Although Wuxin Immortal Lord has a top-level immortal body, her biggest wish is to prove that her teacher is not wrong.

However, it is difficult for her to prove that she is a top immortal body.

Originally, Cao Zhen was the best person who could prove his master.

As a result, Cao Zhen turned out to be of a foreign race.

However, although Cao Zhen was from a different race, he identified with their lineage very much. Even though Cao Zhen had the opportunity to kill her, he never did it.

Moreover, she could also feel that Cao Zhen did not regard them as enemies. The enemy in Cao Zhen's eyes should be the vampire.

At the same time, Cao Zhen seems to want to go back. In that case, why should she regard Cao Zhen as an enemy.

Immortal Wu Xin wanted to understand everything, looked at Cao Zhen and slowly said: "I don't know which world your world is, and I'm not sure which method will definitely allow you to go back. But you can give it a try."

As she spoke, she paused slightly, and then continued: "Actually, you are not the first tribe to come to our world. There used to be a tribe called the Void Alien Tribe, and they suddenly came to our world. The center of the world.

We don't know what that clan has gone through. They only have one strong man who came to our world. Then the strong man left a legacy. He said that their clan could be exterminated, but their legacy could not be cut off.

The inheritance is divided into five different levels: the Dan Dan Stage, the Golden Dan Stage, the Earth Immortal Realm, the Returning Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm.

Every ten thousand years, the door to inheritance will open.

The first thing to be opened is the inheritance of the Dan-Jie period, and a hundred years after the Dan-Jie period ends, the inheritance of the Golden Dan period begins.

After that, in another hundred years, the inheritance of the Earthly Immortal Realm will begin, then in five hundred years, the inheritance of the Returning Immortal Realm will begin, and finally in another five hundred years, the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm will begin.

I have not experienced those inheritances, but some people in our Tianyan clan have received inheritances, and that inheritance is the art of traveling through the void.

The monk from the Void Clan probably entered our world through the art of traveling through the void after their clan encountered danger, leaving behind their legacy.

And now, in five years, the door to inheritance will be opened.

If you can obtain one, two, or even three inheritances, then you may not need to wait until all the links are connected before you can return to the world you are in. "

Cao Zhen was immediately interested when he heard the sound, but soon he frowned and said: "You said that many people have received inheritance, so are there any of them who can travel through the void and fly out of your world?"

"As far as I know, there is not. Of course, it may also be because my cultivation level is too low and I don't know much. Maybe someone has already achieved this, but has not announced it to the outside world."

Immortal Wu Xin paused slightly as he spoke, and then continued: "There is another possibility, or they did not receive the complete inheritance.

That place of inheritance is located between our Sky Eye Clan and the Orc Clan.

Our two clans fight against each other, and no one can completely overwhelm the other, let alone completely win this inheritance, so our two clans have discussed it. After each inheritance is started, we each select outstanding clansmen to accept the inheritance.

The monks who have received inheritance over the years include those from our Sky Eye Clan and those from the Beastman Clan. Generally speaking, the number is about the same.

But no monk has ever received all five levels of inheritance.

That's almost impossible to accomplish.

If you want to get the inheritance of all five levels, you must start accepting the inheritance from the Dan Formation stage.

After all, if you calculate the time, it only takes 1,200 years from the Dan Formation Stage to the True Immortal Realm. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for ordinary monks to cultivate to the True Immortal Realm.

Unless, treasures such as the sea of ​​​​sangtian are used.

However, even if you use those treasures, you can't guarantee that after you break through, you will still be the strongest among your fellow practitioners!

After all, at each level of inheritance, only one monk can obtain the inheritance.

Therefore, the person who has received the most inheritance so far has only received three inheritances. "

Cao Zhen heard the voice, nodded slightly and said: "In one thousand two hundred years, from the Dan Formation Stage to the True Immortal Realm, and even to become the most powerful existence in the True Immortal Realm, that is an almost impossible task."

As he said that, he looked at Immortal Wu Xin and said, "So, Senior Sister, are you telling me this news, are you not going to expose me?"

"I'm not going to expose you, but I will keep an eye on you. Once you make any changes or want to harm our Piaomiao Cult or our Sky Eye Clan, I will definitely take action as soon as possible and kill you directly. kill you!

Moreover, I tell you this news because I want you to get out of here and leave our world.

What's more, you may not be able to obtain that inheritance.

At that time, it will not only be our disciples of the Piao Miao Sect, but also other major sects of our Sky Eye Clan, as well as monks of the Orc Clan.

What's more, in five years, the ruins of the Pill Formation Stage will be opened, and you haven't reached the peak of the Immortal Bridge Stage yet.

Will five years be enough for you to reach the peak of the Dan Formation stage? "

"Five years? Senior sister, you look down on me too much." Cao Zhen suddenly laughed and asked, "But how do you get the qualification to represent the Tianyan Clan?"

"It is enough for you to be qualified to represent our Piao Miao Sect. Our Piao Miao Sect is the top sect of the human race. Before the ruins of the Pill Formation Period were opened, our Piao Miao Sect had a fixed quota of one hundred people.

The one hundred places are determined by the ranking of Tongtian Pass. Of course, there are ten levels in Tongtian Pass. If you select one hundred people, there will definitely be disciples who have passed the same number of levels.

At this time, it was time for them to compete.

Then our Piaomiao Church selected a hundred people, together with all the monks selected by our Tianyan clan, and the monks of the orc clan, to conduct another test. "

"I see, so I just need to pass through the Tongtian Pass once before our Piao Miao Cult decides on the candidate."

Listening to Cao Zhen's words, Wu Xinxianjun instinctively wanted to refute, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

If what Cao Zhen said is correct, and Cao Zhen is the strongest being in his world and in any realm of cultivation, then Cao Zhen must be able to easily obtain the qualifications of their Misty Sect.

After Wu Xin Xianjun discovered that the alien monk on the opposite side had no information to provide, he still killed him.

If the other party is left, the senior leaders of their Sky Eye Clan will definitely interrogate the other party, and by then, Cao Zhenke will be exposed.

Cao Zhen also secretly contacted his aura Li Ke and told him about the discovery of the vampires in this world, and that there were vampires in other worlds, and the vampires were extremely powerful, so Li Ke must be careful and defend the vampires well.

A few days later, Wu Xinxianjun and Cao Zhen returned to the Piaomiao Sect, and Wuxinxianjun also told them about the situation of the vampires to the senior leaders of the Piaomiao Sect.

She cannot know exactly what the Piaomiao Sect will do in the future. After all, although she now exists in the true fairyland, she still has no access to the highest-level matters.

Generally speaking, if you want to contact the highest level of annihilation, you need to become a monk in the Golden Fairy Realm.

After Cao Zhen returned to Piao Miao Cult, he began to practice in seclusion.

He is thinking about the path he wants to take. What he is going to take now in the Palace of Reincarnation is the path of reincarnation, and what is the end point of reincarnation?

Reincarnation is a rotation, starting from the starting point and reaching the end.

Then the starting point of all power is chaos.

Therefore, the known end point of reincarnation should also be chaos.

The path of chaos and reincarnation, this is the path he wants to take!

At the same time, his senior brothers and sisters, as well as his master, also came to the market to guide him.

Wuxin Xianjun did not tell her junior brothers and sisters about Cao Zhen's identity. She even hid it from her master, Wuhui Xianjun.

Every time she saw her junior brothers and sisters tutoring Cao Zhen, or even saw her master tutoring Cao Zhen, she felt extremely weird!

The guy in front of you is a guy whose cultivation realm is who knows how much higher than you, and you still go to guide him.

In fact, even the master is not as strong as that guy.

Unknowingly, time passed by slowly, and the day when the inheritance of the Void Clan was opened was getting closer and closer.

Perhaps the monks in other cultivation realms are not so nervous, but within the Piao Miao Sect, the monks in the pill-forming stage have been working hard during this period of time.

The Tongtian Pass during the Dan-Jie period was even more crowded, so people had to queue up, and reservations had to be made in advance.

Everyone wants to sprint again in the last time, so that they can pass more Tongtian Pass, and then obtain the qualification to represent the Piao Miao Cult.

As for those monks who knew that they couldn't sprint, they went crazy to break through the level and join in the fun.

Cao Zhen also had to make an appointment in advance. He didn't have to win ten games in a row to qualify for the Heaven Pass.

According to the rules of the Piao Miao Sect, as long as you have passed the sixth level of Tongtian Pass in the previous realm of cultivation, you will automatically be qualified to challenge Tongtian Pass in the next realm of cultivation.

Three days after Cao Zhen made the reservation, he was qualified to enter Tongtian Pass.

Because of the strength he showed in the Immortal Bridge Stage, people in his lineage learned that after he was going to break through the Tongtian Pass, all his senior brothers and sisters, as well as his master, all followed him to the Immortal King Tongtian Pass. close.

After all, Cao Zhen was a man who passed nine levels in one breath during his Immortal Bridge period. Now that Cao Zhen has broken into the Danjie stage, they naturally want to accompany him to see how many levels Cao Zhen can pass, and to see if Cao Zhen can create another miracle just like he did in the Immortal Bridge stage.

Although he had already made a reservation, there were too many people entering the Tongtian Pass in the Danjie Stage. After he arrived, he still had to wait for the people in front of him to complete the pass.

As for their arrival, the monks all around also looked over.

After all, although there are many people who come through the barrier, and there are also many people who accompany them, there are very few people who accompany them who have the true fairyland.

Cao Zhen was accompanied by two true immortals.

"Junior Sister Wuhui, and Junior Sister Wuxin, you are here too," an old man with slightly gray hair said hello to Cao Zhen on the edge of the bridge in the Danjie period, and his eyes naturally fell on him. On Cao Zhen.

He said in a low voice: "This is Junior Sister Wuhui's young disciple, right? Is he entering the pill-forming stage, and is he going to break through the Tongtian Pass in the pill-forming stage?"

An ordinary disciple would naturally not remember it.

Even though Cao Zhen didn't make any more noise in the past four years, he still remembered Cao Zhen.

The main reason is that a few years ago, Cao Zhen caused so much noise that no matter who it was, as long as they passed the ninth level of the Suanxianqiao stage, they would be enough to attract attention.

Not to mention, this disciple is still a disciple who is not even an immortal, and has not even reached the peak of the Immortal Bridge Stage.

Many people even believe that it is possible for Cao Zhen to pass the tenth level of the Immortal Bridge Stage.

After all, when Cao Zhen passed the ninth level, there were only six fairy bridges. When Cao Zhen reaches the peak of the fairy bridge stage, he will have a chance to fight.

But over the years, Cao Zhen has never broken through Tongtian Pass.

Immortal Lord Wuhui saw the other party greeting him, and nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I have met Senior Brother Li Mo, and I did come to see the disciple break through the Tongtian Pass.

Senior brother is here, presumably he is here to accompany his disciples. Senior brother's young disciple, Zhang Zhaodong, is also one of the best among the Dan Miao Sect's disciples. "

Immortal Lord Li Mo nodded slightly and said, "He is the one who is breaking through the barrier now."

Cao Zhen heard the sound and looked up at the candles beside the bridge. At this time, nine candles were lit beside the bridge.

The next second he looked over, on the edge of the bridge, the tenth string was pulled and lit.

All of a sudden, a voice was heard shouting from the side of the bridge.

"It's the tenth level. Senior Brother Zhang Zhaodong finally passed the ninth level!"

"In four years, senior brother entered the ninth level, was immediately defeated, and managed to pass the ninth level!"

"Senior brother has passed the ninth level, so he will definitely be qualified to represent our Piao Miao Cult."

"In the 10,000-year history of our great sect, it seems that only two seniors have passed the ninth level during the elixir formation stage. Senior brother, he became the third!"

"The point is not the qualification, but that senior brother is passing the tenth level!"

Cao Zhen looked at these people and found that many of them looked familiar.

Four years ago, when he first came to the Tongtian Pass, he saw this group of people cheering. He remembered that the person who broke through the pass in the first place was Zhang Zhaodong.

The difference is that four years ago, the opponent broke through the Tongtian Pass in the Danjie stage, while four years ago, he broke through the Tongtian Pass in the Xianqiao stage.

As a result, four years later, what they entered became the Tongtian Pass in the Dan Formation Stage.

But this is normal.

The inheritance of the Pill Formation Stage will begin soon. Even if those masters of the Pill Formation Stage can break through, they will choose to stay in the current state and wait to give it a try to see if they can get the inheritance!

The tenth candle beside the bridge didn't last long, and all the candles went out.

This is normal. If you want to pass the tenth level of the elixir formation stage, you must defeat the opponent in the golden elixir stage. The key is that the opponent is not an ordinary golden elixir stage, but appears based on your strength. It will crush your golden elixir stage in all aspects.

Not long after, Zhang Zhaodong's figure appeared on the Immortal Bridge in the Dan Formation Stage. He looked at the master waiting by the bridge, with a look of self-blame on his face and said: "Master, I disappoint you. This disciple did not break through." Pass the tenth level!”

"Don't blame yourself, you've done a very good job."

As soon as his words fell, a certain kind of disciples around him also started shouting.

"Yes, senior brother, you are already the third disciple in our entire sect in the past ten thousand years to have passed the ninth level of the Tongtian Pass in the Dan Formation Stage."

"In other words, now, among our Piao Miao Sect's disciples in the Dan Formation stage, only senior brother has broken through to the ninth level."

"That is to say, senior brother, he is now the strongest being among the disciples of our Piao Miao Sect and the core formation stage!"

Cao Zhen listened to everyone's shouts, but he stepped into the Tongtian Pass in the Danjie stage.

Although Cao Zhen has been very low-key over the years and rarely leaves the Reincarnation Palace, no matter how low-key he is, he is not in seclusion. Many people have seen him.

It was also because the movement he made that time four years ago was too great. When everyone saw him entering the Tongtian Pass in the Dan Formation Stage, they also shouted.

"That Cao Zhen is going to break through Tongtian Pass again!"

"This must be his second time breaking through the Tongtian Pass!"

"I have always thought that the second time he broke through the Tongtian Pass, why should he continue to break through the Tongtian Pass in the Immortal Bridge Stage? After all, he has reached the tenth level. How should he try again after he reaches the peak of the Xianxian Bridge Stage? Break in once.

As a result, he came directly to the Tongtian Pass in the Danjie stage. "

"It must be because the ruins of the Core Formation Stage are about to be opened, so he quickly broke through and entered the Core Formation Stage, so there is no time to break through the Tongtian Pass in the Immortal Bridge Stage."

"No, how much time would be wasted just to pass one level? It doesn't mean that he needs to start from the first level again. When he passed the Tongtian Pass in the Immortal Bridge stage, he directly entered the tenth level."

"Who knows why he didn't try it again. Maybe he knew in his heart that he was still far away from passing the tenth level, so he didn't try it again."

Zhang Zhaodong listened to the discussions around him, glanced at Cao Zhen's back with curiosity, and whispered: "Is he the Cao Zhen who passed the ninth level of the Immortal Bridge Stage?"

"Yes, senior brother, that's him."

"Oh." Zhang Zhaodong responded softly, but turned to look at his master and said, "Master, let's go."

Immortal Lord Li Mo noticed his disciple's gaze just now and asked in a low voice: "Don't you go and see how he breaks through?"

"No need, Master." Zhang Zhaodong analyzed in a low voice, "I know that he made a big splash during the Xianqiao period, and I also admit that he is a genius.

However, the Immortal Bridge Stage and the Pill Formation Stage are completely different. In the Pill Formation Stage, the inner elixir has already begun to condense.

He made such a big noise during the Immortal Bridge Stage, and he will definitely not be weak after entering the Pill Formation Stage.

However, he may not have much time to enter the pill-forming stage. He does not have enough accumulation. He may break through the pill-forming stage and achieve good results in Tongtian Pass.

However, it was impossible for him to break through the final trap. "

Zhang Zhaodong's meaning is already very obvious. Cao Zhen may have good results, but he has passed the ninth level. No matter how good the opponent's results are, can he compare with him?

So he didn't have any interest in staying and watching the other party's battle.

All around, the disciples who agreed with Zhang Zhaodong were originally here to cheer up their senior brother. Now that their senior brother is going back, they naturally have to go back too.

However, one of the thin disciples looked at the crowd and said, "Brother, you go back first. I will stay here to see how the people behind are doing. If there is any situation, I will inform senior brother at any time."

"You..." Zhang Zhaodong shook his head slightly and said, "It's not necessary." He has already passed the ninth level, what else does he need to see? Can anyone else pass the ninth level like him?

However, if his junior brother wants to perform well, then let him stay here.

While several people were talking, a second candle lit up beside the bridge.

"This is the second level."

Zhang Zhaodong glanced at the candle, didn't care, and followed his master outside. It's just the second level, it's still too far away from the ninth level, and it's not worth his attention at all.

But just as he left Tongtian Pass, the next moment, the third candle on the bridge also lit up.

All around, people were shouting at any time.

"It's such a fast speed."

"Yes, I saw a senior brother break through the level before. That senior brother finally made it to the sixth level, but the speed of that senior brother was far less fast than him."

"In other words, Cao Zhen can at least pass the sixth level."

"Everyone, you look down on him a little too much. Cao Zhen passed the ninth level at the Tongtian Pass in the Immortal Bridge period."

Cao Zhen went all the way and found that the difficulty of this pill formation stage was even lower than that of the Immortal Bridge stage.

The fifth level, the sixth level...

Not long after, Cao Zhen had entered the ninth level.

Outside, everyone would scream in surprise every time Cao Zhen broke through and entered the next level.

After Cao Zhen entered the ninth level, he started shouting crazily.

"Is this the ninth level?"

"What a speed."

"However, you see, after he entered the ninth level, his speed slowed down obviously. He stayed in the ninth level for a really long time."

"I don't know if he can break through the ninth level."

Zhang Zhaodong's junior brother looked at the candles lighting up beside him, and his whole body was extremely nervous. The ninth level that the senior brother had just broken through would not be broken by this boy.

No, absolutely not.

Senior brother is a top immortal body, and senior brother broke through to the ninth level as early as four years ago. It took four years to break through the ninth level. This guy, four years ago, was only in the stage of crossing the immortal bridge. Guan, how could he break through? If he breaks through...

Just as he was thinking about it, his eyes suddenly widened, and beside him, the tenth candle lit up.

At this time, all the monks near Tongtian Pass also exclaimed!

"It's the tenth level, and he really broke through the ninth level!"

"Oh my God, we actually saw people breaking through the ninth level of Tongtian Pass in succession on the same day!"

"Before today, in the past ten thousand years, only two seniors had broken through the ninth level of the pill formation stage. Now, one day later, this number has doubled!"

"Everyone, I feel that this Cao Zhen is even more terrifying. If you think about it, Zhang Zhaodong had reached this level four years ago, but Cao Zhen was only in the Immortal Bridge stage four years ago."

"Yes, do you think it is possible for him to break through the tenth level?"

"No, that's too scary. In the past ten thousand years, no one has been able to break through the tenth level!"

As everyone started talking, the candles beside the bridge were extinguished.


"It still failed!"

"He is only in the ninth level."

"Sure enough, no one can break through the tenth level."

"Everyone, this is a blessing for our Piao Miao Sect. In the past ten thousand years, only two seniors have broken through the ninth level of the Dan Formation Stage. Now, two of our generation have appeared at once. Isn't this a blessing!"

"Yes! This shows that our Piao Miao Cult is getting stronger and stronger!"

Zhang Zhaodong's junior brother looked at all the candles that were extinguished and let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, like his senior brother, this man only passed the ninth level. Otherwise, senior brother would have to take a lot of blows.

On the shore, Wuxin Xianjun looked at Cao Zhen who came out from the other side of the bridge with a strange look on his face. It was the tenth level again.

Judging from what Cao Zhen said, Cao Zhen should be able to easily break through the tenth level. This guy still has some strength left.

Although Cao Zhen, like Zhang Zhaodong, both passed the ninth level of Tongtian Pass in the Danjie Stage, after the news spread, more people in the Piao Miao Sect were still talking about Cao Zhen.

After all, Zhang Zhaodong is a top immortal body. Four years ago, Zhang Zhaodong had already passed the eighth level. Now it is natural to take another step forward.

But Cao Zhen is different. It has only been about five years since Cao Zhen joined the Piaomiao Cult, but like Zhang Zhaodong, he has passed the ninth level!

This cultivation speed is really amazing, this progress is really amazing, and Cao Zhen is not even an immortal.

Cao Zhen ignored the voices from the outside world. After passing through Tongtian Pass, he returned to the Palace of Reincarnation and continued to practice.

About a month later, the Piao Miao Cult also selected disciples who would represent their entire sect to participate in the ruins assessment. Together, they flew towards the area between the Sky Eye Clan and the Orc Clan.

The leader of the team was a deputy leader of the Piao Miao Sect who was in the Golden Immortal Realm.

If it were before, they wouldn't be so careful.

After all, the strongest people in this world are them and the orcs. Although the two tribes have been fighting, they will not do anything to kill the other's genius.

After all, if you kill my genius, I can also kill your genius. In this way, everyone will suffer a lot.

But things are different now. Now, aliens have entered their world, and among those aliens there are people from the Golden Fairy Realm.

This time they brought with them the most outstanding disciples in the alchemy stage in the sect. If something unexpected happens to these disciples, the Piao Miao Sect will also be in danger of being broken.

Therefore, there will be masters from the Golden Fairy Realm personally leading the team.

Not long after, Cao Zhen and his team from the Miao Miao Cult started fighting with the teams from other sects of the Sky Eye Tribe. Finally, they appeared in a mountain forest together with the Orc Tribe.

"Have you seen that mountain forest?"

Above Cao Zhen's team, the deputy leader pointed to the entrance of a mountain forest wrapped in clouds and mist in the distance: "This is the mountain forest that will appear before each inheritance is opened.

Because what will be started next will be the inheritance of the Core Formation stage, so all the monsters that will appear in this mountain forest will be the Core Formation stage monsters.

At that time, all of you and the orcs on the opposite side will enter this misty mountain.

Many of you should also know that there are a lot of monsters in this misty mountain. What you need to do is to enter it and kill those monsters.

Those monsters are all in the pill formation stage. You have three days. Only by killing hundreds of strange beasts and bringing the bodies back will you have the opportunity to enter the inheritance, and you can participate in the next arena. war.

On the inside, I hope you can all unite on the outside, you know what I mean? Also, remember, you must kill those monsters yourself.

If you are, there is no use in snatching the corpses of monsters killed by others and showing them to us.

Because you haven't killed a hundred monsters, the inheritance won't allow you to enter. Do you understand? "

Cao Zhen looked at the many figures around him. Although candidates had been selected within each major religion, there were still too many people from the Sky Eye Clan, and there were also many monks from the Beast Clan.

There are so many monks fighting one after another, and I don't know how long the fighting will last.

And it’s not easy to choose a winner when there are ten people in one arena.

After all, everyone is selected, and they are not weak in strength.

It is really possible that in the end, the strongest players will be eliminated.

Therefore, this method of elimination is not bad.

But listening to the meaning, this is obviously the meaning of the inheritance of the Void Clan.

This is interesting.

He was also not familiar with the disciples of the Piaomiao Sect and did not act together with the disciples of the Piaomiao Sect. In the Piaomiao Sect, Zhang Zhaodong, who, like him, had passed the ninth level of Tongtian Pass, did not act together with most of the other disciples. He also chose to walk towards the distance by himself.

This foggy mountain is not only filled with a lot of fog outside, but also foggy everywhere after entering.

Cao Zhen was walking along for a short time when he suddenly heard a rustling sound, like the sound of something dragging the ground and pressing on the weeds and fallen leaves.

The voice is behind me.

Cao Zhen suddenly turned around and walked behind him.

The next moment, in his sight, a green tentacle as thick as a tree trunk suddenly smashed over. There are sharp barbs on the tentacles, and the front ends of the barbs even glow with a blue cold light, which is obviously poisonous.

The tentacles swept across, like a stone pillar supporting a huge palace, flying across, full of the potential to sweep thousands of armies, Cao Zhen's body quickly dodged to the side.

But just as he dodged, another tentacle swept over him. When this tentacle fell, it brought up gusts of wind.

Cao Zhen looked at the direction in which the tentacles were coming. A silver sword appeared in his hand and slashed down towards the tentacles.

The next moment, the long sword in his hand collided with the tentacle, and there was a clanging sound of metal colliding together.

A string of sparks flew around.

There was a slight look of surprise on Cao Zhen's face. The long sword in his hand was no longer a different iron sword. When he passed the ninth level of the Immortal Bridge Stage, he could choose the divine weapon.

He didn't need any magical powers among the magic weapons, so he chose the sharpest sword, the magic weapon.

But when the sword fell, although it left an obvious sword mark on the tentacle, it did not cut off the tentacle. And the monster in front of him did not have only this tentacle.

When Cao Zhen continued to swing his sword, he quickly turned around and saw the monster clearly.

The monster's skin showed a dark green color, like an emerald green gem, exuding a faint light. There are subtle lines on the surface of the skin, like layers of criss-crossing runes.

And its most obvious feature is the tentacles that stretch out in all directions like spreading vines.

There are eight tentacles in total, each tentacle is more than two feet long, and the end bifurcates into several sharp spikes.

In addition to its tentacles, the monster also has a protruding mouth, which is large and wide and filled with sharp teeth, each of which is strong enough to tear steel.

This monster looks like one of those tentacle monsters in their world.

When he was in their world, he had also wondered where these tentacle monsters came from, but later, as his cultivation level improved, he no longer saw more powerful tentacle monsters, and he no longer cared about these tentacle monsters. Strange.

Unexpectedly, in the world of the Sky Eye Clan, we would see tentacle monsters again.

In other words, this is not a monster from the Sky Eye Clan world, but a monster from a certain world?

After all, this is the inheritance of the Void Clan, so why must the Void Clan let the inheritors kill this monster?

Do they have any special intentions?

In other words, the Void clan was wiped out by these monsters?

Cao Zhen looked at the tentacles flying and falling again, and quickly rushed forward. With a series of jumps, he avoided the attacks of the tentacles and swung his sword directly towards the opponent's head.

In most cases, these monsters don't need to kill the opponent's tentacles. As long as they cut off their heads, they will also die.

After Cao Zhen killed a tentacle monster, he continued to move forward.

Soon, he discovered that all the monsters he encountered in the misty mountains were tentacle monsters. Moreover, these tentacle monsters in the realm of fellow practitioners are obviously stronger than the tentacle monsters in their world.

Even some of the tentacle monsters encountered in their world seemed to be unable to move.

But in this world, all the tentacle monsters he encountered were able to move.

Sometimes, he would even be attacked by several tentacle monsters.

Although he can handle it easily, some people are different.

Along the way, he saw several corpses.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

Cao Zhen glanced around and simply looked for the cave. Three days was enough to kill a hundred tentacle monsters. Today, he had killed more than sixty tentacle monsters. He had enough time and there was no need. Continue to fight at night.

Everyone seems to know that it is useless to snatch the tentacle monsters killed by others, so although there are monks from different religions and monks from different races, there is no direct conflict between the monks.

After all, which monk who can enter here is not a strong one?

No one knows each other, and no one knows whether they are facing a peerless genius. During the period of caution, it is rare to see monks fighting among themselves.

Nothing happened overnight.

Cao Zhen quickly killed a hundred tentacle monsters, cut off the heads of each tentacle monster, and put them into the Qiankun Bag. He then found a place and began to realize that he no longer wanted to kill the tentacle monsters. Strange.

He still knows too little about this world. After he goes out, he can ask Immortal Wuxin if there are any tentacle monsters in this world.

If there are those tentacle monsters in this world, then you have to be careful.

When dropping, you need to be careful not only of the vampires, but also of these tentacle monsters.

"However, it seems that most of the vampires are very similar to this tentacle monster. They all have countless tentacles, but the tentacles of the vampires are all blood red."

Cao Zhen waited until the third day arrived before leaving the place with everyone.

When he entered the Misty Mountain, he did not see the inheritance of the Void Clan. But at this time, when he left and just walked out of the Misty Mountain, he saw a mysterious and spectacular ruins.

The appearance of this ruin is like a huge maze, composed of countless columns and arches that shine with illusory light. The pillars tower into the clouds, as if they are stone pillars supporting the entire void. Moreover, these stone pillars are not all round, but have different shapes, some are square, some are triangular, some are like stars, and some are like distorted time and space. .

Just looking at this heritage ruins, one can feel that this ruins does not belong to this world, it seems to be a passage connecting different spaces.

Directly in front of this heritage site is a magnificent circular square.

The square seemed to be wrapped in a thin layer of void power visible to the naked eye. This layer of void power emitted a faint light, illuminating the entire square as if it were a dream.

And behind this ruins, you can vaguely see huge black holes.

In this black hole, the void flows turbulently.

In the space where this heritage relic is located, the entire space seems to be completely distorted, forming an illusory realm.

This is the power of the void.

Cao Zhen looked at the inheritance relic in front of him and instantly thought of what Immortal Wu Xin said to him back then. If he obtained the inheritance of this relic, he might really have the ability to travel through the void.

You can enter each tribe in advance without waiting for the passages of each tribe to be fully opened.

Now, he feels more and more that it is a conspiracy for the masters of various races to enter the ruins of the original world, and their world is now full of possible dangers.

After all, no one knows how strong the vampires in their world are, and I’m afraid even the heavenly clan who has joined forces with the vampires doesn’t know.

But now, all the masters from their various races have left their world. What if the strength of the vampires is beyond imagination, and the vampires can even recruit vampires from elsewhere?

But even their masters are not here, how to deal with it?

What's more, when the channels for various races are opened and a war breaks out, how will these alien races survive in other worlds?

His wife, his children, and his disciples are almost all in other worlds.

Therefore, the best way is to bring them back to their original world before the passages of the major worlds are connected.

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