All the evil clansmen were stunned for a moment when they heard the words of the Fengxian Lord facing them.

Her husband?

Cao Zhen is her husband?

Cao Zhen is from the human race, and she is from the prison race, so why is she the husband?

Moreover, it was Linfeng Immortal Lord, who was famously cold.


A Golden Immortal from the Prison Clan and a reincarnated Da Luo Golden Immortal from the Human Race have become Taoist companions. This is a complete alliance between the Prison Clan and the Human Race, and they are tied together!

Looking at Linfeng Immortal Lord, who seemed to be ready to take action, the expressions of several evil tribes became extremely ugly. Many times, monks from all races like to discuss evil tribes and their prison tribe together, not just because of them The slender men look alike, and that's because the strength of their two tribes seems to be very close, at least on the outer battlefield. But everyone knows that the Hell Clan is stronger than the Evil Clan. It's just that there are some disputes within the prison clan, so one branch doesn't send people out very often.

At the beginning, the evil clan also wanted to form an alliance with the Hell clan, and even proposed that the masters of their Evil clan and the masters of the Hell clan would become Taoist companions, but the Hell clan never agreed.

Nowadays, the Hell Clan has directly formed an alliance with the Human Race.

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment when he heard Linfeng Immortal Lord's words. They had just settled down to become Taoist couples, but they had not yet held the Taoist couple ceremony. Strictly speaking, they were not Taoist couples yet. As a result, Linfeng Immortal Lord, who seemed the coldest, said directly , he is her Taoist companion.

On the side, Immortal Lord Yao Rabbit heard the sound and suddenly reacted. A rare look of coldness appeared on his face that looked a little calm, and he said coldly: "He is also my Taoist companion. If you attack him, that is Provoke me!"

The few evil monks who had not yet reacted were stunned again. Not counting a Taoist companion from the Hell clan, there were also Taoist companions from the Beast clan. In other words, the Beast clan was also completely tied to the human race?

With the Beast Tribe and the Hell Tribe, could it be said that...

Their eyes naturally fell on the All-Changing Immortal Lord.

The Hundred Transformations Immortal Lord felt the gazes of these evil tribes, and a cold look suddenly appeared on his face, and then a voice sounded like it was coming from the Nine Nether Hell: "You guys want to die!"

When the three evil tribes heard this, they felt relieved. Their meaning was very obvious. It was impossible for Bai Bianxianjun not to know what they meant. With his current attitude, Baibianxianjun was obviously no longer a Taoist companion of Cao Zhen.

Thinking about it, the Hundred Transformations Immortal Lord is extremely old in the Golden Immortal Realm. Why... this...

Suddenly, all their eyes fell on the beautiful banshee next to Cao Zhen.

Ju'e took Cao Zhen's hand and announced sweetly and proudly: "He is also my husband."

The three evil tribes were dumbfounded. Therefore, it’s not that Cao Zhen didn’t find the banshee from the demon tribe, it’s just that the banshee from the demon tribe was not from the Golden Fairy Realm!

Although she is not in the Golden Fairyland, this banshee seems to be the future leader of the fox demon clan.

There is no leader of the fox demon clan who is not from the Golden Fairy Realm.

It is equivalent to saying that Cao Zhen found three Taoist companions from the Golden Immortal Realm!

You, how can you agree!

The problem now is no longer about the human race taking away mortals from their territory. In fact, the human race taking away these mortals has little to do with them.

Even if these mortals taken away by the human race enter the human world and can cultivate, there are also people with extraordinary talents who can be cultivated. I don’t know if any of them can cultivate to the Golden Immortal Realm. Even if there are really people who can cultivate to it. Mortals in the Golden Immortal Realm can take an unknown amount of time to cultivate to the Golden Immortal Realm.

Without repairing to the Golden Fairyland, it will not have much impact on the situation of each tribe.

The reason why they came here was just to express their attitude and that this was their territory. Others could not just come here and take away people. They just pretended not to see it.

Of course, it is just to prove that they have no intention of fighting with the human race. After all, their evil race is really too weak. If they fight, the human race will suffer heavy losses, and the losses of their evil race will only be even more heavy. In the end, their evil race will There may not even be ten Golden Immortals left in the clan.

Now, they have no interest in blocking these human races anymore. What they have to consider now is that since the human race has formed such a deep alliance with all races, whether they should also deepen their relationship with the heavenly race.

For example, let a powerful expert from the Heavenly Clan marry a female cultivator from their Evil Clan, or let a male cultivator from their Evil Clan marry an important female cultivator from the Celestial Clan?

The three villains came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Cao Zhen didn't think it was a big surprise. The evil tribe may not even have fifteen Golden Fairylands now. Unless the evil tribe is crazy, they will fight with them!

"We continue to look for other villages."

After Cao Zhen, Ju E and others visited more than 20 villages, they returned to the first village. At this time, the villagers in the village had almost cleared up.

"Everyone, you only need to bring the necessary food with you. You can put the other things in my place. I will exchange the things for you after returning to Dongzhou." Cao Zhen said and took out a Qiankun Ring. These villagers must put things into the flying boat, but the problem is that no matter how big the flying boat is, the number of people it can hold is limited. If more things are put in, there will be even fewer people to load, so he let everyone put things in the flying boat. into his Qiankun Ring.

The mortals felt even more miraculous as they watched all their belongings enter the small ring one by one.

"Could this be the legendary Qiankun Ring!"

"It's really amazing. Such a small ring can hold so many things."

"I never thought that one day, we would be able to use the immortal's treasures."

After Cao Zhen put the villagers into the flying boat, he quickly took the flying boat to the next village.

Their airship was big enough, but with so many people in the village, one airship couldn't hold it. Cao Zhen and Ju'e had to control two airships separately, and Cao Zhen headed directly towards the farther one. Flying in the same direction, he wanted to save time and find as many human villages or big cities as possible.

After one of the flying boats was filled with mortals from the human race, it was driven by Immortal Yao Rabbit and flew in the direction of Dongzhou. In Dongzhou, someone would naturally come to meet Immortal Yao Rabbit. As for why it wasn't someone else.

Ju'e was going to be with the Hundred Transformations Immortal Lord. After all, she was the princess of their fox demon clan and the future clan leader, so she must not make any mistakes again.

As for Linfeng Immortal Lord, it is not appropriate to be so cold. Cao Zhen is a human race. Only when he is gone can the human race trust him.

Immortal Yao Rabbit drove the flying boat and flew all the way to Dongzhou. Although the flying boat may not be as fast as her own flying alone, it is also faster than the flying speed of many true fairyland magic weapons.

In the flying boat, mortals were discussing their future lives in low voices. They seemed to know that the female monk in front of them was going to send them to Dongzhou, but after all, she was not a human race. They were also worried that the voice she spoke was too loud. The other party was greatly offended.

But slowly, their voices became louder and louder.

Mainly because you speak more often, so your voice becomes louder.

"Tell me, after we go to Dongzhou, will we be assigned to the same place?"

"We should all be assigned to the same place."

"I remember that the immortal said that he could build us a city or a village. What do you want to choose? Do you want to live in the city or in the village?"

"Don't you even think about it? Of course we live in the city! Don't you want to live in the city?"

"Yes, he must live in the city!"

"It's not good to live in the city." An old man sighed, "I ask you, if you live in the city, where will you go to farm? You don't know how far you have to travel! Also, there are so many people in the city, so What if we can't walk when there are many vendors and people? By then, we may be delayed even when we go out to farm."

"No matter what, if I can live in the city, I will still live in the city. I haven't lived in the city yet!"

"By the way, I don't know if we will be squeezed out by the people in Dongzhou after we arrive in Dongzhou. Moreover, there should be many people who want to take us to Dongzhou when they enter Zhongzhou. I don't know if we enter Dongzhou. After that, does it belong to the monk who took us away?"

"It's not impossible for you to say that."

"By the way, I still don't know the monk's name."

"Yeah, we didn't ask."

"You think that female immortal should know."

"Ask her? That female immortal should be from the demon clan. It would be great if she can send us off. What if she is angered and she abandons us all?"

Although everyone was curious, no one really took the initiative to talk to the female monk who was driving the flying boat and leading them.

Suddenly, at the front of the crowd, a child with a tough head and a tough head, who looked to be more than ten years old, suddenly ran out, and the female monk who wanted to control the flying boat ran away.

Behind the little boy, there was a man and a woman. When they saw the boy's actions, they were shocked and shouted loudly: "Come back quickly."

Their shouts also attracted many people's attention to the little boy.

The little boy didn't listen to his parents at all. He ran directly to Immortal Yao Tu and stood in front of him. He asked seriously: "Beautiful sister, my mother and others don't know what the name of the immortal who saved us is. Do you know him? Can you tell us his name? What religion is he a disciple of?"

Immortal Lord Yao Tu, as a being in the Golden Immortal Realm, could not waste much energy just to control a flying boat. She turned her head when she heard the sound, looked at the little boy in front of her, smiled slightly and said: "The person who saved you is called Cao Zhen. He is the leader of your Dongzhou Baifeng Sect."

Her voice was not loud, but the words were clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

The little boy's parents also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the disguise. Fortunately, the banshee was not angry and even answered their son's question.

The little boy nodded heavily and said: "It turns out to be the Baifeng Cult. I remember it. When I go back, I must join the Baifeng Cult."

As he said this, the voices of people around him started to discuss again.


"He is actually the leader of a great religion!"

"A leader can actually come to save us in person!"

"Yeah, I really can't think of it."

The little boy heard the voice from behind and asked curiously: "He is the leader, so is he very powerful?"

Immortal Lord Yao Rabbit nodded firmly: "Of course, very powerful." Although she has never seen Cao Zhen take action, she has heard many legends about Cao Zhen. Although Cao Zhen has not reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm, he is really In the fairyland, there are probably not many monks who are his opponents. After all, Cao Zhen has used the terrifying secret method twice before, and even half a step of the golden immortal will be killed.

The little boy continued to ask: "How powerful does it mean to be very powerful? Are there not many immortals who are more powerful than him? Is he the most powerful among the human race? Isn't it said that the immortals all have realms of cultivation? ? What level of cultivation is he?"

"He is not the most powerful among your human race now, but in the future, he will definitely become the strongest. As for how many people in your human race are more powerful than him now, I don't know, but there will definitely not be many.

As for his cultivation realm, it is a true fairyland. Even stronger than the real fairyland is the golden fairyland. There are about twenty people in your human race’s Golden Fairy Realm now. "

The little boy understood immediately, nodded to himself and commented: "In other words, in our human race, there are twenty people who are better than him. That is really awesome."

As he spoke, he looked at the beautiful sister with rabbit ears in front of him with curiosity and asked: "Beautiful sister, what level of cultivation are you in? Are you also in the true fairyland?"

"Me?" Immortal Lord Yao Rabbit shook his head slightly and said, "I am not in the real fairyland."

The little boy suddenly understood: "Weaker than the real fairyland? What kind of cultivation realm is that?"

"Below the True Immortal Realm is the Immortal Realm, but I am not a monk in the Immortal Realm." Immortal Yao Tu looked at the human child in front of him with a smile and said, "I am the Golden Immortal Realm."

"Oh, Golden Wonderland..." The little boy said and was suddenly startled. Didn't this beautiful sister just say that Golden Wonderland is the strongest? Is she the strongest?

Behind, a group of mortals from the human race were also stunned. Is this beautiful female cultivator from a foreign race a being from the Golden Fairy Realm? This female cultivator also said that there are only about 20 people in the Golden Immortal Realm in their human race. In other words, she must be among the top 20 in the human race. This is the strongest combat power!

Such a powerful being came to take them to Dongzhou?

Also, she is not a human race, so why should she help them, a human race?

The little boy stayed for a long time before he came back to his senses and said with surprise: "Beautiful sister, you are more powerful than the immortal who saved us! Then, why do you want to help us? You are not our human race, and, You are better than him, why should you listen to him?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his parents were immediately worried. How could he ask these words casually?

The two of them shouted loudly: "Fairy, don't blame the fairy, our children are young and ignorant."

"Fairy, don't blame him."

As they shouted, they wanted to kneel on the ground, but before they could kneel down, a gentle force came, supporting their bodies for the rest of the day.

Immortal Lord Yao Rabbit chuckled and said: "Why should I blame him? He didn't say anything wrong. As for why I should help you, because now, we, the beast race, the demon race, as well as the insect race and the hell race, are all with You humans have formed an alliance, and we are all allies now, so I will naturally help you."

Behind, a group of mortals were greatly surprised when they heard the sound.

"Have our human race formed an alliance with so many alien races?"

"If you do the math, it seems that except for the Celestial Clan and the Evil Clan, everyone has formed an alliance with us, the Human Clan."

"No, she said they were beasts. Is she a beast?"

"How is this possible? Doesn't it mean that the beast clan's husband is more like those alien beasts and ferocious beasts, and the demon clan is more like our human race? Except for her ears, she is obviously the same as our human race, how can she be an beast clan? ?”

Listening to everyone's surprised voices, Immortal Yao Tu explained softly: "I am indeed an orc, but our lineage is special.

As for why I should listen to what you said about Cao Zhen, it’s because he is not only the leader of the Baifeng Sect, he is also one of the leaders of your human race. At least in Dongzhou where you are going, he is the leader of your Dongzhou human race. , and he is also my husband. "




Everyone was completely stunned. A human race took an orc race? this……

They looked at the beautiful female monk in front of them, and suddenly felt that there was nothing strange about what sounded ridiculous. Such a beautiful female monk did not look like an orc, and she was nothing like a human!

Moreover, this female monk is so powerful.

Many people even started talking about it.

"The leader of the Baifeng Sect who saved us seems to be much more powerful than we previously expected."

"Yes, I used to think that he was just an ordinary monk, but it turned out that he was the leader of a great religion. Even his Taoist companion was a foreign golden fairy!"

"It is definitely not easy for him to find a monk who is stronger than him as a Taoist companion!"


"Aren't you talking nonsense? If he were simple, could he become the clan leader of our Dongzhou? This female fairy has already said that our human race has more than twenty Golden Immortals, so our Dongzhou must also have a Golden Immortal. But those in the Golden Immortal Realm did not become the clan leader, but he became the clan leader."

"When we go back and meet other people from Dongzhou, we will know how powerful this person is."

"When we go back, we will erect a statue to that one!"

"I am the master sculptor. I have memorized his appearance. I will carve this statue."

Under the guidance of Immortal Lord Yao Rabbit, everyone flew all the way and soon arrived at Dongzhou.

As soon as he entered Dongzhou, he was immediately greeted by a monk from Dongzhou.

When Immortal Yao Tu saw the human monk, he immediately flew out of the flying boat. When he saw the monk opposite, a look of surprise appeared on his face. She was very sure that this was the first time she saw this human monk, but no I don't know why, but it feels familiar.

She didn't think too much, just threw the Qiankun ring that Cao Zhen gave her towards the other party, and said, "I leave it to you. This Qiankun ring belongs to them. I have to go to Central Continent first."

On the other side, Cao Zhonghua nodded slightly, but he didn't feel strange because the other party was a female cultivator from a foreign race. His father had sent a message back that the human race had formed an alliance with the demon race, the orc race, the hell race and the insect race. This time , there will be many foreign monks escorting the mortals from Central Continent into their East Continent, and asking them to send people to pick up these mortals.

When he saw the other party, if he felt something strange, it was because the other party's aura was strange. The other party clearly looked like a demon clan, but he exuded the aura of the orc clan. Moreover, although the other party did not specifically exude coercion, he saw When I see the other party, I have the illusion that the other party is extremely powerful.

He is the son of Cao Zhen. Although his cultivation level is not particularly high now, he has also seen many masters. However, the aura of these masters he has seen is not as good as the strange foreign race in front of him. The female cultivator was taller, and he even felt that the aura of this male and female cultivator was similar to that of the Three Talented Sword Master.

The Three Talented Sword Lord is in the Golden Immortal Realm. How could this female cultivator be in the Golden Immortal Realm? How could the Golden Fairyland do such a thing as escorting mortals?

Cao Zhonghua was surprised, but he still flew into the flying boat, and then controlled the flying boat to fly directly to the place they had planned for these mortals in Central Continent.

Among them, while driving, he said: "Everyone, we have chosen a place for you. Among them, not far from our Baifeng Sect, there is a place called Laidi.

For some reasons, there are not many people there. We have built a village and a big city for you there. You can choose to go to that village or the big city. "

Because of the Baifeng Sect, many mortals in Laidi chose to slowly migrate and live in the territory of the Baifeng Sect.

Soon, the flying boat flew to Laidi.

As Cao Zhonghua raised his hand and waved, the flying boat suddenly became transparent. He even lowered the flying boat a certain distance, then pointed downward and said: "That city was built for you.

There are also houses in the city that can be allocated to you according to your number. Of course, there are many shops in the city, and you can also apply for shops. However, the houses in the city cannot be bigger than the houses in the village.

After a while, I will land the flying boat on the ground. Those who choose to enter the city can get off the flying boat directly. If you don't want to live in the city, you can stay in the flying boat. I will take you to see your village. "

In the flying boat, many mortals were so frightened that they couldn't help but scream because the flying boat suddenly became transparent and could see directly below. But slowly, they either didn't rush to see it and let their men go. Look, it's either slowing down.

Looking from a high altitude, a newly built big city came into view. They had never seen such a big city before.

The only thing they had seen before was the destroyed city in Central Continent, and now, they felt that even if that city was not destroyed, it was not as big as the current one!

The city wall surrounds the city, wide and strong, like a huge barrier, protecting the prosperity and tranquility of the city.

There are a total of four gates in the whole city, and there are two smaller gates on both sides of each gate. In this way, even during crowded periods, it will not delay too much time in and out of the city gates.

Inside the city walls, straight and spacious streets criss-cross the city, forming a precise grid that makes the city layout clear and orderly. The streets are neatly lined with antique buildings, characterized by their simple and elegant style. Most of these buildings are constructed with blue bricks and gray tiles, and the roofs are covered with black glazed tiles, giving the overall building a simple and solemn atmosphere.

Even, in such a short period of time, there were still these carvings on the exterior walls of the building.

Neatly planted green trees and flowers are planted between the buildings on both sides of the street, forming a green barrier. A spacious and flat stone road was built in the center of the street, with drainage ditches on both sides to ensure that the city can drain all water into the moat when rain comes.

The center of the city is a wide and open square.

Because it is a newly built big city, there are not many pedestrians in the city at this time.

Everyone saw the pedestrians below and spoke curiously.

"Is there anyone else?"

"It seems that some shops are still open. These arrived here earlier than us, are they people from Middle-earth?"

Hearing this, Cao Zhonghua shook his head slightly and said: "They are not people from Central Continent, but people from Dongzhou. After all, cities and villages are different. If you build a new big city and there is nothing, it will be difficult for this big city to continue. As it continues to develop, the people you see in the city are all people from Dongzhou, most of them are traders. They knew that you were coming, so they saw the business opportunities and settled here in advance.

In addition, a big city must also have government offices and police officers. Only in this way can the entire city be maintained. Of course, they are only for temporary maintenance and operation, waiting for you to adapt to life here. You can also take the exams to gain fame, or you can enter the imperial court as officials. When the time comes, you can also become the city lords of various cities, or rank among the three princes within the imperial court.

I can also assure you that the imperial court in Dongzhou will treat everyone equally. Here, there will be no distinction between Dongzhou people and Central Continent people, everyone is a human race! "

Everyone around heard the sound, nodded slightly, and then started talking quickly.

"Father, how about we just choose to enter this big city?"

"Old lady, we have lived in the village all our lives. I have never lived in a city. How about we go to this city?"

"We are still going back to the village. Our whole family is going to live in the village."

Soon, the flying boat landed, and the villagers who chose to enter the city walked out of the flying boat and entered the city.

Cao Zhonghua didn't have anything to do. He just took out everyone's belongings from the Qiankun Ring and took the remaining villagers to fly to other villages. As for those who chose to enter the city, they were naturally appointed here. The officials took them to settle down.

During the flight, behind Cao Zhonghua, suddenly, a child's voice sounded.

"Brother, do you know the Baifeng Cult?"

When Cao Zhonghua heard the voice coming from behind him, he immediately turned around and saw a child with a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain. He was normally controlling the flying boat and said with a smile: "Of course I know the Baifeng Cult, because I am A disciple of the Baifeng Cult. How do you know about the Baifeng Cult?"

"Ah? You are a disciple of the Baifeng Sect!" The little boy shouted loudly immediately after hearing the sound, "You saved us, I will join the Baifeng Sect in the future!

Not only do I know about the Baifeng Cult, I have also met your leader! It was he who told us to take us to Dongzhou! "

Has this child met his father?

Cao Zhonghua suddenly laughed: "Oh, you have met our leader, so it is him. Let me tell you what Baifeng taught."

"No." The little boy shook his head and said, "The beautiful fairy who just sent us here told us that Baifeng taught us."

As he said this, he suddenly realized something. His eyes suddenly became wary when he looked at Cao Zhonghua, and he shouted loudly: "No, you are lying to me. You are not a disciple of the Baifeng Sect at all!"

"I'm not a disciple of the Baifeng Sect?" Cao Zhonghua was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then laughed, "How can you tell that I'm not a disciple of the Baifeng Sect? Look at my clothes, they are called teaching uniforms. The teaching uniform of the Baifeng Sect, and in our Baifeng Sect, almost all the disciples know me, how could I be fake." He is the son of the leader, a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, and there are really almost no disciples of the Baifeng Sect. Don't know him.

The little boy looked like a little adult and shouted: "You said that everyone in the Baifeng Sect knows you, then why didn't you say hello to the beautiful fairy who sent us here? She doesn't seem to know you, and you still want to lie Me. Don’t think I’m young, I’m not easy to lie to!”

Cao Zhonghua became more and more puzzled: "I am a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, why do I have to know her? She is not a disciple of the Baifeng Sect."

"Look, you still want to lie to me, and you've already revealed your secret." The little boy shouted loudly, "Although she is not a disciple of your Baifeng Sect, she is the wife of your leader. As a member of the Baifeng Sect, you Disciple, how could you not know the leader’s wife?”

"What did you say?" Cao Zhonghua almost spit out, the wife of Baifeng leader? The leader of Baifeng is his father. How many wives does his father have? How can he not know it yet?

My father only had two wives, so how could he get a third wife, not to mention that she was from a foreign race!

Cao Zhonghua looked at the little boy and asked, "No, who told you that she is the wife of the leader of Baifeng?"

"Of course it's the fairy sister herself. By the way, what level of cultivation are you in? The fairy sister said that the leader of Baifeng is a monk in the true fairyland, and the fairy sister is a monk in the golden fairyland." The boy threatened with a serious look on his face: "Don't have any bad thoughts. If she knows that you are harming us, she will definitely come and kill you."

Cao Zhonghua was speechless: "No, how do you know that I want to harm you? You and I are both human beings, what do I harm you for?"

The little boy asked back: "You don't want to harm us, why did you lie to us and say that you are a disciple of the Baifeng Sect?"

"How did I lie to you in the future? I am a disciple of the Baifeng Sect. No, she told you that she was the Baifeng Sect, and you believed the leader's wife? You didn't believe me when I said I was a disciple of the Baifeng Sect. ? Then I tell you, I am the Baifeng Sect, the son of the leader, do you believe it or not?"

Cao Zhonghua was completely speechless. How could these people believe in a foreign race and not themselves?

He doesn't like to tell others that he is the son of the leader of Baifeng, because he knows that his father also relied on himself to get to where he is today step by step, so he also wants to reach the level of his father without relying on his father's reputation, just relying on himself. Even higher than his father.

But now, he was really angry. How could he, the most authentic disciple of Baifeng Cult, become a fake?

"Of course I don't believe it." The little boy said matter-of-factly, "If you are the son of the leader of Baifeng, then the fairy just now is your mother. How can a son not know his own mother!"

"I..." Cao Zhonghua almost spat out a mouthful of old blood and said helplessly, "Have you never thought that what she said is false and that she is not the wife of the leader of the Baifeng Sect?"

"This is definitely not fake."

"Yeah, we can all be sure she's real!"

Voices came from the flying boat, but they were not spoken by the little boy, but by several people behind.

"When Master Baifeng came to our village, he happened to meet some evil tribesmen. We saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears the conversation between Master Baifeng and those evil tribes."

"Yes, we saw that the alien fairy was with the leader of Baifeng. Moreover, the fairy also said that the leader of Baifeng was her husband, and the leader of Baifeng did not deny it."

"Not just her, but two other aliens also said that the Baifeng Cult Leader is their husband. One seems to be from the Prison Clan, and the other is from the Fox Clan!"

"Yes, we can all testify!"

Cao Zhonghua was completely stunned. What happened? His father went to Central Continent, and suddenly, he had three more mothers?

Or maybe the man they saw was not their father at all, but someone else pretended to be him?

But the problem is that the human monks who went to Central Continent this time seemed to be from the Golden Fairy Realm except for their father, or they were people from the Baifeng Sect. How could they pretend to be their father!

Moreover, this flying boat is also the flying boat of the Baifeng Sect. My father also said that he saved some people in the territory of the evil tribe.

It all fits.

In addition, there is also the aura of the female cultivator just now.

The child said that the female cultivator was a Golden Immortal, and he felt that her aura was as powerful as the Three Talented Sword Master. Maybe the other cultivator was really a Golden Immortal.

How could a golden fairy say these nonsense?

So, what this child and these people said are true, and the father found three more wives?

I found three wives at once, and all of them were under the flags of foreign races. This...

Should I tell my mother!

Cao Zhonghua was completely confused.

Cao Zhen's actions in the evil tribe's territory were very smooth. These evil tribes should have urgently discussed other matters. At the same time, they were really too weak. When the heavenly tribe and the others besieged the human race, some monks from the golden fairyland died in the human race. But the evil clan also had monks from the Golden Fairy Realm die.

In that battle, the evil tribe suffered huge losses. They really didn't want to fight the human race anymore, so they didn't cause trouble.

With the arrival of other monks from various continents, after the return of Immortal Yao Rabbit. Cao Zhen thought for a while and said to Ju'e and the others who were following him: "The evil clan has stabilized. I don't think the evil clan wants to fight us again. I think we can enter the territory of the heavenly clan now. Go find us mortals of the human race.”

"It's time to enter the Celestial Clan, but it's still a bit dangerous for us to go there. It's best to send some more experts to enter."

Cao Zhen quickly contacted Sancai Sword Lord, and everyone flew towards the Tian Clan's territory.

Celestial clan.

Fengtian City where various ethnic groups held meetings before.

The fourth prince of the Tian Clan sat together with the old man attending the meeting, talking softly.

"Fourth Prince." The old man suddenly said, "The human race's Cao Zhen suddenly proposed that all breakthroughs in the Golden Immortal Realm can be voted for. In fact, we should clearly reject it. The reason why he proposed this point must have some back-up plan. .

Especially, one day before, two golden wonderlands were created in Dongzhou where he was located.

Then Cao Zhen is still the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian. The reason why he can represent Dongzhou must be because he promised something. Perhaps, he has some means to create more golden fairyland. "

"Elder Heixun is worrying too much." The fourth prince chuckled, "What about the reincarnation of Daluo Golden Immortal? He may be able to use the experience of his previous life to let the half-step Golden Immortal who is on the same path as him break through and become a Golden Immortal. He Can we still let all the half-step golden immortals in Dongzhou become golden immortals? Impossible!

He is amazing and can make five or six half-step golden immortals become golden immortals. That means I think highly of him.

He can't have any influence. This position of alliance leader must be mine. "

"Maybe I'm overly worried." Elder Heixun nodded after hearing this, and then continued, "Fourth Prince, there is one more thing. The evil clan came to report, saying that the prison clan, beast clan and demon clan have The female cultivator and Cao Zhen became a Taoist couple."

The fourth prince said indifferently: "Let's get together. Even if they don't become Taoist couples, they are already united. To become Taoist couples, I'm afraid they want to find a suitable monk to vote for. Obviously that monk is Cao Zhen of the human race. This It doesn’t have much impact on us.”

"It doesn't have much impact, but there is one more thing." Elder Heixun said with a strange expression, "The evil clan, after seeing these clans becoming Taoist couples with the human clan Cao Zhen, they want to marry with our heavenly clan.

Or let us..."

Before Elder Heixun could finish his words, he was rudely interrupted by the Fourth Prince: "They are dreaming. Their evil clan, both male and female cultivators are like that. It is the male cultivators of our heavenly clan who can fall in love with their girls." Xiu, can our female cultivators like their male cultivators! Do you want to get married? Let Tai and the others go to the vampires."

"I'm afraid it's inconvenient for the vampires." Elder Heixun just said one thing, and stopped talking about this issue. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "Fourth Prince, there is another matter that the human race has not left Central Continent. They are now picking up the mortals from Central Continent." Walk.

After they picked up these mortals, nothing could be seen in a short period of time, but in the long run, the power of their human race would still increase. What's more, we still have some traitors from the human race in Central Continent. They have built four great religions and they also need to recruit disciples. That must require mortals. "

"Then let them go out now. Whether they are cheating or arresting them directly, in short, let them take care of as many of these human mortals as possible. At the same time, you just need to send people to hinder them a little."

As the fourth prince said, Trend reminded him again: "The emperor said that now that we are uniting with them, it is not appropriate to have a direct conflict. Do you understand?"

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