Cao Zhen knew that he could be where he is today entirely because of Zhonghua Cloud.

However, if he wants to move forward, he must leave Zhonghua Cloud behind.

After hearing Zhonghua Yun's words, he asked: "Tell me, if I cut off the connection with all monks except my relatives and disciples, I will not be able to gain additional experience from those relatives and disciples of mine. , that’s all I will do.”

"You will become an ordinary person." Zhonghuayun explained, "Because you have interrupted the link with them and closed the permissions with them, all the cultivation experience you gained because of them will all disappear.

And you have gained too much cultivation experience from them, and you have also gained other things from them, because those have been deeply ingrained in your mind, and I cannot take out the knowledge in your mind, so I just Can be used in your experience.

After the final deduction, you should be owed experience.

It's just that there can't be a negative situation. After all, I can't directly erase you, so I can only make your experience disappear completely. This is the law of operation in the Chinese Cloud.

Of course, although your cultivation has disappeared, you will not be able to run out of life and die immediately.

You are equivalent to... well, equivalent to those powerful beings reincarnating again.

However, if you are unable to practice again, or if you just stay at a very weak level, you will still die because your lifespan is exhausted. "

Cao Zhen was silent for a moment, then nodded, and continued to connect with those people through the Chinese Cloud, and continued to win through the Chinese Cloud. He was afraid that he would always stay in the True Fairyland, and would never be able to become the master of power.

"So, the last question, is there any way I can keep my third eye after cutting off the connection with Yang Jian?"

Now, if he wants to live in this world, he must keep his third eye. If both are there, he will be captured immediately.

"This is one of the permissions you have after your administrator level is upgraded. Have you never studied your permissions?"

After hearing Zhong Huayun's words, Cao Zhen stopped thinking about those issues and said, "Then, let's break off the connection between him and me now."

The Chinese Cloud did not move.

"Huh?" Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment and continued, "Why don't you interrupt?"

"You are injured now. Now stop. When you become a mortal, your body will also become a mortal's body. It is not that much stronger than a mortal.

But your injuries will not disappear when you become a mortal. When the time comes, you will definitely die. "

Cao Zhen also realized that this was normal. For example, right now, his heart still showed signs of cracking. If he became an ordinary mortal, he would definitely die in this state.

Therefore, you have to recover from your injuries first.

He closed his eyes slightly and began to use his skills to treat his injuries.

Slowly, he discovered that although the injury was serious, the opponent's attack did not contain those special auras.

For example, under normal circumstances, in a battle between monks, if the other party is practicing cold energy, then if he is hit by the other party's attack, the other party's cold energy will remain in his body. If he wants to heal the injury, he must also remove the other party's cold energy. The cold air is driven out, which is the main reason why the higher the cultivation level, the slower the recovery after injury.

Although the opponent's attack was extremely powerful, the power of reincarnation contained in this attack had disappeared.

After all, the opponent's reincarnation power accelerated his wounds, and after the acceleration, they were gone.

Therefore, this time, although he was severely injured, he recovered quickly.

In just three days, his injuries had basically recovered.

Three days later, Cao Zhen sat cross-legged on the ground and whispered: "Let's get started."

Not long after, voices came one after another in his mind.

"Zhang Daoling's connection is interrupted!"

"The connection with Our Lady of Golden Light is interrupted!"

"Fairy Qiongxiao's connection is interrupted!"

With every sound he heard, he felt his whole soul trembling. At the same time, it felt more like he had cut himself in half, and his entire cultivation level was greatly reduced!

As the connection to the last one, Tianlun Immortal Lord, who had just connected, was interrupted, he was lying on the ground, wailing softly. He changed from a monk in the True Immortal Realm to an ordinary mortal, and the strength of his physical body even changed. How could he not react to such a big change?

At this moment, he felt that there was no part of his body that was not in pain. At this moment, he even felt that he had touched death.

Under the severe pain, his body rolled to the side involuntarily, and even broke a cabinet on the side. Bangs and bangs sounded continuously from the room.

It seemed that he couldn't bear the severe pain, or the contrast of the sudden changes in his body was too great, but he couldn't bear it anymore and fainted.

The next door separated by a wall can't even be said to be separated by a wall. After all, half of the wall has collapsed.

A middle-aged couple is renovating their house. The yard can be built later, but the house can't be built. They haven't hired any help. Even if they want to be gentle, they can't do it at this time.

Everyone's house was almost destroyed. Everyone was busy repairing their own house, and they had no time to help others. So everyone was cleaning up the snow in front of the house. Every household was repairing their own house, and their children , naturally no one cares about it, just let them play by themselves.

Because there seemed to be no one in the house next door and other houses were being built, several children nearby also liked to play in the yard next door.

Suddenly, a little girl looked at the door that had been closed before and opened it slightly. She walked over curiously and pushed the door open.

The next moment, a scream sounded.

"Someone, really someone!"

"Father, mother, there is a person next door to us who can..."

Cao Zhen didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but he finally woke up slowly. He raised his head and looked around, but found that he was already lying on the bed in his own room, and there was a bowl beside the bed.

He clearly remembered that there was no such bowl in this room.

Moreover, he fainted at that time, why did he end up in bed again?

He stretched out his hands and slowly supported his body to stand up, but his body was so weak as never before. He could hardly feel any strength in his whole body. He didn't even have the strength to support himself.

At this moment, a voice rang outside the door: "Father, mother, that uncle is awake."

Only then did Cao Zhen realize that the door was open. Soon, a middle-aged man came over. When he saw the strange boy sitting on the bed who wanted to get up but couldn't, he quickly stepped forward and said: "Lie down quickly." Let’s talk quickly, you are so weak now, you should rest first.”

"I..." Cao Zhen just wanted to speak, but his stomach made a series of noises, which seemed particularly clear in this small room.

"You must be hungry." The strange man turned to the little girl outside the door and shouted: "Lingling, go home and get a bowl of porridge."

After saying that, he turned back and explained: "You haven't eaten for many days. If I don't give you anything else to eat, it's best to drink porridge first to get used to it."

As he spoke, he sighed softly and said: "Young man, you can't do this either. I know that this is not your home, and if you come here to live, your home must have been completely destroyed, and your family must have been completely destroyed." Gone too, leaving you alone.

However, since you have come to live here, you just want to continue living. In this case, why do you go on a hunger strike?

Young man, you have to look ahead in everything. Only after you become a parent will you know how much hardship your parents endured in raising you up like this, and how difficult it was.

You living well is the best comfort to them.

Also, don’t you want to take revenge? In a few days, it will be the day when the major sects come to select disciples. At that time, if you can be selected, become a disciple of the major sect, and can cultivate immortals, you can naturally kill those Orcs!

Although the orcs who came to attack the city died, how could they come to attack us without the order from the general behind them? Our revenge has not been avenged, so you have to cheer up. "

When Cao Zhen listened to the words of the strange Tianyan clan in front of him, he quickly understood that the other party regarded him as the kind of young man whose relatives had died and his family was gone.

When I entered here before, the other party should have seen it, and since I have been recovering from my injuries these days and have not gone out, the other party naturally thought that I was on a hunger strike.

He also knew what was going on with the bowl on the side.

Although in the past, if he had the conditions, such as when he was teaching at Baifeng, he had always maintained the habit of eating, but if he was away from home, it would be normal for him to go without eating for decades or hundreds of years, let alone a year.

But now, he is no longer a monk in the True Immortal Realm. He really can't bear it without eating.

After drinking porridge, he rested for three days before gradually recovering and adapting to his current state.

During these three days, all the meals he ate were provided by the family next door. Although he was now a mortal, he found that his meat was still much better than that of ordinary mortals, and his appetite was not ordinary. Big.

The man next door is called Lunar Ben, and he is just an ordinary person. He is a bit of a carpenter. He can only be said to be hungry, but he is by no means the kind of rich family.

He ate him for three days and wanted to retaliate by beating him.

Three days later, after he recovered, he immediately came to Nong Liben's home and offered to help Nong Liben build it.

The lunar calendar didn't think much about it. It was definitely that the elder Cao Zhen was probably a carpenter, so Cao Zhen also learned some carpentry skills. But after Cao Zhen helped him build it, he realized that he was wrong, very wrong.

Cao Zhen's craftsmanship is even better than him.

Cao Zhen also made some money with his craftsmanship, which was enough for his daily expenses. In fact, the main thing was to eat. His appetite was also surprisingly large, which most families probably couldn't afford.

Fortunately, when he was a mortal, he worked as a carpenter, and he also knew the art of mechanism. When he was practicing the art of mechanism, he did a lot of carpenter's work.

The days passed slowly like this, and before he knew it, a month had passed. His injuries had healed, and the other two rooms in his home had even been built.

On this day, as usual, he and Luo Liben finished packing cupboards from the houses of wealthy families in the city. After settling the payment, the housekeeper said: "Tomorrow, the immortals will come to recruit disciples, and we will rest for a day. You will come back the day after tomorrow." "

This world is the same as the world he lives in. Major sects will also recruit disciples, and even the methods of recruiting disciples are almost the same. The only difference is that the major sects in this world recruit disciples less frequently, every twenty They only recruit disciples once a year. At the same time, they don't just recruit children. Residents under the age of thirty can go.

Of course, generally speaking, those children are more likely to be recruited away.

On the way back, Cao Zhen and Lunar Ben found that there were far fewer pedestrians on the streets, and worshipers could be seen everywhere on the roadside.

For them, this is their only chance to cultivate immortality.

"Finally, the immortals are coming tomorrow. I don't know if Lingling and Xiaohu have the talent to cultivate immortals." The Lunar Calendar kept talking while walking back with Cao Zhen.

Lingling and Xiaohu are his two children. Lingling is his daughter, Nong Yueling, who is nine years old this year, and Xiaohu is his son, Nong Yuehu, who is five years old.

Cao Zhen heard the sound and comforted: "Those two children are smart, especially Lingling. They are much smarter than their peers. They will definitely become monks."

He just said a few words of comfort. If it were before, he would naturally have the means to judge whether these two children have the talent to cultivate immortality. Now, he himself is a mortal, how can he judge.

"From what I've heard, being smart doesn't necessarily mean you have the talent to cultivate immortality. There are some children who look particularly smart. You were not from our street before. You may not know that there used to be a teacher in our street. Everyone calls him Mr. Fan.

Mr. Fan, like Lingling, has been smart since he was a child. Children older than him are not as smart as him, but in the end, he has no talent at all to cultivate immortality.

On the contrary, a child who looked much dumber than him was actually talented in cultivating immortals and was chosen to become an immortal.

Therefore, we cannot just look at those who are smart or not. "

As he said that, he looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Speaking of which, you want to go too. People say that surviving a catastrophe will lead to good fortune. You were hungry at home for so many days before and you didn't starve to death now. You are also going to survive a catastrophe. , maybe this time you will be selected to have the talent of cultivating immortals, and then become an immortal."

Cao Zhen heard the sound and smiled bitterly as he walked away: "How can it be so easy?"

If the test method in this world is the same as the world he lives in, he may not be able to be selected.

Although he does have the qualifications to cultivate immortality, the problem is that his qualifications to cultivate immortality are very average. When he was selected, he should have been selected at the top of the line. At that time, he was young, and now he is older. Really You may not be selected.

What's more, he is not a member of this clan after all. Although he was connected to Tianlun Immortal Lord, he took the initiative to disconnect from Tianlun Immortal Lord.

Therefore, even if you are selected, you will not be able to practice.

He really doesn't have much interest in tomorrow's great religion recruiting disciples. Of course, he still wants to go. After all, all mortals of the right age should go for this kind of thing. Others have gone, but he won't go. That makes him so special.

Returning to his room, Cao Zhen opened Zhonghua Cloud again and began to check on his wife, children, and disciples.

Now, they are all divided into different worlds.


Upon inspection, a look of surprise appeared on Cao Zhen's face. In his sight, Xiang Ziyu was sitting cross-legged. He was obviously practicing something. While practicing, Xiang Ziyu frowned from time to time and said to himself. Talking to himself.

"No, there is obviously something wrong with the cultivation methods in this world. It shouldn't be practiced this way... Wouldn't it be better if it were changed?

How should it be modified?

As the protagonist, there must be a reason for me to enter this world.

I understand, this world must have some connection with the world of our human race. What if I bring in the exercises of our human race? "

Cao Zhen's eyes widened when he heard Xiang Ziyu talking to himself.

"What's the meaning?"

Cao Zhen immediately turned to Xiang Ziyu and said, "Are you practicing the skills of a certain clan in your world? Has a clan become extinct?"

It is generally accepted in the world of cultivating immortals that before a human race is exterminated, other races cannot practice their own clan's martial arts. This should also be related to heaven. It should be because of the existence of heaven, so other races cannot practice it. The exercises and spells of their clan.

But when this clan is extinct, that day is gone, and other clans can naturally practice the skills of this clan.

When Xiang Ziyu heard his master's voice, he immediately said: "No, that clan has gained a lot, and it is also very powerful."

Cao Zhen became more and more puzzled: "That clan still exists, so why can you practice their skills?"

"Is there anything strange about this?" Xiang Ziyu said matter-of-factly, "Who am I? I'm the protagonist. What's so strange about me being able to practice other races' techniques?"

Cao Zhen suddenly sneered: "Really? Then let me ask you, can you practice the skills of the demon clan or the skills of the heavenly clan?"

"Those two clans are different. I can't practice the techniques of those two clans. It must be because the techniques of those two clans are not suitable for me. The techniques of this clan belong to me, so I can practice them."

Listening to Xiang Ziyu's answer, Cao Zhen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, the highest level of deception is to deceive yourself. This was the case with Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu, he really wants to prove that he is the protagonist and can find various reasons.

He absolutely does not believe that it is because Xiang Ziyu is the protagonist. There is a high probability that all of them will be able to practice the techniques and spells of other worlds after entering other worlds, or that Xiang Ziyu is where he is. The world is special.

Cao Zhen ignored Xiang Ziyu and began to contact his other disciples. Soon he discovered that not only Xiang Ziyu could practice the techniques of other worlds, but also his disciples, Ten Thousand Enemies, and Ruoyun. In this world, there is another clan’s technique.

"So, that place of inheritance is not wrong in some respects. It can indeed be regarded as inheritance, but the inheritance is in another world. How much you can learn depends on you?

But how did the place of inheritance make it possible for them to practice the techniques of other clans that were not exterminated? "

Cao Zhen fell asleep with confusion. Now he is just an ordinary person. In addition to eating, he also needs rest and sleep.

Early the next morning, Cao Zhen was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Uncle Cao Zhen, hurry up, let's get in line, we're already late."

Cao Zhen listened to the voice of the little girl Nong Yueling coming from outside the door. He quickly washed himself, put on his clothes, opened the door, and whispered: "Little Yueling, come to me when the genius is just shining. Let's Even if you want to participate in the disciple selection, you don’t have to do it so early.”

Today, there is only one major event in the entire city, and that is the selection of disciples by the great sect.

He knew that Nong Yueling must have come to him for this matter.

"Why don't you use it?" Xiao Yueling pointed out and shouted, "We are all done, don't you know? Last night, a lot of people started queuing up."

"You started queuing up last night?" A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Cao Zhen's face, and he asked with confusion, "Anyway, everyone can participate in the selection of disciples. Is there any difference between morning and evening? Why do we have to start queuing up so early?"

He couldn't help but think of his previous life, when lottery numbers were drawn in certain places, those people even started the lottery one day in advance, for example, at eight o'clock the next morning, but at three or four o'clock in the afternoon the day before, there were people holding benches and starting to line up.

Nong Yueling said like a young adult: "Of course it is different. It is said that those big sects recruit a large number of disciples. For example, in our area, the strongest Piao Miao sect recruits ten disciples. Once The quota of disciples they recruited has reached, so naturally they will not recruit any more.

What if we have the talent for cultivating immortals and the talent for cultivating immortals is pretty good, but as a result, the people from the great religion recruit enough disciples and then fly away? That's not a loss. "

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Cao Zhen didn't know how to refute. After all, he didn't know how the great religions in this world found people. It might be different from the world he was in, so he didn't say anything more. , but was pulled by Nong Yueling and followed their family to queue up.

Although her parents cannot join the sect, they can still be with their children. After all, there are many children who are too young and must be with their parents. However, when the time comes to test their aptitude for cultivating immortals, they will not be tested.

Speaking of which, the Baifeng Sect where he belongs has recruited disciples countless times, but he has never participated in it. On the contrary, his disciples have participated more often. He has also seen how his disciples recruit disciples through China Cloud. of.

But watching it through China Cloud and experiencing it personally is completely different.

Moreover, this identity is also different.

One is to recruit disciples, and the other is that his destiny is completely controlled by others. Those cultivators who come to recruit disciples, their words and thoughts can be enough to change a person's life.

They were already early enough, but the queue in front was still full of people, and everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

People around were talking a lot.

"Child, as long as you are chosen, you can become an immortal in the future!"

"Children, whoever among you is chosen, don't forget to come back and see us, and come back to help your brothers and sisters when the time comes."

"You also know whether this year's selection is strict. Twenty years ago, the selection was very strict.

My eldest son is qualified to cultivate immortality. If he could have been selected in previous years, it was because the twenty-year prerequisite was strict and he was not selected in the end. "

"Twenty years ago, your eldest son was still six years old. He is only twenty-six now and has not yet turned thirty. He can choose again."

"Yeah, I just don't know if it will be that strict this time. After twenty years of delay, I'm afraid his chances of being selected will be even smaller."

Cao Zhen listened to the voices of the mortals from the Divine Eye Clan around him, and felt a little dazed for a moment. It seemed that he had returned to the time when he was a mortal in the Zhenxian Dynasty.

No, in fact, aren’t you just a mortal now?

Although everyone came early to line up, the monks kept coming.

After waiting for an hour and a half, suddenly, loud shouts rang out, and at the same time, every mortal looked up.

Cao Zhen, like everyone else, looked up at the same time. Soon, the figure of the monk appeared in his sight.

Because there were a group of mortals below, these monks did not directly release their pressure.

Moreover, it is obvious that the monks who flew here were not monks from one big religion, but monks from several big religions. It seems that the way this world recruits disciples is the same as the way the human race recruits disciples now.

Several great sects came together to recruit, and in the end whoever liked him would take away his disciples.

But he didn't know if several great sects were interested in a mortal, whether he should let the mortal choose, or whether the great sects should divide it among themselves, he felt it should be the former.

After the monks arrived, they didn't waste any time and soon began to explore the qualifications of these mortals to cultivate immortality.

Just like the human race, they also use a mirror-like magic weapon to directly detect the qualifications for cultivating immortals, and the detection speed is very fast.

Cao Zhen discovered that the monk in charge on their side was wearing the same clothes as the Tianlun Immortal Lord who was chasing him that day.

Therefore, I really have a destiny with this Piao Miao Cult.

On the side, many people also cheered.

"They are people from the Piao Miao Cult, who are in charge of our area."

"That is the most top sect in our entire Divine Eye Clan!"

"So, if we have the qualifications to cultivate immortals in the future, we may be selected to join the Piaomiao Cult in the future!"

"Don't be too happy too early." In the crowd, a man who looked like a young master took out a folding fan and gently fanned it while listening to the words of the people around him. The disciples are more strict.

Maybe, your talent can allow you to join other great religions, but you cannot join the Piao Miao Cult.

So, there is no need to be so excited. "

When everyone around heard the sound, the joy on their faces disappeared, but soon, screams of surprise came.

"There is light, which means you have the qualifications to cultivate immortality."

"That's the Lin family's child."

"I just said that the children of the Lin family have been different from others since they were young. Sure enough, they have the qualifications to cultivate immortality."

The young master holding the fan shook his head again and whispered: "Although he has the qualifications to cultivate immortals, his qualifications are only average. People from the Piaomiao Sect should not have him as a disciple. In the end, he should be someone else..."

Before he finished speaking, in the distance, the person in charge of recruiting disciples from the Piaomiao Cult asked, "Are you willing to join our Piaomiao Cult?"

As soon as the words fell, a cry of surprise came out.

"Piao Miao Cult?"

"He will join the Piao Miao Cult now!"

"He's going to become a monk soon!"

Many people even looked at the man holding the folding fan.

"Does this mean he has a lot of qualifications? He has a lot of qualifications, how could someone from the Piaomiao Cult accept him!"

"Yes, they also said that the Piaomiao Cult was strict, so they accepted the first Piaomiao Cult."

The face of the man holding the folding fan turned red, and his heart was filled with confusion. This shouldn't be the case!

This person's talent is really average, how could you accept him?

In the distance, the child's parents were even more excited and dancing.

"Is this true? Our child is going to become an immortal? I'm not dreaming!"

"It's true, it's all true. My child, promise it, promise it to the immortal!"

Cao Zhen looked at the excited family from a distance and frowned slightly. The Piaomiao Sect is the top sect in this world, and he has also seen the strength of the Piaomiao Sect.

A great sect that can possess top masters like Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord is absolutely impossible to be weak.

But this child with the talent of cultivating immortals looks to be fourteen or fifteen years old, which is not too young, and the talent of cultivating immortals is even more average.

That child is not even considered to have an immortal body, he just has the talent to cultivate immortality.

In this case, in their Dongzhou, no big sect would accept this child, but such a top sect would actually accept this child.

Is it because of some changes in this world that we have accelerated the recruitment of disciples?

Or are there other reasons?

Cao Zhen was surprised, while the monks of Piao Miao Cult continued to check the talents of these mortals.

Soon, a second person with the qualifications to cultivate immortality appeared.

The monk who had the qualifications to cultivate immortality in the test twenty years ago, but was not selected by the big church in the end, was still selected twenty years later, even though he was older and his qualifications for cultivating immortals had not changed.

Cao Zhen couldn't understand more and more. Everyone knew that as you get older, your plasticity will inevitably be lower, but the Piao Miao Sect still chose the other party.

And it's not just the Piao Miao Sect. He found that it seems that these big sects will take away anyone who has the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

At this time, there were many people in front of him.

Soon, it was about him.

As a ray of light fell down, on the opposite side, above the magic weapon in the hands of the monks of the Piao Miao Cult, there was a gleam of light. Although it was not bright, it was slightly brighter than the previous two selected people.

There was no special look on the face of the monk from the Piaomiao Cult. He looked over and asked, "Are you willing to join our Piaomiao Cult?"

"Of course." Cao Zhen nodded heavily, with a suitably excited look on his face. He wanted to see what the immortal cultivation system in this world was like, and now he was going to practice again in this world. For example, you need to have a reasonable identity.

He didn't know if there were rogue cultivators in this world. If there were no rogue cultivators, how did he get his cultivation level?

Even if there are casual cultivators, those cultivators in the qualified world will check his identity.

He is not from this world, and it is easy for problems to arise upon inspection.

But it's different after joining the Piao Miao Sect. When the time comes, others won't continue to investigate after they know that he is a monk of the Piao Miao Sect.

Compared to Cao Zhen, Luo Liben and Nong Yueling seemed to be more excited than Cao Zhen.

Nong Yueling even shouted: "I knew you could do it, Uncle Cao Zhen."

As she shouted, the bronze mirror in the hands of the Piao Miao Cult monks also shined at Nong Yueling. They were just Cao Zhen, but obviously they didn't care about Cao Zhen.

As a ray of light fell down, the next moment, a crescent moon appeared on the bronze mirror. Soon, the crescent moon changed and turned into a full moon. This full moon was even more exuding hot heat. Light, it seems that this is no longer a full moon, but a scorching sun!

The next moment, the images of the sun and the moon appeared on the bronze mirror at the same time, and the bronze mirror emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the entire city brightly.

"Sun and Moon Immortal Body!"

"Top Immortal Body!"

For a moment, the monks from other major religions in the city also stopped and then quickly flew towards here.

Although the people around them didn't know what the Sun-Moon Immortal Body was, they saw this unprecedented light and the appearance of the monks around them, and knew that Nong Yueling's talent must be extremely good!

At the moment of reading the lunar calendar, his whole body felt unreal. Naturally, he had also imagined that his daughter had the talent to cultivate immortality, and had imagined that his daughter would enter a great sect.

But he hadn't thought about this situation.

His daughter's talent for cultivating immortals seemed to be the strongest so far, and it even made the immortal exclaim.

A look of surprise also appeared on Cao Zhen's face. This little girl still has a top-notch immortal body.

As for the Sun and Moon Immortal Physique, he had never heard of it. It should be because the other party's is not the same race as the human race, so the Immortal Physique is also different.

"This is...the child of a carpenter and a farmer!"

"Carpenter Farmer has become prosperous this time, and his children actually have the qualifications to become immortals!"

"You still call me a carpenter farmer? From now on I have to call you an old farmer or a master farmer!"

"And the one before, that one seems to be the old farmer's young apprentice. I remember that the old farmer took him with him when he went to work recently."

"Old farmer, are there two people with the qualifications to cultivate immortality?"

"The person in front is nothing. The important thing is the old farmer's daughter. Look, other ancestors have also flown over."

Every resident who knew the Lunar Calendar looked over with envy.

Among the monks from Piao Miao, one was wearing a black robe. Ever since he arrived here, he had been holding his arms like ice cubes. He suddenly spoke, his voice was as cold as the cold that had not melted for thousands of years. Ice squeezing is common.

"This is the disciple discovered by our Piao Miao Cult."

His voice seemed to be extremely cold, and Cao Zhen could clearly feel that as the other person spoke, the temperature around him dropped significantly.

But the other monks from the great sect did not leave, but fell down. If it were other matters, they would naturally give the Piaomiao sect a face, but what they saw in front of them was a top immortal body, and one of the top immortal bodies. How could they give in to the extremely rare Sun and Moon Immortal Body!

"Venerable Gu Han, we have agreed that if we find outstanding disciples, we can invite them from every major sect."

"Yes, if this disciple is discovered by your Miao Miao Cult, then we cannot invite him."

"Everything depends on which religion others want to join."

A monk wearing a green robe said first: "I am a monk from the Yunxiao Sect.

Our Yunxiao sect doesn’t talk about anything else, but when it comes to flight and speed, we say it’s second. I’m afraid no big sect would dare to say it’s first. "

As soon as his words fell, a monk on one side sneered and said, "You can only pick on this point. To put it nicely, it's because you are fast. At worst, it means that you are better at escaping. What's the point of just jumping? Use? Is your combat power strong enough?

The top experts in the world on our side are not taught by your Yunxiao. "

A monk wearing a purple robe said with a solemn expression: "Our Caixia Sect is based on the power of fairy spirits, and we pay more attention to the communication with heaven and earth."

"Don't be so unreal."

A monk wearing a golden robe said solemnly: "I am a monk of the Jinyang Sect, you are the Sun and Moon Immortal Body, and our Jinyang Sect cultivates the Qi of the Fierce Sun..."

Before he finished speaking, a monk on the side sneered: "What's the use of just cultivating Lie Yang? Others are Sun and Moon Immortal Body, not Lie Yang Immortal Body. Are you asking others to give up her moon?"

What's more, you, the Lieyang Sect, are all male cultivators, and there are a few female cultivators. You are taking a fierce path. Is it suitable for her? "

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and were completely stunned. Today they had seen several people who had the talent of cultivating immortals and were selected by the great religion. Before, those people were only selected by the great religion without saying anything.

But when it came to Nong Yueling, all the major religions were competing for it.

This treatment, this gap is too big.

Farmer and carpenter, he is really going to be prosperous!

Venerable Gu Han looked at everyone speaking coldly, and after everyone had finished speaking, he said proudly: "Joining our Piao Miao Cult is the best choice. I won't talk so much nonsense. Just ask them, Which major religion can compare with our Piaomiao Sect, and which major religion has more masters than our Piaomiao Sect."

With one sentence, it was a direct kill, and the monks around him suddenly fell silent. They really couldn't compare to the Piao Miao Cult.

But they still want to make a last-ditch effort.

"The Piaomiao Sect is strong, but there are also many talented people in the Piaomiao Sect."

"Yes, you went to Piao Miao Cult, but you didn't join our big religion to be taken seriously!"

"Our law enforcement elder of Yunxiao Sect wants to recruit disciples recently. I can even take you to see the law enforcement elder. Whether you can be selected depends on you."

When Venerable Gu Han heard this, the look on his face became more and more disdainful: "Are you the only one in Yunxiao Sect who has masters who want to accept disciples? Our great sect's Tianlun Immortal Lord also wants to accept disciples recently.

Just ask them, are there any monks in their great sect who are stronger than Immortal Lord Tianlun? "

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