Huang Li listened to Liu Kui's flat refusal, and the charming smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Just as she was thinking about how to get Liu Kui to agree to help her enter the Fudong Sect, bursts of piercing sounds came from the void.

At the same time, cheers came from all around.

"Coming, coming, the immortals are coming!"

"So many immortals!"

"Is this an immortal?"

"I don't know if we can cultivate immortality!"

The sounds spread throughout Yihe City like a tide.

In the void, monks wearing gorgeous robes flew to the center of the city.

Huang Li became more and more anxious. The monks were already here. If Liu Kui didn't agree quickly, there would really be no chance.

She looked at Liu Kui and stopped looking at her. A fierce look suddenly appeared on his face, and he threatened in a cold voice: "Liu Kui, Li Waner will not agree! Take me into the university, I can I pretended not to hear anything, but if you don't take me into Fudong Sect, then...

When the assessment comes, I will definitely let everyone know what you and your ancestors are going to do. By then, you won’t even think about joining the Fudong Sect! "

"Are you threatening me?" Liu Kui's eyes instantly turned cold, his short eyes narrowed slightly, and his face became fierce, "Do you think you have a chance to speak? Or do you think you Will anyone help you after you say it? You can give it a try and see which immortal will listen to you and see which immortal will intervene in this matter!

Still want to threaten me? I’m afraid you don’t know how lofty the status of the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm is!

Even if you tell everything, you won't have any image of me, but you..."

Liu Kui clicked his tongue and laughed strangely, the meaning was self-explanatory.

A look of panic suddenly appeared on Huang Li's pretty face. She couldn't tell whether what Liu Kui said was true or false, and she didn't dare to test what Liu Kui said. If it was really what Liu Kui said, she Not only will it be impossible to cultivate to immortality, but you may even die directly.

In the void, masters from major sects and masters from various sects gathered together and greeted each other politely.

The eyes of many of them fell directly on an old man wearing a gorgeous purple robe, embroidered with golden cloud patterns and purple sky patterns, full of nobility.

"Venerable Ziguang, you are here!"

"Unexpectedly, the venerable person came here in person..."

"Venerable Ziguang, since you are here, you will naturally be in charge this time."

Venerable Ziguang is a master in the Immortal Realm, and most of the others around him are masters in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Venerable Ziguang smiled slightly, and just when he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly changed, and in the distance, three figures flew quickly towards him.

The leading female cultivator was wearing a fiery red robe. She had an outstanding appearance and her skin was as fair as snow. During the flight, she was surrounded by a faint layer of flame light.

And on her robe, there were embroidered fairy mountains.

"Baifeng Cult!"

"It's the Baifeng Sect! Here they come."

"It's Lord Zhu Yan!"

After everyone saw the person clearly, they rushed forward to greet him.

Now Cao Zhen, the leader of the Baifeng Sect, is the patriarch of the Dongzhou Human Race. When they see a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, they naturally have to show enough respect, not to mention that the other person is still a very young returner to the Immortal Realm.

In the previous catastrophe, the Baifeng Sect lost a large number of masters of the Immortal Realm, such as Lu Chaoqiong and Qiu Wuxing, who were martyred one after another.

Nowadays, all the immortal masters in Baifeng Sect are very young.

Lord Zhu Yan is a disciple of Suzaku Peak. He is also the most talented disciple on Suzaku Peak besides Li Ke. He is trained by Li Ke as the future master of Suzaku Peak.

After everyone greeted Venerable Zhu Yan, they looked at Venerable Ziguang a little strangely. If Venerable Ziguang was the only one who returned to the fairyland before, it would be okay, but now, Venerable Zhu Yan is here again. …

However, Venerable Ziguang took the initiative and said: "Venerable Zhu Yan, we have people from all major religions and sects here. Why don't we start now? After all, we have to recruit disciples in other cities."

Venerable Zhu Yan nodded slightly and said, "Okay, how about each of our great sects and sects be responsible for an area?"

"This is natural." Venerable Ziguang looked at Venerable Zhu Yan and said, "I wonder which area Venerable Zhu Yan is responsible for?"

Venerable Zhu Yan did not specify the place directly, but looked at Venerable Ziguang and said with a smile: "Every place is the same, Taoist friend Ziguang should choose first." The other party was so polite to her, so she naturally wanted to give him face. What's more, it really doesn't matter where she chooses. If she sees outstanding disciples in other areas, she will naturally ask them directly if they will join them.

What she is curious about now is where Cao Zhonghua went.

The previous arrangement was for Cao Zhonghua to act with her, but halfway, Cao Zhonghua said he wanted to experience the life of a mortal, so he entered Yihe City in advance.

Venerable Ziguang quickly chose a place, and then Venerable Zhu Yan also randomly chose a place.

Among the crowd, among the monks of the Fudong Sect, there was a monk whose appearance, not to mention among the monks, even among the mortals, looked very wretched. He pointed to a street in the distance and said: "Then we Fudong... The Eastern Church will be responsible for that."

The other monks from various sects heard the sound and looked at each other in slight surprise, but didn't say much.

"Then, Fellow Daoist Hongyi will be in charge of that side. Let's go to the other side."

Liu Hongyi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The reason why he waited for the two monks who returned to the Immortal Realm to speak before being the first to choose a place was because he was worried that he would not be responsible for the place chosen by his only descendant.

In that case, my junior will not be able to pass this selection and enter their Fudong Sect.

When he met his junior before, he had tested his junior's talent for cultivating immortality alone, but the result was right, his junior had no talent for cultivating immortality at all!

Of course, he is a person at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. He can also use his resources to force Liu Kui to become a monk. It does not require Liu Pei's cultivation level to be very high. It is enough to live a little longer and let Liu Kui become a monk. Kui Duo has only one purpose in life, and that is to let Liu Kui have more children and strengthen their family.

In fact, he really doesn't like this junior. If it weren't for the problem with his own cultivation method, there would be no need for Liu Kui!

Soon, various major religions and major sects selected their positions.

In the city, the residents watched the immortals separate and couldn't help but become nervous. Obviously, the test was about to begin. Each of them hoped that they or their family members could become disciples of the great religion and step into the world. On the road to immortality.

This day, for them, means infinite possibilities and hope.

In the crowd, Liu Kui raised his head and looked at the figure falling not far in front of him, with a look of excitement on his face. It was his ancestor!

This time, nothing will go wrong!

Beside him, Huang Li looked at the leader of the monks who flew down and became more and more panicked. She had been too impulsive before. Although she didn't know the monks who led him, she could tell him just by looking at him. It can be seen that this is Liu Kui's ancestor, they look so similar.

I offended Liu Kui. During the test, if I really had the talent to cultivate immortality, would the other party not let me pass or enter the great sect?

Under her anxious gaze, the test had begun.

"Everyone, line up and come forward one by one. If you have the talent to cultivate immortality, it will naturally be revealed in the bronze mirror in our hands. If you don't have the talent to cultivate immortality, leave here."

A monk from the Fudong Sect took out a bronze mirror as he spoke, and then shined it at the person at the front.

A ray of light quickly shot out from the bronze mirror. However, when the light fell on the other party, the bronze mirror did not change at all.

On the side, another monk from the Fudong Sect quickly said: "The next one."

The monk who had just been irradiated was stunned for a moment, and then the look of expectation on his face disappeared instantly, and he covered his face with a look of disappointment: "Without the talent of cultivating immortals, I cannot become a monk, I..."

He wanted to say more, but a soft force came from the side, pulling him forward. At the same time, the voice of the Fudong monk came again: "Those who have no talent for cultivating immortals should leave quickly. After all, There are too many people to be tested this time, so don’t waste other people’s time.”

The three Fudong monks present were not surprised at all. After all, there were only a few people with the talent to cultivate immortality. It would only surprise them if the first person was the person with the talent to cultivate immortality.

Not only the first person, but also the second, third... ten people were tested in succession, and none of them had the talent to cultivate immortality.

Until the eleventh person appears.

When the treasure mirror shone on a man in his thirties who was wearing coarse cloth and with bare, strong arms, a brown light appeared on the mirror, but the light was not deep.

Everyone around them instantly noticed the changes in the treasured mirror, and they all shouted lowly.

"It's changed. The mirror has changed. Does that mean he has the talent to cultivate immortality?"

"Wang Erma? How can such a stupid person be able to cultivate immortality?"

"This...I bullied Wang Erma before. He won't retaliate against me after he becomes an immortal."

"In this way, Wang Erma may still have to repay me, my grandson. Wang Erma, a bachelor, can't even cook. Before, Lao Zhang would let Wang Erma go to his house for dinner from time to time."

And Wang Erma stood there, motionless, as if he had been knocked unconscious by the surprise.

Opposite him, a monk from the Fudong Sect looked at Liu Hongyi and asked for instructions: "Elder, look at this..."

"That's all." Liu Hongyi shook his head slightly and said: "He does have some talent for cultivating immortals, but his talent for cultivating immortals is average. If he is a child, our Fudong Sect can accept him, but he is already at this age. He doesn’t mean much anymore.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Erma's expression finally changed. His eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the three immortals opposite him with disbelief.

Behind them, the people who were talking loudly just now were also stunned.

"You have the talent to cultivate immortality, but you can't join the great religion?"

"This...Wang Erma is like this, then maybe we are like this too?"

"Is this the ups and downs of life?"

As Liu Hongyi spoke, he looked at other places and raised his voice: "Everyone, do you want to accept him?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Are you willing to join our Yunfan Sect?"

As the words fell, a monk wearing blue robes flew down from a distance in front of Wang Erma.

Wang Erma was startled for a moment, then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, and he nodded repeatedly: "I am willing, I am willing to join you..."

He felt that in this short period of time, he had experienced more than he had ever heard, from ecstasy to despair, but in the end it turned around and the opportunity appeared in front of him again, and he did not hesitate and chose directly Join each other.

"It's the Yunfan Sect." The monk in blue nodded slightly, "Since you are willing to join our Yunfan Sect, then come with me."

As a sect, they are not as powerful as the Great Sect. There is nothing embarrassing for them to accept people whom the Great Sect looks down upon.

In fact, if it were before, they might not have accepted such a monk.

But the problem is that after experiencing the previous catastrophe, they also suffered heavy losses. Now, after seeing someone with the qualifications to cultivate immortality, they decided to accept it first after thinking about it.

Moreover, if they accept such monks that are not wanted by other major religions, they will not take up their quota.

When Cao Zhen set up rules to limit quotas, he was worried that without quota limits, those big teachers would go around robbing people and geniuses.

Therefore, such people who have no influence will not take up the quota.

Everyone was able to line up in the same place. Naturally, they were all people living nearby and most of them knew each other. At this time, seeing that Wang Erma was selected by a sect and was about to go to cultivate immortality, many people also congratulated.

"Wang Erma, you are actually going to cultivate immortality!"

"Wang Erma, you are also a proud ancestor!"

"Old Wang, you are going to cultivate immortality, but don't forget us!"

"Sure enough, it is the most correct choice for us to come to Dongzhou. In just a short time, there will be a chance to become an immortal. I don't know if I will have a chance to become an immortal."

Many people around were congratulating, but they also discovered problems.

"Now I finally know why everyone says that the great sect is much more powerful than the sect. The great sect does not like Wang Erma, but the sect does!"

"Yes, but Wang Erma can do it. Even if he can't enter the great sect, it's still good to enter the sect."

After Wang Erma, hundreds of people passed by, but no one with the talent to cultivate immortality appeared here.

The people taught by Fudong were not in a hurry and continued to test each one patiently.

I don't know how many people they have tested. Many mortals even doubted whether the precious mirror was broken and why no one had the qualifications to cultivate immortality. Suddenly, a bright light shot out.

This time the light was much brighter than before. A big green tree appeared on the bronze mirror. The big tree covered the sky and the sun as if it existed forever. Just looking at this big tree, you can feel a strange feeling. A strong breath of life.

For a moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the three Fudong Cultists who had been expressionless.

"This is the Wushu Immortal Body!"

"Medium immortal body!"

"Moreover, this person looks young, less than twenty years old!"

Although the people around him didn't know what a medium immortal body was, they were not stupid. They just looked at the brilliance that was obviously much brighter than Wang Erma's before, and they also knew that the talent of the person in front of them was much better than Wang Erma's.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the handsome boy who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old, and their eyes were full of envy.

"Let me just say, this kid Yu Junli is smart. You see, he really has the talent to cultivate immortality!"

"Yes, this kid is the most promising in our street!"

"I don't know if the people from the great religion will accept him this time?"

During their discussion, Liu Hongyi said, "Are you willing to join our Fudong Sect?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were screams of surprise from the crowd around him.

"Sure enough, this great religion is going to accept him too!"

"Why are you still hesitating? If you can join a great religion, you must join a great religion!"

"That's not necessarily true. If after joining that big sect, you can only be ranked at the back, why not join a sect and become the most valued disciple? There is a saying about how to live, I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. !”

"Nonsense, you must choose a great religion!"

Behind him, several relatives of Yu Junli hurriedly urged him.

"Junli, why are you hesitating? Don't hurry up and agree to the immortal!"

"Yes, we Junli are willing to join!"

"Junli, please agree!"

Yu Junli listened to the urging from behind and opened his mouth to speak, but before the sound came out of his mouth, a voice rang out in the distance.

"You don't have to rush to agree. This is not just a big sect of Fudong Sect." A monk in blue robes flew over from a distance and explained himself: "I am a monk of Luotian Sect. We are also a big sect. We The strength of Luo Tianjiao is stronger than that of Fudongjiao.

In the top True Immortal Realm, we have two more masters of the True Immortal Realm than Fudong Sect. Now, on behalf of our Luotian Sect, I also invite you to join us. "

This is a mid-level immortal body. No matter what kind of immortal body it is, as long as it is an immortal body, it is worth fighting for. After all, this is not the past. All major religions have been seriously damaged and are in urgent need of restoration.

Liu Hongyi's face suddenly turned ugly, but for a moment he didn't know what to say. After all, what the other party said was true. Luo Tianjiao was better than Fudong in every aspect, whether it was foundation or the number of top masters. Teach to be strong!

"Our Dingmu Sect is not as strong as your Luotian Sect, but your Luotian Sect is not good at teaching disciples with such immortal bodies."

Suddenly, another figure flew from the distance. He landed directly next to Yu Junli and introduced himself: "Our Dingmu Sect is most famous for its wood techniques and spells, and your immortal body is Immortal Body of Wood, come to our Dingmu Sect so that you can be better cultivated."

Yu Junli immediately hesitated. One is a great religion that is more suitable for him, and the other is a stronger great religion. Which one should he choose?

And all around, everyone felt that their three views were about to be subverted.

"What is going on? Three great religions are robbing a disciple!"

"What kind of talent is this!"

"This is really a happy choice!"

"Why are you still hesitating? Let me tell you, he must directly join a major religion that is more suitable for him!"

"You can't say that. A stronger great religion must have more resources."

While everyone was talking, in the distance, in the direction of Baifeng Sect, a disciple looked at Venerable Zhu Yan and asked, "Senior sister, should we also invite him?"

Venerable Zhu Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly and said, "That's fine, after all, this is the most talented disciple who has appeared after so long."

After the words fell, she did not fly away into the distance, but directly said: "Are you willing to join our Baifeng Sect?"

Although she was far away, her words were clearly heard by Yu Junli and everyone around him.

Yu Junli raised his head and looked into the distance, only to find that no one was flying towards him at all, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

When those people invited him before, they all flew over directly. Why didn't this one even fly over?

Many people around asked out of curiosity: "What's going on with the Hundred Peaks Sect? Other great sects will introduce their own great sects, so why doesn't this Hundred Peaks Sect introduce itself?"

"Yes, is anyone familiar with the Baifeng Cult?"

They are all people from Central Continent, and they have only been in Dongzhou for a limited time. Some of them know some of the great religions in Dongzhou, but some don’t know anything!

On the other hand, the few policemen who were responsible for maintaining order on the side heard the immortals from the Baifeng Sect speak, and a look of envy suddenly appeared on their faces, and they directly urged: "The Baifeng Sect has already spoken, what is there to hesitate about? Why don't you hurry up? Choose to join the Baifeng Cult!"

"You don't even know about the Baifeng Sect! In Dongzhou, you don't have to know any big sects, but you must know about the Baifeng Sect!"

Everyone around heard the sound, their eyes widened, and they exclaimed: "You must know the Baifeng Sect. Could it be said that the Baifeng Sect is the most powerful sect in Eastern Continent?"

"We don't know whether the Baifeng Sect is the most powerful sect in Eastern Continent." A policeman shook his head and said, "After all, we are not monks, but the Baifeng Sect is one of the most famous sects in our Eastern Continent. We said You must know about the Baifeng Sect because the current patriarch of our Dongzhou Human Race is the leader of the Baifeng Sect!"

"Ah? Clan leader? Are you the leader of our entire human race?"

"No wonder the monk didn't say anything. It turns out that their leader is the leader of the human race!"

"This is definitely the most top-notch great religion!"

"What else is there to think about? That is the great religion where the leader of the human race belongs!"

Yu Junli heard the exclamations from everyone around him, and turned to look at the immortals who had invited him before. He found that the expressions of these immortals became very strange, and he suddenly made a judgment in his heart, and quickly said : "I am willing to join the Baifeng Cult!"

When the monks from the great sect who had just invited him heard this, they all showed wry smiles on their faces, and they all bowed their hands in the direction of Venerable Zhu Yan.

"Congratulations to the Baifeng Sect for recruiting a great disciple!"

"Congratulations, Venerable Zhu Yan."

As Yu Junli chose Baifeng Cult, the test continued.

But then, none of the testers in their area had the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

There are fewer and fewer people in front of Cao Zhonghua.

Liu Hongyi glanced at the crowd in front. There were less than ten people lined up in front of Liu Kui.

He looked very natural and said to the disciple on the side: "Okay, you have been controlling the bronze mirror for a long time, please give me the bronze mirror."

Mana and fairy energy are also consumed to control the bronze mirror.

And he wanted to hide it from others and make others think that Liu Kui was a person with the qualifications to cultivate immortality. He also needed to control the bronze mirror himself and then do some tricks.

It would be a bit obvious if he waited until Liu Kui arrived, so he chose to take over the bronze mirror in advance.

The disciple on the side did not think much. Although he could continue to control the bronze mirror, the elder had already spoken, so he naturally handed the bronze mirror to the elder.

Liu Hongyi injected the immortal energy into the bronze mirror and irradiated it towards an individual, but none of these people had the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

Soon, there will be two more people talking about Liu Kui. As before, he turned the bronze mirror to the woman in front of him.

Huang Li looked at the falling light, but there was not much hope on her face. She really didn't think that she was one of those people chosen from ten thousand. She really didn't think that she had the qualifications to become an immortal. Although she was old God gave her a pretty good face, but other times, her luck was not good at all.

Her parents died early, so she could only follow her uncle, but his aunt was not kind to him at all and would scold her from time to time.

Then she took the opportunity of moving to Dongzhou and chose to live in a house on her own. However, her two neighbors had several children. Those children were noisy every day and were never quiet. At that time, another neighbor was even more of an old pervert, and he would come to her house to check on her when she had nothing to do.

There are too many facts like this. She is really an unfortunate person. She simply does not believe that she can have the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

But the next moment, a series of exclamations suddenly spread.

"This light!"

"What a dazzling light!"

"This light is even more dazzling than Yu Junli's. Is her talent even better than Yu Junli's?"

"This is such a scary light!"

"This is probably the most dazzling light that our Yihe City has erupted today!"

Huang Li listened to these exclamations and couldn't help but raise her head and look in front of her. The huge bronze mirror in front of her was now filled with fiery red flames. In the flames, she could see a The divine bird that only flaps its wings and flies!

For a moment, she herself was confused. this my talent? Do you have the talent to cultivate immortality? What kind of talent for cultivating immortality is this!

Isn’t my talent terrifying?

Opposite me, Liu Hongyi was also stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that when it was about to be his junior's turn, a mortal with superior qualifications for cultivating immortals would appear!

Beside him, a disciple even exclaimed: "Fire Bird Immortal Physique! The best Immortal Physique second only to the top Immortal Physique!"

On the side, another Fudong Sect disciple hurriedly said: "Are you willing to join our Fudong Sect!"

His words had fallen, and voices came one after another in the void.

"We Luotian Sect..."

"Girl, I come from the Donghuang Sect..."

All of a sudden, monks flew over one after another, even Venerable Zhu Yan flew over and invited: "Are you willing to join our Hundred Peaks Sect?"

What she said this time was much more than when she invited Yu Junli before.

"You may not know much about our Hundred Peaks Sect. Our Hundred Peaks Sect has one hundred peaks, and each peak is good at different things. Some peaks are good at swordsmanship, some are good at knife skills, and some are good at water spells.

Your immortal body is a fire-type immortal body, and I am from Suzaku Peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and I am also a mountain cultivator of the fire-type!

Our Zhuque Peak is one of the top ten peaks in the Hundred Peaks Sect. To be more precise, it is one of the top five or even the top three peaks!

Our peak master is the great elder of our Hundred Peaks Sect, a true fairyland existence.

At the same time, she is also the wife of our leader. "

This is a high-grade fire-type immortal body. When she sees this kind of immortal body, she will naturally invite him to join the Hundred Peaks Sect. Not only joining the Hundred Peaks Sect, she will also make a reservation in advance to bring him into Suzaku Peak.

The leader’s wife?

A look of surprise appeared in Huang Li's eyes. She just heard someone say that the leader of the Hundred Peaks Sect is the leader of the human race. In that case, the peak leader of the Vermillion Bird Peak is the wife of the leader of the human race!

So what else is there to consider!

She nodded quickly and said: "I am willing, I am willing to join Suzaku Peak, I am willing to join Baifeng Sect." In her excitement, she even directly put Suzaku Peak in front.

After saying this, her whole body was shaking uncontrollably because she was so excited and excited. She was so excited that she never thought that she would have such a good luck day!

If you join Suzaku Peak, will you become the disciple of the leader's wife?

If that were the case, wouldn't he be on the road to heaven? He is a disciple of the leader's wife, which means he is half a disciple of the leader and half a disciple of the leader of the human race.

That Liu Kui, does he count as you?

So what if he had an ancestor from the Earthly Immortal Realm? He didn't see his ancestor being so polite to the fairy who wanted to join Suzaku Peak!

His ancestors could never be compared with the master of Suzaku Peak, and the Fudong Sect could never be compared with the Baifeng Sect.

In the future, Liu Kui must be respectful when he sees him.

Fortunately, Liu Kui had rejected him before. Otherwise, how could he have joined the Baifeng Sect and had the opportunity to be the disciple of the leader's wife?

I wonder if the leader’s wife will accept me as a disciple?

But I just heard them say that I am second only to the top immortal body, the superior immortal body, I should have a chance.

There are also fairies from Zhuque Peak who did not fly over when they accepted Yu Junli, but now they have flown over, which is enough to prove that she attaches great importance to him, so he should have a chance.

After Venerable Zhu Yan saw Huang Li's promise, a smile appeared on her face. Then her eyes fell on the crowd behind her. She looked at Cao Zhonghua, who was about to take his turn, smiled softly, turned around and took Huang Li flew back to the area she was responsible for.

Cao Zhonghua didn't expect that he just picked a place at random, and in the end, a high-grade immortal body was found.

Although he doesn't like this woman very much. But since the other party has the qualifications to cultivate immortality, he won't say much.

Although she seems to be somewhat utilitarian, the other party has not done anything bad, and her personality can be changed.

Wait until she joins the Baifeng Cult to observe, maybe she will change.

Liu Kui was also confused. His ancestor was Liu Hongyi. He knew much more than ordinary mortals. The superior immortal body was a very, very good qualification for cultivating immortals. Otherwise, there would not be so many People came to invite Huang Li.

Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, Huang Li actually had such a talent. If he had known that, he should have promised Huang Li to be his husband.

Unfortunately, it's too late now. Since Huang Li has joined the Baifeng Sect, she will definitely not be his wife.

He even has one more thing to worry about now: Will Huang Li tell the people of the Baifeng Sect about her and her ancestor's plans?

In the past, Huang Li was an ordinary mortal, and her words had no weight. But now Huang Li has joined the Baifeng Sect and is a very talented disciple.

When she speaks, people from Baifeng Cult should be able to listen to it.

If people from Baifeng Sect find out...

No, the people from the Baifeng Sect are from the Baifeng Sect, and my ancestor is not from the Baifeng Sect, and the one I want to join is not from the Baifeng Sect. The Baifeng Sect can't control it so leniently, and it can directly control Fudong. On the teaching body.

Moreover, his ancestor is the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. No matter how talented this girl Huang Li is, it will take who knows how many years to become an Earthly Immortal Realm. Even whether she can become an Earthly Immortal Realm is still a question.

I have nothing to worry about!

Liu Hongyi looked at Huang Li's leaving figure and sighed slightly. As expected, with Baifeng Sect here, these top-qualified geniuses would not choose to join other major sects.

He could also understand that if it were him, he would choose to join the Baifeng Sect when faced with this opportunity.

He calmed down and continued to turn the bronze mirror to look at his descendant, the beautiful woman in front of Liu Kui.

The next moment, light suddenly flew out.

The rays of light were so bright that the sun above them all lost their brilliance for a time. This area of ​​space was completely enveloped in this colorless light. Above the bronze mirror, there were high mountains. Below the high mountains, rivers surrounded them, and above the high mountains. , the trees are lush, but at the top of this mountain, there is a raging flame burning...

"Five Elements Mysterious Immortal Holy Body!"

Even Liu Hongyi couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the changes on the bronze mirror.

"The top immortal body, I actually saw the top immortal body! The most top immortal body!"

Everyone around them was stunned when they saw this light. Just by looking at the light, they knew that Li Waner's aptitude for cultivating immortals was stronger than Huang Li in front of them. But when they heard the immortal's shouts, they were instantly shocked!

"The top qualification for cultivating immortals?"

"This... what is going on? Do you have such top-notch qualifications for cultivating immortals?"

"Oh my god! Such qualifications for cultivating immortals!"

"Look, those immortals are flying back!"

"Such immortal cultivation qualifications must be easily competed by the immortals from all major religions!"

Li Waner looked at the bronze mirror opposite and listened to the voices coming from all around. Her beautiful face couldn't help but show excitement. She turned out to be the top immortal body.

Before she could recover from the surprise, Venerable Zhu Yan's voice sounded again.

"Are you willing to join our Hundred Peaks Sect? You are the body of the Five Elements and are suitable for practicing the art of the Five Elements. In our Hundred Peaks Sect, there is a mountain peak called the Five Elements Peak. You practice the art of the Five Elements, and the Five Elements Peak is also Our Baifeng Cult ranks the top three peaks.

At the same time, there is a very special peak in our Baifeng Sect, called Sibao Peak.

The peak master of Sibao Peak is our leader, and the second senior sister of Sibao Peak, who is also the law enforcement elder of our Baifeng Sect, is a true fairyland existence. At the same time, she is best at swordsmanship and the Five Elements. technique.

I cannot guarantee that you will be able to join the Four Treasures Peak. After all, there are very few disciples of the Four Treasures Peak. However, after you join our Hundred Peaks Sect, you will have the opportunity to join the Four Treasures Peak and become a disciple of the law enforcement elder.

Are you willing to join our Baifeng Cult? "

When Li Waner heard this, she nodded immediately without thinking, "I am willing to join the Baifeng Sect!"

There is really nothing to hesitate about. Almost anyone will choose to join the Baifeng Cult directly after hearing this.

From a distance, Huang Li looked at Li Waner, who had also joined the Baifeng Cult after her, with a complicated expression on her face. She just felt that her luck was good enough, but compared to Li Waner, her luck seemed not as good. Nothing.

This Li Waner is the daughter of a wealthy family in the city. She was originally blessed with good fortune, but it turned out that her aptitude for cultivating immortals was better than hers, and she had a top-notch immortal body!

Liu Kui looked at Li Waner who was leaving with the fairy from the Baifeng Sect, and couldn't help but show a look of regret on his face. Li Waner's talent for cultivating immortals was so good!

If he had known earlier, he would have offered all kinds of benefits and conditions to make Li Waner agree to be his wife.

Unfortunately, it's too late now.

Although Li Waner followed the fairy from Baifeng Cult, she still kept looking behind her, and she was a little hesitant in her heart. She was wondering whether to tell Liu Kui and his ancestor the dirty things they were going to do. This fairy from Baifeng Cult.

However, Liu Kui's ancestor is not a member of the Baifeng Sect, and that is not a matter of the Baifeng Sect. If he tells this fairy himself, will it cause trouble?

After all, Liu Kui said that his ancestor was very powerful at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Although others called him the Fairy Lord of the Baifeng Sect, he didn't know what level of cultivation the Lord was at. It is considered to be stronger than the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

Although Li Waner had already left, Liu Hongyi still waited for a while before taking out the bronze mirror again. He had no choice but to give birth to a superior immortal body first, and then a top immortal body. This is Now that he is too conspicuous, everyone will naturally pay attention to him. He has to wait until others stop paying so much attention to him, then he can use his means to let Liu Kui successfully join their Fudong Sect!

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