No monk who can cultivate to the true immortal realm is stupid. After everyone saw the man and horse being knocked out by the gate of the ruins, no monk took action.

And all around, other monks continued to climb here.

Although these monks did not see with their own eyes that Brother Matthew was knocked away, but they saw so many monks gathered here without any movement, and these monks also chose to stay where they were.

Slowly, more and more monks flew around.

Cao Zhen finally saw the monk from his world.

A graceful figure climbed up the mountain. Her long hair hung down to her waist like a waterfall in the dark night. Her delicate skin was as white as jade, exuding a faint fragrance.

The most special thing is that there are eight delicate tails behind her that sway with her movements, each one is soft and elastic, as smooth as velvet.

The hair colors of these eight tails vary from pure white to deep red, and each tail exudes a mysterious and gorgeous brilliance.

Eight-tailed fox demon.

He had some impression of this fox demon. He seemed to be called Charming Immortal Lord. He was a very talented monk among the fox demon clan.

Charming Immortal Lord turned his eyes and saw Cao Zhen not far away. A joyful look appeared on his face and he quickly ran in the direction of Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen is recognized as the strongest True Immortal Realm expert in their world.

Although, over the years, the monks in their world have been wondering why Cao Zhen has not broken through and stayed in the True Immortal Realm. After all, Cao Zhen's disciples and his wife have broken through and entered the Golden Immortal Realm. There is no reason why Cao Zhen cannot break through. .

But strangely enough, Cao Zhen, who has stayed in the True Immortal Realm for so long, is absolutely invincible in the True Immortal Realm.

And they, the fox demon clan, are the closest to Cao Zhen. Their princess, the future clan leader, is Cao Zhen's wife.

If you can meet Cao Zhen, it will undoubtedly be much safer.

The distance between her and Cao Zhen is not far, otherwise, she would not see Cao Zhen. But before she could reach Cao Zhen in such a short time, a tall figure stopped in front of her.

"What a beautiful little fox. I have never seen such a beautiful little fox." One was about one foot tall, but his figure was thin. He was just holding a piece of animal skin. He looked like an ape and had a baby. A monk with a long tail, but at the same time, one or six monkey tails on his body, but with blue mucus tentacles, stopped in front of the eight-tailed fox demon.

He looked at the beautiful, enchanting fox in front of him, exuding a mysterious and charming aura, and couldn't help but reveal a lustful look in his eyes. He stretched out six tentacles and grabbed it.

Charming Immortal Lord looked at the six sticky tentacles that suddenly stretched out, with an obvious look of disgust flashing in his eyes.

The next moment, a bright light flashed in her eyes. At this moment, her eyes quickly turned eight times.

The monk opposite him paused for a moment, and then his six outstretched arms suddenly turned and landed on a not particularly tall tree on one side, instantly entangling the tree.

"Little fox...let me taste your taste." As he said that, he stuck out his tongue and licked the big tree.

All around, a group of monks just stared blankly at the monk who suddenly fell in love with the big tree. Many monks even couldn't help laughing.

"What kind of monk is this? He's really stupid. He actually made love to a big tree."

"It makes me laugh so hard that he fell for it like that."

"This is obviously an illusion!"

"A true fairyland is so easy to fall into illusions. Does he still deserve to be in a true fairyland?"

"I thought this guy was so powerful that he took the initiative to provoke other monks."

"You are so weak, but you take the initiative to provoke other monks. You are simply seeking death."

In addition, there were some monks who looked at the beautiful fox with solemn expressions.

To let a true fairy fall under the illusion so easily, this fox's cultivation level is not weak.

Moreover, this illusion is the most difficult to guard against.

After Charming Immortal Lord performed the illusion, he ignored the monk behind him and walked quickly to Cao Zhen.

And many monks also looked over.

In their gazes, Immortal Charming Huan whispered softly: "I have met the leader."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and motioned to Immortal Charming to stand aside.

All around, a group of monks heard the word "alliance leader" and didn't think much about it. There were too many alliance leaders among them. This should be the leader of a certain alliance.

On the other side, the ape-like monk even made more indecent moves after licking the tree a few times.

Slowly, he seemed to realize something was wrong, shook his head, and everything in front of him gradually became clearer.


Is this a big tree?

What about the little fox?

No, why is that little fox far away? I...

I just fell into an illusion!

He quickly reacted and turned to look at the little fox in the distance, with a look of fear in his eyes.

When did he fall under the illusion? Why didn't he notice it at all, and it took him so long to react after being hit by an illusion? Obviously, the strength gap between the opponent and him was huge!

How is this possible!

He is one of the top ten strongest masters in his world.

Moreover, there are records in my own world that my world is an extremely powerful world. How could I provoke such a powerful existence casually?

Could it be that he had provoked the most powerful people in the world?

As he was frightened, he heard a lot of ridicule coming from all around.

"It's so funny. Did that ape just react now?"

"If I were him and lost such a big person, I would jump out of here right now."

"Look, he still has the nerve to look over."

The ape monk couldn't help but have a look of anger on his face as he listened to the ridicules. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the loudest ridicules, and his eyes turned red.

"You're looking for death!"

An angry voice came out, and the next moment, he raised his leg and kicked hard on the ground. His whole body suddenly jumped out and rushed towards the monk who laughed the loudest, who didn't look like a snowman.

Although he was so embarrassed because of that fox, he really didn't dare to trouble the fox anymore.

He didn't believe that he could meet so many top monks, and he didn't believe that this snowman-like guy could be stronger than him!

Behind him, six fairy palaces emerged, four of which were visionary fairy palaces.

From a distance, Cao Zhen shook his head slightly when he saw this. With such a weak strength, he actually dared to take the initiative to stir up trouble. This guy was really not afraid of death.

Opposite the ape monk, the snowman monk saw the six strange fairy palaces that appeared, and a look of panic suddenly appeared on his face. He saw that the ape fell into the illusion so easily, so he believed that the ape's strength It must be extremely weak. Who would have thought that this ape actually owns six fairy palaces, including four strange fairy palaces.

This is terrible.

Behind him, five fairy palaces emerged, only two of which were vision fairy palaces.

Looking at the chasing ape, he quickly retreated towards the rear.

All around, many monks looked at the six immortal palaces emerging behind the ape monk, and their eyes on the fox monk became more and more solemn.

That fox was able to cause monks in six immortal palaces to fall under illusion in an instant. What kind of existence must she be?

Could it be the pinnacle of true fairyland?

Is it possible to reach the pinnacle of the true fairyland by just doing anything here?

Although he was unable to fly on this mountain for some unknown reason, the ape monk still sprinted at an astonishing speed, and appeared in front of the snowman in the blink of an eye. At the same time, his six tentacles filled with mucus suddenly pulled out.

In an instant, these six tentacles suddenly grew in size and became extremely hard, as if they were six giant pillars supporting the sky and the earth, and they fell down with the force of sweeping thousands of armies.

The originally quiet air suddenly erupted with loud sonic booms. The surrounding space seemed to be torn apart at this moment, revealing six extremely clear traces.

There are six tentacles, and each one swings as fast as lightning.

The snowman monk felt the terrifying power coming towards him. Snowflakes flew out from his body in the sea, and in the blink of an eye, they condensed into a hexagonal ice shield in front of him.

The surrounding air dropped sharply, making people feel as if they were falling into ice that had not melted for thousands of years.

Six tentacles struck the ice shield, and immediately, there was a loud noise, like a mountain exploding and the earth cracking, and six obvious cracks appeared on the entire ice shield.

However, the ice shield did not break. In fact, under this blow, the flying ice shards fell on the opponent's tentacles, instantly freezing the six tentacles.

The snowman took this opportunity to escape and quickly ran downwards.

"Run? Little snowman, do you think you can escape just like this?"

The ape monk shouted loudly, and his six arms suddenly burst into flames. The ice fragments shattered and flew out from his tentacles. Under the huge power of his tentacles, they shot out in all directions.

Among them, a piece of ice shard rushed towards several monks not far away.

It's just that it's impossible for the ice slag to cause harm to these monks. The ice slag melts into the air before it falls on these monks.

But among the monks, there was a monk who looked similar to humans in appearance and figure, but his skin was red, his face was ferocious, and his face had raised edges and corners, but an angry look flashed in his eyes.


He snorted coldly, and behind him, ten fairy palaces suddenly appeared. Then he stretched out his finger and pointed suddenly at the ape who was thinking about the snowman.

Suddenly, a red ray of light suddenly shot out from his fingers. The ray of light was like a dazzling brilliance, like a meteor flying down from the void, swift and unstoppable.

It also seemed like Pi Lian flying from nine days away, full of mysterious aura.

The red light pierced the air like a sharp blade and streaked across the sky.

The light flew so fast that it appeared behind the ape monk in just an instant.

The next moment, his body was instantly penetrated!

The body of the ape monk trembled suddenly, and then bright red blood spurted out.

The red light was full of destructive power, and it was constantly impacting his body.

He turned his head in disbelief, as if he wanted to see who had attacked him.

But before his head could completely turn around, his body exploded.


"Just die like that?"

Around him, many monks took a breath of cold air. That was a monk who owned six immortal palaces, and he died just like that.

And the one who took action...

The pinnacle of true wonderland!

Many monks who were just a short distance away from the monk who took action but were still very close to him retreated in all directions. Of course, some monks did not react much.

The snowman monk who had just escaped saw a powerful monk rescuing him. He quickly turned around, cupped his hands towards the powerful monk and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for saving me. I..."

Before he could finish his words, he stopped abruptly. His eyes suddenly widened and he looked in front of him with a look of disbelief.

The monk who had just rescued him actually took action against him, and a red light flew towards him, as if it could shatter everything in the world, easily piercing through his body.

"Why... why..."

He didn't understand. This monk obviously saved him, and he was very polite and thanked him immediately. Why did the other party take action against him again?

"Why?" The red-skinned monk sneered, "Because you are too noisy."

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand and grasped the void.

Suddenly, the snowman monk's body exploded, and white snowflakes scattered in all directions.

And he waved his hand towards the two dead monks, grabbed the other's Qiankun ring in his hand, and quickly checked it.

Upon inspection, there was a strange look in his eyes. The cultivation level of these two monks was not high, but there were many treasures in the Qiankun Ring.

Especially for the ape monk, the resources in the Qiankun Ring don't even need to be much less. Is it because the world they are in is too rich in resources?

He looked around, trying to find the apes and snowman monks.

At this moment, a voice came.

"Youchi Immortal Lord, you are still the same as before, you like peace and quiet." After the words fell, a monk who looked similar to Youchi Immortal Lord, but his whole body was green, walked up the mountain.

Many monks around saw this figure, and their expressions became more solemn.

Obviously, these two monks must have come from the same time. Even if they are not of the same race, since they know each other, there is a high probability that they will join forces.

Moreover, this new monk still spoke to Immortal Youchi in such an equal tone. Obviously, this new monk should also be a person at the pinnacle of the true immortal realm.

This is the pinnacle collaboration between two true wonderlands.

"Jialan." Youchi Immortal Lord glanced at the other party and suddenly whispered, "Have you seen the ape and snowman? They have a lot of treasures on them, and their strength is not strong. We continue to look for the ape and snowman. How about killing them as a clan, taking away their Qiankun rings, and dividing the treasures in half?"

If possible, he would naturally want to find the monks of these two tribes on his own and kill them. However, his fellow tribesmen appeared. If he did not join forces with the other side, the other side would also find the problem and rob him.

What's more, other monks are also stupid. When other monks see him killing monks from those two tribes one after another, they will definitely guess that the monks from those two tribes have treasures or have a lot of resources, and other monks will snatch them from him and kill the other monks. Monks from both races.

These are nothing, the key is that he is also worried about causing siege by other monks.

Although he is strong, there are so many monks here, and if they are besieged, he will definitely die.

What's more, there are not necessarily strong ones among the other monks.

Apart from anything else, that little fox can make a monk who owns six immortal palaces fall into an illusion without knowing it. The fox's cultivation level is probably not weaker than him.

Unfortunately, he also heard the fox call another monk the leader of the alliance.

The opponent's strength is also worthy of his fear.

That's why he didn't hesitate and immediately joined forces with Immortal Lord Jialan.

Immortal Lord Jialan was startled for a moment, then his face showed joy, and he replied through a secret message: "Okay, let's join forces. However, except for the dead monks Matthew and Snowman, I didn't see any of their kin anymore.

I'm afraid that not all of their clansmen look the same, or maybe that person looks like a human, but is he from their clan? "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed in the distance.

Immortal Lord Youchi looked in the direction of Immortal Lord Jialan's finger, and suddenly a giant elephant appeared in his sight.

Like the ape, this giant elephant has an upright body and six sticky tentacles.

"He is looking at us. He must be a monk from that clan."

"Even if it's not the case, just kill him. If the two of us join forces, are we still afraid?"

As Immortal Lord Jialan spoke, he quickly rushed towards the monk from the Elephant Clan,

The other party had obviously noticed their movements, and there was a look of horror on his face, but he had never been good at speed, and he couldn't escape even if he ran away.

They were obviously here for themselves, why would they come to cause trouble for themselves?

That damn monkey, why is he provoking other monks when he has nothing to do? It's fine now, and I'm going to be in trouble.

Just in the blink of an eye, Immortal Lord Jialan and Immortal Lord Youchi appeared in front of him.

Immortal Lord Youchi said with a cold face: "You and that ape are from the same clan, right?"

Although other monks would definitely discover something if he took action too many times, the later the other monks found out, the better, so he had to find a reasonable reason to take action.

When the giant elephant heard the sound, he quickly shook his head and said, "We are not from the same clan. Although we come from the same world, our two clans are mortal enemies."

They looked so similar that others would guess that they were from the same race just by looking at their tentacles, so he didn't deny it, just saying that they were mortal enemies.

"Dead enemy? Do you think I believe it? The look you looked at me just now was clearly filled with murderous intent. I have always killed all such troubles."

After the last word fell, nine immortal palaces appeared again behind Youchi Immortal Lord, and at the same time, a sharp blood-red scimitar appeared in his hand. On the scimitar, complex lines were carved.

With the appearance of the blood knife, the aura of this world became extremely depressing, and a stream of bloody aura spread out.

The next moment, the long knife in his hand suddenly swung out, as if a shocking rainbow streaked across the sky, and the long knife slashed directly towards the face of the giant elephant monk.

Almost at the same time, a huge round shield appeared in front of the giant elephant, held by his six tentacles, blocking him. At the same time, seven fairy palaces suddenly appeared behind him, including Four are fairy palaces of visions.

Although there are two immortal palaces less than the opponent, the grade of his shield is obviously better than the grade of the opponent's sword.

The long knife struck the shield, and a string of dazzling sparks suddenly appeared. Under the fire, the giant elephant monk took five steps back. Every step he took was as if a huge mountain fell from the void, shocking The ground beneath everyone's feet was shaking.

But there was only a faint mark on his shield, but the shield was not broken.

On the other side of the giant elephant monk, Jialan Immortal Lord looked at the almost intact shield, and a burning color suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The magic weapon in Youchi's hand was a middle-grade Xuan-level magic weapon. After one blow, the opponent's magic weapon was intact.

The opponent's cultivation level is obviously better than that of You Chiruo.

There is also the aura of the magic weapon, which is the magic weapon of the earth level!

Even if he is an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, he does not have an Earth-level magic weapon.

Kill this monk, and this earth-level magic weapon will be theirs.

He suddenly rushed out from behind, and a spear appeared in his hand. As he waved his hands forward, the spear suddenly thrust out.

In an instant, the air in front of him suddenly swirled, forming a huge vortex, like a whirlpool of water, instantly wrapping the giant elephant monk in front of him in it.

There is a difference between the Seven Immortal Palaces and the Nine Immortal Palaces, and the other party is still at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. The gap is already huge, not to mention that the other party is still two monks.

He barely blocked Immortal Lord Youchi's attack, and faced the attack from Immortal Lord Jialan, there was nothing he could do.

The countless flowing water was like countless sharp weapons, easily cutting open the body of the giant elephant monk.

Immortal Lord Youchi also quickly stepped forward, and the long knife in his hand quickly passed through the body of the giant elephant monk.

Suddenly, the figure of the giant elephant monk exploded.

Immortal Lord Youchi and Immortal Lord Jialan immediately grabbed the giant elephant monk's shield.

But before the two of them could catch him, a figure among them quickly rushed over.

A leopard demon quickly passed through, picked up the shield, and even quickly grabbed the giant elephant monk's universe ring with the other hand.

Immortal Lord Youchi and Immortal Lord Jialan were furious when they saw that the treasures in their hands were snatched away by other monks.

"court death!"

Immortal Lord Jialan waved the spear in his hand again, and a stream of blue water suddenly rushed out from the tip of the spear, rushing directly to the opposite side of him, and the leopard demon that suddenly appeared went away.

Just like a human being, but with money-like spots on his face and a leopard tail, the leopard demon looked at the falling spear with a look of disdain on his face.

He stood there without moving, not even taking out the magic weapon. He just raised a palm and slapped it in the direction where the water dragon fell.

In an instant, a fairy mountain emerged behind him. On the fairy mountain, ten fairy palaces gathered together to form a huge fairy palace. From a distance, it looked like a huge golden leopard crawling on the fairy mountain.

In the Immortal Palace, the boundless aura poured into his body, and with the release of a palm, all the violent power was blasted out.

With one palm strike, the surrounding space suddenly distorted, and a huge palm shadow appeared in front of him.

The shadow of this palm covered the sky and the sun, making the entire world go dark. With one palm shot, it directly destroyed the water dragon. At the same time, the terrifying force impacted and even shook the body of Jialan Immortal Lord away.

Jialan Immortal Lord took more than ten steps back and fell to the ground. An obvious blood mark appeared at the corner of his mouth.

With one blow, the whole world fell silent.

A look of disdain appeared on the face of the leopard demon, and he sneered: "A mere peak of the True Immortal Realm dares to be so rampant. In our world, even a peak of the True Immortal Realm like you is not qualified to enter here."

In the distance, many monks even took a breath of cold air.

"what is that?"

"Why is his fairy palace like this?"

"Yes, what kind of cultivation realm is this?"

"Why does it feel like there is only one immortal palace of his, but it seems like there are ten?"

"Can a true fairyland still be like this?"

There were many monks around, but they were a little unable to understand what these monks were saying.

"Don't they even know about the alienation of the Immortal Palace?"

"Could it be that the highest state of the True Immortal Realm among you is the Peak of the True Immortal Realm? What a joke. On top of the Peak of the True Immortal Realm, there is also the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm, which is the Ten Immortal Palaces!

And after owning ten immortal palaces, you can achieve alienation of the immortal palaces! "

The monks listened to the explanations of other monks around them and were completely confused for a moment.

For a long time, one of the monks said in disbelief: "So, what he just said is that even those at the peak of the True Immortal Realm are not qualified to enter it true?"

A monk who explained before shook his head slightly and said: "That's not clear. In our world, those who are at the peak of the strongest True Immortal Realm can still enter here.

Of course, some of the true fairyland peaks will be eliminated. As for what he said, if it were true, then the world he was in would be a bit too scary. "

Immortal Lord Youchi and Immortal Jialan obviously did not know the existence of alienation in the Immortal Palace, but they felt the power of each other.

After hearing the words coming from all around, their faces became extremely solemn when they saw each other's alienated fairy palace.

There is an even more powerful existence above the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm.

They originally thought that they were at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, enough to dominate the world.

But now...

Even though the treasure he got was taken away, he didn't say a word.

After Immortal Youchi helped Immortal Jialan up, he quickly retreated to the side.

And the eyes of all the monks around him also fell on the leopard demon.

The leopard demon ignored the gazes around him at all. He turned his eyes and fell on Cao Zhen and the eight-tailed fox demon beside Cao Zhen, the Charming Immortal Lord.

He quickly came to the two men's sides, and at the same time raised his hands to Cao Zhenyi, and said respectfully: "I have met the leader."

All around, the monks' eyes widened instantly.

They are all in this together!

That leopard demon was already so powerful, but he was still so respectful when facing that ordinary-looking male cultivator.

It can only be said that the other party is more powerful.

Moreover, he also called the other party leader.

At first, when the eight-tailed fox called the other party the leader of the alliance, they didn't think much about it, but now, they had to think about what kind of alliance leader this was.

Cao Zhen just nodded slightly.

On the side, Immortal Charming Huan was a little dissatisfied and said: "Immortal Lord Shenxing, you are too showy." Their strength is strong. With Alliance Leader Cao here, there should be no monks who can threaten them.

But what if?

There are monks from different worlds gathered here, and some monks even think that the peak of the True Immortal Realm is the strongest.

But who knows, whether their knowledge is not the highest?

Besides, Immortal Lord Shenxing has exposed the strength of their world. Will the monks in their world be targeted soon?

All around, the other monks were shocked again.

They had seen the strength of the Immortal Lord of Divine Movement, and now, the fox was actually blaming and even scolding her, which meant that she was even more powerful than the Immortal Lord of Body Shape!

This, how powerful the monks in their world must be!

Cao Zhen was frowning and thinking about a question, Tian Clan, what are they doing?

Before entering this original world, he had always believed that the strength of monks in each world was similar, otherwise the heavenly clan would not attach so much importance to it and form alliances with other clans.

But what about now?

Apparently, there are many worlds where the power of monks is extremely weak.

Not to mention those monks from the five or six immortal palaces, who are at the pinnacle of the true immortal realm, but the monks from the nine immortal palaces would find it difficult to obtain the qualifications to enter the original realm in their world.

It can even be said that those who can enter the true fairyland of the original world are almost all half-step golden immortals.

The world they are in should be an extremely powerful world in the entire universe, but the Celestial Clan is still so worried.

Either the Celestial Clan has another conspiracy, or the world adjacent to them is also extremely terrifying and powerful.

This time, monks from every world in the universe should enter the original world, so I will definitely be able to see the monks from the world adjacent to me.

But the Celestial Clan didn't say what the monks in that world were like. Even if he met them, he didn't know they were monks from neighboring worlds.

Just when all the monks' eyes fell on them, many more monks climbed onto the mountain one after another.

Cao Zhen even saw Liao Youdi.

"Leader." Liao Youdi came to the top of the mountain and soon discovered Cao Zhen. She ran over quickly and looked around at the same time.

"Huh? Where is Shen Lidi? Or is Senior Sister Qiao Jingyao not here?"

"I don't know, maybe they haven't boarded yet. Let's wait for a while." Cao Zhen felt slightly relieved when he saw Liao Youdi arriving.

Slowly, some more monks from their side of the world arrived. Among them were monks from the demon clan, beast clan, and prison clan, as well as some soldiers from the insect clan. After seeing Cao Zhen, they all came over quickly.

Those female bugs of the Zerg race must not have come here openly. They must have found a safe place and then released the soldier bugs.

The monks from the Heavenly Clan, Blood Clan and Evil Clan gathered together.

"Something's wrong."

Charming Immortal Lord looked around and whispered: "Alliance Leader, there are a total of two hundred monks from the True Immortal Realm entering here in our world, but at this time, around us, including the soldier insects, each type of soldier insect represents There are only forty-nine monks here with one Zerg female insect.

The remaining monks are not here. After so long, they should be able to climb up no matter how far they are. So, for such a holy mountain, could there be a total of four here, and we are only on one of them? "

All around, other monks from various worlds gathered together.

Some monks gathered together around fifty, others more than twenty, or even more than ten.

It seems that these monks were at odds with another group of monks in their world, so they simply didn't get together.

But no group of monks numbered more than sixty.

These monks also discovered a problem. One of them had a team. Together, there were exactly fifty monks. Each monk was extremely strong and looked as if they were made of stone.

One of the monks, who was all brown and looked like a rock, turned his head and looked aside. There were more than forty monks in the group, each of them seemed to be a transparent crystal. There are 200 places available to enter here."

"That's right." A monk who looked like a transparent sapphire nodded slightly and said, "Every world that enters here is the same, there are only 200 places."

The stone man asked again: "So we only have 25% of the monks here. In other words, there may be a total of four holy mountains here?"

"It's not possible, here are the four holy mountains." The blue crystal monk obviously knew much more.

After his words fell, many monks around him immediately asked: "Fellow Taoist, how do you open this ruins?"

The blue crystal monk didn't mean to hide it, he just raised his head and glanced into the void and said: "When it gets dark, that's when the ruins are opened."

The monks around him were slightly relieved when they heard the sound, and then fell into waiting.

As for how many monks are secretly communicating with each other, it is unclear.

There were also many monks who curiously asked: "Fellow Taoist, I don't know, what is in these ruins? The inheritance of each clan?"

"That's right, it's the inheritance of various clans. We don't know the specific situation." The monk with the blue crystal didn't want to say more.

On one side, there seems to be a monk who wants to ask something, but since the other party knows so much, they don't know the other party's strength, but they don't dare to force the inquiry.

However, they set their sights on Cao Zhen.

The strength of these monks is obviously very strong. If these monks press, they may be able to find out something.

However, Cao Zhen obviously had no intention of pressing him and just stood there quietly.

Cao Zhen made no move, and neither did the other monks around him.

Slowly, no monks climbed up the mountain anymore. Apparently, all the nearby monks who could come had already arrived.

Cao Zhen has never seen Qiao Jingyao and Shen Lidi, and he doesn't know whether they are together or separated.

A day in this original world is obviously much longer than a day in their world.

Cao Zhen felt that it must have been about twenty hours before the sky turned dark.

As the surrounding area turned pitch black, the door to the ruins that had been closed suddenly opened.

The monks who came here were all waiting for the ruins to open, but when the door to the ruins actually opened, many monks waited and did not rush into it immediately.

They really don't know much about this place, and they don't know if there is any danger inside.

Therefore, it is better to wait for other monks to enter first.

Many of the monks' eyes fell on those crystal monks.

These crystal monks felt the gazes of the other monks, and without squinting, they entered the ruins one by one.


"Get in!"

"They have all gone in, so there should be no danger at the entrance."

When the other monks saw this, they started to rush into the ruins.

Because of the speed displayed by the previous Divine Walking Immortal Lord, when Cao Zhen and the others entered the ruins, there were no monks fighting with them, but they all backed away.

Cao Zhen stepped into the ruins, and the next moment, he felt a sense of weightlessness.

He was surprised to find that when he stepped into the void, he stepped into a void. Moreover, he was clearly accompanied by more than ten Charming Immortal Lords and other monks. However, when he took a step out of the void, the void changed.

He landed on a huge island, surrounded by only Liao Youdi, Charming Immortal Lord and Shenxing Immortal Lord.

Even the monks from other races who had rushed into the ruins with them before disappeared.

"It's the rules of this ruin that separate us."

Charming Immortal Lord looked at Cao Zhen on the side and secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to be with Cao Zhen.

She looked up at Cao Zhen and asked, "Leader, what should we do now?"

"None of us know the situation here. Let's take a look at this island first." Cao Zhen pointed. Unlike his disciples, Xiang Ziyu or Linghu Linghu, he could always find something when exploring the ruins.

This island is said to be an island, but its area is huge, almost as big as the entire Zhenxian Dynasty.

The vegetation on the island is lush and looks quite like a tropical rainforest.

On the island, there are countless birds and beasts, and of course there are even more poisonous insects.

Cao Zhen just looked into the distance and saw no less than ten kinds of poisonous insects.

Moreover, as someone who has access to countless powers and is extremely knowledgeable, he even saw three types of unknown poisonous insects.

Among the other types of poisonous insects, there is also an extremely rare and precious poisonous insect.

He reached out and waved, and suddenly, a giant hand appeared, grabbing these poisonous insects one by one. Then he pointed to the dense forest in the distance and said, "Let's take a look at this world first. There are many precious medicinal materials and poisonous insects here."

He has been connected to Qinyuan, and collecting these poisonous insects will also help him cultivate a body that is invulnerable to all poisons. Although so many years have passed, his body that is invulnerable to all poisons has not been developed for thousands of years, let alone these poisonous insects. It can also be used as a medicinal material for alchemy.

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