The entire human race is now united with No United.

Cao Zhen listened to the questions from the villagers opposite, shook his head slightly and said: "I am not the leader of the entire human race, I am just the leader of the Dongzhou human race."

"That's also the clan leader."

The villager opposite asked expectantly: "Chief, are you going to take us to Dongzhou?"

Everyone around heard the sound and looked over expectantly.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said: "Yes, we are taking you back to Dongzhou this time. Are you willing to follow me back to Dongzhou?"

When the peak leader who fell on the ground heard this, his expression changed drastically. Are these villagers going back with Cao Zhen and others?

I followed Cao Zhen and the others just to stop them. If I did nothing and just let Cao Zhen take everyone back, what would others think of me after I went back?

What's more, since a new great sect has been established and I am a member of a great sect, I also need to develop my own lineage, which also requires disciples.

So no matter what, I need to fight for more people to stay here.

Linfeng Immortal Lord did not have any murderous intention, but only punished him a little. Although his body was pierced by a blow, the wound was not large and the injury was not serious.

He stood up quickly and said, "Everyone, why do you have to go to Dongzhou?

Everything that is available in Dongzhou is also available here. And if you go to Dongzhou, you still need to leave your hometown. Why don't you stay here? "

Opposite, a group of villagers finally understood that these two human races were targeting two groups, one of which wanted them to stay, while the other wanted them to leave.

In fact, if you can not leave, of course it is better not to leave.

Just like what the immortal said just now, who would want to leave their hometown if they could, but the problem is that it is really too dangerous to stay here.

The village chief bravely asked: "Sir, of course we don't want to leave our hometown.

However, staying here, we are in fear every day. We don't know when an alien race will enter our village and slaughter all of us.

There used to be a Niujia Village five miles away from our village, and a Baijia Village eight miles away, but those two villages are gone.

We worry that, at some point, we will be like them. "

"No." The peak leader said quickly, "That was before, but now it is different from before. In the past, our various races' teams, now, our various races have to designate a new order, including eight races including the blood race. , it has been negotiated and developed peacefully, so that situation will not happen again in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ju'e's voice rang out.

"Are you sure? If a monk from the Celestial Clan comes and massacres a village, what can you say?

To put it nicely, you are living in the territory of the Celestial Clan. To put it harshly, no, I should say, to be honest, you are the dogs of the Celestial Clan here. Do you dare to control them? "

"You..." The peak leader seemed to want to point at Ju'e, but when he saw Linfeng Immortal Lord standing not far from Jue, his hand couldn't help but tremble, but he never dared to raise it again and could only lower his head. He said: "You can't say that, we don't have that kind of relationship with the Celestial Clan, we are..."

"Who are you?" Ju'e said with disdain: "Maybe I'll catch you a resistance monk now and see if you dare to kill him?

Forget it, I won’t embarrass you. Do you dare to curse? You are a monk from the True Immortal Realm. Let a monk from the Earthly Immortal Realm or the Celestial Clan who returns to the Immortal Realm scold you and see if you dare to talk back.

You can't even protect yourself, how about you protect others? "

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the surrounding villagers changed instantly.

They didn't need to ask any more questions. Just looking at the man's face and the fact that he was beaten by the female fairy before but didn't dare to say a word, they knew that the matter was not false.

In this case, they would not dare to stay here.

The peak leader heard this and quickly said, "But how can you guarantee that Dongzhou is safe?"

"He is the leader of the human race in Dongzhou. His rules must be followed by all the human race in Dongzhou."

Ju'e didn't wait for Cao Zhen to speak before speaking directly: "As for the other clans... I am the demon clan, the future leader of the second largest clan, and we, the demon clan, will definitely abide by the human clan's decision.

In addition, there are also Golden Fairyland masters from the Beast Tribe and the Hell Tribe. What else do you have to worry about? "

All around, the villagers looked at each other, and finally they all fell on the village chief.

After the village chief thought for a moment, he slowly said: "I want to follow a few immortals to Dongzhou. What do you mean?"

As soon as his words fell, the surrounding villagers immediately said: "We listen to the village chief!"

"I haven't been to Dongzhou yet, and I also want to see what Dongzhou looks like."

"Let's go to Dongzhou!"

"It's too dangerous to stay here. Now that we finally have the chance to leave, we must follow."

If it is a big city, there are many people in the city, and everyone has their own ideas. Therefore, it is normal for residents in the same city to make different choices.

But this is a village, and everyone knows everyone in the village. Even the people in the village have the same surname, and everyone listens to the village chief.

The village chief said to go to Dongzhou, so everyone went to Dongzhou, but no one chose to stay in Zhongzhou.

After Cao Zhen found a village, he quickly went to the second village. Especially when there were people from the first village, they released the people directly. When the people in the second village saw that all the people in the other villages were Having chosen to enter Dongzhou, it is natural that going to Dongzhou is definitely the right choice.

Then when they went to the third village, villagers from the first two villages helped to speak. This cycle continued, and every villager in all the villages they went to chose to enter Dongzhou.

Only when entering a certain big city, only a very few people chose to stay in Central Continent.

Cao Zhen did not force the other party to leave. He had already made it clear about the serious relationship. The other party still insisted on staying in Zhongzhou. He had no other choice but to kidnap him by force.

However, as they continued flying, a destroyed city appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This once prosperous and bustling city is now in ruins.

Towering buildings collapsed and shattered, and debris and rubble piled on the streets. The inhabitants of the city no longer exist, replaced by silence and desolation.

The once busy streets are now deserted and silent. Destroyed statues and broken fountains remain in the empty square. The shop windows were smashed and the goods on the stalls were scattered all over the floor, giving off an aura of desolation and helplessness.

There were signs of collapsed walls everywhere, with stones and bricks scattered everywhere. Especially the originally lively residential areas turned into ruins.

And outside the city, there were three figures, one old, two young, and so on.

They were desperately climbing towards the city wall, but no matter how they climbed, they could not climb the city wall.

Suddenly, they spotted figures flying down in the void. A clear look of fear suddenly appeared on the old man's face. He looked at the boy who was climbing higher than him and shouted loudly: "Quick, Mingzhe, take your sister Mingxin and run away!"

As the old man spoke, he picked up a stone from the collapsed ruins and threw it directly towards the flying monks.

He knew that at such a long distance, his attack could not touch the monks, but he still did it. He believed that after seeing his actions, the monks would be angry and attack him, so that he could still Buying time to let his grandson and granddaughter go.

Cao Zhen saw the stone thrown by the other party from a distance, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. The other party was going to attack him and others, and there was so much hatred on the old man's face. He and the others had just flown here, why did he How could he hate himself and others so much that he even let the two children run away immediately after seeing him and others?

Confused in his heart, he speeded up and appeared in front of the old man in a blink of an eye. Before he could speak, a shout filled with hatred came from the side.

"Don't bully grandpa!"

On the side, a child who looked to be more than ten years old shouted loudly, opened his hands, and flew toward Cao Zhen from a short distance. It seemed that he wanted to push Cao Zhen down.

Cao Zhen raised his hand and waved slightly, and suddenly a soft force surged out of his hand, directly fixing the little boy on the ruins. If he didn't block it, the little boy would definitely fall.

Almost as soon as the little boy's body was fixed, behind him, the little girl who looked a year or two younger lifted a huge stone and dropped it directly towards Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen didn't even make any movement. A burst of energy shot out directly from his body. In the void, the falling stone shattered and flew down to the surrounding areas.

"Why are you attacking me?" Cao Zhen looked at the old man and the young man in front of him and said helplessly, "This must be the first time we have met, and it is also the first time I have come here. I have no ill intentions towards you. , is there any misunderstanding between us?

Also, in this city, can you tell me what happened at this time? "

As he spoke, Cao Zhen felt the atmosphere of the city slightly, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "This city was destroyed not long ago, it should be within two hours."

As he spoke, he came to some understanding. He looked at the old man and asked: "You are the survivors of this city. You attack us when you see us. One of them is that we attacked your big city, or you think we are them." accomplice?

I think you must have misunderstood. I am a human race just like you. How could I attack a city of my own race? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man's angry voice immediately sounded: "So what about the same race? The three people who massacred this city were just three humans!"


Behind Cao Zhen, a group of monks were shocked when they heard the sound. Cao Zhen's face showed a deep look of anger. Senhan's murderous intention surged out of his body and surged towards the surroundings. For a moment, the air around him was filled with anger. The temperature seemed to drop suddenly.

Why did he take over these fellow tribesmen? He was afraid that these tribesmen would be oppressed by those alien tribes at will, and their villages and even cities would be massacred!

As a result, since he started to go from village to village from the Celestial Clan and started taking people away, he had not seen the city massacred by the Celestial Clan, but he first saw a city massacred by the Human Clan, by his own clan. The big empty city!

"Tell me, what happened! Do you know who did such evil deeds that are intolerable to heaven and earth!"

The old man looked at the angry look of the leader of the monks opposite, turned slightly, and asked in a low voice: "You and they are not the same group, you... No, you are the same group!"

Suddenly, he saw the clothes on another human race. He remembered clearly that the three human monks who slaughtered their entire city were wearing such clothes.

"A group?" Cao Zhen's eyes instantly fell on the peak leader beside him, his face suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly, "Peak leader, can you tell me what you have done before!"

The peak leader looked at the ruins of the city in front of him and cursed in his heart. It was those bastards who went so far!

The order they received was to capture the mortals and leave as soon as possible before Cao Zhen and others arrived.

The ones above are asking them to arrest people, not to kill people, let alone massacre the city!

And if you kill people, you kill people, and if you massacre a city, you massacre it. Can't you do it more cleanly? As a result, three people were left alive!

He felt Cao Zhen's aura of coldness and quickly waved his hand: "I don't know, I really don't know. Maybe, maybe there is some misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding can there be? We have never entered such a deep place before. You are the only human race here. Who did these things if you didn't do them? If you don't tell me, right? Let me ask this old gentleman Naturally, I know everything.”

Cao Zhen turned to look at the old man and explained patiently: "You misunderstood, they and I are not the same people.

If I were really as hostile to you as they are, you would probably be dead by now, right? Not only am I not a group of them, I am here to rescue you.

I am a monk from Eastern Continent. This time, I want to take you monks from Central Continent to leave Central Continent and enter the continent controlled by our human race.

If you don’t believe it, have you seen the flying boat above? The people in that flying boat are all mortals from Central Continent. You will naturally know if you ask them. I am not lying to you. "

As Cao Zhen spoke, he even opened the flying boat, and soon several figures fell from the flying boat. Under his power, these people fell aside one after another, and there was no look of discomfort on their faces.

Although they entered the airship for the first time today, they had washed up and down the airship too many times before.

Every time Cao Zhen entered a village or a big city, he would let them out and ask them to persuade the villagers to leave Zhongzhou and enter Dongzhou.

However, when they saw everything under their feet, they were stunned.

"The city was destroyed?"

"Strange, it seems like it was just a house or something that got to him."

"What is going on? This city has almost become an empty city. Why is Patriarch Cao still here?"

Cao Zhen looked at everyone and said softly: "Everyone, this big city has just been massacred, and it may have been destroyed by those human traitors.

And this old gentleman suspects that I am in the same group with them. Can you please explain to me that I am not in the same group with them? "

"Massacre the city?"

"They humans massacred our own city!"

"How is this possible? Even if those immortals think they are superior to us, they may not help us, but they will never directly massacre a big city. After all, we are all human beings!"

After everyone was surprised, they started talking about Cao Zhen's identity and what Cao Zhen was doing now.

Almost all of them are the village chiefs of each village. Their eloquence is not bad in the first place. During the previous period of the road, they kept going out to explain to other mortals of the same race. After training, they became even more eloquent.

Unfortunately, they will make the old man understand that this Cao Zhen is really here to help them, not to kill them!

The old man bowed in the direction of Cao Zhen, and then quickly said: "This immortal, I misunderstood before, please invite the immortal..."

As he spoke, he even wanted to kneel down, but the gentle power came from around him and directly held up his body, preventing him from kneeling down.

“It doesn’t have to be, it’s just a misunderstanding, but I wonder if you can tell us what happened here.

Those who massacre our fellow humans are not worthy of being human at all. "

The old man heard the sound, nodded and then spoke: "Previously, I was returning to the city from outside the city with my two grandchildren.

But before we could fly into the city, we heard loud noises, and from a distance we saw that the city gate collapsed.


The old man said with a deep hatred on his face, looked at the peak leader, pointed at his clothes and said: "Then I saw three monks wearing the same clothes as him flying over. I remember clearly, those monks Their clothes are also embroidered with the word "东"!

They got a boat out of the sky similar to the one behind you. "

Ju'e heard what the old man said and immediately reminded: "The thing you are talking about is called a flying boat. What do they do with the flying boat?"

"Arrest people! I can't see what happened in the city, but I can see that an individual resident in the city was directly arrested and thrown into the airship."

"So, they arrested people by force."

Cao Zhen nodded lightly, looked at the peak leader with an ugly face, and said in a cold voice: "Before, the elders of the Celestial Clan deliberately delayed the time, so that you could arrest the person directly before us, and then hide it, okay?

I can understand you doing this, but if you just arrest people, why do you want to kill people? Why demolish other people’s homes! "

The peak leader cursed secretly in his heart, after all, it was those guys who did things so carelessly, and yet they were met by Cao Zhen.

Naturally, he couldn't say that he didn't know. That way, he didn't know what Cao Zhen would do to him. He could only bite the bullet and said: "Yes, we did get the order to arrest people, but I really don't know who it is and directly kill people!" I didn’t kill a single mortal today.”

He said, as if he was afraid that Cao Zhen would not believe it, and continued to add: "We have established four new major sects. As you know, we came from various major sects before, and some of our monks don't even know each other."

"Whether you know it or not, these things were all done by you. You must give an explanation to me, to the human race, and even to all the races!"

Cao Zhen glanced at the peak leader coldly, then looked at the old man and said softly: "I already know what happened. Although the tragedy has happened and everything is irreversible, I will definitely find the scumbag who did it. , take revenge on them!

As for now, the three of you might as well enter the flying boat first. This big city has been destroyed. How about you three follow me to Dongzhou? It will be safer there. "

When the old man heard the sound, he shook his head and refused: "No, I can't leave. I want to see my home and our people under this city. I don't know if there are any of my children inside." Are their parents any of our relatives? Are they still alive..."

"They have all expired." Cao Zhen sighed deeply. With his current cultivation level, he could easily tell whether there were any living people in this big city.

He could not feel any breath of life from this big city now, so the mortals who were pressed under the city gate were all dead at this time.

"If they die, they should indeed be buried in peace."

Cao Zhen sighed and waved his hand in front of him. In an instant, a burst of energy rushed out. At the collapsed city gate below, pieces of gravel and wood were blown away, revealing the bodies below. corpse.

These corpses were pressed to the ground by a large number of stones and wooden boards. The corpses were all deformed, but some of them still had their faces intact.

When the old man saw the corpse exposed below, he didn't have any fear and immediately stepped forward to look for it.

In order to make it easier for the old man to find them, Cao Zhen raised his hand and directly turned the corpses over.

The next moment, a cry of surprise came out.

"Dad, Mom!"

The little girl shouted loudly and quickly ran towards the two corpses that were almost crushed into pulp, but because the faces were stuck, a certain facial expression was still preserved.

She ran to the corpses, leaned down directly, hugged one of the corpses and cried bitterly.

On the side, the little boy and the old man heard the sound and ran over quickly. For a while, there were continuous cries of pain.

Among the collapsed remains of the city wall, two children hugged each other tightly, staring at the bodies that fell to the ground.

Their eyes were filled with sadness. Looking at the corpse in front of them, the past time kept emerging from their eyes.

That is what they rely on, giving them warmth and love. Now, parents can never stand up again, can no longer protect them from wind and rain, or even open their eyes again.

The two children's tears flowed silently, wetting their cheeks, and waves of sadness continued to surge into their hearts.

They knelt quietly beside their parents and gently touched their parents' cold palms.

They hope that this is just a nightmare, that their parents can once again open their arms to embrace them, but these are just fantasies that cannot be realized.

Cao Zhen turned back and glanced at the peak leader, with a cold look on his face. He suddenly looked behind and shouted loudly: "Hei Xun, I know you are following us. Come here. Come tell me what this is." !”

The sound surged around and into the distance.

Under the excitement of the sound, the surrounding air even had ripples visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, a figure quickly flew down from the void and appeared in front of them.

Elder Heixun looked at the ruins in front of him and the three mortals on the ground. Just when he was about to speak, Cao Zhen's angry voice came.

"Elder Heixun, didn't you say that the human race who stayed here, our traitors from the human race, would teach the mortals the techniques, lead them to practice, and ensure their safety?

So come and see, what happened? They actually directly killed their own people!

Is this how they protect the safety of their fellow humans? "

Elder Heixun looked at the peak leader on the side. Soon, the peak leader told Elder Heixun everything that happened here.

For a moment, Elder Heixun's face turned completely dark.

Trash, these traitors from the human race are trash!

You asked them to arrest people in advance. There is nothing wrong with them arresting people as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter if they kill people, but why do you want to leave clues and why don't you kill everyone!

Now, let Cao Zhen find out. If Cao Zhen uses this matter to talk about things, all the human races will follow them into the four continents of the human race.

He is not sure whether masters can be born among the remaining human mortals, but if he can create some trouble for the human race, he must create some trouble.

What's more, those traitors from the human race are here, and there is no doubt that they will be useful in the future.

If the great religion of those human traitors needs to develop, it needs disciples.

So be sure to leave something mortal here.

"Master Cao, at this time, it should be just an accident, just the behavior of some monks. When I saw this situation, I was extremely angry. We must handle it well at this time!"

As he spoke, Elder Heixun looked back at the three mortals in front of him, with a kind look on his face and asked: "Do you remember what the three monks who took action look like?"

He really wanted to deal with this matter, and only by handling it as quickly as possible could Cao Zhen be silenced.

Of course, there is another way, which is to directly kill the three mortals in front of him, but with Cao Zhen here and so many masters from the Golden Fairy Realm around, the other party will not give him a chance to take action.

Then, we can only kill the three human monks who took action.

"Remember, even if they turn into ashes, we still know them!"

Elder Heixun listened to the three people's words, nodded slightly, and promised: "Don't worry, I will ask people from their big religion to come, and then I will let you identify who did it!"

After that, he took out a clan chart and quickly wrote a string of words on the clan chart. Then the clan chart burned and disappeared.

Although Elder Heixun is not responsible for the four great religions established by traitors from the human race, he is a master of the Golden Immortal Realm, and he is also a very high-status elder of the Celestial Clan, even in the eyes of many traitors from the Celestial Clan and Human Clan. , he is now the highest-status Celestial Clan in Zhongzhou, except for the four princes.

Following his order, although a human monk didn't understand why Elder Heixun summoned them in such a hurry, he still flew towards here quickly.

Within a moment, a golden light suddenly flew down and appeared beside Elder Heixun.

False Immortal Lord!

He is an existence in the golden fairyland, and he flies naturally quickly!

Now, they have established a new great sect, and he is just one of the great elders, not the leader of the sect. Naturally, he cannot claim to be the leader of the false sect.

As the leader of the False Cult flew in, soon, one after another figures flew in one after another.

Immortal Lord Xuyi was flying and said to the two junior brothers on the side: "I don't know what happened. Elder Heixun actually asked us to fly over. We haven't finished transporting them yet."

"I don't know what happened, but senior brother, why do I feel that the place Elder Heixun asked us to go is so familiar?"

"That seems to be a city we passed by before, and we captured many people from that city."

"It's weird, why did you choose that place...Senior brother, look, over there, there are many people standing on that city.

In addition to the people from our great religion, there are also... the human race, that's Cao Zhen from the human race, why are they all here? Things don't look good! "

"Shut up now. We have to fly somewhere. We'll talk about it when we get there."

While the three of them were talking, they were already flying down.

They had just stopped when suddenly, below, the little boy among the two children pointed at the three of them and said angrily: "It's them, it's them, who killed our father and mother and destroyed our home." The three of them were the ones who were all destroyed!"

Cao Zhen heard the sound and glanced at the little boy in surprise. From such a distance, the little boy could see clearly at a glance. Ordinary mortals do not have such good eyesight.

Immortal Lord Xuyi heard the sound, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. There were so many masters here, and then this little boy immediately identified himself. It couldn't be that just because he killed a few people in this city. Are you going to be judged?

How can this be?

As the little boy spoke, the little girl on the side also quickly said: "It's them, I remember them too!"

For a moment, everyone here looked at the three Xuyi Immortal Lords.

Immortal Lord Hei Xun's face suddenly turned cold. He turned to look at the three of them and asked in a deep voice, "Have you massacred this city?"

The three of them suddenly felt that something was wrong, and they instinctively wanted to deny it. However, for some reason, they just made contact with Immortal Black Xun's eyes, and they felt that they were looking into an abyss that could not be seen. Usually, a kind of boundless terror instantly rises from the bottom of their hearts and then spreads throughout their bodies.

At this moment, they even felt that their souls were trembling. They even lowered their heads uncontrollably and whispered: "We...we only killed a few of them and did not massacre the city. Most of them Did everyone let us take them away?"

"Kill someone? Who asked you to kill someone!" Elder Heixun looked at the three of them with a look that became more and more profound and terrifying.

The three of them trembled involuntarily again and whispered: "No, we were not asked to kill anyone. Our master just asked us to come and take people away."

Behind, the leader of the False Cult knew everything. When he heard the sound, a cold look suddenly appeared on his face, and he said sternly: "Don't call me master. I want you to invite these mortals to enter the residence of our great sect." , I didn’t ask you to arrest people, let alone kill people.

Do you know that they are all of our race! You kill your own people so casually and yet you still have the nerve to call me Master! I don’t have disciples like you, and you are not worthy to be a disciple of our great religion, let alone a human being!

Today, as a teacher, I will act on behalf of Heaven! "

As the leader of Xuyi said, he suddenly raised his palm and slapped it in the direction of Xuyi Immortal Lord and the three of them!

Although these three are all his disciples, Immortal Lord Xuyi is actually very talented in the future.

But there is no way. Elder Hei Xun has brought so many people, obviously to show Cao Zhen. Now he kills the three Xuyi Immortal Lords first, which is also a move to abandon the car to protect the commander!

In an instant, a black devil's claw appeared in the void. The shadow covered the sky and stretched across the sky. It was like a great evil from ancient times. The evil claw stretched out from the Nine Nether Hell, full of evil aura. .

This blackness is like an abyss, swallowing up all light and hope, and filled with a chilling chill.

This claw is as solid as a magic weapon. You can even see nails as hard as magic weapons. The nails are pitch black and extremely sharp. Each claw tip is shining with a terrifying light.

Wherever this devil's claws go, the space seems to tremble, as if it is being pulled by the power of darkness, and the black mist that surges with it fills the surroundings, swallowing up all the sunlight and light.

In an instant, the whole world was eclipsed. A terrifying black claw shadow instantly covered the sky, like black lightning streaking across the sky, bringing an aura of destruction.

The surrounding space is shattered, and the void is filled with demonic energy. The palpitating demonic energy makes people feel as if they are instantly in a dark abyss.

Xuyi Immortal Lord never expected that his most respected master would suddenly attack him. He was not prepared at all. Even if he was prepared, he could not avoid this palm.

His master now exists in the Golden Immortal Realm, but he is only in the True Immortal Realm!

Seeing this devastating palm, the three of them were about to be blasted into powder.

Suddenly, Immortal Lin Feng waved her white arms, and the next moment, the terrifying wind force quickly condensed around her, forming a rotating whirlpool of wind.

The strong wind roared like a beast, sweeping in, setting off a violent storm, blocking the three people of Xuyi Immortal Lord.

The next moment, the claws of pitch-black demonic energy collided with the strong wind.

In an instant, two terrifying forces came into contact. In just a moment, the air was torn apart, producing a sharp whistling sound, as if the world was becoming unstable and might explode at any time.

The vortex of violent wind twisted the void and surrounded the claws of the black devil. The rotating storm brought up countless dust and gravel, forming a chaotic scene. The sun was obscured by the storm, and the entire sky was shrouded in clouds.

In the collision of two terrifying forces, subtle changes seemed to have taken place in the world. The originally peaceful earth began to tremble, the mountains swayed, and the river changed its direction, as if the whole world was trembling from this momentary collision.

The power of the wind continued to impact the claws of the black devil, trying to defeat it.

The claws of the black devil exuded a strong dark aura, trying to resist the suppression of the strong wind.

Two powerful forces were entangled with each other, tearing apart each other's domains.

The void is constantly twisting and even producing ripples, as if it may collapse at any time.

Suddenly, at the next moment, a figure suddenly flew out and appeared behind the three Xuyi Immortal Lords, and pulled the three people back.

Yao Rabbit Immortal Lord!

In the void, the strong wind of Linfeng Immortal Lord blew away the grasp of False Immortal Lord, and even continued to fly forward.

Linfeng Immortal Lord is not weak in the Golden Immortal Realm, but after all, False Immortal Lord has just become the Golden Immortal Realm not long ago.

Suddenly, Elder Heixun rolled up his sleeves, and a boundless force came over, directly blocking the strong winds. At the same time, he looked at Linfeng Immortal Lord and asked: "What do you mean, fellow Taoist Linfeng? What do you want?" We are looking for the ferocious beast that destroyed this city. Now that we have found the people, we want to kill them at the same time to avenge the dead residents of this city. Why did you suddenly take action to save them? What do you mean?"

Linfeng Immortal Lord looked at the other side with a cold look and said: "It doesn't mean anything, but it's better to ask things clearly."

The False Immortal Lord looked dissatisfied and said: "What's the point of asking? They have already admitted that I did not let them kill people, and I asked them to invite people. They did all this on their own!"

"Master!" Immortal Lord Xuyi heard that his master once again put all the responsibilities on the three of him, and the endless anger in his body rose up, and he shouted loudly, "When did you tell us to invite people? You are clearly talking about arresting people! Moreover, you are saying that no matter what method is used, as long as the person is arrested quickly enough, it will be enough!"

"You, you slanderer, when did I say that!" Immortal Lord Xu looked at everyone and said loudly, "Everyone, their words cannot be trusted. The three of them must have seen that I wanted to kill them, so they were in a panic. Bite, deliberately trying to hurt me!”

"Yes, I just want to harm you on purpose! But what I said is true. Since you want to kill me and don't even care about the relationship between master and disciple, then don't blame me!"

Xuyi Immortal Lord's eyes suddenly fell on Cao Zhen, who was standing aside, and shouted loudly: "It just so happens that Master Cao is also here. Today, I will tell another secret. Master Cao, at the beginning, your Baifeng Sect was supposed to be... The aliens have broken through.

Then you people from the Great Sect used some special means to escape. Among them, there is a group of people who fled to the vicinity of our False Sect.

At that time, our leader had betrayed the human race and was helping the Celestial Clan to kill other great religions of our human race everywhere.

As for me, I just happened to see you guys from the Baifeng Sect. After I knew they were from the Baifeng Cult, I wanted to catch them and threaten you. However, who knew that they were all so strong-willed, one of them, an old man, took out a pair of orbs filled with yin and yang energy, collided with them and exploded, and chose to commit suicide! "

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