Whether they are monks from the Sky Eye clan or the orc clan, they all know how powerful Cao Zhen is.

They would be surprised if the monk who overcame such a terrifying catastrophe was not Cao Zhen.

They all also thought that since Cao Zhen was so strong in the Return to Immortal Realm, it was very possible that Cao Zhen was not a fairy palace.

In the void, Cao Zhen quickly condensed two strange fairy palaces.

"It is indeed two immortal palaces!"

"And they are all celestial beings!"

"I knew that in such a terrifying catastrophe, Cao Zhen would be able to gather at least two immortal palaces at one time!"

"Everyone, no, what's going on? Is it the third fairy palace?"

"No, there seems to be a fourth fairy palace!"

"What's going on? How did he gather so many immortal palaces at once?"

In the void, behind Cao Zhen, on his fairy mountain, one after another, strange fairy palaces emerged.

Throughout the world, all the monks were stunned.

"what is this?"

"Why are there so many fairy palaces? And they are all fantasy fairy palaces!"

"Is this the gathering of ten immortal palaces at once? Directly becoming the true perfection of the Immortal Realm?"

"I have never heard of anyone in the True Immortal Realm who can gather so many Immortal Palaces at once!"

"No, even if it is the True Immortal Realm of Dzogchen, there are ten Immortal Palaces with strange phenomena. If you look at his Immortal Palaces, there are already more than ten, and they are even increasing!"

"How come there are monks with more than ten immortal palaces! What on earth is this!"

All the monks, even those in the Golden Immortal Realm, were completely confused. Not to mention they had seen it before, they had never heard of it. There was no monk who could have more than ten immortal palaces!

In the eyes of all the monks who were full of surprise, in the void, behind Cao Zhen's huge shadow, there were all the strange fairy palaces, all gathered together, and finally formed a huge whirlpool. This whirlpool seemed to be gathered by the long river of time. Formed, within the whirlpool is an endless starry sky.

"The alienation of the immortal palace, he has completed the alienation of the immortal palace!"

"You think it's possible? In fact, Cao Zhen completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace directly after breaking through to the True Immortal Realm, so it seems that he has more than ten Immortal Palaces."

"That's the only way to explain it. Otherwise, I really can't believe that one monk can have more than ten immortal palaces."

"However, we have never heard of this situation before. How could he have directly condensed so many visions of the Immortal Palace as soon as he broke through to the True Immortal Realm, directly achieved the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm, and then completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace!"

"Yes, you need to realize the true fairyland. How could he realize so much at once."

"Is it because of the inheritance of the Void Clan? After all, he has received the inheritance of the Void Clan four times."

"Even then, it's not the same. What's more, even if he understands enough, he doesn't have enough immortal energy to support it.

He directly returned to the Immortal Realm and achieved the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm, which required a huge amount of immortal energy! "

"I don't understand it. I don't understand it at all."

"Everyone, tell me, if Cao Zhencheng, the True Immortal Realm Great Perfection, will attend the next inheritance conference!"

After saying this, the expressions of the experts around him changed drastically.

"This doesn't seem impossible."

"There are still close to five hundred years. Who knows whether he can break through and become a half-step golden immortal within these five hundred years. If he becomes a half-step golden immortal, he will definitely participate in the inheritance conference!

Based on his previous strength in the Core Formation Stage, the Golden Core Stage, and the Return to Immortal Realm, if he participated in the inheritance conference, he would definitely be an extremely threatening opponent. "

"In five hundred years, if it were other monks, I would not believe that they could break through and enter the Half-Step Golden Immortal, but this Cao Zhen, the speed of his breakthrough is too scary.

That is to say, I am not surprised that he can use these five hundred years to break through and enter the Golden Fairy Realm. "

"It would be better if he could enter the Golden Fairyland."

As soon as he said this, many monks around asked and shook their heads.

"How is it possible? In a few hundred years, the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm will begin. How could he make a breakthrough at this time!"

"Yes, he has received four inheritances, and he must want to get the final fifth inheritance."

"The fifth inheritance? Does he still want to obtain the inheritance of all the Void Clan? How is it possible for him to obtain it!"

"As long as he rushes to participate in the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm, we orc aliens will definitely use all our strength to kill him directly.

Other celestial beings might not help him. After all, if he obtains the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm, he will have collected all the inheritance.

Who knows if the inheritance of the Void Clan will disappear due to this. If that were the case, no one would be able to obtain the inheritance of the Void Clan. "

"But Cao Zhen has the art of change. What if he changes his appearance then?"

"We, the masters of the orc tribe, must have a way."

After Cao Zhen completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace, he flew down from the void.

He looked at Wuhui Immortal Palace, bowed heavily and said: "Thank you Master for the vicissitudes of life. Otherwise, I would never be able to understand the way of time, let alone directly reach the peak of the true Immortal Realm."

He could feel that the master's method of time reincarnation has not yet been completed. If the master uses the vicissitudes of life, relying on the breath of time in the vicissitudes of life, the method of time reincarnation is very likely to be completed.

But the master still gave him the vicissitudes of life.

Wuhui Immortal Lord is still confused until now. She really didn't expect that Cao Zhen would directly break through and complete the alienation of the Immortal Palace.

After staying for a while, she asked: "How long do you have until you can break through and become a half-step golden immortal."

"I don't know." Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "The reason why I was able to complete the alienation of the Immortal Palace this time is because I was at the peak of the True Immortal Realm before.

I abandoned my own cultivation and practiced again. In fact, the auras in my body were just sealed. This time, I broke through the seal.

But Half-Step Golden Immortal... After all, I have never broken through to Half-Step Golden Immortal before. So, I'm going and don't know how long it will take.

Moreover, if I break through to the Half-Step Golden Immortality, I'm afraid I need to walk around and take a look at the outside world. "

Although he had seen the outside world with Immortal Wu Xin before, before they could finish, Immortal Tian Lun appeared and interrupted them.

Therefore, he still has to see the world again and complete the journey that he has not yet completed.

"In that case, you should go and see the outside world first. Anyway, you have now completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace. Except for me and a few Golden Immortal Realms, most of the Golden Immortal Realms can't do anything to you."

Cao Zhen took a deep look at Tianlun Immortal Lord, said goodbye to Wuhui Immortal Lord, and then disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

Immortal Lord Tianlun waited until Cao Zhen's figure disappeared, then turned back to Immortal Lord Wuhui with a smile and said: "Do you know what the last look you gave me meant?"

"He thinks what you said is not right." Wuhui Immortal Lord suddenly laughed, "He may think that you are not necessarily his opponent now."

"So, you don't need to worry about his safety." Tianlun Immortal Lord said, and added, "Unless a master like me takes action, no one can keep him."

Cao Zhen changed his appearance and entered the mortal world.

He saw farmers working with their heads down in the vast fields, sweat dripping on the land, and their hard work gave birth to the hope of life.

On the seaside, fishermen rowed small boats to catch fish in the sea; on the battlefield front, he saw the army arrayed, the soldiers holding their weapons tightly and marching forward bravely in the face of the enemy.

He saw the mountains, rivers and lakes, and walked around this side of the world. In the end, he once again regarded himself as an ordinary mortal and integrated into the mortal world just like he did in the Zhenxian Dynasty.

He felt the joys and sorrows of mortals. He saw brave young people, enthusiastic villagers, and wise elders, sharing their joys, sorrows, and joys, and experiencing the ups and downs of life with them.

He felt that the ordinary and ordinary contained endless true feelings. These trivial details were the foundation of the world and the most precious elements.

There is endless wisdom and courage hidden in mortal life.

And farmers work season after season, and fishermen go out to sea to fish day after day...

All of this is reincarnation.

Time is reincarnating, and life is constantly repeating, but every moment and everyone's reincarnation is unique.

He also saw the majestic mountains and vast lakes, which condensed the traces of time in the long years.

Time and space are also everywhere. It surrounds everything and makes everything possible.

And he himself is just a speck of dust in time and space, short-lived and tiny, but he also left his own traces in this boundless time and space.

Traces like him eventually formed this world.

This time, Cao Zhen stayed in the mortal world longer than he had stayed in the mortal world of Zhenxian Dynasty.

His stay lasted more than four hundred years.

Perhaps in the world of immortals, more than four hundred years is far from a long time, but in the mortal world, this is an extremely long time.

A dynasty rarely lasts four hundred years.

During these four hundred years, Cao Zhen forgot everything, his own identity, he even forgot that he was a human being, and he completely integrated into the life here.

Until one day, just like every other day, he climbed up a high mountain near the village, and the sun was rising slowly.

He looked at the rising sun and his mind gradually calmed down. At that moment, he realized the cycle of life.

Reincarnation does not refer to a specific cycle, but the continuous transformation and rebirth of life.

In fact, reincarnation is also the universe. It is the opportunity that the world gives to every life, allowing every soul to continuously learn, grow and pursue perfection.

The next moment, rays of enlightenment flew out from around him.

For a time, the clouds in the sky became colorful and formed strange patterns.

Clouds are no longer just water vapor, but carry the cycle and transformation of the soul.

The mountains and rivers seemed to come alive. The mountains became transparent in an instant, the water in the rivers began to boil, and the entire earth revealed the eternal truth of birth and death, change and immutability at this moment.

The sun emits dazzling golden light, spinning like a huge wheel in the sky.

A moon appears on one side of the sky and rotates continuously with the sky, forming a cycle.

Cao Zhen's shadow appeared in the void and dispersed in all directions.

At this moment, both the monks from the Sky Eye clan and the orc clan saw Cao Zhen's shadow.

"It's Cao Zhen!"

"This light, this is an epiphany!"

"Under the sudden enlightenment, there is such a light that seems to permeate our entire world!"

"This kind of light, this kind of vision of heaven and earth, is usually only experienced by a half-step golden immortal who has an epiphany, and almost enters the true fairyland, right?"

"He is not a half-step golden immortal yet, but after this enlightenment, he will definitely become a half-step golden immortal."

"Then Cao Zhen is going to become a Half-Step Golden Immortal, so he will definitely participate in the inheritance conference!"

"Cao Zhen, this position of enlightenment... this is not the position of Piao Miao Cult."

"Quick, move quickly, we have the chance to kill him directly."

"I'm afraid, there's no chance. If he goes out, it's impossible for the masters of Pianmiao Cult not to go."

"You should try it anyway."

One by one, the golden fairyland of the orcs flew towards the direction where the light of enlightenment was strongest.

But before they could fly to the place, they saw a figure in the distance, flying rapidly in the direction of Piao Miao Sect.

Cao Zhen flew away before the golden fairyland of the orcs arrived.

This time he realized that it wouldn't take long for him to become a half-step golden immortal. More importantly, he had been exposed. Those orc monks would definitely trouble him. Even if he was not afraid of them, what about those mortals? ?

Therefore, the best way is to return to the Piao Miao Cult, which is also a kind of protection for those mortals.

Cao Zhen returned to the Piao Miao Sect and began to recall his experiences over the years. However, a year later, he broke through and entered the Half-Step Golden Immortal.

And this time, he didn't need to break through the Tongtian Pass.

He is already a half-step golden immortal, and has also completed the alienation of the immortal palace.

Although the Piao Miao Sect is the top sect, there are only 200 half-step golden immortals in the entire sect, while their Piao Miao Sect has 200 places.

Therefore, he does not need to compete at all. All half-step golden immortals or monks who have completed the alienation of the immortal palace will automatically be qualified to participate in the True Immortal Realm inheritance conference.

Unknowingly, five hundred years have passed.

Cao Zhen and the other members of the Piao Miao Sect who attended the conference were escorted by several Golden Immortals to the True Immortal Realm and flew towards the inheritance place.

They are now in the true fairyland, and either they have completed the alienation of the fairy palace, or they are half-step golden immortals, and their flying speeds are extremely fast, so they are not called flying boats.

"Cao Zhen, you have to be careful." During the flight, the deputy leader of the Piao Miao Religion reminded him in a low voice, "You have already obtained four inheritances, and before you, whether you broke through to become a true fairyland or you had an epiphany, what are you doing? The movement was too great.

The orcs will definitely target you. Although you have the spell to change your appearance, they have experienced the failure last time and there will definitely be other ways this time. "

"It doesn't matter, I also have a response book." There was no trace of worry on Cao Zhen's face. He just didn't hide himself and let the other party target him. The other party couldn't do anything about him.

Not long after, everyone had flown to the place of inheritance, and masters from the major religions of the Sky Eye Clan, as well as the Beastman Clan, and masters from all races also arrived one after another.

The moment the Piaomiao Sect arrived, all eyes in the surrounding area fell on Cao Zhen.

"It's him?"

"He is that Cao Zhen."

"He is indeed here. Is he so confident in himself?"

On the orc side, the monks' eyes were filled with murderous intent that could not be concealed.

"He has obtained inheritance four times."

"Nothing can be done to let him get the fifth inheritance."

"When we enter the Small Thousand World, we will proceed according to our previous plan."

Not long after, all the monks from the true fairyland entered the small world full of tentacle monsters.

The moment Cao Zhen entered, his appearance changed.

It's not that he's afraid of those orcs, but he doesn't want to cause trouble, and he doesn't want other Sky Eyes to directly conflict with the orcs because of him.

After each orc tribe entered this small world, they did not immediately hunt down the tentacle monsters, but searched around.

After they saw the monks of the Sky Eye Clan, they did not attack immediately. Instead, they looked at each other's appearance first, and then left quickly.

The monks from the Sky Eye Clan looked at each other when they saw the orc monks leaving quickly, their eyes full of teasing.

"They are probably looking for Cao Zhen from the Piao Miao Sect."

"Cao Zhen knows the art of transformation. They didn't find Cao Zhen when they returned to the Immortal Realm. Can they find it when they enter the True Immortal Realm?"

"Let them look for it. It won't affect us anyway. If they keep looking like this, in the end, they won't be able to kill a hundred tentacle monsters, and they won't be able to participate in the ring battle."

"Huh? There's something moving behind."

"What's going on? This burst of aura is a conflict between our monks from the Sky Eye Clan and the monks from the Orc Clan?"

"Go and have a look."

One by one, the monks from the Sky Eye Clan quickly flew towards the rear.

In the forest, there was a tall and well-proportioned monk with a delicate and dignified face, a hint of indifference between his eyebrows, wearing a loose robe, and another monk who was slender and tall, with a handsome and calm face. Monks in plain-colored monastic robes walked side by side.

Suddenly, opposite them, orc monks appeared one by one.

And these orc monks, after seeing the appearance of the two people, did not leave immediately, but stopped one after another and surrounded the two monks.

"Immortal Youran, and Immortal Jingkong."

"A monk from Piao Miao Cult."

"Very good, we finally found the monks from their Piao Miao Cult."

In the Golden Core Stage, and even in the Return to Immortal Realm, the monks of the Beastman Clan and the monks of the Sky Eye Clan almost did not recognize each other.

But the monks in the True Immortal Realm are already very powerful beings. Especially, the monks who participated in the inheritance conference are all strong in the True Immortal Realm.

Both parties also know many monks from each other, so it is not difficult to find monks from a certain major religion.

Immortal Youran is holding a simple long sword. The sword body is as white as jade, the edge of the sword flashes with cold light, and the hilt is carved with delicate patterns.

Immortal Lord Jingkong holds a long stick in his hand. The stick body is made of a selected section of silver-white wood and is smooth and flawless. The head of the stick is engraved with a phoenix pattern, which is lifelike.

The two looked at the orc monks who surrounded them with ugly expressions, and said coldly: "What are you doing? Are you trying to provoke our Misty Cult?"

"Both of you."

After a group of orc monks surrounded Immortal Youran and Immortal Jingkong, one of them, a monk with a wolf face, spoke first: "We don't want to embarrass you, nor do we mean to provoke your Miao Miao Cult.

We stopped you just to know where Cao Zhen is. "

Immortal Lord Youran frowned tightly and said, "If you want to find Cao Zhen, then go find him. If we enter this world, we won't find him where he is."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know where he is, as long as he knows where you are, it's enough. You are all disciples of a great religion. I think he will definitely come to you after seeing you looking for them.

But before that, please come with us. "

Immortal Lord Youran clenched the sword in his hand and said coldly: "What if we don't agree?"

"If you two don't agree, then we have no choice but to take action. Therefore, you two had better agree." As the wolf-faced monk spoke, more than twenty orc monks surrounded him.

While they were talking, monks from the Sky Eye Clan flew over in the void.

Listening to the conversation between the two sides, they quickly understood why the orc monks flew away immediately after seeing them.

Because there are no monks from the Piao Miao Sect among them.

These orc monks are really too afraid of Cao Zhen, or in other words, they are too afraid that Cao Zhen can get all the inheritance of the Void Clan.

Therefore, they want to eliminate possible dangers in the future, and the best opportunity is in this small world.

But Cao Zhen can change his appearance, and these orcs can't find Cao Zhen at all.

So they thought of this method. They wanted to capture all the monks of the Piaomiao Sect and then force Cao Zhen to show up.

Immortal Youran obviously also thought of the plans of these orcs. He looked at the monks from other major religions of the Sky Eye Clan flying around, and said loudly: "Fellow Taoists, just let it go. These guys from the orcs are like this." Oppressing the monks of our Sky Eye Clan?"

As soon as he finished his sentence, the expressions of the monks from the Sky Eye Clan around him became strange.

Normally they would take action, but right now, they are really not sure if they are going to take action.

Those orcs did this in order to kill Cao Zhen. If they really fight, these orc monks will definitely kill him.

What's more, they are also worried about something.

They were worried that after Cao Zhen obtained the inheritance of the Void Clan, the inheritance of the Void Clan would disappear.

Moreover, this possibility is very high.

After all, the reason why the Void Clan left behind their inheritance was because they didn’t want their inheritance to be cut off.

The inheritance has always been there, is it because there are no monks, and the inheritance has been completed.

But once the monks get the complete inheritance, will the relics of this inheritance still exist?

By then, they will have no chance to inherit.

But Cao Zhen is a monk of their Heavenly Eye clan. With Cao Zhen receiving a complete inheritance, the strength of their Heavenly Eye clan will definitely be enhanced.

In fact, they are also very confused whether to take action or not.

When Cao Zhen came to this small world, he quickly felt the bursts of aura, and he quickly rushed towards the place where the aura broke out.

Want to threaten me through the monks of Piao Miao Cult?

He looked at the orc monks who were being sent down, with a cold look on his face. The next moment, his face began to change, and in just a moment, it turned into his original appearance. At the same time, inside his body, A strong murderous aura spread to the surrounding areas.

The murderous move made all the monks around him turn their heads in an instant.

At first glance, the monks' eyes widened instantly.

"Cao Zhen!"

"It's him! He actually showed up!"

"He...he can obviously change his appearance, why did he appear with this appearance!"

After being surprised, the orc monks were instantly overjoyed. Sure enough, their method was not wrong, and it went more smoothly than expected.

They had thought before that they would have to capture dozens of monks from the Piaomiao Sect before Cao Zhen could no longer bear the pressure and showed up.

Who would have thought that this was just to capture two monks from the Piaomiao Sect. They didn't even take action, they just surrounded the two monks from the Piaomiao Sect, and then Cao Zhen appeared.

When Immortal Youran saw the sudden appearance of Cao Zhen, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly shouted: "Why did you show up? Why don't you leave quickly!"

The target of these orcs is Cao Zhen, not them.

Even if they were caught by these orcs, these orcs would not dare to kill them casually. After all, in the general environment, the Sky Eye Clan and the orcs developed peacefully.

Killing one or two other monks might not cause a big disturbance.

However, if these orcs capture dozens of monks from the Piaomiao Sect and then kill them, it will be a big problem. The Piaomiao Sect will never give up.

And the entire Tianyan Clan must support the Piaomiao Sect, otherwise it will chill the Piaomiao Sect's heart.

Moreover, if Piao Miao Church has problems and other big churches don't help, they themselves will think that except for their big church's problems, other big churches won't care.

But Cao Zhen, if he appears, he will really die.

Cao Zhen seemed to have not heard the words of Immortal Youran. He looked at the orcs opposite and said coldly: "I am standing here. Aren't you looking for me? Why can't you pay me back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wolf-faced monk opposite said in a ferocious voice: "Do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than twenty orc monks, behind them, fairy palaces suddenly appeared, and waves of terrifying aura poured out from their bodies.

They are more than twenty masters. They have either completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace, or they are half-step golden immortals.

They are no ordinary true wonderland.

No matter how strong Cao Zhen is, no matter how invincible he is in the true fairyland, Cao Zhen is only one person, and there is no way he can block their attacks.

Soon, spells gathered together and flew towards Cao Zhen.

In an instant, this side of the sky seemed to explode in an instant under the bombardment of this terrifying spell, making terrifying loud noises.

Streams of terrifying thunder, flames, and ice poured towards Cao Zhen.

The wolf-faced monk did not take action, and he was not allowed to take action at all. With so many masters taking action at the same time, even the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm could not stop him, let alone Cao Zhen, a True Immortal Realm.

In just an instant, the position where Cao Zhen was just now was wrapped in countless spells, and terrifying forces exploded and crashed in the void!

Suddenly, the next moment, a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

Not far away from him, there was suddenly a strong fluctuation, which was the fluctuation of the void. It felt as if a hole was being torn open in the void by force.

He felt this terrifying fluctuation and turned around suddenly to look.

Then, in his sight, a purple long sword quickly enlarged.

Before he could react, the purple sword had already passed through his neck.

He is already a Half-Step Golden Immortal, and even among the Half-Step Golden Immortals, he is not a weakling. Otherwise, this team would not have him as the leader.

But when the sword fell, he didn't even have a chance to dodge or defend. His neck was already stabbed by the sword.

Suddenly, his head flew into the sky, and at this moment, he saw clearly the person who drew the sword.

Cao Zhen!

How could it be him!

All around, there were monks one after another. It was not until the monk with a human body and a wolf face fell that they all reacted. They were already looking at the flying head, with a look of horror in their eyes.

They clearly saw that Cao Zhen was surrounded by their spells.

Moreover, so many of their monks released spells at the same time, and the spells completely enveloped a space.

How could Cao Zhen suddenly fly through so many spells and appear behind him?

However, before they could react, Cao Zhen's figure disappeared again.

When Cao Zhen appeared again, he appeared behind a monk with a human body and a horse face. Another purple light flashed, and the head of this monk with a human body and a horse face also flew out.

All around, monks from the Sky Eye Clan knew clearly that Cao Zhen was a monk from the Sky Eye Clan and could not possibly attack them, but they also took a breath of cold air and endless terror rose in their hearts.

Anyone who can come to the inheritance conference is an extremely powerful being in the true fairyland.

It can be said that today's inheritance conference has gathered the strongest true fairyland in this world.

But such a powerful True Immortal Realm looked no different from an ordinary monk in front of Cao Zhen, and was directly killed with a sword.

In just an instant, the remaining orc monks showed timid expressions, and some of the orc monks even had the idea of ​​​​escape.

Is it just that there are so many monks running away at any time?

Before they could make a choice, Cao Zhen's figure had already appeared in front of the third orc monk. Zixia Dongsheng Sword was waved, and another head flew up.

In an instant, each orc monk, no longer caring about how many monks they had, turned around and flew away into the distance.

So what if they have twenty monks?

As for Cao Zhen, there is no way around him. They have no way to deal with Cao Zhen. If they don't run away at this time, are they going to stay and wait for death?

But just as they turned around, more than twenty orc monks appeared in the void.

When they saw Cao Zhen in the distance, a bright light appeared in their eyes.

"Cao Zhen!"

"He is indeed here!"

"Kill Cao Zhen!"

For a moment, spells flew down one after another, and the orc monks who had been escaping just now stopped their escaping movements. Twenty of them were no match, but what about now? They have more than 40 masters, how can they still defeat Cao Zhen?

But the next moment, as a huge head flew up, they were really frightened!

It's useless, whether it's more than 20 monks or more than 40 masters.

They couldn't hit Cao Zhen at all.

Cao Zhen's way of the void is so powerful that they don't know who Cao Zhen will suddenly appear in front of. No matter who Cao Zhen appears in front of, the opponent will be killed with one sword.

The gap between them and Cao Zhen is really too big.

Within a moment, two more orc monks fell.

For a moment, all the orc monks were scared to death and fled around.

And all around, the monks from the Sky Eye Clan were completely dumbfounded.

"This...is this really a monk from the True Immortal Realm?"

"I feel that even the monks in the Golden Immortal Realm are not that strong!"

"No, Cao Zhen is not necessarily as powerful as the monks in the Golden Immortal Realm, but he can ignore the numbers. Although there are many monks from the orc tribe, what's the use if they can't hit Cao Zhen!"

"Yeah, it feels like Cao Zhen can freely shuttle or jump in the void. The orc monks can't hit him at all, and he is strong enough. He only needs one sword to kill the opponent. How can he fight like this? !”

"It's useless to have so many monks besieging Cao Zhen. Let's wait until the battle begins."

"At that time, there will be no monks who can stop Cao Zhen."

"I'm afraid that this time the inheritance relics will also fall into Cao Zhen's hands."

"Then it is very possible for Cao Zhen to collect all the inheritances by himself!"

Cao Zhen did not let these orc monks escape, but used the Way of the Void to quickly pursue them.

He has received four inheritances of the Way of the Void, and combined with his Way of Time Reincarnation, he can travel through the void at will and directly avoid the spells of these monks.

When it comes to magic spells, no matter how strong he is on his own, he is still in a true fairyland after all, and it is impossible for him to block all the opponent's attacks by himself.

But what if he doesn't fight the opponent head-on? In this way, these orc monks can't attack him at all. What's the use of having more of them?

He originally didn't want to torture and kill these orc monks, but these orc monks took the initiative to provoke them. If they didn't kill him, he had no choice but to do it and completely kill them.

Although the monks of the orc tribe fell one after another, at this time, almost all the true fairyland masters of the orc tribe were gathered here.

The number of dead orc monks is far greater than the number of modified monks who arrived. However, no matter how many there are, even if there are more than one hundred or two hundred orc monks gathered here, it still has no effect.

They couldn't hit Cao Zhen at all. Instead, Cao Zhen kept appearing in front of the monks of their clan, constantly waving the purple sword, killing their fellow clansmen.

They have no response at all.

Their spells can't be used to bombard the monks of their own clan.

What's more, if they bombard their own monks, they may not be able to hit Cao Zhen. Cao Zhen may even be able to escape, but the monks of their own clan may be killed by them.

Slowly, all the orc monks in Xiaoqian World seemed to know where Cao Zhen was, and they all dared to come over.

However, no matter they used any magic weapon or any spell, they could not catch Cao Zhen and could only watch their companions fall one after another.

Slowly, the orc monks in the entire Xiaoqian World began to be afraid.

Many monks among them no longer even gathered together, but flew away into the distance.

And the orc monks who were better than others started shouting one after another when faced with Cao Zhen's massacre.

"Cao Zhen, if you don't stop, do you want us orcs to go to war with your Tianyan clan? Do you want us orcs to fully retaliate against your Piaomiao Cult?"

"Cao Zhen, get out of the way quickly. Believe it or not, keep on killing. When you get out from here, even the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord won't be able to protect you."

"Cao Zhen..."

Cao Zhen listened to the threats one after another, with a look of disdain on his face: "Provocation? It was you who provoked our Miao Miao Cult first.

Why, you just started regretting it? If you want me to stop, no problem, just disperse.

However, remember, if I see three or more orc monks, and I think you are going to target me, I will also take action.

If you don't want to die, then everyone will separate, and at most two orc monks will go together. "

While Cao Zhen was speaking, in front of him, a monk with a body and a leopard face had his head cut off by Cao Zhen.

The orc monks were filled with hatred and aggrieved to the extreme. They had never thought that so many of their orc monks, attacking at the same time, would be able to do nothing against a Sky Eye clan.

Even their entire orc clan monks would be threatened by a monk from the other side.

But the best way for them now is to retreat.

After all, if they don't retreat, they may die next moment.


"Back off first!"

One by one, the orc monks flew back in all directions.

In the distance, the Sky-Eye Clan monks who were watching the battle looked at the Orc Clan monks who were scattered like a goddess scattering flowers, with incredible looks in their eyes.

They had never thought before that a True Immortal Realm monk could be able to defeat all the True Immortal Realm monks of the other clan.

"It's too strong. I finally know why those orc monks who were in the Dan Dan Stage, Golden Dan Stage... and returned to the Immortal Realm immediately chose to jump off the ring after seeing Cao Zhen on the ring."

"This is absolutely without a doubt, the number one person in the true fairyland."

The monks of the Sky Eye Clan witnessed a miracle with their own eyes.

Cao Zhen, by himself, actually killed the monks of all races and they all left three times and no longer gathered together.

After Cao Zhen killed these orc monks, he did not pursue them again. He passively counterattacked and killed some orc monks. This can only be blamed on those orc monks for overestimating their capabilities.

But the problem is, if he keeps chasing him, it will really be a provocation to the orcs, and it will cause a war between the two races.

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