Cao Zhonghua has been curious about how Liu Hongyi will bring Liu Kui into the Fudong Sect. Of course he knows that the bronze mirror used for testing can be manipulated, and he can do this too.

But mortals can't see it, not even those monks with weak cultivation. It doesn't need to be too strong if the cultivation level is slightly stronger. As long as the monks who enter the earthly fairyland and can control the immortal energy can see what he is doing.

Nowadays, although the three monks taught by Fudong are led by Liu Hongyi, there is also a monk from the Earthly Immortal Realm among the other two monks. It is impossible not to see it.

He stared at Liu Hongyi closely, waiting for Liu Hongyi's method.

Finally, the bronze mirror shot towards Liu Kui. Everything seemed to be normal. The next moment, a shadow of a bronze mirror appeared on the bronze mirror. The shadow was dim, but the outline of the bronze mirror could be seen. A copper mirror similar to the geoscope tested.

Cao Zhonghua's eyebrows suddenly frowned. Is this Liu Kui talented in cultivating immortals?

No, if Liu Kui really has the talent for cultivating immortals, Liu Hongyi doesn't need to do that at all, he can just recruit them into the Fudong Sect.

Moreover, Liu Hongyi came here specially, and even snatched the ground mirror before Liu Kui was about to be tested. It seemed that he was going to use his methods.

But the problem is, I didn't see how he could use his methods at all!


Liu Hongyi deliberately made a sound of doubt. He seemed to be doubting himself, but his voice was not quiet. At least the other two people from Fudong's teaching beside him heard his doubts.

The two of them looked at the shadow of the bronze mirror in the mirror, with doubts in their eyes, and whispered: "Is this... what kind of mirror? There are very few such mirrors."

Liu Hongyi shook his head slightly and said deliberately: "The shadow of this bronze mirror is so dim that it cannot be regarded as a mirror body. It can only be said to be a broken mirror body. This talent for cultivating immortals... is very ordinary, especially It’s his age, and he’s not too young either.”

Although he said this, there was an obvious look of regret on his face.

On the other side, another monk from the Fudong Sect felt the regret on Liu Hongyi's face. He looked at Liu Hongyi and then at Liu Kui, but there was a strange look on his face.

Suddenly, his heart moved and he said: "The broken mirror body is also a mirror body. This mirror body is extremely rare, and its role is really great. The mirror body can see the past, present and future. , no matter which major religion it is, will not refuse, a monk with a mirror body.

Moreover, I remember that Elder Liu is the Mirror Body. Why not bring him into our Fudong Sect and let the Sixth Elder train him properly?

Our Fudong Sect is a great sect, but apart from the Sixth Elder, we only have one mirror body. Counting him, we can have one more mirror body, one more monk who practices the art of seeing! "

Cao Zhonghua listened to the conversation of several people from a distance. After hearing that Liu Hongyi was the mirror body, a look of understanding suddenly flashed in his eyes. In this way, it would be simple.

Liu Hongyi is the body of the mirror. If this earth-looking mirror is his magic weapon and he does a little bit more manipulation, it will be easy.

His magical weapon, this looking mirror, was originally a mirror-like magical weapon. As the body of the mirror, Liu Hongyi did some tricks on the mirror without anyone noticing, leaving a fairy aura in advance. Then, he was instilling immortality, making people think that he was just activating the frontal looking glass, but in fact he was activating the immortality left before.

He is a mirror body, so it is not difficult to leave a shadow of the mirror body. In this way, the Earth's Looking Glass will naturally reveal itself. The shadow of the mirror body he left behind is unparalleled. It is Liu Kui's talent for cultivating immortals. .

"This..." Liu Hongyi deliberately showed a look of embarrassment on the other person's face as he listened, but from his protracted voice, it was not difficult to find that he was actually moved.

The monk who just spoke became more and more sure of his guess, and he continued: "Elder, what's so difficult about this? If we don't want him, other great sects will also snatch him, so we'd better keep him as soon as possible."

On the side, another monk from the Fudong Sect also quickly said: "Yes, monks like the elder cannot be given over to other great sects."

"Okay." Liu Hongyi seemed to be persuaded by the two people, and asked Liu Kui below, "Are you willing to join our Fudong Sect?"

"Yes, I do." Liu Kui nodded repeatedly. It was so simple to join the great sect. Now, he was also a disciple of the great sect.

All around, everyone saw expressions of envy on Liu Kui's face after being invited by the Fudong Sect, and some were unhappy.

"Why? Liu Kui can actually cultivate immortality!"

"Yes, this guy Liu Kui is just a rogue. Such a person can actually become an immortal!"

"Please keep your voice down. It's not like you don't know who Liu Kui is. He was so arrogant when he was not cultivating immortality. After he cultivates immortality, he will definitely become even more arrogant. Beware of him settling accounts with you!"

"Yes, everyone, please pay attention. Hey... I never thought that such a wicked person can also become an immortal!"

Although he was reminded again, Liu Kui still heard a series of doubts and angry voices coming from all around. He glanced in the direction of the sound, and a cold murderous intention flashed through his eyes. He had already remembered These people, when he leaves from Fudong Sect next time, he will come here and kill these gossips one by one!

No, cut out all these people's tongues before killing them, don't they like to say? Let’s see what they say then!

After remembering these people, he turned around and continued to walk forward. Today is the day for major religions to recruit disciples. There are so many immortals from major religions here. Although his ancestor is powerful enough, he is at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm. exists, but he also knows that it is better to keep a low profile, and his ancestor does not want others to know about their relationship.

Of course, after he joins the Fudong Sect, the ancestor will find a way to become his master. When the time comes, the ancestor will take extra care of him, so there is no problem. After all, the master takes care of his disciples. Isn't that normal?

Just as he was about to walk to the ancestor's side, suddenly, a voice sounded from behind him.


Cao Zhonghua suddenly walked out of the crowd and spoke at the same time.

On the opposite side, Liu Hongyi saw someone speaking, and a look of displeasure suddenly appeared on his face. However, in the current situation, he still said patiently: "Mortals behind, don't be anxious, it will be your turn soon."

"No, you misunderstood." Cao Zhonghua shook his head and said, "I don't intend to take the test."

After saying this, everyone around him was stunned for a moment. Among the mortals gathered here today, there is no one who doesn't want to take the test, and who doesn't want to become a monk. He waited here for a long time, but said he didn't want to take the test. He is What do you want to do? Are you crazy?

Also, the person in front of him was a monk. He actually spoke to a powerful monk in such an equal tone. How dare he?

When Liu Kui saw the man who spoke, his eyes were full of murderous intent. This guy must have wanted to expose him after hearing the conversation between him and Li Waner.

He is looking for death!

Expose yourself?

Did he think that after he spoke, anyone would listen to him? Don’t even look at what kind of existence your ancestor is!

Even if he exposes himself in front of so many people, he can still join the Fudong Sect, and he will still be an ordinary monk.

However, his ancestor will definitely blame himself for this incident and blame himself for not being low-key enough.

This kid is causing trouble for himself!

Die, he must die!

When he joins the Great Sect, no, he will not wait until that time. He must kill him before leaving Yihe City!

However, Cao Zhonghua didn't seem to feel the gazes of the crowd or the killing intent in Liu Kui's eyes. He continued to walk forward and said to Liu Hongyi: "Wait a minute, that's not what I said." I’m telling you, I’m telling you the other two people from Fudong’s teaching. Don’t you think that Liu Hongyi and Liu Kui look very similar? Haven’t you ever thought about the relationship between the two? For example Do you think Liu Hongyi is Liu Kui’s ancestor?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Hongyi's face suddenly showed a cold expression, and everyone around him heard the sound and quickly looked towards the two of them. At this glance, they discovered that the two really looked alike!

Beside Liu Hongyi, a monk from the Fudong Sect suddenly turned ugly when he heard this, and shouted loudly: "It's so bold and amazing that you dare to call our elder by his name."

Cao Zhonghua said with a strange look on his face: "What? When you give a name, isn't it just for people to call him? If you don't call his name, what should you call him?"

"Presumptuous!" A look of anger suddenly appeared on the face of the monk who just spoke, and he raised his hand as if he was about to take action. But suddenly, he remembered that according to the rules of Dongzhou, a monk cannot attack a mortal casually.

The mortal in front of him just called Elder Liu by his name, which is not a big mistake. If he attacks this mortal because of this, he will also be punished!

This rule...

What a broken rule!

He cursed in his heart, looked at the police officers around him and shouted, "Where are the guards? Is this how you maintain order?"

On the side, several detectives heard the sound. Although they were a little dissatisfied with the tone of the other party's questioning, they quickly turned their heads and prepared to catch this young man who seemed to be causing trouble but didn't seem to be making trouble first.

But before they could take action, the young man in front of them suddenly flew up.


Can he fly?

No mortal can fly, only monks can fly!

Is he a monk?

But if he was a monk, why did he stay in the crowd and even queue up with everyone?

Liu Kui was also stunned. This man could actually fly?

Is he a monk?

If he is a monk, he should know how powerful the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm is, and it is absolutely impossible for him to offend his ancestor.

Liu Hongyi was also confused. Why is there a monk hiding here? What's going on? There is still breath. Although the opponent simply flies up and does not release all his combat power, judging from the breath displayed by the opponent, he is not weaker than himself at all.

This man, what does he want to do!

He was so frightened that he hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Taoist, which sect do you come from? Why are you hiding in the crowd?"

Cao Zhonghua did not directly answer Liu Hongyi's words, but looked into the distance and said, "Uncle Zhu Yan, can you use the ground sight glass?"

Zhu Yan and Li Ke were of the same generation. After all, although Li Ke was not his biological mother, he still wanted to call Li Ke his mother when he saw her, so he naturally called her uncle.

His voice was not loud, but it spread clearly in the air.

A look of panic suddenly appeared on Liu Hongyi's face, Zhu Yan? The only person named Zhu Yan here is probably the one from the Baifeng Sect who has returned to the Immortal Realm.

This man is a member of the Baifeng Sect, and he is also the nephew of Venerable Zhu Yan. His seniority is not low!

When Zhu Yan recruited Li Waner, he noticed the presence of his junior brother, but he never spoke. Now after hearing his junior brother's words, he immediately picked up the looking glass and took a look. Li Waner on the side grabbed him and flew to Cao Cao At the same time, Zhonghua glanced at Cao Zhonghua playfully.

When she brought Li Waner back just now, she found that Li Waner had been looking back, and then he was hesitant to say anything while returning his clothes.

I'm afraid that Li Waner was looking at Cao Zhonghua and hesitated to speak. Maybe she wanted to put in a few nice words for Cao Zhonghua so that Cao Zhonghua could also join the Baifeng Sect.

The peak master's son is quite charming. It has only been a while since he captured such a talented beauty. Moreover, Li Waner's talent is so good that she also likes this girl and naturally flew over with him.

Although she was curious about what Cao Zhonghua was doing with the geoscope, she still handed it to Cao Zhonghua without hesitation.

When Liu Hongyi saw that the other party was about to get a ground spyglass, his heart suddenly suddenly jumped, and he panicked. The other party was taking a ground spyglass? Did you discover something? But with my own methods, unless the other party exists in the true fairyland, it is impossible to find out even if the other party is in the returned fairyland.

The other party took the ground glass, was he going to test Liu Kui again?

Once the other party tests again, Liu Kuike will be completely exposed, and everything will be over. We cannot let the other party test again!

In Liu Hongyi's panic, there was an obvious look of dissatisfaction on his face. He looked at Venerable Zhu Yan angrily and said dissatisfiedly: "Venerable Zhu Yan, is this a member of your Baifeng Sect?"

"Of course." Venerable Zhu Yan nodded heavily.

"Then what do you mean?" Liu Hongyi pointed at Cao Zhonghua and said angrily, "He is hiding in the team that needs to be tested. I won't say anything more about this, but he suddenly used the geoscope to What to do? What? Does he want to test everyone we have tested before again?

Do you, the Baifeng Sect, look down on our Fudong Sect like this? Do you think we can't even test a mortal's talent? "

Cao Zhonghua chuckled and shook his head, then pointed at Liu Kui and said: "It's not that I want to test everyone you have tested before. I only need to test him."

Li Waner was listening to the conversation of several people, but her beautiful eyes were always staring at Cao Zhonghua. Her eyes were full of surprise. Is this person actually an immortal?

Moreover, this person is a member of the Baifeng Sect just like myself!

She suddenly understood a lot. No wonder this man didn't take Liu Kui's threats seriously before. It turned out that he was an immortal.

Thinking of Liu Kui threatening this handsome guy before, she couldn't help but want to laugh. I'm afraid Liu Kui never thought that he was threatening an immortal, and he was an immortal from the Baifeng Sect. Moreover, it seemed that, His status is not low, and his cultivation should not be weak.

Although she looks weak and weak, she is not stupid. She can see that the status of the Venerable Zhu Yan who recruited her is shallow.  is good at using punishment to reward male prostitutes?

Although this guy called Venerable Zhu Yan Master Uncle, his voice was full of familiarity and kindness, without the awe or fear that ordinary people would have when facing their uncles.

What's more, other monks flew here directly to recruit disciples. This guy didn't actually go with the Baifeng Cult people. Instead, he flew directly into the crowd. There was no way he would be able to get away from such a special guy.

The plan of Liu Kui and his ancestors may fail.

When Liu Hongyi heard that the other party said that he was just testing Liu Kui, a look of panic inevitably appeared in his eyes. He had really discovered this person. Otherwise, he would not have been able to just test Liu Kui.

And now, it is not the time to investigate how the other party found out. What we need to do now is to stop the other party.

A look of anger deliberately appeared on his face, and he said loudly: "What's the difference between retesting one person and retesting everyone? Doesn't it mean you look down on our Fudong Sect?

I admit that your Baifeng Sect is strong, but in Dongzhou, your Baifeng Sect is not the strongest sect! We respect you because you are the leader of the Baifeng Sect, but that does not mean that our Fudong Sect must be afraid of you and have to listen to you in everything!

If you do this, what will the monks of other great religions think? You even doubt the talent of mortals when it comes to cultivating immortals. Is there anything else that your Baifeng Cult cannot interfere with? "

Now, if you want to stop the other party, you can only take the matter to a serious level, involve people from other sects, and let everyone put pressure on Baifeng Sect to make them give up.

But after he finished speaking, he discovered that the expression on the face of Venerable Zhu Yan across from him had not changed at all, and there was no sign of any intention to give in.

In the distance, monks from other religions quickly discovered that something was happening on their side.

Venerable Ziguang flew directly towards this place. When he heard Liu Hongyi's words, he nodded instinctively. Just when he was about to say something, his eyes inadvertently fell on the monk in the Baifeng Sect who was holding a ground mirror. .

What a handsome disciple.

There are many handsome monks in the world of cultivation, and the monk in front of him is very handsome no matter where he is placed. And why does this face look familiar?

It seems that I have seen it before, but I have not seen many disciples of the Baifeng Sect, and since I am a monk who has returned to the Immortal Realm, the monks I have seen will definitely remember it, and this will not happen.

Unless he is the descendant of a monk from the Baifeng Sect whom he has met?

Speaking of which, for such a handsome man, his parents should also be very good-looking, so why should they be so impressive? How...

No, like this!

Venerable Ziguang's eyes suddenly widened, and he stared blankly at the male cultivator opposite him as if he was petrified. Slowly, this face overlapped with the face of a stunning beauty.

Close Moon Immortal Lord!

He once followed an uncle of their great sect and saw Immortal Guanyue from a distance, and because the monk in front of him was a male cultivator, he only felt familiar for a while and did not associate it with Immortal Biyue. Together.

Now when he took a closer look, he found that this male cultivator looked more and more like Biyue Immortal Lord!

This is the son of Immortal Lord Guanyue, so isn’t his father...

Another face appeared in his mind. Although he had never seen Cao Zhen himself, he had seen the shadow of Cao Zhen when he broke through. Looking carefully, the monk's brows looked very similar to Cao Zhen's. Similar!

Therefore, this is the son of the leader of the Baifeng Sect, the patriarch of the Dongzhou Human Race, and the reincarnated great power Cao Zhen!

He actually met the child of Leader Cao!

His whole body trembled uncontrollably, and for a moment, he even stopped thinking.

It wasn't until Liu Hongyi's voice sounded from the side that he woke up.

"Venerable Ziguang, you and Venerable Zhu Yan are the only two people who have returned to the Immortal Realm in Yihe City. Do you think this is a bit too much for the Baifeng Sect to do this?"

Liu Hongyi had no choice. Venerable Zhu Yan had returned to the Immortal Realm. If he wanted to fight against the opponent, he had to enlist Venerable Ziguang.

When Venerable Ziguang heard Liu Hongyi's words, he almost cursed out loud!

Do you want to kill me?

You let me stand by your side and go against the son of Leader Cao?

Don’t you know that my leader just went to see the leader of Baifeng? After he came back, he kept praising leader Cao, saying that leader Cao is the most selfless existence in the world, and he is the same as the leader in our great religion. Everyone said that when they meet Master Cao in the future, they will respect him even more than when they meet the leader!

I am now standing by your side, going against the son of the leader Cao. I go back, and the leader still won’t take off my skin!

If there weren't too many people now, he would even want to attack Liu Hongyi directly. Thinking of the consequences of standing with Liu Hongyi, his eyes turned extremely cold when he looked at Liu Hongyi, and his voice was cold, as if It was coming from the tens of thousands of years of ice, and he said coldly: "Why don't I think there is anything wrong with the Baifeng Sect?

Our entire Dongzhou, no, we should say our entire human race, who doesn’t know that Master Baifeng is dedicated to our entire human race and is the most selfless master.

You are actually questioning the fellow Taoist taught by Baifeng! I believe that since they question you, there must be something wrong with you! Since you have no problem, why don't you let this fellow Taoist use a geoscope to test it! "

Liu Hongyi was stunned for a moment. What is going on? Just now, Venerable Ziguang didn't look like he was on the side of the Baifeng Sect. Why did such a big change happen all of a sudden?

Also, you haven’t offended Lord Ziguang, right? Why is Venerable Ziguang so indifferent to him, as if he is an enemy?

The key is that now, there are only two venerables in the entire Yihe City, and these two venerables are going to be tested again. How can I stop them?

It's over now!

Just before he recovered from his daze, Cao Zhonghua had already injected immortal energy into the looking glass, and then the mirror shone towards Liu Kui.

next moment……

There was no reaction or change at all in the mirror.

"no change?"

"What happened? Wasn't there a shadow on the mirror just now?"

"Really? I also saw that there was a shadow of a bronze mirror in the mirror before. Why is it gone this second time?"

"Cheating, they must have cheated!"

All around, the residents of Yihe City saw the unresponsive mirror. They reacted quickly and started shouting.

"There's something wrong. There's something wrong with this immortal's test!"

"If it was wrong this time, then it was also wrong before!"

"Could it be that the people who did not have the talent to cultivate immortality in the previous test were actually people with the talent to cultivate immortality!"

"I didn't expect these immortals to cheat!"

Because of the quarrel here, other monks also flew over. Now, monks from various major religions and sects also looked at Liu Hongyi with strange expressions.

Liu Kui stood there blankly at this time, looking at his ancestor, his heart was full of worry and fear, but for a moment he didn't know what to say or what to do. He knew that his ancestor was very Powerful, it is an existence at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. It can be directly called an immortal.

But no matter how stupid he is, he still knows because of what happened before that the Baifeng Sect is very powerful, far more powerful than the great sect where his ancestor belongs.

From the previous words of his ancestor, he could even know that the monk from Baifeng Sect and the Purple Light Master who flew over were both extremely powerful beings, even more powerful than his ancestor.

But now, his ancestor was caught cheating by these people.

So, is it true that I can no longer cultivate immortality?

It's all that guy's fault. If that guy hadn't suddenly appeared, I would have joined the Fudong Sect!

Liu Hongyi felt the eyes of everyone and thought quickly in his heart. At this time, he must not protect Liu Kui anymore. If he forcefully protects Liu Kui, he will also be unlucky, and he must not admit that he has tampered with it.

As long as he bites himself to death and doesn't move anything, then he has a chance.

Besides, after all, I am a member of the Fudong Sect, not the Baifeng Sect. The Baifeng Sect is not qualified to judge me. Now I only need to explain.

The only question is how the leader will punish him after he returns to the Fudong Sect.

As long as the leader doesn't know about this, and as long as the deputy leader handles this matter, there will be no problem.

The deputy leader is his master, and his master should not embarrass him.

And such a thing should not reach the ears of the leader. The leader has always been in retreat and rarely talks too much about the things he teaches.

Thinking of this, Liu Hongyi slowly calmed down, looked at everyone and said: "Everyone... I don't know why this is happening. Maybe there was a problem with this looking glass before. Everyone... By the way, our Fudong Sect The two disciples, as well as the disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect in front of you, you all saw that I was controlling the looking glass as before. You should be able to see that I did not use any hands or feet.

It must be a problem with the geoscope. "

On the side, two monks from the Fudong Sect nodded subconsciously when they heard this. They stood aside. Indeed, they did not see any move by Elder Liu Hongyi.

Cao Zhonghua sneered when he heard the sound: "The Earth's Looking Glass has gone wrong? Which one of you has ever seen the Earth's Looking Glass go wrong? Also, this Earth's Looking Glass is your magic weapon, right? And you are still the Immortal Body of the Mirror, you are here There is a breath left in the mirror. When using the Earth Looking Mirror, you need to release that breath to change the influence of the Earth Looking Mirror. This is not difficult for you to think of the Earthly Fairyland.

And if you do this, others won't notice that you are doing anything. "

Everyone around heard the sound and nodded one after another.

Liu Hongyi was suddenly shocked. This disciple of the Baifeng Sect had actually guessed his method.

But even if he was guessed, he couldn't admit it.

"Fellow Taoist, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak. If you don't have evidence, you can't spit on others!"

As for the evidence, he has already activated the looking glass. Now these people can't find anything if they check the looking glass. As long as there is no evidence, he will deny it. As long as he returns to the church and the deputy leader handles this, he will Nothing will happen.

"Evidence? Isn't your descendant the evidence?" Cao Zhonghua suddenly laughed and pointed at Liu Kui and said, "How do you think I know you have a problem? It's not because I see through your methods. Unless your methods are The real fairyland is here, otherwise no one can see it clearly.

I only found out because of what your junior said. He himself said that you should bring him into the Fudong Sect and then use the resources of the Fudong Sect to train him. Oh, by the way, besides me, two other people also heard what Liu Kui said behind you. "

As he spoke, Cao Zhonghua raised his hand and pointed at Li Waner, and said softly: "You can tell everyone whether I lied to you."

"Of course not." Li Waner's clear voice rang out, proving: "I can prove that this... this senior brother did not tell a lie." She did not know the identity of the other party. After thinking for a long time, she felt She had already joined the Baifeng Cult, and the male cultivator looked very young, so she simply called him senior brother.

Liu Hongyi was about to explode with anger. He had been wondering before that he had done it so secretly, how could this young male cultivator from Baifeng Sect know what he had done.

It turned out to be Liu Kui, a loser, and he actually told him what he was going to do with him!

I had repeatedly told him to keep a low profile and keep a low profile. How on earth did he listen!

This trash, he didn't even tell himself that he was harming himself, but he actually wanted to harm himself!

While cursing secretly in his heart, he looked at Li Waner and said, "Can you prove it? You are also a member of the Baifeng Sect. Your words cannot be trusted."

Venerable Zhu Yan's eyes instantly turned cold and he said in a cold voice, "Liu Hongyi, you have to take responsibility for what you said. Do you mean to say that all of us in the Baifeng Sect tell lies?"

Liu Hongyi's face suddenly changed when he heard such a big hat being pulled down, and he quickly waved his hands and said: "I didn't mean that. However, none of you are from our Fudong Sect, and you don't have any Qualify me for questioning.

Therefore, we should do whatever we should do. If it were true that I would be interrogated, we would have to be interrogated by people from the Fudong Sect. "

On the side, the other two disciples of the Fudong Sect heard the sound and nodded slightly. Indeed, this was actually an internal matter of their Fudong Sect, and people from other major sects were indeed not qualified to interrogate them.

However, the looks they looked at Liu Hongyi became ugly, even with a hint of disgust. Although they did not interrogate him, they also felt that what the strange disciple of the Baifeng Sect said should be correct.

Apart from anything else, just by looking at the looks of Liu Hongyi and Liu Kui, I knew that the two of them must have some relationship.

Moreover, before it was Liu Kui's turn, Liu Hongyi deliberately took away the looking glass, saying that Liu Hongyi had no problem and neither of them believed it.

In fact, Liu Hongyi really has a descendant, and this descendant has no talent for cultivating immortals, but Liu Hongyi must bring this descendant into the religion, and others will not say anything.

Liu Hongyi is already in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Even if the opponent does not have the talent to cultivate immortality, Liu Hongyi can make the opponent cultivate to immortality as long as he is willing to devote resources.

It's just that the resources taken out in that way are quite a lot of resources for a person at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. It can even be said to be vomiting blood.

Liu Hongyi probably took this opportunity to recruit disciples deliberately just to have such a small amount of resources left, and cheated to get his juniors to join the great sect. Later, he would use other means to get the great sect to release these resources.

He just cheated the great religion. This is too shameless and too much!

"That's right, we are not qualified to interrogate you, but there is someone who is qualified to interrogate you!" Venerable Zhu Yan looked at Liu Hongyi who was still arrogant and sneered, took out a teaching form from the Qiankun ring, and said coldly , "I will ask our leader now and let him decide this matter. Leader, he is the leader of the human race, is he qualified to interrogate you, or even punish you?"

A look of panic instantly appeared in Liu Hongyi's eyes. The Baifeng Cult Master was naturally qualified to punish him directly. However, for such a trivial matter, would they bother the Baifeng Cult Master?

He just looked at Venerable Zhu Yan without saying a word. He could only hope that Venerable Zhu Yan was bluffing, even though Venerable Zhu Yan was already in the Immortal Realm and was already very powerful.

But as far as he knew, there were twenty True Immortal Realms in the Baifeng Sect. He doubted whether a Returned Immortal Realm could directly disturb the leader of the Baifeng Cult.

When everyone around heard Venerable Zhu Yan say that he wanted to ask the Baifeng Cult Leader, everyone was stunned for a moment. Should they go directly to the Baifeng Cult Leader for such a matter?

Li Waner was also stunned for a moment. The senior who invited her to join the Baifeng Sect had such great energy that he wanted to contact their leader directly!

Can all the venerables contact the leader?

Huang Li was not taken away by Immortal Zhu Yan, but stayed far away. She listened to Immortal Zhu Yan's words from a distance, with a look of surprise in her eyes. This Immortal Zhu Yan has so much energy. , I was recruited into Baifeng Sect by her, so I should be considered hers. The greater her energy, the better for me.

She looked at the male cultivator who stayed here and did not fly away and asked: "Our guy, Senior Zhu Yan, is so powerful that he can go to the leader directly."

She wanted to know how powerful the Lord Zhu Yan was, but it was difficult to ask him directly. She could only use this method to get the other person to speak.

The male cultivator on the side heard the sound and chuckled, "Venerable Zhu Yan is a monk who has returned to the Immortal Realm. Is it so strange that a monk who has returned to the Immortal Realm directly finds the leader?

What's more, Venerable Zhu Yan is a disciple of Suzaku Peak and is being trained as the future master of Suzaku Peak. The current peak leader of Zhuque Peak is the leader’s wife. Do you think it’s strange that Immortal Zhu Yan contacted the leader? "

He said something, but after thinking about it, he did not say the next words. In fact, the reason why Venerable Zhu Yan was able to contact the leader so decisively was because there was Cao Zhonghua beside him, who was the son of the leader!

At this time, it was Cao Zhonghua who discovered it.

"I see." Huang Li was a little disappointed. Venerable Zhu Yan had already said these words when he recruited Li Waner before. She thought that Venerable Zhu Yan had another identity.

All in all, Li Waner's luck is really good.

However, my luck is not bad,

The responsible person who came to recruit disciples was from Suzaku Peak, and he himself was suitable for cultivating the Way of Flame.

I have already met Immortal Lord Zhu Yan. After I join the Baibai Peak Sect, I will have the opportunity to directly worship Lord Zhu Yan as my teacher. Then, won’t I be the peak master’s disciple from now on?

However, there is also the unfamiliar male cultivator from Baifeng. His identity is definitely not simple. He had heard about wanting to be Liu Kui's wife and threatening Liu Kui. I wonder if he will put these into practice. Tell Venerable Zhu Yan everything. If he said all these words, I'm afraid she wouldn't accept him as a disciple.

No, I have to find a way to please him, just ask him not to talk nonsense.

I don’t know who the male cultivator is.

She looked at the monk beside her, feeling that he was still very talkative, and continued to ask: "Senior...senior brother? Senior uncle? Well, the one in the sky is also a monk from our Baifeng Sect, right? Who is he?"

On the side, the monk from the Baifeng Sect couldn't help but smile when he heard Huang Li's name for him. However, he did not directly answer the other party's words, but said meaningfully: "When you really join the Baifeng Sect, you will naturally know who is he."

When Huang Li heard the sound, she was shocked again. What this meant was that that person was a big shot. If he joined the Baifeng Sect, he would know who he was. In other words, there was no one in the Baifeng Sect who didn't know him?

Who could that be?

Among the crowd, Venerable Ziguang became more and more certain that he had read correctly. This disciple of Baifeng Cult was definitely the son of Cult Master Cao. Otherwise, how could Venerable Zhu Yan contact Cult Master Baifeng over such a trivial matter!

Because of Immortal Lord Zhu Yan's words, everyone stopped recruiting disciples for a while.

But not long after, the teaching watch in Zhu Yanxianjun's hand suddenly burned, and then a majestic voice came.

"Catch both Liu Hongyi and Liu Kui. I have informed Master Fudong about this matter and he will come to deal with it personally!"

Liu Hongyi suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and his vision went dark and he almost fell down.

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