The magic power of Xingchenzi and Tianfu of the Tian Clan are similar, and their physical strength is also extremely close. Under such circumstances, after Tianfu was seriously injured by a sword, he was completely at a disadvantage.

All around, the attention of the monks was no longer on the arena, but on Cao Zhen.

Many monks from the Celestial Clan even cursed secretly.

"Insidious, really insidious. He deliberately made his disciples wear masks."

"Yes, if Futian knew that he was Cao Zhen's disciple, he would definitely be more careful and guard against Cao Zhen's sword skills."

"This is a sneak attack!"

"It would be disgraceful even if he wins!"

"Do humans only use these methods?"

Even the fourth prince of the Tian Clan looked at Cao Zhen and said strangely: "Is this the disciple of the alliance leader?"

"That's right." Cao Zhen nodded slightly, his expression as usual.

The fourth prince of the Tian Clan said with a bit of a smile: "This disciple of Master Cao is quite interesting, he even wears a mask."

"It's nothing. As a disciple, I don't want to use my name to get around outside. Therefore, he has been wearing a mask since he participated in the selection within our human race."

Cao Zhen just said that he should stop talking. He did not say this to the four princes of the Celestial Clan, but to his allies and other human beings.

As for the four princes of the Celestial Clan?

My disciple is wearing a mask, how can I find him?

My disciple just won, don’t talk so much nonsense.

Xingchenzi's sword indeed gave him the upper hand. In fact, even without this sword, if he continued to fight, he would be the winner.

Although he and Futian are extremely close in terms of magic power and physical body, he has an ancient immortal body. In terms of consumption, other monks really cannot compare to the ancient immortal body.

Futian was unable to be treated because of his injuries, and slowly, his breath became weaker and weaker.


There was a muffled sound, and Futian was kicked out by Xingchenzi. Then, Xingchenzi suddenly caught up with him and stabbed Futian's face with the long sword in his hand.

Seeing that his long sword was about to penetrate Futian's neck at the next moment, suddenly, a strong celestial energy flew from below the ring and blocked his sharp sword.

"Okay, he has lost, there is no need to attack anymore."

Below the ring, the voice of the evil referee rang. Although Tianfu would most likely be severely injured and on the verge of death with this sword fall, the person on the ring was the royal family of the Tianzu. How could he let Tianfu appear? Such danger.


"Tianfu actually lost."

All around, monks from the Tian Clan had been watching the battle between the two of them, and although they knew that Tian Fu was at a disadvantage, they still looked forward to it, hoping that Tian Fu would come up with some special means to turn defeat into victory.

But in the end, Tianfu didn't use any special means until he was defeated. It seemed that the twin swords were his last resort.

"Tianfu lost, and he is not even qualified to enter the original world?"

"He is definitely one of the strongest monks in the Golden Core Stage today!"

"Deliberately, I suspect that this is intentional by the human race. They deliberately want to eliminate our monks."

No matter what conference it is, there will always be some guys who say they have the inside scoop.

Although Cao Zhen was the leader of the alliance, he could not silence all the monks, and he did not care about these monks.

After Xingchenzi defeated Futian, he attracted the attention of monks from all races. Many monks had even begun to study him in advance, and he also took off his mask. Now that other monks know his identity, he can continue to wear it. Wearing a mask is of no use.

He didn't know why, but this was his third time participating in the martial arts tournament. As a result, in these three martial arts tournaments, he encountered the most difficult battles early on.

Although it was said that it was a battle among the eight tribes, he did not find an opponent who could compete with Tianfu.

Even though monks from other clans began to study him early, he still won the championship in this Golden Core Stage martial arts competition.

It's just that after winning the championship, he didn't stay much longer. After returning to the Hundred Peaks Sect, it only took him five years to break through to the Wind and Fire Tribulation cultivation level. Another five years later, he broke through directly to the Earth Fairy Realm.

Afterwards, he even participated in the next martial arts tournament in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

The competition in the Earthly Immortal Realm is held every five hundred years.

Five hundred years were enough for him to reach the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. After participating in the competition in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he immediately broke through and entered the Returning Immortal Realm. He even participated in the next one. , a martial arts tournament in Fairyland.

Unknowingly, more than a thousand years have passed.

More than a thousand years is not a long time in the eyes of many immortal cultivators, but to Cao Zhen and the disciples of Sibaofeng, it is not a short time.

They have not been cultivating immortals for a long time.

On top of the mountain gate of the Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen had already arranged a brand new mountain guarding formation. He was now standing in the void, looking down at the entire Baifeng Sect.

In a thousand years, the entire Eastern Continent and the other three continents have long since recovered.

In the past thousand years, although everyone will still fight on the battlefield outside the sky, no major conflicts have broken out among the various tribes, and all tribes are recovering their strength.

As for the human race, because of the arrival of those mortals from Central Continent, not only has its vitality been restored, but it has also become far more powerful than before.

But now the entire Baifeng Sect has long recovered its vitality, and is even more prosperous than when the mountain gate was breached. After all, in the past thousand years, all the disciples of the Baifeng Sect have been practicing crazily, and everyone is progress.

For example, his disciple Xing Chenzi has already reached the peak of the Return to Immortal Realm, and his son and daughter have also reached the peak of the Return to Immortal Realm.

I'm afraid it won't be long before they can all break through and enter the true fairyland.

The ones who have changed the most are his other disciples.

Among the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak, Xiang Ziyu was the first to break through and enter the Golden Immortal Realm, followed by Ruoyun.

Ruoyun only reached the Golden Immortal Realm in his previous life, but in this life, after becoming Cao Zhen's disciple, he finally reached a height that he had not reached in his previous life and became a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm.

After that, Ling Xi, Yan Yourong and other disciples made breakthroughs one after another.

The last one to break through was Ten Thousand Enemies. Although he was not the last disciple to join the mountain sect besides Xingchenzi, he was the last disciple to break through.

His wives, Li Ke and Guanyue, also achieved breakthroughs and became golden immortals.

The only one who didn't make a breakthrough was Cao Zhen.

He also couldn't understand why he couldn't break through.

In the true fairyland, up to ten fairy palaces can be condensed, and then the alienation of the fairy palaces can be completed.

But he now has far more than ten immortal palaces.

Nowadays, his fairy mountain is full of all kinds of strange fairy palaces, such as the strange fairy palace of the way of music, the strange fairy palace of poetry, the strange fairy palace of chess, etc. He knows everything Almost all of the Great Dao's Immortal Palace was condensed, but he was still unable to break through and enter the Golden Immortal Realm!

He had some vague guesses about being unable to break through.

"It should be Central Continent. Because of the Atlas of the Golden Age, I am taking the path of the Golden Age. After I break through and enter the Golden Fairy Realm, the scope of my Golden Age should be the entire human world.

But now, the center of our human race and the largest state, Central Continent, is in the hands of other alien races.

Perhaps, after Central Continent truly returns to the hands of our human race, I will be able to break through and enter the Golden Fairyland.

The question is, how to get all races to leave Middle-earth? "

Cao Zhen had a headache. Central Continent was the territory of their human race. Naturally, he wanted to drive all these alien races out of Central Continent.

But despite the fact that the human race is now in alliance with the demon race, the beast race and other races, he is still the leader of the Eight Races Alliance, but if he really asks all races to leave Central Continent, I am afraid that no race will agree, even the ones closest to their human race. The demon clan is no exception.

But now, their human race does not have the strength to drive out all races.

Even if he didn't help the half-step golden immortals of various races break through, their human race didn't have the strength.

What's more, even if they have this strength, they will suffer heavy losses if they really fight.

The best way is not to take action and let all races leave Central Continent willingly.

"But, how to get them to leave Central Continent? They also have benefits in Central Continent. They have resources for cultivation, and sometimes ruins will appear."

Cao Zhen had a headache. Suddenly, the next moment, the whole world shook suddenly.

Not only the entire Baifeng Sect's location, but also the entire Eastern Wasteland, he even felt that the entire human world was shaking crazily at this moment.

Visions of heaven and earth!

What's going on here?

Cao Zhen raised his head and looked into the distance. At the same time, in the vast world of the human race, monks one after another also raised their heads and looked into the distance.


Suddenly a loud noise was heard, and the void suddenly tore open. It was not just a crack, but countless cracks appeared in the void.

At the same time, the ground was shaking crazily.

Vaguely, he even saw cracks spreading in the void, seemingly forming the prototype of a passage.

"This is... the original world? The original world passage has appeared?"

Every monk in the entire human world also reacted.

"Such a huge vision of heaven and earth, a vision of heaven and earth that is more terrifying than a breakthrough in the Golden Fairy Realm, must be the appearance of the original realm passage."

"touch, touch..."

Suddenly, a muffled sound was heard, and within the Baifeng Sect, pieces of the earth shattered, and obvious cracks appeared on the ground.

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened. Their Baifeng Sect was protected by formations. Even so, the ground inside the gate of the Baifeng Sect could crack, let alone the mortal world.

He looked far into the distance and found that the world in the distance had become chaotic. Strong winds were blowing and howling. The temperature of the entire world was dropping crazily. The earth was constantly fragmenting, and mountains even began to collapse.

"Quickly, pass on the order. The disciples of the Baifeng Sect will go out to help those mortals. Also notify all the great sects of the human race to do their best to rescue the mortals."

Cao Zhen reacted quickly and issued the order.

At this time, it seemed that every place in the entire human world was experiencing an earthquake.

Village after village, city after city, buildings continued to collapse under the force of the earthquake. Even the solid walls of some big cities had cracks, and some even collapsed directly to the ground.

In the city, people were running around in fear.

Along the coasts of various states, tsunamis swept across the coastline and huge waves came in like mountains, destroying towns and fishing villages along the coast.

The whole world seemed to be in boundless catastrophe at this moment.

Not only the human race, but also the demon race, the heavenly race, the beast race...

At this moment, in this world, all races in the world seemed to have encountered a catastrophe.

In the catastrophe, human monks flew out from their respective sects and sects one after another, and flew to the towns and villages closest to them.

Banyang Village got its name because there is a lake next to their village. From a distance, the lake looks like half a goat.

At this time, many villagers in the village had already ran out of the village, but before they could rejoice, the water in Banyang Lake suddenly rushed out, rushing towards them like a tide breaking a bank, It looked like they would soon be overwhelmed.

Suddenly, in the void, strong winds blew up. The strong winds were so strong that they pushed back the tide. At the same time, a voice appeared from behind them.

"Quick, get into the flying boat."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge flying boat flew down.

The villagers looked at the flying boat in front of them and the several monks beside the flying boat, and cheered.

"Immortal, the immortal is here."

"The immortal has come and we are saved."

"Sage, hurry up, my brother is still trapped in the village."

"I beg you, Immortal, please show mercy and save my father. He is also in the village."

Some immortals used magic to block the incoming lake water, and some immortals quickly urged: "Hurry up and get into the flying boat, and we will naturally rescue people."

As soon as he finished speaking, an immortal rushed into the flying boat.

Not only in Dongzhou, but also in the four human continents, all the monks are rescuing mortals.

Over the past thousand years, the monks in the four continents have become accustomed to the rules specified by Cao Zhen. On the other hand, everyone also understands the importance of mortals. Over the years, it is precisely because they have brought the mortals back from Central Continent that they can Only by recruiting more disciples can the vitality of each major religion and each sect be restored so quickly.

All major religions and major sects have sent monks, but the catastrophe caused by the emergence of the original world channel has begun to intensify.

The void changed rapidly, and for a while it became pitch black, as if a deep and bottomless black hole had swallowed up the entire sky, making it impossible to see clearly everything around it.

Then, suddenly, a bright, dazzling light illuminated the earth. Such recurring darkness and light make people feel overwhelmed and unable to predict what will happen next.

The cracks in the void became more and more obvious, as if a portal to another world had opened. These cracks brought strong energy fluctuations, triggering violent storms, thunder and lightning.

Just after the visions of heaven and earth continued to change, suddenly, the whole world suddenly turned dark. For ten consecutive days, it seemed that there was no day in the whole world, only night. The night shrouded the earth, plunging people into endless darkness, and at the same time, because there was no It is bright and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

However, ten days later, when daylight came again, the scorching sun scorched the earth and the air temperature changed drastically, making people feel unbearably hot. This time, the daylight lasted for another ten days.

A series of heaven and earth phenomena disrupted people's lives. Although monks took action, their houses collapsed, their homes were destroyed, countless people were displaced, farmland was severely damaged, and crops withered, which may even lead to food shortages in the future. , famine raged.

After ten days of continuous daylight, the bridges connected together in the void to form a dark bridge.

One end of this bridge leads to an unknown place, but the other end is connected to numerous realities.

Human race, heavenly race, demon race, beast race...

The vast worlds of all races are connected together by bridges and passages.

Almost the moment the bridge appeared, a figure rose into the sky.

Sancai Sword Lord!

Although the Alliance of Eight Clans had previously discussed how to allocate the quotas, the problem was that no one knew whether the monks from other tribes would abide by the rules.

The passage would not recognize their people, so he chose to fly to the bridge as soon as possible to prevent monks from other tribes from entering the bridge.

The monks from the Celestial Clan, Monster Clan, Beast Clan, and other tribes all thought the same thing, and they immediately flew out and flew outside the bridge.

Soon, the figures of Lingxi and Xiang Ziyu appeared in front of Cao Zhen.

Although his disciples entered the Golden Immortal Realm relatively late, their talents were already good. Before, they were the strongest group in the Earth Immortal Realm, the Returned Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm. After entering the Golden Immortal Realm, they were equally powerful. Incomparable.

Although it is said that when they entered the Golden Fairyland, the Golden Fairyland competition had already been held, and the next Golden Fairyland competition was still very early.

It was said at the beginning that the martial arts competition in the Returning Immortal Realm is once in a thousand years, in the True Immortal Realm it is once every two thousand years, and in the Golden Immortal Realm it is once every three thousand years.

Normally, they do not have the quota to enter the original realm, but they once had the quota to the true fairyland. It was agreed at the beginning that they, the monks who originally had the quota, could challenge a quota after entering the next realm of cultivation. For monks, if they defeat the other party, they can get the quota paid by the other party.

These disciples of Sibaofeng, in addition to the ten thousand enemies, including Guanyue and Li Ke, all challenged.

As a result, they all successfully challenged, and the people they challenged were almost all monks from the Heavenly Clan and the Blood Clan.

It was also because of them that the Heavenly Clan and the Blood Clan lost a lot of places.

"Master, the passage has appeared, let's go." Xiang Ziyu can't wait to enter the so-called original world. The challenge of being the protagonist has finally arrived!

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and looked at Li Ke standing aside.

Li Ke gave Cao Zhen a reassuring look and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of the family."

She originally had a quota, but if she left, all the masters of the Baifeng Sect would leave, leaving only one ten thousand enemy.

There is no problem in letting this guy escape if there are ten thousand people against him, but if he is allowed to guard a big sect, not only Cao Zhen is worried, but no one in the entire Baifeng Sect is worried.

Therefore, Li Ke took the initiative to choose to stay.

As the leader's wife and the great elder of the Baifeng Sect, she has sufficient prestige, and her cultivation is also strong enough.

As for her quota, it is naturally reserved for tens of thousands of enemies.

Other tribes have no objections to the transfer of quotas from the human race. The quotas belong to others, and they can transfer them however they want.

What's more, their various races have also had their quotas transferred, so naturally they won't talk about the human race.

In addition to the disciples of Sibaofeng, others such as Shen Lidi, Liao Youdi, Qiao Jingyao and others have also obtained the qualifications to enter the original world, but they have not obtained the qualifications for the Golden Immortal Realm, but the qualifications for the True Immortal Realm.

As for Xingchenzi, his son Cao Zhonghua and daughter Cao Sixia also obtained the quota to return to the fairyland.

In addition, within the Baifeng Sect, there is another disciple who has obtained the qualification for the Earth Immortal Realm, and another disciple has obtained the qualification for the Golden Core Stage.

This is already a lot.

After all, there are only 200 places for each cultivation realm, and these are chosen from among the eight tribes, not the human race themselves.

Among them, there are even some later monks who obviously could break through, but chose not to break through. They stayed in one realm of cultivation, which was a gamble that the original realm could be opened in a short period of time, and they obviously made the right bet.

Under such circumstances, it is really not easy to get a place.

"Let's go."

Cao Zhen and everyone from the Baifeng Sect stood up and flew into the void. With them, there was the Juezhen Immortal Lord. Thousands of years ago, the Juezhen Immortal Lord was already at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm.

The Ji Zhen Sect she belonged to was next to the Baifeng Sect, and she recognized Cao Zhen as her leader. Within a thousand years, she naturally broke through and became an existence in the Golden Fairy Realm.

And because of the way of the human formation, her combat power is also extremely powerful. After she entered the Golden Fairy Realm, she even felt like she had seen the former Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation.

Moreover, she is not the only one in their Ji Zhen Sect this time, there is also a little guy named Gao Shi Zhen Di Xian Jing, who has also obtained the qualification of the Earth Fairy Realm.

Although the former Ji Formation Cult was good at formations, he was really not that strong in combat.

But because of the way of human formation developed by Zongzhen, the Jizhen Sect has become more and more powerful today.

As for this little guy from the Earthly Immortal Realm of the Ji Zhen Cult, everything is naturally the way of the human formation. As soon as he entered the Ji Zhen Cult, he showed extremely amazing talents, and even made the Jue Zhen Immortal Lord personally accept the little guy as his disciple.

She even bluntly said that her talent is definitely not comparable to this little guy. Her words are not self-effacing. Not only her, but other disciples of their Ji Zhen Sect also believe that the talent of Gao Shi Zhen is higher than that of Jue Zhen Immortal Lord. superior.

Many people have seen the shadow of the Immortal Lord Zongzhen in Gao Shizhen, and even some people from Jizhen Sect secretly speculated whether Gao Shizhen could be the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord Zongzhen.

After everyone took a turn, they quickly flew into the sky.

Cao Zhen didn't know how the original world was able to connect the worlds of the eight tribes together.

After flying into the void, he also saw the monks from the eight tribes who were about to enter the original world this time.

He even saw a few female insects of the Zerg tribe. Everyone knew that the female insects of the Zerg tribe were almost unable to move, and they did not know what means these female insects used to fly into the void.

Of course, his eyes fell more on the Celestial Clan side.

The four princes of the Celestial Clan, as well as the famous masters and geniuses from the Naxi Clan also appeared.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the Celestial Clan deliberately deceiving the masters of various races and then attacking the masters.

Of course, this chance is too small.

After all, each clan still has its clan leader, and their clan leader will not enter the original world. If the Celestial Clan really does this, the clan leaders of each clan will probably go into the world of the Celestial Clan to find the Celestial Clan’s clan leader. Got it!

Although all the monks came to the long bridge-like passage, no monk entered the long bridge first. It was not until they saw the fourth prince of the Heavenly Clan boarding the long bridge that they followed them into the long bridge.

Cao Zhen was not walking with his disciples, but with Qiao Jingyao, Liao Youdi and Shen Lidi.

Although he is not weaker than the Golden Immortal Realm, he is still in the True Immortal Realm, so he walks with several disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect in the True Immortal Realm.

Now, even if he doesn't use some killing moves, the ordinary Golden Immortal Realm can't do anything to him. Although he is not a Golden Immortal Realm existence, he can be regarded as a Golden Immortal Realm monk.

But even as a monk now, after stepping onto this long bridge, he still felt like he couldn't control himself.

At the other end of the bridge, five black whirlpools of different sizes appeared. Obviously, these whirlpools should be the whirlpools leading to the original world, and the smallest whirlpool should be for the monks of the Golden Core Stage to enter. The largest whirlpool, naturally It is prepared for those in the Golden Wonderland.

Cao Zhen and the True Immortals of all races flew uncontrollably towards the second largest whirlpool.

Then, a feeling of dizziness and weightlessness came.

But it only took one breath. After one breath, he felt the solidity of the earth again and regained his clarity.

And his feet were no longer on the long bridge, but on the lush grassland.

"Is this the original world? Or is it the devil's book zone that belongs to the original world?"

The Celestial Clan only told other tribes that there would be an original world that could be entered, but they didn't say much about when and what it should be.

Cao Zhen looked around. Wherever he looked, the sky and the earth were lush.

Large expanses of grassland extend into the distance, with lush green grass and dotted with wild flowers, exuding a charming fragrance. Tall trees stand on the ground, with lush branches and leaves, forming a dense forest, bringing greenery and vitality to the earth.

He discovered that the trees in this world were unusually tall, and although the grasses were not as tall as one person, they were much taller than the grasses in the world where he lived.

But around him, he saw no other human races, not even monks from other races.

"Everyone was assigned to different places."

Cao Zhen frowned slightly and took out a clan chart from his arms, but when the clan chart was lit, he did not get a response from Liao Youdi and others.

"Not even Clan Biao. I don't want to find them, so I have to look for them."

Cao Zhen stood up and flew towards the void.

It's just that this world doesn't look too small. He flew for a long time but didn't see Liao Youdi and the others.

Slowly, a small town appeared in front of him.

"There is a town, and there seems to be a lot of townspeople living in the underground town."

Cao Zhen's heart moved and he flew towards the town.

This town is very special. Generally, the same place should have the same architectural style, but the appearance of this town is very strange. There are various buildings in it, including sturdy and durable stone houses made of hard stones.

There are thatched houses that feel like they can be blown away by a strong wind, and there are also wooden houses.

Some of these houses have the same rough architectural styles, while others are extremely exquisite.

What's even weirder is that the residents in this man's town look like they come from several races.

Some races are tauren. They are tall and strong, with horns on their heads and burly physiques.

There are also some residents who are obviously humanoid, but their whole bodies are made of crystal stones.

There are also some whose bodies are very weird, like snakes, but their heads are of the same species as human heads.

But, the indigenous people here?

Cao Zhen quickly scanned the town. These aborigines seemed to live in the simplest and primitive way. Many of them wore animal skins and straw clothing.

Judging from the thatched houses and stone houses they lived in, as well as the simple and practical shelters they built, and the agricultural tools inside, these aborigines relied on primitive conditions such as hunting, gathering and fishing to maintain their lives. There is no banker.

The residents of this town obviously noticed the figure flying down. They raised their heads and looked over curiously, but there was no fear on their faces.

And you can't feel any immortal energy or mana fluctuations from their bodies. Obviously, there is no monk among them.

Cao Zhenfei landed on the town, and immediately many residents of the town gathered around him out of curiosity.

Then, they all started asking: "Are you an immortal?"

"Is he an immortal from the outside world?"

When Cao Zhen heard this, he felt relieved. If the language of these people was the same as his own, it would be much easier to deal with it.

He nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I am an immortal from the outside world. How do you know about us?"

"Of course we know."

"Yes, we have your legends here, and your stories have been circulating."

"It is said that after every era, immortals from the outside world will fly in. Now it should be another era."

Cao Zhen listened to these residents and asked curiously: "So, have you seen other immortals?"

"No, you are the first immortal we have seen."

"However, if there are immortals, they should fly to the Holy Mountain in the north. It is said that every time an immortal flies, the immortals will eventually fly to the Holy Mountain." A resident with a body and a bull's head said, and raised his finger. After a while, he told Cao Zhen where the north was.

"Oh, thank you all." Cao Zhen bowed his hands to these residents, stood up and flew towards the north.

These residents looked at the figure that flew away in a blink of an eye, with envy on their faces.

"This is the immortal."

"Yes, it would be great if we could also become immortals."

"It's a pity that we were not selected at that time, otherwise, we would have been able to fly like this."

Cao Zhen flew all the way to the north. Not long after, a series of towering mountains appeared in front of him.

If you look carefully, you can find that in the middle of the mountain range, there is the highest mountain peak, and the other mountains are like the moon, guarding it in the middle.

The mountain towers into the clouds, and the peak is shrouded in clouds and mist, like white silk dancing on the top of the mountain, exuding a mysterious and peaceful atmosphere.

This should be what the residents call the Holy Mountain.

Cao Zhen continued to fly forward, and soon he noticed that monks were flying from all directions just like him.

However, no matter which monk he was, as soon as he flew near the holy mountain, he seemed to lose the ability to fly and fell directly below.

Not long after, Cao Zhen also flew near the holy mountain. The next moment, a terrifying pulling force suddenly hit him. This force was so strong that even he had no power to resist, and his body flew down uncontrollably. He fell down and landed heavily on the mountainside.

"That power, that power is beyond the Golden Fairyland." Cao Zhen raised his head and looked at the road in front of him. The land under his feet gradually became steeper, and the rugged mountain road wound up.

Looking further up, the clouds and mist are getting thicker and denser, permeating the mountains, making the entire mountain shrouded in a layer of mystery.

He could even see monks climbing towards the top of the mountain one by one. These should be monks from foreign races.

Cao Zhen looked at these monks.

Not far from him, there was a monk. His head was similar to that of a human, but he had the body of a majestic lion with a shining mane.

There are also monks whose head is similar to that of a human being, but whose body is that of an agile wolf. His eyes are as sharp as a knife, his body is flexible and agile, and he can climb extremely fast.

There is also a monk whose upper body is the face of a wise man, but his lower body is the tail of a carp.

In addition, I suddenly saw a scarecrow...

These races are also looking at the other monks around them curiously, but for the time being, no one has taken action. They are all observing the other monks.

Many of the monks' eyes also fell on Cao Zhen. After all, Cao Zhen's appearance seemed quite different from other races.

As the climb progresses, the clouds and fog gradually begin to dissipate, revealing the true face of this sacred mountain. The mountain is tall and steep, towering and straight, like a huge pillar reaching the sky, rooted in the earth. The top of the mountain is filled with clouds and mist, just like a fairyland, giving people a feeling of entering a mysterious realm.

The clouds and mist fall gently like drizzle, shrouding the place in a dreamlike atmosphere.

After breaking through the clouds, a huge building appeared in front of Cao Zhen!


The grandeur of this ruins, which is composed of huge stones and integrated stone pillars, is calm and solid, as if it has carried the vicissitudes of time.

Directly facing him was the entrance to the ruins, a spacious and solemn gate!

The door is inlaid with exquisite gems and mysterious runes, shining brightly.

In front of this gate, there seems to be a huge altar square.

A solemn altar stands in the center of the square. The altar is inlaid with countless precious gems and rare treasures. The stone surface below the altar is even more beautifully carved with murals.


A monk with a horse body and a human face, with a majestic body, looked at the altar in front of him. A hot light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his body suddenly rushed out. Although Wu could not fly on this holy mountain, he ran at an extremely fast speed. Quickly, in the blink of an eye, he had rushed to the altar. At the same time, behind him, the fairy mountain emerged. On the fairy mountain, seven fairy palaces emerged, three of which were fantasy fairy palaces.

Just seven fairy palaces?

Cao Zhen was stunned when he saw the Immortal Palace behind this monk. These monks looked a bit like the beast clan, but their aura was different from the aura of the beast clan and the aura of the demon clan. They should be from Monks from other worlds.

Those other worlds should be the same as the world where their human race is, they all have different races, and the number of places to enter this original world should also be limited. They should select the strongest monks in each cultivation realm to enter. This is it.

But right now, this centaur is only from the Seven Immortal Palaces. How was he chosen?

If someone like this can be selected, how weak does that world have to be?

Cao Zhen looked around and found that some of the other monks were as surprised as him, as if they were wondering why this centaur was so weak.

But some of them looked as usual, whether they were hiding it well or thinking that it was normal for such strength to enter here.

In a short time, the men and horses rushed to the gate of the ruins. He did not stop, raised his two front hooves, and kicked hard towards the stone gate in front of him. At this moment, his hooves were like two giants. Like a big mountain, it fell heavily.

The surrounding air seemed to be unable to bear this terrifying power, making a low whine.

There were even obvious wrinkles in the surrounding space.

Cao Zhen looked at the falling blow from a distance, and quickly analyzed in his heart. This blow was of average immortal power, but it could be seen that the physical strength of this Matthew warrior was extremely strong, at least among their human race, those of the seven immortal palaces. There are few monks with such strong power.

With this blow, it seemed that the altar below could not withstand his strength, making soft noises, and an obvious huge wave of air spread from the tips of his hoofs standing on the ground, like a turbulent ocean wave. The sudden attack pushed the surrounding air aside.

But after such a blow hit the altar and made a terrifying sound, the heavy door did not even sway, and at the same time, there was a terrifying counter-shock force.

The man who had just attacked, Sergeant Matthew, fell backwards and flew out under the force of the counterattack, and hit a mountain peak behind him heavily.

For a moment, dust flew up and gravel flew everywhere.

His huge impact directly caused the mountain to collapse.

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing his body. At this time, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood. It was obvious that the force of the backlash just now was not light, and even caused him internal injuries.

For a moment, the monks who originally wanted to take action stopped their progress and looked around. It seemed that there was no big formation nearby, and they seemed to be waiting for other monks to take action.

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