A group of Golden Fairy Realm monks from the Celestial Clan, Blood Clan and Tentacle Clan were chased by Cao Zhen alone and were running around the world, but there was nothing they could do against Cao Zhen.

They even started to scatter and fly in different directions.

It was useless to continue to gather together. They couldn't defeat Cao Zhen, and no monk could last a round in front of Cao Zhen to buy time for the other monks.

In this case, there is no point in them continuing to get together, so why not escape separately.

As for the future?

In the future, reinforcements will naturally arrive. At that time, we will figure out how to deal with Cao Zhen. Now we have to save our lives first.


Cao Zhen's eyes narrowed, where can you run to?

As long as you are in this world, you can find it anywhere in the world.

As for now.

His eyes fell on the False Immortal Lord.

Immortal Lord False fled as fast as the monks fled. He had to be fast. Everyone fled together. Cao Zhen could only chase a few of them, but Cao Zhen was probably the one chasing him the most.

He was a traitor to the human race, and countless disciples of the Baifeng Sect died because of him, including one of Cao Zhen's most respected elders.

It was also for this reason that he never left the Great Cult.

Suddenly, a spatial fluctuation came from behind him, and his expression changed instantly. Before he could make any move, a terrifying power came.

This force rushed directly into his body, and it was so powerful that it instantly destroyed all the tendons, bones, and internal organs in his body.

If he hadn't been in the Golden Fairy Realm, he would have died after being so severely injured.

Cao Zhen.

Only then did he clearly see the figure appearing in front of him.

"You are different from others. I will not let you die so easily. I will let you kneel under the Yingling Mountain of our Baifeng Sect until your life span is exhausted."

After Cao Zhen's words fell, the immortal energy in his body suddenly poured out again, directly sealing the aura in Xuxian Immortal Lord's body.

Then, he threw it into the distance.

A group of disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, led by Li Ke, were chasing down the aliens one by one. Suddenly, a figure fell down and hit the ground.

At the same time, Cao Zhen's voice came over. "

Take a good look at him and send him to Baifeng Cult! "

"False Immortal Lord!"

"It's him, the traitor!"

One by one, the disciples of the Baifeng Sect even stopped chasing after the False Immortal Lord who appeared in front of them.

Immortal Lord False felt the anger in the eyes of the human monks around him, and for a moment, he closed his eyes in despair.

He unexpectedly fell into the hands of the human race. Now, the only thing he expected was that the heavenly race and the others could kill him immediately, but this hope was too low.

Just one Cao Zhen can't solve it!

Although the Golden Immortals from the Heavenly Clan, the Blood Clan and the Tentacle Clan dispersed and fled, Cao Zhen's speed was too fast. Even though they had started to escape, most of them were still killed.

Some of the remaining Golden Immortals quickly fled towards their world, while others found a place to hide.

Without the Golden Immortal Realm, the remaining monks in the True Immortal Realm were retreating steadily and were constantly being killed.

They don't have the Golden Fairyland, but there is a Golden Fairyland on the human side. How can they resist the Golden Fairyland on the human side.

For a time, the coalition forces of the three tribes were completely defeated.

The teams in the True Immortal Realm also began to retreat, just like the monks in the Golden Immortal Realm, they either hid or fled to their vast world.

Seeing that the monks from the three tribes had all retreated, Cao Zhen quickly found Li Ke and ordered: "You continue to kill the remaining power of the three tribes, and I will go to the world of the demon tribe and theirs."

Nowadays, the foreign monks who are still in their human race are completely out of date. Even if he leaves, the other party will not be able to defeat the Wind Wolf.

And their human race still has allies, and those allies are also being attacked by alien races.

After Cao Zhen finished speaking, he flew directly out of the void, and soon flew out of the vast world of the human race.

The vast worlds appeared in his sight.

First, he flew towards the vast world of the Zerg.

The Zerg were the first to be attacked. However, when he flew into the world of the Zerg, what he saw was devastation.

The Zerg race was exterminated!

In this vast world, he could not feel the slightest breath at all.

"I'm late!"

There was a look of regret on Cao Zhen's face. If he had come earlier, the Zerg tribe would not have been exterminated.

Now, he couldn't care less about regrets and immediately left the world of the Zerg and entered the world of the Monster.

The strength of the Zerg Clan is top among all their clans, and the Celestial Clan has been suppressing the Demon Clan.

After they destroyed the Zerg race, they obviously put more experience into the demon race. Now, there are obviously many more monks attacking the demon race than the monks attacking their human race.

From the void, it can be clearly seen that the demon monks fell one after another.

The Golden Immortal Realm monks from the Celestial Clan were attacking the Demon Clan monks on the opposite side, while laughing loudly and saying: "Monster Clan, this is what happens when you go against our Celestial Clan.

When I asked you to join us and join forces with our Heavenly Clan, if you had agreed, you wouldn't be here today.

Unfortunately, it is too late now, even if you want to join us, it is too late. "

Opposite me, a monster who looks like a human but has huge ears and a long nose said coldly: "Join your heavenly clan? Will one of you have a good ending?"

Look at those evil clans. There are almost no monks from the evil clan now. I think most of their masters are dead.

In the end, after your heavenly clan wins, it will probably be the time for the evil clan to be exterminated. "

"Really? But you won't join..."

Before the Tian Clan monk could finish his words, his face suddenly changed. A cold aura suddenly appeared beside him. The terror of this aura was far greater than his.


Just when he wanted to turn around, the next moment, he found that his head had separated from his body and flew out.

The head flies out!

Was he killed?

He tried hard to see what happened, but when the corpses were separated, his consciousness was completely cut off.

When Cao Zhen fell with his sword, he not only cut off the opponent's head, he also killed the opponent's soul at the same time.

The sudden change also caused many monks around to look over.

In an instant, the monks’ eyes widened suddenly!

"This is Cao Zhen!"

"Cao Zhen? Why did he show up?"

"Cao Zhen, aren't you in the original world?"

Before the monks from the Celestial Clan could react, Cao Zhen's figure appeared behind another Celestial Clan. With the purple sword waving, the head of another Golden Fairy Realm cultivator flew down.

For a moment, all the Heavenly Clan monks were shocked.

"Kill him, kill Cao Zhen first!"

"Do it!"

"No, Cao Zhen disappeared again."

"No, he showed up again, and another fellow Taoist died."

Although the monks from the Heavenly Clan had discovered Cao Zhen, they were surprised to find that they could hardly catch Cao Zhen's figure.

Every time, Cao Zhen could only be seen appearing, killing one of their Golden Immortal Realms, and then disappearing. When Cao Zhen appeared again, their Golden Immortal Realm monks had died again.

For a time, all the Golden Immortal Realm monks from the three tribes fell into panic.

"Don't scatter, gather them all together. This way, when he appears, we will definitely be able to take action."

"Gather together."

As the words of each Golden Immortal Realm fell, all around, the Golden Immortal Realm monks began to gather in the same place. However, Cao Zhen was too fast.

Even if they gathered together and took action as soon as they discovered Cao Zhen's appearance, all their attacks still fell.

After Cao Zhen appeared, he just swung his sword. After one sword strike, Cao Zhen would disappear. Not only could their attacks fail to hit Cao Zhen, they might even focus on their own companions.

For a time, all the monks from the Celestial Clan were completely panicked.

How to fight this?

Cao Zhen is obviously a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm like them. How can he be so powerful? It feels like Cao Zhen and the others are not in the same cultivation realm at all.

Opposite, the demon monks were shocked when they saw Cao Zhen like this.

"They can't stop Leader Cao at all!"

"When Alliance Leader Cao appeared, he must have saved the human race first. Now that Alliance Leader Cao appears here, he must have defeated the Celestial Clan's side that was attacking the human race."

"I'm afraid, it won't be long before all the allies of the human race can support us!"

"Their Celestial Clan will definitely be defeated!"

While Cao Zhen was frantically killing the monks from the Heavenly Clan, he shouted to the many monks from the Demon Clan: "Leave your opponents in the Golden Immortal Realm to me, and you go and kill them in the True Immortal Realm."

Just like what he did in the human race before, he hunted down the Golden Immortal Realm on the Celestial Clan side alone, while the monks from the Demon Clan worked together to kill the True Immortal Realm on the Celestial Clan side.

The Celestial Clan’s True Immortal Realm has not yet been defeated, but their Golden Immortal Realm has already collapsed.

The golden fairyland of the Sky Clan, Blood Clan and Tentacle Clan fled in all directions.

After Cao Zhen chased for a while, until he could no longer see a golden fairyland on the side of the Celestial Clan in the void, he quickly flew away towards the vast world of the Monster Clan.

He also wants to help the Orcs and Hell Clan.

The Golden Immortals of the Monster Clan looked at Cao Zhen who came in a hurry and then flew away in a hurry. Their eyes were not only shocked, but also shocked.

"too strong."

"He alone defeated all the Golden Immortals on the Celestial Clan's side."

"This is the true invincibility of the Golden Fairyland."

"Fortunately, we chose to join forces with the human race. Otherwise, how could we stop such an enemy!"

"The Celestial Clan, they were defeated!"

"It's just, Alliance Leader Cao, didn't he enter the original world? How did he come back?"

After Cao Zhen left the world of the demon clan, he entered the world of the beast clan and the hell clan, helping these two clans to completely suppress the heavenly clan, the blood clan and the tentacle clan.

Only then did he return to the vast world of the human race.

Now, all the alien races in the human world have gone into hiding.

The monks of the human race were cleaning the battlefield and searching around for those alien races.

Seeing Cao Zhen appear, a group of Golden Immortals led by Li Ke quickly flew over.

Although Li Ke had a lot to ask Cao Zhen, she knew that now was not the time to ask questions, and everyone around her started asking curious questions.

"Alliance leader."

"Leader, you are back again. How are the other races in the world doing?"

Cao Zhen heard the sound and sighed softly: "I came back late, the Zerg tribe has been wiped out by those three tribes."


"The Zerg race was wiped out?"

"So fast?"

Although, after their human race just connected to the world, many monks from their human race died at the hands of the Zerg.

But later, after the Zerg and their human race entered into an alliance, the Zerg race no longer killed their human race as before.

The Zerg have always stood with their humans.

Now, Cao Zhen told them that the extremely powerful Zerg tribe was exterminated.

For a moment, they all found it difficult to accept it.

Many monks among them have always believed that the Zerg race is not as weak as the demon race.

"Actually, it cannot be said that the clan has been exterminated. After all, the Zerg still has some monks above the Golden Immortal Realm, but those monks above the Golden Immortal Realm have gone to who knows where."

"Leader, what about the other tribes? How are they doing?"

Cao Zhen pointed to the distance and said: "Similar to our human race, the Celestial Clan, Blood Clan and those tentacle monsters were all driven away, or entered their vast world, or found a place to hide."

Everyone heard the sound and let out a sigh of relief.

"So we won?"

"Don't be careless. I feel that whether they are monks from the Heavenly Clan, monks from the Blood Clan, or those from the Tentacle Clan, they seem to be endless.

They seem to be able to come to our world from somewhere. "

After the words fell, all the monks around nodded.

"Yes, I feel that way too."

"Yes, in fact, over the years, we have learned about the Golden Immortals of the Celestial Clan, but with this battle, there are suddenly many more Golden Immortals that we have not seen before.

Those Golden Immortal Realms did not break through from the True Immortal Realm. They don’t know where they came from. "

Cao Zhen listened to everyone's words, nodded slightly and said: "They did come from somewhere.

There are four passages outside our world, but under normal circumstances, there should be only one passage, which is the passage connecting the other world closest to us.

The other three passages are the passages of their three clans, so their monks can continuously enter our world.

The reason why they did not enter our world at once, but came one after another, is probably because their passages have limited carrying capacity.

Perhaps, after using it, you need to stay for a while to allow the power of the channel to slowly recover.

Therefore, they are constantly entering our world through channels.

However, there is no need to worry about the passage for the time being, because I have cut off the passage for three days, and they have no backup now. "


"Do they really have access?"

"Clan leader, you also cut off their passage."

A monk from a human race felt that he had heard a lot of information now, and for a while, he even couldn't accept it.

"Clan Chief, did you cut off those three passages... outside our world?"

"Clan leader, what level of cultivation are you at now?"

The passage connecting their world is naturally outside their world. In this case, if you want to cut off the passage, you must also be outside their world.

They are all existences in the Golden Fairyland, and they cannot fly out of this world.

Combined with the invincible posture Cao Zhen showed before, Cao Zhen is definitely not a being in the golden fairyland.

Yes, this makes sense. Why did Cao Zhen kill the Golden Immortal just like they killed the True Immortal?

No, it was easier than them killing the true immortal!

Could it be that Patriarch Cao Zhen is now Taiyi Golden Immortal, or even Daluo Golden Immortal!

Cao Zhen knew what everyone was thinking. He shook his head slightly and said, "I am in the Golden Fairyland just like you."


"Golden Wonderland!"

Everyone asked, one of them widened his eyes in surprise and looked at Cao Zhen in disbelief.

Their clan leader turned out to be a mere Golden Wonderland just like them!

They are at the same level of cultivation, but they look like two monks at the same level!

They also know that Patriarch Cao Zhen is invincible in every realm of cultivation.

The first time they knew about Cao Zhen was after they woke up. They heard that it was Cao Zhen who led the disciples of the Baifeng Sect to block the alien attack.

Cao Zhen has been an absolutely invincible existence in the realm of fellow practitioners since they knew him as the Golden Core Stage.

The subsequent Earth Fairyland, Returning Fairyland, and True Fairyland are all equally invincible!

But that invincibility has its limits.

This is different from when Cao Zhen was invincible on the outer battlefield. This is a race war!

And Cao Zhen has the ability to change the situation of the war alone. This is too exaggerated!

As a result, Cao Zhen turned out to be in the Golden Immortal realm just like them!

What's even more terrifying is that Cao Zhen can fly out of their world and cut off the space passage!

After everyone was surprised, it took a long time to come back to their senses.

"So, they have no backup now, and we have really won!"

"After their space channel is cut off, can it be repaired?"

After the words fell, everyone around looked at Cao Zhen with worried faces.

Cao Zhen pondered for a moment and said: "Theoretically, this space can indeed be repaired.

However, repairing it is a bit troublesome and takes time. I will always go outside to take a look. If their passage is repaired, then I will cut off their passage as soon as possible.

Therefore, we don’t need to worry about them entering our world through the passage again. "

When everyone around heard the sound, they immediately felt relieved.

"Then what we have to do now is to find those guys."

"It's a pity that our world is so vast, and we don't know where those alien races are hiding."

When Cao Zhen heard this, a cold look suddenly appeared on his face and he said, "I'm just here to find them. You restore order to our world first, and don't worry about the rest."

His catalog of prosperous times can be found by all the foreign races in the entire Eastern Continent, but he cannot find it in other states. However, he now exists in the Golden Fairyland.

His prosperous age can definitely be expanded again. After he expands his prosperous age, he can find all the alien races in the human world.

Nowadays, Cao Zhen has even become everyone's belief. When they heard Cao Zhen's words, no one had any doubts at all.

Suddenly, someone said: "One thing, clan leader, now, the alien races in Central Continent have been exterminated, and Central Continent has become empty. We think, if possible, we will return to Central Continent.

After all, we have been sharing the same great religion with other great religions. "

Many people around looked at Cao Zhen. They were all great sects from Central Continent.

Someone on the side said worriedly: "There are still many of those alien races lurking in the world of our human race.

If we return to Central Continent now, our strength will inevitably be dispersed. By then, I am worried that those alien races will attack us. "

"It doesn't matter." Cao Zhen said directly: "If you want to go back to Central Continent, just go back, and those mortals who want to go back to Central Continent can also go back.

As for those alien races, if they dare to show up, I will appear immediately. "

He wanted to draw his picture of the prosperous times again. If he had finished the picture of the prosperous times now, and then those great sects returned to Central Continent and had to revise it then, it would be better to let them go back first.

A group of monks from Central Continent expressed joy when they heard Cao Zhen say that they were allowed to go back.

Soon, the great religions began to mobilize and move towards Central Continent. At the same time, they also began to ask the mortals if they wanted to go to Central Continent.

When their great religion returns, if there are no mortals in Central Continent, how will their great religion develop in the future?

However, after entering the Four Continents, mortals do not want to change the environment after their lives stabilize.

The distance, the time it takes for mortals to enter the Four Continents from Central Continent, is not long for immortal cultivators, but for mortals, it is very long.

The mortals who left Central Continent at the beginning are no longer there. For them, the Four Continents are their homeland, and they naturally do not want to leave the Four Continents.

There was no other way. The major religions had no choice but to go to those mortals and promise them various benefits. Only then did some mortals agree to leave the Four Continents and enter the Middle Continent.

However, among the four continents, Dongzhou had the fewest mortals who agreed to leave.

Even some of the great sects in Eastern Continent do not want to return to Central Continent.

Today's Dongzhou has become the center of the entire human world, and is no longer Central Continent.

After Cao Zhen returned to Dongzhou, he began to understand the alien races in Dongzhou through the Illustrated Records of the Prosperity. However, these aliens also knew that the Baifeng Sect he belonged to was in Dongzhou, and there were not many smart people hiding in Dongzhou.

It only took him three days to clear out the alien races hidden in Dongzhou.

And one by one the great sects also started to leave and enter the Central Continent, taking the mortals with them.

Cao Zhenze once again left the world of the human race.

The relocation of various major religions is not like ordinary people's relocation, which can be completed in a few days.

He couldn't just wait around during these times.

Nowadays, in their part of the world, there are still many alien races.

The heavenly clan has a vast world.

The monks from the heavenly clan, the blood clan monks, and the tentacle monks gathered together.

At this time, the vast world of the Celestial Clan was filled with rivers of blood, but these blood rivers now looked a little dry.

A body made of coagulated blood, with red light flowing from the top of the head to the tips of the toes.

The tall and strong vampire moved slowly, emitting a strange aura.

This breath seems to be the howl from the abyss of hell, the groan of the cursed soul, the endless fear and despair intertwined in the air, and the rich smell of blood overflows.

He looked at the blood below, with a solemn look on his face, and said solemnly: "Our passage has been cut off. I just asked that our monks cannot return through the passage."

On the side, a monster with hundreds of tentacles all over its body said: "Our family's passage has also been cut off, and we can't go back."

"Our passage has also been cut off." A handsome monk from the Tian Clan said solemnly, "All the passages of our three tribes have been cut off.

Our channel will never be cut off without reason.

Now, when this happens, there is only one possibility, and that is, our passage was broken open by other monks through external forces! "

The vampire monk frowned and said: "If you want to break through our passage, you must be outside this world. Now, there are no monks above the Golden Fairy Realm. How can any monk be able to break through it!"

"However, the fact is that our channel has been cut off. And the only one who can do this is Cao Zhen!

We saw him enter the original world with our own eyes before, but now it is less than 10,000 years, and it is impossible for him to leave the original world.

However, he came back.

Also, before he appeared strangely everywhere, he was full of rich void power.

If any monk could do this, it must be him. "

"Is it possible that Cao Zhen had some adventure in the original world?"

"The problem now is that we have nothing to do against Cao Zhen. Now that we are back here, will Cao Zhen kill everyone and enter here?"

Just as he finished speaking, suddenly, a scream came out.

A huge head flew up, and at the same time, Cao Zhen's figure flashed away.

"Cao Zhen!"

"Damn it, Cao Zhen has entered our world!"

"Everyone, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Of course I ran away!"

The monks in the Golden Immortal Realm had no intention of resisting Cao Zhen. When they saw Cao Zhen appearing, they immediately fled around to find a place to hide.

The other monks also began to flee.

They had no choice but to escape.

Fortunately, this world is big enough. They wanted to escape and found a hidden place to hide, and Cao Zhen couldn't find them.

As for those vampires, they directly sneaked into the boundless blood prison.

But the weak monks of their Celestial Clan were unlucky. Even if they found a place to hide, they couldn't hide from Cao Zhen because of their cultivation.

Cao Zhen chased and killed all the way within the vast world of the Celestial Clan. After a hundred years, he left the great world of the Celestial Clan with all the resources he could take away.

In a hundred years, all the great sects and mortals from the four continents of the human race who wanted to enter Central Continent have moved away.

Today's human world has gradually restored order.

Cao Zhen once again traveled around the human world.

After a hundred years, the human world has recovered a lot.

Cao Zhen traveled from four continents. Everywhere he went, he would take out the Shengshi Picture Book and Shengshi Pen and paint a part of it.

After walking through the entire human world, he flew to the void of the human world and took out the Shengshi Pen and the Shengshi Catalog.

He recalled the scenes he had seen, and he began to paint calmly and slowly.

Slowly, mountains and rivers emerged from the catalog of the prosperous age.

Finally, after he finished painting the entire human world, he suddenly felt that he was integrated with the entire human world, and at the same time, his aura surged again.

The next moment, the voice of Zhonghua Cloud rang in my mind.

"The cultivation realm has been broken through, the administrator level has been improved, and one designated user and one random user have been added."

When Cao Zhen heard this voice, he subconsciously said, "No designation," but suddenly his disciple came up and said, "Nominate my little disciple, Xingchenzi."

Among his disciples, there is Xingchenzi who has never been connected.

The purpose of accessing Xingchenzi is not to win, but to be able to know the status of Xingchenzi accordingly.

As his words fell, Zhonghua Yun's voice quickly sounded.

"Xingchenzi has successfully connected, randomly connected users, and Donghuang Taiyi has successfully connected."

A look of surprise appeared on Cao Zhen's face, and he shook his head slightly. For him now, it makes no difference who he connects to.

As the sound of Zhonghua Cloud disappeared, the entire sky suddenly turned dark.

Clouds of calamity appeared above his head.

"Heavenly calamity, another heavenly calamity!"

Cao Zhen raised his head and looked at the calamity clouds above the void, but there was a look of dissatisfaction on his face. This calamity was a calamity coming from the way of heaven and earth, or a calamity coming from [heaven] of our human race.

If it is the [Heaven] of the human race, then why don’t you show up when our human race encounters a catastrophe?

If it is the way of heaven, then what on earth do you want to do? Let all races in the universe continue to fight?

The endless weather in Cao Zhen's body surged crazily. Looking at the catastrophe in the void, he even had the urge to destroy it.

But he still didn't move.

He knew that his current power was not enough, and it was far from the power to crush the heavenly tribulation and challenge the law of heaven.

What's more, when the calamity comes, the physical body can be strengthened.

He was still as before, letting the calamity continue to fall, enduring the baptism of the calamity, and increasing his physical body.

In the vast world of the human race, the aliens hiding in the dark looked at the falling calamities in the void, and the way. No spells were cast, no magic weapons were used, they were just resisting the calamities with their bodies. Their bodies were filled with endless horror.

Even the monks in the Golden Immortal Realm might not be able to block this catastrophe, but Cao Zhen could resist the catastrophe only with his physical body!

This Cao Zhen is physically powerful, far beyond the scope of the Golden Immortal Realm!

This time the heaven lasted for a hundred days. After a hundred days, the sky cleared.

But each and every monk who is abnormal in the human world has ushered in the end.

Cao Zhen looked at the special ones on the catalog of the prosperous age, which did not provide the point of the prosperous age. He quickly went to various places and began to kill the alien races left in the human world.

Ten years later, he finally slaughtered all the monks in the human world.

Baifeng Sect, at the foot of Yingling Mountain.

The bleeding of False Immortal Lord has long since stopped, but his injuries have not, and all of his cultivation has been sealed.

His limbs and even his head were locked with chains, and each chain was engraved with dense runes.

Although he is a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm, except for his stronger body and longer lifespan, he is no different from an ordinary mortal now.

Even, he is worse than an ordinary mortal.

At least, ordinary mortals can move freely, but he can only kneel here.

He still has to endure endless pain.

The wounds left by Cao Zhen's attack never healed.

"Traitor, damn traitor."

"You don't deserve to be human!"

Two monks from the Baifeng Sect came back from worshiping on the Yingling Mountain. They looked at the False Immortal Lord kneeling at the foot of the Yingling Mountain and spat hard.

One of the monks even took out a long stick and whipped the body of False Immortal Lord hard.

The opponent was just a monk at the Golden Core stage. Even if he used all his strength to whip him, he would not feel much pain due to his physical strength.

But compared to the physical pain, it was more of a mental insult.

He is a being in the Golden Immortal Realm, but now he is insulted by the little Golden Core Stage.

Not only the monks at the Golden Core stage, but even those at the Immortal Bridge stage could insult him. Every Baifeng Cult monk who went to Yingling Mountain to worship would spit at him, and would spit on him again when they left.

And there was nothing he could do.

If he had known now, he would never betray the human race.

Nowadays, there is no alien race in the entire human race.

However, he was powerless to do anything about the alien races in the world of demons, hells, and beasts, and could only let each race kill them on their own.

However, now, the monks of all races in the Great Thousand World can't make any trouble.

The human race is stable, and all the monks from the heavenly race in the world are hiding.

Even if he is no longer there, those monks united and unable to cause any harm to the human race, Cao Zhen once again left their side of the world.

Now that there is no danger within the human race, he wants to see what the world closest to them is like.

Fly out of their world and rush into the world next door.

The next moment, heavenly clans appeared one after another in his sight.

"Celestial Clan!"

Cao Zhen raised his eyes and saw that within the scope of his eyes, all the races in the world were Celestial Clan.

"So, the Celestial Clan is the closest to the Human Clan?"

Cao Zhen did not take action immediately, but continued to fly towards the distance. However, when he flew over the cities, when he visited this side of the world, he saw only one race, the Celestial Clan, except for the Celestial Clan. Besides, there is no second race.

“So, what the Celestial Clan said before is correct, only one of the two closest worlds may be able to stay.

It’s just that the Celestial Clan didn’t say that the world closest to the human race is their Celestial Clan! The reason why they have been suppressing various races before is actually to make it easier to attack our world after the two worlds are connected.

As for later, they must have discovered that if they continued like this, it would be difficult for each of our groups to unite. At the same time, they also united the blood clan and the tentacle clan, and felt that there was no need to use such a conspiracy.

However, they may not have imagined that the Blood Clan and Tentacle Clan are far more powerful than their Celestial Clan. "

Cao Zhen broke through the void and descended directly into the largest city in this world, a city built in the void.

The city is built entirely on clouds, like a dream island floating out of thin air. Fluffy white clouds form the foundation of the city, spreading out like a soft woolen blanket.

When he landed on the white clouds, the next moment, figures were flying towards him rapidly.

"Aliens dare to show up!"

"Looking for death, the aliens in our heavenly world dare to enter our holy land without hiding."

In just a moment, more than ten figures appeared in Cao Zhen's sight. There was a flower floating above the head of each figure.

Golden wonderland!

These are all Golden Immortal Realm monks from the Celestial Clan.

After these heavenly clansmen flew over, they were all stunned for a moment when they looked at the figure in front of them who looked very similar to them.

"This is human race?"

"Have human monks entered our world?"

"No matter which clan the monk is from, take it down first."

The golden fairyland monks from the Celestial Clan, with cold murderous aura pouring out of their bodies, suddenly flew towards Cao Zhen.

But the next moment, they all froze.

"Where are the people?"

"Where is that human monk? He was here just now, why did he disappear out of thin air?"

"It can't be an illusion. With so many of us monks, it's impossible for us to fall under his illusion at the same time."


A heavenly monk with purple tentacles exclaimed. Before he could finish speaking, a light and shadow flashed behind him, and his head flew out.

Just for a moment, the monks from the Heavenly Clan were stunned.

This, is this Golden Wonderland?

They were all from the Golden Fairy Realm, but at that moment, they didn't even see each other's movements clearly.

Moreover, they were in the Golden Immortal Realm, and they were protected by divine light all the time. However, under the opponent's attack, their kin were killed instantly!

"Disappeared, and his figure disappeared again."

"This human race, ah..."

The next moment, another body from the Golden Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan exploded.

As Cao Zhen started to take action, the Golden Immortals from the Celestial Clan flew in one after another, but soon, these Golden Immortals from the Celestial Clan discovered that it was useless no matter how many they came.

One after another, the golden wonderlands fell.

Opposite, that human monk, killing the monk from the Golden Immortal Realm was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

Even the arrival of the strongest monk from their Heavenly Clan did not stop the opponent.

"This...what's going on with this human race!"

"How could a human monk enter our world?"

"Quickly, run away first, run away. He is just a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm. When our seniors, the Taiyi Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals above the Golden Immortal Realm return, he will definitely die!"

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