Within the Piao Miao Sect, the disciples who participate in the Void Clan inheritance conference are all determined based on the number of levels the disciples have passed through the Tongtian Pass.

Therefore, Tongtian Pass is very busy before the start of every inheritance conference, even if there are many fewer disciples in the Earth Immortal Realm than in the Golden Core Stage.

After Immortal Wuhui knew that his disciple Cao Zhen was going to break through the Tongtian Pass, he naturally took his disciples to accompany him.

There were just too many people crossing the barrier, and there were even more than ten people in front of Cao Zhen.

Everyone around them also looked over after seeing Cao Zhen's arrival.

"Cao Zhen?"

"For him to come here at this time is obviously to break through."

"In just one hundred years, has he reached the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm again?"

"It shouldn't be possible. This is the Earthly Immortal Realm. It can already be called an immortal!"

"I'm really curious and want to see what level he can get through."

As everyone was talking, many people looked at the people lined up in front of Cao Zhen and shouted: "Brothers and brothers, why don't you give in a little and let Cao Zhen go through the barrier first. Anyway, it won't take long."

"Yes, everyone wants to see how far Cao Zhen can pass."

"Everyone, I think you are also curious."

Among the monks in front of Cao Zhen, someone heard the sound and immediately responded.

"I don't have a problem."

"I don't have a problem either."

"I'm curious too, so I can put him in front of me."

He was not really curious, and after speaking one after another, Cao Zhen quickly moved to the front of the queue.

After the monk in front of him finished breaking through the level, he immediately entered the Tongtian Pass in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Soon, a candle lit up beside the bridge, and before anyone could see clearly, a second candle lit up.

"So fast?"

"What happened? Didn't he just enter the Tongtian Pass? Why did the candles in the second level light up immediately? Did he break through the level so fast?"

"No, look, the candles in the third level are also lit."

"This... what speed is this? This is a direct kill!"

"If he has the strength to pass the eighth level, or even the seventh level, it seems normal to pass the level so quickly."

"The eighth level? How is it possible? How could Cao Zhen have cultivated to that level in a hundred years!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, the candles beside the bridge were lit one after another. No matter which level it was in, the speed of lighting the candles did not slow down at all.

"It's the eighth level. He has already entered the eighth level. This is too fast!"

"He passed the seventh level just now, and it was no different from the first and second levels before."

"The seventh level passed so easily, so there will be no problem in the eighth level!"

"No, what is this! He has already passed the eighth level. The speed is still the same as the previous one. This is the eighth level!"

"I remember that when Cao Zhen went to the Tongtian Pass in the Immortal Bridge Stage, the Pill Formation Stage, and the Golden Pill Stage, he was not so fast!"

"With such speed, so to speak, even the ninth level won't be able to beat him?"

"How far has he cultivated now!"

"With such a fast speed, do you think it is possible for him to pass the tenth level!"

After saying this, everyone around was frightened by this sentence. They instinctively thought that it was impossible. How could it be possible for someone to go from entering the Earthly Fairyland to possessing the tenth level in the Earthly Fairyland in just one hundred years? Guan’s strength?

However, they could not say that it was impossible.

Cao Zhen's speed through the barrier was too fast. With such a fast speed, it was obvious that Cao Zhen passed through very easily.

Fortunately, in this ninth level, Cao Zhen's speed was finally not so fast.

However, not long after, the candle at the tenth level was also lit.

"Is the ninth level so fast?"

"Although, it feels like the speed at which he passed the ninth level was a little slower than before, but it wasn't too much slower."

"He can't really pass the tenth level, can he?"

Each monk was surprised and informed their senior brothers, senior sisters, and elders about the news.

Even Immortal Wuhui and even Immortal Wuxin were completely shocked.

Although Immortal Wu Xin heard Cao Zhen say that she wanted to go to the Tongtian Pass in the Immortal Realm, she never expected that Cao Zhen could go through the pass so fast.

"Master, Senior Sister..." Venerable Youxin looked back at the two of them in shock and said, "Little Junior Brother, is he really going to pass the tenth level?

You, what magic weapon did you give to my junior brother to help him break through the barrier so quickly? "

Wuhui Immortal Lord was also slightly in a daze. When she heard her disciple's words, she shook her head slightly and said, "I didn't give your little junior brother a magic weapon. At most, I just gave him some guidance."

As a master, she is really not competent enough. She only occasionally gives Cao Zhen advice on the way of time reincarnation, and it really only gives some advice. Cao Zhen spends most of his time practicing on his own. As for the magic weapon, she really The money was not given to Cao Zhen.

It's not that she has no magic weapon, nor is she stingy, but she is waiting for Cao Zhen to come to her, and then she is looking at what magic weapon is suitable for Cao Zhen.

The magic weapon does not only depend on its grade, but also whether the magic weapon is suitable for you.

"I didn't give your junior brother a magic weapon, or did Wuxin give him a magic weapon?" Immortal Wuhui turned back to look at Immortal Wuxin. The reason why she gave Cao Zhen so few instructions was also related to Immortal Wuxin.

She knows that Immortal Wuxin attaches great importance to Cao Zhen and has been guiding Cao Zhen in his cultivation. She is reassured by Immortal Wuxin. After all, Immortal Wuxin also exists in the true fairyland. There is still no problem in guiding Cao Zhen in the earthly fairyland.

Upon hearing this, Venerable Youxin immediately looked at his senior sister and said with full of grievance: "Senior sister, I asked you for a magic weapon, but you didn't give it to me. You said you had to fight for it yourself.

When I got to my junior brother, you actually gave him such a powerful magic weapon. "

His junior brother must have obtained a top-notch magic weapon to break through the level so quickly.

"Who said I gave him a magic weapon! Let me tell you, don't just think about the magic weapon all day long. They are all external forces, and everything has to rely on yourself." Wu Xinxianjun gave the Venerable Youxin a fierce look. What kind of magic weapon is not a magic weapon? Yes, Cao Zhen still needs to give him a magic weapon?

It’s enough for him to give himself a magic weapon!

Inside Tongtian Pass.

Cao Zhen was already fighting the phantom in the tenth level.

The opponent's fairy mountain is three thousand feet high, and his body is twice as tall as his.

Cao Zhen's fairy mountain is five hundred feet high.

Feeling the power of the spell cast by Xuying, a solemn look appeared on Cao Zhen's face. Under normal circumstances, he showed a 500-foot fairy mountain. Xuying's fairy mountain should be twice as long as his, exactly one. A thousand-foot fairy mountain is right.

A thousand-foot fairy mountain is definitely not as powerful as his fairy mountain.

After all, his fairy mountain is constantly compressed, whether it is the width or height of the fairy mountain, everything is compressed.

However, the phantom's fairy mountain was actually three thousand feet tall, so the phantom's fairy energy intensity was exactly twice that of his.

It's really difficult.

"Take out your magic weapon, otherwise, you cannot be my opponent."

Opposite Cao Zhen, the shadow said as he released a series of biting wind blades and fell towards Cao Zhen.

The power and immortality of the shadow will be twice that of the breaker, but the spells cast will not be the same.

After all, if the spells are the same, then how can the challenger win against an opponent whose cultivation level is one level higher than his own, and whose strength and immortal energy are twice his own?

The only way they want to win is to have a deeper understanding of Dao, stronger spells or swordsmanship, and to far surpass Phantom.

But this shadow's spells, swordsmanship, etc. have all reached a higher level of cultivation.

Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for spells and swordsmanship to reach the level shown by the phantom in the tenth level, let alone far exceed it.

Even at the tenth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, only one person has broken through it in the past ten thousand years.

That is the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord.

What she relies on is the way of reincarnation, and Cao Zhen also uses the way of reincarnation.

With a wave of his palm, the space around him suddenly rotated slightly. Wind blades that could easily destroy mountains entered the space, but suddenly deflected and disappeared without a trace.

But the next moment, the void suddenly opened beside the shadow.

Wind blades suddenly struck from his side.

It was the wind blade he shot himself.

This wind blade came so suddenly, he did not expect that the wind blade would suddenly appear, and he was caught off guard, and his body was immediately penetrated by the wind blades.

The void can be reincarnated, so it can naturally be done so that everything in one space can be transferred to another space.

After Cao Zhenshi finished his reincarnation, his figure quickly flew out, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed towards the phantom opposite.

His long sword clearly seemed to be some distance away from the shadow, but the next moment, his long sword appeared in front of the shadow and pierced into it.

Cao Zhen did not use the Tao he had learned before. It was not that he did not intend to use those Tao, but it was not necessary.

His current strength far exceeds that of his former fellow disciples.

Just using the current way is enough to pass the tenth level of Tongtian Pass. Why should he use the previous way?

Although the opponent's immortal energy is stronger and the opponent's physical body is stronger, his Tao has steadily suppressed the opponent. From the beginning of the battle, after he had the advantage, he has been suppressing the opponent's shadow.

In particular, as Phantom continues to be injured, Phantom's power becomes weaker and weaker, and his advantage becomes greater and greater.

Outside Tongtian Pass, more and more monks gathered. After learning that Cao Zhen broke into the tenth floor of Tongtian Pass at an extremely fast speed, the monks rushed over one after another.

And the more they looked, the more surprised they became.

"Still fighting!"

"Did it last this long?"

"After a while, even if Cao Zhen is defeated, it can last for such a long time, which means that Cao Zhen already has the strength to fight against Guixianjing."

"So, tell me, if Cao Zhen loses, will our senior leaders of Piao Miao Religion still prevent Cao Zhen from participating in the inheritance conference?"

"It's hard to say unless..."

As everyone was talking, their words suddenly stopped, and the whole world became extremely quiet.

On the Immortal Bridge, ten lit candles suddenly bloomed with extremely bright light at this moment, and the light was so powerful that it instantly covered the entire Piao Miao Sect.

The shadows of ten candles appeared in the sky above the entire Piao Miao Sect.

Although many people came to Tongtian Pass to watch Cao Zhen break through the tenth level, but within the Piao Miao Sect, more monks were still doing their own things. They didn't even know that someone was breaking through the tenth level of Tongtian Pass.

At this time, everyone saw the shadows of ten candles emerging from the void. They all looked up in shock and looked into the void.

"This is... someone has broken through the tenth level of Tongtian Pass!"

"Which level of Tongtian Pass is it?"

"Who is it? Who can do it and pass the tenth level!"

"The last person to pass the tenth level was the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord!"

"Could it be said that our Piao Miao Sect is going to give birth to another master like the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord?"

"God bless the Piaomiao Sect, our great sect has appeared again, a genius who can pass the tenth level!"

"Hurry up and see who passed the tenth level of Tongtian Pass!"

One by one, the monks of the Piao Miao Sect, whether they were monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm, monks in the stronger Immortal Realm, or even those in the True Immortal Realm, flew towards Tongtian Pass.

Even the monks in the Golden Fairy Realm were alarmed and flew out.

There are really too few monks who have passed the tenth level of Tongtian Pass, and in the history of their Piao Miao Sect, all the monks who can pass the tenth level of Tongtian Pass, no matter which level of Tongtian Pass they pass, as long as they don’t die unexpectedly , eventually became the mainstay of their Piao Miao Cult!

That is no longer a matter of becoming a golden immortal, but becoming the most top existence of the same era!

On the edge of the bridge at Tongtian Pass, all the monks looked at the ten shadows of candles in the void, and all of them were not only amazed, but also amazed!

"Cao Zhen, he passed the tenth level!"

"It took him a hundred years to become an Earth Immortal. It didn't even take a hundred years, but he passed the Tongtian Pass!"

"What kind of talent is this!"

"Is this really not an immortal body?"

"It's scary enough to be able to reach the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm in such a short period of time. It would be better for him to directly clear the Heavenly Pass in the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

Even though we had the intention, we were all dumbfounded: "This... junior brother actually did it! Junior brother, is he so strong? This... if this continues, it seems that junior brother will be able to surpass me soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the disdainful voice of Wuxin Immortal Lord sounded from the side: "Maybe you can be more confident and don't have to be very fast. He may have surpassed you now.

After all, he passed the tenth level and proved that he could defeat the monks who returned to the Immortal Realm. Moreover, you should know that the more powerful a person is, the more difficult it is to pass the ninth and tenth levels.

Because their opponents are based on their strength, what Cao Zhen defeated was not an ordinary Guixianjing, and you... you should know whether you are an ordinary Guixianjing. "

"Of course I am not an ordinary returner to the fairyland." Venerable Youxin didn't believe it. Cao Zhen was stronger than himself now.

However, he really felt that after some time, for example, five hundred or one thousand years later, Cao Zhen could really defeat him.

Amid everyone's exclamations, Cao Zhen's figure emerged from the bridge.

On this day, all the monks in the entire Piao Miao Cult knew that Cao Zhen had passed the tenth level of Tongtian Pass.

At the same time, the top leaders of the Piaomiao Religion issued an order to prohibit anyone from leaking the news that Cao Zhen had passed the tenth level of Tongtian Pass.

They want to protect Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen has already passed the tenth level of Tongtian Pass, so naturally they will not stop Cao Zhen from going to the inheritance ruins of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

And if the news spreads, those orc monks will definitely take action in advance and prevent Cao Zhen from participating in the ring battle.

However, they themselves also knew that this news probably could not be concealed.

After all, there are too many disciples of their great sect. Among so many disciples, there must be spies from other great sects and even the orcs.

In just one day, Cao Zhen passed the Piaomiao Sect, and the news of the tenth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm spread throughout the entire cultivation world!

The great sects of the human race were just amazed that the Piaomiao Sect had another genius, and they were amazed at the luck of the Piaomiao Sect.

But the various tribes of the orcs were greatly shocked!

"Everyone, we all know how powerful the Piaomiao Sect is. As for the Tongtian Pass of the Piaomiao Sect, although we have not passed through it, we also know how difficult it is to pass the Tongtian Pass.

The last monk in the Piaomiao Sect who passed the tenth level of Tongtian Pass was Tianlun Immortal Lord. The Tianlun Immortal Lord also passed through the Tongtian Pass in the Earthly Immortal Realm!

I don’t think I need to say more about how powerful Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord is.

In all the Golden Immortals, no monk dares to say that he is completely sure of defeating the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord! "

"If this Cao Zhen becomes the next Tianlun Immortal Lord, we will be even more passive when facing their Sky Eye Clan.

What's more, that Cao Zhen also received two inheritances from the Void Clan.

No, it should be said to be the third inheritance. If he can pass the tenth level, then I am afraid that no monk from any of our clans will be able to stop him. "

A tall and mighty monk with a tiger's head raised proudly, revealing a terrifying aura. The monk with a body and a tiger's head looked solemnly and looked around.

The most special thing about him is the pair of huge and powerful tiger wings on his back.

Not far away, a monk who was much smaller in stature and full of cunning aura, with the body of a fox and the head of a fox, was holding a string of delicate bells. While playing with them gently, he said: "We cannot let the Sky Eye Clan Gain the inheritance of the Void Clan again.

However, he is a disciple of the Piaomiao Religion. If he participates in the inheritance conference, the Piaomiao Religion will definitely protect him with all its experts.

Not to mention anything else, it’s just that the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord is here, so we can’t take action.

Therefore, the only way is to kill Cao Zhen before the battle in the arena. However, I believe that the Tianyan clan will also try their best to protect Cao Zhen.

However, the Tianyan clan is not monolithic, and it is impossible for all the monks of the great religion to protect Cao Zhen with all their strength.

Therefore, when the time comes, as long as all our tribes unite and kill Cao Zhen together, we will definitely find Cao Zhen and kill him.

The key is to unite all ethnic groups. "

As soon as she finished speaking, the top leaders of the various orc tribes all around spoke.

"All our races will definitely be involved in this matter."

"If any clan does not contribute, then it will be expelled from our orc clan!"

"It's not about using your strength, it's about using your full strength!"

Cao Zhen is only in the Earthly Immortal Realm now, and he has been cultivating since he entered the Piaomiao Sect, so he has not met many senior leaders of the Piaomiao Sect.

This time, he saw almost all the senior officials in Piao Miao Sect.

And the reason why they came to Cao Zhen is also very simple.

"You have passed the tenth level of Tongtian Pass. If you participate in the inheritance conference, you have a very high chance of obtaining the final inheritance. Naturally, we cannot advise you to give up.

But you should also be aware of your current situation. If you participate, the orcs will definitely try their best to kill you before you participate in the arena battle.

We can only ask the disciples of our Piao Miao Sect to cooperate with you, but the disciples of other big sects may not be so attentive. "

After listening to the words of the deputy leader, Cao Zhen quickly waved his hands and said: "Deputy leader, it doesn't have to be like this. If that happens, how many disciples of our great sect will die.

In fact, you don't have to pay attention to me at all then, they won't be able to find me. "

As he spoke, he paused slightly, and then said: "I have received the inheritance of the Void Clan. In addition to the Void Art, the Void Clan's inheritance also has a spell to change appearance.

Before, I was only in the golden elixir stage and couldn't cast it, but after entering the Earthly Immortal Realm, I was able to cast that spell.

At that time, I changed my appearance, and those orcs were just like me, but they couldn't find me in the earthly fairyland. "

If he and the people of the Piaomiao Religion faced the orcs, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to stop the opponent, and even the disciples of the Piaomiao Religion would die as a result.

It's better to just change your appearance.

And his spells were all passed down to him by his master. Naturally, he cannot say that they were taught to him by his master or senior sister.

Then, he has not gone out on adventures, and he cannot say that he has had adventures. He can only say that he got it from the inheritance of the Void Clan.

All around, everyone looked surprised when they heard the sound.

"The Void Clan still has this kind of inheritance. You can use it and we can take a look. Naturally, we will suppress our own cultivation and become an earthly fairyland."

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, he could only cast a spell to change his appearance.

But in an instant, he changed from his original appearance to a completely unfamiliar face.

"Huh? You really can't tell."

"This spell is indeed magical!"

"This way, they won't be able to target you before the arena match."

"But remember, you must not change your appearance before entering that Little Thousand World. They have masters from the Golden Fairy Realm. If you change your appearance in advance, they will know that you are behind the scenes."

Everyone felt relieved.

The day of departure soon came, and this time the team was still led by the deputy leader. In addition, there were also two masters from the Golden Fairy Realm such as Tianlun Xianjun.

This is the third time Cao Zhen has participated in the inheritance conference of the Void Clan.

But unlike the previous two times, this time when he arrived here, all the orcs on the opposite side looked over.

"That is Cao Zhen!"

"He actually dared to come!"

"Since he has such strength, he naturally wants to compete for it again and obtain the third inheritance."

"Any monk would come, but he would never stand a chance."

"All of us orc monks are looking for him together. He can't hide at all."

"No matter what, we must kill him in the Small Thousand Worlds!"

Near the Piaomiao Sect, the monks from the great sect looked at the Piaomiao Sect with surprise.

They had not received a request from the Piao Miao Cult to assist and protect Cao Zhen before, and they even thought that Cao Zhen would not come this time.

In the end, Cao Zhen came anyway.

And the Piaomiao Cult didn't ask them for help. What's going on?

The Piaomiao Sect is the top sect of their Sky Eye Clan, and there are some great sects that have a very good relationship with the Piaomiao Sect. Moreover, everyone is from the Sky Eye Clan. Although they will not help wholeheartedly, they see that it is impossible not to intervene. I'll still be able to help a little bit.

As a result, the Piaomiao Sect has not come to them even now. What do the Piaomiao Sect think? Do they still want to sacrifice this Cao Zhen?

That's absolutely impossible!

If the Piaomiao Religion is not sure that it is impossible for Cao Zhen to come to the conference, then what is their back-up plan?

Under the confused gazes of the high-level cultivators, all the monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm entered the Small Thousand World.

Cao Zhen immediately cast a spell, changed his appearance, and then walked away.

The orc monks started searching quickly.

Just slowly, half a day passed, and they still found nothing.

But they still did not take the initiative to kill those tentacle monsters, but continued to search.

However, one day later, let alone seeing Cao Zhen, they had never heard of Cao Zhen's whereabouts.

"what happened?"

"Where's that Cao Zhen? Why does it seem like he's evaporated?"

"It's been a day, and all of us orcs are looking everywhere, but we still haven't seen him!"

"Damn it, we clearly saw Cao Zhen enter here."

"Did he use some magic weapon to change his appearance?"

"That's useless. We even bring a magic weapon specially for detection. As long as he is in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he will never be able to escape the detection of the magic weapon in our hands!"

"Then how did he disappear?"

"It's already the second day. We can't continue searching. If we continue to search, we won't have time to kill those tentacle monsters."

By the third day, most of the orc monks stopped searching. If they continued searching, they would not even be qualified to participate in the arena competition.

What's more, if they were sure they could find Cao Zhen, it would be fine. They didn't even see Cao Zhen's shadow, so there was no point in continuing to search.

Before I knew it, three days passed.

On the first day, Cao Zhen killed a hundred tentacle monsters from the Earthly Immortal Realm, and then started wandering around.

On the third day, when time was about to end, he returned to his original appearance, and together with many monks, he was teleported to the front of the arena.

As soon as he landed, the eyes from all around fell on him.

"Cao Zhen?"

"He's still alive!"

"So many monks are attacking him, but he's okay?"

"What else will they do!"

The top leaders of the orc clan looked at the fairyland in their clan.

And the faces of the orcs in the fairyland were full of aggrievedness.

"We searched. We searched for Cao Zhen for two days, but we couldn't find him at all."

"Yeah, that Cao Zhen didn't know how to use force, he just disappeared."

"Deputy leader, in order to find Cao Zhen, I even missed the opportunity to kill the tentacle monster. Now, I am not qualified to participate in the ring battle."

On the human side, the monks from the Immortal Realm also told the senior leaders of their great religion what had happened in the Little Thousand World these days.

"Those orc monks have been looking for something."

"They should be looking for Cao Zhen."

"We didn't see any big fighting happening."

"Cao Zhen should be hiding."

Amid everyone's discussion, the light curtain above the arena rose.

Cao Zhen immediately flew up and landed on one of the arenas. On the side of the Sky Eye Clan, other monks also flew out and occupied the other thirty-one arenas.

The orcs on the opposite side also occupied thirty-two arenas.

Soon, two monks appeared on every stage except the one where Cao Zhen was.

As for Cao Zhen's side of the arena, no orc monks flew up from the beginning to the end.

The last time he participated in the inheritance conference of the Golden Core Stage, at least in the first round, Blue Qilin took the initiative to fly to the arena where he was, but this time, from the first round, no orc monks fell into the arena. He's in the ring.

Cao Zhen, that person has passed through the tenth level of Piao Miao Sect's Tongtian Pass. Who can find excitement to challenge Cao Zhen.

Soon, a suction force flew out from the ring where Cao Zhen was, and soon, a monk with a body and a bear's head flew down to the ring where Cao Zhen was.

"Oh? It's Xiong Ba."

"Xiong Ba is also a very powerful existence in our clan's Earthly Immortal Realm."

"Okay, we just heard that Cao Zhen is strong, but we don't know how strong Cao Zhen is. Let Xiong Ba see first how strong Cao Zhen is."


Xiong Ba fell on the ring and looked at Cao Zhen across from him. He secretly thought that he was unlucky. Why did he meet Cao Zhen? What else could he say when he met this evil star.

As the light curtain above the ring where he was standing rose, he immediately wanted to jump outside the ring.

He had heard that in the previous Golden Core Stage inheritance conference, the orc monks who met Cao Zhen immediately chose to jump off the ring and admit defeat.

On the orc side, the monks who were still waiting for Xiong Ba to detect Cao Zhen were all stunned for a moment.

"Xiong Ba, what is he doing!"

"Too cowardly!"

"Doesn't he even have the courage to fight?"

For a moment, all the orcs began to curse, but because of the light screen in the arena, no matter how they cursed, Xiong Ba couldn't hear them.

Therefore, they kept cursing until the light curtain disappeared. When Xiong Ba walked out of the ring, the curses increased instantly.

"Xiong Ba, you are simply embarrassing our clan!"

"Xiong Ba, you are a coward!"

"Xiong Ba, you gave up before fighting!"

When Xiong Ba heard the curses from his fellow tribesmen, his face instantly dropped. He stretched out a finger to point at the most violent place and said sarcastically: "You are not afraid, are you? You are not afraid, why were you hiding behind just now? , why don’t you take the initiative to challenge Cao Zhen?

Or, if he chooses you to fight with him, don’t retreat! "

Cao Zhen was too lazy to pay attention to these things about the orcs. If there was no battle, there would be no battle, and he was happy and leisurely.

It seems that because of him, too many orcs missed the opportunity to kill the tentacle monsters because of searching for him. Therefore, this time, the number of monks from the orcs who entered the arena was obviously much less than that of the Sky Eyes.

And when the second round began, there was still no orc monk jumping onto the ring where he was.

And the orc monk who was forced to choose, just like Xiong Ba before him, jumped off the ring the moment the game started.

After several consecutive rounds, all his opponents jumped off the ring.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer monks left, and he didn't know how many rounds had been carried out.

Finally, there was a monk with a human body and a pig face. Instead of jumping off the ring immediately, he released his fairy mountain.

As his aura continued to rise, hot flames spurted out from his palms, and the red light dyed the entire arena red.

As the flames danced, the temperature increased rapidly, and the sound of burning resounded. It seemed that the entire space of the arena was cracked open by the flames.

The endless sea of ​​fire flew towards Cao Zhen.

Seeing that these seas of fire were about to wrap up Cao Zhen, the raging flames suddenly disappeared from Cao Zhen's side.

The next moment, in front of the monk with a human body and a pig face, endless heat waves suddenly appeared and burned towards him.

"What's happening here!"

"Why did these flames suddenly return?"

"What did Cao Zhen do?"

"However, these are the flames released by Zhu Lutai. Even if these flames return, they will not burn him."

On the ring, Zhu Lutai did not expect that the flames would suddenly return. Looking at the sudden appearance of the flames, a look of horror appeared on his face, and then he felt relieved.

The flames he releases will not attack him...

Um? No, this sword!

Suddenly, a sharp sword suddenly appeared in his sight.

This sword is not fast, it does not have astonishing speed, and it does not have lightning-fast power.

He could even see the sword tip moving forward slowly, like a practitioner walking in the world, walking calmly and not impatiently.

However, this slow rhythm exudes an unfathomable power, and this sword seems to contain thousands of changes.

He also had the illusion that as long as he was stabbed by this sword, he would definitely die!

However, how could such a slow sword hit him!

He swayed and was about to dodge to the side, but as soon as his body moved, his eyes suddenly widened.

This sharp sword cut through the air, and an invisible pressure filled the air.

At this moment, the space seemed to become heavier, and the void trembled.

What was even more terrifying was that this seemingly slow sword suddenly seemed to break through the limitations of space, appeared directly in front of him, and instantly pierced his neck!

In an instant, everything seemed to collapse wherever the sword touched. The cold blade completely penetrated his neck, and the terrifying power impacted all around.

The next moment, his huge head flew away from his neck and landed on the ring.

Cao Zhen sheathed his sword and shook his head slightly, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

With his current strength in the Earthly Fairyland, it couldn't be easier to just kill the opponent instantly.

Not to mention it was just an Earthly Immortal Realm, even if the opponent was in the early stage of the Immortal Realm, he could kill him in an instant.

The problem is that with the method of reincarnation he cast, although he can return the opponent's spells, those are the opponent's flames, and those flames are useless to the opponent.

Some spells can attack the opponent after returning, but there are also some spells that have no effect after returning.

Therefore, he needs to continue to improve his method of reincarnation and find a way so that no matter what spell it is, those spells will return to attack the opponent after he returns.

As for killing a monk on the other side.

If he kills him, he will kill him. Since the other party wants to kill him in the Small Thousand World, then he will naturally kill the other monks as long as there is a chance in the arena.

Outside the ring, all the monks were still looking at the sword that suddenly appeared, and each of them frowned.

"The Way of the Void, this is the Way of the Void. He used the Way of the Void to make his own sword, which should still be far away, appear directly in front of the opponent."

"It should be the way of the void, but what about before? How did he return Zhu Lutai's attack before?"

"The Way of the Void of Reincarnation, he not only used the Way of the Void, but also the Way of Reincarnation. I remember that when he was in the golden elixir stage, he could only cause changes in the void around him, making the opponent's attacks easier.

Now after entering the Earthly Immortal Realm, he can directly let the opponent's attack fly back and attack the monk who releases the spell.

This change is too big! If he is allowed to get another inheritance, what changes will happen to his way of reincarnation in the void! "

"How are you going to fight this man? Spells are useless against him, but his attacks are hard to guard against!"

As the battle ended, the remaining opponents who met Cao Zhen began to choose to jump off the ring again.

Only when he entered the semi-finals, the monk he met seemed to be really dissatisfied and wanted to challenge him, but the result was the same, he was killed instantly by him.

And his opponent in the last round was no longer an opponent of the orcs, but a monk from the Sky Eye Clan.

Cao Zhen easily knocked the opponent out of the ring and won the first place in the inheritance competition again.

"It's him again!"

"It's Cao Zhen again!"

"Three consecutive inheritances were all obtained by a monk!"

"This guy from the Sky Eye Clan is already so powerful. What will happen when he gets the third inheritance!"

"The Sky Eye Clan, another genius is about to appear!"

Cao Zhen had already flown into the heritage ruins. This time, he was no longer flying in the void, but saw a black hole in the void. Then the black hole began to slowly change, evolving into endless Void.

"Is this the evolution of the void? The extension of the void..."

Cao Zhen unknowingly fell into a mysterious and mysterious state. After a long time, when he woke up, he appeared outside the ruins.

However, this time, Tianlun Immortal Lord did not immediately fly to his side and take him into the flying boat like before.

Instead, the deputy leader of their Piao Miao Cult flew to his side and protected him as he returned to the flying boat.

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