The reason why Wuxin Fairy Lord dared to bring Cao Zhen here after she discovered that there was a problem with the blood river here was because she was full of confidence in herself.

She now exists in a true fairyland.

As for this blood river, the monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm are enough to guard it. Even if the real blood river is in danger, it is only at the level of the Earthly Immortal Realm and cannot threaten her at all.

She never expected that there would be a being from the real fairyland disguised as an earthly fairyland, and she hadn't even noticed it yet.

When behind the other party, three strange fairy palaces rose up, and the terrifying immortal energy erupted. It was too late for her to dodge.

The other party slapped down a heavy palm, hitting her directly in front of her.

Unprepared, her body withstood the opponent's terrifying blow.

A terrifying force that seemed to be able to destroy mountains struck, and in an instant, her body flew back uncontrollably, hitting the huge mountain behind.

Immediately, the mountain she hit collapsed, and huge boulders fell down, burying her whole body, and smoke and dust flew into the sky.

At this moment, she felt as if her internal organs and meridians were shattered instantly.

But the opponent's attack is not over yet.

A long knife appeared in the opponent's hand. The long knife was green in color, but there was a red blood line in the middle of the blade.

The other party's body also began to change. In just an instant, it turned into a human form that seemed to be transformed by some kind of liquid.

Holding a long knife in his hand, he slashed down towards the place where the boulder was buried.

The long knife cut through the void, making a series of buzzing sounds, and the light of the knife was even brighter, like the Milky Way falling from the void. Wherever he passed, the void suddenly cracked open, revealing an obvious white mark.

In just a breath, the sword light has already fallen, and the huge rocks that fell after the mountain collapsed were all shattered under this sword.

The sword light was like a falling galaxy, and its terrifying power seemed to crush Wuxin Immortal Lord into powder in an instant.

Feeling the blood boiling in her body, Wu Xin Xianjun quickly raised her hand and waved it in front of her. Suddenly, the power of reincarnation surged out. However, she had been severely injured before, and the injury was too serious. This power of reincarnation was far away. Not at her peak.

When the sword light fell, only part of its power was reincarnated, and most of the power still fell suddenly, directly bombarding her body.

With a loud noise, her body even flew into the sky uncontrollably, and her whole body instantly turned into a bloody person, with her face so pale that almost no trace of blood could be seen.


Immortal Wuxin opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood, and said in a cold voice: "Alien!"

The other party's appearance was not that of any clan that existed in their world.

She had also heard that some aliens had entered their world before, but some of those aliens were captured, some were killed, and the remaining aliens who escaped found places to hide and did not dare to show up. .

Unexpectedly, she just went out casually and met a foreigner. She was even hit hard by this alien race!

This time I was really careless.

The other party's cultivation level was already higher than hers, and she owned three vision palaces. Not to mention, she was now seriously injured.

I'm afraid, this time, she will suffer a loss.

It doesn't matter if she loses here, the key is Cao Zhen!

This time she took Cao Zhen out with her, and there was no way the other party would let Cao Zhen go.

As for Cao Zhen, he had just started to practice and he had constant epiphanies. What he had epiphanies about was the way of reincarnation. He understood the reincarnation sword technique during the Immortal Bridge period, and even broke into it in the form of six Immortal Bridges. The ninth level of Tongtian Pass in the Immortal Bridge Stage is something no one in their entire Piao Miao Sect can achieve!

Although Cao Zhen is not an immortal, with his talent, when Cao Zhen grows up, he will surely become the pillar of their lineage and even the entire Piao Miao Sect. She cannot even imagine how far Cao Zhen can grow.

But now, because of her, Cao Zhen was put in danger and even died.

The other party sneered, but had no intention of saying anything. He was in another world. He had to fight quickly and change places quickly. Otherwise, when the monks in this world discovered that the battle was coming, then He is in danger.

"Kill that news." He gave the order to the two immortals on the side, and at the same time, he quickly drew his knife and slashed at Wuxin County Bureau You again.

On the side, the other two Earth Immortals heard the sound, with a ferocious look on their faces. Then, one of them raised his hand and pointed forward, and a sharp finger suddenly shot out from his hand.

He is just a small disciple of the Immortal Bridge Stage. He can kill him with just a little move of his fingers.

Cao Zhen never imagined that he would be in danger for the first time when he went out with his senior sister.

Earthly wonderland?

Before, he would not even look at this monk twice. Even if he stood still and let the opponent attack, the opponent would exhaust his immortal energy and be unable to hurt him.

But now, he is only a monk in the Immortal Bridge stage, how could he withstand the attack of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Now, there is only one way.

Cao Zhen quickly stretched out his hand and entered the Qiankun bag.

After he became a disciple, his master gave him a Qiankun bag, and his Qiankun ring and other treasures were all in this Qiankun bag.

He quickly touched one of his own Qiankun rings through the Qiankun bag, and then grabbed the treasure in the ring and swung it out.

The next moment, there was a buzzing sound.

Black soldier bugs as big as pheasants appeared one after another. They had a pair of transparent wings on their bodies that allowed them to fly in the air.

And there is a sharp poisonous stinger on their backs.

At the beginning, he captured the Zerg female insect that only owned seven immortal palaces, but he never used it and threw it directly into the trapped immortal locking magic cauldron.

Even later, as his strength continued to increase, these soldier insects had little effect, so they were never used.

But now, this has become his biggest trump card and reliance.

Generally speaking, the mother insect exists in the true fairyland, so most of the soldier insects she creates are in the fairyland or the earthly fairyland. The details depend on the energy consumed by the mother insect.

Even if a large amount of resources are consumed to create true fairyland soldier insects, it is not impossible.

Most of the resources that female insects need are corpses.

In the previous wars between various races, he got a lot of corpses of alien races. These corpses had no other use, so he gave them all to the mother insects.

The mother insect has a lot of resources, and almost all of the soldier insects it creates are from the fairyland.

The only two soldiers that are not returning to the fairyland, they are the existence of the real fairyland!

Although it is only a soldier insect equivalent to the first level of the true fairyland, it is enough.

Just as the light was about to hit Cao Zhen, soldier insects suddenly appeared and blocked Cao Zhen's body instantly.

The light fell and hit the soldier insect, but it only made a soft sound, and then nothing happened.

The weakest soldiers and insects are all from the Returning Immortal Realm. How could a casual blow from the Earthly Immortal Realm hurt them.

They were stunned for a moment as they looked at the insects that suddenly appeared.

What's happening here?

There were so many bugs, and these bugs had higher cultivation than them, but they had never seen such bugs before.

This doesn't seem to be a bug from their world.

Before they could recover, two soldier insects flew in front of them, and then, sharp poisonous needles suddenly pierced them.

In just an instant, the two of them fell down.

"Go and try to control that guy."

Cao Zhen quickly raised his hand and pointed towards the alien in the distance who was attacking Wuxin Immortal Lord.

Suddenly, each soldier insect quickly turned in another direction.

The aliens in the distance also widened their eyes in an instant, looking at the flying insects one after another with horror.

What race is this?

Return to fairyland? There is even a true fairyland.

Although, those two true fairyland bugs are just equivalent to just entering the true fairyland, equivalent to a fairy palace.

The problem is, there are too many of these bugs.

At first glance, these insects were densely packed, and there were more than a hundred of them.

This is equivalent to him fighting hundreds of Gui Xianjing at the same time. He is only a True Immortal Realm from three Vision Immortal Palaces. How can he deal with so many at the same time, not to mention that there are two True Immortal Realm existences on the other side.

In just a moment, he was completely surrounded by these bugs, and then, waves of stinging pain came, and poisonous needles pierced his body one after another. Even though he was already in the true fairyland, this was due to the continuous injection of poisons. , he still passed out.

Only then did Cao Zhen come from behind.

On the side, among the rubble, Immortal Wu Xin looked at Cao Zhen with a pale face, his expression extremely complicated.

She thought she was certain to die just now, but at that moment, there was such a big change, and so many weird bugs appeared around her.

These bugs all look the same. They don't look like alien beasts, but they are obviously not alien beasts.

She had never seen such bugs in their world.

Clearly, this is not a creature from this world.

So, Cao Zhen...

Immortal Wu Xin looked at the approaching Cao Zhen with a complicated expression, sighed in his heart, and asked: "So, are you ready to kill someone and silence them?"

These alien creatures all obey Cao Zhen's orders, so it is obvious that Cao Zhen is not from this world.

As for this, is this Cao Zhen’s adventure?

She could see that Cao Zhen had a cauldron in his hand, and the insects flew out of the cauldron.

That kind of magic weapon, even if it was really picked up by Cao Zhen, can control so many aliens who have returned to the Immortal Realm, or even the True Immortal Realm. It is not a magic weapon that a person in the Immortal Bridge Stage can recognize as its owner.

Then there is only one possibility, this is originally Cao Zhen's treasure.

As for how Cao Zhen recognized his master before, there are two possibilities. One is that there is help from the supreme power, and the second possibility is that Cao Zhen is not a monk in the Immortal Bridge stage at all.

She thought a lot at this moment. Why did Cao Zhen break through so quickly? Why was Cao Zhen able to comprehend the sword of sword theory during the Immortal Bridge period?

If Cao Zhen is not a monk in the Immortal Bridge period, then everything makes sense.

However, I don’t know what method Cao Zhen used to deceive everyone. They are all members of the Divine Eye Clan, and nothing can be hidden from their third eye.

So the most likely possibility is that Cao Zhen is a reincarnated power?

Before Cao Zhen could speak, he shook himself. He was too weak. Although the Sleeping Immortal Locking Demon Cauldron was his magic weapon, he was only in the Immortal Bridge stage now, and he had no immortal energy.

The reason why he was able to activate the Trapped Immortal Locking Demon Cauldron should be because it was his own magic weapon, and he did not directly fight through the Trapped Immortal Locking Demon Cauldron, but only let the female insects inside release the soldier insects. This was still able to Did it.

But even so, it exhausted all his mana.

"Let them go back quickly."

Cao Zhen said to the Sleeping Immortal Locking Demon Cauldron. Suddenly, the soldiers and insects flew into the cauldron. He then took the Sleeping Immortal Locking Demon Locking Cauldron away, and then looked at his senior sister with an awkward smile and said : "Sister, what are you talking about? Why should I kill you?

Is it because of Heding?

Well, if, I mean if, I said that I picked up the tripod, would you believe it? "

Wu Xin Xianjun, that look in her eyes seemed to be saying that Cao Zhen was insulting her IQ.

"Did you pick it up? There seems to be something in this cauldron that is commanding those flying insects. It can command two True Immortals, and there are so many flying insects returning to the Immortal Realm. At least they are True Immortals, or they are in the later stages of True Immortals.

You have picked up a magic weapon that can trap such a weapon. With your cultivation, can you make it recognize its owner? What's more, those bugs are not bugs from our world, they are all alien species.

How can you get the treasure of a foreign race?

In fact, looking back at your previous performances, why are you practicing so fast, and why are you able to comprehend the Reincarnation Sword Technique at such a young age, just after you started practicing.

It all makes sense.

Because you are not an ordinary monk at all, you are not even from our clan.

You are a monk from a foreign race. After you came to our world, you probably found that there were dangers everywhere, so you reincarnated and killed a member of our Tianyan clan, and then blended into our Piao Miao Cult. "

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and smiled: "Senior sister, your guess is so accurate, do you really want me to kill you to silence you?"

Immortal Wuxin looked at Cao Zhen in front of her, her expression becoming more and more complicated. She was absolutely sure that Cao Zhen was definitely a monk from a foreign race.

However, she really didn't have much hatred for Cao Zhen.

Although the contact time was not long, she really treated Cao Zhen as one of her own relatives and regarded Cao Zhen as the hope of their lineage.

As a result, Cao Zhen turned out to be of a foreign race.

As for Cao Zhen, he killed her to silence her.

Immortal Wu Xin looked at Cao Zhen who had taken away all the flying charges, shook his head slightly and said: "Now, you are the one who is worried about being killed and silenced. No matter how seriously injured I am, I am still a true fairyland existence. .

But now that you are no longer protected by those bugs, my desire to kill you is just a thought. "

Cao Zhen was really convinced by Wuxin Immortal Lord and chuckled: "Sister, your honorific title is really correct. You are reminding me that I should strike first, release those soldiers and insects, and then destroy them. Kill you? You are really unintentional."

"Can you still release those bugs in your current state?" Immortal Wu Xin said, but he struggled to stand up.

But just as she moved, she suddenly felt a sense of dizziness, and then she passed out.

She was just too weak.

She first made a sneak attack on a true fairyland that had one more fairyland than her, and then was attacked by the opponent one after another, if those soldiers and insects hadn't appeared in time.

She had already been killed by the other party.

But now, after saying those words with support, and after discovering that her junior brother, the hope of their lineage, turned out to be a foreign race, she still fainted under the huge shock in her heart.

"It's really troublesome. I'm taking my senior sister with me, and I have to take these guys with me. If I had known better, I wouldn't have taken those soldiers away."

Cao Zhen took Wuxin Immortal Lord to find a safe cave, and then returned. He took the two unconscious Earth Immortal Realm traitors and the alien True Immortal Realm back to the cave, and threw these people away casually. Come together.

Then, he opened his Qiankun ring again, took out a pill, and fed it to Wuxin Immortal Lord.

Although his identity was exposed, he really couldn't do it if he was asked to kill Wuxin Immortal Lord.

He could feel that Wuxin Immortal Lord really loved him as a little brother.

How could he directly take action and kill Immortal Wuxin.

The effect of the elixir he refined is extraordinary.

About two hours later, Immortal Wu Xin woke up. She immediately saw Cao Zhen sitting next to her with his legs crossed and practicing his skills.

Almost as soon as she woke up, Cao Zhen also turned his head and looked over.

Immortal Wuxin noticed Cao Zhen's gaze, felt the remaining medicinal properties in his body, and sighed: "Is this the elixir you gave me? Why are you doing this? Heal my injury, are you really not afraid that I will kill you?" Kill, or reveal your identity?

You could obviously ignore me or even let me die like that, and I was indeed injured by that alien race. When the time comes, no one else will suspect you. "

Cao Zhen shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile on his face and said: "Senior sister, have you been forcing me to kill you?

To be honest, although your guess is not entirely correct, one thing is correct. I am indeed not a monk in your world.

However, if I were to take action against you and kill you, I would not be able to do so.

Besides, isn't it the same for you? After you discovered that I was a foreigner, and after I collected all those soldiers and insects, you also had the opportunity to take action, but you still didn't take action. "

Immortal Wu Xin fell silent for a moment. She did have a chance to take action at that time.

However, Cao Zhen couldn't do anything to her, so why couldn't she?

"So? What do you plan to do?" Immortal Wu Xin did not discuss with Cao Zhen any more about why Cao Zhen didn't take action. Instead, he asked, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"This world is quite big." Cao Zhen stretched out his hand and pointed outside and said, "So, after your injury is healed, I will leave here and find a place to hide. No one should be able to find it." I.

Then, I waited for the passage connections between the worlds to open and I returned to the world where I was. "

“Good choice.”

Immortal Wuxin nodded slightly, and after hearing what Cao Zhen said just now, he asked with some confusion: "One thing, you said that my guess was not all right. I don't know which part of my guess was wrong."

Cao Zhen simply said without hiding anything: "One thing, do you think I took away a monk from your Tianyan clan?"

Immortal Wuxin nodded.

Cao Zhen quickly shook his head and said, "I didn't take away your clan members. Others have no enmity against me. Why should I take away others?"

Another point is that if I really want to seize the body, I should seize a top immortal body instead of a body that is not even an immortal body.

This body I have now is my real body. Our clan looks almost exactly the same as your Celestial Eye clan, except for this Celestial Eye.

As for my heavenly eye, you can think that interesting and special exercises can open another eye, and I practiced that exercise. "

"You said this is your original body?" Immortal Wu Xin suddenly thought of something and whispered: "You can pass the selection in your world, enter the ruins of the original world, and then survive to enter our world. , your cultivation level is definitely not weak among your fellow practitioners.

Moreover, among your magic weapons, there are beings that can control so many Gui Xian realms and two True Immortal realms. Obviously, your cultivation realm is not weak either.

Are you an existence in the golden fairyland? "

"No." Cao Zhen shook his head again and said, "I am not in the Golden Immortal Realm. I am just like you in the True Immortal Realm. It's just more than your Immortal Palace. I have reached the perfection of the True Immortal Realm and completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace." He You know, the monks in this world are also extremely powerful, and the monks in this world also know about the alienation of the Immortal Palace.

"So, your cultivation realm is higher than Master! Master, you are only at the peak of True Immortal Realm now and have not yet completed the alienation of Immortal Palace." Immortal Lord Wu Xin looked at Cao Zhendao, "So, even if you are not a top Immortal Body, you are still Those who can complete the alienation of the Immortal Palace will also have the opportunity to impact the Golden Immortal Realm."

Immortal Wu Xin's face showed a look of excitement.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said: "This is natural. In the world I live in, although most of the Golden Immortals are immortals, there are indeed monks who do not even have immortal bodies and have become Golden Immortals.

Of course, it is not a fairy body. It is really too difficult to become a golden fairy. "

Immortal Wuxin is now obviously more interested in the fact that Cao Zhen is not an immortal. She continued to ask: "Can you tell me, how strong are you in your world? Or, how strong are you in the realm of copper smell? "

"Well, I haven't seen the people in your world who are in the same realm. For example, how strong are the strongest people in the True Immortal Realm, and how strong are the strongest people in the Returned Immortal Realm.

However, I went to pass the Tongtian Pass.

If all Tongtian Passes were the same.

Let's put it this way, from the Immortal Bridge Stage to the Tongtian Pass of the True Immortal Realm, at every level of cultivation, if I tried my best, I could pass all the tenth levels. "


When Immortal Wu Xin heard this, his first reaction was disbelief: "How is that possible? The tenth level of Tongtian Pass is to cross the realm of cultivation and defeat a stronger opponent.

The Immortal Bridge stage must defeat the Jiedan stage, the Jiedan stage must defeat the Jindan stage, and in the Jindan stage, it must defeat the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Everything else is easy to say, but how could the Jindan stage defeat the Earthly Immortal Realm. "

"Nothing is impossible." Cao Zhen said with an indifferent expression, "Crossing the realm of cultivation and killing stronger opponents is something I have done more than once or twice."

Immortal Lord Wuxin looked at Cao Zhen who didn't look like he was lying, and said with surprise: "You are not even an immortal, how did you do it?"

"Whether it is an immortal body or not, it only affects the speed of cultivation. In fact, how strong you want to be at the same cultivation level depends more on yourself. So, there is nothing surprising."

Wuxin Immortal Lord looked at Cao Zhen's relaxed appearance as he spoke, but he became more and more surprised and asked: "So, in your world, are there many people like you? People like you who can transcend cultivation For the realm, fight against the enemy, and even kill monks who have reached a stronger realm."

"There shouldn't be many. It can be said that I am the only one." Cao Zhen said, thinking of his disciple Xiang Ziyu, and added, "Maybe besides me, there is someone who can do it."

Immortal Wuxin, upon hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief. If there were many monks in Cao Zhen's world who could transcend the realm of cultivation to kill higher realms, then Cao Zhen's world would be too terrifying.

"So, after you have said so much, you are still praising yourself. You want to say that in your world, you are the first among fellow practitioners."

Immortal Lord Wu Xin said, paused slightly, and asked puzzledly: "Since you have reached the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm, and you still say that you have not taken away the body, how did you become like this and become a Immortal Bridge Stage? "

Cao Zhen shrugged lightly and said: "It's simple, because I have lost all my cultivation."

"What!" Wu Xinxianjun listened to Cao Zhen's relaxed tone, but his whole person could no longer be calm and calm.

"You said that you have reached the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm, but you would actually abolish your own cultivation! Why?"

She really couldn't understand, let alone a true Immortal Realm Dzogchen, even one who returned to the Immortal Realm or flew to the Earthly Immortal Realm to fly to her own cultivation level. She couldn't understand it.

"Why? The reason is very simple." Cao Zhen pointed at himself and said, "Because I found that I was on the wrong path."

"Your path is wrong!" Immortal Wu Xin said excitedly, "Didn't you say that you are the strongest being in every realm of cultivation? You are already the strongest, so how could your path be wrong!"

"The strongest being is unstoppable, and the path he takes must be correct." Cao Zhen recalled everything that happened not long ago and sighed, "I once thought that there would be no problems if I walked on the path. Even though I was never able to break through and enter the Golden Immortal Realm, I didn't think there was anything wrong with my path of cultivation.

Until I came to your world, I suddenly realized that there was indeed a problem with my path, or in other words, there was no problem with the path I was taking, but it was with myself that I had the problem.

Therefore, I chose to abandon my cultivation and practice again.

Reexperience the entire process of a normal monk's cultivation, starting from the foundation building stage, step by step, step by step. "

As he said that, he looked at Wuxin Immortal Lord and said, "Then, it happened to be time for your Piaomiao Sect to recruit disciples, so I joined the Piaomiao Sect.

You also know everything that follows.

Originally, I wanted to practice step by step in the Piao Miao Sect. Unexpectedly, so soon, we left the big religion for the first time, and then I was exposed. "

Wu Xinxianjun fell silent after hearing what Cao Zhen said. She believed what Cao Zhen said, and she also believed that there was no conspiracy for Cao Zhen to join their Piao Miao Cult.

After all, if Cao Zhen had any conspiracy, she would be dead by now.

She could even feel that Cao Zhen had a sense of belonging to their Piaomiao Sect, or at least to their lineage.

If it were anyone like Cao Zhen who joined a great sect in another world, he would probably be as low-key as possible within the great sect, so that he could hide himself easily.

Even if he is not so low-key, he will not attract so much limelight. He directly passed through the ninth level of the Tongtian Pass in the Xianqiao Stage, which no one has ever passed before!

All this is just to gain face for Master!

By doing this, Cao Zhen really recognized them.

Also, she herself had an epiphany because of Cao Zhen, and thus entered the true fairyland in advance, and even condensed two visionary fairy palaces at once.

Including Cao Zhen, who refused to kill her and kept silent, and even took the initiative to give her elixirs to heal her injuries.

However, Cao Zhen has always been a foreigner.

She didn't know how to treat Cao Zhen for a while.

She Suiwen stopped talking, and the cave fell into silence.

After a long time, Immortal Wu Xin's voice sounded again, breaking the silence.

"What happened to those two traitors and that alien race? Especially that alien race. If he wakes up, I might be in danger in my current state. Or, can you release those bugs first to take precautions?"

"It's okay." Cao Zhen waved his hand and said, "That alien race will not be able to wake up within three days. Even if he wakes up, he will not be able to exert much combat power due to the presence of toxins in his body.

In other words, those toxins can actually be regarded as a seal, sealing the opponent at this time.

As for the two traitors from the Earth Fairyland. Their cultivation is too weak. They are only in the Earthly Immortal Realm. They cannot withstand the poison of those soldier insects. They are already dead and cannot die anymore.

In fact, if I hadn't wanted to ask that guy if he knew about the Blood River, I wouldn't have kept him at all. "

"Blood River?" Immortal Wu Xin heard the voice and asked curiously, "Before, when you saw Blood River, your behavior was not normal. Is there a Blood River in your world?"

"There is a blood river, and it is much larger than the blood river in your world. Moreover, there are many races in our world, and one of them is the blood race, which is a race from the blood river.

They have a lot of Golden Immortal Realm masters, and in our side of the world, they can probably be ranked among the top three.

The person before me said that only our side of the world has a river of blood. As a result, there is a river of blood here as well.

This is a bit scary. We other races will not be able to enter the world of other races until the passages of the various races in the world are opened.

Of course, there are exceptions like those of us monks who entered here from the original world. But what about those rivers of blood?

Their blood rivers are interconnected. Could this blood river also lead to various worlds? Can they enter other worlds through the blood river?

Also, how much power do they have?

This guy should know about Blood River, so I want to interrogate him. "

"Your world will also be a river of blood!" Immortal Wu Xin opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Moreover, you told me, in that river of blood, the strength of the vampires is still extremely strong!

This... the blood river in our world has never threatened us. Those blood clans in the real blood river have never appeared in the true fairyland, and the strongest ones are only in the fairyland.

So, are the vampires in our world really weak, or are the vampires in our world always hiding?

But one thing I can be sure of is that not all vampires exist in the world.

We have also captured some alien races before, and we have also interrogated those alien races. I heard Master said that we have also asked those alien races about the situation in the world they are in. None of those alien races said that they saw the blood river.

Therefore, it should be that only a part of the world has those blood rivers, and it should be a small part of the world. "

"Even so, we need to understand the situation of the Blood River." Cao Zhen looked at Immortal Wu Xin and asked, "But there is another question. At my current level of cultivation, I cannot interrogate him.

Senior sister, with your current injury, will it be possible to interrogate him then? "

"It's okay, don't forget, our lineage is the lineage of the heart. Our lineage not only practices reincarnation, but also dabbles in the way of the soul."

Cao Zhen said it was three days, and it really was three days. On the fourth day, the alien finally woke up.

In three days, although Immortal Wu Xin's injuries still looked extremely serious, his face became much rosier and his breath became more stable.

After the aliens woke up, they discovered the environment they were in. When they saw the monks on the opposite side, their first reaction was to circulate their immortal energy and want to attack.

But the next moment, there was a sense of soreness and numbness in his body. He clearly felt that every place in his body was filled with poisonous gas. As he circulated the immortal energy, the poisonous gas changed even more. Extraordinarily active.

The immortal energy in his body was even filled with poisonous energy, the energy of the movement of the skills. As soon as the immortal energy moved, the poisonous energy surged faster. They madly devoured the immortal energy in his body, making him It is simply difficult to gather immortal energy.

At the same time, a voice came over.

"Tell me your name and your race."

It was just an ordinary voice coming, but he felt as if it was their alien race, the most powerful being, giving an order.

The face of this alien monk instantly became dull.

Although he has three immortal palaces, one more than Wuxin Immortal Lord's, but because of the injuries in his body, he is extremely weak at this time, including his soul. He faces the attack aimed at the soul. There was no resistance to the attack.

"I, Feilu Immortal Lord, am a monk from the Liu Clan."

Immortal Wu Xin continued to ask: "What are the characteristics of your Liu clan?"

"Our clan can imitate any clan at will. As long as our cultivation level is slightly higher than that of the other party, for example, if the other party has two immortal palaces and I have three, then I will not be discovered by the other party. "

Wuxin Immortal Lord, after hearing the sound, finally knew why he didn't find the other party.

A clan that can transform into others at will, but this clan is a bit scary.

She continued to look at the aliens in front of her and asked, "Then, tell me how those two people in the fairyland rebelled."

"I just promised them some benefits, and then threatened them with death if they didn't rebel. They quickly rebelled."

Cao Zhen saw that Immortal Wu Xin had been asking for a long time, but couldn't find the end point. He finally couldn't help but ask: "Then, why did you come here? You broke the seal of the blood river, why do you want to break it?" Open the blood river seal."

"Because I want to find a way back through them." Feilu Immortal Lord explained, "Our world also has a blood river, but it is much larger than this blood river. In our world, the vampires in the blood river , is the strongest clan.

Our Liu clan is also a subordinate race of their blood clan.

In our world, in addition to the Blood Clan, there are five other major clans. However, the combined strength of our five major clans is not as good as that of the Vampire Clan. All five of our major clans have become vassal races of the Vampire Clan.

Therefore, I opened the seal of the Blood River, waited until the vampires in the Blood River appeared, and immediately asked them if they could think of a way to let me go back. "

However, these vampires don't even know about our Liu clan, let alone our side of the world.

Then, I couldn't go back through these vampires, so I planned to find another place to practice.

But before I left, you came. "

Cao Zhen frowned deeply. The vampire ruled the world?

He continued to ask: "Do you know the specific strength of the Vampire Clan, such as how many Golden Immortals there are and how many True Immortals there are."

"The Vampire Clan should have close to 200 Golden Immortals."

"Two hundred? So, this time, two hundred vampires entered the original world?"

There was a look of surprise on Cao Zhen's face. This time in the original world, he didn't see any vampires.

"No. This time the blood clans gave us five clans, each clan has twenty places in each realm of cultivation.

It’s just that the total number of Golden Fairyland from our five clans only reaches ten.

Therefore, the Vampire Clan sent one hundred and ninety Golden Immortals. "

When Cao Zhen heard what the other party said, he frowned deeply and said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, it seems that entering the ruins of the original world is not a good thing. Otherwise, the blood clan will have absolute dominance in that world, and they will give it to the other five clans. So many places.

Moreover, it seems that these vampires know more about the ruins of the original world than we do. "

Cao Zhen asked the other party: "What do you know about the ruins of the original world?"

"have no idea……"

Cao Zhenyou asked some questions, but found that this Liu tribe didn't know any more about the ruins of the original world than they did.

The vampires did not tell them the secret of the ruins of the original world.

"He knows too little." Cao Zhen sighed, "It seems that I may have to wait until all the passages in various worlds are opened before I can leave here."

His voice just fell, and the voice of Wuxin Immortal Lord came from the side.

"Perhaps there is another way."

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