Cao Zhen once entered the vicissitudes of life, and now, the vicissitudes of life appeared before his eyes again.

He had become the leader of the human race before, but he had only seen one Pearl of the Vicissitudes of Life. This shows how precious the Pearl of Visibility of the Vicissitudes is.

Now, his master directly took out a vicissitudes of life pearl.

"Cao Zhen, everyone can see your talent. I believe that if you practice slowly, after you enter the True Immortal Realm, you will still be the strongest being in the True Immortal Realm.

But, you don't have that much time.

In fact, many monks who have participated in the inheritance conference of the Returning Immortal Realm choose to wait for the next inheritance conference of the True Immortal Realm.

But this time is different. The next time the Void Clan's inheritance relics are opened will be ten thousand years later.

At that time, the passages to various worlds had been opened, and no one knew what would happen.

We don't know if our world will be invaded by aliens. We don't even know if our Sky Eye Clan can still exist at that time.

Therefore, if you want to obtain all the inheritance of the Void Clan, your best choice is this conference.

I also have a vicissitudes of life pearl here. With your talent, if you use this object, you will definitely be able to enter the true fairyland and become the pinnacle of the true fairyland. "

Cao Zhen was completely stunned. His master actually had such a precious treasure, but...

"Master, what about you? If you use this object, you can also participate in the inheritance conference."

"I'm different." Wuhui Immortal Lord heard this and shook his head slightly. "I know my own talent. Even if I participate, I won't be able to inherit it."

She has kept the Pearl of Vicissitudes of Life with her, and it is indeed for her own use. She wants to use it to break through the Golden Fairy Realm.

But after seeing Cao Zhen win four inheritances in succession, she decided to hand over the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl to Cao Zhen.


Cao Zhen didn't know what to say for a while. After a long time, he finally said: "I once used the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl..."

Just as he finished speaking, a voice rang out.

"When did you use the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl?"

After the words fell, Tianlun Immortal Lord's figure appeared in front of him and said in a deep voice: "You have been in my cave before, and you have not used the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl.

Before that, whether you were in the elixir-forming stage or the golden elixir stage, there was no need for you to use the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl. unless……"

Tianlun Immortal suddenly thought of something and said: "Did you use it in your world?"

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened when he heard the last few words, and he looked at Immortal Wuhui beside him.

"You don't need to look anymore." Tianlun Immortal Lord said, "She is my junior sister and your master. She should know everything about you."

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, the surprise on his face became more and more obvious.

Wuhui Immortal Lord looked at Cao Zhen's confused look and explained softly: "Are you wondering why, after knowing your identity, I still want to give you the vicissitudes of life?

Actually, nothing.

No matter what race you are a monk, I only know that for the sake of the face of my lineage, you will not hesitate to take risks to break through the Tongtian Pass. I also know that you exposed your identity twice, both to save your senior sister.

In your heart, I am your master, and Wuxin is your senior sister. Therefore, in my heart, you are just my disciple.

Since you are my disciple, as the master, I will naturally try my best to help you. The vicissitudes of life are of no use to me, so I will naturally give them to you.

As for the vicissitudes of life, after using it once, the effect will be much worse the second time, but it is not without effect. Letting others use it won't have any effect, so don't refuse.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me the way of reincarnation in the void after you get all the inheritance of the void clan. "

"Okay, I will definitely get all the inheritance of the Void Clan and come back to tell the master about the way of reincarnation in the Void."

Cao Zhen nodded heavily. His master had said so, so what else could he say?

Soon, the vicissitudes of life pearl bloomed with a bright light, and then a long river of time appeared out of thin air.

Cao Zhen once used Vicissitudes of Life once, but when he used Vicissitudes of Life before, although he also felt the power of time, because he had never been exposed to reincarnation at that time and did not know about time reincarnation, he immediately entered it.

But this time, he was instantly immersed in the river of time.

Even after entering the world of vicissitudes of life, he did not practice immediately or make a breakthrough. Instead, he felt the world and the bursts of time pouring out from the long river of time above the void. Power.

Outside the vicissitudes of time, Tianlun Immortal Lord looked at the junior sister with a complicated look on the side, and said in a low voice: "Junior sister, do you regret it? In fact, you can also enter the long river of time. The vicissitudes of time can not only enter one person at a time."

"Regret?" Wuhui Immortal Lord shook his head slightly and said, "Since I gave away the vicissitudes of life, I will not regret it, just like when I gave the vicissitudes of life to you.

As for entering together... you also know that after entering the vicissitudes of life, you can feel the power of time in it, but if I enter with him, the power of time I feel will no longer be pure.

At the beginning, I gave up the opportunity to enter the vicissitudes of life with you. Now, naturally, I will not enter the vicissitudes of life with my disciples. "

When she and Tianlun Xianjun entered the ruins together, they both got adventures. Among them, Tianlun Xianjun got a more pure way of time reincarnation, and in addition to getting part of the time reincarnation, she also got a part of it. Got two vicissitudes of life pearls.

One of the vicissitudes of life pearls she gave to Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord.

Because Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord has obtained a more pure way of time reincarnation, because Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord's talent is much better than hers.

The Vicissitudes of Life Pearl can play a greater role if it is used by Tianlun Immortal Lord.

Tianlun Immortal Lord fell silent when he heard his junior sister talking about the past.

After a while, the voice of Wuhui Immortal Lord sounded: "Senior Sister, do you think he can reach the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm? If he reaches the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm, or a half-step Golden Immortal, can he defeat all other monks? Finally, Get the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm from the Void Clan?”

"Junior Sister, you are so concerned that you become confused." Tianlun Immortal Lord sighed, "Before, he didn't know that you had the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl, but he was still preparing to attack the last inheritance of the Void Clan.

In other words, he would have a certain degree of confidence even if you didn't provide him with the vicissitudes of life beads, let alone if you provided the vicissitudes of life beads.

Even if he has used the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl before, it will still be helpful. As long as it helps, he will definitely be able to break through. Even if he cannot become a half-step golden immortal, it will be enough to achieve the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm.

His couldn't even be called the True Perfection of Immortal Realm. Back then, he had more than ten Immortal Palaces.

And his strength.

If he hadn't met me back then, he would have been in another golden fairyland.

He would not be injured and would be able to escape unscathed. If the Golden Immortal Realm Shao was chasing him, he would even be severely injured by him.

He is the strongest true fairy I have ever encountered. But now, his strength is stronger than before when he was in the realm of fellow practitioners.

Even as his cultivation realm improves, this dominance will become even more powerful.

For example, in the Dan Formation Stage, the strength of other strongest Dan Formation Stages can reach the fifth level, and he has reached the sixth level. In the Earthly Immortal Realm, the strongest among others is five, so he has reached seven. With such a ladder rising, when he reaches the True Immortal Realm, the gap between him and other monks will only be wider.

Of course, after entering the Golden Immortal Realm, perhaps this gap will narrow again. After all, the Golden Immortal Realm is already a very, very high level of cultivation. No matter how strong he is, his comprehension karma will be limited.

What's more, he had not become a golden fairyland before.

Naturally, this is just my guess. Perhaps, he will still be extremely powerful after entering the Golden Fairy Realm.

In short, this time, even those monks who participated in the previous Immortal Realm Conference will compete for the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm.

But still no monk can stop him. "

Amidst the vicissitudes of life, Cao Zhen vaguely felt the infinite vastness of the surrounding space.

He felt that everything around him was no longer a simple material existence, but a flowing, inclusive and continuous existence.

And time is not just a linear flow of past, present and future, but a deeper and intertwined existence.

He could even feel the pulse and jump of time, which seemed to be an endless river, containing the origin and end of everything in the world.

This is also a reincarnation.

Slowly, he even began to transcend his own body and consciousness.

He no longer seems to be an individual being, but an integral part of the universe.

He felt that his existence extended to infinite space and time, and was connected to everything in the universe.

But as he continued to comprehend, his mind gradually became calmer and broader.

He even has the feeling that he is no longer bound by time or restricted by space.

Involuntarily, the scenes he saw when he received the inheritance of the Void Clan even appeared in his mind.

Aren't the stars in the universe the mark of time? They record the evolution of the universe and the birth and death of all things.

Time is not a simple passage, but contains the memory and wisdom of the universe.

So is the void.

Time and space are inseparable.

Unconsciously, he was immersed in meditation, and his inner consciousness penetrated into time. Scenes of past events appeared in his mind and before his eyes.

He seemed to go back to the moment of his birth.

He saw his fragile and helpless infancy and felt the warmth of his mother and the care of his father.

As time passed, he watched himself grow.

He saw himself struggling and exploring in that technological era, and saw every stage of his growth.

Soon, he came to a new world.

Recalling scenes from the past intertwined before his eyes, and he witnessed his own growth and transformation.

These memories are no longer simple memory fragments, but as if they are experiencing bits and pieces of the past all over again.

In the blink of an eye, it seems like ten thousand years have passed.

"Time does not just pass in one direction, but exists deep in the heart of every person and every monk.

All monks can recall the past, feel the past, gain wisdom and enlightenment from it, and explore the future. "

Cao Zhen suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, time seemed to flow for a period of time. In one eye, his past flowed, and in the other eye, he saw the future.

The next moment, all the light in these eyes disappeared, and they gathered together and became the present.


Suddenly, a loud sound came out, and the whole world collapsed!

The pearl of vicissitudes of life shattered.

Under normal circumstances, one day into the vicissitudes of life is equivalent to ten thousand years.

Cao Zhen has entered the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl before, and after entering it this time, he has been comprehending it all the time. He doesn't know how much time he has spent.

Immortal Lord Wuhui saw the suddenly broken Pearl of the Vicissitudes of Life and Cao Zhen appearing in front of him. Somehow, the Cao Zhen in front of him was obviously the Cao Zhen he knew, but at this moment, she But it felt like Cao Zhen's whole aura was different from before, as if he was another person.

Before she could speak, Cao Zhen suddenly flew out and appeared outside the cave in an instant.

From behind, Immortal Wuhui and Immortal Tianlun quickly chased away.

As soon as they flew out, they saw that behind Cao Zhen, on top of the fairy mountains, at the top of one of the fairy mountains, the top of the mountain suddenly cracked, and then a fairy palace emerged.

What a wonderland!

Cao Zhen has broken through to the true fairyland!

Immediately afterwards, Wuhui Immortal Lord's heart sank. Cao Zhen was in the vicissitudes of life, but he still failed to break through and enter the true fairyland!

So, Cao Zhen only has five hundred years left to cultivate from a fairy palace to the perfection of the true fairyland, and to practice to a half-step golden immortal?

That time was too long, it was too late!

Cao Zhen's fairy palace looks even more weird. It doesn't look like a fairy palace at all, but a huge universe!

This universe spreads all over the fairy mountains. At this moment, the fairy mountains behind Cao Zhen seemed to be no longer fairy mountains, but the universe.

Soon, all the mountain peaks were cracked. At this moment, it seemed that a second fairy palace appeared, and it seemed that there were countless fairy palaces appearing at the same time.

In these immortal palaces, time was flowing even more. For a moment, it seemed as if time around Cao Zhen had stopped.

"This...what is this? Did Cao Zhen condense two immortal palaces at once, or countless immortal palaces?"

Immortal Lord Wuhui looked at the Immortal Palace behind Cao Zhen and was completely confused for a moment.

Not only her, but beside her, the Tianlun Immortal Lord, who was the strongest person in the Golden Immortal Realm, was also confused. She had seen countless masters, but she had never seen such an Immortal Palace.

Just when she didn't know how to respond, another fairy palace appeared on the fairy mountain behind Cao Zhen. This fairy palace was like a dynasty, and then another fairy palace emerged like city walls. Then the Thunder Immortal Palace, the Flame Immortal Palace, and the Immortal Palaces appeared one after another.

Tianlun Immortal Lord looked at these immortal palaces and said in a low voice: "These immortal palaces, these are the immortal palaces that emerged when he fought with me before. These are the immortal palaces that he condensed before."

Since Cao Zhen came to this world, he has tried not to use the power he cultivated before. But now, after experiencing the vicissitudes of life, he no longer intentionally avoids the power he cultivated before.

Whether he wins or not, that is his strength.

And his powers are indeed scattered powers, but no matter what they are, they are all the powers of reincarnation, and they all belong to the powers of space and void.

Now, he wants to integrate all these powers into his Tao.

His Time and Space Reincarnation Avenue of Chaos!

These fairy palaces condensed rapidly, and finally formed a rotating, illusory chaos.

Below, Immortal Wuhui was completely confused.

"What is this? He must have just broken through and entered the true fairyland, but he is obviously alienated in the fairyland.

Just after entering the true fairyland, so many fairy palaces gathered together to complete the alienation of the fairy palace!

This... I've never heard of anyone doing this. "

On the side, Tianlun Immortal Lord added: "No, he is not in the real Immortal Realm yet, and the heavenly disaster has not yet come."

As her words fell, black clouds gathered above Cao Zhen.

Calamity cloud!

These calamity clouds were so thick that they instantly turned this area, the space where the Piaomiao Sect was located, and even the world outside the Piaomiao Sect into darkness.

At the same time, a mighty pressure that seemed to crush the entire Piaomiao Sect and the world came down.

This coercion is not only filled with an atmosphere that does not allow anyone to violate or blaspheme!

It is full of destructive power, the power to destroy everything!

At the same time, within the Piaomiao Religion, and even in the major religions that were some distance away from the Piaomiao Religion, the monks also noticed the changes in the sky above the Piaomiao Religion.

"What's happening here?"

"That is the direction of Piao Miao Cult."

"With such a thick cloud of calamity, are there any monks in the Piao Miao Sect who have achieved the Golden Immortal Realm?"

"We can even feel that pressure in our own great religion. This must be a disaster that will lead to the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"Who among the Piao Miao Cult will achieve the Golden Immortal Realm?"

The monks in the Golden Immortal Realm frowned one after another while listening to the discussion of the monks.

"The pressure of this heavenly tribulation is indeed terrifying, but it doesn't feel like the pressure of achieving the Golden Immortal Realm at all!"

"I don't think so either, but apart from becoming a Golden Immortal, how could there be such a terrifying pressure of heavenly calamity?"

"Let's go and have a look."

The existences of the Golden Fairyland flew rapidly towards the direction of Piao Miao Sect.

Within the Piao Miao Cult, the monks also raised their heads and looked in the direction of the Palace of Reincarnation. They could feel that the center of the pressure was the Palace of Reincarnation.

"Reincarnation Palace? Is that master from the True Immortal Realm in the Reincarnation Palace trying to break through and enter the Golden Immortal Realm?"

"What a terrifying pressure, look at the calamity cloud, it's still increasing!"

Although all the monks were curious, none of them took the initiative to fly in the direction of the Palace of Reincarnation.

This is a catastrophe to break through and enter the Golden Fairy Realm. If they fly over at this time, are they going to die?

In the void, the dark clouds of calamity are still coming.

From a distance, these. The space where the Reincarnation Palace is located seems to have become another world under the cloud of calamity.

It seems that the rules of heaven and earth in that world are changing.

Suddenly, the next moment, an extremely terrifying loud noise was heard.

In the void, a bolt of thunder suddenly struck down.

Golden light shone, illuminating the entire world into a golden color. This golden light also broke through the darkness, allowing people to see clearly the figure below where the tribulation clouds were densest.

In the Piao Miao Cult, every monk also saw this figure clearly.

Suddenly, their eyes widened in surprise.

"Cao Zhen?"

"How could it be him?"

"Cao Zhen just returned to the Immortal Realm before. If he overcomes the tribulation, it will also be the tribulation of crossing the True Immortal Realm."

"How can the calamity in the True Immortal Realm be so strong!"

"Yes, even if Cao Zhen is invincible in the Returning Immortal Realm, then the heavenly tribulation he overcame shouldn't be so terrifying. I thought it was the Golden Immortal Realm overcoming the tribulation!"

Everyone was filled with surprise when the golden thunderbolt, which was thicker than the top of the mountain, crashed down.

Wherever the thunder passed, the space exploded crazily, making terrifying sonic booms.

For a moment, this space seemed to have completely exploded.

The sky changes color, the earth shakes and the mountains shake, and the void shatters!

Before the thunder fell, below Cao Zhen, the big trees and rocks on the mountain peaks were instantly blown into powder by the vast power of the thunder.

At the same time, there were balls of flames falling from the calamity cloud. The flames were so monstrous that they seemed to ignite the world in an instant. The temperature of four degrees suddenly rose. The temperature rose so fast that it gave him the illusion of being injured. It seemed that he had fallen into a volcano now. The air around him was so hot that it seemed to burn his skin. The ground below was emitting wisps of white smoke because of the terrifying high temperature.

In addition, this place is covered with ice and frost, with howling winds, heavy water and flying dust.

All kinds of catastrophes, falling at the same time, make people feel as if the end is coming!

The monks who entered here stopped moving forward and looked not far away with a look of horror!

The Heavenly Tribulation is the return to the Immortal Realm, the breakthrough into the True Immortal Realm, and now it is overcoming the tribulation!

Moreover, this catastrophe was different from all the catastrophes in the True Immortal Realm that he knew.

He himself is in the True Immortal Realm, and he himself has survived the catastrophe of the True Immortal Realm. He has also seen others survive the catastrophe of the True Immortal Realm! He has never seen such a situation!

Normal catastrophes start with thunder catastrophes, then one kind of catastrophe falls one after another, and finally several catastrophes fall at the same time. But what is happening now?

How could there be...a total of eight kinds of heavenly tribulations coming at the same time, and the power of each kind of heavenly tribulation was so terrifying that he, who owned four immortal palaces, felt horrified!

The whole world, even at this moment, seemed to be turned upside down.

Not only the thunder, but in the next moment, the scorching flames that can instantly evaporate the world, the wind blade that can destroy the void, the cold air that can freeze the entire human world... all kinds of catastrophes fall.

On the peak below Cao Zhen, the mountains surged crazily, and the heavy power of the earth gathered together to form a force that condensed into stone thorns that seemed to be able to pierce through everything in the world.

In the void, there was a torrential rain, and every drop of rain was as heavy as a mountain...

There was even a long river of time appearing, and the rays of light condensed by the power of time fell. In the void, there were also void whirlpools. In the vortex, the void turbulence was all twisted towards Cao Zhen.

As these countless catastrophes fell, the whole world burst into a dazzling brilliance!

This light makes this world become brighter than ever before.

The monks in the entire Piao Miao Sect, as well as the masters from the Golden Immortal Realm who flew over, also saw the countless falling catastrophes.

"What's happening here?"

"It's a catastrophe in the true fairyland!"

"No, what kind of heavenly tribulation is this? In the True Immortal Realm, one usually faces three or nine heavenly tribulations, six or ninety-nine heavenly tribulations, eight or ninety-nine heavenly tribulations, or even nine or ninety-nine heavenly tribulations.

But what is this? Among these tribulations, there are even void tribulations and time tribulations. There are already more than ten types of tribulations. How can anyone in the True Immortal Realm encounter such tribulations when they transcend tribulations! "

"That figure, that's Cao Zhen!"

"I know that Cao Zhen from the Piao Miao Sect has a terrifying talent and is even more invincible in the Return to Immortal Realm. Otherwise, he would not have received the inheritance from the Void Clan and the Return to Immortal Realm.

But no matter how strong he is, there should be a limit, but he is actually able to withstand such a catastrophe. How strong must he be to let the way of heaven descend to such a terrifying horizon! "

Heavenly tribulation is never static. The stronger the person who overcomes the tribulation, the stronger the falling tribulation will be.

And this was the first time they had seen this type of calamity, which was so terrifying in the True Immortal Realm.

In the Palace of Reincarnation, beside the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord and the Wuhui Immortal Lord who were closest to Cao Zhen, a terrifying thunderbolt fell not far from them.

The terrifying power struck down, and in an instant, a mountain peak was flattened.

On the side, the flat ground was directly penetrated by another thunder bombardment, and underground spring water rose into the sky.

Wuhui Immortal Lord's face was full of disbelief. Generally speaking, the heavenly tribulation was aimed at a monk.

But the catastrophe in front of her gave her the feeling that it was going to destroy their entire Piaomiao Sect and even their world.

They are just closer to Cao Zhen, and they are already so terrifying. What about Cao Zhen?

The next moment, her eyes widened again. So many terrifying calamities fell, but Cao Zhen didn't even move.

What is he going to do?

He is crazy, this is a catastrophe, a catastrophe that far exceeds the ordinary true fairyland!

Why hasn't Cao Zhen released his magic weapon or launched an attack to stop the catastrophe?

Under her horrified gaze, all the catastrophes fell on Cao Zhen.

In an instant, Cao Zhen felt that his whole body seemed to be bombarded into several pieces in an instant. He even felt that his soul seemed to be annihilated at this moment.

His body had completely exploded, revealing the dense white bones inside. Qi and blood were boiling inside, the meridians were broken, and all the internal organs were cracked.

This catastrophe was countless times more terrifying than the previous time when he became a true immortal.

The moment he became a true immortal, the powers he had cultivated before returned to their peak, especially his flesh, which even vaguely surpassed his previous peak state.

But even so, the bombardment of the catastrophe at this moment still severely injured him!

If it weren't for him, but for any other monk in the True Immortal Realm, no monk except Xiang Ziyu would be able to withstand this blow!

The power of thunder was violent, and the flames seemed to ignite everything in this world, whether it was the earth, the air, or anything else. The hot flames naturally ignited his whole body, and bursts of burning smell spread towards the distance. Floating away.

There is also the terrifying cold air, the sharp wind blade... any kind of catastrophic attack is enough to be fatal.

Cao Zhen felt his own state, but his mind moved, and suddenly, the power of reincarnation flowed.

In an instant, the holes in his body that were bleeding began to heal to a degree visible to the naked eye, and the broken bones in his body began to connect.

This was the spell cast by Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord when he rescued him. After communicating with Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord, he finally understood the principle of this spell.

In fact, it is the reincarnation of time. If one thing is reincarnated back to the past, before the injury, the injury will naturally recover.

If it is used on others, the effect of reincarnation is not very good. After all, the other person is also an individual, and the person releasing it has to gather his own individual power on another individual, which is very troublesome in itself, and the time is involved. Reincarnation will be more hindered.

The effect of reincarnation will also be affected.

But he is different, he reincarnates himself!

Wuhui Immortal Lord looked at Cao Zhen's rapid recovery from injuries, and his heart suddenly relaxed, and a sigh appeared on his face: "His way of time reincarnation has surpassed mine."

What she practices is the Way of Time Reincarnation, and as far as she knows, although Cao Zhen wants to practice the Way of Time Reincarnation and the Way of Void Reincarnation, due to the inheritance of the Void Clan, Cao Zhen is better at it. The way of reincarnation in the void.

Nowadays, Cao Zhen is not the best at time reincarnation and surpasses her.

"But... why is he still not moving? He doesn't want to simply use his physical power to stop this catastrophe. That is not an ordinary catastrophe. It is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. It's a true fairyland catastrophe." Robbed!"

She is also an existence in the True Immortal Realm. She naturally knows that in the True Immortal Realm, or even in any realm of cultivation, if you simply bear the calamity with your physical body, you can actually use the calamity to reshape your physical body and make it more powerful. of.

However, we will not fade away from using your pure body to resist the catastrophe. After discovering the danger, we will also use various treasures and release spells.

But Cao Zhen, the calamity he faced was so terrifying, he didn't even release any spells or magic weapons.

While Cao Zhen was enduring the bombardments of various catastrophes, he used the method of time reincarnation to continuously recover his injured body.

His disciple, why Xiang Ziyu is strong, apart from Xiang Ziyu's strong talent, it also has something to do with Xiang Ziyu's crazy training.

Faced with this situation, Xiang Ziyu would definitely let the Heavenly Tribulation attack his body to increase its strength.

What's the reason why Xiang Ziyu can't do what he can do?

What's more, he also possesses the art of reincarnation!

Cao Zhen used his body to withstand the attacks of various catastrophes, while using the art of reincarnation to continuously recover from his injuries.

Slowly, he became more understanding of everything in this world.

After all, there is thunder, fire, ice, etc. in the catastrophe...

These are all originally present in this world, and they all have their own reincarnations.

In the Piao Miao Cult, there were monks flying from a distance. Looking at the vague figure, they were completely shocked for a moment.

"This physical body, what kind of physical strength is this, it has withstood so many attacks!"

"His Heavenly Tribulation is much more powerful than the Heavenly Tribulation we encountered before, but what about now? He is able to block the attacks of these Heavenly Tribulations simply with the strength of his physical body, and then uses his reincarnation technique to heal the wounds. .

Although it seems that the art of reincarnation plays a great role, if his physical body is not strong enough to support the art of reincarnation, he will be blasted to pieces! "

"This body is probably no worse than ours!"

"No, I don't have such a terrifying body either."

The Golden Fairyland people flew in one after another, but they could only look outside. Although they were from the Golden Fairyland, they still needed to greet others in advance if they wanted to enter other people's mountain gates.

Now, the senior leaders of Piao Miao Sect are watching Cao Zhen survive the calamity, and the monks responsible for guarding the mountain gate cannot find them.

These Golden Fairyland people were temporarily unable to enter the Piao Miao Religion, so they stayed outside one by one.

And Cao Zhen didn't know how many bombardments he had blocked.

Finally, the heavenly calamity in the void gradually disappeared, and the calamity cloud also disappeared.

He finally succeeded in overcoming the tribulation!

The next moment, a golden light fell in the void, directly covering Cao Zhen's entire body.

Cao Zhen was bathed in golden light, and his whole person felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

Although he has been using the art of time reincarnation to reincarnate his body, his immortal energy is limited after all.

Moreover, when using the art of time reincarnation, the consumption is not as high as usual!

There were still some minor wounds on his body, but as the golden light fell, all the wounds on his body healed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the injuries on his body disappeared.

Cao Zhen felt the power emanating from his body that he had never felt before, and a smile appeared on his face.

It's all worth it.

Suddenly, the next moment, the whole world, the whole world on this side, instantly turned dark.

It only lasted less than a breath, but the whole world suddenly became extremely bright again.

Then, day and night began to alternate crazily in this world.

Before, Cao Zhen only overcame the tribulation, but the monks of their Piao Miao Sect could see that it was him who was overcoming the tribulation. There were also some top strong men from the great religion who were far away from the Piao Miao Sect. It can't be seen clearly.

This is already very terrifying. After different breakthroughs in the tribulation, monks in the whole world can see it. During the tribulation, the kind of vision that spreads all over the world is generally not possible, so there are many monks who don’t know that it is Someone is going through the catastrophe of the true fairyland.

Until, the anomalies in this world appeared one after another, and they finally realized something.

"Only when a true fairyland breaks through can such a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth appear."

"However, it is actually of little use to break through to the True Immortal Realm at this time. After all, the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm only lasts about five hundred years. Now that I have broken through and practiced for five hundred years, it would be good to have five Immortal Palaces.

The monks who have made breakthroughs today are definitely not qualified to participate in the inheritance conference. "

This vision of heaven and earth envelops the entire world. It is not only the territory of the Sky Eye Clan, but also the territory of the Orcs. They can also clearly see the vision of heaven and earth.

There were even some orc monks who looked up at the sky, counting the changes between night and day.

Slowly, more and more monks, even in this world, had a look of surprise on their faces.

Everyone knows that after breaking through from Guixiang Realm to True Immortal Realm, the more times black and white alternate between heaven and earth, the stronger the monk who has made the breakthrough.

But no matter how much you have, there will be a limit.

"What's going on? I've counted it more than a hundred times, why do the strange phenomena of heaven and earth keep appearing?"

"Yes, I remember the visions of heaven and earth. The most they changed was ninety-nine times. But now, how many times has this happened? This has already exceeded a hundred times!"

"Over a hundred and fifty times now!"

The monks counted slowly.

"Two hundred times, night and day have changed two hundred times. This... seems to have stopped?"

"No, after stopping, it should be daytime, how can it be night?"

One by one, the monks were surprised to find that this time the heavenly tribulation was numbered, and the vision of heaven and earth during the tribulation was also special.

After the alternation of black and white disappeared, the whole world fell into darkness.

Finally, after an hour, a light appeared in the dark night.

The darkness gradually broke open, and then the sun slowly emerged, along with the bright moon and stars.

At the same time, a group of monks also looked in the same direction.

After just one breath, a figure flew into the sky, and together, in addition to countless limelights over the years, it could even be said that the appearance of the monk who had the most shadows appeared in the sight of all the monks.

"Cao Zhen?"

"It's the guy from Piao Miao Cult."

"Although I know that Cao Zhen is extremely terrifying and powerful in the Return to Immortal Realm. But this is too powerful!"

"Yes, I doubt that the heavenly calamity is the calamity that the True Immortal Realm should face!"

"And how long this vision lasts."

"Look, that figure of Cao Zhen, he is about to completely achieve the true immortal realm. With such a terrifying catastrophe and such a huge momentum, I am afraid that this time Cao Zhen will not only unite two immortal palaces."

"What? Is it possible that he can also condense three vision fairy palaces at once?"

In this world, amidst the discussions among the monks, and under the gazes of each monk, steps paved with bright light spots appeared in front of Cao Zhen.

The void around the stairs, as well as the surrounding time, seemed to have stopped for an instant.

Cao Zhen stepped forward and stepped on the star-like stairs. In an instant, he felt as if he had flown nine days away and reached the sky in one step!

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