Now, the entire world of cultivation is talking about Cao Zhen, the monk who has won the Void Clan three times in a row.

Especially this last time, only after a hundred years, he was able to break through directly from the golden elixir stage to the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm, and still possess such heaven-defying combat power.

Of course, all the monks also knew that this was the end of Cao Zhen.

Although it is said that the remaining inheritance of Gui Xian Realm will not be opened until five hundred years later.

However, the Returning Immortal Realm and the Earthly Immortal Realm are completely different. Breaking through to enter the Returning Immortal Realm requires understanding and accumulation of the Great Dao. It does not mean that one can break through simply by practicing in seclusion.

After Cao Zhen returned to the Misty Sect, he did not immediately break through and enter the Immortal Realm, but continued to digest the inheritance he had received.

After receiving the inheritance from the Void Clan in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he vaguely determined one thing. The world where their human race was located should be very far away from this world.

He didn't have any evidence, just a simple feeling.

This time, the amount of information he received from the inheritance of the Tao of the Void was so great that it took him a hundred years to digest the Tao of the Void.

Now if he wants to break through, it will not be difficult, but the problem is that what he wants to take is the path of time, void, reincarnation and chaos.

If he wants to take this step perfectly, his accumulation is really not enough.

After all, the scope of the Piao Miao Religion is limited. What he saw in the Piao Miao Religion was too little, so he had to go out.

"What? You want to go out?"

Wuhui Immortal Lord looked at Cao Zhen who had found him, and frowned: "Normally, you are already a monk in the Earthly Immortal Realm. If you want to go out, there is no problem, but your reputation is too great now. .

Those orcs regard you as a thorn in their side. After all, you have obtained the inheritance of the Void Clan three times.

I'm worried that you might be in danger if you go out.

I know that you have the ability to change your appearance, but the orcs must have known about it, so you are still in danger.

What's more, there are still some unknown dangers outside. You are just in the fairyland now, so there is still a big difference. "

Wuhui Immortal Lord thought for a while and said: "It just so happens that your senior sister has stayed in the great sect to practice for too long. She also needs to go out and see the outside world. I don't know if it can bring her closer." Layer, I will ask your senior sister to go out with you.

Don’t worry, we also have magic weapons with us that can also change your senior sister’s appearance. "

Cao Zhen knew that Immortal Wuhui was also doing it for his own good, so he sent Immortal Wuxin to go out with him.

Cao Zhen came to this world for so long, and this was the first time he saw it. He found that this world was actually the same as the world he was in in many places.

Of course, there are differences, that is, although the monks in this world will not take the initiative to massacre mortals, villages or cities, there is an obvious class gap between them.

If those monks killed mortals, no monk would blame them.

In their opinion, killing a few mortals is nothing more than killing.

However, overall, the lives of the mortals here are pretty good.

Of course, there are also war-torn places. For example, what he saw when he first came to this world were the mortals living on the border between the Sky Eye Clan and the Orc Clan. They were sometimes massacred and attacked by the Orc Clan.

Cao Zhen traveled around the world and began to observe every plant and tree in this world, observing everything in this world.

Slowly, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that his understanding of the way of reincarnation was too one-sided.

The main reason is that he has a better understanding of the reincarnation of the void, but his understanding of the reincarnation of time is too shallow.

It was like the endless sea he saw in front of him.

Cao Zhen looked at the turbulent waves in front of him, and suddenly turned to look at Wu Xinxian Jun on the side, and asked: "Senior sister, you said where does the sea water in the sea come from?"

Wuxin Fairy frowned slightly when she heard this. If Venerable Youxin reported this question to her, she would definitely educate him. Such a simple question still needs to be asked, but when Cao Zhen asked, she felt that it would be very helpful. Deep meaning.

After Wei Wei thought for a moment, she replied: "Of course the water in those rivers flows into the sea."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Then where does the water in the river come from?"

"The source of water in rivers is the mountains. The ice on the mountains melts and then flows into the rivers."

Cao Zhen did not pause and continued to ask: "So, senior sister, have you ever thought about it, if all the ice on the icebergs melts, naturally there will be no more water flowing into the rivers, then the water in the rivers will stop flowing, and the water in the sea will The sea water will also disappear. However, this situation has not happened, why is that?"

Upon hearing the sound, Immortal Wuxin pointed upward and said, "It will rain in the sky."

Cao Zhen turned to look at Immortal Wu Xin and asked, "Then where did the rain come from?"

Immortal Wuxin was stunned by the question, but for a moment, he didn't know how to respond.

Cao Zhen smiled softly, raised his hand and grabbed the void in front of him. Suddenly, a ball of seawater flew in front of him, and he took out a bowl from the Qiankun Ring and put the seawater into the bowl.

Then, he raised his hand and waved, and a flame burned brightly under the bowl.

Suddenly, a tiny drop of water appeared at the mouth of the bowl.

"Senior sister, look, the water in the bowl is starting to decrease. Where did the water go? It was actually evaporated."

He said, paused slightly, and then continued: "The reason why the water in this human world will not disappear is because the water in the entire world is circulating, and this cycle is a reincarnation.

The starting point of all reincarnations should be evaporation. What I use is a flame. In fact, it is the same without a flame. As long as the water reaches a certain temperature, it will evaporate.

Even if no one interferes, there is the sun above our heads. "

Cao Zhen said, pointing to the scorching sun in the sky, and then continued: "When the rays of this scorching sun shine on the water on our earth, such as the ocean in front of us, as well as those lakes and rivers .

This water will naturally acquire the energy of the scorching sun and the energy of light, and they will begin to change from flowing to some gas form, and then form water vapor.

In addition, like the ice you mentioned before, senior sister, they also change from solidified ice and snow to an invisible and intangible gaseous state due to changes in temperature and the arrival of other energies, and then form water vapor.

Then when the water vapor rises into the void.

Senior sister, you should know that the higher you go, the colder it gets, and when these water vapors encounter cold air, they will begin to condense into small water droplets or ice crystals, and then turn into clouds.

When the water droplets or ice crystals in these clouds continue to grow and accumulate to a large enough level, the clouds can no longer withstand the force.

They will naturally fall from the clouds, and then it will rain, snow, or hail.

In this way, the water in our world forms a cycle, a reincarnation.

And it's not just a reincarnation, the water has turned around and returned to the original starting point. They have even experienced several changes in form, and finally returned to their original appearance. "

Wu Xinxianjun listened to Cao Zhen's words with a thoughtful look on her face, but she had never thought about these issues.

And Cao Zhen's voice came again.

"These are just the ways that water in our world, above the surface, returns to our side of the world, but there is still water flowing underground."

Cao Zhen pointed to his feet and said: "When rain falls, in addition to the part that enters rivers, lakes and seas, some of the precipitation will be absorbed by vegetation and evaporate, and the other part will seep into the soil and become groundwater.

Water that seeps into the ground flows through gaps in the soil and rocks, and may reappear on the surface after a period of time as springs, lakes, and rivers.

It may then evaporate again and reenter the atmosphere.

This cycle of water, the reincarnation of water, can maintain the existence of water and even maintain all life in our world.

But, senior sister, do you think the reincarnation just mentioned is the reincarnation of the void or the reincarnation of time? "

Immortal Wu Xin thought for a moment and then whispered: "This water flies from the ground to the sky, and then falls from the sky to the ground. It is naturally the reincarnation of the void. However, this process takes time, and it belongs to the reincarnation of time, so this It’s the reincarnation of time and space.”

Cao Zhen sighed: "There is also the reincarnation of time here, and although I am clear about the reincarnation of time, I always feel that I have not explored the boundary of the reincarnation of time. I..."

Cao Zhenzheng said, but his expression suddenly changed.

The water in front of him became extremely turbulent at this moment, and the rolling waves surged like giant beasts. The huge waves towering into the clouds broke apart and spurted up astonishing water jets, as if they were about to touch the sky.

This huge wave was as majestic as a mountain, with astonishing power, rushing mercilessly towards the shore.


Behind Immortal Wu Xin, four Immortal Palaces suddenly appeared, grabbed Cao Zhen, and quickly retreated towards the rear.

She is an extremely talented person, and over the years, she has gathered two more celestial beings.

The next moment the two people retreated, huge waves were already crashing down.

The huge rocks on the shore were hit by this terrifying huge wave, making a deafening impact. The huge waves brought destructive power and hit the boulders on the shore, like the impact of steel, the sound resounded throughout the world.

The huge waves kept rolling up, as if they were going to swallow everything. Broken rocks flew everywhere, and the entire shore was torn into pieces.

Behind the huge waves, there was an extremely terrifying aura coming.

A dark monster appeared in the sight of Cao Zhen and Wuxin Xianjun.

Its body is huge, like a nightmare in the night, terrifying and gloomy. It seems to be made of black smoke. Layers of black mist surround it, forming a thick barrier of darkness. An extremely strong and evil aura surged out from the black mist.

Its eyes flashed with blood-red light, full of ferocity and cruelty, and its skin was as black as the abyss, exuding an aura of destruction that made people fearful.


Immortal Wu Xin suddenly widened her eyes. She had never seen such a race before. This must be the same clan!

This is one of the alien races that entered their world from the ruins of the Yuan Realm!

Why did this alien race suddenly appear from here and launch an attack on them?

The key is the power of this alien race.

Wuxin Immortal Lord stared blankly at the huge Immortal Palace that emerged behind the monster, like a mist, with a serious expression on his face.

"The true fairyland is perfect, the fairyland has completed its alienation!"

Although she exists in the true fairyland, she only owns four fairy palaces now, and the other party has completed the alienation of the fairy palaces. How to fight!

The foreigner looked at Cao Zhen and Wuxin Immortal Lord in front of him, with a cruel smile on his face, and whispered: "The way of reincarnation you mentioned is very interesting.

So, contribute your body, I want the way of reincarnation that you talk about. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the two of them.

In an instant, a black energy spurted out from it, as if the terrifying power from the abyss surged out from the depths of the earth. The dark energy exuded a strong evil aura, making the surrounding air distorted and heavy.

The next moment, these two black energies converged into two giant black hands.

This giant hand covers the sky and the sun, as if it exists across the sky and the earth, which makes people feel a kind of terrifying shock.

The giant hand, which was as black as ink, was full of evil and gloomy aura.

The dark light shines on the surface of the giant hand, and the lines are intertwined, like a devil's tattoo, outlining a terrifying picture.

It's obviously just a giant hand that gathers energy, but it gives people a sense of substance.

The giant finger bones are hard and the knuckles are protruding. Each nail is like a sharp blade shining with cold light, exuding a deadly sharpness.

In the giant hand, energy squirmed like a snake, full of evil power, as if it could crush all life.

At this moment, the entire virtual control was swallowed up by darkness, and the sunlight was instantly blocked.

The area covered by the giant hand fell into a deep darkness, boundless, like the entrance to hell.


Wuxin Immortal Lord looked at the falling giant hand, and suddenly pushed Cao Zhen hard. The energy of reincarnation surged rapidly in the four immortal palaces. Looking at the flying giant hand, he suddenly thrust out with a sword.

As the sword flew down, time around him seemed to freeze for a moment.

The next moment, the sharp sword appeared on the giant hand.

But after flying down, the sword that could pierce the surrounding void dissipated instantly and disappeared without a trace as soon as it touched the giant black hand.

The gap between them is too great to be reincarnated.

The foreign race, shrouded in darkness, had a look of interest on its face, and praised: "Is this the power of reincarnation? Interesting power, I am becoming more and more interested in you now."

As soon as the words fell, the flying speed of the giant hand in the void suddenly accelerated.

"Damn it!"

Cao Zhen cursed secretly, looked at the falling giant hand, and instantly took out the trapped immortal locking magic cauldron from the ring of heaven and earth.

The next moment, flying insects flew out one after another, flying towards the alien race opposite.

If he hadn't lost all his cultivation and he was still at his peak state, he could easily kill this alien race.

But now, facing this alien race, he could only rely on these flying insects to delay time.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, leave quickly!"

The first time he released the flying insects, he reminded Wu Xinxianjun to leave quickly.

Opposite, the foreign race saw the dense flying insects that suddenly flew over, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces. What is this?

He had seen these flying insects before, but they were not from this world, they were clearly from another world.

How could this happen?

In surprise, he raised his hand and waved forward. In the void, the two big hands suddenly closed together, and at the same time, the two giant black hands twisted quickly.

Suddenly, the endless dark energy formed a black tornado, and the hurricane rotated rapidly, like a death vortex in the endless darkness, making a horrifying whistling sound.

The dark energy surged violently, forming a terrifying suction force. Flying insects flew into the vortex uncontrollably.

In the vortex, the dark energy condensed into sharp black blades, like devil's claws, ruthlessly tearing apart and crushing each flying insect.

In just an instant, the bodies of these flying insects turned into flying dust and were completely swallowed by the darkness.

He has completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace and reached the perfection of the true Immortal Realm. Although there are many flying insects, how can they stop him!

"Run? Did you run away?"

The alien monk snorted coldly and pointed from afar.

In an instant, the black aura cut across the void like a sharp sword or a spear.

The void suddenly opened, and black cracks appeared wherever it passed. These cracks emit a dark light, seeming to lead to an endless dark world like an abyss.

This aura is twisted and irregular, exuding an evil aura, making everything around it seem to be swallowed up in darkness.

The finger energy has not yet fallen, but the fierce momentum has already made the Wuxin Immortal Lord who is a true fairy feel terrified.

She even felt that any object that came into contact with this finger energy would be torn apart and shattered in an instant.

This is a black light of death that can destroy everything.

Also any monk!

Cao Zhen felt the approach of death. In front of him, a green turtle shell appeared. In an instant, an ancient and mysterious, yet calm and heavy aura emerged.

The surface of the turtle shell is covered with hard lines, like a solid mountain, giving people a sense of infinite security and protection.

It seems to carry the secrets of heaven and earth and the magic of the universe.

Immortal Wuxin had an illusion the moment the turtle shell appeared. It seemed that the turtle shell could withstand the power of all things in the world and would not be broken or destroyed.

Cao Zhen condensed all the immortal energy in his body into the turtle shell, and suddenly the turtle shell suddenly opened up the world.

In just an instant, all the immortal energy in his body was completely drained. Now he is just a monk at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. He has not even broken through to the Returning Immortal Realm.

And this magic weapon is not a magic weapon that can be controlled by the Earth Immortal Realm at all. It is a high-grade magic weapon on the earth level, and it is the strongest defensive magic weapon he has obtained in the ruins before.

His whole aura instantly weakened, and his face was so pale that no trace of blood could be seen.

The next moment, black light fell and hit the shield heavily.

For a moment, the entire sky shook at this moment, and obvious cracks appeared in the void.

Clear cracks also appeared on the turtle shell.

The turtle shell seemed to be connected to the entire earth. As the turtle shell began to shake, the earth below also trembled crazily, and the ground continued to break.

Cao Zhen suddenly felt an unparalleled power coming. The power was so strong that he felt as if his body had been completely destroyed, as if his entire body had turned into powder.


He spat out a mouthful of blood in the void and fell heavily to the ground. His body was completely shattered, and even the exposed bones were shattered.

The gap between them is just too big.

"Junior brother!"

Immortal Wu Xin flew over quickly and picked up Cao Zhen, her eyes were red. She knew that Cao Zhen was not a member of their Tianyan clan, but for so many years, she had long regarded Cao Zhen as their real clansman.

But now, Cao Zhen, an earthly fairy, actually stood in front of her, a real fairy, when facing danger.

Cao Zhen raised his head with difficulty and said: "You... why are you stopping? At this time, why don't you run quickly."

"Run, none of you can run."

The foreigner instantly appeared in front of Cao Zhen and Wuxin Immortal Lord and raised his hands high, but the next moment, a deep look of fear suddenly appeared on his face, and a wave of fear was so powerful that he couldn't help but feel trembling. The breath suddenly came from a distance.

He turned his head suddenly, and a familiar figure appeared in his sight.

Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord?

There was a look of surprise on his face, why did the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord appear? And why is it still filled with such strong murderous aura?

Didn't Immortal Lord Tianlun say that he would kill these two monks? she……

Before he could react, a ray of light flashed through the void.

The next moment, his head fell from his body and fell to the ground.


Immortal Wu Xin breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw the sudden appearance of Immortal Tian Lun. Then she shouted loudly: "Uncle, hurry, save Cao Zhen. He is dying."

Tianlun Immortal Lord flew down from the void and looked at Cao Zhen, who was already covered in blood and flesh on the ground. He did not take action immediately, but whispered: "Are you sure you want to save him? He is a foreigner."

Wu Xinxianjun was shocked when she heard the word "foreign race". Master, she also knew it!


Terrified, she immediately stood in front of Cao Zhen and shouted: "Uncle, he...he didn't do anything, he didn't do anything to be sorry for our Piao Miao Cult..."

She did not deny that Cao Zhen was a foreigner. Since her uncle had said so, there was nothing to deny.

Tianlun Immortal just looked at Wuxin Immortal who was protecting Cao Zhen, and sneered: "Do you think it's useful for you to stand in front of me if I want to kill him?

Do you want to save him? OK, I can give him a chance. "

After she finished speaking, she reached out and pointed in the direction of Cao Zhen, and suddenly a stream of reincarnation energy suddenly flew out and fell on Cao Zhen.

In an instant, Cao Zhen's entire body was wrapped in the energy of reincarnation. This energy of reincarnation rotates slowly, and with each rotation, Cao Zhen's injuries seem to be healed to a degree visible to the naked eye.

His shattered bones, meridians, and body were quickly restored to an extent visible to the naked eye.

The breath in Cao Zhen's body slowly recovered.

This is the power of time reincarnation!

Cao Zhen felt the power of reincarnation in his body, and even had a vague illusion. It seemed that his physical body, or in other words, the time he had been out of, began to regress, and began to regress towards before he was injured. Then his injuries would naturally increase rapidly. Recover.

Time reincarnation can still be used in this way.

Feeling the power of reincarnation in his body, he vaguely fell into an epiphany.

The next moment, rays of enlightenment soared into the sky within his body.

Immortal Wu Xin was stunned. No, when was this? The uncle already knows that you are from a foreign race. Just now, the uncle had murderous intentions and wanted to kill you. You actually have an epiphany at this time?

How big is your heart?

Also, your talent!

Is it possible to realize this?

No, aren't you telling your uncle how terrifying your talent is? You are telling your uncle how big a threat you are!

In this way, my uncle's desire to kill you will become even more serious!

what do you think!

Cao Zhen discovered that the power of reincarnation was really miraculous. Slowly, he even cooperated with the reincarnation energy of Tianlun Immortal Lord to repair his body.

After about a stick of incense, his physical body had completely recovered, and he looked as if he was uninjured. Of course, that was just an appearance.

He was seriously injured by a true fairyland Great Perfection being. How could he recover so quickly from his injuries?

As his physical injuries recovered, the energy of reincarnation released by Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord also disappeared, and Cao Zhen also woke up from his epiphany.

He looked at Tianlun Immortal Lord in front of him and sighed: "We meet again."

The meeting he mentioned was obviously the second meeting after Tianlun Immortal Lord knew his identity.

Hearing the sound, Tianlun Immortal Lord suddenly focused his eyes and said in a deep voice: "It's you!"

Wu Xinxianjun was at a loss. Why did they meet again? Who was it? Cao Zhen and Tian Lun failed. They had met once before?

But Cao Zhen is in a true fairyland, he...

While she was puzzled, the voice of Tianlun Immortal Lord rang out.

"Wuxin, you know his identity, so why haven't you told your master or me?"

"I..." Although Immortal Wu Xin is already in the true immortal realm and is usually extremely arrogant, when he heard the fingerprints of Immortal Tian Lun, he still lowered his head and whispered, "The disciple did not mean to hide the truth from Master and Master. Master, it’s just that...the disciple was rescued by Cao Zhen at that time."

"So, just because he saved you, you defend him?"

"That's not the case." Wuxin Immortal Lord said quickly, "It's because the disciple can feel that he really regards our Piaomiao Sect as his home and treats us as his relatives, so the disciple helps him Concealed.”

"Really? You feel it? Then are you sure that your feeling must be right?" Immortal Lord Tianlun looked at Immortal Wuxin with a serious look and asked, "How much do you know about him? He has told you What?"

"I...I know that he was very strong before. He said that he has not reached the Golden Immortal Realm yet, but he has the strength to defeat the ordinary Golden Immortal Realm.

He also told me that he was the strongest being in his world and in every realm of cultivation. "

"Since you know that he was such a peerless genius before, you still dare to conceal his identity? Aren't you afraid of leaving a big problem for our Tianyan clan?

Also, did you know that I once hunted down another alien race, but that alien race finally escaped?

And that clan is him!

You all know that I am extremely powerful in the Golden Immortal Realm. All the monks say that I am the top three Golden Immortal Realm in our world.

But ask the other two guys, do you think they dare to compare with me?

Only the two of them know that I am the strongest Golden Fairyland in our world!

However, even when I went after him, he escaped. And he was still in a true fairyland at that time! I'm telling you this now, do you know how strong he is?

Do you think it is very dangerous for such a guy to grow up and stay in our world? "

Immortal Wuxin was completely stunned. She knew that Cao Zhen was very strong, but she never thought that Cao Zhen could be so powerful. It was just that in the True Immortal Realm, he actually escaped from Master Tianlun's pursuit!

After listening to Tianlun Immortal Lord's words, Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and interrupted: "You don't have to scare her like this.

At the beginning, you told me that if I continue to practice like this, no matter how hard I practice, I will never be your opponent. Because I'm on the wrong path.

And I later thought that the path I took at the beginning was indeed the wrong one, because my path was too complicated. "

Tianlun Immortal Lord turned to look at Cao Zhen, and murderous intent surged out: "So, you possessed someone from our Tianyan clan again, took away the other person's body, and then started to practice the skills and techniques of our Tianyan clan. The supernatural power has even begun to follow the path of reincarnation in our reincarnation palace!

Moreover, you also had another epiphany in front of me to remind me how amazing your talent is, making me even more determined to kill you! "

"If you want to kill me, you won't be able to heal my injuries." Facing Tianlun Immortal Lord's murderous intent, Cao Zhen looked as normal and corrected him at the same time: "I have not taken away any of your Tianyan clan members. , this is what I really look like. As for my third eye..."

Cao Zhen said, with a thought, the Heavenly Eye on his forehead disappeared, and then explained: "I once had a senior who had the Heavenly Eye. His Heavenly Eye was not born with it, but was formed the day after tomorrow. I can use his magic to reveal this eye."

After finishing speaking, he paused slightly, and then asked, "I'm curious, when did you know, or in other words, started to doubt my identity?"

Immortal Lord Tianlun replied truthfully: "It starts from the first time you pass the Heaven Pass."

"Tongtian Pass?" Cao Zhen was startled for a moment, then reacted and whispered, "Because of the weapon spirit of Tongtian Pass?"

"That's right." After you broke through Tongtian Pass for the first time, Qi Ling found me and told me that I have such a strange disciple like you.

Of course, I just noticed you and didn't think too much about it.

But soon, you got the inheritance of the Void Clan, and then broke through the Tongtian Pass for the third time. When you broke through the Tongtian Pass for the third time, I kept watching you pass the level.

Of course, I am the only one watching in the entire Piao Miao Religion.

I was doubting you at that time, because I could feel that you should have the strength to pass the tenth level, but you did not use your full strength.

After that, I started to investigate you, and the more I investigated, the more I discovered that you are so weird.

I admit that there are some people with excellent understanding in the world, but no matter how high their understanding is, they will not be like you.

Of course, I only suspect, not confirm, that you are a foreigner. "

Cao Zhe pointed to the body of the alien on the ground and said, "So, you found the alien that appeared before, and you used him to test us."

"Yes, he is a foreigner I captured before and has been detained by me. I told him that I want to kill you. However, you and I are people with big feet, and I can't do it, so I asked him to do it for me. I kill you, and then I let him live.

I just want to use him to force out your trump card. And you really did not disappoint me. Those flying insects must be from a certain race in your world. "

Cao Zhen nodded and admitted: "Yes, they are indeed a clan in our world called Zerg. They are also the most special clan in our world."

As he spoke, he remembered something again and said: "No, we shouldn't say that they are the most special clan. It should be said that those vampires are the most special clan.

I still haven't figured out how many worlds there are vampires, but I think the strength of those vampires should exceed any clan I have ever seen, including the Sky Eye clan and our human race. "

"We will talk about the vampire issue later. Right now, I am only interested in you and your world." Tianlun Immortal Lord looked at Cao Zhen and asked, "With your cultivation, it is impossible for you to be unknown in your world.

Although you are not in the Golden Immortal Realm, with your combat power, I am afraid that you can also access the secrets that the Golden Immortal Realm can access.

You will even know some secrets that are inaccessible to ordinary Golden Wonderland. "

"That's right." Cao Zhen admitted directly, "In our world, there are a total of eight races. Our human race is just one of them. We are not the strongest, but we are definitely not weak.

As for our human race, we are very similar to your Tianyan race in many places. In addition to our appearance, we also have the structure of our world.

Our human race also has many dynasties and many great religions. And I am the leader of one of the great religions.

As for our side of the world, the strongest one on the surface is the Celestial Clan..."

Cao Zhen briefly talked about the situation in the world where their human race was located, and then told about his encounter in the ruins of the original world.

"Actually, I don't want to enter your world. After all, the world I am in is always in danger, and I also want to go back.

But there is no way, I can't go back at all now, unless I wait until the passages to various worlds are opened, or I can go back through the void.

It was also because of this that Wu Xin told me about the Void inheritance.

And she told me that the Void inheritance is also good for the Sky Eye clan. At least, because of me, the inheritance did not fall into the hands of the orcs. "

"What a good thing this is." Tianlun Immortal Lord stared at Cao Zhen coldly, "Perhaps, our world is very close to your world, and when the time comes, our two worlds will still have a war.

And at that time, you will be our enemy. "

Cao Zhen suddenly shook his head when he heard the voice: "Our worlds are not close together, and you have also obtained the inheritance of the Void Clan. You should know that after obtaining that inheritance, you will have an abnormal understanding of the entire Void.

I can feel that our human race is very far away from this world. We will not become enemies.

And I actually have no intention of staying in your world for a long time. If I continue to receive the inheritance of the Void Clan, and if I can leave, I will definitely leave here as soon as possible and return to our world. "

"Then what?" Tianlun Immortal Lord sneered, "What good will this do to us? By then, you will have obtained the Tao of Reincarnation from our Reincarnation Palace, and then you will have obtained the inheritance of the Void.

But we got nothing. "

"So, what do you want? I can teach you the skills, but those skills should be because you have never entered the original world, so you cannot practice them."

A look of helplessness appeared on Cao Zhen's face. He had taught Wu Xin Xianjun the technique before, but Wu Xin Xianjun could not practice it.

Tianlun Immortal Lord showed a look of reminiscence on his face and said: "I have seen those Tao of yours before. In addition to the exercises, there are also some special Tao, such as the Tao of alchemy, the Tao of talismans...these Tao is also very strong.”

Cao Zhen heard the voice and understood instantly: "I will find a way to teach you enough Tao. After all, I have also learned your way of reincarnation.

However, I will only keep these in Piao Miao Cult, and I will not teach these Tao to other members of your Tianyan clan. "

He left Tao here because the people of Piao Miao Sect, especially his masters and senior brothers and sisters, were sincere to him.

"Okay." Tianlun Immortal Lord nodded heavily, and before she could speak, Cao Zhen's voice sounded again.

"In addition, I can also teach you the way of reincarnation in the Void. However, you want and have obtained the inheritance of the Void Clan. You also know that their inheritance is more of a self-understanding, that kind of Understanding is difficult to express.”

"There is no need to teach it." Tianlun Immortal Lord gently shook his head and said, "You and I can just talk about the Tao. I can teach you my way of time reincarnation."

Although she is in the Golden Fairyland now, she also wants to continue to break through, and if she continues to break through, she needs to take the path of reincarnation further.

Although she is proficient in time reincarnation, she is not good at void reincarnation, even if she has received the inheritance of the void clan.

As for Cao Zhen.

Through Cao Zhen's many previous performances, she could naturally see that Cao Zhen truly regarded the Miao Miao Sect as his home. Otherwise, she would have killed Cao Zhen directly instead of testing him.

She had also tested Cao Zhen before. When faced with danger, Cao Zhen was even willing to help Wuxin Immortal Lord block the attack.

More importantly, she also needs a commitment from Cao Zhen.

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