On the square in front of the ruins, a series of arenas were raised.

Cao Zhen has also participated in arena battles in this world. The arena in this world is the same as the arena in his previous world, which is square.

However, the arena in front of him is a hexagonal arena.

Cao Zhen was still staying with the disciples of the Piao Miao Religion, and soon the voice of the deputy leader rang out.

"You all understand the rules. If you have killed a hundred monsters, you can naturally jump into the ring. But if you have not killed a hundred monsters, don't try. You will not fall into the ring. "

Cao Zhen has participated in many competitions. In all group competitions, everyone will draw lots before the game to decide who will fight whom.

But right now, there is no drawing of lots.

If you want to fight in the ring, just jump on the ring, and then everyone will watch and choose their opponent.

For example, if you look at the monks in the arena and feel that the opponent is not strong, then you can just go up and fight with the opponent.

Of course, generally speaking, it is the monks of the Sky Eye clan who fight against the monks of the Orc clan.

There are very few people who will fight among themselves. Unless in the end, there are really no monks from the orc clan or there are no monks from the Sky Eye clan, everyone will.

As for the monks from other tribes?

There are indeed monks from other races in this world, but how can the Sky Eye Clan and the Orc Clan allow other races to get involved in such top-notch inheritances.

Only monks from their two clans came to compete.

Among the monks in the True Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm, they both know who is stronger and who is weaker.

But they don't even know the monks in the Dan-formation stage, let alone know who is strong and who is weak. They can only rely on their feelings.

If you have enough confidence in yourself, then jump directly to the ring.

Not far away from Cao Zhen, Zhang Zhaodong, whom he had met before, was obviously full of confidence in himself. When he heard the sound, he jumped directly to the top of the ring without thinking.

There are many people in the Tianyan tribe who are like him, full of confidence in themselves, and they all jumped on the ring. They are waiting for the orc monks to come to challenge them.

Similarly, like the orcs, there are many monks who jump directly onto the ring, waiting for the Sky Eyes to challenge.

Cao Zhen discovered that there were a total of sixty-four arenas, which were just right, with two clans and one clan occupying half of the arenas.

He didn't rush to jump onto the ring, but looked at it from below.

Soon the battle began on the arena.

Although no one knows the opponent's strength, monks who dare to jump directly onto the ring and wait for their opponent to challenge are generally not too weak.

And the monks who dare to challenge them will not be weak.

Under observation, Cao Zhen found that among the monks fighting in the arena, there really was no weak one. He was Zhang Zhaodong. He was able to pass the ninth level of the Tongtian Pass in the Dan Formation Stage. His strength must be among the highest among fellow practitioners. Strong, but when he fought with his opponent, although he had the advantage, he didn't have the tendency to crush him.

There are sixty-four arenas. Generally speaking, the situation between the Sky Eye Clan and the Orc Clan is 50:50.

The monks who were not fighting were all observing the monks who were fighting, especially those monks who seemed to have the upper hand among the other clan.

If they successfully enter the second round later, they will most likely encounter an opponent from a foreign race. They will first judge the opponent's strength by observing the opponent's battle in advance, and then choose a relatively weak opponent.

Theoretically, it would be the same for anyone you meet, because at the end of the Battle Path, only one monk can enter the inheritance place. Then Re can only defeat all the opponents he encounters.

But the problem is that if the opponent you encounter is weaker, you can retain your strength and some of your trump cards.

If they encounter a well-matched opponent early on, even if the opponent reveals their trump card on the battlefield, they will become very passive, so they are still observing their opponent.

Maybe, they can also see their opponent's fighting style in the next round, or even see their opponent's trump card.

Cao Zhen even discovered that unlike the ring battles he had experienced before, it did not mean that after the battle on one side of the ring was over, the next person could jump onto the ring immediately.

Whether it is the Sky Eye Clan or the Orc Clan, they are all waiting for the battle on the last stage to end.

As the monks from the Sky Eye Clan won the last stage of the arena, the Sky Eye Clan also had a slight advantage in the first group of confrontations.

There were sixty-four arenas, among which thirty-three from the Sky Eye clan won, while only thirty-one monks from the Orc clan won.

Moreover, in those arena matches, there are referees below. The referee will take action to save a monk when he may be killed by the opponent.

But there is no referee in today's battle.

The two warring parties were not monks of the same clan.

Although the two clans generally develop peacefully, during battles, monks from one clan may be killed by monks from the other clan.

Cao Zhen was not in a hurry to get on the ring. He waited for a while, and when he was in the fourth group, he directly approached a monk on the opposite side of the orc ring.

There was no particular reason why he chose the orcs in front of him. He just chose an opponent at random.

The opponent was in human form, but his head looked like a monkey's, and his figure definitely looked thin among the orcs.

Of course, compared to the Sky Eye clan, the opponent's arms are much longer.

He also held a long black stick in his hand.

The opponent grabbed the long stick, pointed forward, and said provocatively: "Remember, the monk who defeated you was the monkey tribe, Min Jianbing!"

As he finished speaking, ten vision inner elixirs appeared behind him.

Every inner elixir exudes a violent and ferocious aura.

Cao Zhen was not furious, he just drew out his long sword, looked at the other party and said his inheritance: "Piao Miao Cult, Cao Zhen."

He had also discovered below that after the two races met, they would also inform each other of their origins and names.

As his voice fell, ten vision inner elixirs appeared behind him. The visions in each inner elixir looked the same, and they were all a vision like a round wheel.

Soon, the sixty-four arenas were filled with fighting monks.

The next moment, a ray of light shot out from all the arenas, and a translucent light curtain rose on all six sides of the arena. As this light curtain rose, the battles between the arenas would no longer affect each other.

At the same time, on every stage, both sides took action at the same time.

Min Jianbing raised his leg and stepped hard on the ground, but his whole body seemed to be ejected from a spring, shooting out suddenly at an astonishing speed.

Just in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Cao Zhen. At the same time, he grabbed the long stick tightly with both hands and hit Cao Zhen's head hard.

In the distance, some monks from the monkey tribe were already cheering.

"Min Jianbing is the second strongest monk among our monkey clan. There will be no problem in destroying the monk from the Sky Eye clan."

"That Sky Eye clan doesn't look like a master."

"Look at the Eye Clan that day, they all seemed so frightened that they stood still and didn't move."

"Min Jianbing's speed is extremely fast even in the elixir-forming stage of our entire orc clan, let alone this small Sky Eye clan."

"The visions of the Sky Eye Clan look very ordinary, not strong but normal."

Amidst their laughter, Cao Zhen waved the long sword in his hand on the ring and turned it slightly in the direction where the long stick fell. It seemed that he did not use any force. After the long sword came into contact with the long stick, there was no movement. There was no such clanging sound as the collision of soldiers' energy.

Instead, his long sword guided the opponent's long stick in another direction.

Min Jianbing dropped his stick, and instantly felt that the space where his stick landed seemed to become distorted, and then, his long stick swung to the side uncontrollably.

not good!

Suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, with a look of horror in his eyes.

His long stick fell to the side, and there was no defense in front of him.

The opponent's sharp sword suddenly turned and stabbed straight at his neck.

Min Jianbing was horrified and quickly dodged to the side.

His reaction was fast enough, but the sword was even faster!

A sword passed across and stabbed directly into his neck. Immediately, bright red blood spattered out, and the sharp sword energy rushed straight into his body from his wound, raging crazily.

And all the hair on his entire body had already stood up.

If he had reacted a little slower with that sword strike just now, it would have hit his neck head-on and hit his throat, and the consequences would have been completely different.

Even now, his injuries are not light.

What's more, the other party has no intention of stopping.

Cao Zhen turned the long sword in his hand, almost instinctively, and slashed towards Xiang Xiang.

A blast of cold sword energy shot out, heading straight towards the opponent's chest.

Min Jianbing felt the edge of the sword energy and quickly rolled away to the side. At this time, he no longer cared about being embarrassed or not, as long as he could avoid the opponent's attack, it was enough.

But as he rolled, he discovered that the opponent's sword was always shrouded in front of him.

Sword energy fell down one after another and pierced his body. Although it was not as serious as the first sword, each sword easily cut through the fur on his body and penetrated into his body.

In just a moment, his body was already covered in scars.

The opponent's swordsmanship was too smooth.

It was like an endless tide, one wave after another. Ever since he fell into a disadvantage at the beginning, he had been suppressed by the opponent and could not find any chance to counterattack.


The opponent stabbed with another sword. The sharp sword penetrated his fur, penetrated his ribs, penetrated directly into his body, and penetrated his body.


Min Jianbing couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, and his whole body flew backwards under the huge impact of the sword.

The next moment, he put his hands on the ground and slid forward with all his strength. His whole body suddenly rushed out, but the direction was not in the direction of Cao Zhen but under the ring.

He gave in!

The opponent is not a member of his tribe. If he continues to fight, he will definitely lose. Who knows whether this human being will kill him!

He didn't dare to gamble and had no choice but to admit defeat.

There is no referee in this battle, so shouting to admit defeat may not be effective. After all, the opponent is not one of his tribesmen. If he wants to admit defeat, the best way is to jump off the ring directly.

As he fell off the ring, the rising light curtain above the ring also disappeared, which also meant that the battle was over.

Cao Zhen glanced at the other party, turned around and walked outside. He didn't know if any orc monks had noticed him. He didn't care about it and just returned to the team.

Just after returning, the voice of their deputy leader rang out.

"Have a good rest first. This battle will never end. After the first round is over, the second round will start immediately. There are more monks in the first few rounds, so you still have time to rest. The further you go, the fewer monks you will have. The less time you have to rest, and in the end, you won’t even have time to rest. So, take a good rest now.”

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, and simply did not look at the battle below. Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated.

The deputy leader looked at Cao Zhen, who closed his eyes, with a look of relief on his face. This disciple was really so calm and made him worry-free.

Tell him to rest, he will rest immediately, and he can also enter that resting state instantly.

They have so many disciples in Miao Miao, and many of them also want to rest. However, in this environment, this is not a quiet room for cultivation. Many disciples want to rest, but they cannot calm down.

Also, Cao Zhen just started fighting. Although he was not particularly impressive, from the beginning to the end, Cao Zhen suppressed the opponent. When he fought, he was very steady. He did not give the opponent any chance at all, and finally forced the opponent to admit defeat.

This is the most upright victory.

This kind of fighting method is also the least likely to cause accidents.

Among the disciples of their Piao Miao Sect who came to participate in the inheritance conference this time, the strongest must be Cao Zhen and Zhang Zhaodong who have passed the ninth level of Tongtian Pass.

He also always believed that Zhang Zhaodong was stronger than Cao Zhen.

After all, Zhang Zhaodong has been practicing for a longer time, and Zhang Zhaodong can actually break through. However, for this inheritance conference, Zhang Zhaodong has never made a breakthrough. Instead, he suppressed his cultivation and stayed in the core formation stage to make himself stronger.

But after this battle, his views have changed somewhat.

Now, he is somewhat optimistic about Cao Zhen.

It's because of Cao Zhen's calmness.

The orcs, and perhaps the orcs from other tribes, didn't pay much attention to Min Jianbing's battle, but the monkeys were all watching Min Jianbing's battle.

Seeing Min Jianbing voluntarily admitting defeat, many monkey tribesmen started shouting.

"This, Min Jianbing lost like this?"

"From the beginning to the end, Min Jianbing seemed to have been suppressed and had no chance."

"That Sky Eye Clan is a disciple of the Piao Miao Sect. The Piao Miao Sect is also the great sect of the Sky Eye Clan, so it's normal to lose to the opponent."

"This Tianyan clan must be the genius of the Piao Miao Cult. If anyone encounters him in the next round, be careful."

Among the monkeys, one looked much thinner than the other monkeys, with some blue hair on his body, but he sneered and said: "There is no need to make excuses for him, he will lose if he loses." He's useless!

I remember that Sky Eye Clan, and I will wait for him in the next round to let him know how powerful our Monkey Clan is.

That loser has lost his face, and I'm here to bring it back. "

All around, the monkey clan heard the sound and nodded one after another.

"If Senior Brother takes action, he will definitely win."

"Yes, he still lost a lot of effort in defeating Min Jianbing, but when senior brother defeated him, Min Jianbing only had a few breaths."

Cao Zhen had already entered his own world. He was sitting very close to the ruins, feeling the power of the void emanating from the ruins.

A question arose in my mind.

Everything has reincarnation, so what is the reincarnation of the void?

Or is it that the void is originally reincarnation?

In fact, the reincarnation in the Palace of Reincarnation is more about the reincarnation in time. Whether it is the reincarnation between day and night, the reincarnation of the changing seasons, or the reincarnation of a life from birth to death, all of this is time. Reincarnation.

But there should be reincarnation in space.

The reincarnation of the void is the reincarnation of space.

Cao Zhen vaguely felt that he seemed to have caught something, but for a while he couldn't figure it out.

Just like that, without realizing it, his day and night passed.

The deputy leader's voice also sounded in his mind.

"Cao Zhen, the second round has already begun, and now two groups have finished the battle. Are you ready to play?"

Cao Zhen woke up from his practice when he heard the deputy leader's voice. He looked up at the arena below. At this time, there were sixty-four arenas, and there were monks fighting on one of the arenas.

Soon, on the ring, an orc with a human body and an ox-face blasted away a Sky Eye clan member.

The monks from the Sky Eye Clan also used the flying power to jump off the ring with another force.

In a battle with a foreign race, most monks would jump off the ring and admit defeat if given the chance.

As the battle on this side of the arena ended, the light curtains on each side of the arena also disappeared.

Soon, the monks jumped towards the ring one by one.

This arena seems to be able to automatically identify who has won and who failed before. The monks who have won before can easily jump onto the arena, but the monks who have failed before cannot fall onto the arena.

Cao Zhen found a platform and jumped on it.

He had just landed, and the next moment, a figure fell over.

Monkey clan?

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. Did he poke a hole in the monkey's nest? Why do we meet monks from the monkey tribe one after another?

Or is this coming to you intentionally?

Before he could speak, the monkey clan opposite had already taken out a long stick. Unlike the black stick used by Min Jianbing he met before, this long stick was actually a silver stick.

"People of the Tianyan Clan, remember my name, the Minxing Clan. I will let you know the true power of the Monkey Clan in a moment."

In the distance, the orc monks, after seeing the Min Xing clan flying down, their eyes fell on the ring where Cao Zhen was.

"That boy from the Sky Eye Clan is so unlucky that he was targeted by the Min Xing Clan."

"The Min Xing clan is the strongest monk in the Monkey clan during the pill formation stage."

"I have always heard that the Minxing clan of the monkey clan is strong, but I have never seen him take action. This time I want to see it."

On the side of the Sky Eye Clan, many people also looked at him.

"It's that monkey clan!"

"We have seen that monkey clan attack before, and it was extremely cruel. The monk from our clan almost didn't have a chance to jump off the ring."

"His previous opponent was Egret from the Hundred Birds Sect. Egret's master is a strong man in the True Immortal Realm. I know the strength of Egret very well. He can definitely be ranked among the top ten in the Hundred Birds Sect, but he was beaten in the end. There wasn’t even a chance to fight back.”

"This fellow Taoist is unlucky. Does anyone know this fellow Taoist?"

"I think he came from the Piaomiao Sect."

For a moment, the eyes of many people from the two tribes fell on the ring where Cao Zhen was.

Cao Zhen just looked at the other party without saying a word. Since the other party wanted to find him, he naturally knew his name.

Soon, one hundred and twenty-eight monks were standing on the sixty-four stages.

As rays of light rose, suddenly, rays of light rose.

The mana flowed in the Min Xing clan's body, and their aura surged. His eyes were deep and cold, as if he were an unwavering boulder. The long stick in his hand was like a silver snake, shining with a soul-stirring cold light. In fact, the long stick trembled gently with his breathing, as if the silver snake was spitting out a message.

Cao Zhen was wearing a white gown, with a slender figure and a long sword pointing downwards.

The momentum between the two gradually increased, like huge waves crashing together.

Suddenly, the Min Xing tribe swayed, and their speed was as fast as the wind blowing, and they rushed towards them in an instant.

The long stick in his hand was swung, and the stick technique was violent and fierce, like a mad dragon flying into the sky. As the long sticks danced, the sound of wind sounded like the flapping wings of an eagle covering the sky and the sun, or like a giant tiger roaring in the forest.

The blow was so powerful that the surrounding air seemed unable to withstand the power of the blow and let out waves of low whines.

The sword light in Cao Zhen's hand was flowing, and the sword light was like electricity, flashing with a cold and cold light.

He once again drew a circle forward. It was just a simple movement, but it showed the lightness and ingenuity of his sword skills to the fullest, just like a fish swimming back and forth.

At this moment, the sword and his body seemed to be perfectly integrated.

The next moment, the silver long stick and the long sword collided.

In an instant, there were more than ten clanging sounds of metal colliding.

In just an instant, the magic weapons in their hands collided more than ten times!

The Min Xing clan felt the terrifying force of the shock coming from the long stick, felt the soreness and numbness on their arms, and a look of shock suddenly appeared on their faces.

What a terrifying power!

Generally speaking, the bodies of the orcs are definitely stronger than those of the Sky Eyes, especially when their cultivation is still weak.

After all, after the cultivation level is strong, the Tianyan clan has many magical skills that can make the physical body stronger, but when the cultivation level is weak, everyone relies on the talents of each race.

The power talent of their orc tribe is much higher than that of the Sky Eye tribe.

But now, his power was crushed by the Sky Eye Clan in front of him!

What is going on with this guy?

In the distance, the monks from the two tribes looked at the two fighting men, each with doubts on their faces.

"What's going on? It's obvious that the Min Xing tribe uses long sticks, and his weapons are heavier. Moreover, he is also an orc. In terms of strength, he should have the advantage. Why does it feel like the strength of the Sky Eye tribe is better? he?"

"This Sky Eye Clan didn't notice him before!"

"I noticed him, but his previous opponent, Min Jianbing, was too weak, and I didn't realize that he had such terrifying power."

"Huh? The Min Xing tribe has changed their tactics, their reaction speed is so fast."

"It's really not easy for the Minxing clan to become the strongest monk of the Monkey clan during the pill formation stage."

After the Min Xing clan discovered that Cao Zhen's power was extremely powerful, they instantly changed their thinking. His stick skills were still fierce, but they were no longer overwhelming, but like a storm, attacking quickly and violently. At the same time, his stick techniques Every blow is still full of domineering power.

A series of stick techniques gathered together, like a landslide and tsunami.

Facing his attack, Cao Zhen's sword no longer rounded, but became cunning and agile, his figure flickering.

The light of his sword flickered, as if each sword grasped the truth and falsehood of the Min Xing clan, and each sword struck directly at the Min Xing clan's vital points. The sword light is like autumn water, flowing endlessly.

In the distance, in the direction of Piao Miao Cult, the deputy leader frowned. He had always heard that Cao Zhen was practicing the Sword of Reincarnation.

To put it bluntly, the Sword of Reincarnation is actually mainly about the way of reincarnation, not that Cao Zhen's swordsmanship is so brilliant and exquisite.

Thinking about it, Cao Zhen has only started practicing for a long time, how could he have exquisite swordsmanship.

But now it seems that Cao Zhen has shown such exquisite swordsmanship.

Is this the kind of swordsmanship that someone who has practiced for four or five years can possess?

How did Cao Zhen practice? Even if his master and his senior sister are both good at swordsmanship, that shouldn't be the case!

Also, why didn’t Cao Zhen use the Sword of Reincarnation?

After Cao Zhen felt the weak power of the void before, he suddenly realized that the reincarnation he had always believed was too one-sided.

Then there was something wrong with his Sword of Reincarnation, but he just thought and couldn't imagine what was wrong with his way of reincarnation and the Sword of Reincarnation.

He needs to explore slowly, and fighting is also a process of exploration.

He did not use the Sword of Reincarnation again, but instinctively used sword skills to fight with the opponent, and even explored the way of reincarnation in space during the battle.

The figures of Cao Zhen and Min Xing were intertwined. Both of them were as fast as lightning, and their sword and stick skills were even more rapid.

The sword and the stick collided continuously, making loud noises like thunder.

Slowly, their movements became faster and faster, and their moves became more and more cruel.

Every attack of the Min Xing Tribe carried a huge force that seemed to be able to destroy mountains. His stick skills are unpredictable, sometimes like a flying eagle, sometimes like a cruising python, sometimes as fast as lightning, sometimes as leisurely as the wind.

Every time he swung the sharp sword in Cao Zhen's hand, he seemed to be able to find the weakness of the opponent's stick technique.

But slowly, the speed of the Min Xing clan began to slow down.

Although he is a monk, he is still in the elixir-forming stage after all, and he will be tired. More importantly, his magic power is not unlimited, but Cao Zhen's magic power is unusually long, as if it is endless, and it is not obvious. Any fatigue.

A look of eagerness appeared on the faces of the Min Xing clan. If this continues, sooner or later they will be defeated.

However, it is obviously not a wise move to compete with the other party in spells, not to mention that the monkey tribe is not good at spells either.

However, using the stick method, it was impossible to break through the opponent's defense.

Min Xing's expression gradually became irritable, and he regretted a little. If he had known that the other party was so difficult to deal with, he would never have taken the initiative to provoke him.

But now...

After his mind became impatient, his stick skills also became more impatient, and the flaws became bigger and bigger.

"The other side lost."

In the distance, the deputy leader of the Piao Miao Religion had a smile on his face.

Almost the moment he finished speaking, Cao Zhen suddenly turned to guard and attacked. His sword drew a beautiful arc in the air and stabbed directly into Min Xing's arm, piercing it with one sword.

Then, the second sword, the third sword...

Every time the sword fell, it hit the Min Xing clan's arm accurately.


A crisp sound came out.

After the Minxing tribe was injured one after another, their hands could no longer hold the magic weapon in their hands, and the long stick fell to the ground.

He looked at Cao Zhen who slightly sheathed his sword before stabbing him again. He was horrified and quickly backed away. Without looking back, he rushed to the bottom of the ring as quickly as possible.

All his magic weapons have been knocked out. If he doesn't run away and admit defeat, he will really be beaten to death in the ring.

As he jumped off the ring, screams of surprise could be heard in the distance.

"The Min Xing clan actually lost too!"

"The Min Xing clan is the strongest monk in the Monkey clan during the pill formation stage."

"This monk from the Sky Eye Clan, his swordsmanship is too strong!"

"The swordsmanship is almost impeccable. Although it doesn't give people a particularly amazing feeling, it can't find any weaknesses. The defense can be said to be watertight!"

"Next time you choose your opponent, you should be careful. It's best to avoid this guy from the Sky Eye Clan."

The Sky Eye Clan, especially the people from the Piao Miao Sect, all shouted loudly.


"I didn't expect Cao Zhen's swordsmanship to be so strong!"

"No wonder Cao Zhen was able to pass the ninth level of Tongtian Pass, and he passed the ninth level in both the Immortal Bridge Stage and the Pill Formation Stage!"

All around, the monks from the Sky Eye Clan heard the sound and shouted lowly.

"It turns out that he passed the ninth level of your Piao Miao Cult's Tongtian Pass. No wonder he is so strong!"

"There don't seem to be many people in your Piao Miao Cult who can pass the ninth level during the pill formation stage."

Although they don't know the geniuses in the Piao Miao Sect, they have heard about the Tongtian Pass in the Piao Miao Sect and know how difficult it is to pass the ninth level of the Pill Formation Stage.

"No wonder this person is so strong!"

"However, although he is strong, he may still be a little short of the qualifications to finally enter the ruins and obtain the inheritance."

"Yes, at least judging from the first few rounds, there are two people in our human race who have performed much better than him. They seem to be on two different levels."

"You are talking about Zhang Jianfei from the Yijian Sect and Wu Ming from the Vajra Sect."

"Who else but the two of them! Cao Zhen's swordsmanship is indeed exquisite, but there is still a clear gap compared to Zhang Jianfei."

"This is natural. The Yijian Sect is the number one swordsmanship sect of our Tianyan clan. How can he compare with Zhang Jianfei?"

"The Vajra Sect is our Heavenly Eye Clan, the largest physical sect. So in the end, whether our Heavenly Eye Clan can get the final inheritance depends on the two of them."

"However, there are two scary guys on the orc side, one is the lion guy, and the other is the black unicorn!"

"Yeah, I don't know why, but there is a black Qilin. The Qilin clan has always been a very powerful clan of the orcs.

However, this was the first time I saw a black unicorn. Moreover, that man Qilin was really cruel. In the previous two rounds, his opponents were directly killed by him in each round without even a chance to admit defeat. "

While everyone was talking, the next group's battle had already begun.

Cao Zhen did not participate in everyone's discussion, but began to close his eyes and recall the battle just now, and continued to think about his way of reincarnation, until a series of voices came and woke him up.

"It starts again."

"That Qilin, he is trying to kill the monks of our Sky Eye Clan again!"

"Damn guy, is there no one who can kill him?"

"Where are Zhang Jianfei and Wu Ming? Why don't they go against this unicorn?"

Cao Zhen heard the sound and looked towards the ring in the distance.

On the ring, a human monk fell to the ground, with a deep wound on his chest that penetrated his entire body.

A black unicorn held a long black knife and walked step by step towards the human being Xiu Xiu who fell on the ground. His humanoid body exuded an extremely evil aura.

Compared to the Sky-Eye clan, his body was much taller, and his black scales shone with a cold light. His head was extremely ferocious, and his eyes were filled with endless cruelty and madness.

He walked up to the human monk and did not take action immediately. Instead, he looked down at the other person, as if he was laughing at the other person's insignificance and powerlessness.

On the ground, the human monk had obviously lost his fighting ability. He wanted to escape from the ring, but at this time, he didn't even have the strength to move.

The next moment, the long knife suddenly slashed down.

The human monk let out a shrill scream, and his entire body was torn apart by the medium and soft parts. Blood spurted out, and it sprayed directly into the face of the black unicorn.

Black Qilin felt the blood, and his expression became more and more crazy. He seemed to be enjoying the taste of blood. He even stuck out his tongue to add blood to his face, then laughed, turned and walked away .

"Damn it! He is insulting our monks from the Sky Eye Clan!"

"Who can stop him!"

"Isn't he afraid of provoking a war between our two clans?"

The monks from the Sky Eye Clan cursed loudly, but at the same time, Cao Zhen also saw a kind of fear in everyone's eyes.

They were all afraid that they would encounter this ferocious black unicorn after entering the next round.

Cao Zhen frowned slightly. Although he was not a member of the Sky Eye Clan, the Sky Eye Clan looked no different from their human race except for their eyes, and he was now in the Sky Eye Clan's great religion.

Among his disciples, everyone regarded him as a relative.

He has already had a sense of belonging to the Sky Eye Clan.

At this time, this unicorn was killing the monks of the Sky Eye Clan.

In the next round, he will face this unicorn.

Seeing that this group of battles was over, Cao Zhen quickly jumped onto the ring and had his third round of fighting. This time, his opponent was finally no longer a monkey.

But a tribe of bears.

The opponent was weaker than the monkey clan he met in the first round. He defeated the opponent easily and waited for the fourth round.

After each round, half of the remaining monks will be left, so the time of each round of fighting is getting shorter and shorter.

Cao Zhen didn't wait long. The fourth round of the battle had already begun, and he was staring at the opposite position, waiting for Black Qilin to enter the ring.

However, the next moment Black Qilin jumped onto the ring, but it was not an empty ring. Instead, he directly chose a ring occupied by the Sky Eye Clan, and his chosen opponent was Zhang Zhaodong!

Piao Miao taught one side, but everyone's expressions changed drastically.


"He, he actually fell directly onto the ring of Senior Brother Zhang Zhaodong."

"What should I do? I'm afraid senior brother Zhang Zhaodong is no match for this black unicorn."

"Senior Brother Zhang is in danger."

The deputy leader of the Piaomiao Religion also had a look of urgency on his face, but he had no choice at this time.

He even reminded Zhang Zhaodong that if he lost, he would not have the chance to jump off the ring immediately.

As long as you enter the arena, you will not hear any sounds from the outside world, even if the sound is transmitted into the secret.

On the ring, Zhang Zhaodong saw Black Qilin boarding the ring where he was, and his face instantly became solemn.

Opposite him, Black Qilin had a cruel smile on his face and said with a ferocious smile: "Those Sky-Eye Clan before were so useless.

You do have some fun, but for a while, you have to hold on for a little longer and don't let me down. "

As he spoke, he laughed again, his laughter full of cruelty and madness.

It seems that in his eyes, this is not a battle at all, not a fight for the opportunity to enter the ruins and obtain inheritance.

This seemed to be his playground, a playground where he could kill without mercy.

Zhang Zhaodong listened to the other party's unbridled laughter, holding a long sword that shone with cold light tightly in his palm, and a firm light appeared in his eyes.

Yes, he admitted that this black unicorn was very strong, but he, Zhang Zhaodong, had also passed the Tongtian Pass, the ninth level!

No matter how strong this black unicorn is, it is only in the pill forming stage.

He had gone through the tenth level of the Tongtian Pass and faced powerful beings in the Golden Core stage.

No matter how strong the black unicorn is, can it be as strong as a being in the golden elixir stage?

He has fought against the golden elixir stage, but he is still afraid of such an opponent in the elixir formation stage!

Looking at the opposite side, he looked like a demon, standing steadily on the ring with both feet and holding a sharp long knife in the black unicorn.

Zhang Zhaodong's aura continued to rise, and his fighting spirit soared to the sky.

As the surrounding light curtains rose, the battle officially began.

Zhang Zhaodong launched the attack first, thrusting the long sword in his hand towards the void on the opposite side. In an instant, sharp sword energy flew out from the long sword. Each sword energy seemed to be able to penetrate the mountains. Every sword energy, All as fast as lightning.

The entire long sword was trembling rapidly.

His magical weapons contain magical powers!

At the same time, he waved his hands rapidly, and the next moment, a bolt of thunder suddenly flew out of his hands and directly hit the black unicorn on the opposite side.

In just one moment, he had already launched two attacks!

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