The entire Piao Miao Sect's disciples were in a state of shock as Immortal Lord Wu Xin gathered two Immortal Immortal Palaces at once.

In the void, Wuxin Immortal Lord had already flown down.

Venerable Youxin took his junior brother and junior sister to greet him immediately.

"Congratulations to Senior Sister for becoming a True Immortal, Senior Sister..."

Before he finished speaking, Wuxin Immortal Lord waved his hand and said: "Stop flattering me. You have also seen that I have become a true fairyland. Then you will be next. You are still here leisurely." , hurry up and practice."

The smile on Venerable Youxin's face froze instantly. No, senior sister, this is a great day for you to achieve the true fairyland. Shouldn't we celebrate it? How did it happen that I was allowed to practice?


Immortal Wu Xin's eyes quickly fell on Cao Zhen, with a smile on his face as he said with a smile: "Let's go, little junior brother, I promised to teach you swordsmanship, now, senior sister will teach you swordsmanship. "

With that said, he directly grabbed Cao Zhen and flew away.

The reason why she was able to condense two visionary fairy palaces this time actually has a lot to do with Cao Zhen's future.

In fact, she was preparing to break through to the True Immortal Realm, not by the way of reincarnation, but by the way of the sword.

But because of her junior brother's words, she had a new understanding of the way of reincarnation, so this time, she directly condensed two Immortal Palaces of Visions, one Immortal Palace of Reincarnation and one Immortal Palace of Swordsmanship.

Seeing the smile on Senior Sister's face, Master Youxin became completely uneasy. No, Senior Sister, you are treating her too differently.

You have such a cold face towards me, but why do you have such a smile on your face towards your junior brother?

No, it’s cultivation, right? Then when we practice swordsmanship, it’s also cultivation.

"Senior sister, we also want to learn swordsmanship."

As soon as he finished speaking, the other junior brothers and junior sisters who surrendered also spoke one after another.

Immortal Lord Wuhui saw that all the disciples wanted to learn swordsmanship, so he nodded and said: "In that case, let's learn together.

If you don't mind, don't change places, just teach Cao Zhen here. "

"Yes." Wuxin showed respect to her master. When she heard the voice, she responded solemnly, and then her eyes fell on Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen found that this senior sister was very similar to Xiang Ziyu in some aspects, both were crazy cultivators.

Breaking through into the True Immortal Realm, where there is no way out, it is a big deal, and a banquet is not too much. Not to mention, Immortal Wu Xin still condensed the existence of two strange fairy palaces as soon as she broke through. As a result, she It was the first time he grabbed himself to practice swordsmanship.

Immortal Lord Wu Xin and Lord Wu Xin also ignored Master You Xin and other junior brothers and sisters, as if they did not exist, looked at Cao Zhen and asked in a low voice: "Have you ever been exposed to swordsmanship before?"

"I have been in contact with it." Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said, "Before I joined our Piao Miao Sect, I had seen many people practicing swordsmanship, and I also secretly learned some swordsmanship myself."

He is good at swordsmanship. Whether someone knows how to use swordsmanship can be seen as soon as he makes a move. If he says that he has never practiced swordsmanship, and if Wuxin Immortal Lord asks him to use swordsmanship, he will definitely reveal his secret as soon as he makes a move. .

"Do you know how to use swordsmanship? Why haven't I seen you use swordsmanship before?" Master Youxin showed a look of surprise when he heard this. He was the one who had the most contact with Cao Zhen among all his fellow sects, but he felt that, Cao Zhen was practicing his skills every day, and he never saw Cao Zhen use his sword skills at all.

Immortal Wuxin suddenly heard Master Youxin interrupt, his brows furrowed and he said in a cold voice, "Should you teach swordsmanship or should I?"

Venerable Youxin was shocked and sneered quickly: "Senior sister will teach, naturally it is senior sister who will teach."

"Then shut up, talk again, and I'll throw you out of here."

Immortal Wuxin glared at his careless junior brother, then turned to look at Cao Zhendao, "Since junior brother knows swordsmanship, then, junior brother, what do you think is swordsmanship?"

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know."

He really didn't know. If he had been asked what swordsmanship was before, he could have said many things. However, after the battle with Tianlun Immortal Lord, he suddenly felt that he did not know what swordsmanship was.

Is the swordsmanship that I think is the real swordsmanship?

Immortal Wuxin nodded slightly, turned to look at Master Youxin and said, "Junior brother, tell me what you think is swordsmanship."

Venerable Youxin was speechless. It was you who told me not to speak, and now it is you who made me speak. Am I speaking or not speaking?

Although he complained in his heart, he still opened his mouth very honestly and said: "I believe that swordsmanship is to concentrate one's mental power, one's soul, and one's body into one point, body and mind. Unite into one, and then perform the most exquisite moves perfectly.

In fact, although the proficiency and purity of simple moves are important, I think this is not the only criterion for testing the level of swordsmanship in schools.

You also need to have sword intent, a soul, and your own way. "

Immortal Wuxin nodded slightly, and did not say whether what Master Youxin said was right or wrong. Instead, he looked at Cao Zhen and continued to ask: "So, junior brother, what swordsmanship do you think is the strongest?"

Cao Zhen shook his head again and said, "I don't know either."

Whether it's winning without a move or using a sword, it's all too one-sided. He really doesn't know what the strongest swordsmanship is.

Immortal Wuxin turned his head again and looked at Master Youxin.

Venerable Youxin didn't wait for his senior sister to speak, and immediately replied, "I think the key point of a sword is personal cultivation and inner heart.

The strength of swordsmanship also comes from inner experience, inner peace, tenacity and humility. "

Immortal Wu Xin nodded again, and this time, she finally made her own evaluation: "That's very well said."

Upon hearing this, Venerable Youxin suddenly showed a joyful look on his face. The elder sister actually praised him. How long has it been since the elder sister praised him? Is it a hundred years, two hundred years, or a thousand years?

Sure enough, although the senior sister often said that she was not hardworking enough, in her heart, the senior sister still agreed with herself.

He was looking beautiful when Wuxin Immortal Lord's words came at this moment.

"If you say it, you haven't said it. Don't say it again next time."

Master Youxin is not feeling well, so the senior sister is not praising herself at all, but is belittling herself.

Immortal Wu Xin turned to look at Cao Zhen and said, "Don't listen to him, there are so many false things in swordsmanship.

As for swordsmanship, as long as your sword is faster than other people's swords and you know that your sword moves are sharper than the opponent's sword moves, you are stronger than the opponent.

And if you want to make the sword faster and more powerful, you need to practice it. "

She said and waved her hand, but she took out an ordinary blacksmith from the Qiankun Ring and threw it directly towards Cao Zhen.

The iron sword fell in front of Cao Zhen, within reach, and was inserted into the ground.

"You said you have practiced swordsmanship, let me see your sword first."

Cao Zhen listened to his senior sister's words and pulled out the sword directly from the soil.

This was the first time he held a sword after breaking off the connection with Zhang Daoling and others.

Although it was just an ordinary iron sword, he had a strange feeling when he got the long sword, an illusion that he was holding a long-lost old friend.

The sword was the only thing he had ever worked hard on.

Perform sword skills.

What kind of swordsmanship do you want to perform?

He has abandoned the past, even throwing away his entire cultivation.

He didn't want to use the sword skills of the past again.

Cao Zhen looked at the people in front of him, at the grass and trees, and at the border between summer and autumn not far away, and waved his sword lightly.

This sword was not swung in a straight line, but in a circle.

He thought about reincarnation.

What he is practicing now is the way of reincarnation. When he swings the sword, he naturally thinks of reincarnation. He is using the sword of reincarnation based on his own understanding of reincarnation and the sword technique.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

He just stood there, drawing circle after circle.

As soon as Master Youxin saw Cao Zhen draw his sword, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. He was using a sword, their master was using a sword, and naturally they were all using swords.

He naturally knows how to sword. Cao Zhen's movement of holding the sword is still the momentum after swinging the long sword. Judging from the trajectory of the long sword, this is obviously not something that a novice who has never practiced swordsmanship can do.

So, this kid really knows swordsmanship?

In fact, my junior brother is practicing pretty well on his own.

But slowly, his expression became extremely strange. What was the junior brother doing? Why was he spinning in circles?

Is this swordsmanship?

He looked at Cao Zhen, spinning around in circles, and finally couldn't help but said: "Junior brother, this is not how swordsmanship is performed. Let me tell you..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a stern scolding from Immortal Wu Xin.

"you shut up!"

Immortal Wuxin, the look he looked at this time was harsher than ever before.

Master Youxin even felt that the look from his senior sister was as if he had made some big mistake and wanted to punish him immediately.

No, what's wrong with me? My junior brother is spinning around in circles. Is that swordsmanship?

He was really aggrieved. He turned to look at Master, wanting Master to give him justice, but the next moment, he was confused again.

The master was actually looking at him with the same eyes.

What's going on here?

What mistake did you make?

Is it a blow to junior brother's self-confidence?


When Cao Zhen heard the words of Lord Youxin, he also stopped, sheathed his sword and looked at Lord Wuxin.

Immortal Wuxin looked at his junior brother as if he were looking at some monster. After looking at it for a long time, he sighed and said: "I can't believe, I really can't believe that at such an age and at such a level of cultivation, you have already reached this level. It is to realize such sword skills.

Unlike some people who are quite old but don’t see anything. "

As she spoke, she turned back to look at Master Youxin and scolded: "Have you not discovered until now that swordsmanship without junior brother's swordsmanship is what it is?

You are so dignified that you have returned to the Immortal Realm, but you are actually not as good as a young junior who is only in the Immortal Bridge stage and has just started. "

"Ah?" Venerable Youxin became more and more confused. He said with a puzzled face, "Junior brother's sword is just a circle. Although it is said that the sword drawn by junior brother is more round, but in comparison, I I can draw circles even better than my junior brother."

"You are in the Immortal Realm, compared with the Immortal Bridge, you are really promising."

Immortal Wuxin looked at his junior brother with contempt, then looked at the other junior brothers and sisters and asked, "You didn't see anything special about the swordsmanship that your junior brother used just now?"

Several other people heard that the senior sister was still asking this, and the master on the side did not say anything, and they also realized that there was something special about the sword technique performed by the junior brother just now.

They were desperately conferring on the sword technique that their junior brother had just performed, but no matter how much they thought about it, they couldn't think of anything special in it.

That swordsmanship can't even be called swordsmanship, it's just drawing circles. Who doesn't know how to do that?

No, there seems to be something special about it.

Among the group of people, the only female disciple thought for a while and said: "Senior sister, the sword technique that my junior brother drew just now seemed to be getting more and more round. At the beginning, his drawings were not so round, but in the end, I think what he drew was a circle, a perfect circle."

"Okay." Wuhui Immortal Lord, who had been standing aside, slowly said, "Wuxin, don't embarrass your junior brothers and junior sisters. It's not easy for them to realize this."

As Wuhui Immortal Lord spoke, he slowly walked up to the crowd and said, "What you see, Mingxin, is just your illusion.

In fact, the circle drawn by your junior brother with his sword has always been a trajectory, and there is no such thing as becoming more and more round. The reason why you have such an illusion is because your junior brother's swordsmanship is more and more in line with the way of reincarnation. "


The disciples of the Heart of Samsara lineage were completely confused.

"Junior brother, he is only in the Immortal Bridge stage, but he has already been able to integrate swordsmanship into reincarnation?"

"This... this is impossible. We can only do it reluctantly. We can integrate reincarnation into swordsmanship. This can only be done after our immortal realm. Junior Brother, he can't even use immortal energy. How can this be possible? Do it!”

"That's not right, there is reincarnation in my swordsmanship. Why don't I feel the reincarnation in my junior brother's swordsmanship?"

"Because your cultivation level is too low, because your understanding of reincarnation is too superficial." Immortal Wuxin glared at his junior brothers and junior sisters, and then explained, "The sword technique your junior brother just performed, The meaning is obvious, reincarnation is actually a circle.

He draws circles in circles, repeating reincarnation again and again, repeating the reincarnation of the sword.

If he had the intention not to disturb him, in the end, his sword would even resonate with the world and merge into it.

It can be said that you have the intention to harm your junior brother this time. "

"This..." Master Youxin finally understood why the senior sister was so harsh just now, and why even the always gentle master looked at him that way.

His heart was suddenly filled with regret, and he looked at Cao Zhen with an annoyed look on his face and said, "Junior brother, I blame me enough. If it weren't for me..."

"Brother, it's okay." Cao Zhen said with a completely indifferent expression, "Actually, I have to stop my sword skills. As for what resonates with the world and blends into the world, I will use my sword skills next time. Wouldn’t it be the same if we do it again?”

With that said, he didn't wait for Master Youxin to speak again, but looked at Immortal Wuxin and asked: "Sister, this is all I can do."

"This is enough!" When Wuxin Immortal Lord faced Cao Zhen, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees. He looked at Cao Zhen with a smile in his eyes, and there was also a mask on his face. He couldn't help admiring it and said, "Originally, I wanted to teach you my swordsmanship.

But now, it’s just that. If I teach you my swordsmanship, it will only affect you.

Just continue to practice according to your ideas. "

As she spoke, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and said: "Originally, I didn't intend for you to break into Tongtian Palace.

After all, although your cultivation speed is fast, you have never practiced any magical powers or sword skills. Your combat effectiveness should not be strong. What's more, our reincarnation, especially our lineage, is not strong in the early stage.

But today, after seeing your swordsmanship, I changed my mind.

Three months.

During these three months, you should seriously practice your sword skills. Three months later, I will take you to the Tongtian Palace.

I want them to see how strong the disciples of our lineage really are! "

Cao Zhen didn't say anything. He had been coming to Piao Miao Sect for a while. Before, Xiao Nong Yueling liked to come to him when he had nothing to do. He also learned about Tongtian Palace from Nong Yueling's mouth.

In fact, Tongtian Palace is a place similar to the Qianlong Immortal Palace taught by Baifeng.

The difference is that in the past, you could enter the Qianlong Immortal Palace of Baifeng Sect by paying money or having some body.

However, Tongtian Palace, no matter who you are, even if you are the disciple of the leader, you have to go.

This adventure is also divided into two parts.

The first part is fighting people.

If you fight against people at the same level as you, as long as you win ten games in a row, you will be qualified to enter the Tongtian Pass.

As for Tongtian Pass, there are ten levels at each level of cultivation. If you fail to pass a level, there will be different rewards.

If you can pass the final tenth level, the rewards you will receive will be massive.

In Piao Miao Cult, everyone compares with each other, comparing how many levels they have passed through the Tongtian Pass.

In fact, he didn't have much interest in this Tongtian Pass. He just practiced step by step, although he didn't deliberately think about swordsmanship.

But ever since that day, ever since he got the sword, he couldn't control himself. He couldn't control himself. He had to pick up the sword every day, holding that ordinary iron sword, to use his sword skills and do what he wanted. The sword of reincarnation.

Unknowingly, three months had passed, and his cultivation level had broken through to Liujo Immortal Bridge.

On this day, his senior sister, Wuxin Immortal Lord, also found him, and the first words she said when she saw him were: "Let's go, follow me to the Tongtian Palace."

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. In the past three months, he had been immersed in practicing martial arts and swordsmanship, and he even forgot about it.

Hearing the sound, he shook his head slightly and said, "Senior sister, I don't really want to break into Tongtian Palace."

"Don't want to go?" Immortal Wu Xin suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Cao Zhendao in disbelief, "Why don't you want to go?

Everyone in the Piao Miao Sect will go to Tongtian Palace. You went to Tongtian Palace not only for you, but also for our master.

Your current level of cultivation is still low, and you use few resources. But when your level of cultivation is higher, you will need more resources. Do you want Master to keep providing you with resources?

Although Master and I are both true fairyland existences, it’s not like we can’t give you the resources you want.

However, you have to remember that our lineage is not just your disciple. If we give you the resources corresponding to your cultivation realm, we must also give others the resources corresponding to their cultivation realm.

Your cultivation requires only a few resources, but others are different. Therefore, Master and I cannot provide you with endless resources.

What's more, if you just rely on the resources given by others and don't fight for them yourself, you will never know how precious the resources are.

More importantly, without those experiences, you can never truly grow up. Only by constantly fighting for resources and experiencing life and death again and again can you understand the true meaning of cultivation.

Of course, this is also for our lineage and to clear Master's name. "

Wuxin Immortal Lord said, paused slightly, and then said: "You also know that the disciples accepted by Master, except for me, are not immortal.

Master, the current master of our Reincarnation Palace, a master of the Golden Immortal Realm, and the junior sister of Tianlun Immortal Lord, is her dearest junior sister.

Master, how could she not be able to recruit the Immortal Body?

However, the master herself is not an immortal, so she wants to give these non-immortal disciples a chance.

That’s why Master doesn’t recruit immortal bodies. "

When Cao Zhen heard this, he asked with some confusion: "Sister, are you..."

"The person I wanted to be my disciple at the beginning was not Master, but Immortal Lord Tianlun. However, Immortal Lord Tianlun forced me to give it to Master."

Wuxin Immortal Lord said, also falling into memories: "Actually, I was very angry at that time. I thought Tianlun Immortal Lord looked down on me, and I even secretly swore that I would make Tianlun Immortal Lord regret it.

At that time, I really looked down on Master.

But slowly, when I began to get to know Master, I was really impressed by Master, and I even knew how difficult it was for Master.

I know that the master will not accept the immortal body again, and the junior brothers and sisters, they really can't compete with the master.

So I am the only one here. I will stay in each realm of cultivation for a period of time. I must reach the strongest level in that realm. Then I will defeat them all and make them automatic. How many disciples have been taught by Master? powerful!

However, I am an immortal. Even if I defeat them, they will say that because I am an immortal, they are still not convinced. "

Cao Zhen understood immediately and said with a smile: "So, senior sister, the reason why you have been talking to me so much is because I am not an immortal, so you want me to gain face for Master, right?

Just say it directly, there is no need to say so much.

Let's go to Tongtian Palace, I'll fight. "

He looked at Wuxin Immortal Lord in front of him and felt as if he was seeing his disciples, Lingxi and Yan Yourong.

Back when I was still weak and the Four Treasure Peak was only the real last peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect, my disciples also defended themselves in this way.

"Okay, I saw you right, let's go! Of course, you don't need ten consecutive victories, you just need to defeat a few disciples of the Six Immortal Bridges like you.

I didn't expect that you would break through two more fairy bridges. In fact, it would be better for you to stay at the four fairy bridges.

By the way, how have you been practicing your swordsmanship these days? After you go, don't embarrass our family. "

Although Wu Xinxianjun has not seen Cao Zhen competing with others in this period of time, she is full of confidence in Cao Zhen. She does not need anything else, but relies on the reincarnation hidden in the sword Cao Zhen used. Strength is enough.

"Compared to that day, I am much better."

Wu Xin Xian Jun heard this and was completely relieved.

Tongtian Palace is located at the center of Piao Miao Sect. Therefore, the disciples of each palace must reconcile and enter Tongtian Palace easily.

The mountain vegetation where Tongtian Palace is located is denser than the Reincarnation Palace where Cao Zhen is located. The sun shines through the green trees, and the fairy spirit permeates the air. It seems that you can feel the rich spiritual energy with every breath you take.

The palace is majestic and majestic, with white marble making up the main body of the palace, shining with light. It is dotted with beautifully carved pillars, each with intricate patterns.

There are no guards at the entrance of the palace.

Cao Zhen followed Immortal Wu Xin and passed directly through the huge stone gate.

Suddenly, a huge square appeared in sight.

The square is spacious and open, and the cobblestone ground exudes a slight light. There are various tall towers and pavilions standing around the square. At this time, there are many disciples of Miao Miao Sect standing on these towers and pavilions.

On the square, the arena is the most spread out.

However, at this time, only about a quarter of the arena was occupied by people fighting.

Among them are monks from the Immortal Bridge Stage, monks from the Dan Dan Stage, and monks from the Golden Dan Stage.

However, there is not much time to go up to the golden elixir stage.

It was obvious that Immortal Wu Xin was very famous in the Tongtian Palace. She had just appeared, and many people around her looked at her.

"Venerable Wuxin!"

"Now we can no longer call you Venerable, we should call you Wuxin Immortal Lord!"

"Who is that next to her? I've never seen him before."

"It seems like they have a new disciple in their lineage. This should be her junior brother."

"The newly recruited disciple, how long has he joined our great sect, and he has been brought to break through the Tongtian Pass so early?"

"Their Reincarnation Palace is indeed strong, but the monks in the Reincarnation Palace only began to show their strength after entering the Earthly Immortal Realm. Before the Earthly Immortal Realm, they were extremely weak."

"Yes, this disciple must have just gathered a few Taoist platforms. With this level of cultivation, he cannot exert the power of reincarnation at all. If he comes to Tongtian Palace, isn't he here to fight!"

Amidst the discussion, a monk wearing a black robe with the word "Tongtian" embroidered on his clothes quickly walked over, looked at Immortal Wuxin and asked: "Immortal Lord, you are here this time, I don't know why... "

Wuxin Immortal Lord stretched out his hand and pointed towards Cao Zhen and said: "Bring my junior brother here to challenge the ring."

The monks of Tongtian Palace were not surprised. He continued to ask: "Then I don't know, what is Junior Brother Ling's name and cultivation level..."

Immortal Lord Wuxin smiled and said: "Cao Zhen, six immortal bridges."

"Six fairy bridges?"

There was an obvious look of surprise on the face of the monk from Tongtian Palace, but he nodded quickly, and then flew to an empty arena. At the same time, he said: "Monk from Samsara Palace, Cao Zhen, the six immortals Bridge, are there any monks coming to challenge it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were shouts of exclamation and surprise all around.

"What? Six fairy bridges?"

"Didn't he just enter our Piao Miao Sect? How come he has cultivated to six immortal bridges?"

"Those disciples have only condensed a few Taoist platforms, how come there are people who condense the Immortal Bridge, and there are still six Immortal Bridges!"

"Didn't you say that the disciples accepted by Wuhui Immortal Lord don't even have immortal bodies? How can such qualifications for cultivating immortals be cultivated as fast as several times!"

"Yes, even the two top immortal bodies don't seem to have entered the Immortal Bridge stage."

"They must have used some special technique!"

"No matter what means they used, he is not an immortal, and he is also a monk in the Reincarnation Palace.

If the monks in the Reincarnation Palace don't bully them before they enter the Earthly Immortal Realm, they will have no chance to bully them when their cultivation level is high. "

"Six fairy bridges? What a coincidence, I am also a six fairy bridge."

In the crowd, a monk wearing a fiery red robe heard the sound, and his face suddenly showed a joyful look. He quickly rushed to the ring, then jumped onto the ring, and at the same time loudly said: "Minghuo Palace, Tao Yuankong , Six Immortal Bridges, come and challenge Junior Brother Cao Zhen."

Generally speaking, if the cultivation level of both parties is similar, everyone will modestly call themselves junior brother and call each other senior brother.

But Cao Zhen was a monk who had just joined their Piao Miao Cult, so he naturally called him junior brother.

Below the ring, several monks expressed regret upon hearing this.

"Response is slow!"

"Yes, I also own six fairy bridges, but Tao Yuankong took the lead."

"Tao Yuanxian has won three games in a row before. It seems that he will win four games in a row soon."

"Not an Immortal Body, but a disciple of the Reincarnation Palace. Since he joined the Piaomiao Cult for such a short time, I'm afraid that Cao Zhen spent all his time practicing his martial arts. So his magical powers... No, the disciples of the Reincarnation Palace are... There is no magical power that can be cultivated at this level of cultivation.

In such a short period of time, it is even more impossible for this disciple to develop any superb swordsmanship. This is simply to win the game. "

Amid the murmurs of discussion among the crowd, below, the monk from Tongtian Palace who had just spoken nodded his head, and then said: "Although you are going to the ring to decide the winner, remember that you are all from the same sect. Don’t make a killing move.”

After he finished speaking, rays of light shone out from all around the ring. It was obvious that the ring formation had been activated. This formation was more about preventing the magical powers released by their battle from flying out of the ring and affecting others.

In the Tongtian Palace, there are countless monks competing every day. The monks in the Tongtian Palace below have long been accustomed to fighting among the monks. He did not delay too much. After seeing both sides standing, he immediately said: " Game start."

After finishing his sentence, Tao Yuankong quickly waved his hands. At the same time, six fairy bridges appeared behind him, and as he waved, streams of mana poured out from the fairy bridges and fell into his hands. .

Suddenly, his ordinary-looking hands naturally turned extremely red, as if they were burning iron that was about to melt. At the same time, the temperature around him also began to rise.

He looked at Cao Zhen across from him from afar, with a winner-like smile on his face, and said in a senior tone: "Junior brother, I'm sorry, your first battle in Tongtian Palace is about to fail.

Junior brother, remember, you will be cured when you go back and practice well. "

Say it, he waved his hands forward suddenly, and in an instant, a ball of hot flame suddenly shot out from his hands. In an instant, it gathered into a tongue of fire in the void and went straight to the door in front of Cao Zhen.

The fire snake flew through the air, rubbing against the surrounding air, and even made bursts of crackling sounds, as if the air was burning or being detonated.

On the surrounding high platforms, several disciples looked at the tongues of fire and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"His supply source is really well practiced."

"He should have a fire body. This magical power suits him."

"Not to mention the monks from the Reincarnation Palace, it is not easy for the monks from other palaces to resist this flame."

"Huh? That kid didn't even move. He even pulled out a sharp sword. It was just an ordinary sword. It seemed that it wasn't even a magic weapon. Does he still want to use this ordinary long sword to resist the magical power of fire? This is simply It’s a dream!”

Facing the scorching flames, Cao Zhen showed no trace of panic on his face. When the flames fell in front of him, he also turned his long sword.

As the long sword rotated, the tongue of fire seemed to be affected by the force of the rotation, and actually started to rotate directly in the direction of the long sword's rotation.

As the long sword rotated in a circle, the brightness of the tongue of fire dropped significantly, and even the tongue of fire seemed to be only half of it.

And then, Cao Zhen's long sword drew a second circle, and the flames that followed the swing of the long sword were only a few star-like flames.

These can no longer even be called flames, but sparks.

When the long sword in Cao Zhen's hand turned three times, the flames completely disappeared.

For a moment, both Tao Yuankong on the stage and the audience around him were completely stunned.

There were even a few monks who were not at the Immortal Bridge stage and whose cultivation was obviously stronger, and they looked over in surprise.

"What's happening here?"

"That's just an ordinary iron sword, right? How can it completely melt Tao Yuankong's flames!"

"Yeah, that's a complete disappearance."

"Is this some kind of swordsmanship or magical power?"

"No, he is only in the Immortal Bridge stage. How could he cast such a magical spell in the Immortal Bridge stage?"

"Did we see it wrong?"

"Keep looking."

On the ring, Tao Yuankong showed an obvious look of disbelief after a failed attack. He waved his hands again. Suddenly, a tongue of fire flew out from his hands again, but this time, the tongue of fire was obviously not as strong as before. The tongue of fire is hot.

Cao Zhen waved the long sword in his hand again and drew circles. This time, he only drew two circles, and the flames completely disappeared. While drawing circles, he quickly stepped towards the opponent and rushed towards him.

"This...has been resolved again?"

"Is this his divine sword technique?"

"Is there such a magical swordsmanship in the Xianqiao period?"

Sounds of puzzled doubts continued to come out.

On a very high platform, a monk wearing white robes, although he did not appear, but his aura was no weaker than that of Wuxin Immortal Lord, suddenly said in a deep voice: "The power of reincarnation, only the power of reincarnation can do it , making the opponent's attack completely disappear, as if it never appeared."

"The power of reincarnation? How can he understand what reincarnation is at the Immortal Bridge stage?

That is something that many monks who have returned to the Immortal Realm, or even the True Immortal Realm, have not understood. "

"Then Cao Zhen is actually able to use swordsmanship with the power of reincarnation. His swordsmanship is definitely not weak in the Immortal Bridge stage."

"Tao Yuankong has been defeated."

Cao Zhen did not stay where he was. He drew circles with the iron sword in his hand, breaking Tao Yuankong's attack, and rushed towards the opponent.

Tao Yuankong had obviously never practiced swordsmanship. Cao Zhen just approached and lightly stabbed the sword, but the opponent didn't even make a move to dodge.

In the end, the long sword stopped at the opponent's neck, and Cao Zhen lowered his head and looked down at the ring.

The referee below announced almost at the same time: "The winner is Cao Zhen from the Palace of Reincarnation."

Then, he asked: "Do you want to rest?"

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "I will continue to fight."

The other party heard the sound and shouted again: "Reincarnation Palace, Cao Zhen's Six Immortal Bridges, accept the challenge, are there any disciples who come to challenge?"

When a group of disciples in the Immortal Bridge stage saw Tao Yuankong rushing to the front, they secretly retreated, but Tao Yuankong took the lead.

But now, when facing the referee, no disciple came up to challenge.

Obviously, Tao Yuankong was defeated because Cao Zhen understood the way of reincarnation for some unknown reason.

This should be one of the reasons why Wuxin Immortal Lord dared to bring Cao Zhen here.

Thinking about it, if Wuxin Immortal Lord was not sure, how could he bring his junior brother here to embarrass him!

Tao Yuankong is not weak among the monks who own six immortal bridges. He was defeated so easily, let alone them.

They decided to observe again, and in the silence, they encountered a voice full of extreme confidence, and came over

"You don't dare to challenge? Then let me do it."

A handsome monk wearing a golden robe with two lightning bolts embroidered on it appeared below the ring. Then he jumped lightly and landed on the ring. He looked really confident. That kind of confidence even penetrated deep into his bones.

His voice rang out as soon as he landed on the ring.

“Your sword skills can break through flames, but I don’t know if your sword skills can break through thunder.

The reason why his flame was broken was because he was not strong enough. After a while, you will know what is the limit of power that the Immortal Bridge Stage with six Immortal Palaces can possess. "

He paused slightly as he spoke and introduced himself: "I am Mei Yunxi, from Jinlei Palace, and I own six immortal bridges with you."

While speaking, he even looked at the referee below, seeming to urge the opponent to start faster with his eyes.

The referee noticed Mei Yunxi's urging, and almost immediately said, "The game begins!"

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