In the Baifeng Sect's meeting hall, Bei Yan heard his senior brother say that he was going out to recruit disciples. His heart moved, and he stood up from his seat and said, "I want to go too."


Everyone around them couldn't understand more and more. Why didn't any of the disciples of Si Baofeng act according to common sense?

Xiang Ziyu has always been abnormal, and everyone can understand that he does some special things, but this Beiyan, isn't he always afraid of trouble? He wouldn't leave a big religion if he could, so why are he rushing to go outside this time?

"What's wrong with me?" Bei Yan looked at everyone seriously and said, "I am also a disciple of the Baifeng Sect. I also want to make some contributions to our Baifeng Sect and recruit some talented disciples."

When everyone around heard this, their expressions became more and more weird. Anyone could go to recruit disciples. If you really want to contribute to our wasted attack, then you might as well give more guidance to the younger disciples. The disciples of the Four Treasures Peak do not need your guidance. You can guide the disciples of other peaks.

However, it is difficult for them to say these words.

Suddenly, Qiao Jingyao's voice came from the side: "Why are you joining in the fun!"

"Joining in the fun, I really want to teach you well for our Baifeng." Beiyan looked at his wife and asked, "Do you know Duoduo and Xiao Zhupeng?"

"Of course I know." Qiao Jingyao looked at Bei Yan with some confusion, how could he suddenly involve the two of them.

"Both of them were recruited when I went out to recruit disciples. I also recruited Zhu Peng's wife, Liao Youdi, who is now the peak master of Qingluan Peak.

If it weren't for me, others would definitely not be able to discover their specialness. If nothing else, Duoduo is an ancient immortal body. Will others bring her back?

Everyone knows the situation of my junior brother Zhu Peng. If it weren't for me, would anyone else have brought him back?

And Liao Youdi, with the way her father was, it was unlikely that anyone else would be able to bring her back.

I alone will bring three masters to our Baifeng sect. This time, it is the first time we recruit disciples after the master has re-divided the thirty-two paths. It is also the first time since people from Central Continent came to East Continent. It’s such a special time to recruit disciples, so of course I want to go. "

"You..." Qiao Jingyao was speechless for a moment and said helplessly, "Have you ever thought that others knew that the leader would teach the ancient immortal body, so after discovering that Duoduo was the ancient immortal body, they would still bring him back to our Baifeng Sect?

Zhu Peng and Liao Youdi are both top immortals. No matter what problems they have, no one will reject such geniuses.

So, with or without you, it’s actually the same. "

"That's definitely different." Zhu Peng continued to argue, "I came all the way with Duoduo. If it weren't for me..."

"What's not you, junior brother, it's dangerous for you to think like this, do you know?" Xiang Ziyu suddenly said, "It seemed that I let you go because I couldn't leave.

You were able to find them because, as the protagonist, I asked you to go, which had nothing to do with you, but you thought it was your reason. You are not the protagonist, and it is very dangerous for you to think this way. I'm telling you..."

Yan Yourong didn't wait for Xiang Ziyu to finish speaking, then interrupted directly: "Okay, don't talk anymore, you two just go."

The other disciples of Sibaofeng had no intention of going out. Instead, Cao Zhen's two children, Cao Zhonghua and Cao Sixia, wanted to go out together.

Li Ke had no intention of stopping the two children. She and Guanyue had the same idea about the two children. Since they had embarked on the path of cultivation, they had to go all the way, let alone go out, even if they If they want to go out and have adventures, let them do that.

However, after the children went out, the two people had different opinions. Guanyue believed that some experts, such as a senior brother or a senior sister of the two children, should be sent to protect them secretly.

This was the case when she first went out. Unless it was a special period such as the Little Era when the world was reversed, she would be protected by experts behind her most of the time.

But Li Ke believed that there was no need for protection at all.

When she and Cao Zhen went out for training, they didn't say anyone was protecting them. Even later, they were the strongest people in the Baifeng Sect, so no one could protect them.

They have come all this way, why can’t their children!

Naturally, they will not have any differences this time. After all, they are within Dongzhou, and they are still in the area where the Baifeng Sect is located. Moreover, there are so many masters of the Baifeng Sect going out to recruit disciples, so naturally they will not What danger will arise?

Cao Zhen divided Dongzhou into thirty-two roads, among which all of Donghuang and Dongjiang, as well as the part of Dongzhou closest to these two places, were divided into one road, named Huangjiang Road.

After the Baifeng Sect determined the candidates to go out to recruit disciples, all the great sects and sects within the wilderness area also sent their masters to recruit disciples.

Since everyone wants to determine a certain area to recruit disciples, for the sake of fairness, naturally, everyone will recruit disciples at the same time, regardless of other sects. However, the time for recruiting disciples for major sects and sects in the same sect is the same.

In fact, he once thought about building a school system like that in his previous life, but later research found that that would have many problems.

First of all, you have to look at the talent for cultivating immortals. How can you practice without the talent for cultivating immortals?

Then Taoist academies in various places must have treasures to test the talent of cultivating immortals. This is okay, and then these disciples will also have to practice after entering the Taoist academies. Then the problem arises.

Each great sect has different cultivation systems and different ways of cultivating disciples. Even the basic skills for refining talismans and formations are different, and the techniques are even different.

At that time, after you have learned something in the academy and laid a good foundation, the result will be different from the method taught by your own great teacher, and you will have to change it again.

What should I do if there is even a conflict between the exercises practiced in the Taoist monastery and the exercises I want to practice when I join the great sect?

Therefore, he temporarily gave up the school system and kept it as it was, bringing these Taoist boys into the major religions, and then cultivating them themselves.

At the same time, each major sect will also spread the news of recruiting disciples to the mortals in their wilderness.

Yihe City was named because it was close to the Yihe River. This was a brand new city. It was a large and fun city built specially by the mortals of Central Continent before they entered East Continent.

Although it is a newly built big city, Dongzhou is fully prepared and has arranged everything in advance. Whether it is how to allocate houses, farmland, or the city lord of a big city, officials at all levels and even the police have all made arrangements, so this There is no chaos in Yihe City, and it seems like a prosperous city that has existed for a long time.

In the early morning, the sun had just risen, casting a warm light on this new big city.

The residents of the city gathered together early and lined up under the command of the police.

Although today is just an ordinary day, for them, their lives may change today. According to rumors, those great sects and sects will recruit people with cultivation talents into great sects or sects today. It is cultivation within the sect.

When they were in Central Continent, there was no chance for cultivation. No matter how many generations they went up, there was no chance for cultivation. This is something that they have never dared to think about for countless generations!

They also inquired with the police officers in the city. Under normal circumstances, the disciples recruited by those big sects were children, usually no more than ten years old. Children over ten years old can only be recruited unless they are extremely talented children.

Even older children, those aged 17 or 18, will not be admitted by major universities.

As for those adults, it is impossible to recruit them.

And this time, because they had just arrived from Central Continent, because they had never been exposed to cultivation, and no one had checked on them, the major religions and sects made an exception, and all people from Central Continent could Go take a test to see if you have experience in cultivating immortals.

Of course, it's only this time. Next time, they will be the same as the original people in Dongzhou. Only those children can take part in the test.

Today, every street is decorated with lights and colorful, and there are long queues.

Moreover, all families took to the streets together. It was normal for three generations of grandparents to be present. Some even four generations of people were queuing up, and some women were queuing up with their infant children.

They don't want to test whether their children have experience in cultivating immortals, but they want to see if they have the talent to cultivate immortals.

Everyone stood in line, stood on tiptoes, and looked into the distance. They looked into the distance with yearning and hope for the path to immortality, and their anticipation was filled with nervousness.

They are also worried that they do not have the talent to cultivate immortality, and they have also inquired that most people do not have the talent to cultivate immortality. However, once they have the talent to cultivate immortality, they, their family, and even the entire family will change.

The adults held their children's hands tightly and wiped their clothes from time to time, hoping that the children would leave a good impression on the immortal when they saw them.

The square in the city has become a gathering place for people. Various rumors are constantly circulating among the crowd. Noisy sounds fill the air, mixed with the laughter of children and the whispers of parents.

A man wearing a black linen coat with deep wrinkles on his forehead looked to the side and said: "Old Li, you are here too. These two children in your family have been strong since they were young. Children of the same age, There is no one with better health than them, I think you two children will definitely be chosen."

On the side, there is a man of medium build, slightly stout, with a thick black beard on his face, revealing the traces of years. His skin is tanned by long-term work, revealing a healthy atmosphere. His clothes are made of coarse cloth and have been washed. Some middle-aged men in white single-clothed clothes showed a simple and honest smile on their faces when they heard the voice.

"I hope they can both become immortals, but who knows. I asked the police here, and they told me that whether they have talent or not, you can't tell by looking at their bodies.

Unless they are children who are born with magical powers, for example, those who are more powerful than adults at the age of five or six, such children are almost always talented in cultivating immortals.

Others are just children who are in better health than their peers. It is not certain whether they have the talent to cultivate immortality. There are even many skinny children who may have the talent to cultivate immortality. "

As he spoke, he cast his eyes aside and whispered, "Teacher Wang is here too."

Next to him, there is a man who is wearing a blue silk robe, which is loose and comfortable. The skirt is inlaid with exquisite gold thread, which makes him look quite elegant. The man has a slim and tall figure, and his face is thin and clear-cut. There was a hint of elegance between his brows.

For such an elegant man, however, as soon as you get close to him, you can feel the strong smell of wine, and he is holding a huge wine gourd in his hand.

When he heard someone greeting him, he didn't even answer immediately. Instead, he picked up the wine gourd and took a swig of it. Then he looked back at the person with a smile on his face and said, "Yes. Doesn’t it mean that everyone can become an immortal? Then I’ll give it a try.”

On the side, when the man who spoke at the beginning heard the sound, he couldn't help but reveal a sarcastic look on his face, and said in a strange voice: "Mr. Wang, do you still want to cultivate immortality? Mr. Wang, didn't you say that you need to have fun in life and gain freedom and freedom?" , can’t you be bound?

If you were really chosen to cultivate immortality, wouldn't you be under someone's control? Moreover, Teacher Wang, didn’t you say that as long as there is wine, everything will be easy to talk about. You're just on your own, doesn't it make no difference whether you're a cultivator or not? "

The other party is a teacher. Generally speaking, those who did not ask questions respect the teacher very much.

Explain that the Teacher Wang in front of him really makes him disrespect him.

Other teachers teach children with strict discipline.

But this Teacher Wang is good. Others give him money and send children to him. He teaches them, but if the children don't learn, he doesn't care.

In the words of Teacher Wang, if children want to learn, they will learn; if they don’t want to learn, they will not learn.

In the beginning, I sent my child to Teacher Wang because Teacher Wang's teaching was cheap. As a result, the child didn't learn anything at all. I paid for the teaching in vain and let Teacher Wang buy wine.

Teacher Wang faced the other party's ridicule, but there was no anger on his face. He continued to smile and said: "It's different. There are too many fine wines and too many beautiful scenery in this world. How long can I live without cultivating immortality? I died early, how? To see the beautiful scenery and taste the world's fine wines?

Only by cultivating immortality can we see more fine wines and taste more fine wines. "

When the man heard this, he didn't even look at Teacher Wang anymore. He was really an alcoholic. He was cultivating immortality just to drink more wine. It's strange that a person like him could cultivate immortality!

I really don’t know how someone like him became a teacher!

He turned to look at Lao Li on the side and asked: "Old Li, I heard that today there are many great sects and sects that will recruit disciples at the same time. I don't know which great sects and sects will be recruiting first?" Come to our Yihe City."

Old Li heard the sound and laughed and said: "Old Zhang, I really asked about it. There should be people from ten major religions and more than a dozen sects coming to us at the same time.

At that time, if someone is suitable for cultivating immortals, there will naturally be immortals from sects or great sects who will invite us to join their great sects. "

Lao Zhang heard this and asked curiously: "So, if, I'm just saying if, there are several big sects who like me at the same time, then which big sect should I join?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the familiar people around him burst into laughter.

"Zhang Laoer, you are quite thoughtful. Several great sects have taken a fancy to you. It would be great to have a great sect, no, but to have a sect take a fancy to you!"

"Zhang Laoer, are you still dreaming?"

"Old Zhang, do you look like you can be an immortal?"

Zhang Laoer shouted with an unhappy look on his face: "What's wrong? Can't you think about it for a while?"

The crowd continued to laugh.

"Okay, why not?"

"You just think too much!"

Lao Li replied seriously: "Those detectives said that in this case, we have the right to choose a great religion. We can join whichever great religion we want to enter."

"Can this still happen?"

"What kind of talent is that, that all the immortals from the big religions are competing for?"

"If you have to choose, which great religion should you choose?"

Lao Li obviously inquired a lot. He immediately laughed and said, "The nearest big sect to us is called Baifeng Sect!"

"Baifeng Cult?"

"But that, the great religion where the patriarch of the human race is located!"

"It is said that the Baifeng Sect is very, very powerful!"

Everyone around heard the sound and looked over.

Lao Li felt the eyes of everyone and nodded immediately: "Yes, that's the Baifeng Sect. Think about it, the leaders of the Baifeng Sect are all the patriarchs of the Dongzhou Human Race, how can the Baifeng Sect not be strong?

And I also heard people say that Baifeng Sect is a very famous sect in the entire Eastern Continent. It would be great if we could be chosen by people from Baifeng Cult. "

"So, we are very lucky. People from Baifeng Cult directly recruited us."

"Then don't think about it, you must choose Baifeng Cult!"

"The Baifeng Sect may not necessarily want us."

"Actually, we think too much. Not to mention those big sects, even one sect can accept us!"

"I have lived for so many years. It doesn't matter whether I can become an immortal or not. The key is that I hope my children can become immortals."

"Who doesn't? We all hope that our children can become immortals!"

Voices came out one after another.

In the crowd, an old man grabbed his granddaughter, but did not participate in the discussion. His thoughts could not help but drift into the distance.

He and his granddaughter are going to test whether they have the talent to cultivate immortality. I wonder, how is his grandson doing? Does he have the talent to cultivate immortality? How is he doing there?

Among the crowd, Cao Zhonghua was wearing an ordinary gray robe, mingling with the crowd as if he were an ordinary person. He did not go out directly with the Baifeng Cult team.

He wanted to enter among mortals and experience mortal life.

Although he had not been with his father for a short time, he had also heard from his mother and many people in the church about his father's deeds. He even knew that his father once went deep into the world of mortals and regarded himself as an ordinary person. They have lived in the world for a long time, and even Ruoyun and Duoduo have lived among mortals.

So he planned to imitate his father and enter among mortals to experience their life.

He listened to the discussions of mortals around him, and kept trying to treat himself as a mortal, feeling the tension and expectations of those mortals.

Suddenly, a small voice came from not far in front of him.

A man wearing a gorgeous robe whispered to him. In front of him, a girl with a slender and well-proportioned figure, an upright posture, a fair and delicate face, like lamb's fat, and crystal clear skin without any flaws said: "Wan'er , In fact, you don’t need to take the test for a while. I can definitely guarantee that you will join the great religion.”

His voice was extremely low, and others would never be able to hear him clearly. However, Cao Zhonghua still heard the other party's words clearly. Hearing the sound, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

Suddenly, a short and fat man appeared in his sight, with a protruding belly like a full balloon. There was a cunning and charming look in his red bloodshot eyes.

Moreover, the nose was collapsed and flat, showing an indescribable ugliness. His lips were thin and chapped, and he always had a sinister smile, which looked vulgar no matter how he looked.

The woman in front of him had slightly upturned lips, pink and full, like a flower in bud, exuding a charming temptation. Her chin was well-defined and the lines were soft, outlining her perfect face.

Her long black hair is like a waterfall on her back, gently falling on her slender waist. Her eyebrows are long and straight, as soft as willow leaves, and her eyes are clear and bright, like bright lake water, revealing a trace of purity and harmony. Smart light.

The two people formed a sharp contrast.

Li Waner glanced at the man beside her in surprise. Before he could speak, another good-looking woman who was obviously with Li Waner asked in a low voice: "Liu Kui, what do you mean?" ? Doesn’t it mean that only those who have the talent to cultivate immortals can become an immortal? How can you guarantee that you will be selected by the great cultivator? "

When the wretched man named Liu Kui heard the sound, a look of shock immediately appeared on his face. He stretched out his greasy palm and covered the mouth of the woman who was speaking. He whispered: "My aunt, Huang Li, please keep your voice down. Someone else heard it.”

As he spoke, Liu Kui glanced around with a mysterious expression, and then said with a proud look on his face: "Do you know that there is a big sect called Fudong Sect?"

Huang Li shook her head when she heard the sound, with a look of stern eyes on her face.

Cao Zhonghua continued to listen to the other party's words. He knew that Fudong Sect, although this great sect had the word "东" in its name, was not a great sect native to Dongzhou, but a great sect from Central Continent.

This great sect is very ordinary among all the great sects, and is even a very weak one. There seem to be only three true immortal masters in the entire great sect, and the strongest leader only has five immortals. Palace, but the Fudong Sect is indeed one of the major sects that will come to Yihe City to recruit disciples this time.

Liu Kui looked at the other party and shook his head, with a sense of superiority on his face and said: "Fudong Sect is a great sect from our Central Continent. It doesn't matter if you don't know this great sect. It's enough for you to know that it is a great sect." .

The strongest one is the Great Sect, and those sects are far from being able to compare with the Great Sect. As for how to join the Fudong Cult, it's too simple. "

Liu Kui originally spoke in a low enough voice, but when he said this, he lowered his voice again, and continued this time: "I just said, Fudong Sect is a big sect from our Zhongzhou, and we are also from Of Middle-earth.

I have an ancestor who is a master of Fudong Sect. He is a master of the Earthly Fairyland. You may not know what the Earthly Fairyland is, but it is enough for you to hear that this fairy exists.

He has been called an immortal, which is a very powerful existence in the entire world of immortality, and my ancestor is the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

He has been thinking deeply about our entire family.

The thing he feels most guilty about is that he came to Dongzhou and ignored our family members. So this time when we came to East Continent from Central Continent, he left to come to the hall of our family, and then found me.

I am the only one left in our family now. My ancestor naturally wanted me to cultivate immortality. Moreover, the ancestor also said that even if I do not have the talent to cultivate immortality, the ancestor can still provide enough resources for me to cultivate immortality.

However, in that case, the ancestor would also need to consume some resources. That's why I didn't let me enter the Fudong Sect in advance, but asked me to wait in the city.

This time, the ancestor made a special application and went out to recruit disciples, and the ancestor’s first stop was our Yihe City.

Ancestor is responsible for recruiting disciples of the Fudong Sect. It is naturally up to the Ancestor to decide who he wants to recruit. When the time comes, the ancestor will directly recruit me into the Fudong Sect. Don't forget that our ancestor is at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. All we need to do is use some tricks on that magic weapon to make it look like we have the talent to cultivate immortality.

In that way, after I join the great religion and my ancestors continue to operate it, I can naturally enjoy the resources of the great religion. "

When Huang Li heard this, a look of deep envy suddenly appeared on her face, and she sighed in a low voice: "I see, no wonder you suddenly became so rich. It turns out that it was all given to you by your ancestors. How can you be so rich?" An ancestor, you will definitely have a bright future in the future!"

She originally didn't want to pay attention to this Liu Kui, but this man Liu Kui suddenly became extremely rich, and even bought ten shops on this street in one go!

Although people from Zhongzhou can choose a store after they come here, they can only choose one store, and it is impossible to give them ten stores.

It was also because Liu Kui was rich that she dragged her friends, Li Waner and Liu Kui to queue together.

As she spoke, she asked curiously: "Your ancestor will help you and bring you into the great religion, but what about us? He can't possibly bring us."

She knew that Liu Kui was asking about Li Waner at first, but she deliberately used the word "we" to put her and Li Waner together.

"Normally, Ancestor will not help those who are not talented in cultivating immortals to join our Fudong Sect. However, if the other person is a relative of mine, Ancestor will naturally help. After all, I am the only one in our family, Ancestor. If you don’t help me, who will?”

As Liu Kui spoke, he looked at Li Waner's flawless and pretty face.

Huang Li instantly understood what Liu Kui meant, but she still asked deliberately: "But don't you already have no family? How can you have any relatives again?"

"Be my wife, and you will naturally be my relative." Liu Kui looked at Li Waner with burning eyes.

But Li Waner seemed to have not heard his words and still looked straight ahead.

On the other hand, Huang Li had a look of yearning on her face, but for a moment, she didn't know how to speak. In other words, she was waiting for a chance, a good time to speak.

When Liu Kui saw that Li Waner didn't speak, he couldn't help but said: "Wan'er, how about you being my wife? Then I can tell the ancestor that he will recruit you into our Fudong Sect."

A look of disgust flashed in Li Waner's eyes, and she shook her head slightly: "No, I still hope to enter the great sect on my own."

"On your own? Wan'er, you may not know how low the chance of becoming an immortal cultivator is. To choose one out of ten thousand, that is all to say the least. Not one of ten thousand people may have the talent to cultivate immortality."

When Liu Kui heard Li Waner's refusal, he couldn't help but raise his voice to persuade him: "Wan'er, have you ever thought about the benefits of becoming an immortal? After you become an immortal, you can live longer, and even live a thousand years. There is no problem, and you can keep your appearance forever. You can become a higher-level immortal. Mortals will always be inferior to you in front of you.

But what if you don’t cultivate immortality? You can only become an ordinary mortal, and your appearance will age in a few years. If immortals fly over one day, you can only let those immortals bully you.

Then you will die of old age in a few years, and you may even get sick and suffer from pain before you die of old age. After cultivating immortality, you will not suffer from illness.

Also, even if you really have the talent to cultivate immortality, there are too many disciples in a great sect, and you may not be able to get many resources if you enter a great sect.

But it will be different if you become my wife. When the time comes, my ancestor will definitely take care of you and he can give you more resources.

The ancestor is at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm! "

When Li Waner listened to Liu Kui's words, the look of disgust in her eyes became more and more obvious. Her eyebrows even furrowed deeply and she said dissatisfied: "There is something wrong with your cognition. Since I came to Dongzhou, I have entered After coming to Yihe City, all I heard was that immortals, mortals and even aliens are equal. Immortals are not allowed to insult mortals at will. Immortals break the law and are guilty of the same crime as mortals. If an immortal kills a mortal, he will also have to pay with his life. Obviously, it is not necessarily better. Mortals are superior!”

"You believe these lies!" Liu Kui shook his head and said, "How can mortals be equal to immortals? If I become an immortal and kill an ordinary mortal at will, can the court still hold me accountable?

Can those mortals in the court be my opponents? As for the immortals... I am a disciple of a great religion, and my ancestors are still at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. If those immortals don't give me face, nothing will happen to me when the time comes. "

Cao Zhonghua listened to the front, Liu Kui was raking the grass, and Hui Pa Cheng Ci was chewing the bushes and buds. What's the point of changing your arms?

He also knows that the world of immortality cannot be absolutely fair.

If others don't say it, let's talk about himself. Even if he doesn't have any talent for cultivating immortals, he will still be a member of the Baifeng Sect and a disciple of the Four Treasures Peak, because his father is the leader of the Baifeng Sect.

However, his father will definitely use his own resources to let him practice.

His father would never take advantage of the opportunity to recruit a disciple, then manipulate him to let him enter the Baifeng Sect, and then use the resources of the Baifeng Sect to help him practice!

He didn't know whether what Liu Kui said was true or false. If it were true, this would be a bit bad!

What's even worse is Liu Kui's thoughts!

He actually thinks that immortals are superior to others, and even kills mortals at will!

He originally just wanted to watch quietly and see how things would develop, but now, after hearing Liu Kui's words, he couldn't help shouting: "That's not biased. I've asked, in this Dongzhou , mortals and immortals are equal."

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of Liu Kui and others in front of him suddenly looked over, especially Liu Kui, who had an obvious look of surprise on his face and asked in a low voice: "What are you talking about? You..."

Cao Zhonghua said calmly: "I heard everything."

"What!" Liu Kui's eyes suddenly widened, full of disbelief, "How could you hear it? My voice is so small."

Cao Zhonghua shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't help it, I'm born with a good ear."

Liu Kui's entire face instantly dropped: "How much did you hear?"

"Didn't I say it? I heard everything. Do you want to know what it is?" Cao Zhonghua said deliberately, "I heard that you have an ancestor who is a master of the Fudong Sect. He can lead you into Fudongjiao, even if you are not a monk.

Of course, the premise is that this beautiful woman must be your wife. I said, you are really shameless, threatening people with such things. Love between a man and a woman is all about being happy with each other. What do you think this is? What you are doing is no different than raping a civilian girl. "

"Asshole!" Liu Kui was instantly furious when he heard the next few words, especially when he looked at the face across from him that was many times prettier than his. The more he looked at it, the angrier he became. What he disliked the most was these pretty faces.

"How dare you insult me ​​like this." Liu Kui waited for Cao Zhonghua coldly and threatened: "Since you heard what I just said, you naturally know that my ancestor is an existence in the earthly fairyland, and you will know even more, I can become a monk at any time, and it’s best to remember you as if you haven’t heard anything.”

"Oh? A master in the Earthly Immortal Realm!" Cao Zhonghua wanted to laugh when he heard these words. He deliberately exaggerated: "Then do you know that in the True Immortal Realm, my parents are both masters in the True Immortal Realm, and I My senior brothers and sisters are also masters of the True Fairyland. According to your theory, am I going to threaten you?"

When Liu Kui heard the sound, he couldn't help but laughed out loud: "Return to your parents for the True Fairyland? I don't know where you, a local leopard, heard about the True Fairyland, but you can't even blow it. Do you know that the True Fairyland is What a powerful existence!

Your parents are both in the real fairyland, so you still need to be here? Return it to your senior brothers and sisters. You already have senior brothers and sisters. Are you still waiting for the ancestors of those great religions to come and test you?

Boy, I don’t mean to joke with you. Remember what I just said. You’d better pretend you didn’t hear anything. Otherwise, when I become an immortal, you will definitely die! "

Cao Zhonghua heard the threatening words again, and his eyes became cold: "So, after you become an immortal, do you want to kill me? Remember what I just said? Everyone is equal here, and monks kill people, too. It's better to pay with your life and don't try to challenge Dongzhou's laws!

Don't say that you haven't become a monk yet, don't say that your ancestor is only a being in the earthly fairyland. Even if he is a true fairyland or even a stronger being, he can't protect you. "

"Really? Then you should give it a try then. It's simply childish. In this world, it is always the poorer one with the bigger fist who has the final say!" Liu Kui said, no longer paying attention to the man.

He will remember this man. After the conference, he must let his ancestor kill him.

As for the other party hearing what he said, just let him hear it. He just remembered what his ancestor said, and he wanted to keep a low profile so he didn't want more people to hear those things, but it didn't matter if it was really heard by others.

This is just a little mortal, how can he change the world?

Who would believe what he said?

No, should he have a chance to speak? Even if he says it and others believe it, so what?

The ancestor is an existence in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Who would offend a pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm because of a little mortal!

He turned to look at Li Wan'er and continued: "Wan'er, please think carefully, this is a major event that can determine your life!"

Li Waner's look at Liu Kui became even more disgusting, and her voice became stiff: "I told you, I will rely on myself."

This Liu Kui is really too much. Before he became a monk, he already thought that he was a monk, and he thought that he was superior to others, and even gave people the feeling of ignoring other people's lives.

She only hates this person now!

Liu Kui was rejected in person again, and his face turned ugly for a moment.

On the side, Huang Li's heart moved. Isn't this the best opportunity? She quietly stepped forward, pulled out Liu Kui's injuries, and said in a loud voice: "Master Liu, I am willing to be your wife. In fact, I have always admired you very much, but I never had the courage to speak out."

As she spoke, she looked at Liu Kui full of love.

If Li Waner doesn't cherish such an opportunity, then let her come. She really wants to thank Li Waner. If Li Waner didn't have the opportunity to directly join a big religion, how could she have been chosen!

Liu Kui felt the soft touch from his palms, looked at the beautiful Huang Li in front of him, and shook his head. Huang Li could be considered a beauty, but she was just an ordinary beauty. That was an opportunity to directly join a university. , how could it be wasted on Huang Li like this? When he becomes a disciple of the great sect and starts cultivating immortality, it is not a problem to find ten or a hundred women who are more beautiful than Huang Li!

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