Piao Miao Sect and Baifeng Sect are very similar. There are one hundred peaks in Baifeng Sect, but now there are exactly one hundred palaces in Piao Miao Sect.

The difference is that the hundred peaks of the Baifeng Sect existed since the founding of the Mountain Gate, when it was still only the Baifeng Sect, while the one hundred palaces of the Piao Miao Sect were gradually added later.

As long as you are a disciple of Piao Miao Cult, when you have found a path of your heart, you can open another palace.

Of course, this new path does not need to be a completely new path.

For example, in swordsmanship, your swordsmanship is different from the several sword palaces that currently exist. You can also open another sword palace.

Although it is said that the Piao Miao Religion has no restrictions on what level of cultivation is required to open another palace, but generally speaking, no monk will open a palace again without entering the True Immortal Realm.

If you don’t have Daozhen Fairyland, then your strength is not strong. If you open a palace, who will join it?

What's more, if you open a palace on your own, you must want to carry forward your own path, so you need to recruit a large number of disciples. As a result, disciples also need resources to practice.

If you don’t have enough resources, how can your disciples practice?

The Piaomiao Religion will hold a competition every hundred years, and then allocate resources based on the performance of the disciples in each palace. In the new first palace, the disciples will definitely not perform well. They did not even participate in the previous competition, and the resources were all at the beginning. It came from myself.

Therefore, generally speaking, people who can open the first palace are not weak in cultivation. They are at least in the True Immortal Realm, and they are also strong in the True Immortal Realm.

Of course, there are also some palaces that decline due to various reasons, and in the end there are no masters of the true fairyland in the entire palace. This situation also happens.

The recently built palace of the Piao Miao Sect is the Palace of Reincarnation. The builder is the master of Tianlun Immortal Lord and Wuhui Immortal Lord.

The old palace owner only built the Samsara Palace after he became a Golden Immortal.

After that, he entered the ruins of the original world and passed the Palace of Reincarnation to the Immortal Lord Tianlun.

Wuhui Immortal Lord accepted Cao Zhen, and Cao Zhen was equivalent to the third generation disciple of the Reincarnation Palace.

After coming to the mountain, he unexpectedly discovered that Nong Yueling, that little girl, was robbed as soon as she came to Piao Miao Sect, and finally entered the Palace of Reincarnation.

Although the Reincarnation Palace is the last palace established, the old palace owner is a master of the Golden Immortal Realm. Tianlun Immortal Lord is also a master of the Golden Immortal Realm. He has two masters of the Golden Immortal Realm. This is the top palace in the entire Piao Miao Sect. .

There are also many disciples in the palace.

Cao Zhen entered the palace and within a short time, he saw more than two hundred disciples.

Moreover, upon entering the Palace of Reincarnation, he could clearly feel that the breath of life here was stronger than elsewhere. At the same time, the high mountains where the entire Palace of Reincarnation was located also clearly divided the four seasons.

From bottom to top, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The direction of the top of the mountain is winter.

The cave of Wuhui Immortal Lord is located at the boundary between summer and autumn.

Wuhui Immortal Lord, as a strong man in the true immortal realm, the cave is naturally not small, and the five nearby peaks are all under the control of Wuhui Immortal Lord.

Coincidentally, of the other six disciples of Wuhui Immortal Lord, only two were on the mountain, while the other four had all gone out to practice.

Immortal Wuhui pointed at a woman who looked very cold, but only after seeing Immortal Wuhui return, a smile appeared on her face and introduced: "This is your senior sister, Venerable Wuxin.

Your senior sister is now at the peak of the Immortal Realm. It won’t be long before she can become a true Immortal Realm like me. "

Cao Zhen quickly raised his hands and said, "I've met Senior Sister."

Wuhui Immortal Lord then introduced to the two of them: "From now on, this will be your junior brother Cao Zhen."

When Wuxin heard the sound, he just nodded lightly towards Cao Zhen, and then his eyes fell on Wuhui Immortal Lord. His eyes were full of respect and he said: "Master, this disciple is far behind you."

"Don't be overly modest. Everyone can see your talent and hard work." Wuhui Immortal Lord waved his hand towards Venerable Wuxin, then pointed to the male cultivator aside and introduced to Cao Zhen, "This is you My second senior brother, the Reverend Yousheng, is also a monk who has returned to the Immortal Realm."

"I've met senior brother." Cao Zhen raised his head and glanced at the other party. Venerable Wuxin, dressed in black, gave people the typical impression of not disturbing strangers.

And his second senior brother's clothes were flashy. When he heard Cao Zhen's question, he quickly said: "It's okay, little junior brother, get up quickly. You are my junior brother. From now on, senior brother will protect you. If anything happens, Come directly to Senior Brother. If anyone bullies you, tell Senior Brother and Senior Brother will solve it for you."

"Yousheng." Wuhui Immortal Lord frowned and educated, "We are all from a great religion, so don't always bully others."

"Yes, I have done it." You Shengzun quickly admitted his mistake, then changed the subject and said, "Junior Brother, if you have any questions about cultivation in the future, you can come to Senior Brother and Senior Brother will help you answer them."

On the side, Venerable Wuxin heard the sound, but he struck coldly: "You? Take care of yourself first. You have just entered the Return to Immortal Realm. According to your cultivation speed, when can you enter the True Immortal Realm?"

However, there was no trace of dissatisfaction on Venerable Youxin's face, and he even said with a smile: "Senior Sister, you can't compare me with you. In fact, Junior Brother, my breakthrough speed is not too slow."

"What? You want to compete with those monks who are the slowest in their cultivation? You should be more attentive." Venerable Wuxin seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to Venerable Youxin anymore. He turned to look at Wuhui Immortal Lord and said, "Master, if nothing happens, I Let’s go practice first.”

After Wuhui Immortal Lord nodded, she did not say hello to Cao Zhen again. She flashed and disappeared directly from Cao Zhen.

Venerable Youxin turned around and explained to Cao Zhen: "Junior brother, don't think too much. If you have been in contact with your senior sister for a long time, you will know that your senior sister is a typical person with a sharp mouth and a heart. Just because I'm not good at words doesn't mean I don't welcome you.

Later, you will know that your senior sister is the one who takes the best care of us. "

As he said, he thought of something, looked at Wuhui Immortal Lord and said: "By the way, master, the junior brother is here, should I take the junior brother around first?"

"That's fine. At the same time, you will also teach your junior brother the "True Interpretation of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon" from our Reincarnation Palace." She didn't just put Cao Zhen into the door wall and let him go.

It is her disciples. Except for the eldest disciple, Venerable Wu Xin, the other disciples, after worshiping at the mountain gate, Venerable Youxin will enthusiastically take the new junior brothers and sisters to look around, and then teach the younger brothers and sisters. Kung Fu.

She also felt cold in the heart of Master Youxin.

When Venerable Youxin heard this, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and he asked in a low voice: "Junior brother, he has not yet entered the Immortal Bridge stage. Can he practice it if he is taught the "True Interpretation of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon"?"

Even the one they accepted from the Reincarnation Palace, the genius of the Sun and Moon Immortal Body, no one taught her the "True Interpretation of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon". The skills of their Reincarnation Palace were really not something that low-level monks could understand.

Immortal Lord Wu Hui smiled and explained: "You can just teach it to your junior brother. What he will suddenly understand is the way of reincarnation."

"What? Junior brother, you have suddenly realized reincarnation at such a young age? Junior brother, you are really a genius. I will take you to see our reincarnation palace."

Cao Zhen discovered that the name of this senior brother Youxin was indeed correct. He was so thoughtful.

Venerable Youxin took Cao Zhen and introduced their Samsara Palace as they walked.

"Although our Reincarnation Palace was established late, we have many disciples. Now, our entire Reincarnation Palace has a total of one thousand, two hundred and thirty-seven people.

Among them, our master’s generation has a total of nine disciples.

Therefore, when we reincarnate in the palace, we can probably be divided into branches.

The strongest among them is naturally our palace master, the Tianlun Immortal Lord, who is also the second master of our Piao Miao Sect today.

However, the stronger Supreme Elder has not appeared for a long time. It is not wrong to say that the palace master is the number one master.

Although it is said that the Palace Master does not have many disciples, and there are only three disciples now, but those three disciples, they have gained a lot of disciples.

Among these nine branches, our branch has the smallest number of people, mainly because none of us have accepted any disciples.

In fact, this was also blocked by the senior sister. Originally, I wanted to accept some disciples, but the senior sister said that our own cultivation level is not high, and if we don't improve our cultivation level, we will accept any kind of disciples. If we accept disciples, we will mislead others, so we don't accept any disciples. "

Venerable Youxin said, paused slightly, and sighed: "Actually, Senior Sister is also doing it for our own good. Senior Sister is the most talented among us, and she is also the one who practices the hardest.

The reason why she just saw you, said a few words and left is actually to practice.

After all, she wants to save face for our lineage. "

Venerable Youxin glanced at Cao Zhen's face, hesitated slightly, and then said: "Looking at your age, you should be able to understand what I'm going to say to you next.

Including you, our master has a total of seven disciples. However, except for the senior sister, none of us can even be considered an immortal. Only the eldest sister is the top immortal body.

And the master is actually not an immortal body.

Therefore, the other teams look down on us.

Therefore, Senior Sister has been practicing hard and practicing crazily to save face for our branch. "

Cao Zhen was stunned when he heard the sound. He looked at Venerable Youxin and said, "But, senior brother, if you call her Senior Sister, then you should have entered the mountain gate later than Senior Sister, but you have all returned to the fairyland, and you are no better than Senior Sister." How much difference is there, Senior Sister?"

"You don't understand this." Venerable Youxin explained, "I have just entered the Immortal Realm, and Senior Sister, she is at the peak of the Immortal Realm and is about to enter the True Immortal Realm. The gap is huge.

Moreover, the senior sister and I became apprentices on the same day, just an hour or two later than the senior sister. Then, the senior sister should actually have entered the true fairyland long ago.

However, every time Senior Sister enters a realm of cultivation, she must do it. At that cultivation realm, she is almost invincible. She will only break through after defeating the masters of other palaces. This is also very delayed. Time. "

"So that's it." Cao Zhen looked like he didn't understand the store and nodded.

"So, Senior Sister, she is dedicated to our team. You will understand in the future. I will continue to tell you about our Reincarnation Palace."

Cao Zhen found that his senior brother was really not ordinary enthusiastic. He followed his senior brother around for a long time before his senior brother took him back to the mountain peak where their branch was located.

"Junior brother, now I want to teach you the "True Understanding of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon" of our lineage. Generally speaking, our disciples in the Reincarnation Palace will only teach them the "True Understanding of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon" when they enter the elixir formation stage. ", because "The True Interpretation of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon" involves the way of reincarnation and the core of our palace of reincarnation.

In fact, our reincarnation palace is very different from other palaces. Because the way of reincarnation is so profound, when you are weak in cultivation, you cannot understand it at all. Even after you practice the way of reincarnation, everyone has only a little understanding of it. Only as your cultivation continues to grow, you slowly understand it better. Reincarnation.

In addition, reincarnation is too mysterious, so when our cultivation is weak, there are fewer reincarnation spells that we can practice. Therefore, our monks in the Reincarnation Palace have a characteristic, that is, they are very weak in the early stage, almost now The bottom among these hundred palaces.

However, when our cultivation becomes stronger, specifically starting from the Earthly Immortal Realm, we monks in the Reincarnation Palace will be able to gradually regain our disadvantage. "

"Um..." Cao Zhen asked curiously, "If that's the case, then Senior Sister, how did he manage to defeat others at every level of cultivation?"

"Senior Sister, that is a peerless genius that cannot be measured by common sense. Besides, you cannot cast the magical reincarnation spell, but when we fight, we still have sword skills and knife skills. Senior Sister's sword skills are unparalleled. "

Venerable Youxin explained, then looked at Cao Zhen solemnly and said: Okay, now I will teach you the skills first.

The reason why I teach you the "True Interpretation of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon" first... Why don't you take a guess, junior brother? "

Cao Zhen was speechless and explained without even thinking: "It should be that every day the sun rises and sets, the moon appears and disappears again, and the sun appears at the same time. This is a cycle...

And it is the most intuitive reincarnation that we can see, so we will practice this technique first. "

Such a simple question, even if he doesn't have all the previous cultivation experience, or even if he is just an ordinary person, he can understand that this senior brother uses this to test himself, which is simply insulting his own IQ.

Venerable Youxin was completely stunned. He looked at Cao Zhen, who looked like he was taking it for granted, and somewhat understood why Cao Zhen was only in such a state of cultivation that he could understand the way of reincarnation.

"Little Junior Brother, your understanding is really the best I have ever seen. Master once asked six of us this question, but only Senior Sister answered it immediately. Senior Sister The answer is similar to yours.

What she said is that because the sun and the moon represent a day, darkness and dawn are a cycle.

Although it means the same thing, little junior brother, you said it more deeply than senior sister. I am very optimistic about you. Now, senior brother will teach you the technique. "

As Venerable Youxin said, he stretched out his hand and injected a piece of spiritual thought into Cao Zhen's body.

Suddenly, a new technique appeared in Cao Zhen's mind. He had never been exposed to the way of reincarnation before, so he started practicing it and unknowingly became immersed in it.

Venerable Youxin stood by and originally wanted to wait for the younger junior brother to answer any questions he had after practicing, but he waited like this for three days and three nights.

He doesn't understand. The way of reincarnation is one of the most profound avenues. Junior brother, when he starts practicing, doesn't he have any doubts after all? Is there nothing you don’t understand? Is he going to continue practicing like this?

And there are no problems with cultivating it!

He was an existence in the Immortal Realm, and he could clearly feel that the younger brother's aura was not disordered in any way, nor was there any sign of going crazy. On the contrary, the younger brother's aura was still growing.

It was not until the fourth day that his junior brother opened his eyes.

There was even a sense of relief on Venerable Youxin's face. Finally, Junior Brother, he finally clicked to stop. He must have encountered a problem.

If the younger brother doesn't stop, he will really doubt his life.

When he first practiced "The True Interpretation of the Reincarnation of the Sun and the Moon," he had just entered the elixir formation stage. However, after practicing for less than a day, he couldn't figure it out and asked his master for advice.

As for the junior brother, it took him three days and three nights to practice before problems appeared, which was terrifying enough.

"Junior brother..."

Venerable Youxin opened his mouth and was just about to ask what problem the junior brother encountered. In front of him, Cao Zhen had already spoken first.

"Senior brother, I'm a little hungry. I don't know where there is food."

Cao Zhenpo held his stomach helplessly. Although he was a monk now, his cultivation level was still too weak, and he still had to eat.

Venerable Youxin was stunned for a moment, so you didn’t stop practicing because you encountered a problem, but you stopped because you were hungry. If you weren’t hungry, would you have continued practicing?


What kind of monster are you!

He was completely speechless, and at the same time, there was a look of embarrassment on his face: "Well, senior brother, I don't know where to get food. The main thing is, senior brother, I don't need to eat."

He is already a master of the Immortal Realm. He sometimes retreats for decades or even hundreds of years. It is not a problem. He does not need to eat at all.

"Yes, senior brother, if you have a high level of cultivation, you don't need to eat. Even a monk with a high level of cultivation doesn't need to eat. However, mortals, as well as monks with a low level of cultivation, all need to eat.

But, we are all human, why is this so? "

Cao Zhen seemed to have thought of something, frowned slightly, and said to himself: "Eating is to replenish one's own energy, and monks with high cultivation level, because the breath is strong enough, can absorb these breaths, It replenishes energy, so there is no need to eat.

And those qi come from nature, and the food also comes from nature, there is no problem with that.

However, after eating, people need to expel impurities. This can even be regarded as a reincarnation, but what about monks?

If a monk absorbs Qi, how can he expel it? Since everything in the world has reincarnation, monks should be no exception, because of their daily breathing..."

Cao Zhen understood a lot in an instant, and at the next moment, behind him, lights of enlightenment soared into the sky.

Venerable Youxin was completely shocked. How could he have an epiphany?

What did you say to Cao Zhen?

Can you achieve enlightenment while eating?

I know that Cao Zhen had an epiphany before, and then the master brought Cao Zhen back. Not long after that, Cao Zhen actually had an epiphany. Is it so simple to have an epiphany?

Why can't I have an epiphany myself?

Over the years, I have cultivated all the way to the Immortal Realm, and I only had one epiphany.

What's going on with Cao Zhen?

Is there a legendary subject of enlightenment?

The light of enlightenment spread around, and soon, each of the disciples in the Reincarnation Palace also discovered the light of enlightenment.

“Someone has another epiphany.”

"The direction in which the light of enlightenment is emitted seems to be the direction of the lineage of Wuhui Immortal Lord."

"Who had another epiphany?"

"Aren't they all capable of enlightenment with their immortal bodies?"

"Why is this breath so strange? It doesn't seem to be those disciples."

"It can't be the new disciple they accepted, right?"

"How is it possible that that guy just had an epiphany? Can he still have epiphanies one after another?"

Venerable Youxin stood beside Cao Zhen blankly. In the void, the figures of his master Wuhui Xianjun and senior sister Venerable Wuxin fell one after another.

"Is this...how did he have an epiphany again? What happened before? Or what did you say to him?" Wuhui Immortal Lord was also a little confused. Didn't Cao Zhen just have an epiphany not long ago?

When a monk has an epiphany, he suddenly has a deeper understanding of the path he is on.

So in this case, after the enlightenment, it will not be enlightened again for a long time, because it takes time to digest the great ways of enlightenment.

As a result, Cao Zhen just had an epiphany for three days, and then he had another epiphany!

Although Venerable Wuxin said nothing, he looked at Venerable Youxin with curiosity.

However, Venerable Youxin looked confused: "Master, I don't know either. After I taught the skills to my junior brother, he started practicing.

After practicing till now, my junior brother said he was hungry and asked me where he could get something to eat.

I have returned to the fairyland, so of course I don’t know. Then the junior brother said something, eating and excreting are a cycle of reincarnation. A monk does not need to eat, but he also absorbs energy. It should also be a cycle of reincarnation, and then he had an epiphany. "

He really can't understand it, but he can also have an epiphany!

Immortal Lord Wuhui was also stunned, and even Lord Wuxin on the side had a dull look on his face.

After a long time, Venerable Wuxin slowly said: "These are all normal things, but we have never considered it, or even thought about it and the way of reincarnation. Junior brother, he is because of this." Enlightenment, his understanding is really terrifying."

Immortal Wuhui also looked at his new disciple with a look of emotion on his face, not knowing what she was thinking. After coming here for a while, she suddenly stood up and flew towards the distance, saying at the same time: "Take her to my cave later."

Wuhui Immortal Lord flew away, and Lord Wuxin also flew away quickly. She felt that this was better for her junior brother. The junior brother has just started to practice. After discovering that he has achieved enlightenment one after another, he will definitely think that his talent is excellent, and he will even feel proud.

And if he saw his master and himself staying here, it would only intensify his inner pride, so it was better to leave.

Master Youxin was even more confused when he saw the two people flying away in the blink of an eye.

What is going on? Why did you just leave like this?

Cao Zhen's epiphany this time was shorter than the previous ones. He turned around, looked at Master Youxin's hands and said, "Thank you, senior brother, for allowing me to have this epiphany."

If there is no such thing as a wise person, then if there is no intention, he really will not be able to achieve enlightenment.

"Junior brother, it's nothing. By the way, junior brother, master asked us to go to her cave. Senior brother will take you there."

Venerable Youxin took Cao Zhen and flew directly to the mountain where the master was.

As soon as Cao Zhen landed, he smelled a strong burnt smell.

His master, Immortal Wuhui, set up two large iron pots in front of his cave. Immortal Wuhui and Venerable Wuxin each had an iron pot in front of them. Under the iron pot, flames were burning. I kept stir-frying.

It's just that the food in this iron pot looks like the remains of a spent elixir.

Seeing the arrival of Venerable Cao Zhenhe Youxin, Immortal Wuhui showed an embarrassed look on his face and said: "Aren't you hungry? I want to cook some food for you. I don't have much experience in this. Wait, wait for me It’ll be good once you get familiar with it.”

She was not an immortal, but she was able to join the Piaomiao Sect. Naturally, at a very young age, she was found to have the aptitude to cultivate immortality after taking medicine. Because of her young age, the Piaomiao Sect still accepted her.

Not to mention Venerable Wu Xin.

How can the two of them cook?

Cao Zhen looked at the dishes that were darker than the dark dishes, but he was moved in his heart. These two people, one is a monk in the True Immortal Realm and the other is a monk in the Returned Immortal Realm, but they took the initiative to cook because they were hungry.

They really regard themselves as their relatives.

Although, he had just squeezed into the Palace of Reincarnation and had just become a disciple.

"Well, actually I can cook, why not let me do it."

Cao Zhen quickly took the spatula from the two of them, and then started to teach him while cooking: "Master, you have to put oil in this first. If you don't put oil in, the pot will be burnt. Also, the fire should not be too high at the beginning. You need to slowly increase the fire..."

Not long after, a sumptuous meal was ready.

Although Immortal Wuhui, Venerable Wuxin and Venerable Youxin had no need to eat at all due to their current cultivation, they still ate together with Cao Zhen.

Venerable Wuxin listened to Cao Zhen's story about how he had an epiphany at that time, and nodded: "Actually, we are also reincarnated now."

She pointed to the food in front of her and said: "We have a few exceptions, but the little junior brother, after eating these meals, he will defecate. At that time, the feces can be used as nutrients and put into the ground. Isn't this a kind of Reincarnation.”


Venerable Youxin spurted it out, and at the same time looked at his senior sister with a resentful look, "No, we are eating, can we talk about these topics later."

Just as he was thinking about it, Lord Wuxin shook his head again.

"No, this is not reincarnation, because the dishes we ate did not become new dishes in the end.

What about reincarnation? Everything in the world undergoes reincarnation, so why doesn’t this dish have reincarnation? "

"No, actually there is reincarnation." Cao Zhen suddenly interjected, "If the ones who eat the vegetables are not us, but ordinary vegetable farmers.

They can survive because they eat these meals. Only if they survive can they grow more food and vegetables. Only by continuing to eat vegetables and food can they survive, thus forming a cycle. That cycle is a kind of reincarnation. "

As Cao Zhen spoke, lights of enlightenment shot up into the sky behind him.

The next moment, his light of enlightenment was completely covered by another light of enlightenment.

Venerable Wuxin, I have an epiphany!

"This..." Venerable Youxin was completely stunned. His junior brother had such an epiphany. He had three epiphanies in three days, and then twice in one day.

Also, my senior sister also had an epiphany. Senior sister, that is the existence at the pinnacle of the fairyland.

If she had another epiphany, wouldn't it be very possible that she would soon become a true fairyland?

The key is, I am here, why don’t I have an epiphany?

After a while, he looked at his master and whispered, "Master, is there really any enlightenment immortal body in this world? You can use the magic weapon to take a look again and see if you didn't see it clearly at the beginning. In fact, my little junior brother, It’s the Immortal Body of Sudden Enlightenment!”

The light of enlightenment of Master Youxin was much brighter than that of Cao Zhen. For a time, not only the entire Piao Miao Sect saw the light of enlightenment, but even some monks outside the great sect saw the light of enlightenment. .

"This light of enlightenment is still in the direction of the Palace of Reincarnation."

"What's going on in the Palace of Reincarnation? Why do people have epiphanies one after another?"

"This breath, this is the breath of Venerable Wuxin."

"Master Wuxin has returned to the pinnacle of the Immortal Realm when she wins. She has an epiphany at this moment. I'm afraid it won't be long before we call her Immortal Wuxin."

In the palace of reincarnation.

Cao Zhendang woke up from his enlightenment first, and it took about half a stick of incense before the light of enlightenment completely disappeared in the void.

Venerable Wuxin sighed: "I understand that reincarnation is not necessarily one thing. One thing will reincarnate, and it will form reincarnation together with other things and other things."

With a sigh, she looked at Cao Zhen with a complicated expression: "I never expected that I would have an epiphany because of my junior brother's words.

Junior brother, I am going to attack the True Immortal Realm now. After I break through and enter the True Immortal Realm, I will come to find my junior brother and teach him my swordsmanship. "

The strongest thing she could teach Cao Zhen was her swordsmanship.

"Thank you, senior sister." Cao Zhen smiled softly. Among all his previous powers, his swordsmanship was the only one he studied by himself, and there were very few in the winning group.

However, there are also problems with his swordsmanship. His swordsmanship comes from too many people, and his swordsmanship has not formed a complete style.

Although Venerable Wuxin has achieved enlightenment, it still takes time to break through and enter the true fairyland.

In the following time, Cao Zhen continued to practice the exercises.

Slowly, he also met three of the other four classmates one after another, including two senior brothers and one senior sister.

Although he did not pursue the speed of breakthrough, he had two epiphanies and his previous training experience. Although he won by lying down, after winning by lying down, he also had some knowledge of those techniques and spells. learn.

After all, he was an existence comparable to the Golden Immortal Realm before. Although he is not reincarnated now, it is equivalent to being reincarnated and practicing again. His cultivation speed is still far faster than all the disciples who entered the Piao Miao Sect in the same batch.

Nong Yueling, who is recognized as the most talented person, only has three Taoist platforms, but he has already broken through and entered the Immortal Bridge stage, and has even cultivated to the point of possessing three Immortal Bridges.

Just as he broke through and formed the fourth Immortal Bridge, the sky above him suddenly turned pitch black. Then, in just one breath, the whole world returned to brightness, and then became pitch black again. , repeated like this, as if it were a cycle, a reincarnation.

For a time, day and night alternated crazily in this world.

This is someone who has broken through and entered the true fairyland.

Cao Zhen himself had been in the True Immortal Realm before, and he didn't know how many people he had seen break through and enter the True Immortal Realm.

He was too familiar with this vision of heaven and earth entering the true fairyland.

"True Fairyland! Someone broke through and entered the True Fairyland! This aura, this is the breath of Senior Sister!" Venerable Youxin cheered loudly. Listening to the excited voice, those who didn't know thought it was him who was about to break through and enter the True Fairyland.

At the same time, the other two senior brothers and a master also cheered.

"Senior Sister is finally about to break through!"

"From now on, our Samsara Heart lineage will also have two true fairyland beings."

Their lineage mainly cultivates the mind, and because they are disciples of the Palace of Reincarnation, they are called the lineage of the Heart of Samsara.

In the darkness, the sun, moon, and stars appeared at the same time, emitting light and illuminating the earth, so that people could not see anything.

At this time, many disciples in the Piao Miao Sect also raised their heads and looked at the place where the vision of heaven and earth was most obvious.

"This is the Palace of Reincarnation. Someone is about to break through the Palace of Reincarnation again!"

"This breath, this is the breath of Lord Wuxin!"

"She's finally breaking through!"

"She has made a breakthrough. Finally, no one will harm us in the Return to Immortal Realm."

While everyone was talking, a ray of silver light suddenly flew into the sky in the dark sky. The light cut through the darkness and made the whole world brighter.

At the same time, the figure of Lord Wuxin appeared, and under the gaze of the disciples of Piao Miao Sect, she took a step forward.

In one step, it seemed to reach the sky and the stars.

In an instant, all the light in the world seemed to fall on her body, making the figure of Lord Wuxin shine more and more brightly in the dark night.

Behind her, a towering fairy mountain emerged. On the top of the fairy mountain, one of the central peaks was shaking crazily.

Slowly, the mountain peak seemed to break apart, and at the same time, a huge palace emerged.

I was wondering whether the Immortal Palace existed on top of the Immortal Mountains or in the middle. From a distance, the palace seemed to be located between the mountains and ridges, surrounded by clouds and mist.

The palace is majestic and majestic. It seems to be made of white jade. It is as white as snow and at the same time emits a faint light. Faintly, you can still see that the walls of the palace are covered with ancient and exquisite fairy patterns.

Even from a distance, one can feel the aura of reincarnation that was committed in this palace.

Even just looking at this palace from a distance, one seems to feel the flow of life and the eternal existence.

And in this palace, there seems to be a fairy wheel condensed by fairy energy. The fairy wheel rotates slowly, and every rotation seems to be a reincarnation.

Beside Cao Zhen, Zun Xin and several other people were already cheering.

"Senior Sister, Immortal Palace, has made a breakthrough. From now on, we will call Senior Sister, Wuxin Immortal Lord!"

"This is the Immortal Palace of Visions. You see, there are visions in that Immortal Palace. Senior sister is indeed a senior sister. The first time she condensed the Immortal Palace, she directly condensed the Immortal Palace of Visions!"

"With senior sister's talent, it would be strange if she wasn't in the Immortal Palace of Visions!"

As everyone cheered, behind Immortal Wuxin in the void, another peak on the Immortal Mountain began to shake.

Slowly, the mountain peak seemed to shatter, and the shadow of a palace slowly emerged.

Before, everyone was not too surprised when Wuxin Immortal Lord broke through. There were quite a few true immortal realms in their Piao Miao Sect, and it was not like they had never seen other monks break through and become true immortal realms.

There is nothing strange about the Immortal Palace of Visions.

Twenty years ago, the True Immortal Realm that their Piao Miao Cult broke through also directly condensed into the Immortal Immortal Palace. This is nothing to be surprised about.

But when they saw the second fairy palace condensed by Wuxin Immortal Lord in the void, everyone became uneasy for a moment.

"These are two fairy palaces!"

"After she broke through, she actually condensed two fairy palaces at once!"

"Even though our Misty Sect is the top sect, there are not many people in our sect who can unite two Immortal Palaces in one breakthrough."

"Look at that Immortal Palace, it's a vision. This is no ordinary Immortal Palace. The moon is a vision of the Immortal Palace!"

"One breakthrough, two visionary fairy palaces condensed together!"

"The last time, two immortal palaces were united in one breakthrough, it was the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord!"

"They are all from the Palace of Reincarnation!"

"It is said that the Palace of Reincarnation becomes more powerful as it reaches the later stages. It seems that the rumors are indeed true!"

"It's too scary. Except for Tianlun Immortal Lord, our Piao Miao Sect, it seems that when the other Golden Immortal Realms became True Immortal Realms, they never condensed two Vision Immortal Palaces at once!"

In the void, Wuxin Immortal Lord's second vision palace is fully formed.

This is an obvious sword palace, standing on the top of a mountain.

This palace looks like it is made up of sharp swords flashing with cold light. Countless sharp sword blades are crisscrossed to form the walls, pillars and roof of the palace.

The gate of the Sword Palace is made of two giant swords crossed. The palace gate is engraved with detailed patterns.

And there seem to be countless sharp swords buried in this sword palace. Each of these sharp swords is filled with endless sharp energy. It seems that each sharp sword can easily pierce the sun and the moon!

Below, Venerable Youxin’s shouts echoed continuously in the mountains.

However, Wuhui Immortal Lord, who didn’t know when he appeared, couldn’t hide the smile on his face.

Condensing two visionary fairy palaces at once, this is something she and her masters in the Golden Fairy Realm have never done.

Although Cao Zhen looked into the void with a smile on his face, he was much calmer than everyone else in his heart.

I have seen two Immortal Palaces condensing together at one time, and I have seen three Immortal Palaces condensing at one time.

That was the original Grand Master.

Even, that is not the real Grand Master, but just the clone of the Grand Master.

However, speaking of it, I don’t know what the Grand Master is doing now. Is he still in the long river of time?

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