The Piaomiao Religion is indeed the top sect in this world.

And Tianlun Immortal Lord is now one of the five, or even three, strongest monks who have appeared in their world!

After hearing Venerable Gu Han's words, the other great sects didn't know how to refute them.

Nong Yueling, and even the residents of the entire city knew that the Piaomiao Sect was the top sect. In the end, Nong Yueling chose to join the Piaomiao Sect.

It's just that although she has the most advanced qualifications for cultivating immortals, her brother does not have any qualifications for cultivating immortals.

Many times, the qualifications for cultivating immortals in this world cannot be said.

Many families also have this situation. Among several children in the family, only one has the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

In just one day, all major sects had recruited all their disciples.

Cao Zhen discovered that all the people who appeared in the city and had the qualifications to cultivate immortals were all recruited away by the major religions, and no one was left.

From the mouths of the surrounding residents, we can also tell that this has never happened before.

I don’t know what the reasons were for all the major religions to make such a decision this time.

Each major church was still very humane. Instead of taking the selected people away immediately, they asked them all to go back and gave them an hour to say goodbye to their families.

Cao Zhen had nothing to say goodbye to, he was alone here.

He had nothing to bring with him.

Nong Yuelinghe, on the other hand, hugged her parents and cried for a long time, and tears appeared in the corners of her mother's eyes.

Although she knew that her daughter was going to be an immortal, and it was impossible for her to stop her, she also knew that once her daughter passed away, she would probably never see her again in her life.

She has heard that those people who enter the great sect to practice practice for a long time. Almost none of them come back within a hundred years. The fastest they come back is a few hundred years. Time, she would have died of old age.

After crying, she took out the packages she had prepared in advance.

"This is your quilt, your clothes, and this..."

Cao Zhen looked at Nong Yueling's mother and took out these things. In a trance, he saw the old mother who prepared things for him when he went to college before he came to this world.

Although Nong Yueling was talented in cultivating immortals, she was only a little girl, so in the end these packages fell on Cao Zhen.

Everyone gathered and found the monks of the Piao Miao Sect again, but it was not the first time they returned to the Piao Miao Sect. These monks go out to recruit disciples, and they cannot just recruit disciples in this one place. There are still many places they have to be responsible for.

So Cao Zhen and the others have to continue flying.

In the flying boat, the Earthly Immortal Realm monk who had previously recruited Cao Zhen and the others looked at everyone and said, "Okay, everyone choose a place to sit down. We still have a long time, at least a month, before we return to the Piao Miao Sect.

I will teach you the most basic guidance technique of condensing mana in a moment. In this month, you will practice on this flying boat.

If you can gather your magic power within this month, you will also benefit a lot when you actually return to the Piao Miao Cult. Okay, now, I will teach you the guidance technique. "

Cao Zhen discovered that the guidance technique of the Sky Eye Clan was very similar to the guidance technique of their human race. As he started to operate it, he felt the presence of mana after just one circle of operation.

Although it was his first time to practice this kind of guidance technique, he had been in the True Immortal Realm before, and his combat power was even comparable to that of the Golden Immortal Realm.

Although most of his strength was gained by lying down, he is still comparable to these rookies who have never practiced before.

Opposite him, after the monk finished teaching the guidance technique, he kept staring in the direction of Nong Yueling.

On the side, several other monks whispered: "Brother, tell me, how long will it take for her to be able to channel magic power?"

"I think it will be about within three days."

"Three days, you look down on the Sun and Moon Immortal Body. I think she might even be able to channel magic power in just one day."

"One day?" A monk shook his head and said, "It's not like we haven't recruited top immortal bodies before, but I remember that they rarely channeled their magic power in just one day.

I know that the Sun and Moon Immortal Body is different, but no matter how different it is, one day is still too short, two days, I think two days is more reasonable. "

"I also think two days are about the same. As for others..."

"Others... they can be considered powerful if they can channel mana before entering our Piaomiao Cult. Their talents, if it weren't for this special situation, they would not be qualified to enter our Piaomiao Cult."

Several monks evaluated the group of disciples in front of them without hesitation.

Suddenly, behind them, Venerable Gu Han, who had never spoken a word, showed a look of surprise on his face, let out a soft sigh, and the next moment, he walked over.

The monks who were talking just now stepped aside when they saw Venerable Gu Han approaching.

Then, they were surprised to find that Immortal Lord Gu Han stopped in front of a new disciple who looked to be about twenty years old. As their eyes fell on him, there was an obvious look of surprise in their eyes.

"What is this? Mana fluctuations! This kid, he actually developed mana fluctuations!"

"How is this possible? He just practiced it once and was able to attract magic power?"

"Peerless genius? He's not even an immortal."

A cultivator from the Immortal Realm of Ren Miao Miao looked at the new disciple in front of him with confusion. Suddenly, someone thought of something and asked: "Have you come into contact with the art of guidance before? Or who taught it to you? "

As soon as his voice fell, the faces of everyone around him also showed a look like this. If that were the case, it would make sense.

"No, this is my first time contacting the Guidance Technique."

Cao Zhen had no intention of hiding anything. He said that after coming into contact with him, he wondered if these people would ask him again how he came into contact with him, what kind of guidance technique he came into contact with, and who taught it to him. I have to make up another story.

He felt that there was really no need to make up so many lies.

Now, his state of mind is different from before.

"How is this possible if I have never been exposed to the Guidance Technique?"

"Little guy, you are trying to deceive now, before you have officially joined our Piao Miao Cult?"

Several people were about to say more, but suddenly, a cold air came from behind them, which scared them so much that they couldn't help but shudder, and they all fell silent.

Venerable Gu Han directly raised his hand and pointed towards Cao Zhen, and suddenly a light blue light flew out from between him and fell into Cao Zhen's cheek.

"This is the most basic technique for condensing and moving mana. Please practice it."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and began to study the exercises.

He just moved slightly, and suddenly, the mana that had just been condensed in his body immediately gathered.

Although it was only his first time to come into contact with this technique, he had not always won by lying down before. He had practiced the technique before. In particular, after every time he won by lying down, he had to run the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique again.

Under such circumstances, it couldn't be easier for him to operate the most basic skills.

In just an instant, the magic power in his body had already condensed. When the technique was running, it was extremely smooth and silky. As the mana flowed, there was a mana energy faintly emanating from his surroundings.

"Is this... so fast?"

"Is this the technique starting to work?"

"This little guy, what's going on?"

All around, everyone was stunned.

Isn’t this kid not even a fairy? Why is it so easy to activate the technique?

Venerable Gu Han even raised his hand and waved. In his hand, the bronze mirror magic weapon used to check the qualifications for cultivating immortals appeared again and shined towards Cao Zhen again. The talent shown by the other party was a bit too amazing. He wanted to confirm that the other party's talent was too amazing. Did he misjudge his qualifications for cultivating immortals at first?

But under the light, there was no difference from before during the test.

"It is indeed an ordinary qualification for cultivating immortals."

"It's really weird, how can someone with such a talent for cultivating immortality have such talent!"

All around, a group of Earthly Immortal Realm monks from the Piao Miao Sect looked at Cao Zhen with incomprehensible expressions.

Venerable Gu Han also took a deep look at Cao Zhen, said "Practice well", then turned and walked back.

This little guy's talent was indeed beyond his expectation, but it was a pity that the other person didn't even have an immortal body.

In this way, even if this little guy has good understanding and practices quickly, when the opponent reaches a certain level of practice, the speed of practice will inevitably slow down.

At that time, you can tell whether there is a difference in the immortal body.

At that time, disciples with immortal bodies could get twice the result with half the effort by practicing the techniques and spells with their own immortal bodies. At the same time, because of the immortal bodies, the spells they released were also more powerful!

The monks who are not immortals will eventually be surpassed slowly.

Of course, this little guy's understanding is really too high. He has never seen a disciple with such understanding.

In the future, this little guy's achievements may not be too low, but compared to the Sun and Moon Immortal Body, it is incomparable.


Suddenly, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

All around, the monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm also looked in the direction of Nong Yueling.

"This is mana fluctuation!"

"She successfully caused mana fluctuations!"

"How long has it been since then? This realization is too terrifying!"

"My qualifications for cultivating immortality are good, and my understanding is so high. This future is bright to the naked eye!"

Even though they were monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm, which was no longer considered weak in the world of cultivation, at this time, their eyes were still full of envy when they looked at Nong Yueling.

They all have immortal bodies, but none of them has a top-level immortal body, let alone one with such a high level of understanding that can channel magic power in such a short period of time.

Although it is said that Cao Zhen can channel mana faster, Cao Zhen only has ordinary qualifications for cultivating immortals, and he does not even have an immortal body. How can he compare with the top Sun and Moon Immortal Body!

Even Immortal Lord Guhan had a look of sigh on his face. He was also a top-notch immortal, and his understanding was also extremely good. However, it only took him a little more than a day to channel his magic power.

Looking at it, the little girl in front of him was him who had never thought about recruiting disciples. He even had the idea of ​​​​attacking first and taking her into his sect before they returned to the Piaomiao Sect.

He also stretched out his hand again, and shot a blue light between his fingers, hitting Nong Yueling's forehead. At the same time, he said: "Okay, you can try to use this set of skills. This is just the most effective way." Basic exercises to help you become familiar with the operation of mana.

Practicing it will not affect your ability to practice other techniques in the future. "

He even explained something to Nong Yueling, and he also knew that after Nong Yueling returned to the Piaomiao Sect, the masters in the Piaomiao Sect would definitely rush to recruit Nong Yueling as a disciple, and some of them would even There is a true fairyland.

Not long after, the flying boat had flown to the next city.

Immortal Lord Guhan piloted the flying boat and flew above the city. He left a monk behind to pilot the flying boat and led the people to fly down from the flying boat.

In this way, Immortal Lord Guhan and the others went to various cities to recruit disciples, and more and more people were on board Cao Zhen's flying boat.

Even after they finally flew back to the Piao Miao Cult, there was an additional top immortal body on the flying boat.

Although he is also a top immortal, it seems that the understanding of the latter one is not as good as that of Nong Yueling. It took him two days to induce the fluctuation of mana.

As for the other disciples, there are even some who have not yet attracted magic power.

A month later, he finally saw the great religion in this world.

In his sight, a towering mountain appeared in the sky. Since he no longer had the previous cultivation level, he could not see clearly how high this mountain was even on the flying boat.

However, even some of the mountains that appeared in his sight gave him a sense of majesty and majesty.

Different from what he imagined, the flying boat did not fly directly into the mountain gate, but flew below the mountain gate.

Everyone looked up and couldn't help but feel a sense of shock.

In the distance, clouds and mist shrouded the entire mountain like a mysterious veil. The clouds and mist even flowed slowly, circling around the mountain gate like a dragon.

In front of them was another road they thought was built, which seemed to lead to heaven.

At the same time, another flying boat flew in and landed at the foot of the mountain. At the same time, new disciples, who had obviously just been recruited, stepped off the flying boat.

Obviously, the Piaomiao Sect was not just dispatched this time, but Venerable Gu Han and others.

After waiting for six spaceships to gather at the foot of the mountain.

A monk with a majestic appearance wearing a green robe flew above the crowd, looked at them and said: "Now, it is the first test for you to join our Piao Miao Cult.

Now, you start climbing from here, and I will give you one day. All those over eight years old, before dark, no matter what method you use, as long as you climb halfway up the mountain, you will be the Taoist boys of our Piao Miao Sect.

If you can't climb halfway up the mountain, then you won't be able to practice in Pianmiao Sect. Now, start climbing. "

Among the people they recruited this time, there were some children aged three or four. However, it was obviously inappropriate for them to climb up, so those under eight years old did not need to climb.

As soon as his words fell, all around, the disciples who had just been recruited by the Piao Miao Sect began to move forward crazily.

Cao Zhen grabbed Nong Yueling's luggage and started to move forward.

After only two steps, Nong Yueling's voice rang out from the side.

"Uncle Cao, this is my own thing, I can just take it."

"It's okay. You can just take it when I'm tired." Cao Zhen grabbed Nong Yueling's luggage with ease. As he walked, there were even streams of mana pouring out.

He is now a true monk.

In this month, he only practiced the simplest and basic techniques taught by Venerable Gu Han. Then, he naturally made a breakthrough and owned a Taoist platform.

After that, there are the second and third Taoist platforms.

Just climbing a mountain naturally has no problem for him.

As the mountain climbing began, the eyes of the monks all around also fell on this group of mortals who had just been recruited.

"Huh? Is there a monk with three Taoist platforms over there? What, are you looking for a casual cultivator or something?"

Someone pointed curiously at the young man who was closer to the front of the team and was carrying two huge bundles.

"They seem to be flying boats from Immortal Lord Guhan."

Immortal Lord Guhan felt the gazes of some people and said in a cold tone: "Indeed, that is indeed the disciple I recruited.

But he was not a monk before this.

He only started to gather his magic power after boarding my flying boat, and now he has become a monk with three Taoist platforms. The exercises he practices are all the simplest and basic ones I gave him. "


The monks around him exclaimed in surprise.

"Even the first group of disciples only had one month to enter the flying boat and arrive in front of the mountain gate of our Piao Miao Sect. In one month, he directly cultivated three Taoist platforms from a mortal?"

They are all in the Earthly Immortal Realm or even the Returned Immortal Realm. Three Taoist platforms are nothing to them. The key is that the time for cultivation is too short.

Someone quickly approached Venerable Gu Han and asked, "Fellow Daoist Gu Han, can you tell me what kind of immortal body that little guy has?"

Immortal Lord Gu Han shook his head slightly and said: "He is not an immortal, he just has some qualifications for cultivating immortals."

"Not an immortal body? How is that possible!"

"Yes, it's not a fairy body, how could it be possible to break through so fast!"

"Fellow Daoist Gu Han, you are not a disciple, so there is no need for you to lie to us."

Everyone simply did not believe what Venerable Gu Han said.

"You can ask others." Venerable Gu Han was too lazy to explain.

And soon, everyone also knew that the guy named Cao Zhen was really not an immortal.

Many people shook their heads.

"It's a pity that such a good understanding is not a fairy body!"

"As long as he has an immortal body, even the weakest immortal body, I will bring him into our lineage!"

Not even an immortal body, being able to become an earthly immortal is basically the limit.

Those who can break through to the Earthly Immortal Realm either have special opportunities or have extremely deep backgrounds, such as top masters and elders from the Golden Immortal Realm.

For example, in the Piaomiao Sect, there will never be more than five people in the Immortal Realm who are not immortals, and in the entire True Immortal Realm, there is only one person who is not an immortal. That one is still a true fairyland that only enters after a great adventure.

At first, she and her friend entered a place of inheritance. Finally, after coming out, she slowly broke through and entered the true fairyland. And her friend was already an existence in the golden fairyland, and even more so in their world. , one of the strongest Golden Immortals, Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord!

Also entering the ruins, the last person became the strongest golden immortal, while the other person barely became a true immortal. This is the difference between the top immortal body and the non-immortal body.

"However, although he is not an immortal, his cultivation speed is indeed amazing. We also need to report it. Maybe, a certain palace will recruit him."

"To report it, maybe the Reincarnation Palace will recruit him. After all, that person is from the Reincarnation Palace. If you see someone like her, it may not be impossible to directly accept him as a disciple."

Wuhui Immortal Lord, the only one in their Misty Sect who is not a true immortal with an immortal body.

While everyone was talking, the disciples on the mountain gradually distanced themselves.

Cao Zhen climbed halfway up the mountain without using all his strength to climb.

Halfway up the mountain, the monk who sent them here was already waiting here.

And before dark, everyone climbed halfway up the mountain.

"Congratulations, you are now Taoist boys of the Piaomiao Sect, but whether you can become a formal disciple of the Piaomiao Sect depends on your future cultivation.

I will give some names below, Nong Yueling, Li Xiuqi... Lu Taichu, you stay. The rest of you, follow me. "

After they recruit disciples, any outstanding disciples will be reported, and then if each palace has a disciple they like, they will take these disciples away directly.

The remaining disciples who were not selected were put into the Taoist Academy.

Although Cao Zhen showed extremely fast cultivation speed, he still followed everyone and entered the Taoist Academy.

This Taoist Temple is much larger than the Baifeng Taoist Temple.

"One year later, the Taoist Academy will hold a martial arts competition. At that time, people from all the palaces of our Piao Miao Sect will come to watch your martial arts competition. If you show enough talent, someone will naturally take you away. At that time, you will He is a true disciple of Piao Miao Cult.

So, spend this year practicing hard. "

The person who brought Cao Zhen and the others left after leaving a word.

Because it was already late, each of them entered the arranged room to rest.

As the next day came, he gradually discovered that this Taoist temple was more like a free-range model than the Taoist temple taught by Baifeng. The Taoist temple was larger, but the teacher responsible for teaching in the Taoist temple But not that much.

Naturally, there will be people in the Taoist Academy who will teach them the Six Arts. If they are talented in the Six Arts, they can focus on the Six Arts.

Cao Zhen did not go to learn the Six Arts, but stayed in the Taoist Academy and devoted himself to practicing the basic skills of the Miao Miao Sect.

The teachers in the Taoist Academy will not care about what you practice, or even whether you practice or not. They are only responsible for three things.

One, you are not allowed to leave the Taoist temple.

Second, it doesn't matter if the Taoist boys fight, as long as no one is killed.

Third, if a Taoist boy asks, they can answer the Taoist boy's question.

Although Cao Zhen broke through and became a true fairyland before, he really didn't practice one technique slowly and wholeheartedly like he does now.

Slowly, he understood more and more about this technique, and even had some ideas of his own.

Now, he somewhat understands why Xiang Ziyu always likes to modify his exercises and spells.

"That's all, I don't know enough about the Sky Eye Clan's skills. Now is not the time to modify the skills."

Cao Zhen sat by the door and looked at the drizzle outside, but he had no idea of ​​walking out of the door.

Inadvertently, his eyes fell on a small plankton. This creature shone with a faint light. As time passed, the plankton began to experience a day. It started from a tiny egg and hatched. Weak larvae.

Cao Zhen just watched this little life slowly grow bigger. He observed it carefully and watched it swaying and swimming in the water, full of vitality and vitality.

If you look carefully at Fuyou, you can see that its body is expanding a little bit and its tentacles are extending.

At this moment, Cao Zhen even forgot to practice, and spent the whole day just looking at this little plankton.

However, when night fell, the floating light gradually dimmed. It no longer looked so energetic, and even gave people a feeling of weakness.

When the night was completely dark, this plankton finally died.

Cao Zhen let out a long sigh, this is life. For a person's life, even if he is not a monk but a mortal, one day is not long.

However, this is the life of that little floating life.

Life is so fragile and short.

However, those monks can live for tens of thousands of years, or even longer.

This is the impermanence of life.

"The passage of time and the fleeting nature of life... In fact, the same is true for the path to immortality. It is as short-lived and fragile as plankton..."

Cao Zhen understood a lot at this moment, and at the next moment, behind him, lights of enlightenment soared into the sky!

These rays of light are full of awe and yearning for life. Each ray of light seems to contain endless vitality.

The rays of light gathered together and shot straight into the sky.

Although he was only in the foundation building stage now, having condensed three Taoist platforms, and his cultivation was extremely weak, the light of enlightenment broke through the clouds and shot straight into the sky.

Vaguely, the courtyard he was in seemed to be full of vitality, and the weeds on the ground were growing at a faster speed.

In the Piao Miao Cult, each monk suddenly turned his head and looked in the same direction, his eyes full of doubts, confusion and surprise.

"This light of enlightenment, that place, must be in the direction of the Taoist temple, or the Taoist temple where those disciples who have no hope at all live!"

"That's right, it's a Taoist temple, that's right!"

"Can a disciple of the Taoist Academy still have an epiphany? And it is such an astonishing light of enlightenment. What exactly did he have an epiphany?"

"How could such a disciple have such an enlightenment? Even none of us can achieve such an enlightenment!"

"Let's go and have a look!"

"Quick, hurry up, such a disciple must go!"

"Deputy Palace Master, why are you out here? What are you doing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly, find him, and put him into the door wall before others do!"

A fairy mountain stands tall. It is just a mountain, but it has obvious changes in the four seasons and is full of endless vitality.

On the top of the fairy mountain, there is a man wearing flowing white clothes, his clothes are fluttering like white clouds. The female fairy, whose skin was like gelatin and flawless white, whiter than Shengxue's white clothes, flew away from the mountain.

In the direction of the top of the mountain, Tianlun Immortal Lord looked at the flying figure, with a complicated look on his face, and whispered: "With your character, even if a new disciple can achieve enlightenment, it will still be such a profound enlightenment. You won't go to see it either.

However, you still went because this place of enlightenment was the Taoist temple where ordinary Taoist boys gathered.

So, junior sister, you keep saying that you don’t care whether you have a fairy body or not, but in fact, you still care. "

Within the Piao Miao Sect, the monks flew towards the Taoist Temple at extremely fast speeds.

In just a blink of an eye, powerful monks landed outside a courtyard gate.

The dean of the Taoist Academy and several teachers stood outside the courtyard gate, their faces full of disbelief.

How could there be such a character among their Taoist boys!

Suddenly, their eyes widened, and in their sights, one after another important figures who they knew each other, but who did not know them, flew down.

The dean immediately took everyone to say hello.

"Venerable Yi Xing, Master of Feixing Palace, Venerable Wuhui..."

Immortal Lord, there was actually a venerable person who flew directly to their Taoist temple, as well as the palace master!

A monk in yellow robes nodded slightly, pointed inside and asked, "Which Taoist boy is inside?"

"Reply to Master Yixing, the one inside is Cao Zhen, not the immortal body. He..." The dean immediately told all the information he knew about Cao Zhen.

"After he came to the Taoist Academy, he has been practicing. He has not learned the six arts, nor has he learned swordsmanship, knife skills, etc. In fact, he has not gone out except for eating during this period of time."

Hearing this, the line of venerables nodded slightly and praised: "I have just started cultivating immortality, and I am able to endure loneliness and practice the most boring skills. This state of mind is indeed rare."

He remembered that after suddenly becoming a monk, the first thing he thought about was to fly to the sky.

After knowing that it would take him a long time to fly to the sky with his level of cultivation, he thought of practicing those magical powers or sword skills.

The last thing he wanted to do at that time was to practice Kung Fu, and most monks were the same as him.

It is really rare for this little guy named Cao Zhen to be able to calm down and practice his skills.

He didn't say what it was. It was not good for this monk to focus on cultivating here and not have contact with the outside world.

He knew that when these guys around him came here, they must want this little guy to join their palace.

However, everyone has reached this level of cultivation. At this high level, no one will fall for the little tricks he is trying to do.

Because the enlightenment was still going on, no one went to open the courtyard door.

As time went by, more and more monks gathered outside the courtyard gate.

The monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm also flew over one step behind, but they were very self-aware and did not step forward as they looked at the being who had returned to the Immortal Realm gathered outside the courtyard gate.

Some of the monks even quickly passed instructions to their senior brothers, masters or princesses to explain the situation at hand.

There is no way that these masters from the Noble Immortal Realm would have nothing to do and come over to watch the excitement.

Obviously, they wanted to take this disciple away.

So many masters who have returned to the Immortal Realm came to snatch a Taoist boy who didn't even have an immortal body. No one would believe it even if they told him.

But now, all this is happening in front of them.

Suddenly, in the void, the light of enlightenment dissipated.

At the gate of the courtyard, I, the monks who returned to the fairyland, rushed into the courtyard in an instant.

Cao Zhen really didn't expect that when he was in the human race, he couldn't have an epiphany. Now that he came to this world, he actually had an epiphany when he was still in the foundation building stage.

Before he could finish his sigh, suddenly, strange figures appeared in front of him.

Before he could speak, a monk in yellow robes said: "I am a line of immortal kings, a being who has returned to the immortal realm. Are you willing to be my disciple?"

Immediately after Yixing Xianjun finished speaking, someone immediately said: "Yixing, you seem to be just an ordinary elder in your palace.

But I am different. I am the palace master of Feixing Palace. When you come to our Feixing Palace, you will be the disciple of the palace master. "

"Palace Master? Fellow Daoist Feixing, I'm not telling you, your Feixing Palace's strength is at the bottom of our Piao Miao Sect. The palace masters of other palaces are either from the True Immortal Realm or from the Golden Immortal Realm.

Your Feixing Palace doesn’t even have masters from the True Immortal Realm. "

"Yes, if you have to choose, you must choose our Changtian Palace. Now, the owner of our Changtian Palace is my uncle. Our Changtian Palace has more resources and more masters."

"Don't just mention that you are changing to Tiangong. Come and lead the disciples. You have never taught any disciples before. Do you know how to teach them?"

For a time, the masters who returned to the fairyland began to tear each other down.

While everyone was arguing, suddenly a fairy in white clothes flew down from the void.

As she fell, the monks who were arguing all around stopped their quarrels and saluted at the same time: "I have met the Immortal Lord Wuhui."

Immortal Lord!

A true master of wonderland!

The dean of the Taoist Academy felt that he was almost going crazy when he looked at the sudden appearance of this alluring fairy.

Is this being from the True Immortal Realm also coming to accept Cao Zhen as his disciple?

This is truly a wonderland!

Normally, the emergence of extremely talented disciples, even disciples with top-level immortal bodies, may not necessarily attract masters from the True Immortal Realm to actively accept them as disciples.

Now, a disciple who is not even an immortal has attracted a true immortal!

It was because of that light of enlightenment.

Immortal Lord Wuhui looked at the man in front of him, who seemed to have nothing special about him, and whispered: "I know you. I knew you before you entered the Taoist Academy."

Everyone around was slightly startled when they heard the sound. What's going on? Wuhui Immortal Lord still knows about this disciple?

Cao Zhen also had a look of astonishment on his face.

Wuhui Immortal Lord explained softly: "Venerable Guhan is a disciple of our Reincarnation Palace. It was he who told me about your situation."

As she spoke, she slowly walked up to Cao Zhen and said, "I think it would be better for you to practice in a Taoist temple.

Because, like you, I am not even an immortal. I had the same experience and I think this is your best option.

Unexpectedly, I was wrong. Your understanding is much better than mine. "

She said, paused slightly, and asked, "Can you tell me how you had your epiphany?"

Cao Zhen did not hide anything, pointing to the yard and said: "This morning, I saw a floating bird being born, then watched it grow up slowly, and finally saw it die at night. I sighed in my heart, life is so fragile. Life is so unpredictable, so naturally, I entered a special state."

Everyone around them widened their eyes. This, can this be an epiphany?

Just looking at a float and having an epiphany?


They didn't just focus on cultivation, they also observed every plant and tree around them, but none of them could achieve such an epiphany!

Wuhui Immortal Lord heard the sound, and a strange color flashed across his eyes.

"What you have realized is reincarnation, the way of reincarnation in our Reincarnation Palace. At such a young age and with such cultivation, you are able to realize reincarnation."

Even as a being in the true fairyland, her voice couldn't help but tremble. She had never seen anyone at such a young age and at such a low level of cultivation who could understand. reincarnated.

Even her senior sister, who is known as the most talented Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord in the history of their Piao Miao Sect, cannot do it!

This disciple, he took the initiative to be a disciple of the Palace of Reincarnation, and he was destined to follow the path of reincarnation.

Immortal Lord Wuhui suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked: "Do you know what reincarnation is?"

"I don't know." Cao Zhen shook his head gently. He really didn't understand the way of reincarnation.

“What the world thinks of as reincarnation is the process of reincarnation or rebirth of life and even the soul after death.

After all, life is not eternal.

But reincarnation is not just life, everything in the world is in reincarnation. Are you willing to be my disciple and follow me to practice the way of reincarnation? "

Everyone around heard the words of Wuhui Immortal Lord and did not try to cause trouble. It was not because Wuhui Immortal Lord was a master of the True Immortal Realm. They just returned to the Immortal Realm, so they did not dare to make trouble.

It's not because the Reincarnation Palace is powerful.

The reason they didn't cause trouble was because this disciple understood the way of reincarnation, and it was indeed most appropriate to go to the Palace of Reincarnation.

Cao Zhen hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I do."

He couldn't refuse. In the eyes of others, he was just a young monk who had just started cultivating immortality.

Anyone like him, a young monk who rejects the masters of the True Immortal Realm in his sect, would find it problematic.

"Okay. From now on, you will be my seventh disciple." A bright smile appeared on Wuhui Immortal Lord's face. She had previously accepted six disciples, and among these six disciples, except for the eldest disciple, the other five All of them are disciples like Cao Zhen, who don't even have immortal bodies.

When everyone around heard the sound, they also raised their hands in congratulations.

Cao Zhen also left the Taoist Temple and entered the Palace of Reincarnation.

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