Cao Zhen noticed that the female monk had been following him closely, and he became more and more anxious. This was in the opponent's world, and the opponent would have experts coming to support him at any time. When the time came, he would be surrounded and he would definitely die.

On the contrary, the other Golden Fairyland of the Three-Eyed Clan fell behind.

Now, if we defeat the female monk behind in a short time, we can escape.

But the problem is that the aura revealed by this female cultivator is too strong.

If it were an ordinary Golden Fairyland, I could give it a try and defeat the opponent in a short time, but this female cultivator...

not good!

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened. Behind him, the scene around the female cultivator who was still some distance away from him suddenly changed. The female cultivator seemed to teleport and suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the same time, the female cultivator's momentum also weakened slightly.

Secret method, this female cultivator cast a secret method!

In order to catch up with herself, she even resorted to using secret techniques to be backlashed.

Is she so confident that she can surely win her?

Just now, what I used was not all of my combat power!

However, the moment the other party appeared, Cao Zhen's figure suddenly changed and turned into a human form.

Although he can fight in Dapeng's state, he will never be able to fully unleash his power.

Now that the opponent has fallen over on his own, and has also used secret techniques and received some backlash, then he should attack with all his strength, first severely injuring the opponent, and then escape.

Cao Zhen looked at the falling blow. On the fairy mountain behind him, the strange fairy palaces expanded crazily, and his aura climbed to the extreme in an instant.


Is this the other party's true nature?

Opposite Cao Zhen, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Xian Jun's face. Her eyes could see through everything.

But when he was chasing after him, he didn't realize that the Dapeng was not the opponent's true body!

This monk, how did he do it!

Behind Cao Zhen, the fairy palaces were surging crazily, and the palace doors were wide open. For a moment, terrifying thunder, frost, flames, musical attacks, and various different spells came together to form a picture. A world fell towards the female cultivator opposite.

When this blow fell, the void changed color, the universe shook, and the heaven and earth turned upside down.

The whole world seemed to be shattered at this moment.

The golden fairyland monks who fell behind felt the power of this blow from a distance, and their eyes widened in shock, with shock in their eyes.

"This breath is clearly not the breath of Tianlun Immortal Lord."

"It was the attack from that foreign monk! He is just a true fairy, how could he unleash such a terrifying attack!"

"Even if I try my best, I probably won't be able to unleash such a terrifying blow."

They exclaimed as they accelerated towards the front.

In the distance, Tianlun Immortal Lord faced this blow that was like a catastrophe. He waved his white and slender palms to draw a circle in front of him.

It's just a circle, but it seems like a door to reincarnation.

This circle wrapped her whole body in it. A series of terrifying powers fell and touched the circle, and suddenly spun uncontrollably, as if entangled by the wheel of time, all the power returned to where it had just appeared. At that time, it dissipated into the void and turned into nothingness.

Cao Zhen was stunned. This time, he used all his strength to attack, but in the end, his attack disappeared completely as if it had never appeared before.

Even the Sancai Sword Master, who could block his own attack, could not do so lightly, or even make his attack completely disappear.

To his surprise, a red gourd flew out.

Immortal-killing flying knife.

The moment the gourd flew out, the Tianlun Immortal Lord on the opposite side suddenly frowned slightly, and a strange feeling came. At this moment, she had another vague feeling, as if her whole person, especially her soul, seemed to be... Bound by this gourd.

In less than a blink of an eye, opposite her, the red gourd suddenly opened, and a silvery light burst out.

There was a huge head in the light, with only eyes and eyebrows, but no mouth, nose and ears.

In an instant, she even felt that her sense of touch, smell, and hearing had all disappeared.

But there was still no look of panic on her face, and she didn't even make any movements, but the space around her suddenly started to rotate to a degree visible to the naked eye.

For a moment, she seemed to have fallen into another world.

Almost at the same time, the immortal-killing flying knife flew out of the gourd.

However, the Immortal-Decapitating Flying Knife did not stab straight at Tianlun Immortal Lord like before. Instead, it spun around in a circle and suddenly flew back into the gourd.


Cao Zhen was stunned. It wasn't the first time he used the immortal-killing flying knife, but it was the first time this happened.

"Not bad magic weapon." Tianlun Immortal Lord's voice rang out, "It's a pity, it's a pity that your magic weapon is just a foreign object to you after all."

As she spoke, she looked at Cao Zhen with a hint of admiration and said, "I don't know how many monks from the True Immortal Realm I have met, but you are the strongest True Immortal Realm I have ever encountered. Even , some existences in the Golden Wonderland are no match for you.

I have never met a monk like you who has walked so many paths and at the same time walked each path so deeply.

Your paths and your attacks, each individually, are extremely powerful and can easily allow you to reach the Golden Wonderland.

However, these paths you take are far less powerful than they seem.

I don’t know how you have cultivated these different paths to this extent, but this seems like your path, but it doesn’t feel like it.

If these were your own paths, they would never be reincarnated and disappear so easily.

You feel less like their master and more like their user.

Therefore, no matter how many times you attack, it will be useless and you will not be able to hurt me at all.

Don't worry, I'm not just hostile to you.

I just want to know everything you have experienced, how you came to our world, and what the world you are in is like. "

After she finished speaking, she stretched out a hand and grabbed Cao Zhen again.

She had really never seen such a special monk, so she said so much.

Cao Zhen listened to Tianlun Immortal Lord's words, but he was still deep in thought. These are not his own powers. He is more like the user of these powers?

The next moment, a sudden force came, and a giant hand suddenly grabbed hold of him in the void.

He came back to his senses instantly, turned around and ran away into the distance. If the other party said there was no malice, that means there was no malice?

If caught by the other party, the other party will inevitably imprison him.

How could he be so helpless?

Tianlun Immortal Lord looked at the alien monk who was still escaping, and sighed softly. Above her head, the human flower emitted bright light, and the rays of light gathered from behind her, forming a huge circle.

This circle seemed to gather all the light in the world into it.

There were flowing rays of light all around her. These rays of light were gently undulating, but they made the surrounding space tremble.

The next moment, these rays of light converged into the shape of a long sword, cutting through the space, carrying a terrifying power that seemed to completely destroy the world.

The sword light was sharp and vague, and Cao Zhen felt a power of destruction and regeneration from the sword light.

The hairs on Cao Zhen's body stood on end.

This blow was definitely the most terrifying blow he had faced so far.

Especially the destructive power contained in this blow was so pure that he even felt that this blow had brought together all the destructive power in this world.

But within the destruction, there is an illusion that everything in the world can be regenerated.

How could two completely different or even opposing auras merge so perfectly?

The surrounding space is crazily distorted and changing, even giving people the illusion of falling into a brand new world.

Cao Zhen even felt that at this moment, the passage of time became unstable, sometimes as fast as an arrow, sometimes as slow as running water.

At this moment, he even had the illusion that the whole world was involved in a mysterious and elusive reincarnation.

Around him, space was pulled and torn apart, forming a twisted and chaotic situation. The passage of time becomes blurred, and the past, present and future seem to be intertwined.

One moment, the sword formed by the stream of light was still far away, and the next moment, it appeared in front of him and stabbed his body.

At this moment, all his defenses were dissipated in an instant, and his whole body had to withstand the sword with the strength of his body.

His hardened body, which could even be called the strongest in his world, broke instantly, and the terrifying sword energy exploded in his body.

When the sword energy rushed into his body and broke through his muscles, bones, and meridians, his injured wound festered at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that the position of the wound was accelerated hundreds or even thousands of times. generally.

At the same time, the terrifying power of this sword struck, causing his body to fly backwards uncontrollably.


Cao Zhen opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood. At this moment, he even felt that the countless meridians and internal organs in his body were completely shattered.

He had forgotten how many years he had not been hit so hard!

In such a state, it is even more impossible to escape with speed!

Unless...look around.

Suddenly, his sight fell into the distance.

In the distance, there is a medium-sized city that is not too small and looks similar to a human city. At this time, the city wall has been broken. Inside the city, every house has been set alight, and the fire has spread.

Ordinary residents fled from the city one by one and fled around.

Behind them, each one looked like an orc, but all the ones behind them were humanoid, except that their heads were orc heads. Perhaps it was more suitable to call them half-orcs. The aliens were slaughtering them crazily.

Although these orcs do not look like monks, they do have fangs and claws, their bodies are larger, and they obviously look like well-trained soldiers.

Opposite them were a group of unarmed ordinary mortals.

Although these residents also have three eyes, otherwise they look no different from their human counterparts.

These three-eyed monks are so powerful that there are other races that kill their tribesmen. Therefore, the three-eyed tribe is not the only race in this place, there are other races!

Cao Zhen suddenly felt something in his heart. If he flew normally, he would not be able to escape. But with the chaos below now, what if he escaped below and blended into the crowd?

You can seal your own cultivation. In that case, even the Golden Fairyland will not be able to detect your own.

The only problem is their appearance. Although it is said that the ears of these monks are pointier than humans, they are also extremely exaggerated. The residents of the three-eyed tribe below also seem to have ears that are not particularly pointy.

Mainly because I don’t have a third eye.

If you seal your cultivation, you will definitely not be able to use magic weapons and transformation techniques.

However, there are also monks with three eyes.

Yang Jian!

With my current cultivation level, if I connect to Yang Jian, I can have Yang Jian's abilities, and I can also make a third eye appear on my appearance, and let it exist for a long time.

Cao Zhen thought of this and quickly opened the Chinese Cloud to check. Among his six arts, weapon refining was now on the verge of a breakthrough.

Smash it!

Get extra experience!

Over the years, he has accumulated so much extra experience as a disciple!

Cao Zhen instantly poured all his extra experience into the Six Arts' weapon refining.

In just one breath, the voice of Zhonghua Cloud rang in his mind.

"The Six Arts of Weapon Refining has been broken through, the administrator level has been upgraded by one level, a random access user has been added, and a designated user has been added. Please specify."

Cao Zhen didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "Designate the Erlang God, Yang Jian!"

He was afraid of getting involved with other Yang Jian, so he specifically mentioned Erlang Shen.

As his words fell, the voice of Zhonghua Yun also rang in his mind.

"Yang Jian successfully connected."

At the same time, there was a golden document in his mind.

User: Yang Jian

Sex: Male

Owns: Roaring Dog

Cultivation: Daluo Jinxian

Cao Zhen had no doubts when he saw Da Luo Jinxian's introduction, and some people said that Yang Jian was a quasi-sage.

Unfortunately, Yang Jian's strongest skill is the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills, and he also possesses the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills. This is a repetition.

However, this time there was no other way. In order to avoid the other party's pursuit, he had no choice but to connect to Yang Jian.

Besides, pretending to be these three-eyed people can also allow you to penetrate into the opponent's interior and understand the situation of monks in other worlds more clearly.

Just after he quickly scanned Yang Jian's introduction, the voice of Zhonghua Yun came through his mind again.

"Random user, Tianlun Immortal Lord has completed the access."

Cao Zhen was stunned.


Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord?

The female cultivator who is chasing me now seems to be the one the other cultivators call her as Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord. Isn't it her that I am connecting to?

Cao Zhen instantly connected with the Tianlun Immortal Lord. Suddenly, his vision changed to the perspective of the person behind him, who was chasing him.

It’s really this female nun!

Cao Zhen has connected so many people, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation. The person who randomly connected was a monk who could be seen around him.

He didn't care to look at the other party's documents and dived into the crowd.

The moment he fell, his body changed rapidly and returned to a human form. At the same time, with a thought in his mind, a vertical eye appeared in the center of his forehead.

Then, he quickly circulated the immortal energy in his body and quickly sealed his own immortal energy.

Not only did he seal the immortal energy, he even sealed the power of his physical body. If he didn't seal the power of his physical body, with his current physical strength, it would be easy for him to reveal his secrets.

This area was so chaotic that everyone was running for their lives and didn't even notice that a stranger suddenly appeared next to them.

Moreover, this is still a city, not a village.

If a stranger suddenly walks in in the village, he will be recognized immediately because no one knows you.

But there are a lot of people in a city, and it’s normal to have people you don’t know.

As for the threat of these orcs, no matter how hard he sealed his power, he could not seal his own power. Just like a mortal, his physical body was still much stronger than ordinary people.

Besides, he didn't believe it. There were so many monks from the Three-Eyed Clan behind them, and they would be indifferent when they saw these alien races massacring their own people.

And because of his injuries, he looked pale, which was normal. These mortals among the three-eyed humans would suffer many injuries in the future due to the attacks of the orcs, and many of them seemed to be more seriously injured than him.

He had just blended into the crowd. As the crowd took two steps forward, the figure of Tianlun Immortal Lord appeared in the void.

The attack she just made was almost with all her strength.

With such a blow, the ordinary Golden Immortal Realm would probably be severely damaged and lose its combat effectiveness in an instant, or even be killed alive.

But the alien's true fairyland actually still had the energy to escape, and even escaped into the city instantly.


She suddenly understood that the foreign body was the most powerful!

That physical body definitely surpassed the Golden Fairyland, and even exceeded the strength of her physical body.

She couldn't even imagine how a true fairyland could cultivate the physical body to that level.

She was originally able to take down the opponent, but it was because the opponent's body was too terrifying that she gave the opponent a chance to escape here.

Looking down at the aliens who were frantically massacring her people one by one, a look of anger suddenly appeared in her eyes, and a strong killing intent shot into the sky.


As soon as the sound of a word fell, countless silver rays of light, like raindrops, suddenly flew out from her whole body.

At this time, the entire city was in great chaos. Some mortals were escaping, and there were soldiers from foreign races who were chasing them. They were mixed together, and some were even entangled with each other.

However, the countless raindrops of silver light flying into the city accurately avoided all the three-eyed humans and fell on these orcs.

There was only light the size of raindrops. After flying by, tall orcs fell to the ground one after another.

In just the blink of an eye, all the orcs in this city fell.

The people who were still running suddenly saw the aliens who were chasing them fall down beside them. They also stopped and looked at the immortals flying down from the void. They reacted instantly and started shouting. .

"Immortal, the Immortal is here!"

"The immortals have come to save us."

Some mortals from the Three-Eyed Clan even knelt down directly.

If the immortal had not arrived, all of them would have died.

However, although they were saved, many of their relatives died under the sharp teeth and claws of the beasts.


"Father, mother..."

For a moment, there were sounds of gratitude and tears mixed together.

Tianlun Immortal Lord was floating in the sky above the city, her eyebrows furrowed. She had just seen the alien fleeing here, but after she followed closely, the alien disappeared mysteriously.

Behind, other monks from the Golden Immortal Realm of the Three-Eyed Clan also flew over one after another. They looked at the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord who was staying here, and they didn't dare to be puzzled.

"Tianlun Immortal Lord? Where is that monk?"

Just as a golden fairy made a sound, three figures flew quickly from the opposite direction.

These three figures are similar to the orcs below. The difference is that each of them is a being in the Golden Fairyland.

Looking at the dead members of the same race below, among the three orcs, the leader of the tiger-faced orc looked at the opposite side with an ugly expression, and said: "Tianlun Immortal Lord, our two tribes have agreed that the monks will not participate in the war between ordinary tribesmen. war between.

Now, you have taken action to kill all our people. How do you explain this? "

Tianlun Xianjun didn't want to explain what happened just now. They had negotiated with the alien race opposite them not to participate in the battle of ordinary tribesmen, but since she saw it, how could she ignore it.

What's more, what if she killed these orcs? Who does she need to explain to?

She just looked down and said in a cold tone: "An alien escaped just now, fled here, and then disappeared."

"Huh?" When the tiger-faced orc opposite heard the voice, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He is very aware of the strength of Tianlun Immortal Lord. After most of the masters in their world have entered the ruins of the original world, now, in the golden fairyland left in their world, Tianlun Immortal Lord is It can definitely be ranked in the top three.

The other party was actually able to escape under the pursuit of Tianlun Immortal Lord.

"Another monk from the Golden Immortal Realm?"

He also knew that compared to these ordinary tribesmen, the aliens who entered their world were more important. In particular, it was even more dangerous to escape from such a master.

They were also in another place with another group of Golden Immortal Realm before, blocking the alien monks who might fly down. They just saw the aura of the Golden Immortal Realm fluctuating here, so the three of them came here to check.

"No, he is not a being from the Golden Immortal Realm, but a True Immortal Realm." As Tianlun Immortal Lord spoke, a look of wonder appeared on his face.

"What? What did you say?" Opposite, the three orcs were already masters of the Golden Immortal Realm. In their endless years, they had experienced many storms and waves, but when they heard the voice of Tianlun Immortal Lord, they still couldn't help but let out a startled expression. call.

"How can this be!"

"How can a monk from the True Immortal Realm escape from you!"

They couldn't believe what Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord said.

Tianlun Immortal Lord sighed with a look on his face: "You know, I, this Immortal Lord, never speak falsely. He is indeed a monk from the True Immortal Realm. Although I didn't use all my strength when I first took action, I could feel that his The strength is not weaker than the ordinary Golden Fairyland."

"A true fairyland that is not weaker than the golden fairyland?"

"How can there be such a monk in this world!"

"The Golden Fairyland is protected by divine light. How can the real Fairyland be compared with the existence of the Golden Fairyland!"

The three orcs could never imagine how much cultivation a true fairyland must have in order to compete with the golden fairyland.

But before they could finish being surprised, the voice of Tianlun Immortal Lord came again: "Before today, I would not have believed that there was such a true fairyland, but today, I don't know if it was me, but we all saw that monk.

The most important thing now is to find him.

I chased him all the way to this place, and then I lost sight of him.

It is impossible for him to disappear out of thin air or leave this world. He disappeared, either because he used a secret technique, suddenly broke out and fled at an extremely fast speed, or..."

"Perhaps, he has blended in with your Sky Eye clan members." The tiger-faced orc said, already looking at the mortals of the Sky Eye clan below.

Cao Zhen finally knew that the races in front of him were called the Sky Eye Clan.

In fact, not only the tiger-faced orcs, but also the masters of the Sky Eye Clan here suspected whether the escape plan had been sneaked into the city, and they also swept towards the crowd below.

At the same time, each of them opened their slightly nosed vertical eyes in the center of their foreheads, and rays of light flew from their eyes, looking at the monks in the city and even every corner of this big city.

But when they checked, they didn't see anything strange.


"That alien race is not in this city."

"To be able to steal it in front of Tianlun Immortal Lord, this monk in the True Immortal Realm is a bit too scary."

"I'm afraid he used some special secret technique to escape."

The three orcs have no suspicion at all that the alien monk is still here. Their investigation methods are average, but there are twenty monks from the Sky Eye clan here.

The Heavenly Eyes of the Heavenly Eye Clan monks claim that nothing can be hidden from their third eye!

Tianlun Immortal Lord looked at the city that could not be found no matter how hard he searched, turned to look at the three orc monks, and reminded: "The monk just now was like a roc at first, with an extremely powerful body, but , but his true appearance is similar to that of our Heavenly Eye clan, except that he does not have our Heavenly Eye.

Also, his fairy mountain is also very special. It is like a mountain range. This is the first time I have seen such a big fairy mountain.

The height of his fairy mountain should be 9999 feet.

And on his fairy mountain, there are sixteen fairy palaces with strange phenomena.

Of course, the most terrifying thing about him is his physical strength.

He withstood my almost full blow, but he didn't die and even escaped here.

These characteristics should be very easy to identify. You can go back and ask the foreign monks you caught if anyone knows such a guy. "

Although the Sky Eye clan and the orc clan opposite them are in an antagonistic relationship, the two clans are the strongest in their world.

However, no matter what, they are monks from the same world, and they still have a cooperative relationship when facing those outside monks.

"A fairy mountain nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet high? Can there be such a high fairy mountain?" A strange color appeared on the face of the tiger-faced monk. The highest fairy mountain he had ever seen did not even reach eight thousand feet. , how do you cultivate this fairy mountain that is close to 10,000 feet?

Also, how big is the Fairy Mountain, which is like a mountain range.

But what he felt was most outrageous was that the other party owned sixteen immortal palaces?

Who doesn’t know that monks in the True Immortal Realm can own at most ten Immortal Palaces? How can a monk cultivate so many Immortal Palaces!

Of course, the most horrifying thing is that the opponent forcefully withstood an almost full-force blow from the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord without dying!


As far as he knew, many Golden Immortals could not withstand such a blow.

If a monk in other places told him that there was such a monk, he would not believe anything he said.

But it was Tianlun Immortal Lord who said these words. Although he was not from the same clan as Tianlun Immortal Lord, he also knew that Tianlun Immortal Lord would not lie.

Just based on what Tianlun Immortal Lord said, it is enough to determine that the other party must be the most top existence in the true fairyland.

Both parties found that Zhao could not reach the foreign monk here, so they had no choice but to leave.

As for the dead orcs, the orc monks did not investigate further.

What else could they explore?

You can't really force the monk who did it to commit suicide.

That's a monk from the Golden Fairy Realm, how is that possible!

The remaining ordinary Sky Eye clan naturally stayed here.

Although the monks of the Sky Eye Clan helped the mortals kill the aliens who attacked them, they did not help them rebuild their homes. At most, they only put out the fire.

Cao Zhen looked at the monks from the Sky Eye Clan who were leaving and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these monks from the Sky Eye Clan looked very similar to the human race. Otherwise, he would not have been able to disguise himself.

After all, disguise requires immortality. How can he pretend to be a mortal when he releases his immortality?

It was also good luck that Yang Jian was so famous. When he saw the third eye, he immediately thought of Yang Jian.

It was also good luck that he could transform into the other person after joining the monks a long time ago, and the only thing special about Yang Jian was his third eye.

He took a look around and walked towards the city, looking for the dilapidated houses with no one around.

Although it seemed that all the monks were gone, he believed that the other party must have left some monk behind, hiding in the dark, observing everything in the city.

If you go out at this time, you will definitely be discovered.

So the best way is to hide in the city, pretend to be an ordinary person, and just find out what's going on in the world.

Due to the previous attack by the orcs, too many people died in the city. Although many houses were destroyed, some empty houses were still postponed.

Cao Zhen searched for a while in the city, and soon found that only half of a courtyard was left, and two of the three houses had collapsed, leaving only the last house.

After observing for a while and finding that there was no one in this house, he stepped in.

There was no one in the room, and there was no body. It seemed that the owner of the house had escaped after the orcs invaded.

Now, I haven't come back for so long, I'm afraid it's very bad.

Cao Zhen entered the only intact house, closed the door gently, opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. The blow he received before was really terrifying.

He quickly took out an elixir from his arms and drank it, then used his skills to recover from his injuries.

While opening it, he checked the document of Tianlun Immortal Lord that he randomly accessed.

User: Tianlun Xianjun

Gender: Female

Identity: Heavenly Eye Clan, Piao Miao Sect, Palace of Reincarnation, Palace Master.

"Piao Miao Cult?

So, like the human race, their Sky Eye Clan also has numerous great religions? However, her cultivation level is so strong, she is just a princess of a palace, not a leader, not even an elder. "

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment and continued reading.

Cultivation: Golden Fairyland.

Qualification: Reincarnation Immortal Body.

"It's reincarnation again! The palace she is in is the Palace of Reincarnation, and her attacks also have the flavor of reincarnation."

The power of reincarnation?

He naturally knew about the power of reincarnation, but there were really not many monks he had come into contact with who practiced the power of reincarnation.

He continued to watch.

"It turns out that this is the power of reincarnation. When she faced my attack, she used the power of reincarnation to return all my attacks to their original state, so I felt that my attacks disappeared instantly. "

After Cao Zhen watched the opponent's way of reincarnation, what the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord said before could not help but reappear in his mind.

"I don't look like the master of my power at all, but the user... In fact, what she said couldn't be more accurate.

Except for my swordsmanship, my strength is rarely achieved by my own cultivation, either because of masters like Zhang Daoling or Taoist Lu Ya, or because of my own disciples.

Although I can use these powers, I know very little about how these exercises and spells are cultivated.

These powers, aren't they just like what she said, I'm just a user?

So, what have I been doing all these years? "

He has always been there, whether he is in the elixir formation stage or the subsequent golden elixir stage, the earthly fairyland, the returning fairyland, and the true fairyland. They are all absolutely invincible existences within the realm of fellow practitioners, and even have the ability to fight across realms of cultivation.

Slowly and unconsciously, he has regarded himself as the best in the world.

There is even a thought deep in his heart that my current strength is not as good as yours, but when I break through, when my cultivation level is the same as yours, I will definitely be stronger than you.

"But, am I really strong? In fact, my talent for cultivating immortals is only average. Otherwise, I would not have entered those higher peaks, but the Four Treasures Peak.

In fact, it is not me who is stronger, but Zhang Daoling, Taoist Lu Ya and others, and even my disciples.

The strong one is China Cloud!

If there is no China Cloud, then who am I?

Zhang Daoling, Taoist Lu Ya, including Yang Jian, who I just connected to, they have also become top powerhouses without Zhonghua Cloud.

However, if I don’t have Zhonghua Cloud, I’m afraid I’m just an ordinary monk.

Yes, through the Chinese Cloud, I can indeed be very powerful. Even in the future, I should still be able to break through and enter the Golden Fairyland, but what happens after that?

When I meet a strong person again, a truly strong person, I'm afraid I will still be defeated, or even defeated more miserably than today.

Because, to be honest, those powers are not my own powers, but the powers given to me by others.

I was strong before because my magic weapon was stronger, because my spells were stronger, and because my body was stronger, but it was not that I was stronger! "

Cao Zhen recalled all his experiences in this world, and suddenly realized a problem, that is, he had been too dependent on China Cloud.

"Before, I always thought that with the help of China Cloud, I could keep winning. But now, I know that it is not the power I have cultivated after all.

As for a monk, everything must ultimately depend on himself. Only he, and the strength gained through cultivation bit by bit, is his own. "

At this moment, Cao Zhen suddenly understood a lot.

"Only by relying on your own continuous cultivation can you embark on the road to true strength! In fact, I have never been able to become a Golden Immortal, not because of the prosperous age, not because Central Continent is still in the hands of foreign races, but because my own understanding is not enough.

For example, my disciples, they were able to break through because I provided the elixir, but they still relied more on their own insights.

I didn't realize enough, so I never became a Golden Immortal.

If you want to achieve breakthroughs in the future, you can only rely on yourself. "

Cao Zhen finally figured everything out.

He suddenly spoke to himself: "Zhonghua Cloud, if I cut off all the support I have access to, what will be the consequences?"

He can communicate with Zhonghua Cloud. When his access failed, Zhonghua Cloud also briefly communicated with him, but he rarely communicated with Zhonghua Cloud.

As his words fell, the voice of Zhonghua Cloud rang in his mind: "Just like the person who died after you connected. You will never be able to watch the person who intervened again.

Moreover, users who actively interrupt access will suffer backlash.

Every time you interrupt a connected user, your cultivation level will be greatly affected. The more interruptions you have, the weaker your cultivation level will be.

Of course, because you have reached their knowledge, even if you break off contact, the spells, talismans, and formations you learned because of them will not disappear. "

"Then, can I choose to semi-cut off contact with the other party? For example, my disciple, I only retain the ability to communicate with the other party, but I no longer gain the cultivation experience provided by the other party?"

After he figured everything out, the first thing he thought of was to cut off all the support that had been connected. From now on, he would just rely on himself.

It's just that his wife, his children, and his disciples are all his relatives.

Zhonghuayun fell silent for a long time, and then Zhonghuayun's voice sounded again: "As an administrator, you automatically have the authority to use the other party's experience.

Of course, if you want to close it, you naturally have this authority, but I hope you will be cautious, because in that case, you will be spending your own martial arts. "

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