Passing by or what?

After Cao Zhen and others flew into the evil clan, they immediately dispersed.

With so many of them there was no need to fly in the same direction, but there were a lot of monks gathered around him.

Everyone else separated, but Ju'e, Baibianxianjun, Linfengxianjun and Yaotuxianjun all followed him.

The evil monks looked at the human monks who flew away quickly, and frowned tightly. This was definitely not passing by. If they were passing by, they would not separate. What do they want to do?

He didn't dare to delay and quickly took out his clan form to inform the higher-ups of the evil clan about this kind of thing, but he didn't follow the other party. Not to mention whether he could keep up, even if he did, he couldn't do anything, but It was not something he could participate in. If the other party casually struck out with his sword, his death would be in vain.

Liujiaying, an ordinary village.

It was already dusk, and the village was shrouded in a soft halo under the setting sun, and the smoke from the houses filled the air under the setting sun.

The villagers were as usual, the peasant women were busy eating, some of the strong men were sorting out farm tools, and some were just lying down to rest. At the entrance of the village, the old people were talking about something. .

Suddenly, a loud sound broke through the air.

At the entrance of the village, the old people raised their heads one after another and looked overhead. They knew that there were monks flying by.

There have been monks flying over before and this sound has been heard.

But the next moment, their eyes suddenly widened.

Five figures fell from the void and landed directly in the center of their village.

"No, those alien races are here again!"


"They have found our village now!"

At the entrance of the village, the expressions of the old people changed drastically, some looked frightened, and some even became full of despair.

They know that they live in the territory of the evil tribe, and the evil tribe is said to be the most cruel tribe among all tribes.

They had heard stories about many human beings being massacred by these evil tribes.

There was not a single city within a hundred miles of them, and the only big city was massacred by these evil tribes!

There was a family of three brothers in Liujiaying who escaped from that big city.

They also wanted to live in another place, but in their place, there is a raging river to the north, and mountains to the east and south. The only place they can walk is to the west, but the west is also the territory of the evil tribe.

They can't change places even if they want to, they can only continue to live here.

Fortunately, maybe they were very lucky, maybe this place was too remote, and no evil clan had ever come to massacre them, but today, a monk actually came directly to their village.

"The evil tribe is coming. No, I have to go home and tell my children to run away with their grandchildren!"

"Quick, go home and tell them!"

"It may still be too late to run now, so go back quickly!"

One by one, the old people started running anxiously, but none of them ran towards the outside of the village, but towards their own homes.

They are already old, so what if they run out? They want to tell their family members that the evil tribe is coming, and tell their family members to run out quickly.

But when they ran a few more steps and saw several figures standing in the center of the village, they were stunned for a moment.

What they see in front of them is not an evil race at all, but a human race just like them!

Seeing this, they who were originally in a panic suddenly relaxed.

"They are our kindred."

"Five human immortals."

"No, it's not the five human races. Look carefully, those women are beautiful, but they don't seem to be human races!"

"It doesn't seem like she's really from the human race. That woman's ears are so long. She should be from the demon race!"

"And that woman has a lot of horns on her head. She seems to be from the prison clan."

Ju'e and Baibianxianjun are of the fox demon clan, but they can tuck their tails. They look the same as the human race, but Rabbit Demonxianjun and Linfengxianjun are different.

At this time, villagers in each house ran out in panic after hearing the noise. They saw the human race, the prison race, and the demon race gathered together. For a moment, each of them did not know what the other was going to do. .

Cao Zhen looked at everyone, but he raised his hands and said loudly: "Everyone, I am a monk from Dongzhou. We are sorry for you and have not taken you back. We have suffered you all these years.

Now that our four continents are stable, we are here to take you back. Everyone, pack up and come with me. We will arrange a good place for you in Dongzhou and build a city for you. If you don’t like living in the city, we will build a village for you and build a good house for you. Crops, find good farmland for you. Go back, let’s go to Dongzhou! "

All the villagers suddenly heard that the only male immortal on the opposite side said that he would take them to Dongzhou, and they were stunned for a moment.

After being stunned for a while, they came back to their senses. For a moment, it seemed as if a pot was exploding, and sounds continued to sound.

"Going to Dongzhou?"

"leave here?"

"Build us a good city, build a good village, build a good house, and give us land!"

"Is this true? We're leaving?"

Many people's eyes became moist instantly.

"God has eyes, God really has eyes!"

"When we go to Dongzhou, will there be no more evil tribes to massacre us?"

Cao Zhen nodded heavily and said: "I promise that no foreign race will come to massacre you again. Go back to our human territory!

Everyone, we have to take more humans to leave. The faster we go, the more fellow humans we can bring with us. Don’t delay, everyone, get ready as soon as possible. If you can bring less things, bring less things, and then Follow me to Dongzhou. "

As his voice fell, many villagers around him quickly returned home and prepared to go, but there were still many villagers standing outside blankly, not knowing whether they didn't want to leave or had not yet accepted the news of their sudden departure. .

Suddenly, in the crowd, an old man raised the crutch in his hand, slammed it on the ground, looked at the motionless people and shouted loudly: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go back and prepare quickly? You don’t want to go to Dongzhou, but you still want to stay here and live in fear, knowing that one day the evil monks will massacre our entire village?”

"village head……"

"We, it's not that we don't want to leave, but our farmers haven't harvested yet!"

The old man frowned heavily and said: "How long has it been, and we are still thinking about the crops. We have experienced too much uneasiness and danger.

Everyone has been looking forward to leaving the village before, but they couldn't leave the village. Now, the immortals have finally arrived and want to take us to a safer place, but you are still hesitating!

What do you have to hesitate about?

I also know that you are reluctant to part with it, but although we have to leave our familiar home, this is our best choice to protect ourselves and the next generation.

We have been through so much, do you also want your children to live in fear all day long? Let's go, let's go quickly! "

All around, the villagers heard these words, and complex emotions surged in their hearts.

They looked up at their home with green mountains and green waters, and every inch of the land was full of memories and stories. His eyes were moist, and a feeling of reluctance lingered in his heart. But they also understand that leaving is for survival and hope for the future.

Cao Zhen quickly said: "Don't worry, everyone, since we have taken you back, we will not let you go hungry. Now, our monks in Dongzhou have begun to prepare farmland for you.

When the time comes, our monks can even cast spells to make the food mature faster after you plant it.

Okay, everyone, please go back and get ready.

Now, we are going to the next village and let the villagers in other villages prepare. When the time is almost up, we will return and take you into the flying boat. "

Cao Zhen said, got up and flew into the distance. He knew that these villagers could not leave without taking anything. In order to save time, he wanted to go to other villages while the villagers were packing their things and notify them. The other villagers finally went to all the villages at once and took all the villagers into the flying boat.

A group of villagers watched the immortal fly away, and many people still didn't come back to their senses. Everything happened too suddenly.

Although the villagers, urged by the old village chief, returned home one by one and started to clean up, they were still shouting at each other and talking about their questions.

"I just heard the immortal say that they would prepare a village for us and build a house for us. I couldn't believe it. But what did I hear next? The immortal said that after we cultivate food, they will also cast spells to make us grow. Our food matures faster, how is this possible!

Even before, when those alien races did not enter our Central Continent, it was recorded in many of our books that we were nothing in the eyes of the immortals. The immortals all thought that they were superior to us. How could they use magic? Help us! "

"But the immortals have said so, so they won't lie to us!"

"Yes, there is no need for him to lie to us. He is an immortal. If he really wants to take us away by force, we can't resist!"

"What are you afraid of? Just leave. No matter what, they are the same human race as us. They are better than those evil races!"

"Yes, let's go. Originally, I thought that our tigers would be like us, living here in fear all day long, worried that one day they would be eaten by the evil tribe. Now we can finally go to the place where our human race is. I don't know. So what is Dongzhou like, is it cold or not, are there big mountains, big rivers..."

"It should be about the same. I heard the teacher say that Dongzhou is also very big. There are cold places and warm places there."

"I don't know where we can be sent to Dongzhou. I hope we can be sent to a warmer place."

"Did you choose from here? Don't think about it. We just have to leave here. Even if they send us, they will definitely send us to remote places. Those good places must have been full of people for a long time. Not ours."

"Even a remote place is better than here. Moreover, there are many human monks there. If we are lucky, maybe our children can become immortals!"

The villagers were talking one by one, their eyes flashing with expectations for the future.

They believe that in the new place they can pursue a better life.

Especially, looking at the joyful smiles of the children when they heard about going to a new place, a firm determination surged in their hearts, they must go!

Leaving is difficult, but they firmly believe that this is to give the next generation a better future and to protect them from danger and suffering.

One by one, the villagers packed their bags and put all the precious memories at home in their hearts.

They are about to embark on an unknown journey, reluctant to give up, but full of expectations.

In an unknown place, they will have a new home of their own, a place that is safer, full of hope and opportunity.

After Cao Zhen left, he quickly flew to the next village. As he went to more villages, he became more and more skilled at how to communicate with the villagers, and the time he spent in the village became shorter and shorter.

Their speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, he had flown over more than fifty villages.

Just after he arrived at a new village, he had just told the villagers what they were going to do, and informed the villagers that they began to get injured, but before they could fly away, a terrifying aura quickly approached them in the void, and in the blink of an eye, , in the void, three figures appeared in their sight.

There were three evil tribes, and each evil tribe exuded an aura of boundless terror. There was one evil tribe among them, and it was the evil tribe he had seen at the meeting before.

The Hundred-Change Immortal Lord felt the aura of these evil clans' golden fairyland, and suddenly raised his hand, and a curtain of light visible to the naked eye fell, wrapping the entire village below in it.

This is the aura exuded by the Golden Fairy Realm. Not to mention some mortals, even those monks with weak cultivation cannot bear this aura and will explode and die in an instant.

And she knew that Cao Zhen valued these mortals. Otherwise, Cao Zhen would not come to these villages and take away these mortals.

As the light curtain she waved appeared, the terrifying auras were blocked by the light curtain.

In the village, the joy in the hearts of the villagers who had just known that they could leave here and enter Dongzhou had just risen. Looking at the evil tribes that suddenly appeared in the void, they suddenly became extremely frightened.

"No, these evil tribes are here. This is the territory of the evil tribes. What if these evil tribes don't let us leave!"

"Yes, there are all evil tribes here! There are only five of us here!"

"I don't know what level of cultivation our five monks have."

"If they can come to us directly, I'm afraid they won't be particularly strong."

"What should we do? Can't we go back?"

The joy on the faces of the villagers disappeared, and their faces were full of worry, but the next moment, a voice came from the void.

"Ignore them, you continue to clean up." After Cao Zhen finished speaking, he looked at the three evil monks who stopped them and said coldly. "What are you doing here?"

"What do we do? Human Cao Zhen, I also want to ask you what you want to do!" Opposite, the evil monk who had participated in the memories said coldly, "Don't forget, this is the territory of our evil race!"

"No, this is the territory of our human race!" Cao Zhen's body was filled with murderous intent, and he said coldly, "Get out of here and disappear from me, or you will die!"

He had just finished speaking. Among the other two evil golden immortals opposite, one was wearing a dark robe with crimson blood drops embroidered on it. The golden immortal said in a cold voice: "Looking for death. A small true fairyland dares to talk to us in the golden fairyland like this!"

As he finished speaking, a golden flower suddenly appeared on his head, and at the same time, a long sword appeared in his hand.

The black sword was like a ferocious snake, with scorpion poison running through its blade. The blade of the sword was as dark as an abyss, flashing with an evil red light, like hot hell flames beating on the blade. When the tip of the sword touched the air, it made a harsh buzzing sound, like the low moan of evil spirits from hell.

The next moment, the black long sword passed by, like a demonic lightning in the dark night. With the sword thrust out, the whole air seemed to solidify, filled with the breath of death and despair.

The sword was filled with overwhelming demonic energy, cutting through the void and leaving a black trace.

At the same time, the power filled with endless evil broke out in an instant and spread rapidly. The evil aura was like a devil's claw, seemingly trying to wrap around Cao Zhen and devour him.

"court death!"

Linfeng Immortal Lord suddenly shouted, and golden flowers appeared above her head. In an instant, the terrifying wind energy was cut from her whole body.筭?

This hurricane is boundless, and it seems that it can easily roll up a mountain range, and it seems that it can lift the entire earth. However, the power of this violent wind is only condensed in the void, and it does not affect the light curtain below, let alone the light curtain below. Go to the village below.

The wind howled.

The strong winds around Linfeng Immortal Lord gathered together and instantly formed a huge wind wall, covering the five monks on their side.

The next moment, the opponent's sword full of evil energy fell. After touching the wind wall, the sword energy that seemed to be able to chop everything into pieces was instantly blown away and dissipated into the void. It was as if a wisp of light smoke was blown away in the sky.

After blocking the opponent's attack, the wind wall did not completely disappear. Instead, it gathered together, like a roaring dragon, and rushed directly towards the evil monk who attacked from the opposite side.

In an instant, the entire void changed color, the void twisted crazily, and the entire void seemed to be swallowed up by the wind dragon!

On one side, another evil monk, feeling the terrifying power of the wind dragon, suddenly waved his hands, and slapped his hands forward one after another. In an instant, a huge wave appeared out of thin air in front of him, and every time With the slap of the palm, a huge wave surged out, and countless huge waves filled the void where they were. For a moment, this side of the world seemed to have turned into an endless sea!

The wind dragon continued to weaken under the blow of this huge wave, and finally disappeared.

Cao Zhen looked at Immortal Linfeng in surprise. He really didn't expect that Immortal Linfeng would directly take action on their side, and Immortal Linfeng was obviously not an ordinary Golden Immortal Realm monk.

At least, just now, the opponent had to take action from two Golden Immortals to block Linfeng Immortal Lord's attack.

The Prison Clan simply asked Linfeng Immortal Lord to be his Taoist companion. He thought Linfeng Immortal Lord was just an ordinary Golden Immortal Realm.

The expressions of the three evil monks opposite became more serious. Linfeng Immortal Lord of the Prison Clan seemed to be stronger than before!

And the most important thing is why Linfeng Immortal Lord takes action.

They know that the Hell Clan has formed an alliance with the Human Race, the Orc Race, the Zerg Race and the Monster Race, but if they form an alliance, there is no need to stand up for the Human Race like this.

She just blocked their attack, why did she attack directly!

Also, the murderous intent she exuded made it seem like she would strike again at any time.

"Linfeng Immortal Lord, you are so murderous. Do you still want to kill Immortal Lord Hei Yu? Are you going to let your prison clan start a war with our evil clan?" Opposite, the leader of Jin Xianjing who did not take action had a cold look on his face. He looked at Linfeng Immortal Lord.

However, Linfeng Immortal Lord's murderous intent was not diminished at all, and his cold voice sounded like it was squeezed out of ten thousand years of ice: "He who insults my husband must die!"

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