Cao Zhen has been pretending to be a reincarnated power, but the problem is that he cannot admit that he is the reincarnated power of that era. If he is not afraid of revealing his secret, what is he afraid of after having access to so many masters of that era?

The main thing is that he doesn't know where the people of that era have gone, but in front of him, the ancestor of the fox demon clan may know. If he is a person of that era, how can he ask people?

"I think you misunderstood." Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "I am not a person of that era, I just received the inheritance of that era."

What he said was not wrong, he indeed received those inheritances.

The ancestor of the fox demon clan was slightly stunned when he heard the sound, and then nodded slightly, which was normal.

After Cao Zhen paused for a moment, he asked: "I don't know, how much do you know about that era? I just know the inheritance of that era and many things that happened in that era, but in the end, that era I don’t know what happened in that era, let alone why that era disappeared.”

"I only know part of it." The ancestor of the demon clan slowly said, "There was another era before that era, which was called the era of the demon clan.

Of course, those monsters are different from our current monsters. They can be said to be the earliest ancestors of our monsters and beasts. At that time, the way of heaven was the [heaven] of the demon clan. "

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, he already knew the existence of [Heaven].

"The way of heaven exists forever, but [Heaven] does not exist for a long time. After [Heaven] becomes the way of heaven, it can also be driven off the throne of heaven. They called it defeating the sky at that time!

Later, the human race completed the defeat of the sky and drove the demon clan's "Heaven" from the throne of heaven, and the human race's "heaven" became the new heaven. After that, the human race became more and more powerful and became the world of this side. The only powerful clan!

As for how the human race disappeared after that, I don’t know. It seems that there was a problem with the [sky] of the human race. It seemed that the [sky] was broken. After that, the human race magically disappeared, and your human race also disappeared together. 【sky】! "

The ancestor of the Fox Clan said, paused slightly, and then continued: "Actually, the masters of your human race have been looking for your [Heaven]. However, the masters of our various races cannot enter the vast world of your human race. , also because your [Heaven] is not there and you cannot withstand stronger masters.

The Golden Fairyland is already the limit that your world can carry. If you exceed the Golden Fairyland and enter the human world, you will inevitably be suppressed by the law of heaven.

So if you break through to the Golden Fairyland, if you haven't found your [Heaven] yet, you can come and live in the vast world of our demon clan. "

Cao Zhen finally understood why the Grand Master had not appeared in the world of the human race for so long, and finally understood why the strongest tribes only sent out masters from the Golden Fairyland when they attacked the four continents of the human race.

It turns out that the vast world of the human race cannot support stronger masters.

But he still didn't know where Lao Zhang, Taoist Lu Ya, and Sanxiao, the former masters of the human race, had gone.

Cao Zhen sighed in his heart and asked, "So, why did you come to see me?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I know that you are the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian, but you have displayed too many abilities, so I am very curious about which era you were reincarnated from and why you know so much.

Now I know that you have the inheritance of that era, and all those things are explained. "The ancestor of the fox demon clan waved his hand and said, "Okay, I just want to see you, and I don't have anything to do with you. On the contrary, the leader of our demon clan is looking for your help. "

Cao Zhen asked with curiosity on his face: "The leader of the demon clan? What does he want from me?"

"You humans, especially in Dongzhou, have seen too many Golden Fairy Realms in this period of time. Although we, the Monster Race, are in alliance with you Human Race, seeing the speed at which your Golden Fairy Realms are born, we Monster Race are also worried, and we are even more afraid of you Human Race. One day, he became a clan that was as scary as the Celestial Clan, or even more terrifying than the Celestial Clan.

No matter how much you promise that the human race and our demon race are of one mind, we are still worried, unless our strength is enough to stop you.

The monks in other cultivation realms have not changed much for all races, unless they are monks in the Golden Fairy Realm.

Therefore, we, the demon clan, hope that you can help our half-step golden immortals and give them guidance so that they can also break through and enter the golden immortal realm.

In fact, this is a good thing, right? You humans have a limited number of Half-Step Golden Immortals, and you can only help so many Half-Step Golden Immortals, but there are still Half-Step Golden Immortals in our Demon Clan.

If the number of Half-Step Golden Immortals from our Demon Clan skyrockets like your Human Clan, then we will probably win the election of alliance leader instead of the Celestial Clan and the others. "

Cao Zhen frowned tightly when he heard this. He could teach the monks in Dongzhou, or he could help the monks in the entire human race. After all, they were his own race, and he was now in the True Immortal Realm. The scope of his prosperous age was the entire Dongzhou, etc. After entering the Golden Fairyland, the scope of his prosperous age should be the entire human world.

But the problem is, even if these aliens form an alliance with themselves, even if they marry Ju'e, they are not of the same mind as themselves.

There seems to be no benefit from helping them. How can his prosperity cover their position?

No, it doesn’t seem impossible.

After you break through to Da Luo Jinxian, or directly break through to Jinxian, and become a saint, the scope of your prosperous age will inevitably expand again.

It's bigger than the human world. Isn't that the world he is in now? The demon clan also belongs to this world, so it can really be useful, but the question is, how long will it take?

However, if they don't help each other, the demon clan will definitely have objections, and their alliance may have cracks.

Moreover, if what the Celestial Clan said is true, then it is necessary for him to improve the power of this world.

After Cao Zhen thought for a moment, he nodded and said: "I can help them, but as you know, the skills of the human race and the demon race are different, so I can't give guidance to all the monks like I can help the human race. .”

"This is natural." The ancestor of the fox demon nodded slightly.

Cao Zhen continued: "In addition, there is another point. When I help our human race, they also pay a price. You can find out the specific price, so when I help the monster race, they must also pay enough." Only treasures will do.”

He helped the human race by asking the leaders of the great religions to give him resources, and he would then put them into the human race's treasure house.

But these monsters are different. His prosperity has not yet extended to the entire human race. Now, he is not interested in acquiring the treasure house of the entire world. Besides, the other party is definitely not a human race. He naturally chooses to get those treasures himself.

The ancestor of the fox demon nodded with understanding and said: "Just tell them what you want specifically. If it cannot be satisfied, then there is no need to give them instructions. Okay, I am a little tired, you can go and do your work first."

The ancestor of the fox demon didn't know whether he was really tired or something else, so he quickly issued an eviction order.

Not long after Cao Zhen and Ju'e arrived at the Holy Land of the Fox Clan, they returned to Central Continent, the area occupied by the Monster Clan.

At the same time, Ju'e even spread the news that the half-step golden immortal who wants to break through and enter the true fairyland can now come to Cao Zhen.

All of a sudden, all the half-step golden immortal masters of the demon clan flew towards the city of the fox demon clan.

Cao Zhen finally knew why the Monster Clan was known as the second largest clan after the Celestial Clan. The Celestial Clan had too many masters. In just one day, more than 300 Monster Clan had gathered in front of him. The half-step golden fairyland master!

He is from the human race, not the demon race, and what he comes to this time is definitely not the half-step golden fairyland owned by the demon race, and it can be seen that these flying half-step golden immortals are already very old.

Those younger demon tribes probably thought that they could break through on their own, so they didn't come. If all the half-step golden immortals from the demon tribe flew over, how much would it cost!

Cao Zhen looked at the half-step golden immortals of the demon clan, and once again said what he said to the ancestor of the fox demon clan: "Besides, there is one more thing, I will help our human race They also paid the price, so if I help you, you must also pay enough treasures."

"Master Baifeng, what treasures and resources do you need?"

"Yes, Consort Cao, just tell me what you need."

"If I can break through and enter the Golden Fairyland, what if I spend resources?"

The half-step golden immortals of the demon clan around them didn't have any doubts. If others wanted to guide them to become golden immortals, how could they not take advantage of it!

"Okay, let me tell you. First of all, I need Demonic Shadow Vine, Magic Light Flower, Purple Cloud Grass..." Cao Zhen named a bunch of medicinal materials. Almost all of his disciples had broken through to the True Immortal Realm. He also has to prepare for his disciples to enter the Golden Fairyland.

Yisheng and Zhu Peng don't care, but because Lingxi and Yan Yourong have ancient immortal bodies, they won't be able to break through without refining elixirs for them, especially Xiang Ziyu who is already at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. , he also needs to prepare early.

This was also the last time he refined the elixir for them to deceive heaven.

In fact, the Daluo Golden Immortal and the Golden Immortal Realm are still in the same realm of cultivation, so as long as Xiang Ziyu and others enter the Golden Immortal Realm and practice well, they can become the Daluo Golden Immortal.

But if he becomes a saint, he doesn't know what kind of elixir he can refine to deceive the way of heaven.

Around, many demon clans frowned when they heard the sound, "I have the Demonic Shadow Vine, but I haven't even heard the name of the Magic Light Flower."

"I have the Magic Light Flower, I wonder how many do you want, Master Cao?"

They also called Cao Zhen in various ways, some called him the leader, and some even directly called him the consort. After all, Ju'e was the princess of the fox demon clan, so Cao Zhen could naturally be called the consort.

Cao Zhen thought for a moment and whispered: "I need ten phantom flowers, besides..."

He stated the quantity of medicinal materials he needed, paused slightly, and then reported the names of a list of materials. In addition to refining elixirs for his disciples, he also needed a large amount of resources to do many things.

He needs to rearrange the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect. In addition, he still has his heretic golden elixir, which he has not refined. After breaking through and entering the Golden Fairyland, he will also need to refine the heretic golden elixir again.

And the magic weapons of his disciples also need to be updated.

As for the remaining materials, they naturally require various fairy minerals. Eating them will also increase his physical strength.

After Cao Zhen finished talking about the materials, he looked at the monsters in front of him and reminded: "Don't rush to prepare the materials. After all, you are monsters, and I can't guarantee to help each of you improve.

You first talk about the path you are taking, and we will take our time. If I can't help you, you don't have to look for the materials. "

It's really his fault that the demon clan can't help him. After all, the path that many demon clans follow is unique to their clan.

However, after these monsters each told their own path, he found that there were quite a few monsters that he could help. The monsters also knew the way of painting, calligraphy, and music, and even followed these paths. There are quite a few of them, and he can naturally help those who are like Poison Dao.

After looking around, he had actually minimized the number of monsters he could give guidance to. There were some that he might be able to help, or that might not be able to be helped. He always directly said that he couldn't help, but even so, there were still a hundred in the end. The remaining half-step golden immortals from the demon clan stood in front of him.

When he gave instructions to the human race, he first pointed out the half-step golden immortals of the human race, and then asked them to pay the bill.

But these demon clans are different. Who knows whether these demon clans will default on their debts, so he collects the money first and then gives guidance. Whoever comes up with enough resources first will be the one he gives guidance to first.

At the same time, he also discovered that the understanding of these monsters is really very high. At the same time, these monsters have lived for an unknown number of years. Some monsters have an epiphany with just a little guidance. After the enlightenment, it takes less than a month. In time, the enlightened demon clan will definitely break through and then experience a catastrophe.

Even some monsters didn't have an epiphany, but after he pointed out the way, they achieved a breakthrough in three months.

As the demon clans began to break through one after another, for a while, the monks from other clans in the human world began to become unable to sit still.

"How come the demon clan has so many breakthroughs in the Golden Immortal Realm?"

"In the past half year or so, nearly twenty Golden Fairyland breakthroughs have occurred!"

"Why are these monsters the same as humans?"

"Cao Zhen, it must be that Cao Zhen. I heard the news before that Cao Zhen entered the Demon Clan, and then there were half-step golden immortals in the Demon Clan who broke through one after another. Who will believe it if they are not related! "

"But the key point is that the demon clan is not a human clan. This is not a clan. Can Cao Zhen give some advice?"

"Cao Zhen is crazy. They are now in alliance with the demon clan, but he is not afraid. When will the demon clan turn against them and become the enemy of their human race?"

"I can't understand it at all. The Monster Clan is second only to the Celestial Clan. Isn't Cao Zhen afraid that after the Celestial Clan becomes more powerful, the living space of their human race will become smaller?"

The monks from the Evil Clan and the Celestial Clan became nervous.

The monks from the Monster Tribe, the Beast Tribe, and the Hell Tribe became excited.

"It must be because Cao Zhen of the human race, Linfeng Immortal Lord, is in the demon race now. She saw with her own eyes that Cao Zhen gave guidance to those monks of the demon race."

"Cao Zhen is in alliance with the Monster Clan, but similarly, we are also in alliance with the Human Race. There is Cao Zhen's wife among the Monster Clan, but don't we, the Prison Clan, have one? Tell Linfeng Immortal Lord, wait until Cao Zhen finishes giving instructions to the Monster Clan The monks, please immediately send Cao Zhen to our prison clan and ask Cao Zhenyue to help guide our prison clan’s Half-Step Golden Immortal Realm people!”

"We, the Taoist companions of the Beast Tribe, tell Immortal Yao Rabbit that we must bring Cao Zhen back to the Beast Tribe."

It took Cao Zhen a year to teach the half-step Golden Immortal masters of these monster clans. Before he could rest, the cold voice of Linfeng Immortal Lord rang out: "Let's go to the Prison Clan. Let's go to the Prison Clan." The half-step Golden Immortal masters of the tribe are already waiting."

Before Cao Zhen could speak, Ju'e was already unhappy: "When Cao Zhen comes this time, he will discuss with the senior leaders of our demon clan about his and my Taoist couple's ceremony. We haven't discussed the Taoist couple's ceremony yet. You Just let them go?"

"I want to conduct the Taoist Companion Ceremony with him. He has been in your monster clan for a year. If you don't discuss the Taoist Companion Ceremony with him for such a long time, who can you blame?" Linfeng Immortal Lord said Still as cold as ever.

Cao Zhen finally left with Linfeng Immortal Lord and the others. After all, he had already helped the Demon Clan, and the Prison Clan was also their ally. It just couldn't be justified in helping the Demon Clan but not the Prison Clan.

Compared to the Monster Clan, the Hell Clan has far fewer Half-Step Golden Immortals. The Hell Clan’s Half-Step Golden Immortals who appeared in front of him were even fewer than the Human Clan’s Half-Step Golden Immortals, exactly one hundred. .

Among the hundred half-step golden immortals, he could help even fewer, only twenty-five.

He stayed with the Monster Clan for a year, but with the Prison Clan, he only stayed for three months.

However, unlike the human race, whether it was the demon race or the prison race, even though they were well prepared and took out a large amount of treasures and elixirs, many of their monks still died under the catastrophe.

Cao Zhen roughly calculated that about a quarter of the monks from the two clans died during the tribulation.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon, like that of the human race, it is absolutely abnormal.

And he didn't know why it was so much easier for the human race to overcome the tribulation.

It doesn't seem to be a gap from the Heavenly Tribulation, but the human race can succeed.

After staying in the Hell Clan for three months, he was dragged to the territory of the Orc Clan.

He has helped both the demon clan and the beast clan. There is no way not to help the beast clan.

Ordinarily, the Beast Clan is much stronger than the Hell Clan, and there should be quite a few Half-Step Golden Immortal Realm masters gathered by the Beast Clan. However, in front of him, there are only about twenty Beast Clan.

The Orcs are different from other tribes. The Orcs have more of a wild aura. Like the Monsters, they actually rely on various spells to fight.

But the Orcs are different. The Orcs rely more on the strength of their physical bodies and their instincts, so the paths taken by the monks of the Orcs are also related to themselves.

They also knew that Cao Zhen helped the Demon Clan and the Prison Clan, but they really didn't think Cao Zhen could help them much.

The twenty orcs in front of them really had no choice, they really couldn't find a way forward, and they were even approaching the end of their life span, so they gathered here to ask Cao Zhen for help.

But when Cao Zhen looked at them one by one, the orcs were surprised to find that Cao Zhen could really help them!

Cao Zhen actually understands the ways of the beast tribe!

Among the beasts, one was completely black. Although it walked upright on two hooves, it looked nothing like a human being. In fact, it was a bull beast that could walk upright.

But it was him, listening to the Tao taught by Cao Zhen, that rays of light suddenly shot up into the sky from behind.

In the void, phantoms of cows appeared one after another, and there was even a phantom of a cow beast that none of the beasts here had ever seen before.

At this time, the surrounding orcs did not care about the phantom of the bull beast. What they cared about was enlightenment!

"Is this really Qianben Immortal Lord?

"He can still have an epiphany?"

"He is the stupidest among us. If he hadn't been lucky, he wouldn't have become a half-step golden immortal!"

"He can have an epiphany, let alone us."

"The leader of Baifeng is really a strange person in the world, he can actually make Immortal Qianben realize his enlightenment!"

"Now I finally know why there are so many half-step golden immortals in the human race who have become golden immortals."

"No, I now feel that the number of human beings who have become golden immortals is a bit small. Even Qianben Immortal Lord has been able to achieve enlightenment. Those human beings, with the help of Baifeng Cult Leader, cannot achieve enlightenment. That's forgivable!?

"Flying Leopard Immortal Lord, don't talk so full of words. If you can't realize it after a while, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?"

"How is it possible? Qian Ben can have an epiphany, how is it possible that I can't have an epiphany?" Immortal Fei Bao waved his paws and whispered, "No, I have to inform Immortal Island Turtle and Immortal Crocodile Tears quickly."

"You don't need to inform them. Those who haven't come will definitely fly over as soon as they see Qian Ben breaking through."

In the past year or so, in the vast world of the human race, the monks of all races could not remember how many times they had seen the half-step golden immortal monks achieve enlightenment. But when they saw the golden light of enlightenment reappearing in the void again, each and every one of them was still the same. He raised his head involuntarily and looked into the void.

In the area controlled by the evil tribe, the evil monks were talking in low voices while looking at the light of enlightenment in the void.

"Is that...the orc monks have an epiphany?"

"Orc monks rarely have enlightenment!"

"Qianben Immortal Lord, can he also have an epiphany?"

"By the way, I heard that Cao Zhen of the human race seems to have just left the Hell Clan and entered the Beast Clan. Do you think it is possible that Cao Zhen of the human race gave Immortal Qianben an epiphany?"

As soon as a villain finished speaking, several other villains shook their heads.

"How can it be!"

"You also said that Cao Zhen has just arrived at the Beast Clan. How could he achieve enlightenment for a Half-Step Golden Immortal in such a short period of time?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's possible. I can understand that Cao Zhen can make the monks of the Monster Clan and the Hell Clan realize their dreams. After all, the Monster Clan and the Human Race are so similar, and the Hell Clan, they are also similar to the Hell Clan in some aspects. The human race is very similar. Like the human race and us, they practice all kinds of magic and follow various magic avenues.

But the Orcs? The avenues taken by the orcs are their instincts, and they are the avenues passed down from their own clan. Even if Cao Zhen helps them, he can at most help some monks who take the path of swordsmanship. After all, Cao Zhen is proficient in swordsmanship, but we all know it.

But look who is enlightened now? Immortal Lord Qianben, that is not the path of swordsmanship. "

The evil tribe who just spoke was really dissatisfied and said: "However, everyone has seen that Cao Zhen helped the demon tribe and the prison tribe before. As an ally of the human tribe, Cao Zhen has no reason not to help the beast tribe. Moreover, Cao Zhen has just arrived at the beast tribe. Clan, there is a Half-Step Golden Immortal in the Beast Clan who has an epiphany, don’t you think this is too coincidental?”

"Maybe it's a coincidence."

"According to your opinion, the human race and the Zerg tribe have also formed an alliance, so does Cao Zhen still want to help the Zerg tribe's mother worm achieve enlightenment? Then how can he help?"

"Haha, is he helping the female worm achieve enlightenment? Or is he helping the female worm deliver the baby?"

"Even if Cao Zhen really wants to help the Orcs, it is impossible for Cao Zhen to choose Qianben Immortal Lord. He should first choose to point out those half-step Immortal Lords with better talents!"

The area controlled by the Orcs is actually not too small. After all, the Orcs have a large number and have an advantage when grabbing territory.

Not long after, half-step golden immortals from the beast tribe flew over one after another.

At this time, Cao Zhen was already looking at the other orcs. For these orcs, he actually didn't have much to offer.

He was able to point out Qianben Immortal Lord because Qianben Immortal Lord was an ox beast, somewhat similar to Bi Tie.

Although Bi Tie is a demon clan, he is more like the beast clan today, at least he looks more like the beast clan.

He also feels it now. Today's Monster Clan and Beast Clan are all separated from the original Monster Clan. Because he has been connected to the Iron Clan, he can give guidance to the Benniu Immortal Lord.

In addition, because of the Kunpeng he had connected to.

Cao Zhen turned his head and scanned the surrounding beasts. Finally, his eyes fell on a huge Kun beast.

His back is covered with a thick layer of scales, and the dark blue light exudes a mysterious and charming luster under the sunlight, like stars shining in the night sky.

In fact, these scales followed the movements of this giant Kun beast and made a low clicking sound when rubbed gently.

The most special thing about him is that he has a pair of silver-white translucent wings on both sides of his body. Even if he stays in the void and does not move, his wings are also vibrating gently, seeming to be maintaining The balance of his huge body.

Every time the wings flap, they leave an obvious trace in the air, and every swing creates a stream of air.

"Kun beast? It just so happens that I have your way here. Are you willing to learn it?"

The Kun beast on the opposite side heard the sound and immediately nodded.

All around, the other orcs showed envy.

Soon, Cao Zhen taught the Kun way of the demon master Kunpeng to this Kun beast. As for the way of Peng, there is another Peng beast here, which can just teach the way of Peng.

However, Kunpeng was just an alien beast after all, and he just took it apart and passed it on to two different alien beasts. At the same time, the demon master Kunpeng had mistaken it more for a demon than a beast.

Therefore, neither the Kun beast nor the Peng beast had an epiphany.

For the rest, there are two orcs practicing poisonous gas around here, and he can also give them advice.

The orcs all around looked at Cao Zhen's guidance. Although they did not have an epiphany, they clearly looked like they had been taught and had already found their way forward. The four tribesmen looked at Cao Zhen expectantly. Vibrate.

Cao Zhen faced the expectant gazes of the orcs, shook his head slightly and said, "I can only teach five of them, and I can't teach the rest."

It's not that he really discriminates against these orcs, nor does he want to teach them, it's mainly because he really can't teach them.

This is the beast tribe!

We can't expect that there are monks among the beast tribe who are good at music, calligraphy, painting or even poetry.

These orcs are more about developing their bodies, and he has never been connected to any leopard beasts or lion beasts, how can he teach them.

For a moment, all the orcs were stunned.

"Is this the end?"

"Can't you give us any more advice?"

"Why can you give some advice to Immortal Qianben and the others?"

"We came all this way, but we couldn't get any guidance."

Cao Zhen looked at the orcs who were either angry or disappointed, sighed in his heart, and said again: "I really can't give guidance to any of you monks alone, but I also have some things that I want to discuss with you. One discussion.”

As he spoke, he paused slightly and said in a deep voice: "I found that most of you monks are following the path of tracing back to ancient times. You even want to make your bodies become your ancestors from the ancient times. look like.

Even though your records have blurred what your ancestors looked like, you are constantly trying to stimulate your bloodline and regain the appearance of your ancestors.

However, have you ever thought that this is not actually the right path for you? "

As soon as he finished speaking, among the beasts, a wolf beast that was more than a foot long and had extremely white hair said: "How could it be wrong? The blood of our ancestors is purer and naturally more powerful. We What’s wrong with pursuing the power of our ancestors?”

"Yes, the blood of your ancestors is indeed purer, but have you ever thought about why we must pursue the past as the times are developing and moving forward.

What's more, the bloodline from the past may not be suitable for you. There is something called the theory of evolution. I wonder if you have heard of it? "

After Cao Zhen finished speaking, he looked at the confused orcs, thought for a moment, and started to explain.

"You are beasts, and whether you admit it or not, you all have some similarities with those alien beasts.

As for those alien beasts, their appearance has not remained unchanged over the long river of time. They are gradually changing and adapting to this side of the world.

For example, those leopards were originally larger, but they were larger and more powerful, but their speed was too slow. They could not catch prey and would starve to death without prey. To adapt to this environment, they must become Faster.

For another example, if you encounter those extremely cold eras, the fur of all the strange beasts will become thicker. If it is impossible to thicken their fur, they will not be able to survive in the cold weather.

This process of adapting to the environment is evolution.

Evolution enables species to adapt to changing environments, thereby enhancing their ability to survive and reproduce. "

Cao Zhen said, seeing that the beasts in front of him didn't seem to understand very well. After thinking about it, he continued: "Another example is your ancestors. In fact, they are also constantly evolving, and the power they pass on to their descendants is also evolving. In order to make you more adaptable to the new era.

If you don't evolve, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

Your strength is actually more adaptable to the new era. Everything in the world is constantly evolving and adapting.

So why do you have to pursue the past instead of trying to adapt more to this era?

Like a fish.

If there is enough sea water, they are not in any danger, but what if there is less sea water? so what?

They can only go to land and ignore the feedback?

The same principle is also applicable among monks, not just your beast race, but all races.

For example, our human race, our race's strongest talent for cultivating immortals was the ancient immortal body. However, later the ancient immortal body was affected by the way of heaven and was almost unable to break through.

Then, the human race has inherited it from generation to generation, and they are also trying to avoid the ancient immortal body. If all human races want to pursue their ancestors and become ancient immortal bodies, then how many monks can there be in the human race? Can monks with higher cultivation levels be born?

Therefore, your development direction is wrong. You cannot blindly pursue traceability and the power of your ancestors. Instead, you should evolve and constantly adapt to the new era..."

Cao Zhen combined his own understanding and gave this kind of beast race other theories of evolution. He didn't know how many of these beast races understood it. However, so many beast races must understand it and agree with it. his.

He has done everything he can do. How many of the remaining orcs can break through and become golden immortals depends on their own understanding and choices.

Now that he had finished all three clans, he thought he could take a rest.

However, before he could leave the territory of the beast tribe, two soldier insects that were as big as dragonflies but as big as eagles flew in front of him.

"What? You Zerg invited me to give you some advice?"

When Cao Zhen heard the message conveyed by these two soldier insects, he felt bad. He could give guidance to the demon clan, the prison clan, and even the orc clan, but how could he give guidance to the insect clan?

The Zerg race is the most special race among all races. He cannot point to the soldier bugs, he can only point to the female bugs.

But, he can’t lay eggs, how can he give guidance?

Although he was complaining in his heart, he had to go. After all, the Zerg tribe was also an ally of their human race. Even though he found Taoist companions from the Monster tribe, Orc tribe and Hell tribe, he did not find Taoist companions from the Zerg tribe.

This time, he pointed out the Monster Tribe, the Beast Tribe and the Hell Tribe. If the Zerg Tribe was left alone, it would clearly mean that the Zerg Tribe was being squeezed out everywhere. I am afraid that the Zerg Tribe would really have to consider whether to continue its alliance with them.

Cao Zhen had no choice but to follow the two soldier insects and fly into the area controlled by the Zerg.

In fact, the area controlled by the orcs is already more chaotic and the environment is worse than the area controlled by the monsters.

But compared with the area controlled by the Zerg, the area controlled by the Orc can simply be called a fairyland.


As soon as you enter the area controlled by the Zerg, you will see a desolation at a glance.

The Zerg are famous for turning everything they pass into ruins.

They gnaw not just on the plants, but on everything they pass by.

Along the way, he could even see that the rivers had dried up, and the ground was even cracking due to the lack of vegetation!

In this area, not a single city can be seen.

There are even fewer mountains than elsewhere, and the few mountains are bare, with almost no green at all.

Since Cao Zhen entered the territory controlled by the Zerg, his expression has turned ugly. This is not the world of the Zerg, but the world of their human race!

These Zerg destroy the world of their human race.

There was no city here, and Cao Zhen was eventually taken to a canyon.

This canyon is as bare as elsewhere. In the middle of the canyon, on a desolate land, stands a mysterious and strange altar.

The entire altar is made of an ancient black stone. The surface of the altar is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenery.

The altar was surrounded by a thick mist, as if it came from the deep hell. This mist blended into every corner of the altar, shrouding it in a mysterious curtain.

Behind the altar, there is a towering stone pillar, which seems to be a passage connected to the sky. The stone pillars are engraved with ancient ornaments and strange patterns.

Vaguely, these patterns seem to be still flowing, as if they are about to break away from the stone tablet.

At the bottom of the altar, a faint light shot out.

On top of the altar, there is a huge female insect.

It was nearly ten feet long, with a thick and strong body, like a monster bred deep underground. Different from the female insects he had seen before, the headless female insect's body was covered with hard carapace.

Under the sunlight, you can see the sharp barbs on the carapace.

The entire body of the female insect has obvious segments, and each segment is muscular and full of strength and vitality. And his eyes were as red as blood, full of ferocity and cunning. Under the gloomy light, the eyes of this female insect were full of evil light, which was chilling.

Cao Zhen knew that the female insects of the Zerg tribe did not dare to expose themselves easily. All the tribes had previously raised suspicions, and the female insects of the Zerg tribe never showed up and only sent out soldiers.

But now, this female insect has no intention of hiding anything, and just lies on the altar openly.

I am afraid that this female insect is responsible for the entire human world. At the same time, she is strong enough and does not worry about other female insects finding her and plotting against her.

Seeing Cao Zhenfei fall, it straightened up and asked in a deep voice, "Master Cao, our Zerg race has many half-step golden immortal mother worms. Do you have a way to help them break through quickly or achieve enlightenment or find their future?" way out.”

Cao Zhen said truthfully: "I'm afraid I can't help you because I have never seen the path you are taking.

But I can give you some advice. "

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