The monks of the Sky Eye Clan don't want the Void Clan's relics to benefit the Piaomiao Sect in vain. They must let the Piaomiao Sect contribute the relics so that everyone can use them.

When they went to Piao Miao Cult, Tianlun Immortal Lord made an excuse, saying that Cao Zhen was going to break through, and they had been waiting.

Now that Cao Zhen has become a Golden Immortal, there is no reason to delay any longer.

They quickly arrived outside Piao Miao Cult, but slowly, they discovered something was wrong.

"Why does he keep going through tribulations!"

"It's been ten days and the catastrophe hasn't ended yet?"

"Generally speaking, the heavenly tribulations in the Golden Immortal Realm are as strong as ten heavenly realms. These are more heavenly tribulations."

"So, he won't be as strong in the Golden Immortal Realm as he was in the True Immortal Realm, right?"

The more powerful the tribulation is and the longer it lasts, the stronger the monks who can overcome it will naturally be.

A group of monks from the Sky Eye Clan found that Cao Zhen had been through the tribulation for a long time, but they thought it was normal. After all, Cao Zhen was absolutely invincible in every realm of cultivation before the Golden Immortal Realm.

But as the tribulation lasted longer and longer, even the monks in the Golden Immortal Realm began to be unable to understand it.

"It's been twenty days..."

"No, it's been thirty days, why does it seem like this catastrophe hasn't stopped yet!"

Time passed day by day, and before he knew it, Cao Zhen's time to overcome the tribulation had lasted ninety-nine days.

For the past ninety-nine days, he has been using his body to withstand the bombardment of the heavenly tribulation. Unless he can't bear it anymore, he will cast spells to block the heavenly tribulation for a moment. After his body has almost recovered, he will use his body to resist the heavenly tribulation again. Tribulation.

He didn't expect that his calamity could last for so long.

During the ninety-nine days, his physical body continued to be shattered with all his strength, and then reshaped, and then shattered and reshaped again. His entire body became even stronger.

Finally, after the arrival of the hundredth day, the layers of calamity clouds dispersed in the void.

These calamity clouds seemed to be shattered by rays of light, and in the void, the countless rays of light gathered on Cao Zhen's body.

The light shone brightly, and Cao Zhen's whole person looked like a god who had fallen from ancient times, exuding an ancient, mysterious aura that was even more difficult to look at.

As the protective divine light emerged, a blooming flower slowly appeared above his head.

Three flowers of human flower!

Golden wonderland!

At this moment, he finally became a golden immortal.

After Cao Zhen became the Golden Immortal, he took a deep look downwards, and his eyes fell on the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord and the Wuhui Immortal Lord.

He glanced at the world with nostalgia, and the next moment, a silver light appeared in front of him, and the light converged to form a whirlpool.

Void ruins!

Heavenly magic weapon!

Cao Zhen stepped forward and entered the whirlpool.

The next moment, the entire void shook crazily at this moment, and the void continued to tear apart, with cracks appearing near the vortex.

Following that, the whirlpools and Cao Zhen all disappeared, leaving only the whirlpools that proved the great changes that had occurred here.

At this time, all the monks in the entire world were dumbfounded.

"what's the situation?"

"Cao Zhen disappeared?"

"He just broke through the Golden Immortal Realm and disappeared?"

"Where did he go?"

In front of the Piaomiao Sect, monks from the Golden Immortal Realm flew up one after another, shouting to Tianlun Immortal Lord and asking: "Fellow Tianlun, what is going on? Cao Zhen, why did he disappear?"

Immortal Lord Tianlun simply flew out of the Piao Miao Cult, and like many monks, he showed a puzzled look and said: "I don't know why he disappeared. It's just that when he flew away just now, he sent a spiritual thought Tell me, the Void Clan is destined to travel around the universe.

He inherited the inheritance of the Void Clan, and after becoming a Golden Immortal, he also had to travel around the universe. "

"What about traveling around the universe?"

"Can't he stay for a while?"

"What about the inheritance of the Void Clan?"

Tianlun Immortal Lord shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know either. It seems that after he became a Golden Immortal, he couldn't control it. After all, he never told us before that he wanted to travel around Yuzhou.

It should be the inheritance of the Void Clan, so he must fly out of our world and wander in the universe. Otherwise, he should have informed us in advance and wouldn't have made us so passive. "

"Well, can he come back?"

All around, many monks from the Sky Eye Clan were concerned about the inheritance of Cao Zhen.

Tianlun Immortal Lord shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know if he can come back, after all, he didn't say anything before, and he left suddenly.

In fact, his departure will have a greater impact on our Piao Miao Sect than all of you. After all, we lost one of our top combatants at once. "

"Here, he should be able to come back."

"Yes, he should be able to return after traveling around."

"Fellow Tianlun, if Cao Zhen returns, be sure to inform us. After all, he is now in the Golden Immortal Realm. Judging from his previous combat power, he will definitely be the top after entering the True Immortal Realm. Golden wonderland.

When the worlds are connected and the war begins, he will be an extremely important fighting force. His presence or absence will also affect the layout of our Tianyan clan. "

All around, all the Golden Immortals from the Sky Eye Clan frowned.

Cao Zhen suddenly flew away, so none of them could get the inheritance of the Void Clan.

Moreover, what they said was not wrong.

Judging from Cao Zhen's strength in the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Returning Immortal Realm, combined with the hundred days of Cao Zhen's efforts to overcome the tribulation, Cao Zhen must be an extremely powerful existence in the Golden Immortal Realm, even surpassing the Tianlun Immortal Lord. .

This is an extremely important combat power for their Sky Eye Clan.

But now, Cao Zhen has disappeared, which is a loss to the entire Tianyan clan.

Soon, the monks of the orc tribe also learned the news of Cao Zhen's disappearance. While they were happy, they were also a little worried.

They are in the same team as the Sky Eye Clan. It should be a good thing that the top powerhouse of the Sky Eye Clan has disappeared.

However, no one knows whether the world next to them is strong or weak. What if the other side is about the same strength as them?

Even if Cao Zhen is not a monk from their orc tribe, he is still a monk from their world. Cao Zhen will help their world fight against the other world.

There is a really big difference between having a top Golden Immortal and losing such a top Golden Immortal.

Cao Zhen flew into the void, and the vortex instantly attached to his body, like a stream of light, wrapping him up and allowing him to travel in the universe.

Even when he has a thought, he can directly teleport a certain distance and appear outside the next planet.

"Go to the world you were in before!"

Cao Zhen felt the faint familiar breath in the distance and moved rapidly towards the direction of the breath. Although he could travel through the void now, he could not reach it instantly.

The human world he was in before was also very far away from the world of the Sky Eye Clan. It would take him a long time to fly to the human world.

Along the way, he was able to see worlds one by one, and there were passages in these worlds.

Today, there are clear barriers to these passages.

He felt that if he used the power of the void, he could pass through these barriers. In fact, he was also very interested in other worlds.

However, now that he has no time to care about other places, he must first return to the vast world of their human race.

"I don't know what the Baifeng Sect is like now, or what the human world is like."

Cao Zhen had not contacted his wife Li Ke for a long time because of his attack on the Golden Fairyland.

With a thought in his mind, he connected to Li Ke through the Chinese Cloud.

Soon, the figure of Li Ke appeared in his sight.

To his surprise, Li Ke did not stay in the Baifeng Sect, but moved forward in a wilderness.

"Li Ke, what are you doing? How could you run outside?"

Cao Zhen asked full of doubts.

While Li Ke was flying, he suddenly heard Cao Zhen's voice. His face couldn't help but reveal a happy look, and then he whispered in his heart: "I just finished investigating outside, and now I'm ready to return to our Baifeng Sect." .”

"Investigating? Inquiring about what?" Cao Zhen became more and more puzzled, "What happened during this period of time?"

"Recently, many tentacle monsters have appeared in our four continents. At first, we only sent disciples to destroy these tentacle monsters.

But soon, the disciples we sent out died one after another. Later, we even discovered that it was those alien races who were using those tentacle monsters to kill our disciples.

So we sent out masters from the Golden Fairy Realm, hoping to take this opportunity to capture those alien races.

However, every time we failed, we even more suspected that the Celestial Clan colluded with these alien races, but we did not have any evidence.

We have no choice but to let all our disciples outside return to the great sect. But in this case, we have no way of knowing what is happening outside.

Therefore, our Golden Wonderland people go out on regular inspections to check if there are any changes in the outside world, especially those blood rivers.

Those foreign races colluded with the Heavenly Clan, and the Vampire Clan also colluded with the Celestial Clan. I am worried that this is their strategy. After forcing our monks to return to the great religion, they quietly unlocked the seal of the Vampire Clan.

However, for the time being, no expansion of the Blood River of the Vampire Clan has been found, and the seals are all well sealed. "

"Tentacle monster..." Cao Zhen's face instantly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "Before, we guessed that the Heavenly Clan was the strongest, and later, we thought that the Blood Clan was extremely powerful. However, all I have is the same information. Maybe Those green tentacle monsters are the strongest!”

"What! Then our current situation..." Li Ke's expression also became extremely solemn. The Celestial Clan they had previously thought was the strongest had actually become the weakest.

In this way, if the three races united, could the human race be able to resist it?

"I just got the news, but I'm not sure whether those tentacle monsters will appear in large numbers in our world."

Cao Zhen said in a deep voice: "Now, you inform the other tribes to take precautions. I am rushing towards our world now. You wait until I arrive."

"You're coming back!" A joyful expression suddenly appeared on Li Ke's face, and she asked hurriedly, "How long will it take for you to come back?"

"I don't know how long it will be. The place I am now is too far away from the vast world of our human race."

Cao Zhen really didn't know how long it would take for him to return to the human world. At least, they wouldn't be able to fly back within a year or two.

"By the way, where are the Grand Masters? Where are the top masters of our various races? I mean, where are the masters above the Golden Immortal Realm? Where are they now?"

Cao Zhen thought about the masters of various races. Those masters were actually the most advanced combat power, and they had not entered the original world.

I don’t know how the combat power of the top masters from each race compares to the top combat power of these three races.

"They, they are not here." Li Ke explained, "I don't know why. It's not just the masters of our human race who are above the Golden Immortal Realm, but also the demon tribe, the beast tribe, and all the masters who are above the Golden Immortal Realm." All the masters disappeared.

I asked the monks from the demon clan and the beast clan, and they didn't know how their masters suddenly disappeared.

Therefore, the strongest combat power now is the Golden Fairyland. "

"Disappeared?" Cao Zhen suddenly thought that in the vast world of the Tianyan Clan, he had never seen a monk who was above the Golden Immortal Realm.

So, not only their world, but also other worlds, all the monks above the Golden Fairyland have disappeared?

It is impossible for them to disappear suddenly, but what happened to make all the masters above the Houjin Wonderland leave?

Cao Zhen couldn't understand it for a while, but he knew that now, they could not rely on others but themselves.

He accelerated towards the world where the human race was.

As the distance he flew became longer and longer, his control over the void gradually became more proficient.

And he was also in contact with Li Ke while rushing on his way.

Before I knew it, three years had passed.

In the past three years, the number of tentacle monsters in their human world has been increasing.

On this day, he contacted Li Ke again as before.

But as soon as Li Ke was connected, before he could speak, Nie Jie's figure appeared in his sight.

"The Great Elder is not good." Nie Jie looked at Li Ke with a panicked expression. "The Heavenly Clan, the Blood Clan, and the Evil Clan suddenly launched an attack and attacked the Zerg Clan. In addition, those tentacle monsters also joined forces with them. Together.

Today, the Zerg cultivators in our world have almost lost all of them. "

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, a figure rushed in and said urgently: "The world of monsters, orcs, hells and bugs are all under attack. It's the Celestial Clan and the others.

In addition, the Celestial Clan and others have now begun to attack our human race. They are unusually ferocious. In particular, the number of those vampires seems to be greater than that of the heavenly clan. There are also those tentacle monsters, whose number is not much less than that of the monks of the heavenly clan.

Great Elder, what should we do now? "

Li Ke made a quick decision, stood up and walked outside. As he walked, he told Nie Jie: "Inform us all the experts from the True Immortal Realm and Golden Immortal Realm in Dongzhou to go to the border and never let the other side break through our border."

Cao Zhen was in a panic. The Tian Clan really launched an attack. In other words, all the words the Tian Clan said before were false. The Tian Clan was not worried about the upcoming battle with a clan from another world, so They are waiting for an opportunity to allow all ethnic groups to develop peacefully.

Now, the Celestial Clan felt that the time had come, so they immediately launched an attack.

Faster, faster, he wants to fly back to their human world faster.

Cao Zhen frantically activated the breath in his body and flew forward.

He could feel that he was somewhat close to the human world, but it should still be about a year before he could go back.

In a year or so, I don’t know how many masters from their human race will die in battle.

Slowly, he also discovered that the Celestial Clan was extremely arrogant this time.

The Celestial Clan attacked the Human Race, Demon Race, Orc Race, Zerg Race and Hell Race at the same time.

What’s even more frightening is that on the Heavenly Clan’s side, except for the monks from the Evil Clan, as the battle progresses, their numbers are rapidly decreasing to a degree visible to the naked eye.

Whether they are monks from the Heavenly Clan, monks from the Blood Clan, or even those tentacle monsters, their numbers have not decreased significantly.

Even this number is still increasing.

At the border between East Continent and Central Continent, beside the winding river, countless corpses lying on the ground were scattered on both sides of the river bank.

All of them are warriors who sacrificed their lives heroically to defend their nation!

Their bodies were broken, their faces were cold, and their blood soaked the ground and dyed the river water crimson.

The ground here is even more riddled with holes, with cracks and broken traces everywhere, as if it had just experienced a doomsday catastrophe.

In the distance, the mountains that originally existed have long since been leveled, leaving only ruins.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, heavy and pungent, making people choke and breathe heavily.

Pieces of broken magic weapons were scattered on the ground, gathering with the corpses. From a distance, it looked like a desolate cemetery.

At a glance, this world is littered with corpses!

In addition to the corpses of their human monks, they were also covered with the corpses of the heavenly clan, the vampire clan, the evil clan, and the corpses of tentacle monsters.

"Finally repelled their attack again."

One by one, the monks looked at the retreating Celestial Alliance Army, with a look of exhaustion on their faces.

They have always guarded the border of the East Continent and have never allowed the Celestial Clan's coalition forces to truly cross the East Continent.

However, the number of experts they guard here is getting older and fewer.

On the contrary, on the side of the Heavenly Clan, except for the Evil Clan, the numbers of the other three parties have not been significantly reduced, and the pressure on their defense is also increasing!

"I just got the news that Xizhou is almost undefendable. Maybe the next time the Celestial Clan attacks, Xizhou will be breached."

"The situation in Nanzhou and Beizhou is not much better than that in Xizhou."

"Everyone, how is the situation of the demon clan and the others?"

A sword-wielding monk sighed and said: "The situation of the Demon Clan, the Beast Clan and even the Prison Clan is not bad. The Celestial Clan's coalition forces are only surrounding them more, but they are absolutely unable to break through the Celestial Clan's encirclement.

As for the Zerg, everyone knows that the main direction of their attack is the Zerg. Now the Zerg world has been invaded.

Perhaps, in a few months, there will be no Zerg in this world. After all, after we die in battle, our corpses are useless to all races, but they can become nourishment for the Zerg race.

Theoretically, the Zerg can become stronger as they fight, so the Sky Clan chooses to attack the Zerg first. "

"We can't protect ourselves now, let alone rush out to rescue the Zerg."

"I'm afraid that after the Zerg are exterminated, it will be time for the Sky Clan to attack us with all their strength."

A female cultivator holding a sharp sword listened to the sounds coming from all around, with a look of confusion on her face: "I really don't understand, why are there so many tentacle monsters suddenly appearing!

There are also monks from the Blood Clan and the Celestial Clan, they seem to be coming in an endless stream.

Our monks are getting fewer and fewer, but their monks seem to be able to be continuously replenished from somewhere. "

"The vast world of the human race, the world in front of us is our human race!"

Cao Zhen moved forward at full speed in the universe and finally saw the world where his human race lived.

At a glance, their human world has four passages. Four passages extend majestically, connecting the outside world with this mysterious realm.

Among them, the first channel shines with mysterious light. On both sides of the channel are vast stars and flowing nebulae, like a road extending to the endless universe.

The second channel is intertwined with blood-red light. These red lights are like a dense river of blood.

The third channel is composed of winding thunder and lightning and surging energy flows. On both sides of the channel are volcanoes spewing plasma and rushing waterfalls, as if it is the intersection of fire and water.

The fourth channel is also the smallest of all channels, and it is also the most special channel.

This passage seemed to be the gap between their world and another world.


Cao Zhen suddenly remembered what the Tian Clan had said.

Their Celestial Clan also has an ancestral land, and the Celestial Clan will fight with another clan in that ancestral land.

Therefore, the ancestral land of the Heavenly Clan is at the gap between their human race and another world, so the Heavenly Clan knows the situation in the other world!

These four channels meet in the void, forming a magical intersection.

"So many passages? The thickest passage among them should be the passage between our world and the one next door.

Today, the passages in all worlds are not yet fully connected, so this passage is still closed.

As for the other three passages, they should be the passages for the blood race, the heaven race and those tentacle monsters to enter our human race.

The reason why it feels like there is an endless supply of their monks is because of these passages, their monks can continue to enter our world.

So, the first thing to do now is to cut off these channels! "

Within Cao Zhen's body, waves of mighty void power gathered. His figure flashed instantly in the void, and the surrounding energy began to fluctuate violently, forming a twisted space-time storm.

The next moment, the space-time storm roared in, and countless time fragments rolled in it, emitting a blur of light.

As his hands danced, the space-time storm began to form huge vortexes around the four passages.

As the vortex rotates, among the four passages, three passages are slightly distorted.

If you just rely on strength, you will never be able to break through this passage.

However, he received the inheritance of the Void clan, and what he did was to change this Void.

As long as the void changes, those passages will naturally be shattered.

Although his current strength cannot change the thickest channel, it is enough to change the other three channels.

Soon, cracks spread like spider webs on the three passages.

The three passages began to twist under the raging storm of time and space.

And the shortest and smallest channel collapsed first.

At the moment when this passage collapsed, the figures of the Heavenly Clan monks flew out from the collapsed passage.

The next moment, waves of terrifying void turbulence struck, and their figures were torn apart instantly by the terrifying void turbulence!

The void is filled with void turbulence and whirlpools.

Because of the inheritance of the Void clan, Cao Zhen himself is like a part of the void. These void turbulences and void whirlpools will not attack him, but other monks are different.

The monks from the Celestial Clan didn't even understand what happened, and they were torn into powder.

The next moment, the bloody passage also began to collapse.

One by one, the vampire monks were advancing through the passage. Suddenly, the passage shook violently, and then the passage began to collapse violently.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did our passage suddenly collapse?"

"We can go through the passage and go to any world without any problems. Why is there a problem suddenly with this passage?"

"not good!"

Each Vampire roared in terror and struggled, but they still fell helplessly into the void, twisted and crushed by the turbulent currents.

Not long after, another passage also shattered, and figures of tentacled monsters appeared, and then turned into powder.

Cao Zhen shattered these three passages, and his whole aura instantly became weak, but he still did not stop and rushed into the human world.

The border between East Continent and Central Continent came out, and the allied forces of the Celestial Clan launched another attack.

At this time, the entire battlefield seemed extremely chaotic, with spells flying down one after another, and monks from the True Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm kept falling down!

Among the monks on the Celestial Alliance side, there were almost no evil monks, and there were even two human monks mixed in among them.

The False Immortal Lord quickly changed his body shape while releasing this spell to bombard the opposite side.

At first, they, the traitors of the human race, joined the Celestial Clan. Now that the Celestial Clan took action against the Human Clan, they immediately followed the Celestial Clan and launched an attack on the Human Clan.

The Celestial Clan even regarded them as death squads, and now only two of them are still alive. They are also the two strongest traitors among all the human beings.

Although he survived and the current situation of the Tian clan is also very good, his face does not look good at all.

After joining the Celestial Clan for so many years, he also felt that the Celestial Clan did not treat them as humans at all, but just regarded them as a few dogs.

And this time, when the Celestial Clan attacked the Human Clan, he discovered that it seemed that the strongest ones were not the Celestial Clan at all, but the Blood Clan and those tentacle monsters.

At the beginning, what the Celestial Clan said was that they had taken refuge in the Celestial Clan and would let them manage the human race in the future. However, now, the Celestial Clan clearly wanted to kill all the human race.

So after the human race is destroyed, can the heavenly race keep them?

Leaving them and the human race, the heavenly race cannot practice the human race's magical skills and spells.

Therefore, it is very likely that the Celestial Clan will be destroyed together with them.

However, he has no choice. He will definitely die if he returns to the human race. It is better to stay in the heavenly race and still have the slightest possibility of survival.

However, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I feel that this time, the support from the Sky Tribe, Blood Tribe and those tentacle monsters seems to be a little slower.

Behind, the monks from the Heavenly Clan, the Blood Clan and the Tentacle Clan were fighting with the human race in front of them while looking towards the rear, their faces full of doubts.

"Why don't we have enough support?"

"They should be here!"

"They...what is that..."

They were already fighting in the void, but suddenly, above them, it seemed like the end of the sky, and the void suddenly tore open.

Then, a figure appeared from the torn void. This figure was shining with bright divine light. It was like an ancient god descending from nine days away. The boundless aura came from his body. Rushing down.

"What a strong aura, Golden Immortal Realm, and he is also a strong person in the Golden Immortal Realm."

"It's a race."

"No, this human race, this is... Cao Zhen!"

Cao Zhen's reputation is so great, and he has so many shadows that even the monks from the Heavenly Clan and the Blood Clan recognize him at a glance.

"Cao Zhen?"

"No, hasn't Cao Zhen already entered the original world? Why is he here?"

"Yes, we clearly saw Cao Zhen enter the original world with our own eyes!"

"Cao Zhen never showed up before, why did he suddenly show up now?"

"He also broke through and entered the Golden Wonderland!"

"Don't worry, no matter how strong Cao Zhen is, he is only one person. We have far more monks than their human counterparts. Even if Cao Zhen comes, it will be useless."

On the human side, a group of monks also discovered the sudden appearance of Cao Zhen. For a moment, their morale was greatly boosted!

"It's the clan leader!"

"The patriarch is back!"

"The clan leader is here, we will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory."

While everyone was exclaiming, Cao Zhen's figure suddenly disappeared. The next moment, his figure appeared from among the monks of the Celestial Clan. Then a purple light flashed through, sword lights emerged one after another, and at the same time, one after another, Huge heads flew up, and there was even a golden fairyland among them.

The next moment, the monks from the Heavenly Clan stood up one after another, their voices filled with fear and anxiety.

"Cao Zhen is here!"

"Quickly, kill Cao Zhen first!"

"Cao Zhen, he disappeared again!"

Just when the monks from the Tian Clan were about to take action, Cao Zhen disappeared from their sight in an instant.

When Cao Zhen appeared again, the head of a Golden Immortal Realm monk flew up with him.


"What's happening here?"

"A monk in the Golden Immortal Realm couldn't block a sword in front of Cao Zhen!"

In an instant, all the monks on the Tianzu side panicked. When they saw Cao Zhen, the reason why they were not afraid was because they were monks in the Golden Immortal Realm. No matter how strong Cao Zhen was, he could not deal with so many of them by himself. wonderland.

However, now they find that in front of Cao Zhen, they don't seem to be much different from the monks in the True Immortal Realm. At most, Cao Zhen kills them once, one by one, while he kills the monks in the True Immortal Realm with just one kill.

But they couldn't stop Cao Zhen's sword, how could they fight like this!

What’s even weirder is that they couldn’t even catch Cao Zhen!

Cao Zhen was already powerful enough before, but this time, after Cao Zhen appeared, he was even more powerful than before.

Cao Zhen specifically looked for those monks in the Golden Immortal Realm to attack. In the blink of an eye, ten monks in the Golden Immortal Realm had fallen.

For a moment, all the other Golden Immortal Realm monks panicked.

"Back off first."

"Go back and wait for support to arrive before we come back to fight."

Under the leadership of each Golden Immortal Realm, the monks from the Heavenly Clan began to retreat backwards, but Cao Zhen quickly chased after them, killing each other's Golden Immortal Realm monks one by one.

Behind, a group of human monks saw Cao Zhen chasing after him, so they also chased after him and fell directly into the Central Continent.

"Damn it, that Cao Zhen is still chasing him."

"Quickly, ask why support hasn't arrived yet."

"We must send more Golden Immortals, otherwise, there will be nothing we can do against Cao Zhen."

Cao Zhen used his sword again to kill a Heavenly Clan in the Golden Immortal Realm. The next moment, his figure emerged from the void.

At this time, every corner of the vast world of the human race, whether it is the East Continent, the West Continent, or the Central Continent, whether it is a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm, a monk in the Golden Core Stage, or even ordinary mortals, all can be seen. The figure appeared in the void.

In an instant, cheers continued to sound from all over the human race.

"The patriarch, the patriarch is back."

"The patriarch is back, we have hope!"

"The patriarch will definitely be able to lead us to defeat these alien races!"

Cao Zhen looked into the distance and spoke loudly, and his voice spread far and wide: "Now, when our human race counterattacks, you just deal with their True Immortal Realm. And I will kill all their Golden Immortal Realms."

His words have fallen, and many human monks are even more excited, but there are also many human monks with worried looks on their faces.

"What is the Patriarch doing? Those foreign monks all know the Patriarch. They think that the Patriarch will definitely send all the masters to attack the Patriarch. The Patriarch is in danger!"

"With the clan leader here, our human race has a backbone, but if the clan leader is gone..."

"Clan leader, he is deliberately luring those foreigners to the Golden Fairyland. What is he going to do?"

One by one, the alien Jinxianjing also discovered Cao Zhen in the void.

"Cao Zhen? Why is he here?"

"Don't worry about why he appears here, kill him first!"

"Let's go and kill Cao Zhen. I don't know how many inheritances Cao Zhen has, and how many magical skills he will have in the future. After we kill Cao Zhen, after we kill all the human race, we can also practice the human race's skills and magical powers! "

"Kill Cao Zhen and take away his magic power!"


At this time, the monks in the Golden Immortal Realm, without caring about anything else, flew in the direction of Cao Zhen, for fear that they would be late and Cao Zhen's treasure would be snatched away by other monks.

As for them leaving, what will happen to those true wonderlands?

Just let those in the True Immortal Realm retreat first. They have too much time and are not in a hurry to attack the human race.

And what if these True Immortals lose their protection and are killed by the human race's Golden Immortals?

If they are killed, they will be killed. Their tribesmen can come in a steady stream. What's more, if these true immortals are dead, what does it have to do with them?

What they value is Cao Zhen's Qiankun ring and the treasures inside.

In the void, a Weiwei Golden Immortal Realm master approached Cao Zhen. Not only the Golden Immortal Realm of the foreign race, but also the Golden Immortal Realm of the human race. After discovering that those alien races were attacking Cao Zhen, they naturally couldn't ignore it. He was the leader of their human race.

But when they took off, Cao Zhen's voice sounded again.

"You don't have to come many times. I alone can kill them. You go and kill the aliens in the True Fairyland."

Cao Zhen's words fell, and the next moment, his figure appeared behind a Celestial Clan's Golden Fairy Realm without any warning. Then he waved the Zixia Dongsheng Sword, a purple light flashed, and a huge head flew up.

While the bright red blood was splashing everywhere, his figure appeared again from a distance. At the same time, a force full of time and void suddenly burst out. The body of a vampire covered with tentacles exploded, and the bright red blood flowed toward him. Splashing around.


"Is he dead now?"

The alien Golden Fairyland monks who had just felt this were filled with horror when they saw that every time Cao Zhen made a move, a monk died.

This is a monk from the Golden Immortal Realm, the strongest fighting force in the world today, but he has no resistance in front of Cao Zhen!

Cao Zhen, is this really a fairyland?

The golden fairy realms of the alien races continued to gather, and the monks of the golden fairy realms of the human race were also stunned.

This...the fighting power of their clan leader is too terrifying. Now they really believe what the clan leader said before, and they want to kill all the golden fairyland of the other party alone.

Suddenly, Li Ke's voice sounded.

"Don't worry about him. Since he said that he can kill all the alien Golden Immortals by himself, then he can do it. Let's go and kill those alien True Immortals."

As soon as Li Ke finished speaking, the surrounding human golden fairyland also reacted. Yes, there is no use for them to stay here, but their human race's true fairyland is still fighting against the alien race's true fairyland. Their human race's true fairyland Still sacrificing.

They may not win against the alien Golden Immortal Realm, but if they deal with the alien True Immortal Realm, it will be a massacre.

Now, let Cao Zhen massacre the opponent's Golden Immortal Realm here, and they can massacre the opponent's True Immortal Realm. In this way, they will naturally be able to turn defeat into victory, and the losses of their human race will be minimized.

As for whether Cao Zhen can kill the opponent's Golden Fairy Realm, will it be dangerous?

Cao Zhen's Taoist companions thought they were gone, so they had nothing to worry about.

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