Liu Hongyi was completely desperate. The leader knew what he had done. If he found out, he would be finished. He didn't know how the leader would punish him.

It is not impossible to be locked up for thousands of years!

Liu Kui!

This incompetent junior, if he hadn't been talking nonsense, how could he be like this?

He didn't even want to resist.

Although he is at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm and is definitely considered powerful in the entire world of immortality, the problem is that there are so many masters here, not counting those in the Earthly Immortal Realm. There are two returnees to the Immortal Realm here. How could he escape? Yes.

What's more, this time it was the leader of Baifeng who gave the order himself. He was the leader of the Dongzhou human race. Even if he escaped, there would be no place for him.

Liu Kui was also stunned. The leader of the ancestor's great religion came. This matter seemed to be a big deal. In other words, it was very likely that he would not be able to join the ancestor's great religion.

Maybe I won’t be able to become an immortal?

It's all that damn guy's fault. If he hadn't been there to stir up trouble, how could it have turned out like this!

Everyone quickly controlled Liu Hongyi and Liu Kui. Because of their relationship, everyone did not continue to test the residents' talent for cultivating immortals, but waited.

Fortunately, Master Fudong arrived very quickly, and they did not wait long. A figure was already flying in the void.

"Master Fudong."

Everyone looked towards the visitor.

Master Fudong wore a gorgeous robe embroidered with gold dragon patterns, full of majesty and dignity. He is tall and straight, standing like a mountain, with broad shoulders, exuding a solemn aura, a resolute and steady face, a wide forehead and high cheekbones, and wisdom and determination between his brows, especially his eyes, which are as deep as Tan.

Many of these monks saw the existence of a true fairyland for the first time. In an instant, they felt that they seemed to have seen a supreme being who dominated the world.

Even though Master Fudong fell to the ground, every step he took seemed steady and powerful. The dragon-patterned boots he stepped on made heavy footsteps, as if they could break the ground.

"I've met Master Fudong."

All the monks present saluted and said hello to Master Fudong for the first time. After all, this was the leader of a great religion, and he also existed in a true fairyland.

"You don't have to be polite, this time it's our Fudong Sect that makes you laugh."

Master Fudong just said a word to everyone, and then his eyes fell on Liu Hongyi. In an instant, his face turned extremely cold. He walked towards Liu Hongyi step by step, and the sound of his steps was not loud. Big, but every time he took a step, Liu Hongyi felt as if a giant hammer was constantly hitting his heart, and his whole heart seemed to explode.

At this moment, he didn't even feel that a person was walking towards him, but an extremely towering and loud noise, which was constantly pressing down on him, making it difficult for him to even breathe.

"Teacher...Teacher..." Liu Hongyi, as a leader at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, could not even say a complete sentence when facing his leader. When he saw his leader walking in front of him, he was frightened. Then, he even knelt down on the ground with a thud, then banged his head heavily on the ground and shouted. "Master, I was wrong."

"It seems that there is no need to interrogate you." Master Fudong looked at Liu Hongyi coldly and said, "Do you know what your biggest mistake is? Your biggest mistake is not to deceive our great religion and take advantage of us. Use the resources of a big education to train your junior.

Resources, no longer available, can still be fought for. Your biggest mistake is to use your methods at this time.

If you do this, what will all the mortals in the world think of me? They will feel that immortals are not trustworthy, and they will wonder if there is something wrong with the disciples we recruited before!

Our entire world of immortal cultivation in Dongzhou will be questioned. In fact, you can make up for this! "

Liu Hongyi didn't dare to explain after listening to the leader's words. He just kept kowtowing to the ground and shouted: "Master, I was wrong. I will never dare to do it again."

"The future? There is no future." Master Fudong showed the murderous intention of meeting Senhan on his face, and said coldly, "You have caused such serious consequences, then you have to bear it. At the same time, we must also make all monks See the consequences of doing something that affects the reputation of our monks.

From now on, you are no longer a disciple of our Fudong Sect. "

As Master Fudong said, he suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped it towards Liu Hongyi.

"Master, I..." Although Liu Hongyi is an existence at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, Master Fudong is an existence in the True Immortal Realm. He had no chance to react at all, and before he could even finish his words, that terrifying palm was already Ranked on him.

Unparalleled power rushed straight into his body. In an instant, a silent explosion sounded, and all the internal organs in Liu Hongyi's body exploded.

All around, mortals looked at the immortal who suddenly fell, and turned their heads involuntarily, with even frightened expressions on their faces. This was the first time they had seen a murderer.

There were also many more courageous residents who cheered loudly.

"Good kill!"

"Such people should be killed!"

"We have been waiting for so many days, and we may even have this opportunity to become a monk in our lifetime, but this guy cheated at this time!"

"He deserves to die, and so does Liu Kui!"

Liu Kui saw his ancestor die with his own eyes, but his whole body collapsed to the ground with a pop. The ground under him had become completely wet at some point, and a smell of urine spread around.

However, Master Fudong didn't even look at Liu Kui. Instead, he looked at the policemen who were responsible for maintaining public security and said: "He is not a monk yet, nor is he a member of our Fudong Sect, so he will be left to you to deal with." .”

After saying that, he looked at everyone, and his eyes stayed on Cao Zhonghua's face for a moment, then flew into the void, looked at the residents of Yihe City below and said: "Everyone, Liu Hongyi is dead. He only exists individually, you can still believe in us.

If there are such cheating monks again, no matter who they are, we will definitely find and kill them all! "

With that said, he looked at the monks below and said, "I've wasted your time, please continue."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, grabbed Liu Hongyi's body in the air, and then flew away into the distance. Although he said that he had expelled Liu Hongyi from the Fudong Sect, Liu Hongyi still had a master in the Fudong Sect. Yes, he couldn't leave Liu Hongyi's body alone. He would take the body outside their Fudong Sect and let Liu Hongyi's master go out and dispose of the body.

No matter how they deal with Liu Hongyi's body, it doesn't matter. For only one day, Liu Hongyi's body is not allowed to be brought into the Fudong Sect because Liu Hongyi is no longer a member of the Fudong Sect.

With the departure of Master Fudong, major sects began to recruit disciples again.

Naturally, Cao Zhonghua did not stay among the crowd, but followed Venerable Zhu Yan to fly to the area responsible for the Baifeng Sect.

Next, although several people with talents for cultivating immortals were discovered in Yihe City, their talents were only average and they could only cultivate immortals. The Baifeng Sect did not continue to recruit people.

Slowly, more and more people were tested one by one, and the queue waiting behind them became shorter and shorter. Soon, there was a man wearing a blue silk robe, with a slender figure and looking full of elegance. , but it happened to be a man with a huge wine gourd hanging on his waist.

As before, Cao Zhonghua instilled the immortal energy into the looking glass, and suddenly a line of words that did not appear to be obvious appeared on the mirror. These words did not seem to be anything special, they were just ordinary words commonly used by the human race today. The text, the light is not strong.

"If you have the talent for cultivating immortals, you should be... a poet. However, this talent for cultivating immortals is very limited. It's okay considering that he is young, but at his age." A disciple of the Baifeng Sect shook his head gently.

"Maybe those sects will recruit him as a disciple." Venerable Zhu Yan just glanced at the other party and did not invite him to join their Baifeng Sect. Although the leader of the human race is now the leader of their Baifeng Sect, they The number of disciples that the Baifeng Sect can recruit is also limited, and the resources of the Baifeng Sect are also limited. What's more, even if the Baifeng Sect recruits this person into the Baifeng Sect, it will be difficult for the other party to keep up with the progress.

On the contrary, if the other party joins those sects that specialize in poetry, their development will be better.

She found that there was no big religion or anyone from any sect nearby who wanted to recruit him. Instead of urging him to leave, she said: "Although no one is recruiting you for the time being, don't worry, you still have the talent to cultivate immortality." , but there is no great religion or sect suitable for you now.

However, our great sects and sects are not the only ones in the wilderness, there are other great sects and sects in other cities. In the end, all our great sects and sects will visit every city. You can first register your information with the police here. When other great sects or sects come, they will directly check those who have the talent to cultivate immortality but have not been selected.

Maybe you will be chosen. After all, our Wild Frontier Road has a sect that specializes in poetry. They have not come, so the chance of you being chosen by them is still very high. "

Teacher Wang, however, gave a free and easy smile, and there was no trace of the lyrics on his face. Next to the mirage hole, there is a swollen condyle.

Cao Zhonghua didn't think much and continued the test.

Not long after, when the local looking glass shone on a little girl, a bright light appeared on the mirror. For a moment, all the light in the world seemed to be concentrated on the bronze mirror, shining brightly. The light completely covered this space.

For a moment, all the monks and residents in Yihe City looked towards this place.

"This light!"

"Top Immortal Body!"

"A second top immortal body has appeared in this big city!"

"Everyone, this should be the Immortal Body of Five Colors! It's the Immortal Body of Light!"

Cao Zhonghua looked at the little girl in front of him and the old man behind the little girl, with a look of excitement in his eyes. In the world of cultivation, it is not that there is no aptitude for cultivating immortals, and then he grows up, and finally becomes a return to the fairyland or even a true fairyland, like It was his adoptive father Chao Zizai, and his father's good friend, the mortal uncle. They all had average qualifications for cultivating immortals, but they finally became true immortals. However, there were too few examples like that. Moreover, they all need great opportunities.

However, as long as the top-level qualifications for cultivating immortals are not promised halfway, and as long as they are not led astray, their final achievements will not be low.

Nowadays, most of the true immortals in their Baifeng Sect are also top-notch immortal bodies.

If she joins the Baifeng Sect, as long as she is properly trained, maybe the Baifeng Sect will have another true fairyland being.

Beside him, Venerable Zhu Yan had already asked: "Kid, what is your name?"

The little girl looked obviously much more mature than other children of the same age. Facing Venerable Zhu Yan's question, she first bowed respectfully and then said: "Back to the Immortal, my name is Huang Mingxin. Colorful yellow, tea, and joy."

All around, monks were rushing over one after another. When they saw Venerable Zhu Yan standing next to the little girl, many of them felt their hearts skip a beat. The Baifeng Sect was already strong, and they wanted to compete with the Baifeng Sect. People are not easy to rob. This little girl was discovered by people from the Baifeng Cult. Will this little girl also join the Baifeng Cult?

Today, the three most talented people found in Yihe City, two top immortal bodies and one superior immortal body, are they all going to join the Baifeng Sect?

Seeing that Venerable Zhu Yan was about to invite the little girl, Lord Ziguang quickly said, "My little friend, how about you join our Ten Light Sect? Our Ten Light Sect is a great sect that specializes in continuing the Avenue of Light, and you It is a colorful immortal body, and the most suitable avenue for you is the avenue of light.

You, Yihe City, where you are, belong to the Desolate Frontier Dao, and there is no great sect in the Desolate Frontier Dao that can compare with our Shiguang Sect on the Avenue of Light. "

It’s just that the top immortal body was snatched away by the Hundred Peaks Sect. After all, their Ten Light Sect is not good at teaching the way of fire.

But this child is different. This child is the most suitable for their great sect. No matter what, he will bring this child into their Shiguang sect.

But when the little girl heard the sound, she shook her head, then pointed in the direction of the Baifeng Sect opposite and said, "No, I want to join the Baifeng Sect."

After the words fell, Venerable Ziguang's eyes suddenly darkened slightly. He asked unwillingly: "Why do you want to join the Baifeng Cult? You don't want to join the Baifeng Cult just because you heard others say that the Baifeng Cult is very strong.

I also admit that the Hundred Peaks Sect is very strong, but the Hundred Peaks Sect is divided into one hundred peaks. Of these hundred peaks, some are strong and some are just average.

Although the Baifeng Sect has peaks that follow the path of light, they are not light. It seems that the strongest ones on the peaks that follow the path of light are only the earthly fairyland.

Therefore, the Baifeng Sect is not actually suitable for you, but our Shiguang Sect is the most suitable sect for you! "

He has already given up. Even if he offends the Baifeng Sect, he still has to take this child back to their Shiguang Sect. Besides, he also believes that the people of the Baifeng Sect have a pattern. Several times now, the people of the Baifeng Sect are angry, but later , the people of Baifeng Sect should gradually give up. After all, the people of Baifeng Sect should also know that their Shiguang Sect is the most suitable for this girl.

Huang Mingxin shook her head again and said with a serious face: "I want to join the Baifeng Sect, not because I know that the Baifeng Sect is powerful, but because it was the people from the Baifeng Sect who saved us. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to If you are not killed by the aliens, you will starve to death or die of thirst.

Moreover, they were the ones who sent us back to Dongzhou, so I want to join the Baifeng Sect. "

"This..." Venerable Ziguang sighed in his heart. The Baifeng Sect was really lucky to save a little girl in Central Continent, and the other party was a top immortal.

However, even though he knew that the other party wanted to repay the favor by joining the Baifeng Sect, he still continued: "I know that you want to repay the favor, and we monks must repay the favor.

But there are many ways for you to repay your kindness. You don’t have to join the other party. You should choose the great religion that suits you best, so that later, when you grow up, you can still repay your kindness. "

"Venerable Ziguang, wait a moment." Venerable Zhu Yan saw that Venerable Ziguang wanted to continue speaking, and quickly interrupted, "There is something wrong with what you said. You are not a disciple of our Baifeng Sect. Why are you Can we be sure that the Way of Light in our Baifeng Sect is not strong enough? Why can’t we teach her? We can’t teach her. Could it be that we can’t go to the leader?

As long as this child joins our Baifeng Cult, our Baifeng Cult will definitely not delay her. "

Huang Mingxin heard the sound and nodded: "Thank you all for your kindness, I still want to join the Baifeng Sect."

What else could Venerable Ziguang say? He could only sigh and leave.

Huang Mingxin's talent is good, but her grandfather has no talent for cultivating immortals.

In the following time, no one with excellent talent for cultivating immortals was found in Yihe City. In fact, it is very rare to have two top-level immortal bodies in one city.

After testing everyone in the city, all the great sects and sects did not stay in the city. They quickly flew away towards the next city. Chancha?

Unknowingly, seven days have passed since a group of great sects and sects entered Yihe City to recruit disciples. Within these seven days, some sects came to Yihe City to recruit those who were not selected. Those who left were residents who had the talent to cultivate immortality.

Of course, it was only the sect that came, not any major religions.

There are also a few mortals in the city who were originally tested and had talents in cultivating immortals. However, due to various reasons, either because they were not suitable for their sect, or because they were too old, etc., they were not selected, but they were also selected to join other sects. Within the sect.

Yihe City has a tributary of the Yihe River passing through the city. The two banks of this river have become one of the most prosperous areas in Yihe City.

The river meanders like a ribbon, flowing gently. The clear river water reflects the blue sky and white clouds, glowing with faint ripples, like a mirror. The willow trees on both sides are swaying, and the slender willow branches gently brush across the water, making it poetic and picturesque. The breeze blows, and the willow branches sway gently, making a rustling sound.

Small boats were moored on the shore, and people on the riverside were bustling, shuttling through the streets.

And next to the river, there are most restaurants.

Under a large willow tree, Wang Lun was leaning next to a willow tree.

Not far away, on the second floor of the tavern, several drinkers near the window looked at Wang Lun who was lying leisurely under the tree, and started teasing him loudly.

"Teacher Wang, why are you still here? I heard that an immortal came to our Yihe City today to recruit disciples. Why don't you go and have a look?"

Wang Lun listened to the words coming from below, waved his hands lazily and said: "What kind of immortal is not an immortal? How can there be happiness that comes from drinking."

As he spoke, he raised the wine gourd in his hand high and chanted loudly: "On the banks of the Yihe Lake... the immortal called me and couldn't get on the boat, so I claimed to be the wine immortal..." His voice was full of uninhibitedness and freedom.

Before he finished his poem, a dissatisfied cold shout came from not far away in front of him.

"In that case, then stay here and be his wine fairy. Junior brother, let's go."

This voice was so confident that it could be heard clearly in everyone's ears even in the noisy Yihe Lake.

Everyone also turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Soon, three figures appeared in their sight. These three people were all dressed as scholars, but they were all wearing the same clothes, and each of them exuded waves of aura. The breath of awe, this is definitely not the breath of ordinary mortals.

"The Immortal is the Immortal who came to the city today to recruit disciples!"

"They must have heard about Wang Lun, so they came to recruit Wang Lun, but when they heard Wang Lun's poem, they were so angry that they were ready to leave!"


"Wang Lun, what are you still doing? Why don't you get up quickly and apologize to them?"

"Yes, Wang Lun, go quickly!"

Wang Lun was also startled. Was this an immortal coming to find him? However, after they heard the impromptu poem they had just composed, they did not invite me immediately, but wanted to leave. This clearly meant that they did not take a fancy to their poem.

If they don’t appreciate their own poems, then why should I follow them!

I can't do anything but grovel and beg others in order to become a monk.

Wang Lun was still lying there without moving.

In the distance, the monk who had just spoken did not leave immediately after he finished speaking. Instead, he slowly turned around. What he just said was meant to be heard by Wang Lun. He came to the city and stood in the city. After knowing that there was a person like Wang Lun, he did not come to see him immediately. Instead, he inquired about Wang Lun and learned about the poems Wang Lun had written before.

Then, both he and his two junior brothers were instantly shocked. There were too few people in the world of immortality who followed the path of poetry. Generally speaking, they would recruit people who were good at poetry and talented in cultivating immortals into the sect.

As for Wang Lun's age, that's not a problem.

It is difficult for those children to compose any poems, and those who can show their talent for poetry must be of a certain age.

However, he felt that Wang Lun was a little arrogant, so he wanted to give Wang Lun a show of strength first. In this way, after Wang Lun entered the sect, he would manage Wang Lun in a harmonious manner. In fact, this would also be good for Wang Lun. Too arrogant It's not good.

However, he turned around completely and even took a few steps back, but Wang Lun's voice had not yet sounded.

What's happening here?

That Wang Lun is not really what he said. The immortals are coming to find him, and he really won't get on the flying boat!

Just when he was hesitating whether to turn around and say a few more words, he came face to face with a handsome man. The man didn't look like anything special, but the people beside him looked really weird.

Among these people, there was a man who was jumping around with a cane without two legs, a man who had both legs but only one arm left, and a middle-aged man who was obviously blind. A dirty little girl, and a woman who clearly looks young but has gray hair...

In short, the people following him were either disabled or the elderly and children. Anyway, none of them seemed normal, so it was difficult not to notice him.

As the young man walked forward, he clapped his hands and said, "The immortal calls me to get on the boat, so I claim that I am the Immortal in Wine. Good poem, good poem. Are you willing to join the Baifeng Sect?"

"Baifeng Cult?"

In the surrounding area, everyone has experienced several major sects and sects coming to the city to recruit people, and they have learned a lot about the world of immortal cultivation in Dongzhou. As for the Baifeng Sect, everyone has become familiar with it.

Suddenly hearing the words "Baifeng Sect", everyone's eyes fell on the strange man, and many people looked puzzled.

"Baifeng Cult? Who doesn't want to join Baifeng Cult?"

"Yes, but can you join the Baifeng Sect just by saying you want to join?"

"How is it possible to join the Baifeng Sect? It's not like the people from the Baifeng Sect were not there before. It seems that the monks from the Baifeng Sect were the ones who tested Wang Lun's talent in cultivating immortals. They didn't accept Wang Lun either."

"Young man, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm afraid this young man is a liar."

"He must be a liar. He dares to pretend to be an immortal. Go and report him to the police."

"You don't have to look for a catcher, aren't there immortals here?"

The three monks who had spoken before frowned, and the leader quickly stepped forward, stopped in front of the young man opposite, and said coldly: "It is a serious crime to pretend to be a great cultivator. "

There is no way that the person in front of him is a member of the Baifeng Sect, and the tone of the other person's words just now clearly meant that he was pretending to be a member of the Baifeng Sect.

Xiang Ziyu stared blankly at the people in front of him, pointed at himself speechlessly and said: "I'm pretending to be a member of the Baifeng Sect? Do I need to pretend? I am a member of the Baifeng Sect. How can you tell that I'm not a Baifeng Sect? Someone from the Peak Cult?"

"You are a member of the Baifeng Sect, why don't you wear the uniform of the Baifeng Sect!" The leader on the opposite side said with disdain, "And the second point is that the Baifeng Sect has already been to Yihe City, and they have even I won’t send anyone to Yihe City again, and even if I send someone to Yihe City, I won’t just send one person.”

"I see, but the problem is, I wasn't sent here by others. I wanted to come to Yihe City on my own, right?" Xiang Ziyu smiled softly and walked forward.

"Stop." The monk on the opposite side dodged again and reached out to grab it.

But the next moment, when his hand completely fell, he grabbed someone's air, and the person in front of him pretending to be from the Baifeng Cult appeared under the willow tree and in front of Wang Lun.

Did he hide?

And not only did he hide away, he was so fast that he didn't even see it clearly, and he appeared under the willow tree in an instant.

He is already in the golden elixir stage and can be so fast that he can't even see clearly. What level of cultivation is he at?


Why would a person from the Earthly Immortal Realm appear alone in Yihe City and pretend to be a member of the Baifeng Sect?

His expression instantly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist, who are you and why are you pretending to be a member of the Baifeng Sect!"

His voice was loud and spread far away. If the other party was really a monk in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he would definitely not be his opponent.

Fortunately, they are not the only ones who came to Yihe City to recruit disciples today. There is also a master of the Earthly Immortal Realm in Yihe City today, Wanshou Immortal!

His words were passed on to Immortal Wanshou.

As his words spread, soon, several figures flew quickly in the void, and at the front of them, there was a bright light, like a meteor that cut through the sky, and fell beside him in an instant.

This man was wearing a gorgeous robe with silver patterns embroidered on it. His face was handsome, with flowing black hair and a trace of majesty hidden between his brows. His whole body was filled with a heart-stopping aura. .

Wanshou Immortal!

This person is in the late stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Unless this person is at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, Immortal Wanshou is enough to defeat him.

As for the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, where can there be so many peaks of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

Wan Shou Immortal flew down and immediately asked: "Who is pretending to be a monk from Baifeng Sect? Is it him?"

His eyes immediately fell on the young monk opposite. At first glance, he was stunned. He had seen this face before.

It is not the person who has seen the other person, but the person who has seen the other person. The shadow of the other party is the shadow of the other party when he has enlightenment.

Moreover, this person attained enlightenment together with two beings in the Half-Step Golden Immortal Realm, and even his light of enlightenment was no weaker than that of the two Half-Step Golden Immortals.

He also arrived at the right time and found out the identity of the other party. He was a disciple of the leader of the Baifeng Sect, a person at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, and Xiang Ziyu, the elder of the Baifeng Sect.

Whoever pretends to be a monk from the Baifeng Sect is clearly a monk from the Baifeng Sect.

After Immortal Wanshou saw the other party's appearance clearly, he quickly took a step back, arched his hands and saluted, "I have met Elder Xiang."

Xiang Ziyu was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Have you seen me?"

"This is the first time I have seen Elder Xiang, but I have seen the light of Elder Xiang's enlightenment before."

Immortal Wanshou said, turning to look at the stunned people on the side and said: "What are you still doing? This is the elder of the Baifeng Sect, Elder Xiang, who is at the pinnacle of the true immortal realm."


The monk who just spoke was stunned.

The elder of Baifeng Sect?

The existence of the pinnacle of true fairyland!

The other party is really someone from Baifeng’s teaching!

Moreover, he was such a powerful being, and he himself was questioning him just now!

After staying for a while, he quickly admitted his mistake.

"Disciple is blind and didn't know it was Elder Xiang. Disciple is offended..." As he said this, he was about to kneel down, but a soft force had already come from all around, holding him up.

"No offense, it's okay, just do whatever you should do."

Xiang Ziyu said, walking towards Wang Lun under the willow tree.

Wang Lun had already stood up from under the willow tree. He had heard it very clearly just now. He really thought he was an elder of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and he was also a person at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. Now he also knows that the strongest one in their human race is the Golden Immortal Realm. Below the Golden Fairyland is the True Fairyland.

This elder of the Baifeng Sect is second only to the existence of the Golden Fairy Realm! How could he still be lying under the tree, especially what the other person said before.

He didn't wait for Xiang Ziyu to speak, and said directly: "Do you want to invite me to join the Baifeng Sect? Okay, I'll go ahead and appreciate my poems. You are a person who understands poetry, so I agreed. "

"Very good. You have made the wisest choice. So, come with me now. Let's go to other big cities to see if there are any forgotten geniuses. By the way..."

Xiang Ziyu suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked at everyone and asked: "Are there any people in your city who were originally very talented, but then overnight, they disappeared from everyone, and even became trash in the eyes of others? Growing a boy?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment when they heard the sound, and then they all shook their heads and said, "No."

"I've never heard of such a person."

Xiang Ziyu shook his head in disappointment and said to himself: "It seems that there is no genius left."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed, and a flying boat appeared in the void. Then he took Wang Lun and those who followed him and flew into the flying boat. In the blink of an eye, the flying boat disappeared from everyone's sight. middle.

Below, both the monks and the mortals here were stunned.

"What's happening here?"

"He came here just to take Wang Lun away?"

"Is he, a person at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, directly here to recruit disciples?"

Because the scope of recruiting disciples this time expanded to the entire Wilderness Road, even though Cao Zhen sent a large number of disciples, it still took a month for everyone to return.

And this time they brought back many more disciples than before.

After all, there are more people from Central Continent this time.

In the Baifeng Sect's meeting hall, Nie Jie reported to Cao Zhenhui on the disciples they had recruited this time.

"Leader, this time, we have recruited a total of three top immortal body disciples. In addition, there are five superior immortal bodies..."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "With so many disciples suddenly added, will the Taoist Academy be enough?"

"The Taoist Academy is indeed not enough." Nie Jie said and suggested, "Master, I was just about to ask you about this matter.

You will also know that this time, most of the disciples we recruited are from Central Continent, and many of them are already very old.

We previously required that all newly recruited disciples must enter the Taoist Academy to study because they are still young and have immature minds.

But this time, many of the disciples we recruited have even passed their thirties, and it is not appropriate for them to enter the Taoist Academy.

So I think we might as well let those disciples who are about to leave the Taoist Academy leave the Taoist Academy in advance. In fact, this time is not that long, it is just three months earlier.

Then among the new disciples we have accepted, all the disciples over fourteen years old do not need to look at those who have entered the Taoist Academy. They will be directly allowed to enter the peaks together with the disciples who left the Taoist Academy early.

In this way, the Taoist Academy is naturally enough, and it will have no impact on them.

What do you think, leader? "

Cao Zhen thought for a moment and whispered: "Fourteen is still too early. Let's do this. Anyone over the age of sixteen does not need to enter the Taoist Academy."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

Nie Jie quickly conveyed Cao Zhen's meaning. For a while, the Hundred Peaks Sect became busy again, and the peak masters of each peak took action one after another. The main targets were the three top immortal bodies and the Hundred Peaks. There is already a top immortal body in the sect.

Those who were unable to recruit top immortal bodies began to recruit other immortal bodies or monks with better talents.

However, as each peak recruited almost everyone away, an embarrassing situation arose. There was a group of people that no one was able to recruit.

Xiang Ziyu went to various big cities alone and brought back ten people, but none of these ten people were recruited by people from other peaks.

"You have no vision, you really have no vision. These are all top-notch talented people, and they will at least be able to become true fairyland existences in the future. None of you have accepted them. As expected, only I, as the protagonist, can discover their talent!"

Xiang Ziyu looked at the ten geniuses he had chosen and asked, "Are you willing to join our Four Treasures Peak?"

They were originally disciples that no one wanted. It was because of Xiang Ziyu that they were able to cultivate immortality and join the Hundred Peaks Sect.

Now that they heard that Xiang Ziyu wanted them to join the Four Treasures Peak where the leader was, they all hesitated and nodded: "We are willing to join the Four Treasures Peak."

"We are naturally willing to join, but the peak leader of the Four Treasures Peak seems to be the leader. Do we still need to get the leader's consent for this matter?"

"Yeah, if the leader doesn't agree, forget it."

Although they wanted to join the Four Treasures Peak, they did not want to embarrass Xiang Ziyu.

"What's the problem? I'm the third disciple of the Four Treasures Peak. Why don't I accept a few disciples? From now on, you will be the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak."

Not long after Baifeng Sect and other sects had arranged for new disciples to join.

In the void of Dongzhou, the situation suddenly changed, and the whole world suddenly became dark. The darkness lasted for about half a stick of incense. Suddenly, a colorful light shot out, cutting through the darkness, and dyeing the whole world incomparably. Brilliant.

And in the void of the entire human world, a huge figure emerged.

"Immortal Painting Immortal, she is about to break through to the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"Xian Hua Xianjun was the first to go to Clan Chief Cao!"

"Our human race is going to add another person from the Golden Immortal Realm?"

For a time, the human monks became excited again.

In Central Continent, all the alien monks looked at the void in the distant East Continent with different expressions.

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