On the huge platform of Juxian Peak, there was chaos at this time. The disciples of the Golden Immortal Realm were frantically snatching the bamboo sticks, but because they attacked each other and made trouble for each other, no one could do it for a while. Get the bamboo stick.

On the mountain peaks on both sides, everyone looked at the disciples snatching the bamboo sticks, but they all began to speculate.

"Tell me, what does the Baifeng Sect mean by doing this?"

"This should be the arrangement of Master Cao. You see, some people have been injured due to the robbery. If there were no experts who rescued them, they would all be dead now.

I think Leader Cao is telling those people that everything must be done according to one's ability. If it were a real battlefield now, they would already be dead. "

On the side, an old man with a majestic appearance wearing a blue robe nodded slightly and said, "That's true, but Patriarch Cao may have other deeper meanings. For example, Patriarch Cao is also educating other monks.

These are all members of their own race. In the end, they were just fighting for those bamboo sticks, but each one of them was so ruthless.

If they were on a real battlefield, would they do the same to their own people? "

"Maybe there are other meanings. Look, none of them have got the bamboo sticks now. Why? It's because everything is too chaotic. They are all fighting on their own. What if they can cooperate with each other?"

"If you want to cooperate, it will be difficult. After all, they come from countless different major sects. If disciples of the same major sect want to cooperate, then disciples of other major sects will also cause trouble."

"Clan Chief Cao, this distribution of bamboo sticks is very particular."

Cao Zhen's mouth twitched slightly as he listened to everyone's words. How could he have thought so much? He simply wanted to divide his strength to prevent those with stronger strength from meeting early.

Why are there so many more interpretations?

Sure enough, once a person reaches a certain position and just say a word, others will immediately give countless answers.

Just like his reading comprehension when he was in school, if the original author were asked to do it, the original author would probably look confused.

Although the battlefield is chaotic, under everyone's snatching and attacking, there will still be some bamboo sticks that land and approach everyone.

Suddenly, a handsome monk dressed in white suddenly burst out with aura, and in an instant, a vast aura surged around him. And his figure soared into the sky, instantly grabbed a black bamboo stick, and then flew down.


"Why did he take a black bamboo stick instead of grabbing the colorful bamboo sticks?"

For a time, all the golden elixir monks vying for it were stunned. Many of them knew this person, and the other party would definitely have time to fight for the colorful bamboo sticks.

Not only the people who are competing for it, but also the top leaders of several big religions also have doubts on their faces.

"This... this is from the Huitian Sect. Fang Shengqing, he is at the limit of the golden elixir stage, right? Why did he grab a black bamboo stick?"

"This little guy is quite interesting. Isn't he afraid of meeting another master?"

After Fang Shengqing grabbed the bamboo sticks, he quickly retreated back. While returning the bamboo sticks, he said loudly: "You guys slowly snatch the colorful bamboo sticks. There are too many people here and it's too chaotic. I'll take the black bamboo sticks." .

As for anyone who gets a colorful bamboo stick and meets me, it can only be considered bad luck for him. "

His voice was filled with extreme confidence.

He is at the limit of the golden elixir stage, so what if he gets the black bamboo stick?

Not to mention black bamboo sticks, so what if he takes the lowest bamboo sticks!


All around, the geniuses were furious when they heard this arrogant voice. For a while, terrifying auras continued to pour out, magical rays of light that were obviously more dazzling than the surrounding light shot out, and human figures flew out.

In the void, many colorful bamboo sticks were directly taken by these geniuses. They did not take action immediately before, they were just waiting for the opportunity.

But that guy was so arrogant that he looked down on them so much. Whoever met him would be unlucky. This clearly showed that he looked down on everyone present.

He is not the only one who has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage.

Xingchenzi mingled in the crowd, and while everyone was snatching it, a star appeared under his feet. He moved across the sky like a pop, and instantly grabbed a colorful bamboo stick and dropped it to the ground.

He is a star dharma body, and his master has an identity that is cultivated based on the stars. He naturally learned this set of body dharma from his master.

As there are fewer and fewer colorful bamboo sticks, more people are focusing on black or white bamboo sticks.

There are even some people who have no choice but to snatch lower bamboo sticks.

Those who got the bamboo sticks naturally retreated to the rear. There were fewer and fewer people left, their cultivation was getting weaker and weaker, and the battle was no longer so chaotic.

Finally, after an hour, everyone got the bamboo sticks.

Nie Jie glanced at Cao Zhen, and after seeing Cao Zhen nodding, he said: "Your bamboo sticks have serial numbers on them.

After a while, the arena will be set up here, and each arena is sorted. There are a hundred arenas in total. After half an hour, find the arena with your serial number and just board the arena. The wait after number 100 is that when there is a free arena, you will be able to play."

Nie Jie also stopped talking, and the disciples of Baifeng Sect quickly set up the arena.

As for those who don’t understand the rules, or those who can’t find their own arena after half an hour, then they can only be considered unlucky. If they don’t even understand the rules and can’t find the arena, then why are they participating in the competition?

In fact, it won't take long to set up the arena, even if it's a hundred arenas. Giving half an hour is just for everyone to recover and rest.

Soon, half an hour had passed, and everyone was flying towards the same arena. On the mountains on both sides, people who had not participated in the battle also looked at their fellow disciples, and many people even looked at them. He looked towards Fang Shengqing.

They wanted to see if this person, Fang Shengqing, would meet an opponent at the extreme golden elixir stage.

At first glance, many people looked disappointed.

"There is no golden elixir stage limit."

"He is the only one with a golden elixir limit."

"It would be interesting if he encountered a golden elixir stage limit in the first round."

"After all, the limit of the Golden Core stage is still small. He is at the limit of the Golden Core stage, which is enough for him to enter the final rounds, and even directly represent our Dongzhou competition.

After all, this is not the period of the Little Era when the universe is reversed, and the limit of the Golden Elixir Stage is still low. "

On the Baifeng Sect side, everyone also looked at the disciples participating in the battle in their own great sect, while everyone at the Four Treasure Peaks looked at Xingchenzi.

Listening to the sighs of the people around, a strange look appeared on the faces of the people in Lingxi. The arena where Fang Shengqing was standing was the No. 9 arena. Apart from him, there was indeed no golden elixir limit on this arena.

However, Xingchenzi is on this stage.

Although Nie Jie had no time before and had to hold a bamboo stick when he entered the ring, Xingchenzi still landed on the ring with the colorful bamboo stick.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Xing Chenzi and Fang Shengqing on Arena No. 9.

On other stages, some people were holding their own bamboo sticks directly, but there were still some people who were not holding bamboo sticks.

In those arenas where bamboo sticks were not taken out, the monks looked at each other.

However, those monks who landed on the ring with colorful bamboo sticks clearly felt the hostile looks.

Suddenly, on a stage with only five people holding bamboo sticks, a person who did not hold a bamboo stick suddenly took out his own bamboo stick, a purple bamboo stick, looked at the crowd and said loudly: " Everyone, everyone understands the rules. Only one person in a ring can walk out of the ring.

That person is most likely the person holding the colorful bamboo stick. I think everyone has reached this point, and no one wants to be eliminated in one go.

In this conference, you can also get points by getting ranked, which can be exchanged for treasures in our human race's point treasury.

If everyone wants to have a higher ranking and get more points, the best way is to first defeat the strongest person holding the colorful bamboo sticks.

Now six of us have taken out colorful bamboo sticks, but the person holding the colorful bamboo sticks has not yet appeared.

In fact, it is easy to find him, as long as everyone does not get the colorful bamboo sticks, then just take out your own bamboo sticks.

The remaining person is naturally the one with the colorful bamboo stick. "

As soon as he finished speaking, among the remaining four monks who didn't take out the bamboo sticks, three of them took out their own bamboo sticks without any hesitation at all. Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on the only one who didn't take out the bamboo sticks. The person who produces bamboo sticks.

"What? You want nine of you to beat one of me?" Another monk who didn't take out the bamboo stick suddenly laughed, his eyes full of disdain, "Do you really think that the nine of you can be my opponent?

In a moment, I will let you know how big the gap between the golden elixir stages is! "

On the rest of the arenas, each monk also reacted quickly. Almost every arena was the same, that is, nine monks instantly formed an alliance to face the monk holding a colorful bamboo stick.

The only special thing is Arena No. 9.

"We have a monk with a colorful bamboo stick in the arena, but there is also a being at the extreme golden elixir stage. Who should we target?"

"Does anyone know the monk holding the colorful bamboo stick?"

"I don't know him. His clothes are not those of any great religion."

"At this time, if you are from a major religion or sect, you will be wearing the clothes of your major religion or sect. He didn't take anything. He should be a casual cultivator."

"A casual cultivator actually got a colorful bamboo stick!"

"His aura is obviously not as good as that of Fang Shengqing."

"Let's target Fang Shengqing together first. After all, that person is at the limit of the golden elixir stage."

"Yes, deal with him first. Isn't he crazy? Whoever competes with him will be unlucky! We will let him be eliminated first."

All around, voices kept coming out.

Some monks have even opened their mouths to invite Xing Chenzi: "Fellow Taoist, how about we unite together and kill Fang Shengqing? He is too arrogant!"

"I..." Xingchenzi just opened his mouth and uttered a word, when Fang Shengqing's voice full of contempt came.

"What if all nine of you come together? That means the rules don't allow it. Otherwise, if you are like this, I will beat ten or twenty of you the same."

Xingchenzi frowned, took two decisive steps back, and stood beside the other monks.

Although he is not yet at the limit of the Golden Core stage, he thinks he can still fight with the opponent. After all, his mana and body are close to the limit of the Golden Core stage!

When Fang Shengqing said it was the limit of the golden elixir stage, he only meant mana, and his physical body must not have reached the limit of the golden elixir stage.

It is really too difficult for the physical body to reach the limit of the golden elixir stage. Every mana of their brothers and sisters in Sibaofeng has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage. However, there are some senior brothers and the world, until they break through, their physical bodies It has not reached the limit of the golden elixir stage.

He practiced the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, considered by many to be the most powerful body-building magic technique in the world. He did not even let his physical body reach the limit of the golden elixir stage.

This is also his capital to compete with the opponent.

But this Fang Shengqing was so crazy that he even asked to beat the rest of them. He had only seen this kind of request from his third senior brother.

But who is the third senior brother!

That is the existence that has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage in body and mana before completing the elixir synthesis. That is the existence at the pinnacle of the true fairyland, and the real protagonist.

How can this person compare with Third Senior Brother?

In the words of the third senior brother, such people must be taught some lessons to let them recognize the reality early. This is actually good for them and will prevent them from seeking death so much in the future.

Fang Shengqing saw the other nine people working together, but there was still no fear on their faces. They had not reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, they were just a bunch of chickens and dogs.

He even said to the nine of them: "You nine, it's best to wait until the game starts and use your magical powers as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to take action."

"As you wish, I hope you won't regret it after a while."

"Just don't be the first to be eliminated."

Everyone who is able to come here is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. They are all the pride of heaven. How can they be seen so clearly? Under the aura of one person, they all release the huge power that they have completed to combine the elixirs. Golden elixir.

For a moment, the void in this arena shook because of these golden elixir stages.

At the same time, the air above other arenas also fluctuated violently.

However, there are two masters from the Earth Fairyland in charge of each arena, and there are formations on the arena. Their momentum and magical powers cannot fly out of the arena where they are, nor will they affect others.

Suddenly, from high up, Nie Jie's voice fell: "The martial arts tournament begins!"

As soon as the words fell, on the arena, a group of the strongest Jindan disciples in Dongzhou took action one after another.

For a moment, rays of light flew across the arena.

On the stage where Xingchenzi was, Fang Shengqing did not attack, but only released a body-protecting magical power.

A faint golden light enveloped his entire body, and within the golden light, two dragon shadows could be vaguely seen wandering around.

Opposite him, everyone had already taken out their magic weapons and launched attacks.

For a moment, there were streaks of scorching flames, ice that seemed to freeze the earth, strong winds that seemed to sweep away the entire arena, and thunder that seemed to shatter mountains. Attacks fell at the same time. Falling towards Fang Shengqing.

A golden thunderbolt also shot out from Xingchenzi's hand, hitting Fang Shengqing directly.

Facing the attacks from everyone, there was no trace of panic on Fang Shengqing's face. His whole body was shrouded in a layer of golden light that suddenly became extremely brilliant, like a holy shield.

The golden dragon swam gracefully between looming and looming, and you could even vaguely see the dazzling light shining on the dragon's scales.

Everyone attacked together, and the entire arena trembled crazily. The air became extremely hot, as if the world had changed color.

The raging flames surged in like a sea of ​​fire, burning out all life. However, the golden light was like an indestructible shield, blocking the flames.

The next moment, frost fell from the sky, and the cold breath was biting. Ice and snow were flying, forming sharp ice blades, like steel raindrops flying all over the sky.

However, the golden light caught up with the force of ice and shattered them one by one, turning them into tiny ice crystals, shining like stars in the Milky Way in the night sky.

Almost at the same time, thunder rolled over his head, accompanied by the sound of thunder and sweeping the power of destruction.

The light of lightning instantly pierced the void. The power of this thunder was obviously stronger than the previous power of fire and ice. Under the collision, Fang Shengqing's body-protecting magical power finally began to shake crazily.

However, this body-protecting magical power still showed no signs of damage.

For a moment, Fang Shengqing actually gave people the illusion that he was as indestructible as a mountain. And those attacks came like a tide, but they dissipated invisible under the light.

When all attacks were blocked by this golden light, suddenly, a huge golden thunder struck down from the sky.

The golden electric light shone brightly and was so powerful that it seemed to instantly distort the surrounding void.

The power of thunder is boundless, like the most ferocious dragon in the world, releasing the power to destroy everything. The thunder fell, and there was even a deafening roar. The sound was so loud that it seemed to tear apart the soul, and lightning burst out, releasing a dazzling light. Golden electric current shuttled through the thunder, like hot metal molten metal, exuding the aura of destruction.

In the blink of an eye, the golden thunder struck the golden light.

In an instant, Fang Shengqing's golden body-protecting magical power began to shake violently, as if a mountain peak was about to collapse due to the shaking.

In the light, the figure of the golden dragon let out a shrill roar as the thunder collided. Tiny cracks appeared on the golden shield, as if it was facing unbearable pressure.

And these cracks are changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Behind them, the magical powers of several other monks also fell.

In an instant, the golden body-protecting magical power suddenly collapsed, like a broken dream, and the golden dragon's figure also disappeared.

Almost at the same time, Fang Shengqing's figure quickly retreated.

The falling thunder hit the other attacks, almost grazing his body and falling on the western ring, leaving a clear mark directly on the solid ring.

"It's close to the limit of the golden elixir stage. It's finally interesting." Fang Shengqing lifted up his coat, which was shattered by the thunder, and suddenly swung his coat away, revealing the cyan outfit underneath.

Although the protective spell was broken, there was still no worry or fear on his face.

On the high mountains in the distance, many monks who were paying attention to this battle also became interested.

"That's a bit interesting. This monk who uses the magical power of thunder has extraordinary magical powers."

"Actually, the reason why Fang Shengqing is so arrogant is not only because he suddenly reaches the limit of the golden elixir stage, but also because of his body-protecting magical power. That body-protecting magical power should be the strongest body-protecting magical power of Huitian Sect, Huilonghu. Physical skills.

Back when we were still in Central Continent, the Golden Core Stage disciples of their Huitian Sect were extremely powerful because of the Huilong Body Protection Technique.

As a result, he didn't expect that there was a monk on the opposite side, who had magical powers that were not weaker than the dragon-returning body protection technique. "

"Actually, no matter how strong your magical power is, it doesn't mean much. After all, you have to practice spells after entering the Earthly Immortal Realm. Spells and magical powers are completely different.

Although some magical powers are the basis of spells, when some magical powers are turned into spells, they are far less powerful than the magical powers they originally were. This time, the Dragon Body Protection Technique is one of them. "

"This is true in most cases, but there are exceptions. There are also magical powers that are strong when they are turned into spells. For example, the Five Thunder Zhengfa of Baifeng Sect."

"No, I feel that Five Thunder Zhengfa is more powerful in magic than in magical power."

"Speaking of which, there are many disciples of the Baifeng Sect competing this time, but I haven't seen any disciples perform the Five Thunder Methods yet."

They all know that the Five Thunder Zhengfa spells can only be mastered by the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak lineage, or Cao Zhen's wife, but the magical power of Zhengfa is spread within the Baifeng Sect, and many disciples know it.

"Although the thunder magical power used by that disciple just now is strong, it is still slightly inferior to the Five Thunder Zhengfa."

While everyone was talking about it, on the No. 9 arena, everyone's magical attacks once again fell on Fang Shengqing.

Fang Shengqing's body-protecting magical power was destroyed, but this time he did not stay where he was, but quickly moved forward. He was arrogant, not stubborn.

If you don’t have the magical power to protect your body, how can you use your body to withstand other people’s attacks? That's not seeking death!

Facing everyone's magical attack, his body flickered like a stream of light, disappearing in an instant, leaving a faint afterimage.

Seen from a distance, the afterimages intertwined behind him, as if he existed in multiple places at the same time.

In just a moment, he appeared in front of the monk closest to him.

Attack him with supernatural powers?

He wanted to see if he appeared directly in front of one of the opponent's monks, and whether the other party dared to use magical attacks in such a violent manner. If they continued to use magical attacks like this, the opposing team would definitely be separated.

After all, these people were not disciples of a great religion, but were temporarily united to deal with him.

When a monk is besieged by a monk whose strength is inferior to his own, the best thing to do is to quickly approach the opponent, so that the opponent does not dare to attack in four or five directions.

No matter which realm of cultivation you are in, it is the same.

In his hand, a long black knife appeared and slashed at the monk.

Opposite him, the monk never expected that the other party would be so fast. He would appear in front of him in an instant, and it was too late to dodge.

Seeing that the sharp blade was about to be cut off, suddenly, on the ring, a figure flashed across the night sky like a meteor, flashing rapidly, and instantly appeared in front of Fang Shengqing. At the same time, a silver long sword appeared, blocking his way. On top of the long black knife.

The knife collided with the sword, and there was a clear clang sound.

A string of dazzling sparks erupted at the intersection of the swords. Fang Shengqing suddenly felt a huge force coming from him, and he involuntarily took three steps back.

He looked at the figure opposite.

It's him again!

The man holding the colorful bamboo stick in this arena is also the one closest to him in strength.

"Want to compete with me in swordsmanship and swordsmanship? I want to see how much you weigh!" Fang Shengqing sneered, swung the long knife in his hand, and slashed towards the opposite side.

Although his body took three steps back after the blow just now, it was because the opponent calculated mentally and not unintentionally. His physical strength was also extremely powerful.

According to the classification of the golden elixir stage, his physical strength should be close to the level of the golden elixir of the ten extraordinary phenomena.

This is extremely terrifying.

After all, the physical strength of the golden elixir stage is much more difficult than the cultivation of magic.

He didn't believe that the person opposite him was not a disciple of a great sect, or even a sect, but his physical strength could rival his own!

To cultivate the physical body, you first need top-level body-building magical skills. This kind of magical skills is even rarer than those top-notch skills.

In addition, a large amount of materials are required.

It is difficult for a casual cultivator to have so many materials. If there are so many resources, they will not be used to shape the physical body.

At the same time, because he has been shaping the physical body, he knows how difficult it is to cultivate the physical body. Even with his talent, the strength of the current physical body has not reached the level of the Transcendent Ten Visions Golden Elixir, let alone a loose body. fixed!

His physical body is powerful, and his sword skills are inherited from the deputy leader of their Huitian Sect, who is a true fairyland existence.

That being had stopped accepting disciples ten thousand years ago, but after seeing his talent, he still accepted him, and what his master was best at was swordsmanship!

A knife fell, and three knife shadows instantly appeared in the void, and each knife shadow was different. Some knife shadows were domineering and unparalleled, some gave people a sense of sharpness, and there was also a knife shadow. The shadow makes people feel as if they are pressed down by the heavy mountains.

Xingchenzi looked at the fallen sword, and felt that there were flaws everywhere.

This sword technique is too fancy.

He tilted his body slightly to the side, and stabbed forward suddenly with the long sword in his hand. This sword seemed to be ordinary, but when the long sword fell, it gave people a feeling that this sword seemed to be integrated with the surrounding heaven and earth. The illusion of oneness.

What's even more terrifying is that this sword is too fast.

Fang Shengqing felt a flash of silver light before his eyes, and the sword passed through the gaps between his three swords and stabbed directly into his chest.


A sharp pain came, and Fang Shengqing quickly retreated backwards. Looking at the open wound on his chest and the bright red blood that continued to flow out, his eyes suddenly widened, filled with disbelief. How could this happen!

His master is a true fairyland, and his sword skills are truly passed down by his master. How could he be broken by a sword, and so easily!

Also, how could the opponent draw the sword so fast, and how strong the opponent's physical body was?

Before he could think about it, the opponent's sword fell again, this time it was about the opponent's attack.

He was still the same as before. It looked like it was just an ordinary sword, but the recording of this sword gave him a feeling that there was no way to avoid it. At the same time, this sword was as fast as lightning, and seemed to be faster than the one just now. Even faster.

The sword fell and his shoulder was suddenly pierced!

In the distance, high on the mountain, the monks watching the battle also exclaimed in surprise.

"This boy's swordsmanship!"

"What a superb swordsmanship. This kind of swordsmanship is even beyond the scope of the Golden Core stage!"

"Even some earthly immortals who are good at swordsmanship don't have this level of swordsmanship!"

"Who taught this disciple?"

"He's not wearing any sect or sect clothes. He seems to be a casual cultivator?"

"Do we have such casual cultivators in Dongzhou?"

"The person who is good at swordsmanship is the casual cultivator. Who is it?"

"However, this disciple wears a mask. This is to intentionally hide his identity."

"It doesn't matter if he hides his identity. As long as he is human, there will be no problem."

"Also, the strength of his physical body, such speed, this physical body is very terrifying. Among this group of disciples, I am afraid that there is no physical body that can surpass this brother's disciple. At least, there is no such thing among the golden elixirs currently on the stage. To someone who is physically stronger than him!"

Some people looked in the direction of the Huitian Sect and said to the deputy leader of the Huitian Sect: "Xiongdao Immortal Lord, your disciple was not unjustly defeated.

His sword skills are definitely the most top-notch in the Golden Core stage. However, the opponent's swordsmanship is not the swordsmanship that a person in the Golden Core stage can possess. With your disciple's sword, there is only such a small gap, and the opponent can instantly find it, and then seize the flaw! "

Xiongdao Immortal Lord's face had turned ashen. He didn't need to come this time. After all, the leader of Huitian Sect came in person, but because of his little disciple, Fang Shengqing had to compete in martial arts, and he also He thought that his young disciple would be able to get a very good ranking, so he came together.

Who would have thought that as soon as the martial arts competition began, his disciples would be stabbed one after another.

"Fellow Taoist, your words are too early. The competition on Arena No. 9 is not over yet, and my disciple is not defeated yet."

Although he said this, there was no confidence on his face. His disciple was too arrogant. Otherwise, the monk holding the colorful bamboo stick should have been besieged by these people.

As a result, his disciple became the target of public criticism.

The monk who used the colorful bamboo stick was no weaker than his disciple. Although the opponent's magic power was not as strong as his disciple's, it was still very close.

But physically, the other party was much stronger than his disciple.

Now, the two of them did not distance themselves and were still fighting with their bodies, which was even more detrimental to his disciple.

While several people were talking, Fang Shengqing received three more sword wounds on his body.

He really couldn't understand how he could meet such a pervert. He was a genius from a great religion, and he often competed with geniuses from other great religions. Before he came, he even competed with two golden elixirs. People who have reached the limit have discussed it.

Although there was no winner in the end, he clearly had the upper hand in the battle. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so arrogant and confident.

But he felt that this guy in front of him was even more difficult to deal with than the two guys at the golden core stage who he had competed with before!

That physical body is really terrifying.

That sword technique completely suppressed his sword technique.

Now, no other monks are attacking, and he is no match for the guy in front of him.

Behind them, the other eight monks looked at the two entangled people, but did not make a move for a while. They did not expect that there was someone on their side of the ring who could suppress Fang Shengqing.

"What kind of luck do we have? It's amazing that there is such a powerful person in other people's arena. How come there are two such perverts in our arena."

"Yeah, how can we get to the next round."

"Everyone, we are actually lucky." Among the eight people, the monk who was the first to call everyone to fight against Fang Shengqing suddenly said, "If there is only one person like this, we will not be the opponent of each other if we join forces. But now, the two of them are entangled. If we fight together, won't our chance come?"

His words had fallen, and many people around him nodded.

"That's right, we don't have to do anything now. We just need to wait for them both to suffer losses and then take advantage of the situation."

"Yes, let's defeat these two first, and then we'll have a showdown."

"Everyone, something seems wrong." Suddenly, the only female cultivator among the eight people pointed at the two people who were fighting and said urgently, "Look, Fang Shengqing is obviously at a disadvantage, and he has more and more injuries. .

If this continues, Fang Shengqing will be defeated, and I'm afraid the other person will be fine. Will the eight of us be sure to defeat him by then?

Fang Shengqing attacked us before, but we didn't even react. This person is obviously faster than Fang Shengqing. If he attacks us secretly, we will be even more unstoppable.

When the time comes, there will be fewer and fewer of our people, and we will eventually be defeated by him one by one. "

"Now what?"

"What should we do? Then of course we should take action. While the two of them are fighting and have no energy to deal with us, we will strike first and defeat these two people first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the monk who had been rescued by Xingchenzi whispered: "Isn't this good? That man was helping us before, but we attacked him in the blink of an eye."

"What's wrong? He joined forces with us to use us to defeat Fang Shengqing."

"If you don't want to attack, you don't have to attack, but don't disturb us. Otherwise, you will be the first person to be eliminated on stage nine."

The other seven monks instantly targeted the two people who were fighting. In the blink of an eye, attacks flew out one after another, enveloping Xing Chenzi and Fang Shengqing who were fighting in the distance.

Xingchenzi felt the frightening auras coming from behind him. After forcing Fang Shengqing back with a sword, rays of light rose up all over his body. He naturally had the body-protecting magical power, and his body-protecting magical power was still the third one to use. , specially built for him based on his star body.

Of course, the third senior brother also said that he was not allowed to tell the master about this matter.

Although he had already gathered his magical powers to protect his body, he still dodged to the side immediately.

If you can dodge the opponent's attack, there is no need to resist.

He managed to escape the attack, but Fang Shengqing was not so lucky.

A spear of biting cold air flew past where he was just now, but it hit Fang Shengqing.

Then the scorching flames, the wind blade as sharp as a divine weapon, and the powerful thunder struck one after another, all hitting Fang Shengqing's body.


Fang Shengqing opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of bright red blood. He had been wounded by a sword before, and then his opponent suddenly dodged. The magical powers that originally hit his opponent were all thrown at him. How could he dodge!

Behind them, everyone who used magical attacks was also stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did it all fall on Fang Shengqing?"

"We are preparing to attack them both!"

"No, everyone, be careful, that guy has turned around."

Xingchenzi felt the attack from behind, and after dodging, he ignored Fang Shengqing and rushed towards everyone as fast as possible.

Fang Shengqing was too arrogant, so he and everyone joined forces to deal with Fang Shengqing.

But these people were even more disgusting than Fang Shengqing. It was clearly these people who invited him to join forces, but now, seeing that Fang Shengqing was about to be defeated by him, these people suddenly took action against him.

Before, Fang Shengqing sneak attacked several other people, but those people did not react. Xingchenzi was faster than Fang Shengqing, and these people had no chance to react.

He rushed into the crowd in an instant, and then, a series of popping sounds continued to be heard, and the monks with the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Great Perfection kept falling down.

In the distance, on the mountain peaks on both sides, masters from various major religions had expressions on their faces.

"It doesn't matter that the disciples in the Golden Core stage are strong, but this disciple, have you noticed that his attacks are extremely clean and neat, and he is always able to make the best choice when facing eight monks who besiege him."

"He has a lot of one-to-many combat experience, so he can always make the best judgment."

"I really don't know which fellow Taoist can cultivate such an outstanding disciple."

"What's rare is that he also started very lightly. He always chose to throw these people out of the ring without seriously injuring them."

"Now I am more and more curious about who his master is. He has such an outstanding disciple and lets him wear a mask to hide his identity."

Others can't tell that the person is wearing a mask, but they can naturally tell that they are a true fairy.

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