After the Baifeng Sect was conquered by the Celestial Clan in Dongzhou, many of its disciples died.

It was too chaotic at that time. There were traitors from the human race who were killing their own clan everywhere, and there were also alien clans such as the Tian clan who were killing the human clan. Even though Cao Zhen was now the clan leader of the Dongzhou human clan, he could not be sure that the disciples of their Bai Feng Sect were all Who did it?

Unexpectedly, now, these human traitors are going to blow themselves up!

Also, as for the yin and yang balls, Xiang Ziyu is the only one in the Baifeng Sect who is good at yin and yang energy. I remember that Xiang Ziyu gave the magic weapon to Elder Tongdish and asked Elder Tongdish to protect himself.

Therefore, they were the ones who forced Elder Tongplate to death!

A frightening murderous intention suddenly emerged around Cao Zhen. The murderous intention was so strong that the human monks opposite him felt as if they had been pressed against their necks by a cold blade.

Next to Immortal Xuyi, his two junior brothers looked at their senior brother with expressions of disbelief. They naturally knew about that matter, but they didn't understand why his senior brother wanted to expose his own affairs!

Cao Zhen is a member of the Baifeng Sect. If the senior brother blows himself up, he will die as a member of the Baifeng Sect. There is absolutely no way Cao Zhen will let him go.

Immortal Lord Xuyi looked across from him, looking at his master, with a look of disappointment in his eyes. Over the years, he had done many shameful things for his master in private, but now a disaster was approaching. , but the master took action against him without hesitation.

If it were someone else who attacked me, the Golden Fairyland of the Celestial Clan, I wouldn't think anything of it!

But it was his master who took action!

He did not regard himself as his disciple or his relative at all.

Since the master is unkind, don't blame yourself for being ruthless.

Even if he didn't say anything, Cao Zhen and the others would never let him go. Since he was going to die no matter what, he would have to drag his master to support him before he died. He wouldn't even think about it easy if he died!

Xuyi Immortal Lord looked at his master again, then turned to look at Cao Zhen and explained: "Although I forced those people to die at the beginning, it was my master who rebelled against the human race, that is, the original Xuyi Immortal Lord. Jun's order, and he said that all the races he saw on the road would be killed. According to his order, those people from the Baifeng Sect would also die.

By the way, I remembered that those people back then were all from your Baifeng Faculty and Staff Department! "

"Ministry of Industry!"

A look of sadness appeared on Cao Zhen's face. None of the disciples from the Baifeng Teaching and Engineering Department came back. It turned out that they were killed by this Xuyi Immortal Lord!

As for Elder Tongdie, he is the announced elder!

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of every detail of getting along with Elder Tongdish. Ever since he had just traveled through time and wanted to compete with others, Elder Tongdish had been thinking about him and helping him.

At first, Elder Tongdie wanted to find someone for him to intercede for him, and then let him join the Immortal Palace of the Ministry of Industry.

When he arrived, Elder Tongdie used all his savings to help him.

As a result, Elder Tongdie was forced to death by these people!

Opposite me, Immortal Xu Yi listened to Immortal Xu Yi's words, and his face suddenly darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "Xu Yi, you, can your method of framing the blame work?"

He was really panicked!

Why has he been in seclusion since he came to Zhongzhou, trying to attack the Golden Fairyland?

It was because he knew that Xuyi had killed many people in the Baifeng Sect, and the human race was still blocking the Celestial Clan. He was worried that the Baifeng Sect would seek revenge on him afterwards!

After all, Cao Zhen is the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian.

Who would have thought that Cao Zhen himself didn't get the news, but Xu Yi finally told it!

Even now, he has become a golden fairyland, but he is still worried!

The closer he became to the Golden Immortal Realm, the clearer he became that the gap between him and Daluo Golden Immortal was as big as He Jing's experience!

"Why should I put the blame on you?" Immortal Lord Xuyi sneered. "All the disciples in our sect knew about the order you gave at the beginning. If you ask a few more disciples, it will become clear.

False, I know I'm going to die, but you won't live long either! "

Immortal Lord Xuyi said, but he gathered his own magic power and directly chose to self-destruct!

No one on either side could let him go. If he was caught by the Baifeng Cult, who knew how the Baifeng Cult would torture him. In this case, he might as well choose to self-destruct to avoid those tortures!

He did not directly self-destruct, but self-exploded the Immortal Palace head in his body. With Cao Zhen's cultivation level, it was not a problem, but the two junior brothers on the left and right of Xuyi Immortal Lord were directly killed by the self-explosion. .

Cao Zhen didn't even look at the body of Immortal Lord Xuyi, but looked at the opposite side with a cold expression, and said in a cold voice: "We will talk about the matters of our Baifeng Sect later. Now, let's talk about the mortals of Central Continent first.

I think there is no need to ask now whether those mortals in Central Continent want to stay here or enter East Continent.

You people from the great religion are killing mortals like this. How can we rest assured and let those people stay in Middle-earth! "

He naturally wanted to avenge Elder Tongdish, but he knew better that now was not the time. The False Immortal Lord in front of him was an existence in the Golden Immortal Realm. This was the territory of the Celestial Clan. If he took action, not only would he not be able to avenge Elder Tongdish , and may ruin their human plan!

He could only endure it.

In the future, he will have too many opportunities to avenge Elder Bronze Disc!

"Clan Chief Cao's words are wrong." Elder Heixun heard this, but he immediately shook his head and said, "We have made it very clear just now. The person who just blew himself up is good at making opinions. False Immortal Lord and the others are not trying to kill mortals. the meaning of."

"Really? Even so, they are their people, their people, so violent, how can we trust them? Our races want to establish a new order, and our purpose is to strengthen the power of our side of the world.

But they are killing our vitality. Doesn't this go against our original intention of establishing a new order? "

"That was just an accident. The other disciples sent by Immortal Immortal Void and others did not do such a thing."

Elder Heixun looked back at Immortal Xu and asked, "Immortal Xu, you don't have any other disciples to do such a thing, right?"

Immortal Lord Xuwu immediately said: "No, of course there is no such thing."

"Even if it wasn't," Cao Zhen suddenly changed the subject, "But it's not right that they took so many people away. They promised to ask these mortals for their opinions, but it would have been better for them to just take them away.

Wherever these people are now, we should also visit them and ask them whether they want to stay in Central Continent or follow us into the four continents of the human race. "

The Immortal Lord Xu was silent for a moment. Naturally, he didn't want to hand over the person they finally caught, but at this time, there was nothing he could do if he didn't hand it over.

Elder Heixun cursed in his heart, and could only say: "Xianxianjun, since Patriarch Cao wants to take a look, then you should take Patriarch Cao with you."

These traitors of the human race really succeed more than they succeed.

Everyone knew that they had taken many people away by force, and they had no choice but to show off to others.

Now, we can only sacrifice the great sect established by traitors like False and others in Dongzhou first. In this way, at least the people of the other three sects can embrace it.

Elder Heixun has already spoken, and the Immortal Lord Xu has no choice but to take people there.

They robbed these people and imprisoned them directly in the back of their big church. After all, they were placed outside. If they were discovered by Cao Zhen and others, wouldn't they have arrested so many people in vain!

Cao Zhen followed Xuxianjun and Elder Heixun and flew all the way to a place with many mountains.

The peaks of the mountains in front of us were shrouded in thick clouds and mist. The clouds and mist are erratic, sometimes as thick as a drizzle, sometimes as light as white clouds.

As a spell was played.

Among the mountains, a magnificent mountain gate emerged, surrounded by dense bamboo forests. Under the blue sky and white clouds, the mountain gate looks solemn and mysterious.

Cao Zhen's eyes quickly fell on the three large characters carved on the mountain gate.

"Zhendong Sect!"

A cold look appeared on his face. Was this meant to shock them all in Dongzhou?

There are soft clouds and mist floating around this mountain gate. The clouds and mist are like a veil, gently lingering in this world.

When the sun shines through the clouds and mist on the mountain gate, the light and shadow are intertwined, the light clouds and the brightness of the sun are intertwined, as if breaking the shackles of the earthly world, making people feel otherworldly.

As you get closer to the mountain gate, you can feel a fresh air blowing into your face, as if it has a faint fragrance of flowers and grass.

There is also a majestic mountain in this mountain gate.

Although it is a newly built teaching, you can still see that there are large formations built on the tops of those mountains.

The Immortal Lord False flew directly to the back mountain with everyone, and the captured mortals were imprisoned in the direction of the back mountain.

They still don't know what happened. They were just living as usual, and suddenly they were caught here by monks one by one. Then those monks didn't say what they were bringing them for, they just stood around and didn't let them leave.

After a long time like this, suddenly, figures flew down in the void.

They all looked up.

The next moment, a voice came over.

"I am the human clan, the clan leader of Dongzhou. I am here today to take you back to Dongzhou. We have arranged everything for you in Dongzhou, including fields, houses, villages...

Of course, you can also choose to stay in Central Continent, stay here, and hand over your future to these people who forcibly captured you..."

As Cao Zhen spoke, these mortals soon understood what happened. People from Dongzhou came and wanted to take them to Dongzhou, Xizhou and other places controlled by the human race.

But there are still many human races here, who were all traitors of the human race back then. It was these human races who forcibly brought them here.

What better choice is there?

These people were originally traitors to the human race. They were so violent when they were captured before and even killed some of them. They would rather leave their homes than stay here.

However, there are too many people here. Although most people choose to leave, there are still a very small number of people who, for some unknown reason, choose to stay here, including even those parents. The dead little boy.

"Mingzhe, what are you doing? Why do you want to stay!" The old man looked at his grandson in disbelief and shouted loudly, "Your father and your mother died because of them, why do you want to stay?" here?"

"Isn't the person who killed them already dead? Besides, I didn't see anything else. I saw that the patriarch of Dongzhou saved the person who killed our parents, so I won't go to Dongzhou. , I want to stay here.”

The old man explained patiently: "Mingzhe, you are still young, you don't understand. The patriarch Cao didn't want to save him, the patriarch wanted to know the truth about Gao Duo."

"I don't care, I just saw him saving that person, so I won't follow him." The little boy named Mingzhe said while leaning towards the direction of the False Immortal Lord.

A smile appeared on Immortal Lord Xu's face, and he said softly: "Since he chooses to stay, you must let him go, but that's not a good idea."

Cao Zhen looked at the little boy and sighed in his heart. When he had contact with the little boy before, he could feel that the little boy was very smart and would not distinguish right from wrong.

I'm afraid this little boy stayed here on purpose, hoping that one day he could become an immortal, and then look for opportunities to kill his enemies.

But I can see it myself, how could the Immortal Lord False not be able to see it?

Besides, let’s not talk about whether he has the talent to cultivate immortality. Even if he has the talent to cultivate immortality, what level of cultivation can he reach? The False Immortal Lord is already an existence in the Golden Immortal Realm.

Even if this little boy becomes a true fairy, even a sneak attack cannot severely damage the existence of a golden fairy.

Moreover, it is not this little boy's turn to take revenge. He will definitely avenge the elder Tongdie and the disciples of the Baifeng Sect!

Cao Zhen didn't know if the other party had hidden more mortals, and the other party wouldn't let them find them.

Even the other three great religions of human race traitors prohibited them from looking for them. He argued with them for a long time, but they did not agree with him to go to those great religions. In the end, he could only continue to go elsewhere to look for human mortals.

A month later, Cao Zhen left the territory controlled by the Tian Clan and flew towards Dongzhou.

In the areas controlled by the Celestial Clan, most of the Human Races choose to enter various continents. After all, this is a place controlled by the Celestial Clan, and those Human Races are all traitors to the Human Race. They really cannot believe these Human Races.

And all the human races from other parts of Central Continent have entered the Four Continents.

Among the four continents, the largest number of people enter Dongzhou.

Once they arrived, Dongzhou responded faster and had the most people. Furthermore, the Monster Tribe, Orc Tribe, and Hell Tribe also gave priority to sending people to East Continent.

There are four continents in total, and nearly 40% of the people have entered Dongzhou.

For a time, the entire East Continent became busy. Not only the major dynasties in East Continent, but even the monks in East Continent became extremely busy. After all, East Continent was too big, and only the monks could control the flying boats. These mortals are transported everywhere.

Moreover, just relying on mortal power to build new cities and countless villages will take an unknown amount of time. In addition, so many people will need more arable land, and many things, such as changing the landscape, and even changing The address, piercing the mountains and attracting water, cannot be achieved by just relying on mortal strength.

These are naturally completed by monks from various major religions.

Cao Zhen returned directly to the Baifeng Sect. At the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect, Li Ke, Guan Yue, who had returned from the Longyin Sect, and a group of disciples from the Baifeng Sect were already waiting here.

Cao Zhencai had just flown back to the mountain gate when he suddenly felt two waves of extremely cold chill coming from him.

Li Ke and Guanyue...

The way his two wives looked at him was obviously abnormal, and they seemed to be looking back all the time, looking at Ju'e, Linfeng Immortal Lord, and Yao Tu Immortal Lord.

Nie Jie also seemed to sense that something was not right in the atmosphere. He glanced in the direction of Li Ke and Guan Yue, and said bravely: "Welcome the leader to return to the religion."

When Cao Zhen came back in the past, he would not say such words, but now that the atmosphere is so abnormal, and he is the deputy leader, he can only force his words.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Ke's voice sounded full of coldness: "Why did the leader bring some foreigners with him? Leader, won't you introduce them to us?"

Cao Zhen's face suddenly froze, and he spoke after a long while: "These things... well, it is more appropriate for Taoist Sancai to talk to you... Taoist Sancai..."

As he spoke, he looked back at Sanxia Sword Lord with a begging look on his face. Before, Sancai Sword Lord had agreed to help him explain.

There was a bitter look on Sancai Sword Lord's face, but he nodded slightly and said: "Our human race will also have many major events happening. The senior leaders of the Baifeng Sect should also be aware of this matter, so I will explain it to you."

When Cao Zhen heard Sancai Jianjun's promise, he let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Sancai Jianjun was a kind man.

In fact, neither Li Ke nor Guanyue are the kind of people who are unreasonable. They are also aware of the situation that the human race is facing now, and they have not made it too difficult for Cao Zhen.

After Cao Zhen returned to the Baifeng Sect, soon Dongzhou and the masters from the Half-Step Golden Immortal Realm also flew over.

They still have to compete for the position of leader of the Eight Clans Alliance.

There are still ten years left, and he also hopes that the human race can give birth to more existences in the Golden Fairyland.

In Baifeng Sect, on a high mountain, a group of masters from the Half-step Golden Immortal Realm surrounded Cao Zhen, as if they were students waiting for the teacher to call their names.

Cao Zhen's eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on an old man with gray hair and beard who looked very elegant. He said softly: "Xingqi Immortal Lord, how about we play chess?"

As soon as he finished speaking, many people around him looked disappointed, and even more monks looked surprised.

Xingqi Immortal Lord is a monk who entered Taoism through chess.

Although Leader Cao knows a lot and seems to be good at everything, they have never heard that Leader Cao is good at playing chess.

There was an obvious look of surprise on Xingqi Immortal Lord's face. He actually came to Baifeng Sect without much hope. He specifically inquired about it and found out that the leader of Baifeng Sect had never played chess with anyone before.

As for his path, unless he greatly improves his chess skills, he may not be able to break through and enter the Golden Wonderland.

It's just that all the Half-Step Golden Wonderland came, but he didn't come, which didn't look good, so he came here.

As a result, the leader of Baifeng immediately wanted to play chess with him.

The leader of Baifeng is also good at chess?

Although he was surprised, he nodded quickly. Just when he was about to express his hope, Cao Zhen raised his hand and waved at the mountain peak on the side.

Suddenly, the originally uneven mountain peaks became extremely smooth and flat, as if they had been cut off with a knife.

Cao Zhen raised his hand again, and criss-crossing, straight and clear marks appeared on the smooth wall.

The chessboard has appeared.

Cao Zhen looked at Xingqi Immortal Lord with a smile and said: "Fellow Xingqi is a guest, please come."

Xingqi Immortal Lord looked around and landed on a white stone not far away. He raised his hand and touched it, and the huge stone suddenly turned into white flags.

He moved white first, and with a slight exertion, a white chess piece flew out. However, it did not fall into the middle, but he used an innovative opening method and chose a corner to attack.

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment, and soon he smashed a black boulder into pieces and turned them into chess pieces. He raised his hand and shot out each piece.

Xingqi Immortal Lord's chess skills are indeed unparalleled. He quickly launched a series of exquisite layouts. Although he started from the corners, unknowingly, he had gradually occupied the center of the chessboard, forming a strong momentum.

However, Cao Zhen only used the marginal areas to launch counterattacks.

Every move played by Xingqi Immortal Lord seems to be flawless and breathtaking.

Every time Cao Zhen made a move, it seemed that everything was smooth and smooth. He didn't seem to have any good moves, and he was passively defending. However, slowly, the speed of Xingqi Immortal Lord's moves became slower and slower.

Although Cao Zhen has been defending, slowly, his black pieces are closely connected, forming a huge defense line, firmly protecting his sphere of influence.

Unknowingly, the offense and defense have switched!

Xingqi Immortal Lord frowned tightly, trying to find the weakness of Black Qi's defense, but he failed again and again.

Suddenly, Cao Zhen's voice rang out.

"Fellow Taoist Xingqi, what level do you think chess skills should reach?"

"Nine realms!" Xingqi Immortal Lord said quickly, "The first realm is the ability to foresee unpredictable changes, be absorbed in the essence of the spirit, and conquer others without fighting. There is no one who can rival you.

The second realm is the ability to respond to the emptiness and kindness.

The third realm is that when facing a situation, you can shape it and realize it..."

After hearing this, Cao Zhen nodded slightly, casually nodded at the expectation, and then continued to ask: "So, what is the highest realm that Taoist Taoist Xingqi believes is?"

"It's alive!"

Xingqi Immortal Lord said seriously: "The so-called alive means that all the chess pieces on the chess board are alive, they can breathe, and they can also effectively defend and attack.

Living chess can maintain flexibility and have various moves and changes. On the basis of living chess, chess players can respond flexibly.

The highest state of living chess is not only the survival of the chess pieces, but also the vitality and vitality of the entire situation. Let the functions of each chess piece form a coordinated and unified whole that echoes each other.

At the same time, what I think of as living is also a reflection of one’s state of mind. It transcends the life and death of individual chess pieces. I don’t know about Leader Cao, so what do I think? "

"I think the highest state of chess is a draw?" Cao Zhen laughed softly. These words were not said by the Wang Jixin he connected to, but by a Go master on the earth before he was reborn. what was said.

As for how he remembered it, it was instilled in him by his mother.

Ever since his mother knew what world he was in now, she would often search for various knowledge on the Internet. Every time he chatted with his mother through Zhonghua Cloud, his mother would tell him this knowledge.

"Tie?" Xingqi Immortal Lord frowned in confusion, and everyone behind him also looked puzzled.

Some people couldn't help but said: "Playing chess is all about winning, how can it be possible to draw?"

Cao Zhen smiled more and more profoundly: "What I call a draw is different from what you call a draw. In my opinion, the fun of defeating your opponent is far less than being able to lose your own will in the chess game. In an instant, I feel that the chessboard in front of me is as vast as the sky, and the positions of the pieces are like the stars.

In the game, surpass yourself. That's what I consider a draw. "


After Xingqi Immortal Lord heard these words, a bright light suddenly shot out from his eyes. The next moment, rays of light rose into the sky from behind him. In an instant, this light spread throughout the Baifeng Sect, and The light was still surging around, seeming to envelop the entire world.


"Xingqi Immortal Lord actually had an epiphany!"

"This is the first person among us masters who came to see Baifeng Cult Master to achieve enlightenment!"

"Sure enough, some people will still have an epiphany!"

All around, the masters of the Golden Fairy Realm looked at the Xingqi Immortal Lord who had achieved enlightenment, but they seemed to have had an epiphany themselves, and they were all very excited.

The person who is having an epiphany now is Xingqi Immortal Lord, and maybe they will be the next ones to have an epiphany.

Moreover, Xingqi Immortal Lord had an epiphany, which also proved that the leader of Baifeng was indeed good at making others have epiphanies.

In Central Continent, each monk also discovered the light of enlightenment.

"This is a half-step to the Golden Wonderland enlightenment!"

"This location seems to be Dongzhou?"

"What's going on in Dongzhou? Why do you have another half-step Golden Immortal's epiphany one after another!"

"Yes, counting the two Golden Immortal Realm masters who achieved enlightenment and even breakthrough before, in just a short period of time, three masters of the Half-Step Golden Immortal Realm have achieved enlightenment in Dongzhou!"

Fengtian City.

The four princes of the Heavenly Clan glanced at the light of enlightenment in the distance, but did not continue to look at it. They just had a half-step golden fairyland enlightenment. What impact could it have on them?

However, half a day later, another light of enlightenment shot out in the direction of Dongzhou.

"The second person!"

"Another person has achieved enlightenment with the Half-Step Golden Immortal!"

"It's Dongzhou again!"

"What's going on with these human races? How come they have half-step golden fairyland enlightenment one after another!"

In Central Continent, monks of all races looked at the light of enlightenment coming from the direction of Dongzhou, and their hearts were filled with surprise and curiosity.

However, when the time came to evening, the dark sky was once again illuminated by the light of enlightenment!

For a moment, all the monks in Central Continent became completely uneasy.

In the following time, human monks continued to have epiphanies, and the locations of epiphanies were all in Dongzhou!

Later, they even started to feel numb.

"What on earth is going on!"

"The human race's Dongzhou has finally achieved a half-step to the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"Eight, a total of eight Half-Step Golden Immortals have achieved enlightenment!"

"Although having sudden enlightenment does not mean being able to achieve a breakthrough, after cultivating to the level of a half-step golden immortal, after enlightenment, a breakthrough is really not far away!"

"This...that is to say, the human race may add eight masters from the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"There may not be as many as eight. After all, when you break through and enter the Golden Immortal Realm, you will still encounter a heavenly tribulation. Even if you are prepared, some half-step Golden Immortals will be killed by the heavenly tribulation!"

"No matter what, the human race will definitely increase the number of monks in the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"The human race was attacked like that. Will it ease up in such a short period of time?"

The expressions of the monks from the Heavenly Clan and the Evil Clan became extremely solemn.

However, the monks from the Monster Tribe, Orc Tribe, and Hell Tribe, who had completed alliances with the Human Tribe, showed excitement on their faces.

"The human race has so many Golden Immortal Realm monks, so when it comes to choosing the alliance leader, we really have a good chance of overpowering the Celestial Race and them!"

"The human race is now our alliance leader. The stronger the natural power, the better!"

"Everyone, we must also be careful. If the human race continues to grow stronger, by then the dominant clan in our alliance will probably become the human race!"

"It was still early at that time, but now our races are allied!"

In Central Continent, among the four newly built great religions of the human race, a traitor from the human race looked ugly.

"It's not normal. This is definitely not normal. If there are one or two half-step golden immortals, they suddenly have some enlightenment, whether it's discussing Taoism or not, so they have an epiphany. I can understand it, but how many people have had an epiphany?

Eight, eight half-step Golden Immortals have enlightenment. There must be a special reason for this! "

"Others don't have such means. We are all high-level people in great religions. How can we not be clear about other great religions? It is impossible for a half-step golden immortal to have an epiphany with the foundation of ordinary great religions!

Only Cao Zhen can do this. After all, he is the reincarnation of Da Luo Jinxian! "

"Cao Zhen? Even if he is reincarnated as the Great Luo Golden Immortal, how can he make so many Half-Step Golden Immortals realize their enlightenment? These Half-Step Golden Immortals are not following the same path, their paths are all different!"

"These are troublesome!"

"With so many Golden Immortals born in Dongzhou, please don't forget how many masters of great religions were killed before we left.

Those masters from Dongzhou may not attack the Zhenxi, Zhennan and Zhenbei sects, but they will definitely come to our Zhendong sect for revenge! "

"Everyone, it's okay now. Now that the various tribes want to establish a new order, they will definitely not take action against us.

But there is one thing. It is best not to leave Central Continent, or even to leave the territory of the Celestial Clan. They will never enter the territory of the Celestial Clan to attack us.

However, once we leave the Celestial Clan’s territory, we don’t know what will happen next. After all, if they are outside, if they want to kill us, they don’t have to admit it at all! "

"Yes, don't go out for the time being. Also, our great religion needs to grow. How is our recruitment of disciples from mortals going?"

"Don't mention it. The mortals who blocked the capture of our Zhendong Sect were taken away by Cao Zhen and the others. We can only go to the other three sects to find disciples suitable for cultivation.

But the people from the other three religions only gave us the remaining ones they selected, and we didn't find many disciples suitable for cultivation at all. This time we recruited so many disciples, but in the end there was only one child named Huang Mingzhe, who was a top immortal.

This child is still one of the people our university accepted back then. "

"Oh? The boy who was left behind after his parents were killed by Immortal Lord Xuyi."

"That boy, if he stays, he may have other ideas."

"So what if you have other ideas? Are we still afraid that he will rebel and attack us unexpectedly!"

In Fengtian City, the four princes of the Tian Clan looked at the light of enlightenment in the void. The faint smile that always showed that everything was under control disappeared and they murmured to themselves. Said: "In such a short period of time, eight and a half-step Golden Immortals suddenly realized what a good idea it was! This is your back-up plan.

Such a large number even shocked me. Is this the method of Daluo Jinxian?

However, just eight is not enough. The position of alliance leader will still be mine. "

What he is worried about is not the position of leader, but that the methods revealed by Cao Zhen are too terrible. Now that Cao Zhen can make half-step and half-step golden immortals realize their enlightenment, will he make more half-step golden immortals realize their enlightenment in the future?

What is even more frightening is that if the other Half-Step Golden Immortals are unable to achieve enlightenment, then Cao Zhen will help those at the peak of the True Immortal Realm to have an epiphany and let them break through to the Half-Step Golden Immortal!

The human race had obviously been seriously injured by the attack from the Celestial Clan, but how much time had passed and the human race was already showing signs of revival!



Suddenly, in the void, rays of light chasing down the golden fairy realm came from Dongzhou.

"This is the fourth one. Dongzhou has given birth to four more golden fairylands!"

This is really terrible!

Enlightenment really does not mean that if you want to have enlightenment, you will definitely be able to achieve it.

After the Yin Yang Cult Master and the Kagura Cult Master achieved enlightenment and broke through to the True Immortal Realm, their human race still had thirty-six Half-Step Golden Immortals.

After Cao Zhen discussed the Tao or gave guidance to these thirty-six Half-Step Golden Immortals, only eight Half-Step Golden Immortals regarded it as enlightenment.

And among these eight, four have already broken through and entered the Golden Fairy Realm!

Of course, the remaining twenty-eight half-step golden immortals did not have an epiphany, but it did not prove that they could not break through.

Each of these thirty-six Half-Step Golden Immortals has found a new path and a way to break through. As for whether they can break through, or even when they can break through, it depends on themselves. Cao Zhen has already done everything he can. .

One after another, the masters of the Half-Step Golden Immortal Realm left the Baifeng Sect after thanking Cao Zhen.

As soon as they walked away with their front legs, Nie Jie came looking for them on their back legs.

"Leader, now, arrangements have been made for the mortals who have arrived from Central Continent. They have also settled down. Can we go among them to find people suitable for cultivating immortals?

Our religions also need to recuperate. "

"That's fine." Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said, "These people from Central Continent can be appropriately relaxed in age when inspecting them. After all, they have been living in Central Continent, so there are really people suitable for cultivation. We will not be discovered. This time, we will conduct a large-scale screening."


After Nie Jie left in a hurry, he found a group of masters from the Baifeng Sect. In the past, when they were looking for people suitable for cultivation, they would not choose particularly strong masters.

But it's different now. Now the scope of their selection has become wider. If they let ordinary disciples recruit disciples, and then control the flying boat, they don't know how long it will take.

Apart from anything else, if they were to ride a flying boat and fly for a month before returning to the Baifeng Sect, would those mortals be overwhelmed? What would they do if they were eating, drinking, and defecating in the flying boat? They haven't practiced yet!

So this time, the leader needs to send out experts.

After Nie Jie just finished speaking, the peak masters of each peak spoke one after another: "This time our Xianbi Peak can send a master from the Earth Immortal Realm."

"We at Qingluan Peak can also send out masters from the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"There are not enough masters from the Earthly Immortal Realm. Our Five Elements Peak can send out masters from the Immortal Realm!"


As the great elder of the Hundred Peaks Sect, Li Ke said in a deep voice after watching the peak leaders of each peak speak: "Since each peak wants to send people, then this is better. Each peak should send at least one person." ”

Everyone heard the sound and agreed.

"That's what Elder Li Ke said!"

"Yes, we send people to every peak. In this way, talents will not be buried! After all, some people may have average talents in cultivating immortals, but they have something good at them. For example, mortals who are extremely good at music and rhythm are extremely good at it. A monk who is good at painting.

If you don't understand this, you won't be able to discover what level the other party's music and painting techniques have reached! "

Although there are few disciples in the Four Treasure Peak, there are a lot of people coming to the meeting this time, and most of the disciples in the Four Treasure Peak are from the True Immortal Realm.

Xiang Ziyu did not sit with the senior sisters and junior brothers from Sibaofeng. Instead, he sat very close to the front. He also has the identity of being the elder of Baifeng Sect.

Regardless of any major religion or sect, Elder Chuangong has a very high status among the elders, and can even be said to be the second-ranked elder after the Grand Elder.

Hearing Li Ke's words, he stood up from his seat and said, "In that case, it's up to me to take care of our Four Treasures Peak."


Everyone around looked at Xiang Ziyu with strange expressions. Nie Jie even reached out and touched his forehead. Did he not understand what he said?

He said that he would send some masters, but he did not say that he needed to send such strong masters!

Xiang Ziyu has the highest level of cultivation in the Baifeng Sect today.

He is the pinnacle of the true fairyland!

Does this kind of thing require sending a peak person from the True Immortal Realm?

"Is there any problem?" Xiang Ziyu felt the weird looks from everyone and said seriously, "This is the first time our Baifeng Sect has recruited disciples since the mortals from Central Continent came to our East Continent.

Among the mortals in Central Continent, there must be many hidden and extremely talented monks. For example, the old men in their fifties and sixties, and the blind mortals... You can't discover their existence. As the protagonist, I am able to find these talented people and bring them back to the Baifeng Sect! "

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