The Heavenly Clan is just a branch in the world where the Human Race is located, and they also have a world that is not smaller at all compared to the world where the Human Race is located.

In their world, they are more numerous and have more masters.

However, no matter how many masters there are, they can still only escape.

As for exhausting the opponent's immortal energy.

Not to mention the opponent's immortal energy, there doesn't seem to be any sign of exhaustion. Even if it is exhausted, who will consume it, and who is willing to die?

Besides, the other party is not stupid. When the other party feels that his immortal energy is about to be exhausted, can't he evacuate first and then kill after he recovers?

They could only hide and wait for their master from the Golden Fairyland to return.

Cao Zhen continued to kill in the vast world of the Celestial Clan until there was no more Celestial Clan outside and all the Celestial Clan hid, and then he stopped.

"Each clan has its own [Heaven]. The Grand Master once discovered the [Heaven] of the Celestial Clan. However, later I did not find the [Heaven] of the Celestial Clan in the vast world of the Celestial Clan. I don't know if it is the Heaven Clan." The [Heaven] of the Clan has now entered the world where the Celestial Clan is.”

Cao Zhen did not leave the world of the Celestial Clan immediately, but started searching everywhere. While taking away the resources of the Celestial Clan, he searched to see if there was any Celestial Clan [Heaven] here.

However, no matter how hard he searched, he could not find [Heaven] of the Celestial Clan.

Although he didn't find [Tian] from the Celestial Clan, he discovered something special.

In the void, at the edge of this world, the void is extremely chaotic, with turbulent currents surging, forming a void vortex.

"Vortex channel?"

A look of surprise appeared on Cao Zhen's face: "This should be a passage leading to other places, but when I entered this world, it was obvious that except for the passage connecting our human race, there was no passage connecting to other places.

So what's going on with this channel?

Even the monks in the Golden Fairy Realm might not be able to withstand those turbulent flows in the void. This must not be a normal passage. "

He stayed outside the passage, hesitated for a moment, and the power of void gathered around him, and then he plunged into the passage.

He has received the inheritance of the Void Clan. Even if there is danger on the other side, as long as he does not enter the west like the senior of the Void Clan said, he should be able to escape.

He could also feel that the west was extremely far away from where he was. He did not see those tentacle monsters in this world, so this must not be the passage to the west.

Moreover, now that the alien races in their human world have been almost eliminated, even the monks in the heavenly world have suffered heavy losses and cannot be successful. Even if he is not here, the human race should not be in any danger.

As he stepped into the void vortex, waves of void turbulence came from all around. But after flying to his side, due to the power of the void all around him, these void turbulence changed direction and flew elsewhere. go.

However, Cao Zhen clearly felt that he was traveling through the endless void at this time, and his speed was much faster than when he came.

When he flew here, it was naturally impossible for him to fly like that just relying on his immortal energy.

The universe is so big, and it's just a simple flight. I'm afraid, after the passages in all worlds are connected, he won't be able to fly back from the world of the Sky Eyes to the world of the human race.

When he flew back, he also used the power of the void to continuously travel through the void.

It was like when he killed those golden fairy realms, he also used the power of the void to pass through the void and suddenly appear in front of the opponent.

However, when he exerts the power of the void, the speed at which he travels through the void is absolutely as fast as his eyes.

Even though he had controlled the power of the void, he couldn't bear the astonishing speed and felt dizzy.

About half an hour later, there was a real feeling of stepping on the ground above his feet.

He raised his head and looked forward, and was surprised to find that he was on an extremely unfamiliar land.

This is a desolate world, a dead silence shrouds the earth, and the blue sky has been covered by dust and poisonous fog.

There is the sun above our heads, but due to the dust cover, the sunlight can hardly shine through the thick clouds.

The earth is even more dry and cracked. The exposed land is full of cracks and holes, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

The spiritual energy bought here is extremely scarce, not only the spiritual energy, but also the oxygen is extremely sparse.

With his current level of cultivation, he could even feel a slight heaviness in his breathing, as if there was an invisible pressure oppressing his chest.

Cao Zhen tried to take a step forward, and a look of surprise quickly appeared on his face. He had been to many worlds, whether it was the world of the Sky Eye Clan before, or the world of the Celestial Clan, and the gravity of the world he was in all the same.

The gravity here is nearly twice as strong as in other worlds.

It seems that this desolate world has lost all vitality. The vegetation has withered and the trees have dried up. Only a few remaining dead trees are left standing alone on the desolate land.

No sounds of strange animals or even insects can be heard here. It seems that all there is here is dead silence.

What is this place?

Cao Zhen searched around, but found that there was really no life here except him.

Soon, night fell, and the starry sky was pale and sparse, with a few lonely stars dotted in the darkness. Looking into the distance, one can only see pitch black, as if this deep darkness has swallowed up the void.

Suddenly, in the distance, a purple light soared into the sky, illuminating the world in the distance extremely brightly. The light was filled with terrifying power, which could be felt even from an extremely far distance. That terrifying energy fluctuation.

The moment the purple light flew up, a crimson light also rose up.

Compared with the purple light in front, the energy fluctuation contained in this red light is not weaker at all.

"That light is two powerful monks releasing spells. Besides me, there are other monks here.

Also, this aura is not so strong even in the Golden Immortal Realm. This is a monk above the Golden Immortal Realm! "

Cao Zhen quickly flew in the direction of the sound.

As he shuttled through the void, within a moment, two figures appeared in his sight.

He restrained his breath in an instant and hid in the dark and looked at the two figures.

Of these two figures, one was huge, three feet tall. He has four strong tentacles, extending from his forehead to his back. The tentacles are covered with tiny tentacles, and his body is covered with hard scales, showing a deep purple metallic luster.

His eye sockets were sunken, and there seemed to be two purple thunderbolts in his eyes, and streaks of lightning continued to fly out from his eyes.

There are obvious signs of wear and tear on his scales.

All around him, streaks of thunderous energy were constantly fluctuating, seemingly forming an extremely special magnetic field.

Opposite him were slender aliens. This alien seemed to be shorter than normal humans.

His skin is fiery red, and the surface of the skin is covered with tiny luminous textures, emitting weak fluorescence.

There are two slender tentacles on his head, and the tips of the tentacles have glowing crystal structures. The most special thing is that his eyes are fiery red, as if they are two burning flames.

Around him, there was a red flame burning crazily. The flame seemed to ignite everything around him except him.

Both the void around him and the desolate earth below were burning crazily.

Two aliens!

Cao Zhen's eyes narrowed. He had seen exhausted foreigners in the original world before.

However, these two alien races were stronger than those he had seen before.

And above the heads of these two alien races, there are double flowers of 'Human Flower' and 'Earth Flower'!

Taiyi Golden Immortal!

This is indeed an existence beyond the ordinary golden fairyland.

Those existences beyond the golden fairyland are in this place?

However, this place is so desolate and there seems to be nothing. Why are these two monks fighting?

Cao Zhen looked around, but found that there was nothing around him.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

The thundering alien race, the cold purple electric current flowing through his body, gathered on his body, and then burst out!

In an instant, a loud noise seemed to crack the void in this world from the middle. The void suddenly tore open, revealing obvious cracks.

The purple thunder gathered together, like a roaring thunder beast, flying towards the monk opposite with its fangs and claws.

Thunder currents intertwined into purple power grids in the air.

Opposite him, two red rays of light suddenly shot out from the flame monk's eyes. In an instant, endless flames spurted out, turning into a rain of flames, like dancing fire phoenixes.

This fire flame formed a red storm in the air, rolling up waves of heat, and the terrifying heat burned everything around it. The fiery breath spread, causing the surrounding air to become distorted.

The next moment, when the thunder and flames collided, the entire void fell into turmoil, and it even felt as if it was about to turn over.

It seemed that the thunder that could completely destroy the earth into nothingness was intertwined with the flames that could burn everything.

The thunder in the void became more and more fierce, sometimes turning into electric snakes flying, sometimes turning into thunder dragons roaring.

The flames are also unpredictable, sometimes turning into soaring fire phoenixes, sometimes turning into roaring fire dragons.

The heaven and earth made a deafening roar under the bombardment of this spell.

The scorching aura filled this world. The ground was torn apart by the power of thunder, forming bottomless cracks. Earthfire spewed out, and lava rose into the sky under the impact of the magic collision.

On the raised hands of Thunder Monk, purple thunder gathered, like thousands of lightnings gathering in his palms.

The next moment, the thunder shot out from his hand again, rapidly growing in size in the air, forming a pillar of thunder. Accompanied by rumbling thunder and purple lightning, it was like a thunder of punishment coming from heaven, instantly bombarding the entangled thunder and lightning. Above the flames.

The scorching flames were instantly swallowed up by the bombardment, and the rest of the thunder power was absorbed into the thunder light pillar, further increasing the power of the thunder.

The thunder continued unabated and continued to bombard the flame monk.

The flame monk was surrounded by blazing flames, forming a burning sea of ​​fire.

But the power of the falling thunder was too terrifying, and the remaining power impacted.

When the thunder fell again, the entire world seemed to have lost its balance and turned into chaos.

Energy fluctuations raged, forming a huge storm vortex, tearing everything around into pieces.

The Pillar of Thunder is like a huge purple sword piercing the sky, the thunder is deafening, the thunder and lightning are raging on the sword, like a roaring dragon snake, piercing into the flame monk's body extremely quickly!

In an instant, the flame monk's body flew backwards and flew out.

The Thunder Cultivator quickly chased after him. While chasing him, he shouted loudly: "Hand over your Qiankun Ring, and I will spare your life."

"Hand over the ring of heaven and earth?" The flame monk showed a sarcastic smile on his face. He coughed up blood and said loudly, "You just want the peace order in my hand.

I will hand over the peace order to you. When night falls, I will not be able to enter the city of peace, and I will also die.

Do you want a peace order? These are my peace orders, go ahead and get them. "

As the flame monk spoke, he suddenly stretched out his hand, took out ten tokens, and threw them in one direction. And he quickly flew in the opposite direction.

Cao Zhen frowned, peace order, what is that?

Will you die without a peace order?

In this case, do you want to snatch some peace orders?

He was just about to move when suddenly, a figure rushed out. This figure looked almost the same as a human, but it had a pair of huge wings after a career.

Empty clan!

Cao Zhen instantly recognized the other person's race.

This Kong clan happened to appear in the direction where those peace orders appeared. With a wave of his palm, a powerful suction force came out, and all these peace orders fell into his hands.

Brother Thunder was about to get the order of peace, but the order of peace was obtained by another monk. Veins suddenly popped up on his forehead, and he said angrily: "Looking for death, leave the order of peace!"

He roared angrily as he chased after the monks from the Kong Clan.

But the monks of the Kong Clan ignored him at all, and instead flew in another direction.

Moreover, the speed of the Kong Clan monks is obviously faster than that.

Obviously, this Kong Clan monk has been hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to seize the benefits.

After seeing the Peace Order, the Kong Clan went straight to snatch the Peace Order without any hesitation. Obviously, the Peace Order was extremely important.

"They said before that if you don't have a peace order, you will die. I don't have a peace order myself, so am I..."

Just when Cao Zhen was about to make a move and catch up with the two monks, suddenly, a sword light suddenly fell in front of the Kong Clan monk. This sword fell, like the Milky Way falling, and in an instant, the sky and the earth changed color.

The light of the sword is as bright as the stars, and its power is like the rolling water of a river, coming from the sky.

As if the void could not withstand its power, it made a huge roar, and the air was torn apart, forming invisible waves that spread.

The power of this sword was irresistible, as if it split the sky and tore apart the heaven and earth.

The monks of the Kong clan, looking at the falling body, suddenly stopped moving forward, changed direction and wanted to fly somewhere else.

However, the next moment, a ray of light came in front of him.

A huge fishing net fell. The moment the fishing net fell, the entire world seemed to pause for a moment.

The monks of the Kong Clan were instantly trapped by the fishing net.

In the distance, Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly condensed, the power of time, and also the power of time reincarnation.

Then a figure appeared at the other end of the fishing net.

A monk from the Sky Eye Clan!

Cao Zhen's eyes widened. He had stayed in the Sky Eye Clan for nearly two thousand years, not counting the time he spent in the changing world. Moreover, he had participated in inheritance conferences again and again and met many monks from the Sky Eye Clan.

Among them, there are no other monks from the Sky Eye Clan who use the power of time, except their Piao Miao Cult and the Reincarnation Palace lineage.

Could this person in front of me be a monk from the Palace of Reincarnation?

But in the Palace of Reincarnation, there seems to be no existence beyond the Golden Fairyland.

The old palace master who founded the Palace of Reincarnation also entered the ruins of the original world, not this place.

Who is this?

And the monk with the knife.

Cao Zhen looked at it. Beside the monks from the Sky Eye Clan, was a huge mantis?

His body looked like a human being, but he had a pair of huge sickle-like arms that shone with cold light, like sharp blades from the abyss.

That sword strike just now was made by it.

This is obviously not an orc, and even the aura emitted by this mantis is different from that of an orc.

Don't know what race it is.

And this man, the Mantis Clan, is the same as the Celestial Clan that just appeared, all of them have the cultivation level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Nowadays, all the monks who appear here are Taiyi Golden Immortals, so this is probably where the monks who are above the Golden Immortal realm gather.

I just don’t know if Daluo Jinxian exists among these.

Moreover, this world feels so chaotic.

It was originally a battle between a thunder monk and a flame monk, but after the flame monk was defeated and escaped, in the blink of an eye, three more monks from different races appeared.

Now, besides him, five monks have appeared here. As a result, all five monks are from different races.

After the Nakong monk was caught, he struggled wildly, with waves of immortal energy surging crazily, trying to break free.

However, the fishing net that trapped him quickly shrank under his struggle.

The monks of the Tianyan clan, while conveying immortal energy into the fishing net, shouted loudly: "Stop struggling, you can't get out. How about this, how about you take out your Qiankun ring, and I will let you out?"

I’m not asking you to die right away. You can leave a peace order. "

As he said that, he looked at the Mantis monks and Thunder monks on the side and shouted: "Everyone, if I hadn't taken action, he would have run away.

After a while, he took out the peace order, how about we divide it equally between the three of us?

After all, it was already very late now, and there was still about an hour before the horror would come. If we don't leave quickly, we will all die here. "

The monk from the Mantis clan, before the Thunder monk could speak, had already answered: "Okay, I agree to split it equally, but there is no need for him to take out the ring of heaven and earth. He is trapped now. Just kill him directly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly waved the sickle in his hand and struck at the Kong Clan monk who was trapped in the fishing net.

In an instant, streams of cold sword energy burst out from the sickle. These sword energy penetrated the gaps in the fishing net and blasted the Kong clan trapped in the fishing net.

While brandishing the sword, he transmitted a message to the monk from the Thunder Clan in the distance: "This monk from the Sky Eye Clan is Immortal Lord Shiwang. You should have heard of his name.

He has a lot of peace orders in his hands. "

When Brother Thunder heard this, his face remained calm, but he quickly sent a message: "What do you want? Let's join forces? Kill him?"

The mantis monk quickly responded: "That's it. At that time, we will share his peace order equally. I have just seen you take action and know your strength, and my strength is equal to yours. The two of us will definitely be able to do it together." Take him down.

Now, the first thing we need to do is to kill this Kong Clan! "

"Okay, it's a deal!"

The next moment, the thunder monk suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly, frightening thunder appeared from the void.

These thunders are like the wrath of heaven, full of breathtaking majesty and terrifying power.

They were violent and fast, and the electric arcs danced wantonly in the void, like weaving a gorgeous power grid.

The thunder was bright and flashed with a dazzling purple light.

When the thunder came, the air seemed to be torn apart instantly, forming a dark crack.

The next moment, the thunder passed through the fishing net and suddenly bombarded the trapped Kong Clan monk.

In an instant, a burst of heaven-destroying energy burst out.

The monk of the Kong Clan was wrapped in thunder, and the thunder that seemed capable of destroying everything penetrated his body.

For a moment, the powerful impact of thunder caused drastic changes in the space around him.

The surrounding void was shaking crazily in the thunderous Qiulai, forming ripples of energy that spread like ripples after a stone is thrown into the lake.

There's an electrical smell in the air.

The thunderbolts and the sharp sword energy fell, instantly severely injuring the Kong Clan monk who was still in the fishing net.


The monk from the Kong Clan spat out a mouthful of red blood, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.

Feeling the weakness of the breath in his body, he opened his mouth suddenly as if he wanted to say something, but the next moment, a bolt of thunder suddenly flew down and rushed directly into his body, and then the terrifying power of thunder exploded in his mouth.

Although most of these thunder and sword energy passed through the fishing net, some of them bombarded the fishing net, causing the energy and blood in Shiwang Immortal Lord's body to surge.

Suddenly, a thick thunderbolt fell in the void. This thunder condensed into the shape of a purple divine dragon in the void. It did not hit the Kong Clan trapped in the fishing net, but the Time Net Immortal Lord.

They took action!

"You are not moral." Immortal Lord Shiwang suddenly pulled the fishing net, and the trapped Kong Clan was pulled up by him and blocked above his head in an instant.

When time was tight, he used the other party as a shield.

The next moment, the thunder fell.

At this moment, the entire void seemed to be shaking under the power of thunder, and the world seemed to be out of balance and turned upside down.

The thunder bombarded Kong Clan's body, directly blasting through the already severely injured Kong Clan's body.

On the side, the mantis monk also took action instantly. His pair of huge scythes slashed into the void.

In an instant, the sword light was as bright as the stars pouring down, blooming with astonishing brilliance. The blade of the blade split the air with infinite power, just like the impact of a rolling river. It was powerful and unstoppable.

The sword fell, and the void trembled.

At this moment, the world seemed to be torn apart, and the cracks extended, showing a boundless dark abyss. With such power, the air was split instantly, making a sharp tearing sound.

This sword is like the brightest star in the universe descending into the mortal world.

And the target of this knife is also Immortal Lord Shiwang.

Just as the sword was about to strike Immortal Shiwang, a red flower suddenly appeared in front of Immortal Shiwang.

The flower bloomed instantly, and at this moment, the light of the entire world seemed to be focused on the flower.

The flowers were gorgeous, but the brilliance only lasted a moment.

As the knife fell, the flower instantly shattered into powder.

But at the next moment, these pollen gathered together and turned into flower bones, showing the posture before blooming.

The Mantis monk's movements also slowed down slightly.

Immortal Lord Shiwang, taking advantage of this moment, pulled the fishing net and quickly retreated.

He yelled while backing up: "Why are you two doing this? You two can't kill me. It would be great if the three of us share his safety order together.

You two insist on splitting the fight equally. If you keep fighting, you really won’t be able to go back. By then, everyone will be dead. "

"Really? Half an hour is enough for us to return to Ping An City from here. The remaining half hour is just enough to kill you. Are you so confident that you can survive in front of us?"

After Monk Mantis paused for a moment, he killed Immortal Lord Shiwang again.

In the distance, Cao Zhen looked at the two aliens who suddenly attacked the monks of the Sky Eye Tribe. With a thought in his mind, the power of the void was activated instantly.

That monk from the Sky Eye Clan is very likely to have something to do with the Reincarnation Palace, and he can't just sit back and ignore it.

What's more, he also needs to know everything about this world. At least, he needs to know what the peace order is for and why there will be danger in an hour.

During the action, he had already disguised himself as Taiyi Golden Immortal. This world has not seen the Golden Immortal Realm yet, so he still disguised himself as Taiyi Golden Immortal to attract less attention.

Just as Brother Mantis slashed with his sword again, suddenly, the air around him suddenly fluctuated. His expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned back and slashed towards the place where the void fluctuated!

As soon as Cao Zhen's body appeared, a terrifying sword was slashed towards his face. Feeling the cold sword energy, a strange color suddenly appeared on his face.

He had faced those monks in the Golden Fairy Realm before, but they didn't react until he had finished taking action.

But now, he had just appeared, and the other party was already aware of his existence.

He stretched out the hand that was not holding the sword and suddenly waved forward. In an instant, the void in front of him suddenly started to rotate.

For a time, this area of ​​space continued to fold.

The moment the mantis monk dropped his long sword, he suddenly felt that the surrounding space became extremely heavy, and the speed of his long sword falling suddenly slowed down, and even his long sword began to shift.

When his long sword fell completely, it was suddenly cut into the void.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on the face of the mantis monk. This side of the void was changed so easily. This is the way of the void!

Who is this monk, and why does he suddenly appear to attack him?

Before he could react, Cao Zhen's long sword was already swinging.

As soon as the sword fell, a hundred shadows of Cao Zhen appeared in the void. Each shadow looked extremely real. It seemed that every one of them was Cao Zhen. At this moment, a Cao Zhen appeared.

And they all took action at the same time, swinging out their swords.

In an instant, a hundred sword lights appeared.

The same figure displays different sword moves, and each sword contains different sword intentions.

At the same time, these one hundred swords give people the illusion that Cao Zhen from one hundred different periods stabbed one thing from one hundred different dimensions.

This sword is filled with the power of reincarnation of time and void.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be filled with this sharp sword.

At the same time, these sharp swords seemed to converge into one sword.

Seeing that the sword was about to fall on the monk of the Mantis tribe, when he had no time to react, the opponent suddenly waved his other arm, and the huge sickle waved, but it laid out a dense net of swords.

The next moment, Cao Zhen's sword hit the sword net, and suddenly, crisp impact sounds were heard.

The sword web was broken layer by layer, but the sword light also continued to weaken.

But just when the sword light seemed to be about to dissipate, the sword light condensed again in front of the mantis monk.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on the face of the mantis monk, what is this?

Wasn't this sword destroyed? Why did it appear again?

This is reincarnation?

After the constant reincarnation in the void, the dissipated sword energy condensed again?

There are very few monks who practice the Way of Reincarnation, but it is the existence of Taiyi Golden Immortal. He has also encountered monks who practice the Way of Reincarnation, and among them there are also monks who practice the Way of Void Reincarnation.

However, how could those monks be like this? They actually reincarnated their own attacks!

They all reincarnate their opponents' attacks!

The appearance of this sword was too sudden. Although this sword was just the condensed sword energy after reincarnation, the sword directly pierced his body. The sharp sword energy burst out and still broke through the protective shield on his body. Body divine light.

In an instant, streams of extremely sharp sword energy rushed into his body, raging crazily.

In just a moment, his flesh and bones were shaken open, and even his meridians were affected.

Cao Zhen looked at the opponent's injuries and sighed softly. His level of monk was still lower than that of the opponent. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to such trouble. Under reincarnation, the opponent's sword was deflected, and he could easily hit the opponent.

Although Immortal Shiwang didn't know the monk in front of him, he was sure of one thing, that was enough.

Moreover, for some reason, he felt a trace of the style of the Miao Miao Cult and the Samsara Palace lineage from this monk's reincarnation aura.

During the battle, he didn't have time to think too much. Looking at the wound of the monk on the opposite side, the energy of reincarnation suddenly surged in his body.

The mysterious and unpredictable energy of reincarnation instantly enveloped the Praying Mantis monk.

In an instant, time around him was reincarnating rapidly, especially the wound of the mantis monk, which was reincarnating even faster.

Suddenly, Brother Mantis's wounds expanded rapidly, and even the meridians in his body seemed to be shattered.

Just when Cao Zhen wanted to continue attacking the opponent, in the distance, the thunder monk's attack was already falling.

The boundless thunder kept falling from the void.

Cao Zhen suddenly swung his sword and stabbed into the void.

Suddenly, the surrounding void was affected and began to shift. At the same time, the time in this void also changed slightly.

The space began to fold continuously, and voids fell one after another. When they touched the folded void, some seemed to fall into another space and time, and some folded voids produced terrifying power. These The power and the thunder came into contact and canceled each other out.

While he was resisting the Thunder Monk's attack, the fishing net of Shiwang Immortal Lord was already retracted, and facing the Mantis tribe opposite, the fishing net in his hand was suddenly thrown out.

In an instant, the fishing net unfolded, covering the sky and the sun, like an endless dark shadow covering the surrounding space.

Each mesh in the fishing net exudes powerful suction and binding power, and seems to be able to contain everything.

The mantis monk endured the injuries on his body and waved a pair of sickles one after another.

But its pair of scythes, which could easily cut through mountains and split mountains, did not tear the fishing net apart after touching it.

The next moment, time around the fishing net suddenly accelerated, and the fishing net suddenly shrank.

It seemed that in an instant, it clung to his body, and then the fishing net tightened.

Suddenly, Brother Mantis felt that his whole body was firmly locked by the fishing net.

Not only his body, but also the breath in his body seemed to be affected by this fishing net.

One piece, but the fishing net was like a huge shackles, like a seal, sealing him tightly.

At the same time, the voice of Immortal Shiwang rang.

"Quickly, kill him. I won't be able to trap him for too long."

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, he turned around suddenly and no longer paid attention to the thunder falling in the void. Instead, he condensed the power of reincarnation of the void in his body and attached it to his hands. Then, he pointed the sharp sword in his hand towards the direction of the fishing net.

The sharp sword energy burst out, hitting hard on the wound that Monk Mantis had sustained before.

This time, Brother Mantis was unable to resist the sword energy because he was trapped in the fishing net, and he completely withstood the terrifying sword energy.

The sword energy poured in along his previous wound and then exploded.

This time, all the meridians in his body were broken, and even his soul was invaded by the sword energy.

At the same time, the sword energy was originally attached to bursts of time power, which made his injuries rapidly worsen.

Immortal Lord Time Net simultaneously exerted the power of reincarnation, and the air of time reincarnation surged through the fishing net, also rapidly aggravating the injuries of the mantis monk.

The next moment, frightening explosions sounded in the body of the Praying Mantis cultivator, and his whole body exploded under the acceleration of the time cycle of Cao Zhen and the Immortal Lord of Time Network.

At the same time, the thunderbolts also fell down and bombarded Cao Zhen and Immortal Lord Shiwang.

Cao Zhen suddenly felt numb. Under the bombardment of thunder, the divine light on his body suddenly exploded, and the clothes on his body also exploded.

At the same time, a faint smell of burnt smell came.

The energy and blood in his body were churning due to the shock, and obvious cracks appeared on his body.

This is Taiyi Jinxian's attack. No matter how strong his physical body is, he cannot simply rely on his physical body to block the opponent's attack.

Beside him, there was even a pale color on Immortal Shi Wang's face, and his injuries seemed to be more serious than Cao Zhen's.

Although his body-protecting divine light is stronger, his physical body is much weaker than Cao Zhen.

In the distance, Immortal Lord Shiwang looked at the injured two, with a look of joy on his face. Although the mantis monk was dead, he was now facing two other monks on his own, but both of them were injured by him. Yes, it is not impossible for him to win.

If he kills the opponent, then these people and all their treasures will belong to him.

Suddenly, the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

The energy of time reincarnation surged up in both Cao Zhen and Immortal Shiwang almost at the same time. Their injuries were quickly repaired under the reincarnation of time, and the pale color on Immortal Shiwang's face completely disappeared. not see.

He was suddenly stunned, could the reincarnation of time still be like this?

It's not that he has never seen a monk who possesses the method of time reincarnation, but this is the first time he has seen a monk who uses the method of time reincarnation to treat injuries.

Although the opponent's injury will not be fully recovered in an instant, the opponent can make the injury lighter. How will he face these two guys if the injury is so severe?


He turned around decisively and ran away.

Immortal Lord Shiwang looked at Shenbi, the monk who suddenly came to help him, with a look of shock on his face, and whispered: "What is your relationship with the Reincarnation Palace of the Piaomiao Sect! Or, I should ask you, what is your relationship with Tian What's the deal with that little girl!

Although there are many people who practice the way of time reincarnation, the only ones I have met so far who use time reincarnation in this way are the monks of our Tianyan clan, especially the lineage of the Piao Miao Reincarnation Palace.

And your aura of time reincarnation is very similar to that of the little girl in Tianlun. "

As he said that, he himself became confused: "No, that little girl from Tianlun is still in the Golden Fairyland. Whether he has entered the original realm or not, you can't meet her.

Unless, you enter the world of our Sky Eye Clan.

No, no, how could you, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, enter the world of our Tianyan clan? "

Cao Zhen smiled bitterly in his heart. Sure enough, he was right to save people. The other party did have a close relationship with Tianlun Immortal. Otherwise, it would be impossible to feel the Tianlun Immortal from the time cycle he cast so easily. Your style.

But also because their relationship was so deep, I had to quickly think of a way to explain it.

Cao Zhen thought in his heart and said: "I have indeed entered the world of your Tianyan clan, and I entered it through the original world.

When I entered, it was still a golden wonderland. Then, after I left, I broke through and entered the Golden Fairyland, and came here.

As for the Heavenly Wheel Immortal Lord, I once had a discussion with her.

She is better at the way of time reincarnation, and I am better at the way of void reincarnation. The two of us complement each other. "

He did not say that Tianlun Immortal Lord was his uncle. If this kind of thing spread, it would not be good for Tianlun Immortal Lord and the Miao Miao Sect.

After all, he is a foreigner, and he has taken away the inheritance of the Void clan.

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