The Heavenly Clan and the Evil Clan are two extremes among all races.

The evil clan is the weakest among all the clans. When faced with the human monks who entered their evil clan's territory and began to pick up mortals, they did not stop them too much.

However, the Celestial Clan is the strongest among all the clans!

As soon as Cao Zhen and others entered the territory of the Heavenly Clan, monks from the Heavenly Clan blocked their way. The leader among them was the old man from the Heavenly Clan whom he had seen in the meeting before.

Elder Heixun looked at Cao Zhen and other monks indifferently, and asked knowingly: "Everyone, you have gone and come back. I don't know what you want to do?"

Cao Zhen said bluntly: "I thought of our human race, there are still many mortals left here, so I came here to take them back. After all, they are our tribe."

"Oh? Master Cao, you used the wrong word." Elder Heixun said slowly, "Those mortals here were originally people from Central Continent. Master Cao took them away, but they are Forced to find a new home.

As far as I know, you mortals of the human race, like our heavenly race and all other races, have a sentiment that it is hard to leave the homeland.

They must not want to leave their hometown. In this case, why does Leader Cao let them enter your Dongzhou? "

Cao Zhen took a deep look at the other party, shook his head and said, "You're wrong, just pick it up. Because now, the people who rule the area where they are are not the human race, but the heavenly race.

I am taking them back to the place where our human race rules. "

"No, Leader Cao is wrong." Elder Heixun corrected, "Master Cao may have forgotten that there are still many human races in Central Continent. You mortals of the human race can be managed by them. When the time comes, the human race will still be in charge of the human race. , and there is nothing wrong with it.

Therefore, Leader Cao should please come back. "

When Cao Zhen heard the other party talking about the traitors of the human race, his whole aura couldn't help but become colder. If it weren't for these traitors of the human race, their human race would not have suffered such serious losses.

He did not question the other party again, whether these human races have the final say. Even if he asked, the other party would definitely say that they provide a place for those human race traitors to practice, and the rebellious human race has the final say, and other similar words.

Cao Zhen said disdainfully: "With the few people they have, they can't control all the mortals. Moreover, they can't control these mortals gathered in various places. You Celestial Clan came to our groups to unite to resist together. Ten thousand years The other side of the world came later.

It is to enhance the power of our various races. If this is the case, then you should put them back into the world of our human race, because there will definitely be people who are capable cultivators among them. If a few more masters are born among them, then by then Our strength will surely increase over time. "

Elder Heixun frowned slightly, but still shook his head and said: "Why can't they teach these mortals? Leader Cao should have seen that there are people from the Golden Immortal Realm among them. Do you think that even the Golden Immortal Realm can't teach them? These mortals?”

"Golden Immortal Realm is not necessarily good at teaching people, not to mention, there are so many ways to practice in the world." Cao Zhen said, "For example, some disciples are suitable for practicing formations, some are suitable for following the path of talismans, and some are suitable for cultivating formations. They are also good at painting. Those traitors, are any of them good at this?

Wouldn’t it be misleading people’s disciples then? But our human race is different. By letting them come back, we can give them the best guidance. Only in this way can we truly increase the power of our world. "

Cao Zhen said, paused slightly, looked at the other person with a strange expression and asked: "This elder, you are not afraid that the power of our human race has increased, so you will not let these mortals return to our human race? Then I I really have to wonder why you want to unite all ethnic groups and let everyone develop peacefully."

"How could it be?" Elder Heixun immediately denied, "Our Celestial Clan naturally hopes that each of our tribes will be as strong as possible."

As he spoke, he was thinking about countermeasures. He really didn't expect that Cao Zhen would make it clear that this was to enhance the strength of their human race, but he couldn't directly refute it.

After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "This is indeed a good thing for our world, but those human races, they have to develop here. Moreover, this Central Continent also needs the great religion of the human race. Let's Those mortals may not want to leave Central Continent.

Since Master Cao said that there may be mortals who are suitable for practicing formations, talismans, or practicing painting and music, then we will count the mortals in this world.

Under the test, what kind of cultivation are they suitable for? If there are mortals who cannot be taught by these great religions in Central Continent, they will naturally be sent to the other four continents of the human race.

Let the rest stay in Central Continent, and then, every twenty years, or every ten years, everyone can count them. This will not only increase the power of the human race, but also increase the power of our world. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to prevent these mortals from leaving their hometown? "

"This is not the best of both worlds." Cao Zhen said plainly, "On my journey, I saw many human villages that were massacred by your Celestial Clan for no reason. I can't worry about keeping them here. "

On the side, a handsome monk from the Celestial Clan wearing a black robe suddenly interrupted when he heard the sound: "Master Cao, you can't say this nonsense. Master Cao can't just say that he saw a village being slaughtered and then say it was us. The Tian Clan massacred them, Master Cao, you need proof."

As soon as he finished speaking, Elder Heixun's expression suddenly changed.

Cao Zhen nodded and said: "I really have no evidence, but those villages were massacred on your Celestial Clan's territory. Your Celestial Clan cannot protect them, and even those traitors who betrayed our human race cannot protect them. In this case, we naturally have to take them back.

If you can't protect us, we will protect you. Is there a problem with this? "

The Heavenly Clan monk who just spoke seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, and quickly made up for it: "Master Cao, even if they go to your human race, can you guarantee that those mortal villages will not be slaughtered? According to me As we know, you human immortals don’t take mortals into consideration, and you don’t care about the lives of those mortals!”

Cao Zhen's face suddenly turned cold and he asked: "Who did you hear say that we don't care about the life and death of mortals? Oh, by the way, you can only come into contact with those traitors of our human race. You must have heard these words from their mouths This is normal. They can even betray their own race. Therefore, whether they are mortals or other immortals, they do not care about the life and death of others. All they care about is their own interests.

With that said, I can no longer leave these mortals in your territory!

As for us, I can certainly guarantee their safety! We in Dongzhou have now designated laws, which are laws that both mortals and monks must abide by.

In our Dongzhou, all monks and mortals are treated equally. If any monk kills a mortal, then this monk must also pay for it with his life! "

The Heavenly Clan monk who had just spoken suddenly realized that whatever he said was wrong, and for a moment he did not dare to speak again.

Elder Heixun cursed secretly in his heart. He really failed to succeed but failed!

He had no choice but to speak again: "Master Cao misunderstood. We did not hear these words from the human monks who are now in our Heavenly Clan's territory. These words were heard by our Heavenly Clan's monks from the battlefield outside the world." , what you heard from the mouths of human monks.

In addition, the reason why some villagers were massacred was because there was too much conflict between our Celestial Clan and your Human Clan before.

But things are different now. Now all our races must unite together, and that situation will never happen again in the future, so Leader Cao does not have to worry about any more human races being massacred.

As I said before, we can test the cultivation talents of those young mortals. When the time comes, Leader Cao will just take them away. "

"Oh? But if there is a child among mortals, he is suitable for practicing magic skills, and among those human traitors, there are also monks who are good at magic skills. But, this child wants to follow us, what's the point? How should it be?

What's more, we just took those children away, but their families and friends are here. Aren't we forcibly separating them from their families? So this method is still inappropriate.

And those mortals, they are human beings too, and they should also have the right to choose.

Therefore, I think the best way is for us to ask those mortals whether they want to stay here or follow us to East Continent or West Continent, South Continent and Beizhou.

Your Celestial Clan will not deny them the right to choose. If so, then I really have to doubt that even if your Celestial Clan leaves people behind, you will not be able to protect them and will not care about them. Then we will give them all Everyone took it away. After all, in our Dongzhou, they have the right to choose. "

Hearing this, Elder Heixun immediately asked: "Really? If that's the case, then if the mortals in your East Continent don't want to live in your East Continent, doesn't it mean that they can also enter Central Continent? The same is true for the other three continents. in this way?"

"That's the case. If they don't want to live in Dongzhou but want to enter Zhongzhou, it can only be said that we haven't done a good enough job." Cao Zhen nodded without even thinking. So what if he said this? He really didn't believe that these monks from the Celestial Clan could enter the four continents of their human race and go to one village after another to ask the mortals if they wanted to live in Zhongzhou. The Celestial Clan's actions were of no use except to make the human race feel disgusted.

After all, they are not human beings. How could those human mortals follow them into Zhongzhou?

Even if they promise various benefits, mortals may not believe it. Even if they do believe it, it is limited and cannot shake the foundation of their human race at all.

As for the mortals they want to leave, they can follow them, which proves that they don't have much nostalgia for the human race, so why not let them go?

Cao Zhen didn't wait for Elder Heixun to speak, and continued: "Now, we are going to take those humans back. Of course, we will ask them if they want to enter the four continents of our human race.

If Elder Heixun is worried, you can also send your monks to follow and see where those humans choose to go, whether to go to our four continents or stay here.

I can guarantee that as long as they choose to stay here, we will never take them away. "

Elder Heixun frowned deeply. This Cao Zhen is really a good trick. If he really sends monks to the human race to ask those mortals if they want to enter Central Continent, it will waste a lot of monks first. Not to mention, if the human race really agrees. Yes, they brought those humans to Central Continent. They did not gain any benefits. Instead, they helped the humans screen out those who might become traitors.

As for what Cao Zhen and others said about giving those mortals the right to choose, it is a no-brainer. Most of the human race will definitely agree.

But Cao Zhendu said what he said, and he couldn't refuse. After all, the fourth prince also said it. The emperor said that he would maintain peace among all clans. This was the general direction. The four princes were appointed to unite all clans to appoint In the new order, the first thing that must be ensured is the stability of the general environment. If the stability cannot be maintained, it will be useless no matter how much the fourth prince does in other things!

Now, I can only agree.

But fortunately, I have already informed the traitors of the human race, and they should have taken away many mortals by force.

"In that case, let's go and ask those mortals. However, we need to wait for a while now. After all, in order to ask the mortals here, in addition to Leader Cao, we also need to ask those human races who remain in our Central Continent. It’s just that False Immortal Lord and the others go together to ask us where the mortals want to stay, so that it’s more fair. What do you think, Master Cao?”

"Of course." Cao Zhen nodded heavily, but when he heard that False Immortal Lord and others, a chill appeared on his face. These were all traitors who rebelled at a critical moment!

Elder Heixun said, turning back to look at a Celestial Clan monk behind him and said: "Go, inform Immortal Lord Xu and the others, and go out together with Leader Cao and others to ask the human monks whether they want to stay here or go. The four continents of the human race.

Naturally, he could directly inform False Immortal Lord and others. The reason why he said this was to let his subordinates delay for a while.

Central Continent, the area controlled by the Celestial Clan.

Disciples from the four new great sects went out one after another to various villages of the human race.

Sunjia Village is an ordinary village.

It was exactly noon, smoke was curling up in the peaceful village, and the villagers were living peacefully as usual.

Suddenly, three figures flew down in the void.

In the village, the eyes of villagers who were resting or children who were playing suddenly fell on these monks.

There were even several children who showed excitement and shouted loudly.

"They flew down from the sky!"

"They can fly, they are immortals!"

"I finally met an immortal, and I will become an immortal in the future!"

The old people also looked happy. They just heard from the teacher in the village that there are immortals.

As for where the teacher knew it, it was said to be a very ancient book.

They even doubted whether what the teacher said was true.

But now, they really saw the existence of immortals.

However, why do these immortals look so cold?

Each of the three flying monks had cold eyes and fierce expressions.

They landed directly in the center of the village.

"Don't talk nonsense, just arrest the person."

Immortal Lord Xu Yi finished his words, then waved towards the void above his head, and a flying boat suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

On the left and right sides of Xuyi Immortal Lord, his two junior brothers who had returned to the Immortal Realm heard the sound, and without any hesitation, they directly raised their hands to grab the person they saw in front of them.

Suddenly, two giant hands appeared in the void. The mortals who were still in the state of seeing the immortals and were in a state of surprise did not even have a chance to react, so they were caught by the big hands. Then he threw it away and threw it directly into the flying boat.

At this time, the villagers who heard the noise outside and opened their doors one by one, or who were in their own yards, happened to see this scene, and for a while, the villagers shouted one after another.

"No, they're arresting people!"

"Quick, close the door!"

"There's no use closing the door, run, run!"

For a moment, a scream broke the tranquility of the village.

"Damn it, it's an honor for you to be able to come to your village, but you still want to run away? You still want to close the door!"

Xuyi Immortal Lord snorted coldly, and suddenly a black light shot out from his hand. The black light suddenly dispersed in the void, turning into dotted lines and flying towards each courtyard. For a moment, the courtyards exploded. The closed door also exploded, and shattered soil and wood chips flew everywhere, hitting the villagers.

For a moment, some villagers' foreheads were smashed directly, and some unlucky villagers even had their legs smashed directly by huge beams.

Suddenly, wailing sounds came out one after another.

There was no trace of self-blame on Immortal Xuyi's face. He raised his hand and grabbed it in front of him, and the shadow of the giant hand that covered the sky and sun appeared.

Immediately, every villager, whether injured or uninjured, was thrown into the flying boat behind him.

"He...they are still arresting people!"

"Why? Why do they want to arrest us? They arrest people without saying anything!"

"We are all humans, why do they do this to us!"

"The house, our house is all destroyed!"

"Why do you care about the house at this time? Run quickly and take our children with you!"

"Yes, take the children and run away!"

No matter when, the first thing they thought of was their children. Suddenly, adults hugged their children and ran towards the distance. However, before they could run out, an unparalleled force came from behind. He grabbed them directly from the air and violently threw them into the flying boat behind.

Many old people even knelt on the ground and began to plead with them with trembling voices.

"Master Immortal, no matter what you want to do to arrest us, just let the children go."

"Yes, Master Immortal, the children don't know anything, just let them go."

"The children are still young, gentlemen."

A group of villagers begged to let the innocent children go.

But opposite them, the three Xuyi Immortal Lords didn't even look at them. They directly raised their hands and grabbed them all.

In just the blink of an eye, this originally peaceful and peaceful village turned into a dead silence.

In the village, all the houses were destroyed and all the villagers were arrested.

"There are too few mortals in the village."

Immortal Lord Xuyi frowned and said in a deep voice: "Let's go to the big city. There are more mortals in the city!"

The three people drove the flying boat and disappeared over Sunjia Village in an instant.

Their destination is Sunny City, which is said to have a large population.

Almost all the large human cities that remained within the areas controlled by the Celestial Clan were not destroyed because of their names.

The flying boat quickly passed through the clouds at high altitude and flew into the distance.

Soon, a big city came into view.

Towering walls surround the entire city, which is bustling with life.

The three Xuyi Immortal Lords landed directly in the center of the city. Because of the arrival of the three people, the residents in the city stopped one after another and looked at the mysterious monks who suddenly fell.

"Catch them all." The cold voice of Immortal Lord Xuyi fell.

Suddenly, the other two monks beside him lowered their hands, and their giant hands appeared and grabbed each of the residents in the big city.

In an instant, before any of the residents could react, they were picked up from the air and violently thrown into the flying boat.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are they arresting people!"

"No, why did I fly too?"

For a time, all the residents who were seen in the big city were transferred into the flying boat.

It's just that this city is too big. When the residents saw other people being arrested, they immediately turned around and ran away. Some ran towards the outside of the city, while others ran towards their homes.

"Run? I am a real fairyland existence. If I ask you to run out, won't you be laughed out of your wits!"

Immortal Lord Xuyi sneered and raised his hand. In an instant, four black rays of light flew out and directly bombarded the four walls of this big city.

In an instant, four loud noises were heard.

The city gate collapsed suddenly, and huge stones fell down, directly killing the residents who were passing through the city gate, as well as the soldiers guarding the surroundings.

Although Central Continent is now occupied by foreign races, there are still some small dynasties in Central Continent, and some large cities also have city lords and soldiers.

All the city gates were sealed, and all the residents were immediately trapped in the city.

And the guards in the city had no way to deal with the three monks flying in the void.

In the void, the three people continued to destroy houses one after another and forcibly captured the residents of the city.

For a time, the entire city fell into chaos, and residents fled in all directions, not daring to confront the monks head-on.

However, the three Xuyi Immortal Lords grabbed every resident mercilessly, and all three of them looked indifferent.


"The Immortal has arrested someone!"

Waves of frightened cries echoed through the streets of the city as residents ran in panic, hoping to escape the pursuit of the monks.

But it was of no use at all. No one could hold the palm of their hand, no matter men, women, old or young, they were all ruthlessly thrown into the flying boat.

After a short time, the entire spaceship was filled. Immortal Lord Xuyi nodded with satisfaction and said: "There are indeed many more mortals here than in Sunjia Village."

"Senior brother." Among the three, a monk suddenly reminded him, "I feel that there are still some people outside the city."

"Don't worry about those people. There are only two or three kittens. It's not enough to waste time. Let's catch the next person!"

The flying boat flew away quickly.

Not long after the flying boat flew away, an old man ran over quickly with two children, a boy and a girl. Looking at the blocked city gate in front of him, the old man waved his hands desperately, trying to climb up. But he was already old, and no matter how hard he climbed, he could not climb the wall.

At the boundary of the area controlled by the Tian Clan, Cao Zhen waited for a moment, then frowned and said coldly: "You are too slow. Since they haven't come yet, let's go directly.

When the time comes, I will bring everyone here and ask them directly where they choose to go. "

After saying that, Cao Zhen was about to fly away into the distance.

But Elder Heixun still stopped in front of him and made no move.

Suddenly, Cao Zhen frowned deeply and said coldly: "Stop me? Are you going to fight us again?"

Obviously, the reason why Elder Heixun stopped them was to delay time. Now, those people from the great religions of the human race must have gone everywhere to look for the human race, and then hid some of the human race.

The longer he delayed, the more humans the other party hid.

Elder Heixun frowned. Just when he was about to say something, figures flew towards him from a distance.

"Master Baifeng, you are too anxious. Look, people are here now, aren't they?"

Cao Zhen took a look at the flying figure, and then he stopped looking at each other and flew directly into the distance. While flying, he said: "Then let's start now. Whatever situation we are facing now, they should also You will know."

He didn't look at the other party because he was really afraid that he would not be able to help but kill these traitors directly.

Elder Heixun didn't say what would happen if he killed these humans. However, by killing these humans, the heavenly clan would have a reason to cause trouble, and even have an excuse to prohibit them from continuing to pick up humans here, so he flew here specially. Sancai Jianjun and others conveyed the news that it was not easy to kill those traitors.

In the future, they will have plenty of time to kill these human traitors. Now, what they have to do is to bring these mortals back to their four continents.

Cao Zhen flew away, and not long after, he felt a figure flying over behind him.

Peak leader.

It is impossible for him to know all the masters of the human race, but he has seen the person behind him. This is the leader of a great sect in Dongzhou. He is a great sect in Dongzhou, but the other person has now betrayed the human race and entered to Central Continent.

Soon, a village appeared in his sight.

Cao Zhen fell directly from the void. On his side, Linfeng Immortal Lord, Rabbit Demon Immortal Lord and other monks also fell down one after another. They had been following Cao Zhen's side. With them, Sancai Sword Lord and the others also fell down. Completely relieved.

After all, Cao Zhen is now surrounded by four beings from the Golden Immortal Realm, and it is not easy to kill them.

Although the Celestial Clan said they wanted to unite, Sancai Sword Lord and the others were also afraid. What if a monk in the Celestial Clan suddenly wanted to attack Cao Zhen?

After all, Cao Zhen is really too important.

This village seems to be quite large, but there are not many people in the village.

Seeing the monks arriving one by one, the villagers in the village immediately ran out, as if they wanted to watch the fun.

But soon, they noticed several aliens flying down, their faces showing gray-purple fear again.

Even so, they did not scream, nor did they turn around and run away.

In addition to the flying human race, I'm afraid it also has something to do with the appearance of Linfeng Immortal Lord and Yao Tu Immortal Lord. The two of them don't look like the kind of vicious people.

Cao Zhenzhu noticed the panic of some villagers and quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, they won't hurt you, they just followed me.

And I am here this time to save you. "

"Save us? Save us from what?"

Opposite Cao Zhen, among the villagers, an old man asked curiously, and the other villagers around him also looked puzzled.

Cao Zhen explained patiently: "That's it, I'm a monk from Dongzhou. You know Dongzhou, right?"

"Of course we know about Dongzhou." The old man said immediately after hearing the sound, "I know that we are in Central Continent. In addition to our Central Continent, there are also Xizhou, Dongzhou, Nanzhou and Beizhou. Immortal, you are from Dongzhou ?What does Dongzhou look like? Is it also occupied by these alien races?"

"No." Cao Zhen explained, "We in Dongzhou don't have any foreign races yet."

"There are no alien races?" The old man's face instantly revealed a look of longing and he shouted: "So, there are no alien races there who will oppress and kill our human race?"

"No." Cao Zhen nodded heavily and assured: "There, our human race is the master!"

The peak leader looked at the old man and the villagers with yearning expressions, and secretly thought something bad in his heart, and quickly said: "Actually, there are no alien races in Dongzhou now, and there will be alien races in the future.

Previously, the reason why various tribes entered Central Continent to attack was because they fought against each other. Now, all races have signed an agreement to coexist peacefully. If this is the case, then other alien races will naturally enter East Continent, and the human race in East Continent cannot prevent those alien races from entering East Continent. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at the women beside Cao Zhen: "It's like them, they..."

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, an extremely cold breath came out of Linfeng Immortal Lord's body. She raised her hand and pointed towards the peak leader. In an instant, an extremely cold wind suddenly came from her fingertips. ejaculate.

This strong wind was like a long blue dragon flying out from nine days away, carrying a force that seemed to be able to tear the entire world apart and rushing straight towards the peak leader.

The peak leader didn't even have a chance to react. He just saw a flash of green light. The next moment, there was a sharp pain in his chest. Then his whole body suddenly fell and fell heavily to the ground. The area on his chest has been penetrated.

"Blood, there is blood!"


The sudden change shocked many surrounding villagers and they retreated to the rear.

The peak leader was even more horrified. This aura was from the Golden Fairy Realm. What did the other party want to do? Do you want to kill yourself?

He had just fallen to the ground, and the next moment, in the void, a figure flew quickly and landed next to him.

Elder Heixun!

Ever since Cao Zhen and others flew away, he had been following from a distance. Although he knew in his heart that Cao Zhen was unlikely to take action, what if Cao Zhen took action?

As long as Cao Zhen kills a human traitor, he can use this to directly drive Cao Zhen out of their Heavenly Clan's territory.

Unexpectedly, not long after he flew away, a monk on Cao Zhen's side took action directly.

That aura should be that of Linfeng Immortal Lord.

Regardless of whether Cao Zhen did it or not, as long as it was Cao Zhen's side who did it, that's enough.

When the peak leader saw Elder Heixun flying in and having a backer, he was instantly determined and shouted quickly: "Elder, they, they take action."

Elder Heixun nodded slightly, turned to look at Cao Zhen, and deliberately asked: "Master Cao, can you explain why you want to take action?"

Cao Zhen did not speak, but the cold voice of Linfeng Immortal Lord on the side had already sounded: "Hei Xun, are you questioning us? You are a member of the Heavenly Clan, who have the right to question us! What qualifications do you have to take care of us? us!"

Elder Heixun did not back down and shouted loudly: "Yes, one of you is from the Hell Clan and the other is from the Human Clan. I am indeed not qualified to care about you. However, this is the territory of the Celestial Clan. You are in the territory of our Celestial Clan." If you hurt someone on the territory, I will naturally intervene!

You said before that you wanted to take these mortals away for the sake of our world, but right after you said that, you went straight to hurt a monk from the True Immortal Realm. Do you mean this for this world? "

"Oh, you can tolerate anything for the sake of a world?" Linfeng Immortal Lord did not speak, but Ju'e suddenly said, "If I point at your nose now and say that you... Oh, no, it shouldn't be used Let me describe it. After all, I am the princess of the fox tribe. Even if I really point at your nose, you may not do it.

So if you change someone else, an ordinary real fairyland, and he points at your nose and talks, what will you do? Are you willing to take action? If you say no, fine, I will have all the true fairy lands of our fox tribe fly over in a while, and then point them at your nose.

If you think that there is a problem and that it is insulting to you, then there is no problem. "

Ju'e raised her finger and pointed at the peak leader who fell on the ground and said: "This man, he just pointed at three monks from the Golden Immortal Realm, as well as the future leader of the fox demon clan, and the leader of the human race.

You said, we are just punishing you, is there any problem? "

Elder Heixun's face suddenly darkened. This female fox demon actually insulted him, but what she said was really fine. He really didn't dare to teach her a lesson easily. She was the second largest clan of the demon clan and the future leader.

If you teach the opponent a lesson, you are not only provoking the fox demon clan, but also provoking the entire demon clan.

If the future leader of the second largest clan dares to teach him a lesson like this, then what about the other demon clans? Will they be killed directly?

This is not a provocation to the demon clan!

At the same time, he was even more angry that this human race was a waste. A small True Immortal Realm actually pointed at the existence of three Golden Immortal Realms with his hands. Who had the guts to do that!

A golden fairy was fingered by a real fairy, and if he gave her a little lesson, no one would be able to tell him what was wrong!

If he really said there was a problem with this, Ju'e would turn around and have a group of true immortals come to point at him every day, pointing at the golden immortality of their heavenly clan.

He believed that Ju'e could definitely do such a thing!

He himself is the Golden Fairyland, and he will never allow the dignity of the Golden Fairyland to be challenged.


He cursed secretly in his heart, looked at the opposite side and said: "So, it's like this, but it means nothing. Everyone, I'm just passing by here, you can continue."

After saying that, he turned around and flew away!

On the ground, the peak leader was dumbfounded for a moment. Elder Heixun just left like this, so his suffering was in vain!

All around, the villagers were stunned, but they quickly understood what happened.

In fact, the person just now is equivalent to an ordinary villager from his own clan, or he then went to the village next door to him and pointed at the village chief of his village and spoke!

The head of a village is usually the patriarch of the local village with the first surname. This is an insult to the entire family in the opposite village. It is normal for him to be beaten to death, let alone beaten.

Then, the Celestial Clan that just flew in seemed to be with the human race that was beaten. After hearing the reason, he flew away.

Cao Zhen saw Elder Heixun flying away, pointed at the peak leader who fell on the ground, and said to everyone: "He just didn't finish what he said. Let me help him. What he wants to say is that they are all aliens, but But I am with them, and they will definitely enter Dongzhou.

What he said is correct, these monks around me will indeed enter Dongzhou. However, there will only be a few monks from other races entering Dongzhou. In Dongzhou, the human race is the master.

At the same time, our Dongzhou has regulations. In Dongzhou, all monks and mortals must abide by the rules of our Dongzhou. No matter who breaks the law in Dongzhou, they will be punished.

If an alien kills a mortal, that alien will also have to pay for it with his life! Because in Dongzhou, foreigners, mortals and monks are all equal! "

"All equal?"

When the villagers on the opposite side heard the sound, they couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, and their voices were full of disbelief.

"How is this possible?"

"Yes, are we the same as immortals? Are we the same as aliens?"

"Is there really such a world?"

Ju'e heard these discussions and explained to everyone: "You don't need to doubt, because the person who is talking to you is the leader of the human race.

Among the human race, he has the final say! Since he said so, so be it. Moreover, you should have heard my identity, and I can assure you that after our family enters Dongzhou, we will definitely abide by the laws he specified. "

All around, a group of villagers heard the sound and began to believe it.

One of the villagers asked: "Chief of the human race, do all human races have to listen to you?"

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