Cao Zhen didn't know what the structure of the Zerg mother worm was, and why it could eat those messy things and then convert them into energy, and then give birth to soldier worms.

He didn't understand the techniques practiced by these female insects, so he could only start from the materials eaten by these female insects.

"It is believed that all things in the universe are composed of five basic elements, namely metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. These elements are mutually restrictive and interdependent. So I think that if you devour those resources, you cannot see the resources devour. You must be targeted. Just swallow it.

In addition, I talked about the theory of evolution with the orcs before. In fact, I feel that this theory of evolution is more suitable for you.

Have you ever thought about what will happen to your descendants if the spiritual energy between heaven and earth disappears in the future? What kind of soldiers will you create?

You should evolve more..."

Cao Zhen talked a lot with these Zerg, and he didn't know if what he said was useful. Even if it was useful, the evolution would be very long, and the effect would not be seen for a while.

This is different from the Orcs. As long as those half-step Golden Immortals of the Orcs find a new path, they may soon have an epiphany and enter the Golden Immortal Realm.

But these Zerg don’t know when they will be able to enter the Golden Fairyland.

After Cao Zhen left the Zerg tribe, he entered the Monster tribe, the Beast tribe, and the Hell tribe respectively, and held a Taoist couple ceremony with Ju'e, Yaotu Immortal Lord, and Linfeng Immortal Lord.

Unknowingly, the ten-year period has arrived, and the eight tribes will finally elect the leader of the Eight Tribes Alliance.

All of a sudden, the golden fairy realms of the human race, the prison race, the beast race, and the demon race all flew towards Fengtian City where the heavenly race was located.

In the past ten years, these four tribes have also given birth to many Golden Immortal Realm monks.

As for the Zerg, there hasn't been much change in the past ten years. However, the Zerg's attitude towards Cao Zhen is very good now. I think what Cao Zhen said to them is also useful, but the time is too short and the effect has not been seen yet. .

As for the current Golden Fairyland of their Zerg tribe, because the Zerg tribe is too special, their female worms usually do not let others know their whereabouts, so this time, they sent out soldier worms.

A mother worm sends out a soldier worm. When the time comes, just by looking at the blood of these soldier worms, you will naturally know that their mother worm is from the Golden Wonderland.

Golden Immortal Realm monks from all races flew towards the same place one after another. For a moment, in the space where Fengtian City was located, the earth trembled and the sky changed. One by one, strong men from the Golden Immortal Realm flew in through the sky, like stars descending.

Some of these strong men wore golden battle robes and jade crowns, with cold and majestic faces.

Some eyes were like lightning, projecting an irresistible power.

Some are wearing green robes with long flowing hair...

Vaguely, there seemed to be thunder and lightning intertwining in the sky above Fengtian City, and layers of clouds were dispersed by the airflow brought by the flight of these powerful men.

There are too many monks flying in from all races.

The human race alone has eighty-three Golden Immortal Realm monks. After all the tribes invaded the Human Race, there were only eighteen Golden Immortal Realm monks left in the Human Race.

In just ten years, the number of human golden fairyland has more than quadrupled.

The number of Golden Immortals of the Beast Clan is about the same as that of the Human Race. There are eighty-five Golden Immortals. The Beast Clan has more Golden Immortals than the Human Race. The base number of Half-Step Golden Immortals is even larger. With the help of Cao Zhen, they In the past few years, many half-step golden immortals in the beast tribe have become golden immortals.

The Demon Clan has more Golden Immortals. This time, the Demon Clan has sent a total of 130 Golden Immortals. This is mainly because the Demon Clan has more Golden Immortals to begin with.

Moreover, their half-step Golden Immortal base is larger than that of the Beast Clan. With the help of Cao Zhen, their Monster Clan also gave birth to many Golden Immortals.

It’s just that the total number of Golden Fairy Realms from these three clans is close to 300.

There are also the prison clan!

Although the base of the Hell Clan is smaller, this time, the Hell Clan also sent thirty monks from the Golden Immortal Realm.

In the distance, the golden fairy realms of the evil tribes looked at the four monks gathered together, their expressions were extremely solemn. There were only eleven golden fairy realms in total.

Although their evil clan has always been the weakest among all clans, they are not much different from the Hell clan.

But now, the number of Hell Clan's Golden Fairy Realms is about three times theirs.

The main reason is that in the past ten years, the Golden Fairyland of the human race, prison race, beast race and demon race has grown too fast.

There were only eighteen Golden Immortals left in the human race before. Now, in just ten years, they have turned into more than eighty Golden Immortals. Is this normal?

The Golden Fairyland of these four tribes is growing too fast.

Several evil clan Jin Xianjing sighed softly. They really shouldn't have been on the side of the Celestial Clan. At that time, they thought that they were on the side of the Celestial Clan and that the strength of the two sides was almost equal.

As a result, the strength of these four clans has grown rapidly in the past ten years. I am afraid that even if the current Tian clan combines the power of the two clans, it will not be able to stop these four clans.

If they had known this, why would they bother provoking the human race in the first place!

Whether it is the Beast Clan, the Monster Clan, or the Prison Clan, it is because of Cao Zhen of the human race that so many Golden Fairy Realms have been added.

If they had not attacked the human race, the human race would have helped them. There should be more than twenty golden fairy realms among them, and they would not only have eleven golden fairy realms now.

Because there were too many golden immortals flying in this time, they did not enter the hall as before, but stayed directly outside Fengtian City.

Soon, headed by the four princes of the Celestial Clan, the Golden Fairy Realms of the Celestial Clan also flew over.

Cao Zhen glanced towards the opposite side and found that there were ninety-six people in the Golden Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan.

He frowned slightly, ninety-six Golden Immortals, this is definitely a lot, but I don't know if these are all the Golden Immortals of the Celestial Clan.

It is also possible that after knowing the number of Golden Fairy Realms among their clans, the Heavenly Clan knew that they could not compete for the position of alliance leader, so they chose to hide their strength.

On the side of the Beast Clan, a monk whose body looks like a human, but whose head is the head of a dragon and whose body is covered with thick scales, said in a deep voice: "Celestial Clan, we are all here, where are the monks from the Blood Clan? Didn’t your Celestial Clan say that in the vast world of your Celestial Clan, a river of blood would be dug out so that monks from the Vampire Clan could appear at the same time? Now, would you like to take us to your Celestial Clan to have a look?"

Dragon War Immortal Lord, the leader of the Golden Immortal Realm of the Beast Clan.

Now, as the number of monks in the Golden Fairy Realm of their Beast Clan has increased significantly, he is much more confident when facing the Celestial Clan than before.

However, the fourth prince of the Tian Clan showed no signs of worry. He nodded lightly and said, "If you want to go and see it, just come with me."

Although it is said that the Golden Fairyland of the Human Race Alliance is indeed much more than that of the Celestial Race, but so what?

After a while, what they were about to enter was the vast world of their Celestial Clan, where there were powerful beings far beyond the Golden Fairy Realm. If these Golden Immortals really want to attack the vast world of their Celestial Clan, all of these Golden Immortals will die by then.

Under the leadership of the four princes of the Celestial Clan, everyone stood up and flew into the vast world of the Celestial Clan.

This was the first time for Cao Zhen to come to the vast world of the Celestial Clan.

The spiritual energy here is similar to that of the human world. However, compared to the human world, the vegetation here is more luxuriant, and everything is full of vitality and greenery.

On the earth, trees are towering, flowers are blooming, and grass stretches like greenery. The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow, giving people a sense of tranquility and tranquility.

However, as Cao Zhen flew over this lush forest with the Golden Immortal Realm monks from the Celestial Clan, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The originally lush trees gradually became sparse and the grassland gradually became dry. There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

As the flight distance gets farther and farther, the bloody aura becomes more and more intense.

Slowly, a huge and deep river of blood appeared in front of his eyes.

The blood river rolled like lava, and the blood-red liquid flowed, making a low and strange sound.

Rivers of blood one after another filled this area of ​​the land, and there was no grass growing around the rivers of blood, and the ground became barren.

Countless rivers of blood converged into one piece, and when viewed from the void, it looked like a vast sea of ​​blood. The blood waves rolled and stirred up turbulent waves. There were countless solidified blood clots floating on the sea surface. splash.

The boundary of this blood river seems to meet the edge of the world, giving people an extremely chaotic feeling.

It can even be vaguely seen that the world after the blood river seems to have entered a dark realm, with no light, only endless blood and terror.

Just after Cao Zhen flew above the blood river, the next moment, endless blood rolled up in the blood river below, and then blood-colored monsters appeared in his sight.

With the appearance of these monsters, the whole world was completely filled with this bloody air, as if the air had turned into blood.

When the terrifying pressure comes, not to mention returning to the Immortal Realm, even the monks in the early stage of the True Immortal Realm will probably vomit blood and be severely injured in an instant. Fortunately, among the monks present, Cao Zhen, the weakest, was in the late stage of the True Immortal Realm.

Cao Zhen looked down and saw eighty-nine bloody monsters from the Golden Fairyland appearing below.

The Dragon War Immortal Lord of the Beast Clan did not seem to be affected at all. He looked at the bloody monsters below and said directly: "Since the Golden Fairyland of the Blood Clan has appeared, we will vote to show our alliance leader and Two deputy leaders."

There was no trace of disappointment on the face of the fourth prince. He should have known for a long time that they could not match the human race in terms of numbers in the Golden Fairy Realm. He nodded slightly and said, "Let's get started."

Although there are many golden fairyland gathered here, everyone votes very fast.

There is no doubt that Cao Zhen received the most first-place votes and directly became the leader of the alliance, while the fourth prince with the second most votes was the Celestial Clan. The Human Race and their allies all voted for Cao Zhen, so There will no longer be a monk with more votes than the fourth prince of the Celestial Clan.

The other deputy leader is Menglong Immortal Lord, the leader of the demon clan in the Golden Fairyland.

Now that the alliance leader has been chosen, a group of monks quickly left the world of the Celestial Clan and returned to the Central Continent of the world of the Human Clan.

Cao Zhen did not fly directly to Fengtian City, but flew directly to the middle of Zhongzhou, stopped, then looked at everyone and said: "Now, our Eight Races Alliance has been officially established. Since it is the Eight Races Alliance, we It is no longer appropriate to continue in Fengtian City.

This place is the central part of Central Continent, so I suggest that a new big city be built directly here. This city and the area within a hundred miles will exist independently and do not belong to any party's strength. This will be the new place for our alliance. core location.

What do you think? "When establishing a new alliance, you must have an office location.

The fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan smiled and said with a chuckle: "If the alliance leader thinks there is no problem, then of course I will have no problem."

This area actually belongs to their Celestial Clan, but a hundred miles in radius is not that big. So what if Cao Zhen wants it? Anyway, these lands were originally owned by the human race.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and continued: "Besides, we are eight races. Since we want to develop peacefully and jointly resist the monks of another human world, we must formulate a common legal system to ensure that each race Be treated fairly in terms of rights and obligations.

This is also a stable foundation for the entire alliance. Otherwise, each clan has its own rules. When the time comes, the evil clan feels that they are right, and the heavenly clan also feels that they are right. What should we do if there is a conflict? "

As soon as Cao Zhen finished speaking, Immortal Lord Menglong immediately agreed: "What Alliance Leader Cao said is absolutely correct. I wonder what kind of laws Alliance Leader Cao thinks we should specify."

"Our world of human cultivation has a complete set of laws. What do you think?"

Cao Zhen was already prepared. As he spoke, he raised his hand and waved, and a huge bronze mirror appeared. The bronze mirror was filled with words, and all the laws of the human race were written on it.

Although there were a lot of laws, the monks present except him were all from the Golden Immortal Realm, and their reading speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they had read all the text.

"Leader Cao, everything else is fine, but there is one thing I can't understand." A Golden Immortal Realm monk from the Evil Clan said loudly, "Your law actually says that all monks and mortals are equal. If a monk I really can't agree with the fact that monks have to pay for killing mortals for no reason.

The power of monks is many times stronger than that of mortals. From now on, when we fight monks from another world, we will have to rely on us, not those mortals.

According to your statement, when we kill mortals, we still have to pay with our lives. If a monk in the Golden Fairy Realm kills a mortal, does he also have to pay with his life?

I want to ask you, how many mortals can be worthy of a monk in the golden fairyland! "

"I don't know how many mortals can be worthy of a Golden Immortal Realm monk. Because I don't know that among all the mortals in each group, or non-monks, there will definitely be more than one Golden Immortal Realm monk within ten thousand years. .”

Cao Zhen looked at the evil clan who had just spoken with a cold expression, and said coldly: "Let me ask you, if you could kill non-monks of all races at will, have you ever thought about what would happen? For example, you evil clan, If one day, a certain master of your evil clan was robbed of his treasure by a monk from the heavenly clan on the outer battlefield.

Do you think that, but you are no match for the Heavenly Clan monks, then will you vent your anger on the Heavenly Clan’s mortals?

If all races are like this, then why do we eight races have an alliance? Can our eight ethnic groups still talk about peace and development?

If our alliance of eight races wants to maintain it, the designated laws must be fair and just, not only fair and just to all races, but also to all monks and non-monks!

Now, does anyone have any doubts about this law? "

"Of course there is no doubt that Alliance Leader Cao's laws are perfect."

"Let's use this law. Since we want to develop peacefully, we shouldn't touch each other's mortals."

Soon the Golden Immortals of all races nodded their heads.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, and then continued: "Since the law has been designated, there must be law enforcement elders to enforce it.

Long Zhan Immortal will be the law enforcement elder. At the same time, each of our eight tribes must cooperate with Long Zhan Immortal to send enough experts to join the law enforcement team. Only in this way can the fairness and impartiality of the law enforcement team be maintained.

It is up to Long Zhanxianjun himself to decide how to form the law enforcement team. "

The leader of the Golden Fairy Realm of the Monster Clan has become the deputy leader, and he cannot treat the Beast Clan badly. The power and importance of this law enforcement elder are no less than that of the deputy leader.

Anyway, he is the leader of the alliance now, so he designated the candidate for the law enforcement elder.

The fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan heard this and did not speak out. If he became the leader of the alliance, he would definitely choose a monk from his side to be the law enforcement elder.

He knew better that even if he objected now, it would be useless.

Cao Zhen is the alliance leader, he is only the deputy alliance leader, and the other party has more golden fairyland. If there is a vote, the other party will win, so he simply does not speak.

Cao Zhen said, paused slightly, and then continued: "In addition, our various races should also communicate with each other.

Although we have different cultivation systems and it may be difficult to exchange spells and techniques with each other, we can exchange other things, such as various resources.

Each of our eight tribes has different resources. Sometimes the resources obtained by the human tribe may not be useful, but they are the same as the demon tribe. It is also possible that the resources of the Hell Clan are useless, but they are of great use in the hands of the Zerg Clan.

Therefore, I suggest that each of our clans send some monks to enter the vast worlds of other clans, or even directly send chambers of commerce to enter the vast worlds of other clans.

And each clan is not allowed to suppress the chamber of commerce that enters their own world, and must protect their safety.

For example, if the Celestial Clan has a chamber of commerce that enters the world of our human race, then we, the human race, are responsible for protecting the Celestial Clan’s chamber of commerce.

In this way, the connection between our eight races will be closer and the relationship will be more harmonious.

In addition, our eight tribes can also hold some martial arts competitions regularly. There are too many changes before the Golden Core stage. We can start from the Golden Core stage and hold regular martial arts competitions.

Each clan first selects internally, and then each clan selects how many monks they want for the final competition. The winner of the competition can receive rewards, and these rewards can be given by our eight tribes. "

Cao Zhen's words had already fallen, and for a moment, the monks from all ethnic groups agreed.

A monk from the Celestial Clan even said: "There is no problem starting from the Golden Core Stage, but how many years will this conference be held? Anyone from the Golden Core Stage, the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the Returning Immortal Realm can participate, but it is not necessary for the True Immortal Realm. Alright."

His words had fallen, and many monks around him nodded.

"That's right, the battle in True Immortal Realm is too destructive, and the True Immortal Realm's retreat time is also long. It would be too troublesome to rush all the True Immortal Realms."

If a martial arts tournament is held in the True Fairy Realm, Cao Zhen will definitely be ranked number one.

Although Cao Zhen has not yet reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm, the problem is that back then, Cao Zhen defeated more than twenty True Immortal Realm masters from the Celestial Clan, including even half-step Golden Immortals.

Moreover, there are so many half-step golden immortals who have broken through to the golden immortal realm because of Cao Zhen. Who knows how many tricks Cao Zhen has.

Thinking again about Cao Zhen's invincible appearance when he returned to the Immortal Realm, if a true fairyland martial arts competition were to be held, the first place would probably be prepared for Cao Zhen, so no one agreed to hold a true fairyland martial arts competition.

Cao Zhen didn't care. If the True Fairyland Martial Arts Tournament was not held, then it wouldn't be held.

Finally, everyone discussed it and held a competition in the Golden Elixir Stage, the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the Returning Immortal Realm.

Among them, the Jindan period’s martial arts tournament takes place every hundred years. The tournament in the Earthly Immortal Realm is held every five hundred years, while the tournament in the Returned Immortal Realm is held once every thousand years.

The first Jindan Stage Martial Arts Tournament will be held ten years later, and the venue will be the newly built Eight Tribes City.

Ten years after the end of the Jindan Stage Martial Arts Tournament, there will be a Martial Arts Tournament in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and another ten years after that, there will be a Martial Arts Tournament in the Returning Immortal Realm.

Then each tribe also provided resources as rewards for the martial arts competition.

"Also." Cao Zhen said again when many monks were about to disperse, "Because of the fighting between our tribes, everyone left the Tianwai battlefield. Now, everyone can also enter the Tianwai battlefield."

He knew that although the various tribes had now formed an alliance, when everyone entered the outer battlefield, they would still fight, or even kill each other.

Even the masters of each clan will fight for their own benefit, let alone face the monks of other clans.

Cao Zhen did not enter the True Immortal Realm battlefield, but stayed in the Baifeng Sect.

He was waiting, waiting for the False Immortal Lord to leave.

Although it is said that the culprit Xuyi Immortal Lord who directly killed Elder Tongdish and their disciples of the Immortal Palace of the Baifeng Teaching and Engineering Department has committed suicide, but if it were not for the betrayal of the human race by the Xuyi Cult Master, Elder Tongdish and those disciples of the Immortal Palace of the Ministry of Industry and Engineering would have been killed. Nor will he die.

He must avenge this, so he stayed here, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

The reason why he left the Baifeng Sect instead of the Eight Clans City was that he knew that the Immortal Lord Xu was also worried about his revenge.

Therefore, the Immortal Lord Xu must be extremely careful. If he stayed in the Eight Clans City, Immortal Lord Xu would not even dare to leave the mountain gate.

But now, even if he did not stay in the Eight Clans City, False Immortal Lord did not leave the mountain gate.

The Celestial Clan, the Zhendong Sect, and the False Immortal Lord have never left the Immortal Sect even though they have become Golden Immortals.

There was no other way, Immortal Lord Xuyi actually said everything.

He later also found out that the dead copper plate was the elder that Cao Zhen respected the most.

Cao Zhen will definitely avenge this.

If it were only Cao Zhen himself, he wouldn't be worried. After all, no matter how many tricks Cao Zhen had, he would still be in the True Immortal Realm. He already existed in the Golden Immortal Realm, so Cao Zhen would definitely not be his opponent.

But the problem is that Cao Zhen is now the leader of the human race, and there are too many masters of the Golden Immortal Realm from the beast race, demon race and prison race, because Cao Zhen just broke through.

Who knows if Cao Zhen has promised these Golden Immortals what benefits they can get by killing him.

It may be difficult for other monks to call upon the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm, but Cao Zhen is different. If he asks those Golden Immortal Realm monks for help, he doesn't even have to promise anything, and those Golden Immortal Realm monks may be able to take action.

Now, he really doesn't know how many Golden Immortals want his life, so he doesn't dare to leave the Immortal Sect at all.

Although Cao Zhen was not in the Eight Tribes City, he also informed the experts in the Eight Tribes City to notify him immediately if he found out that Immortal Lord Xu had left.

Another reason why he was not in Bazu City was to mentor his young disciple Xingchenzi.

This is his only disciple who has not entered the True Immortal Realm, and he is also the disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect entrusted to him by Elder Tongdie before his death.

And now, Xingchenzi has reached the peak of the inner alchemy stage.

Although he has been busy for a while, Yisheng still taught at Baifeng, and almost all of his alchemy skills were taught to Yisheng. Yisheng had also helped Xingchenzi refine the breakthrough elixir before.

Although it is said that there are still ten years until the Golden Core Stage Martial Arts Tournament of the eight tribes, each tribe must elect representatives before the meeting begins.

Five years later, the competition within the human race will begin.

All the golden elixir-level disciples in their Baifeng Sect will participate, and Xingchenzi, who can achieve the golden elixir level by taking elixirs, will naturally also participate.

Xingchenzi can't compete in martial arts as soon as he enters the golden elixir stage. He also needs to adapt to the power of the golden elixir stage in advance.

Originally, Yisheng was going to assist Xingchenzi in taking the elixir. She was also the one who assisted Xingchenzi in taking the elixir before.

As a master of true fairyland cultivation, she was able to assist Xing Chenzi in taking the elixir, which was not something she could do easily.

But since Cao Zhen has appeared, it will naturally be assisted by Cao Zhen.

In a mountain gate of Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen took out the Small Bullying Pill refined by Yisheng. Looking at Xingchenzi opposite, he couldn't help but think of himself when Baifeng Sect was still Baifeng Sect. It was still in the elixir-forming stage, and it was at that time that he helped his disciples break through and enter the golden elixir stage.

In the blink of an eye, the Baifeng Sect had already become a great sect, and he had reached the level of True Immortal Realm. Everything went by so fast.

"Come on, open your mouth."

Xingchenzi had taken pills with the help of his senior sister many times before and had rich experience. He immediately opened his mouth when he heard his master's voice.

Suddenly, a pill flew into his mouth, and a feeling of comfort spread throughout his body.

As the elixir entered, a star appeared on his forehead, and then stars appeared one after another. His forehead looked like a starry sky.

Star Dharma Body!

Soon, the power that had been suppressed in Xingchenzi's body quickly revived.

Cao Zhen noticed the changes in Xingchenzi's body, and another Yuan-Building Dragon and Tiger Pill appeared in his hand. After flicking the pill to Xingchenzi, he immediately said: "Operation technique."

Xingchenzi concentrated his mind and started to use his skills. Soon, a golden light burst out from an inner elixir behind him.

In front of him, the first inner elixir has completely condensed and turned into a golden elixir!

A visionary golden elixir with stars!

Xingchenzi possesses ten vision inner elixirs. Each vision inner elixir is a star, but the appearance of these stars is different.

Some inner elixirs are even like the sun, and some are like the moon...

This is no problem, the sun and moon are actually a type of stars.

Xingchenzi is an ancient immortal body, and Cao Zhen's current cultivation level is far beyond what he could compare with at the beginning.

Back when he was only in the elixir formation stage, he asked Lingxi and the others to become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir in one go, let alone being in the true fairyland now.

Soon, a bright golden light appeared behind Xingchenzi, and the next moment, this light shot straight into the sky.

For a moment, the whole world changed color.

Over the entire Baifeng Sect, and even the area where the Baifeng Sect is located, the clouds receded and the void shook.

In the void, there is a colorful rainbow bridge rising. This rainbow bridge seems to be formed by the gathering of countless stars. It leads far into the distance, and seems to be directly heading nine days away.

Within the Baifeng Sect, many disciples raised their heads and looked at the sudden vision of heaven and earth, as well as the phantom in the vision.

"This is Xingchenzi, right?"

"It's him, the youngest disciple of the Four Treasures Peak."

"He has achieved the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir."

"What's so strange about this? It should be said that it's strange that the leader's disciples don't have the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection."

"The reason why the leader allows Xingchenzi to break through at this time must be for the upcoming Golden Core Stage martial arts competition!"

"I heard that the leader and the ancestors of Sibaofeng first became famous when they were in the Golden Core stage. They participated in the Immortal Martial Competition of Zhenxian Dynasty, and finally the leader became the first , also became the national master of the True Immortal Dynasty. And the ancestors of Sibaofeng were also ranked in the top ten.

This time Xingchenzi also participated in the Jindan period martial arts competition. I wonder if he can continue the glory of Baifeng Sect, and whether he can win glory for our Baifeng Sect and our human race! "

"There should be no problem. After all, Xingchenzi is an ancient immortal body, and his master is still our leader."

"Yes, although Xingchenzi will face the other seven races this time, no, it should be the six or five spiritual races. After all, the Zerg race will not participate, and the blood race may not participate either.

However, not to mention the leader, the ancestors of Sibao Peak can be said to be invincible within the realm of fellow practitioners, and Xingchenzi will be no different. "

How could Xingchenzi not be nervous.

After all, his master, his senior brothers and sisters, and the Four Treasure Peak where he was were all too dazzling.

If he performs poorly, he will not only be embarrassed himself, but he will also be embarrassed by his master and the glory of their Four Treasures Peak!

Cao Zhen felt Xing Chenzi's nervousness and specially gave Xing Chenzi some guidance.

"Come, my master is teaching you some special magical powers. None of your senior brothers and sisters had the conditions to practice these magical powers at that time."

When Lingxi and the others were in the Golden Fairy Realm, he had limited access to monks. Later, he accessed more and more monks, and mastered more and more spells and supernatural powers.

However, because Lingxi and the others were already above the Earth Immortal Realm, he no longer taught his disciples those magical powers, but now he could teach these magical powers to Xingchenzi.

These come from the magical powers of Holy Mother Jinling and Fairy Qiongxiao.

If Xingchenzi develops these magical powers and then uses the magic weapons he gave him, Xingchenzi's combat effectiveness in the Golden Core stage will definitely not be weaker than that of Lingxi and the others who had reached the limit of the Golden Core stage.

"I know that because you are my disciple and a disciple of our Four Treasures Peak, you are under great pressure. Every move you make will be infinitely magnified. It is even possible that you have defeated your opponent, but because of certain Others question some things.

This is your first time participating in a tourney, and it's really stressful for you. Therefore, you don’t need to appear as Xingchenzi.

You can pretend to be a casual cultivator and attend the conference. Of course, the premise is not to use the Five Thunder Zhengfa. The Five Thunder Zhengfa is too famous. Once you use the Five Thunder Zhengfa, others will immediately know that you are a member of the Baifeng Sect. "

This time, the best one hundred and twenty-eight golden elixir stage monks were selected.

This takes a lot of time.

First, in order to ensure fairness, one hundred people were selected from each of the four continents of the human race, and then finally, the 128 strongest Jindan stage disciples were selected from among the hundred golden elixir stage disciples.

Selection must be conducted in every continent, but similarly, selection must be conducted in each of the thirty-two roads in Dongzhou.

And before each selection, every great religion and every sect must also conduct a selection.

In addition, there are many casual cultivators. If they want to participate in the selection, they have to go to the nearest major religion to participate in the other party's selection.

The same is true for those sects. Because the number of sects is too small, the sects also directly enter the major sects and conduct selections together with the other party's disciples.

Xingchenzi finally followed his master's advice. After his master helped him change his appearance, Xingchenzi did not participate in the selection of the Baifeng Sect, but went directly to the Donghuang Sect, the nearest major sect to their Baifeng Sect.

Nowadays, the Donghuang Sect has two masters from the True Immortal Realm, both of whom are reincarnated great masters, Lord Haoyue Star and Madman Ax. Now, Lord Haoyue Star can finally say openly that he is a Star Lord.

However, one of them was in seclusion, and the other was in Tianwai battlefield after it reopened. They went to Tianwai battlefield as soon as possible.

Without both of them here, no one in the Donghuang Sect would be able to spot the disguise that Cao Zhen did not arrange.

In the past, if he wanted to enter the Donghuang Sect, he would have to reveal his identity as a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect. But now, because those casual cultivators also have to participate in the selection within the human race, they all go to the nearest major sect and Sect, so it is much easier to enter the Donghuang Sect now.

You only need to prove that you are a monk at the Golden Core stage, and you can directly enter the Donghuang Sect and then go through the selection process.

Each university has different selection methods.

Some great sects directly let all the golden elixir stages enter a thousand worlds of Xiu Ao that they have prepared. After passing the assessment, they can enter the next round to save time. After all, there are too many golden elixir stages. One fight after another, I don’t know how long the fight will last.

Some great teachers allow some people to enter the ring, and the person who wins in the end can advance to the next round.

What the Donghuang Sect chose was to let ten people enter the ring, and the winner in the ring could advance to the next round. In this way, just by talking, 90% of the people could be eliminated, and the progress would naturally be greatly accelerated.

At this time, the Donghuang Sect has completely opened its mountain gate. Not to mention the Golden Core Stage, even the Mountain Gate of the Donghuang Sect can be seen even in the Core Formation Stage.

At this time, there is a disciple of Donghuang Sect waiting here inside the mountain gate of Donghuang Sect.

And all around, disciples from various major sects were lining up and walking towards the front. Each sect is also led by one to a dozen elders.

Xingchenzi followed a sect team.

There are only five people in this sect, and one of them is obviously much older than the other four, and his aura is much stronger than the other four. It is obvious that the other person is the elder responsible for leading the team in this sect.

As for the other party's sect clothes, he didn't recognize them either. He hadn't been cultivating for a long time, and his senior brothers and sisters, in addition to teaching him cultivation, they also taught him some fighting skills and things to pay attention to when going out on adventures. Things, rarely told him about the situation of major religions and major sects.

And the sect in front of you is obviously not a powerful sect. Of course he didn't recognize him either.

Most of the people who come here to participate in the selection are disciples of the sect. There are not many disciples of casual cultivators. Even the disciples of casual cultivators are all led by their master.

There are not many people like him who come alone to participate in the selection.

However, there was a beautiful woman beside him, who was walking alone like him.

In front of him, the four disciples of the sect looked at the two people following them, just walking mindlessly. One of them was wearing an elegant white monastic uniform. He had a slender figure, moderate height, and bright skin. The fair-skinned young monk with a delicate and upright face walked forward with the team in front of him, and turned around and asked: "You two, are you here by yourself?"

Xingchenzi nodded lightly. He was quite lively at first, but after learning that Elder Tongdie and the senior brothers from Gongbu Immortal Palace had all died, he became a little taciturn.

Beside him, another female cultivator seemed even more indifferent, and didn't even pay attention to the young monk in front of her.

The young monk kept looking at the beautiful female monk aside. Obviously, the reason why he took the initiative to talk back was because he wanted to attract the female monk's attention. Unfortunately, the other party ignored him, and he could only continue talking to Xingchenzi. , after all, although Xingchenzi was taciturn, he at least responded.

He asked curiously: "Both of you are casual cultivators? I wonder where you usually practice?"

He was really curious about the rogue cultivators. After all, there were not many rogue cultivators in Dongzhou.

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