The monks of the orc tribe had never thought that so many of their masters would be able to do nothing against a true fairyland.

The main thing is that Cao Zhen's speed is no longer a problem.

If Cao Zhen was just fast, with so many monks releasing spells at the same time, Cao Zhen would have nowhere to dodge even if he wanted to.

However, Cao Zhen directly changed the void, seemingly jumping from one corner of the void to another in an instant.

As a result, their spells are useless even if they cover the entire void.

After all, Cao Zhen would suddenly appear next to them, and they couldn't attack their companions for no reason. What's more, with so many of them, Cao Zhen had too many choices, even if they attacked their companions.

And Cao Zhen's sword is terrifying enough. After appearing, he can kill one of their companions with just one sword.

When they discovered Cao Zhen and attacked him again, by the time their spell fell, Cao Zhen had already changed direction.

Even the magic weapons that trapped the monks were useless. If you wanted to trap the opponent, you had to hit the opponent first. They couldn't hit Cao Zhen, so what's the use.

In the end, they had no choice but to disperse.

The entire orc clan's True Immortal Realm monks were beaten away by a monk named Cao Zhen. This was definitely a shame for the entire orc clan.

The other monks of the Sky Eye Clan, who were shocked at the beginning, were completely numb in the end.

Not to mention seeing or hearing about this fighting power, they couldn't even imagine that a monk could be so powerful in the True Immortal Realm.

There were so many orc monks who couldn't do anything against Cao Zhen, let alone face Cao Zhen one-on-one on the stage.

"So, the inheritance of the True Immortal Realm this time is probably Cao Zhen's."

"No need to worry, so many orcs have been driven away by him. Who can be his opponent?"

"So, he will be the first monk to receive a complete inheritance?"

"I don't know if the inheritance of the Void Clan will disappear after he gets the complete inheritance. Such things are not uncommon. Many inheritances will disappear after monks get the complete inheritance."

"Who knows? But, no matter what, he is also a monk of our Sky Eye clan. Our Sky Eye clan is better than the orcs who get nothing!"

"Speaking of which, why doesn't Cao Zhen have a title?"

"It should be that he has been practicing, or he already has a title, but he has not told anyone about it."

"Let's go, don't watch the fun anymore. We haven't killed those tentacle monsters yet. This time, we have been waiting for a long time in vain. If I had known, in 10000000, I would feel the opportunity for a breakthrough, so I directly Breakthrough.”

Three days later.

In addition to the inheritance of the Void Clan, figures appeared one after another.

And whether it was the Heavenly Eyes alien race or the orc tribe's monks waiting outside, they all looked towards the silhouettes of the Heavenly Eyes tribe, trying to search for Cao Zhen's figure.

Soon, Cao Zhen appeared beside everyone in the Piao Miao Sect.

"Still alive!"

"Cao Zhen is still here!"

The monks of the Piao Miao Sect looked happy when they saw Cao Zhen appearing. They could guess that the orcs would target Cao Zhen.

Although they knew that Cao Zhen had the power of transformation, and Tianlun Immortal Lord reassured them, they could just let Cao Zhen come to the conference.

But they were still worried. Now that Cao Zhen appeared in front of them alive, most of them were relieved.

In many aspects, the expressions of the orc monks suddenly turned ugly.

"What's the situation? Didn't you tell them to target Cao Zhen? They were told to kill Cao Zhen in Xiaoqian World. How come Cao Zhen still came out alive?"

"We have already told them that we directly used people from the Miao Miao Sect to force Cao Zhen to show up. Could it be that Cao Zhen saw that his Tongda Sect disciples were in danger and was indifferent?"

"No, look over there. The Piaomiao Sect has quite a few disciples."

"Could it be that they are not targeting the disciples of the Piao Miao Sect?"

"Even if there are a few monks who don't obey our orders, it's impossible for all the monks to disobey our orders."

"What's going on? Why don't we have any monks from our clan?"

While the top brass of the orc tribe were talking, their orc tribe’s True Immortal Realm monks also flew over one after another.

Each of these high-level officials immediately started asking questions.

"What's going on with you? Why didn't you kill Cao Zhen? Also, why do the disciples of Piao Miao Sect seem to be safe and sound? What happened inside?"

The real fairyland of the orc tribe showed bitter expressions when they heard their elders asking.

"It's not like we didn't take action, Patriarch. We started taking action as soon as we entered the Little Thousand World."

"Clan leader, we have also arrested the monks of the Piao Miao Sect, and Cao Zhen also showed up in a hurry."

Facing a group of True Immortal Realm monks, the top brass of the orc tribe became increasingly puzzled: "Since you have taken action, why is Cao Zhen still alive?"

"There's nothing we can do against him."

"Yes, Cao Zhen is too terrifying. We can't attack Cao Zhen at all."

"To put it bluntly, it's not us monks who are chasing Cao Zhen, but Cao Zhen who is chasing us."

"Cao Zhen..."

The top brass of the orc clan fell into a daze after listening to the words of the True Fairy Realm clansmen.

A monk, in turn, hunted down a group of monks.

Moreover, they are all existences who have completed the alienation of the Immortal Palace and even become half-step golden immortals!


They thought about many situations. They thought about the possibility that the monks from the Sky Eye Clan would help Cao Zhen together. They thought about the fact that Cao Zhen never showed up.

But they never expected that Cao Zhen could show up openly and single-handedly to hunt down the monks from their Tianyan clan.

There were also some bad-tempered Golden Fairyland of the orc tribe, who started to curse loudly.

"Trash, all of them are trash. There are so many of you monks, but you can't even do anything against even one of the other monks!"

"You are simply a disgrace to our orc tribe."

But just as their scoldings started to sound, other Golden Immortals began to persuade them.

"Forget it, don't say any more. We can't blame them for this. After all, no one could have imagined that such a terrifying true fairyland would appear."

"Yeah, don't talk about them. In fact, when we were in the True Fairyland, there was nothing we could do against such an opponent."

"I can only say that the Sky Eye Clan is lucky to have such a peerless genius!"

"This Cao Zhen has the attitude to suppress an era!"

"No one has a chance to inherit the relics this time."

"That Cao Zhen should get the final inheritance of the Void Clan."

The leaders and deputy leaders of other major religions in the Sky Eye Clan were also completely confused when they heard the disciples' words.

Cao Zhen himself hunted down all the orc monks?

Is this something that a true fairyland can do?

Not to mention when they were in the True Immortal Realm, even now, even if they were in the Golden Immortal Realm, they couldn't do such things.

After all, there are too many monks on the other side.

The inheritance of the Void Clan!

Cao Zhen was able to do this entirely because of the inheritance of the Void Clan.

This is because Cao Zhen has only received four inheritances from the Void Clan, and soon, Cao Zhen will get the last inheritance from the Void Clan and become the first monk to collect all the inheritances from the Void Clan.

Although the arena match has not started yet, it is no different than the end. Everyone can imagine the result.

Not long after, the arena competition officially began, and Cao Zhen also flew onto a arena.

Then, the same scene as the previous few arena matches occurred again. Not a single orc monk took the initiative to fly onto the arena where Cao Zhen was.

Finally, a monk with a human body and a snake head flew to the ring, and then immediately came to the edge of the ring. Looking at Cao Zhen opposite, his eyes were full of horror.

He had participated in the pursuit of Cao Zhen before, and was also chased by Cao Zhen later. He knew how strange Cao Zhen's figure was, and how he could appear in front of them without warning.

With the speed that Cao Zhen showed at the beginning, he was really afraid that he would be killed by Cao Zhen before he could even jump off the ring in time.

Cao Zhen looked at the opponent but had no intention of taking action. He just put his hands behind his back. If he attacked with all his strength, he might indeed kill the opponent before he jumped off the ring.

But why bother?

He has killed many monks from the orc tribe. Those are the top experts of the orc tribe in the True Immortal Realm. Many of them are half-step golden immortals. With so many monks, they will definitely become golden immortals in the future. The presence. As a result, he killed so many people!

The losses of the Orcs have been great enough. If they continue to kill, the Orcs will definitely not give up. When the time comes, direct conflict will break out between the Orcs and the Sky Eyes. That is definitely not what he wants to see.

So he just stood on the ring with his hands behind his back, and then watched the opponent jump off the ring as soon as the fight started.

And every time he appeared on the stage, his opponent would immediately jump off the ring.

Before, when he was inheriting in the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Returning Immortal Realm, there were still one or two opponents who couldn't help but provoke him and take the initiative to enter the ring where he was.

But this time, no orc monk dared to take the initiative to fall on Cao Zhen's ring.

They jumped off the ring, and Cao Zhen didn't chase them, but that didn't mean that if they took the initiative to attack Cao Zhen, Cao Zhen wouldn't kill them.

This time, too many orc monks were killed by Cao Zhen.

Later, almost all of the opponents Cao Zhen faced became monks from the Sky Eye Clan. Compared to the monks of the orc clan, the monks of the Sky Eye clan were not worried about being killed, but without exception, all the monks of the Sky Eye clan were defeated in one move.

After the last monk was defeated by Cao Zhen, Cao Zhen was suddenly sucked into the inheritance ruins.

In an instant, he found himself plunged into boundless darkness.

The next moment, an extremely bright light pierced the void and spread rapidly, slowly forming a bright ball of light.

He looked at the ball of light and felt that it seemed to be filled with infinite energy and seeds of life.

As the light ball rotates, various primitive substances begin to gather, collide, and merge.

Stars were born one after another, and the universe began to take shape at this moment.

Galaxies began to form, nebulae swirled like brilliant ribbons, stars illuminated the darkness of the universe, planets and satellites roamed the universe...

"Is this the origin of the void?"

"Void is the origin and destination of the universe, and the source and end of all life. Void is infinite, it is not limited by time and space, is eternal and undetectable."

"Time flows in the universe, the years change, and all things grow and wither, forming the cycle and change of life. The reincarnation of the world symbolizes the ups and downs and evolution of life, and everything is constantly changing and transforming."

At this moment, Cao Zhen even felt that although he was an insignificant part of this vast universe, he was also a star among the many existences in the universe.

He felt as if he was connected to the universe, and even vaguely felt his trajectory in time and space.

I feel where I am in this world and where I am in the universe.

He even vaguely felt a vague trace in the distant area.

In an instant, his whole body was shaken. The vague traces should be the traces of his previous existence, and they should be the world he was in before!

Sure enough, with the inheritance of the Void Clan, he could return to the world he was in before.

Cao Zhen suppressed the excitement in his heart, calmed down his mind, comprehended everything around him, and looked at the boundlessness and grandeur of the universe.

He didn't know how long it had been before a shadow appeared in front of him.

This shadow has no fixed shape. His appearance is constantly changing, but a voice comes from this changing shadow.

"Finally, a monk can obtain the inheritance of our Void Clan."

Cao Zhen looked at the changing silhouette of the person, cupped his hands towards him and said, "Thank you, senior, for leaving the legacy.

However, senior, although you have just received the complete inheritance of the Void Clan, I can feel how powerful this inheritance is. I even feel that this inheritance can move the world with it.

How could you be forced into such a tragic situation that this entire clan was wiped out? "

"Although I am good at the Way of the Void, am I the only one in the whole world who is good at the Way of the Void?

Moreover, there are many ways to seal the void. If the entire void is sealed, where can you escape?

Therefore, even if you get my inheritance, don't be too showy, and don't think that there is no place in the world that you can't go to.

In particular, don't go to the west of the universe. "

"The West?" Cao Zhen asked with a look of surprise on his face, "Senior, were you severely injured in the West of the universe?"

"Yes, it is in the West. In fact, I don't know why I was hit hard." Xuying recalled, "We, the Void Clan, all like to wander around the world, but the number of our Void Clan is very, very small. , and it’s only me.”

Cao Zhen was confused. He only had his own race. Is it still called a race?

Xuying continued: "I have traveled to too many worlds. When I entered the west, I saw a very big world, so I was ready to enter and travel in it.

But as soon as I fell into that world, the void in that world was immediately blocked, and then one after another, extremely powerful tentacle monsters appeared, and I was hit hard by them instantly. "

"Tentacle monsters!" Cao Zhen whispered, "But those tentacle monsters we killed?"

"Yes, they are indeed those tentacle monsters. After I sensed the danger, I immediately used all my strength to break through the opponent's blockade and escape. But even so, I was still severely injured.

Then, I randomly chose a world to land in, leaving behind my legacy. As for the Little Thousand Worlds where you killed those tentacle monsters, that was the other side's Little Thousand Worlds that I grabbed casually when I escaped.

Of course, you can rest assured after looking at it. That small world is wrapped in me. In my void world, the other party has no way to find out where their small world is.

Therefore, your world is safe for the time being, and those tentacle monsters will not appear. "

"You said that you were attacked by a tentacle monster in a certain world in the west? But, I...I am not a monk in this world, and there are also tentacle monsters in our world.

The side of the world I am in should be the East. "

As Cao Zhen spoke, he thought of the vampire race again and added, "Also, senior, have you ever seen a race condensed by blood? Many of them are the same as tentacle monsters."

"I have seen such a race before." Xuying whispered, "Maybe they just look alike, I don't know what they are related to.

Okay, I'm out of energy, remember my advice, don't go to the Western World. "

After Xu Ying's words fell, he began to slowly dissipate.

Cao Zhen was very anxious and asked quickly: "Wait, senior, do you know what they want to do in the original world? They..."

But there was no sound in response to him from the other side.

He didn't expect that the other party would dissipate as soon as he said it would dissipate. He wanted to ask questions about the original world, but it was too late.

In just an instant, the shadow completely dissipated.

The next moment, Cao Zhen felt that the whole world was shaking crazily, and then the world turned into a point of light and entered his mind instantly.

Immortal weapon!

At this moment, he understood that Senior Void's great help in traveling the world was the ruins.

That is a middle-grade magic weapon of heaven level!

At the same time, outside the heritage ruins, in the sight of a group of monks, the heritage ruins suddenly began to shake crazily, and then the entire ruins disappeared, with only Cao Zhen's figure appearing in front of them.

"The ruins have disappeared!"

"Sure enough, our previous guess was correct. When a monk obtains all the inheritance, this inheritance relic will disappear."

"Damn it, the ruins have disappeared. So, we monks of the orc clan will no longer be able to obtain the inheritance of the Void clan!"

"Not to mention our orc clan, the same goes for the Sky Eye clan. Cao Zhen is the most popular, teaching the Void Clan's ways to their disciples of the Piaomiao Sect.

Moreover, the ruins are gone, and the way of the void taught by Cao Zhen alone is different from the one in the ruins.

After all, Cao Zhen is only in the True Immortal Realm now. Even if he breaks through and enters the Golden Immortal Realm, his understanding of the Tao of the Void will be limited. The person who left behind the inheritance of the Void Clan is an unknown powerful being. I am afraid that the other person is at least a Daluo Golden Immortal, or even a stronger quasi-sage, or even a saint! "

Although Tianlun Immortal Lord knew that Cao Zhen was now extremely powerful and that the ordinary Golden Immortal Realm could not do anything to Cao Zhen, she still appeared beside Cao Zhen immediately and said in a deep voice: "Let's go. We will learn Piao Miao Cult first.”

Although it is said that the orcs present and the monks from the Sky Eye Clan are extremely jealous of those who stepped on the formation and obtained all the inheritance of the Void Clan, and even obtained the entire relics of the Void Clan.

But they had no choice. If this was a period of chaos, they would definitely take action and kill Cao Zhen directly.

But now, everyone still has to maintain the overall balance and prepare to deal with the war after the opening of various worlds. They will not be able to take action against Cao Zhen.

After Cao Zhen returned to the Piaomiao Sect, for a while, the major sects sent their masters to the Piaomiao Sect to congratulate Cao Zhen.

Although he said it was congratulations, in fact, he probably wanted the Piaomiao Sect to force Cao Zhen to contribute the Way of the Void, or at least let Cao Zhen explain the Way of the Void again.

They even want to find out whether the last relic has entered Cao Zhen's hands. If it has entered Cao Zhen's hands, they also want Cao Zhen to release the relic. In the future, they can continue to enter the relic and obtain the Void. The inheritance of Tao.

It’s just that all the monks were stopped by Tianlun Immortal Lord. According to Tianlun Immortal Lord, Cao Zhen will attack the Golden Immortal Realm with all his strength. Everything will be done after Cao Zhen breaks through and enters the Golden Immortal Realm.

Seeing this, the monks from other major religions had no other choice but to wait.

They can't delay others' attack on the Golden Wonderland.

However, Cao Zhen did not attack the Golden Fairy Realm immediately, but called Immortal Lord Wuhui and Tianlun Immortal to him, and said in a low voice: "If I break through and enter the Golden Fairy Realm, I can travel the entire universe.

However, when I travel around the world, I always carry the relic with me. It is a magic weapon.

When I break through and enter the Golden Fairyland, I will leave this world.

However, if I want to travel around the world, I must use the ruins. There is no way I can leave the ruins behind. "

He said, looking at the two of them, with a look of guilt on his face. After all, the ruins belonged to their world.

"There is no need to feel guilty." Tianlun Immortal Lord said calmly, "All relics will eventually belong to their owners.

Moreover, I have also received inheritance. Although it is helpful, the help is still limited due to the incomplete inheritance.

Now that you have obtained the relic, it is yours. If you want to take it away, is there any problem? Also, the monks from other great religions want you to pass on the inheritance of the Void Clan.

If you can leave directly after becoming a Golden Immortal, then just leave and avoid arguing with them. "

"Thank you, Master. So, Master, I am still Master.

I have promised you before that I will teach you my Tao of Void and the Tao of Void Reincarnation. Before I break through to the Golden Fairy Realm, I will teach you all these first, as well as the avenues I have mastered. "

While Cao Zhen taught the two people the way of reincarnation in the void, he began to organize his path, leaving behind a series of spiritual thoughts.

In another world.

In a desert, two human monks were moving forward quickly, both wearing the same clothes.

They are disciples of the Donghuang Sect!

Although this area is extremely desolate, there is an oasis.

The two flew all the way, and soon they saw an oasis appearing in front of them.

Suddenly, a look of solemnity appeared on the two people's faces. Behind them, five Immortal Palaces appeared, and behind each person, there were three Immortal Palaces of Visions.

Recently, the number of tentacle monsters appearing in the Dongzhou, Xizhou, Nanzhou and Beizhou of their human race has begun to increase.

The order they received was to come and kill these tentacle monsters.

The two men looked at each other and each took out a long sword. However, the long sword in one of their hands was fiery red, while the other monk's long sword was as cold as ice.

The monk holding the fiery red sword whispered: "Junior Brother Wushuang, you should know what our purpose is this time. Junior Brother, please be more careful."

"Junior brother understands, and so do you, senior brother Shakehuo."

The two of them reminded each other again before landing on the oasis.

Just as it fell, the next moment, two tentacle monsters with huge bodies, tentacles like entangled vines, and emitting a sinister aura appeared.

Their skin showed a green scale texture, and their eyes flashed with a cold and ferocious light. Their bodies twisted and moved, and tentacles flew towards the two of them rapidly.

Every tentacle twitched, like a giant pillar crushing the heaven and earth, swinging towards the two of them. Every wave of the tentacles was accompanied by terrifying strong winds, sweeping away the surrounding sand, dust and gravel, as if they were going to destroy everything.

These tentacles twisted like poisonous snakes, and they made a harsh roar when they waved. Each wave brought a terrifying impact, the ground continued to tremble, and the entire void seemed to collapse.

The two of them stood firmly on the spot. Behind them, in the fairy palaces, the mighty fairy energy surged, and the power of fire and frost gathered around them.

The Fire-Shaking Immortal Lord even raised his long sword and swept forward suddenly.

In an instant, flames surged out, like a frenzy in the sea, seemingly endless.

The flames showed a dazzling red color and spread out, forming a flame barrier, like a wall of fire, wrapping each tentacle.

The flames danced like raging flames, emitting scorching heat and burning the surrounding air, as if they were about to turn everything into ashes.

Every touch of the tentacles triggered loud explosions on the flame barrier, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

The terrifying destructive power of the flames and the terrifying high temperature seemed to melt everything.

In this space, flames soared into the sky, the fire was blazing, the light was shining, and the entire desert seemed to be immersed in a sea of ​​fire.

A burning smell spread even more.

On the other side, the sharp sword in Wushuang Immortal Lord's hand was filled with cold air, forming a frozen vortex.

The vortex attacked the other tentacle monster, and wherever it passed, whether it was the void or the ground, it was instantly covered with a thick layer of frost.

While flying in the cold air, it turned into an ice dragon and instantly surrounded another monster.

The two of them took action at the same time, and for a moment, the world seemed to be enveloped in blazing flames. The fire burned the earth, lava flowed, and the earth shook.

And when the frost condenses, the air is cold and the wind is biting, and the world seems to have fallen into a frozen era.

The icy air filled the world, and there was a vague feeling of doomsday coming.

After one of the tentacle monsters was surrounded by icy power, the tentacles solidified, quickly turned into ice, and shattered suddenly.

The body of the other tentacle monster has been burned, like a piece of dark charcoal.

In just an instant, these two tentacle monsters were all dead.

However, the next moment, the two tentacled monsters were left, and the earth suddenly cracked open.

Then, a monk with a body that looked like a human being, but with a pair of wings and a fierce light in his eyes suddenly rushed out of the earth and appeared in their sight.

Along with his appearance, waves of extremely terrifying aura came out. He didn't take action, but the overflowing aura made the whole world tremble.


The expressions of Immortal Lord Shake Fire and Immortal Wushuang suddenly condensed. Sure enough, there are alien races here, and they exist in the Golden Fairy Realm!

Almost the moment this alien race appeared, two auras that were no weaker than this alien race burst out of the void.

Two human Golden Fairyland monks appeared.

During this period of time, the human race sent many monks to eradicate the tentacle monsters that suddenly appeared near the places where mortals lived.

At first, they didn't pay much attention to this matter. After all, the monks they sent were not weak enough to kill those tentacle monsters.

However, the monks they sent out died one after another, and among them were those in the True Immortal Realm, or even those at the peak of the True Immortal Realm.

It was able to kill the cultivators at the peak of the True Immortal Realm and even give them no time to escape or even send for rescue.

The other party is very likely to be from the Golden Wonderland.

At this time, those who killed their human monks were most likely those alien races.

Many of the alien races in the original world entered the world where their human race was. Some of the alien races were caught, but some others were not caught.

Therefore, they came up with this strategy, using the monks from the True Immortal Realm to lure out the opponent's Golden Immortal Realm, and then kill the opponent.

As the auras of these two Golden Immortal Realm erupted, the auras of several Golden Immortal Realm monks also erupted in the distance, and they quickly chased here.

The winged Golden Immortal of the Kong Clan felt a cruel look on his face when he felt the Golden Immortal rushing towards him in the distance.

"Why do you still want to arrest me?"

With a sneer, he turned around and flew away. Behind them, the human race's Golden Immortal Realm monks chased after them, and in the blink of an eye they disappeared from the sight of Fire-Shaking Immortal Lord and Wushuang Immortal Lord.

Immortal Wushuang looked at the retreating figure and whispered: "Brother, tell me, can we..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Below him, a terrifying power suddenly surged out. The power was no weaker than that of the alien who had just flown away.

The existence of Golden Fairyland, there is another Golden Fairyland here!

Just as he felt the breath, a sharp pain suddenly hit him, followed by two loud bangs.

The bodies of the Fire-Shaking Immortal Lord and the Wushuang Immortal Lord exploded.

At the same time, a monk wearing golden scales and a pair of huge fangs emerged from the ground, grabbed the Qiankun rings of the two men, and sneered: "Since you are serving as bait, you must be prepared to be killed.

The human race... it won't be long before there will be no more human race in the world. "

After muttering to himself, he dived into the ground again.

On the other side, in the void, the Kong Clan monk flapped his wings and flew away into the distance, flying into the Central Continent in the blink of an eye.

Although the human race sent several masters from the Golden Immortal Realm to intercept him from various positions, his speed was too fast.

Finally, he disappeared after flying into Central Continent.


As the masters of the human race entered the original world, the strongest master on the human race side became Li Ke.

Li Ke generally doesn't deal with human affairs. All matters related to the Baifeng Sect are handled by Nie Jie. She also leaves other human affairs to Nie Jie.

And all she needs to do is practice.

But recently, Nie Jie came to see her more and more often.

"Great Elder, in our human race, two more masters from the True Immortal Realm died recently. It was the hands of the aliens from the Golden Immortal Realm. And this time we dispatched eight Golden Immortal Realm masters..."

Nie Jie told Li Ke what had just happened with a serious look on his face.

Li Ke asked in a deep voice: "Flying into Central Continent and disappearing? Is it the territory of the Celestial Clan?"

"Yes, it is the territory of the Celestial Clan." Nie Jie's expression suddenly changed and he said, "Great Elder, what are you suspecting? You are not suspecting that the Celestial Clan has colluded with the aliens, right? No matter what, the Celestial Clan is also colluding with the aliens. We are in the same world, and at this time, he should not cause trouble again."

"The Celestial Clan... who knows what they want to do. Forget it, pass on the order. From today on, our human race will send out masters from the Golden Fairy Realm to kill those tentacle monsters.

Also, at least two masters from the Golden Fairyland will act at the same time. "

Cao Zhen is the leader of the human race, but Cao Zhen is no longer in the human race. Li Ke originally had the strength to enter the original world, but she chose to stay. She is naturally the strongest monk in the human race today. At the same time, she is also Cao Zhen’s wife. .

Therefore, based on these two points, the current human race is headed by Li Ke, who is equivalent to the acting chief of the human race.

When Nie Jie left, Li Ke frowned deeply and said to himself: "What happened to that guy Cao Zhen.

He actually scrapped all his cultivation before and started practicing from scratch. He really thought he was a reincarnated and powerful person!

Then, he told me before that he might have found a way to come back, but it has been seven or eight hundred years and there has been no response. What on earth is that guy doing? "

She didn't think Cao Zhen was in danger, because the last time Cao Zhen contacted her, he told her that he had broken through and entered the true fairyland, and that the monks had surpassed his previous life.

Even in the Golden Fairy Realm, there are not many opponents for him.

So, what level of cultivation is Cao Zhen trying to achieve now? At a critical moment in cultivation?

It didn't take much time for Cao Zhen to tell the Immortal Lord Wuhui and the Immortal Heavenly Wheel about the way of reincarnation in the void. As for his own way, he directly left his spiritual thoughts behind.

Then, he began to attack the Golden Fairyland.

What he thought before was indeed correct. He did not become the Golden Immortal Realm because his cultivation was too complex. It had nothing to do with the fact that the entire world of the human race had not completely returned to the hands of the human race.

"It's time to break through and become a golden immortal."

Cao Zhen flew out of the cave, and the next moment, the entire world fell into darkness.

It was pitch black, so dark that you couldn't even see your fingers.

Even if each of the monks has become a true fairyland existence, they can only see about half a foot of their body in this darkness.

At the same time, monks in this world raised their heads one after another.

"The whole world was suddenly so dark."

"I am a monk who has returned to the Immortal Realm. Now, I can't even see my palms clearly. It's so dark. There is only one situation."

"There are monks who want to become golden immortals!"

Although a monk in the True Immortal Realm could not see clearly, the existences in the Golden Immortal Realm all looked towards the same place.

They were not affected too much.

"That's...Cao Zhen!"

"He is finally going to break through and enter the Golden Fairyland!"

"What a terrifying aura. I already exist in the Golden Immortal Realm, but I feel a little horrified under this aura."

In the darkness, waves of terrifying pressure were constantly coming down from the void above the Piao Miao Sect.

The pressure of the robbery cloud!

Suddenly, at the same time, the entire world, this vast world, shook crazily at the same time, and there were more terrifying sounds, coming from the void, resounding throughout this vast world, the sound was so loud that it seemed as if The world on this side exploded at this moment.

Amid the loud noise, the void was dyed into colorful colors, and rays of light from heavenly tribulations lit up, restoring some light to the world.

Above Cao Zhen's head, thunder, strong winds, flames, heavy water, and countless catastrophes all fell.

And under his feet, there were also stone thorns and ice thorns attacking.

Just for a moment, his whole body was surrounded by heavenly tribulation.

Two rays of light emerged around Cao Zhen. One of these two rays of light was like a long river of time, and the other was like an endless void.

These two rays of light rotated gently, but did not block the falling tribulation.

Cao Zhen allowed countless catastrophes to fall and bombard him. The next moment, the power of time appeared around him. Time around him quickly retreated, and the injuries on his body also recovered rapidly.

He will use these catastrophes to continue to forge his physical body.

He released the power of time reincarnation to heal his injuries, and the power of void reincarnation was just to stop these catastrophes when he couldn't hold on anymore.

In this vast world, no matter whether they were monks from the Sky Eye Clan or the Beastman Clan, they were all stunned when they looked at Cao Zhen who was being bombarded by the Heavenly Tribulation in the void!

"Crazy, absolutely crazy!"

"Those are the heavenly tribulations of the Golden Immortal Realm. If you succeed in overcoming the tribulations, you will become a golden immortal. But in the end, he used these heavenly tribulations to shape his physical body!"

"The key is, he blocked it!"

"This guy, how powerful his body is!"

"He is going to become a Golden Immortal. Everyone, don't forget what we discussed before."

"Come on, they have been delaying for so long, they should give us an answer."

One by one, the Golden Immortals of the Sky Eye Clan flew towards the direction of the Piao Miao Sect.

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