Xingchenzi did not encounter any challenges at all in the following conference. He was a perfect being with the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir.

It is even more impossible for the Donghuang Sect to let the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen spray on each other before the final round.

He entered the final round very smoothly, which was the top 60.

Because the Donghuang Sect has a total of thirty places, only the top thirty will be selected for the Donghuang Sect’s martial arts tournament.

Before you know it, the tournament has reached the last day, with the top sixty entering the top thirty.

Because there are only thirty battles to be carried out today, there will be only one arena where monks will fight at the same time today.

The competition has not yet started, but at this time, the peaks on both sides of the martial arts arena are already filled with monks watching the battle.

There are many monks or casual cultivators from other sects. Although they were eliminated, they did not leave.

They finally came here once, and naturally wanted to see how powerful the masters of the same realm were when they fought with all their strength.

After all, the previous masters had never encountered a comparable opponent, so they must not have used their full strength.

"Today will be the most exciting day since the start of the martial arts tournament."

"Yes, there are a total of forty opponents of the Great Perfection of the Golden elixir with Ten Visions, but there are only thirty monks at the Golden Core stage. Therefore, there are ten monks with the Great Perfection of the Golden Core of Ten Visions, and they will definitely encounter them. of.

Today we can see the battle between the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir and Dzogchen! "

"I don't know which masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen are more unlucky to encounter opponents at the same level as fellow practitioners."

"Yes, here we come, those masters are here."

The Donghuang Sect also seemed to know what everyone wanted to see, so at the beginning, they did not deliberately leave the masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen to compete. They were all masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. Battles like Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

Even the Nine Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen is still far behind compared to the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. So these battles go very quickly.

As the battles ended, Xingchenzi never found out his name.

After twenty-five games, he still did not play.

On both sides of the martial arts arena, the monks on the mountain peaks also became excited.

“There are still ten cultivators with the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection who have not appeared, and now there are only these ten left.

In other words, they will definitely encounter the opponent of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. "

"These ten people, have you noticed that among these ten people, five are disciples of the Donghuang Sect, two are casual cultivators, and three are from the sect. disciple."

"Is this intentional?"

"It should be to prevent others from gossiping and saying that the Donghuang Sect is unfair, so the Donghuang Sect deliberately brought out five Golden Elixir Dzogchen of the Ten Visions to fight against opponents of fellow practitioners."

"This is the spirit of a great religion. Moreover, have you noticed? These five Donghuang Sect's Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection are not the strongest ones.

Yes, among these five, only Sun Zhiliang is stronger. "

On the top of the peak, Wu Jianzi looked at the battle arranged in advance with some curiosity. He looked at the deputy leader with some confusion and said: "Deputy leader, how do you arrange this? Sun Zhiliang and that Tong Xingchen fight? The strength of these two people, Among this group of Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, they must all be masters, and they should be able to enter our entire Eastern Continent competition."

"It was Sun Zhiliang who asked for it." The deputy leader smiled softly. "He said that he wanted some challenges. He saw Tong Xingchen take action before and thought that the other party was extremely powerful, so he wanted to challenge himself and Tong Xingchen. Stars clash.

And that Tong Xingchen should be stronger than him, so since he asked so, I will grant him.

He deserves a beating too. As for being eliminated by Tong Xingchen and unable to participate in the next competition, then he will be eliminated if he is eliminated.

In his current state, even if he enters the next round and competes with talented disciples from other great religions in our East Continent, he will still be eliminated. It's just the difference between being eliminated early and being eliminated late. It would also be a good thing if he could make some progress through passing. "

"In that case, there is no problem. I'm also surprised that Tong Xingchen's strength should be among the top ten among the current Jindan disciples, but why he hasn't played yet."

While several people were talking, the referee's voice also sounded on the only ring below.

"No. 35, Rogue Cultivator Tong Xingchen, versus No. 9, Donghuang Sect, Sun Zhiliang, both sides come to the ring."

The referee's words had already fallen, and waves of low shouts sounded from all around.

"It turned out to be a duel between these two people."

"These two people should be the two strongest among the remaining ten golden elixirs of ten visions. They are actually arranged to face each other!"

"Yes, both of them should be able to rank among the top thirty in this martial arts competition. No, I should say the top twenty. How can they be matched up against each other!"

"They must be very unlucky. As a result, one of these two masters is destined to be unable to enter Dongzhou's selection!"

"That's good, we can also see the extremely exciting battle between the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen."

After Xingchenzi heard his name, he didn't think much, but took a leap and landed directly on the ring. At the same time, a silver sword appeared in his hand.

This is the first time he has used his magic weapon since participating in the competition.

Star Sword.

This is the magic weapon that the master randomly refined for him.

Opposite him, Sun Zhiliang flew down almost at the same time.

Sun Zhiliang wears a set of gorgeous robes decorated with flames. The robes are embroidered with burning flame patterns, which are as vivid as flames burning around them. The material of the robe seemed to echo the flames, glowing slightly with an orange-red light.

Just standing in the ring, he exuded a raging heat wave and terrifying majesty.

He looked at the magic weapon emerging from Tong Xingchen's hand, and a strong fighting spirit surged out of his body. Then, a long knife emerged from his hand.

The long sword was red, as if it were made of condensed flames. Behind him, a huge golden elixir of vision appeared. From a distance, it looked like a huge sun.

The temperature of the entire arena has risen dramatically due to the appearance of this strange golden elixir.

Suddenly, at the next moment, opposite him and behind Tong Xingchen, a huge golden elixir of vision also appeared. The stars were emitting bright light. For a moment, it even gave people the illusion that night was coming. The temperature also dropped to normal temperature.

Sun Zhiliang gently held a sword in his hand, looked at the sword and gestured: "It turns out that I am a guest, and I am a member of the Donghuang Sect. You should take action first."

"That's fine."

Xingchenzi nodded slightly when he heard the sound, and without saying anything to Sun Zhiliang, he grabbed the sharp sword in his hand.

At this moment, his whole aura changed drastically. Before, he seemed to be just an ordinary person, but at this moment, his whole person seemed to be integrated with the sharp sword in his hand. This was a pure man. swordsman!

High on the mountain, a look of surprise appeared on the faces of Qin Yao and others.

"He's actually a swordsman."

"He has never used his magic weapon in previous battles."

"It's a surprise. We always thought he was stronger than his magical powers, but now he has to use his sword skills."

Suddenly, at the next moment, a loud and crisp sound was heard from above the arena.

Xingchenzi suddenly pulled out his sword, and suddenly, a silver light flashed through.

This sword thrust out, but like a wave of lightning across the sky, the sky seemed to be broken into two pieces under this sword.

When a sword falls, it is filled with the illusion that there is no return, that one sword is everything, and that one sword can determine life and death.

At this moment, Sun Zhiliang suddenly felt a deep sense of horror, and countless hairs on his body stood up involuntarily.

With this sword, he smelled death.

He almost subconsciously drew out his long knife and slashed at the opponent with force. The knife was covered with blazing flames, and the flames gave people the illusion that they could ignite everything in the world.

However, when he slashed out with this sword, his momentum was obviously much weaker than Xingchenzi's sword.

The next moment, the swords were clashing together.

Suddenly, a loud noise like a thunderous explosion was heard.

Sun Zhiliang suddenly felt an unparalleled force coming from his arms, and then the long knife in his hand swung to the side uncontrollably.

The next moment, a sharp pain came from his chest, and at the same time there was a sharp sword energy.


Sun Zhiliang spurted a mouthful of blood and flew backwards. When he stabilized his body, there was a blood hole in his chest, and bright red blood continued to flow from the wound.

He was actually injured, and that sword strike just now was such a terrifying sword strike!

I was careless!

Sun Zhiliang used his magic power to seal the injured wound before fighting again, but below the ring, the referee's voice rang out.

"Okay, there's no need to take action. The other party has already held back, otherwise the sword just now would have penetrated your body. Even if you don't die, you will still be severely injured and lose your fighting power. You have been defeated."

Sun Zhiliang was in the golden elixir stage and did not see the opponent's movements clearly, but he was a being in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Naturally, he could clearly see the opponent's movements and even see the opponent's aura restrained.

If it were a disciple of another sect or a casual cultivator, he would not be able to speak, but Sun Zhiliang was a disciple of their Donghuang Sect, so he would not be partial to others, so he opened his mouth to remind Sun Zhiliang.

"What? I've already lost?" Sun Zhiliang couldn't accept the fact that he had failed for a while. He was defeated with just one sword!

Is the gap between you and the other person so big?

On the surrounding mountains, other Jindan stage disciples also looked surprised.

"So fast?"

"They are both the existence of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir and Great Perfection. Is the difference so big?"

"One sword, the battle ended with just one sword!"


Xingchenzi was also slightly startled. Usually, only those who have extreme confidence in themselves will let him strike first. Moreover, the other party is also a master of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, so he used this sword with a little effort. exerted some force.

Unexpectedly, he defeated the opponent directly with one sword.

This is too high-profile. If I had known this, I should have restrained myself a little more.

As for his swordsmanship, his swordsmanship is actually very complicated.

Because he is a young disciple of Si Baofeng, all the senior brothers and sisters will teach him no matter what.

Then his swordsmanship was integrated into the swordsmanship of Senior Sister Ruoyun, the swordsmanship of Senior Sister Duoduo, and even some swordsmanship concepts from Yan Yourong's world.

Of course, it was Master's swordsmanship that was most affected.

Of course, the swordsmanship taught by his master is not the specific moves, but the understanding of the sword and the swordsmanship imparted by him, so there is no trace of his master in his swordsmanship.

On both sides, on the highest mountain peak, masters from the Donghuang Sect turned to look at Wu Jianzi at the same time.

Suddenly someone said: "This Tong Xingchen can't be a disciple secretly accepted by fellow Taoist Wujian, right?"

"Yes, the sword strike he made just now was probably the sword-drawing technique of fellow Taoist Wujian."

Wu Jianzi looked at the young monk below, shook his head slightly and said: "It is indeed very similar to my sword-drawing technique, or in other words, the other party also uses the sword-drawing method, but it is different from my sword-drawing method. The difference is that my way of drawing the sword is more pure, while his way of drawing the sword is more pure.

It's just his way of fighting.

Let's put it this way, I drew my sword, and after I drew my sword, I decided the winner with the opponent. And if he hadn't won with that sword strike just now, he would have had a second sword strike that would have gone away. "

"Oh? In other words, this little guy's strength is better and stronger than what we saw."

"This little guy should be close to the perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Extraordinary Visions."


Below the ring, after signaling Sun Zhiliang's failure, the referee took out a token and threw it directly to Xing Chenzi and said: "Okay, you have qualified to participate in our entire Eastern Continent's Golden Core Stage Martial Arts Competition.

Three years later today, come to our Donghuang Sect to gather, and we will take you to participate in our Dongzhou martial arts competition.

In the past three years, you can choose to leave on your own, or you can choose to stay in our Donghuang Sect to practice. "

Xingchenzi took the token, raised his fist towards the other party and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I will come here in three years."

With that said, he walked outside.

When he came to the Donghuang Sect to participate in the conference, he was full of expectations. After all, he had only competed with other disciples in the Baifeng Sect before, and he had never really fought with others.

But this time, he felt that the intensity of participating in the martial arts competition was not as intense as the intensity of competing with fellow disciples in the Baifeng Sect.

On the top of the mountain, Wu Jianzi looked at the distant voice, suddenly turned around, and followed outside. He was curious about who taught such a disciple.

Everyone around him also knew what Wu Jianzi wanted to do, but no one stopped him. After all, they knew that Wu Jianzi had no bad intentions, and it was even less possible for him to harm a golden elixir-level monk.

Besides, they were also curious about who taught such a disciple.

After Wu Jianzi flew out of the mountain gate, he followed the other party from a distance. The other party was just a golden elixir stage monk, but he was in the Return to Immortal Realm, and even wanted to attack the True Immortal Realm. It couldn't be easier for him to follow him. .

But not long after he followed her, his expression suddenly changed.

In the void, a sword energy suddenly appeared. This sword seemed to fly down from nine days away. The sword was filled with an ethereal and mysterious aura.

When the sword fell, the void was torn apart instantly, and obvious cracks appeared. There were obvious tremors and weak echoes in the void, as if even the void could not withstand the power of the sword energy.

Did a sword pass across it, bringing out a brilliant light? Although it is just a sword energy, it gives people the feeling that this sword can crush and destroy all obstacles in front of it.

Wu Jianzi's advancing figure stopped instantly, and the next moment, the sword passed in front of him.

Although the sword did not hit him, it made him feel the taste of death, and he had a very strong feeling in his heart. If he had not stopped just now, this sword would definitely split him into two pieces.

This sword was definitely not a force he could contend with.

What a wonderland!

This is a sword released by a strong man in the true fairyland!

So, behind that child Xingchen, stood a powerful man from the true fairyland!

It was his teacher. The other party noticed that he was following him, so he drew this sword to warn him.

Given the opponent's strength, it was naturally impossible for him to stab him crookedly with a sword. That sword was a warning, but if he continued to follow, that sword would not fail.

And in this situation, even if you were stabbed by the other party, you only deserved it. After all, you were the one who followed other people's disciples first, and it would be useless to lecture the other party about the law at that time.

But, in the True Immortal Realm, is the other party a disciple of the True Immortal Realm?

It's still a real fairyland with swords.

Wu Jianzi shook his head slightly, turned around and flew back to the direction of Donghuang Sect.

In the void in the distance, Duoduo looked at Wu Jianzi flying away and laughed softly. How could the master really let his junior brother come to the East Wilderness Sect?

So along the way, she was secretly protecting Xingchenzi.

He had also noticed Wu Jianzi's following just now, so he drew his sword to warn Wu Jianzi.

That is to say, she recognized that the other party was Wu Jianzi, otherwise, the sword might not have failed.

Within the Donghuang Sect, the battle on the arena continues.

Wu Jianzi's figure also quickly reappeared on the mountain peak.

Qin Yao was a little surprised when she saw Wu Jianzi returning, "You came back so soon. Whose disciple did you see?"

"No." Wu Jianzi shook his head helplessly.

"No?" On the side, a master of the Donghuang Sect heard the sound and said in surprise, "You didn't see other people's masters, how come you returned?"

"It's not that I want to go back, but if I continue to follow, I might not be able to come back." Wu Jianzi sighed, "I was warned just after I followed out. In the void, a sword flew towards me. That sword It’s definitely coming from a true fairyland master.”

"A true fairyland master? The other party's teacher is a true fairyland master?"

"We don't have many True Immortal Realm casual cultivators in the Eastern Wasteland, and there are even fewer True Immortal Realm cultivators who are good at using swords."

"Could it be, Ghost Sword Demon Lord?"

"It can't be him. The Ghost Sword Demon Lord cultivates demonic energy. That Tong Xingchen is obviously the most authentic immortal energy!"

"There is another person, the Sword Master of the Fantasy World."

"Yes, it could be him, but he was in the northernmost part of our Eastern Continent."

"Is it any wonder that a true fairyland master flew from the northernmost part of our Dongzhou to the south of our Dongzhou?"

"Don't guess the other party's identity. In three years' time, when we go to attend the conference in the entire East Continent, his master should appear."

Xingchenzi flew all the way towards Baifeng Sect. By the time he flew to Baifeng Sect, Baifeng Sect's martial arts competition had already ended.

As soon as he returned to the mountain gate, he realized something was wrong.

The disciples in the Baifeng Sect have unusually solemn expressions, especially those in the Golden Core Stage, who should be considered the most numerous in the Baifeng Sect.

After all, the Earth Immortal Realm is a hurdle. Many people will be trapped in the Earth Immortal Realm. Even if they can break through, it will take a long time to practice, so there are particularly many Earth Immortals in the Golden Core Stage.

But along the way, he didn't see many golden elixir stage disciples.

He didn't ask any more questions, but returned all the way. Seeing his senior brother who was surrounded by thousands of people in the Baifeng Sect, he immediately asked: "Senior Brother, why do I feel that the atmosphere in our Baifeng Sect is not right, and why can't I see almost all of them?" I’m a disciple of the Golden Core stage, what happened?”

His senior brother, who is the enemy of thousands of people, is the most well-informed person.

"What can happen?" Ten thousand enemies pointed to the distance, "You should know that the only major event recently is the Golden Core Stage martial arts competition.

You also know that a large sect has thirty places, but these places are shared with everyone who comes to our Baifeng Sect to participate in the competition.

In the end, our Baifeng Sect only won twenty-five places, and the other five places were taken away by monks and casual cultivators from other sects. "

When Xingchenzi heard this, his face showed obvious surprise, and he whispered: "How come so many places have been taken away by others?"

"Look, you look like this too." Upon hearing this, Ten Thousand Enemies shook his head slightly, "Do you think that our Baifeng Sect is a great sect, and our leader is still the leader of the human race? There are still so many true fairy realms in our great sect, so it is natural that our Baifeng sect should win all the places?

Your group of young disciples are all too confident.

Have you ever thought that you are a genius, so why can’t others be geniuses? There are geniuses in our Baifeng Sect, but can't there be geniuses in other sects and even among casual cultivators? "

When Xingchenzi heard this, he remembered that he had participated in the Donghuang Sect's martial arts tournament and had indeed met several people who were not from Donghuan Street. He then nodded with a serious face and said, "Junior brother is wrong. , Indeed, we have geniuses, and other sects may also give birth to geniuses.

Just like when our Baifeng Sect was still a sect in the beginning, there were still talented people like Master, Master, Senior Sister Lingxi, and Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu.

It's normal for others to have talent. "

Ten Thousand Enemies nodded happily when he heard this, "It's good that you can figure this out quickly, but those disciples of our Baifeng Sect also figured it out quickly, but they are still practicing crazily in seclusion, you know Why?"

Xingchenzi asked cooperatively: "Why?"

Ten Thousand Enemies simply found a place to sit down, and then looked at Ten Thousand Enemies and said: "You should know that the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen also has strengths and weaknesses.

The strongest ones are naturally those at the Golden Core stage limit, and the second ones are those that are extremely close to the Golden Core stage limit.

Then people are divided into the top ten strange phenomena golden elixir Dzogchen, the extraordinary ten strange phenomena golden elixir Dzogchen, the mysterious level ten strange phenomena golden elixir Dzogchen, the desolate level ten strange phenomena golden elixir Dzogchen and the ordinary ten strange phenomena golden elixir Dzogchen. Complete. "

Xingchenzi nodded and said: "Junior brother knows that what he has in front of him now can be regarded as the top ten golden elixirs of perfection."

"That's right, both your magic power and your physical body are the top ten golden elixir perfections. You are still far from the limit of the golden elixir stage.

And this time, among the Golden Core disciples of our Baifeng Sect, there is not even one disciple who is at the limit of the Golden Core Phase.

On the contrary, it was a casual cultivator who reached the limit of the golden elixir stage and overwhelmed all the golden elixir stages of our Baifeng Sect.

Therefore, each of our disciples of the Baifeng Sect feel ashamed and are practicing crazily now, especially those disciples who are close to the limit of the Golden Core stage. They are even crazily hitting the limit of the Golden Core stage.

However, in my opinion, they may not be able to reach the limit of the golden elixir stage for a while, at least when they represent our Baifeng Sect in the human race's conference, or even represent our human race in the competition between the eight races. "

Xingchenzi's eyes suddenly widened when he heard the words of his senior brother who was an enemy of thousands of people, and he said in surprise: "We were actually overwhelmed! Not even one of us in the Baifeng Sect has a golden elixir limit."

The joy of his easy victory in the Donghuang Cult just now was gone, and his expression became solemn.

Their disciples of the Baifeng Sect, no matter at that time, were the most advanced beings among their fellow practitioners.

Especially during the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, Master, as well as senior brothers and sisters all became existences at the limit of the Golden Core Stage.

He must not take off his clothes and retreat, becoming the shame of Sibaofeng.

What's more, he is still an ancient immortal body. The ancient immortal body should be an invincible existence among fellow practitioners.

In cultivation, one must cultivate to the limit of the golden elixir stage as soon as possible.

By the way, you can go find Third Senior Brother. Third Senior Brother has the most methods. Although there are some limitations, it is worth a try.

Thinking of this, Xingchenzi hurriedly bid farewell to the ten thousand enemies and flew towards the Yin Yang Peak of the third senior brother.

Ten Thousand Enemies looked at the direction in which Xingchenzi was flying away, and couldn't help but chuckle to themselves, saying to themselves: "This young man is so easy to deceive, no matter how bad our Baifeng Sect is, we don't even have the limit of a golden elixir stage. However, little junior brother, don’t blame me, this is what Third Senior Brother means, and I can’t stop.”

Ten thousand enemies left quickly, and he didn't know how his junior brother spent the past three years.

In short, three years later, when he saw his junior brother again, he was already close to the limit of the golden elixir stage, and his mana and body had reached a level close to the limit of the golden elixir stage!

And his mission is to take his junior brother to the Donghuang Sect.

He was originally good at all kinds of escape techniques, and now, he was already in the true fairyland. Not long after, he brought his junior brother to the Donghuang Sect. After putting his junior brother down, he turned around and left.

But just as he turned around and flew not far away, a breath locked onto him, and then a figure appeared.

After he saw the appearance of the person clearly, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face.

Lord Haoyuexing!

Now it's okay, he was caught, he can run away, but the problem is, people have seen him, what's the point of him running?

Lord Hao Yue Xing flew to the side of the enemy and said with a smile: "They say you have unparalleled escape skills, but today I finally saw it with my own eyes.

This is the gate of our Donghuang Sect, but you almost hid it from me.

By the way, your master is quite capable. If nothing happens, he will send a disciple to occupy our Donghuang Sect’s quota. "

"Well, Master doesn't mean this." Hearing this, Ten Thousand Enemies hurriedly explained, "It's just my little junior brother. He is the youngest junior brother and is under a lot of pressure. Moreover, he has not reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, so Master let him He hid his identity and participated in your Donghuang Sect’s martial arts tournament.”

"There's no need to be so anxious, I'm not that stingy." Haoyue Xingjun said with a calm smile, "Okay, this time I will personally lead the team to participate in our Dongzhou conference, so that your master can be kind. Speaking of which, The same goes for you. Wouldn't it be better for you to let your junior brother stay in your school at Baifeng? You want me to send him off again."

The next martial arts competition in Dongzhou will be held at the Baifeng Sect.

After all, there will be golden elixir stage martial arts competitions among the eight tribes in the future, so the golden elixir stage martial arts competitions will continue to be held within the human race.

And Cao Zhen is going to implement a rotation system.

Every conference in the future will be held by each major religion first, and then when the top thirty-two are finally selected, each major religion will take turns hosting it.

This time, the Baifeng Sect will organize it first. The next time it is held, it will depend on which major sect performs best during the competition among the eight tribes. Which major sect will be responsible for hosting it, and so on.

In the Jindan period, each race has a quota of 128. Although the human race has determined that Cao Zhen is the leader, because the middle continent is still in the hands of the foreign race, although everyone can move around each other, they want to It would be troublesome to jointly hold the Golden Core Stage Conference within the human race.

Simply, Cao Zhen divided the one hundred and twenty-eight quotas of the human race into four parts, with thirty quotas for each continent.

Now, the monk who was promoted to the Golden Core stage three years ago is competing for these thirty-two places.

The reason why three years is given is because after the conference, people in the future will make breakthroughs, and this also gives them an opportunity.

In addition, after the war, some people might be injured even if they had pills. The past three years were also for them to recover from their injuries, and at the same time, they were allowed to perfect their fighting skills and styles.

Xingchenzi discovered that the places obtained by the Donghuang Sect were the same as those of the Baifeng Sect, with thirty places occupying twenty-five places.

Among the remaining people, he also saw Xing Miaorou, the casual cultivator he had met before.

The other person was sitting next to him.

After thirty of them gathered, the leader of the Donghuang Sect, Lord Haoyue Xingjun, personally led the team to fly to the Baifeng Sect.

Not long after he left the Baifeng Sect, he returned to the Baifeng Sect again.

And listening to other people's discussions about Baifeng Sect, he also felt particularly fresh.

There are many exchanges between the monks of the Baifeng Sect and the Donghuang Sect, and the monks of the two great sects even often compete with each other.

But these are all monks who are limited to the Earth Immortal Realm, and this is the first time for these Earth Immortal Realm monks from the Donghuang Sect to come to the Baifeng Sect.

"Is this the Baifeng Sect?"

"It seems to be about the same size as our Donghuang Sect."

"It seems like their mountain gate hasn't been built yet."

"Well, in the previous catastrophe, the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect was breached, and the leader of the Baifeng Sect took out all the resources of the Baifeng Sect, so for a long time after that, the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect was not restored.

I heard that the leader of Baifeng Cult went to a foreign tribe in exchange for some resources, and then rebuilt the mountain gate of Baifeng Cult. "

"Master Baifeng, you have sacrificed so much for our human race."

"Look at that flying boat. It's the flying boat of the Longyin Sect. They're here too."

"The Yin Yang Sect is also here."

Cao Zhen is now the patriarch of the human race. This time, Cao Zhen will preside over the conference. The leaders of various major religions are also very generous. Except for those leaders who are attacking the Golden Fairy Realm, all other leaders can come. coming.

Even the leaders of the big religions sent great elders to lead the team because they could not come.

Juxian Peak!

Today's Juxian Peak is much larger than the original Juxian Peak when it was still the Hundred Peaks Sect.

There was a major announcement in the Baifeng Sect, and when the disciples gathered, they were all at Juxian Peak.

Although it is said that various major sects have eliminated many people, there are too many major sects in Dongzhou now, and the number of golden elixir monks who will participate in the conference is still a terrifying number.

Therefore, the rules of the Golden Core Stage Martial Arts Competition in the entire East Continent are the same as those of the Golden Core Stage Martial Arts Competition in the Eastern Wasteland. Ten monks also boarded a ring, and then only one monk could advance to the next round.

On the Immortal Gathering Platform, after everyone heard Nie Jie, the deputy leader of the Baifeng Cult, announcing the rules, they felt as if a pot was exploding, and screams of surprise kept coming.

"The first round is to choose one out of ten?"

"This, this rule is too cruel."

"Almost all those who can stand here are the existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. Everyone's strength is extremely close. Under this kind of rules, wouldn't it be easy for the strong to fight equally and the weak to take advantage? Case?"

"We didn't report our names before, and we didn't show our cultivation level. What if there are two masters at the golden elixir stage among the ten people in the same arena?"

Nie Jie looked at the chaotic group of disciples below, with a majestic look on his face, and the endless coercion in his body was like a calamity cloud, pressing down layer by layer.

In an instant, everyone below fell silent.

Nie Jie then slowly said: "We have our own reasons for specifying such rules."

As he spoke, bamboo sticks appeared in the void in front of him.

Then he said: "I have ten kinds of bamboo sticks here, which are red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple, white, black and multicolored. Ten different colors. The bamboo sticks further back , represents the stronger.

As long as you are strong enough, then grab the colorful bamboo sticks. If you can't grab them, grab the bamboo sticks of other colors.

Remember, once someone grabs the bamboo stick in their hand, they can no longer snatch it away.

When the stages are divided, bamboo sticks of a certain color will be divided on each stage. This will naturally separate the strongest disciples.

Now, everything is ready. "

As soon as Nie Jie finished speaking, all the disciples at the Golden Elixir stage on the Gathering Immortal Stage instantly fell on the bamboo sticks.

At the same time, behind them, all the golden elixirs of visions appeared.

At this time, almost all of the people who can stand here are monks with the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Core. At a glance, there are only a few monks with the Great Perfection of the Nine Visions Golden Core.

Suddenly, the next moment, the bamboo stick in front of Nie Jie flew out and flew towards the golden elixir stage monks below.

At the same time, the monks at the Golden Core Stage all used their methods to grab these bamboo sticks.

However, some people grabbed for the colorful bamboo sticks, while others grabbed for the black or white bamboo sticks.

For a moment, rays of light from various magical powers flew out, and some monks even used their identities to grab the bamboo sticks.

This space became extremely chaotic at this moment.

In the crowd, Xingchenzi's eyes fell on a colorful bamboo stick. All the strongest monks would go for the colorful bamboo stick. Therefore, as long as they could get the colorful bamboo stick, they would be able to avoid the strongest monks. Monk.

But before the bamboo sticks fell down, magical powers fell on them one after another.

Although he is a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, he does not know what kind of material the bamboo stick is supported by. Under the bombardment of so many magical powers, the bamboo stick was not damaged at all. It was just that under the bombardment of these magical powers, it changed direction and headed towards Fly in the other direction.

And in the void, there were phantoms of giant hands with condensed magical powers grabbing at the bamboo sticks. But before these phantom giant hands fell, and various magical powers fell, these phantoms of giant hands were completely shattered!

The bamboo sticks closer to Xingchenzi were shot away, but the bamboo sticks in other places flew towards them.

Suddenly, not far from his side, a figure suddenly flew out and grabbed a colorful bamboo stick that flew down.

But before his hand touched the bamboo stick, magical powers suddenly fell from all around.

The body-protecting magical power on this figure was shattered in an instant. At this moment, he fell directly from the void without being attacked by many magical powers.

Even so, there were still magical powers hitting him one after another. Suddenly, at the next moment, rays of light shot out and fell on the downed figure, helping him block the magical powers that fell one after another.

Here are the leaders and great elders of the great sects gathered here. There are so many people in the True Immortal Realm and the Returned Immortal Realm in the Baifeng Sect. How could they be killed while fighting for the bamboo sticks.

Although a figure was blown away, there were still figures flying out from all around and grabbing at the bamboo sticks.

But soon, more magical powers flew out and bombarded them.

For a time, no one could get the bamboo stick.

There was obviously immortal energy in these bamboo sticks. They did not fall to the ground. After landing for a certain distance, they flew into the air again.

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