"You mean, you entered the world of our Tianyan Clan, and then became friends with that little girl from Tianlun?" Immortal Lord Shiwang looked at Cao Zhendao in astonishment, and after a while he came to his senses.

During the fight, he could tell that this guy was very powerful.

The opponent had just broken through into the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and already possessed such combat power. When the opponent entered the original world, he must have been about to break through.

From this point of view, the opponent's strength must have been extremely strong at that time.

Although that Tianlun girl is strong, she may not be able to do anything against her, and they both practice the way of reincarnation, so it makes sense for them to become good friends.

As for the other party coming here, that's perfectly normal.

As long as you break through and enter Taiyi Golden Immortal, you will naturally be able to feel the passage in the void, and then enter this world.

Moreover, this monk can help him, obviously he has a good impression of the Sky Eye Clan.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, and then asked: "Fellow Taoist, you and Tianlun?"

"We all follow the path of time and have communicated naturally. The master of Tianlun once received my guidance. Later, her master brought Tianlun to me and asked me to give some guidance.

Okay, time is urgent, let’s not talk about this for now. Let’s divide their belongings first, and then head to Ping An City as quickly as possible.

If it is too late, it will be difficult to enter the city. You even need to pay some protection fees. "

As he said that, he raised his hand and sucked it, and directly took out the Universe Ring of the Mantis Clan monk and the Universe Ring of the Sky Clan monk who died before.

After being trapped by him with a fishing net, this Kong clan monk was attacked by the Mantis clan monk and the Thunder monk, and was severely injured.

In his state, he was in the center of the battle, so he was naturally affected, and his injuries worsened again.

Just now, after the thunderbolt of the thunder monk fell again, it did not kill Cao Zhen and Immortal Lord Shiwang, but directly killed him.

Cao Zhen asked while following Immortal Shiwang flying into the distance: "I just came to this world, and I heard you talk a lot about the Peace City and the Peace Order. What is that place and what is the Peace Order? use?"

When he asked, Immortal Lord Shiwang had already opened the Qiankun rings of the two dead monks. After checking them, a joyful look appeared on his face: "These two guys are quite wealthy, with a total of thirty peace orders, which is just right." , we each have fifteen coins, do you have any objection?"

"Of course not." Cao Zhen nodded slightly and took the safety order from the other party.

As soon as I took the token, I felt a warm and cool feeling. The material looked a bit like jade.

Immortal Lord Shiwang did not look at the other treasures in the Qiankun Ring, but directly threw the Praying Mantis monk's Qiankun Ring to Cao Zhendao: "We don't need to divide the remaining things carefully. This guy's Qiankun Ring belongs to you. , the Qiankun ring of another Kong clan belongs to me. How about it?"

Cao Zhen nodded again. Originally, the monk from the Kong Clan should have been killed by Immortal Lord Shiwang, and there was no problem with Immortal Lord Shiwang.

When Immortal Lord Shi Wang saw the other party agreeing again, he said: "You have already seen the Peace Order, and the Peace Order is the certificate for entering Ping An City.

Without a peace order, you cannot enter Ping An City.

As for the safe city, it literally means a city that keeps you safe.

Although it is said that the weakest ones who enter here are Taiyi Golden Immortals, but even those Daluo Golden Immortals and even quasi-sages will also enter Ping An City after nightfall.

You remember, here, when night falls, an hour later, the whole world will be full of danger, and countless stars will appear in this world.

After these starlights shine on each other, they can even change directions and continue to refract. They can even cover every inch of this side of time.

It is even said that there are invisible attacks in the darkness.

In addition, we will be attacked by thunder, flames, violent winds, and all kinds of attacks like a catastrophe.

Those attacks, let alone us, even the quasi-sage cannot withstand.

When we first came here, no one knew how horrific the attack was.

Among them, there was even a quasi-sage who tried to challenge the dark night. As a result, if he hadn't run fast enough, if he didn't have a peace order on his body, and he was close enough to Ping An City and hid in Ping An City at the first time, I'm afraid, This world is going to lose one quasi-sage.

However, even so, he was seriously injured by the bombardment. "

Cao Zhen's expression instantly became serious, and even the quasi-sage was in danger. At the same time, he also asked something special: "So, why is it safe to hide near Ping An City? Those monks who attack will not attack Ping An City?"

"No, we don't know why. Those attacks will only fall outside Ping An City and will not enter Ping An City. That is why we call those cities Ping An City."

"Those?" Cao Zhenlai looked surprised and asked in surprise, "Ping'an City is not just one?"

"Naturally." Immortal Lord Shiwang said while flying, "I'd better tell you slowly.

Let’s talk about Ping An City first. If you want to enter Ping An City, you must carry the Ping An Order. Otherwise, the ghosts in Ping An City will kill you. "

"Ghost?" Cao Zhen was slightly startled, looked at the other person in disbelief and asked, "What kind of ghost is it?"

Immortal Lord Shiwang chuckled and said, "It's what you know, those fierce ghosts and resentful ghosts that we can usually see."

Cao Zhen became more and more puzzled: "But you said that the weakest ones who can enter here are Taiyi Golden Immortals and even semi-saints. How strong do those ghosts have to be to kill the Quasi-Saint City."

"They are not particularly strong. The weak ones may be like the Earthly Immortal Realm, the stronger ones may be like the monks who have returned to the Immortal Realm, and the strongest ones may be like the True Immortal Realm monks.

However, after we enter Ping An City, our immortal energy will be sealed. Although our physical bodies are equally powerful, the attacks of those ghosts directly attack the soul.

After our immortal energy is sealed, our souls are not protected. Facing the attacks of countless ghosts against the soul, no matter how strong the body is, it is useless, even the quasi-sage cannot stop it.

And these ghosts will guard the gate of Ping An City. They will only be allowed to enter Ping An City if they hand over the Ping An Order. "

Cao Zhen touched the peace order in his hand and asked curiously: "Then where did the peace order come from?"

Immortal Lord Shi Wang explained: "In the world just outside us, it is possible that if you are lucky, you can pick up a peace order on the ground, of course it is more likely to be in those secret realms and ruins.

Moreover, these peace orders were just picked up and handed over to the ghosts. They didn't want them.

We need to gather the immortal energy and instill it into the order of peace. You can see that these peace orders have light.

The new, uninfused peace makes it lackluster.

Only by injecting immortal energy to a certain level will the Peace Order emit light.

Those ghosts only accept peace orders that have light. "

Cao Zhen frowned instantly: "They need our immortal energy, what use do they need our immortal energy for?"

"We have also considered this issue." Immortal Lord Shi Wang did not react much, and said in a normal voice, "We have always believed that this peace order should be a container that can carry our immortal energy.

They should need our immortal energy to practice or maintain their lives, but they cannot directly obtain our immortal energy.

The carrier of the Peace Order is needed, so no matter what they do in their city, the Peace Order is required. "

Immortal Lord Shi Wang said, paused slightly, and then introduced: "I will continue to tell you, this world. Here, there are many ruins or secret realms.

We feel that this world seems to be a world left over from ancient times.

Those ruins and secret realms are also different. Some ruins and secret realms only have the inheritance of the Earth Fairy Realm, or even the inheritance of the Golden Core Stage.

And in some ruins or secret realms, there are treasures that are coveted by the quasi-sage capital. "

Cao Zhen found that when the other party said the last few words, his voice had obviously increased, and there was even more excitement in his voice.

Therefore, the other party must have had a great adventure from the ruins or secret realm.

To be able to make a Taiyi Golden Immortal so excited, that treasure...

Cao Zhen thought of the fishing net released by the other party. The fishing net was shot twice, and all of them trapped the other party. Even Taiyi Jinxian could not break free from the fishing net.

Cao Zhen was very suspicious that the other party got the fishing net from here.

Immortal Lord Shi Wang continued: "Do you know why, this place becomes extremely dangerous every time at night, but there are still so many monks staying here? It is because there are the most ruins and secret realms here.

Many monks have had adventures here.

When I first arrived, I met a Taiyi Golden Immortal. Because he entered a secret realm, he directly broke through and became the Daluo Golden Immortal.

There are too many examples of this. In short, this place is full of opportunities. "

Cao Zhen was more interested in Ping An City. He continued to ask: "Continue to talk about Ping An City. In Ping An City, will everyone not be attacked by those ghosts?"

"As long as you don't commit any crime, you won't be attacked." Immortal Lord Shi Wang explained, "To be more precise, as long as you don't take the initiative to attack those ghosts, the ghosts will not attack you.

Of course, there are still some things to pay attention to.

First of all, don't make any big noise in the city. If you make any big noise, these ghosts will come out. They are like the law enforcement teams in our major religions, maintaining the order of Ping An City.

After you are caught, they will decide whether to imprison you or kill you directly based on what you have committed.

Generally speaking, as long as you don't cause trouble or cause any big noise, these ghosts won't come out to cause trouble for you.

If you accidentally cause a big noise and the ghosts want to arrest you, you will either be captured and imprisoned for a period of time, or you can choose to bribe the ghosts with a peace order. "

Cao Zhen was completely shocked: "If you can still bribe, how many peace orders do you need to bribe?"

"Generally speaking, five to ten peace orders. After bribery, those ghosts will leave you alone."

"What if you don't bribe? What if you get caught?"

"You'd better not have such thoughts." Immortal Lord Shi Wang quickly reminded, "I know that those monks who were captured and imprisoned all went crazy after they were released.

They were all crazy and couldn't tell exactly what they had gone through, so no monk knew. "

Cao Zhen asked in a low voice: "What about killing other monks? What will be the punishment? Will he not be imprisoned even if he is given a peace order?

If this is the case, if you know that a certain person has many peace orders, you can directly kill the other party and then directly steal the other party's peace orders. When the time comes, just take out ten peace orders to bribe those ghosts? "

"The method you mentioned is almost impossible to implement. Those ghosts are everywhere. If you kill other monks, unless you can kill other monks in an instant, those ghosts will appear and stop you.

In fact, those cities have names, but the reason why we call them Safe City is because peace can really be maintained inside.

Those ghosts are not allowed to kill people at will. If they find you committing murder, they will immediately confiscate your treasures and imprison you.

Therefore, there are few fights in Ping An City.

Of course, it's not impossible to fight. There is a competition field in Ping'an City specifically for resolving conflicts.

As long as a monk pays a peace order, he can go to the competition field and fight with his opponent. "

Cao Zhen nodded slightly when he heard the sound, and continued to ask: "Then what should the injured monk do if he enters Ping'an City? You said that the immortal energy in Ping'an City is imprisoned and cannot be used. How to treat the injury?"

"In Ping'an City, there will be a special place where you can display your immortal energy. If you are injured and want to heal or practice, you can enter it.

We call it the place of unblocking.

Of course, if you want to enter, you also need a peace order. With five peace orders, you can enter and practice from night to day. "

When Immortal Shi Wang said this, he suddenly remembered something and added: "By the way, you just entered here, you probably don't know yet, the time here is different from the time outside.

Here, the day time is one hundred and twenty hours, and the night time is also one hundred and twenty hours. "

Cao Zhen nodded lightly. In other words, one day or one night is equal to ten days and ten nights outside.

Just when he opened his mouth to say something, the other party's voice rang out again.

"I know what you want to ask. Do you want to ask, if that's the case, can you use the immortal energy to attack those ghosts when you enter a place where there is no sealed immortal energy?

Or even attack ghosts outside this area?

of course.

And there are monks who have done this, but the spells he released disappeared as soon as they flew out of this area.

His spells can only exist in that area.

Then, a group of ghosts surrounded him outside.

Of course, the monk was not stupid, he just stayed inside.

He knew that those ghosts would definitely attack him after he went out, but inside, he had immortal energy, so those ghosts were no sudden opponents.

At worst, he will stay in the unsealed place.

However, while he is inside, other monks cannot enter the unsealed place.

If you want to enter the unsealed land again, you have to kill him, and after killing him, the spoils will be divided among the monks.

Those ghosts are not stupid, they know how to use other monks to kill monks who break the rules.

In the end, the monk was directly killed by a Da Luo Jinxian. "

"So, everything in Ping An City requires a Ping An Order." Cao Zhen asked, "Is this the case in this world? Are all the monks above the Taiyi Golden Immortal of all races in this area?"

"That's not true. There are still safe areas. However, the opportunities in those places are not as many as here." Immortal Lord Shiwang simply explained to Cao Zhen once, "This area is extremely desolate, so we call it It's a wasteland.

In the wasteland, there are a total of one hundred and eight safe cities.

Among them, there are no adventures in the area outside the wasteland. Therefore, if you want to explore here during the day and leave the wasteland after it feels like the time is almost up, it is useless because you will not gain anything.

If you want to gain something in the wasteland, you must enter the wasteland to explore. At the same time, you must clearly know where Ping An City is. Make sure that you can return to Ping An City within an hour of darkness.

Of course, because there are one hundred and eight safe cities, if you leave one safe city, under normal circumstances, you can enter another safe city before dark.

When everyone explores here, they are not just in one safe city, but traveling back and forth in various safe cities.

After all, after discovering that there are no opportunities near a safe city, it proves that you have no chance to live here, so you will naturally have to change places. "

As he spoke, he suddenly said: "By the way, everyone calls me Immortal Lord Shiwang, but you still don't know what your title is?"

Cao Zhen heard the sound and said subconsciously: "Baifeng Immortal Lord."

He has never given himself a title, but many people have called him Lord Baifeng or Immortal Lord Baifeng before, because he is the leader of Baifeng Sect.

Immortal Lord Shiwang didn't think much about it. Although Baifeng sounded like it had nothing to do with the path the other party was taking, there were some monks whose titles were based on the great religion or somewhere.

Cao Zhen paused and asked, "Fellow Taoist Shiwang, I don't know, have you ever seen a human monk like me?"

What he is most concerned about now is naturally the human monks.

"I have actually encountered them, because the appearance of your clan is too close to ours, so I was particularly impressed.

However, I did not contact them. Of course, when you enter the city, you may be able to meet monks of your own clan.

Of course, it's possible that you won't meet anyone of your own kind. Just like me, if I could meet my own people, I wouldn't be able to walk here by myself. "

When Immortal Lord Shiwang said this, he looked at Cao Zhen seriously and asked, "Fellow Taoist Baifeng, you are not familiar with this place yet. This place is far more dangerous than the world we live in.

Because here, monks from all races gather.

It's very dangerous for you to walk alone. I wonder if you are interested in joining forces with me?

Although you are not a monk from our Sky Eye Clan, you have a good relationship with the Tian Lun girl. Moreover, you are very similar to our Sky Eye Clan, and you can be considered half of our clan.

At the same time, both of us practice the way of reincarnation, and our spells can coordinate perfectly.

Also, the two of us can enter the secret realm of the Star Territory in Ping An City and explore it together. "

Cao Zhen did not agree directly, but said in a deep voice: "I still want to find my clan members first. Also, what is the Star Territory secret realm? In Ping'an City?"

"Yes, it is in the central area of ​​Ping An City. There are many adventures inside. The reason why everyone is so vying for the Peace Order is that on the one hand, you need the Peace Order to enter Ping An City. Another big reason is that you want to enter. In the Star Territory Secret Realm, you must use the Peace Order.

A monk can enter the secret realm of the Star Territory by paying five peace orders.

As for you looking for your own kin, after you find them, we can also join forces. "

"That depends on what my fellow tribesmen say."

The two of them were talking while flying towards the nearest Ping An City.

Cao Zhen also roughly knew the situation of this world from the mouth of Immortal Lord Shiwang.

Slowly, Immortal Lord Shiwang's expression became serious.

"We have to be careful." Immortal Lord Shiwang pointed forward, "Everyone knows that at night, everyone has to enter Ping An City.

Outside Ping An City, those ghosts are not allowed to attack other monks at will.

After all, the more monks enter Ping An City, the more Ping An Orders they can obtain.

Therefore, some monks, especially some powerful monks, would choose to stay some distance outside Ping An City and rob other monks.

If we continue to move forward, we must be careful. Generally speaking, these monks who robber are Daluo Jinxian.

If we accidentally meet Daluo Jinxian, we can still give the other party a peace order. Of course, usually, they will let us leave a peace order.

However, they will not care about our other magic weapons... we..."

Before Immortal Shiwang finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

An extremely evil aura suddenly enveloped him.

A foreign race appeared wearing a shiny white armor with complex lines carved on it. His face was covered with a layer of pale and smooth skin that seemed completely bloodless.

His face was sharp and sharp, and his eyes were deep and cold, revealing a ruthlessness and cruelty. There is also a cluster of sharp horns on the head, like the devil's fangs.

Behind him, there is a long tail, covered with hard scales.

Waves of aura that made Cao Zhen feel horrified kept pouring out of the other party's body.

As he appeared, a divine light appeared above his head.

Three flowers gather together!

Daluo Jinxian!

Immortal Shiwang's face instantly became extremely ugly. He had been here for so long, and this was the second time that he was blocked by Daluo Jinxian.

Why are you so unlucky today!

And, it’s this guy.

Poor evil immortal!

When other Da Luo Jinxian robs, they usually rob the peace orders, but the Qing Evil Immortal Lord wants everything.

"Looking at you, you know that I am an Immortal Lord. Then you also know my Immortal Lord's rules. Leave a peace order for yourself, and then throw your Qiankun Ring over, and I will spare you a way to live."

Cao Zhen's eyes immediately fell on Immortal Lord Shiwang who was aside. Although he didn't speak, his meaning was very obvious. Didn't you say that these cultivators of the Great Tribulation are just the Order of Great Tribulation Peace?

Why is this guy robbing everything?

Immortal Lord Shiwang also showed a look of helplessness on his face, this...

Although he is considered a strong one among the Taiyi Golden Immortals, the opponent is the Daluo Golden Immortal. No matter how strong he is, he does not have the ability to fight beyond the realm of cultivation.

But, give your own Qiankun ring to the other party?

Wouldn’t it be necessary to give the other party my own Divine Trap Network?

There is also the treasure in the Qiankun Ring, and all of his wealth is in the Qiankun Ring.

The Poor Immortal Lord saw that the two monks on the opposite side did not take the initiative to take out the treasures. A ferocious look suddenly appeared on his face, and he said coldly: "What are you still standing there for? It seems that you want me to Jun took matters into his own hands.

You should know the consequences of my actions. If you take out the magic weapon, you can still survive. But when I take action, you will only die. "

"Really? You are not the first person to want me dead, but now, I am still standing here."

The mighty aura around Cao Zhen suddenly erupted, and the Zixia Dongsheng Sword also appeared in his hand. How could he hand over all his treasures to the other party.

If he wasn't his opponent, he would just run away.

After he finished speaking, he waved the long sword in his hand and slashed at the opponent. At the same time, he quickly sent a message to Immortal Lord Shiwang: "Leave me alone and leave quickly. You know that I am better at the method of reincarnation in the void, so I can escape."

You continue flying towards Ping An City, and I will catch up with you. "

Immortal Lord Shiwang was stunned at this moment. Immortal Lord Baifeng was probably too stunned, and he directly attacked a Da Luo Jinxian.


After being stunned for a moment, he turned around in an instant, took a slight detour, and then flew in the direction of Ping An City.

Since Immortal Lord Bai Feng said so, there should be some confidence.

If he stays, he won't be able to help. The two Taiyi Golden Immortals will not be the opponents of the Daluo Golden Immortal.

He could only fly away.

"Little Taiyi Golden Immortal, how dare you attack me and seek death!" It seemed that the Qi Evil Immortal Lord was because his majesty was challenged, and the mighty murderous aura in his body soared into the sky, instantly filling this space.

"Want to run away? None of you can escape!"

He raised his hand and pointed suddenly in the direction of Shiwang Immortal Lord's escape. In an instant, a black aura condensed on his fingertips, and then burst out.

The finger energy was as sharp as a sword in the abyss, flying at an astonishing speed. The moment it passed through the void, the space vibrated violently, as if it had suffered endless torture, and collapsed one after another.

It was just a finger, but it was filled with the aura of destroying everything.

In the void, the sound of howling winds and dark roars was caused by the flow of this finger energy.

The void trembled, and cracks spread around it like spider webs, as if it was torn apart by this terrifying force.

However, after the surrounding space was shattered, it quickly became distorted, and then continued to overlap again and again.

This space is obviously only that big, but at this moment, this space seems to have doubled in size.

Finally, the space collapsed, and the Finger Qi broke through the obstacles of the space and shot straight out.

However, due to the previous delay, the Immortal Lord of Time Network had already flown away, but he shot it in the air with one finger.

Cao Zhen stabbed out with a sword, exerted the power of reincarnation in the void, and quickly flew away into the distance.

But he had just started to take action, and the Poor Evil Immortal Lord had already broken through his spatial obstacles.

"It turns out that you are practicing the way of reincarnation in the void. Guan Dare to take action against me. But do you think that because you are good at reincarnation in the void, you can escape from me?"

However, the Poor Immortal Lord ignored the flying Immortal Shiwang, and instead turned around and chased in the direction of Cao Zhen.

Under the explosion of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, he transformed into a dark shadow, and the darkness of the shadow seemed to swallow up the surrounding light.

In just an instant, he appeared behind Cao Zhen, and at the same time, a dark spear appeared in his hand. The spear was swung, and the air around him was stirred up.

The power of darkness enveloped this world. At this moment, the sky, which had started to be dark, became even more invisible, and it seemed that there was no trace of light.

An extremely evil aura gushed out from the spear, just like the surging river water seemed to wrap up Cao Zhen's entire body.

Suddenly, the void around Cao Zhen began to twist, as if invisible power was quietly rotating in the whirlpool.

The ripples of time spread out, creating a tiny vortex of time and space.

However, the surging dark energy was too powerful. Under the impact of darkness, it instantly broke the space-time vortex, causing it to shatter and dissipate, just like a star quickly extinguishing in the dark night.

The gap is just too big.

Cao Zhen felt the collapse of the whirlpool and sighed helplessly in his heart. It would be okay if he was the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he was only in the Golden Immortal realm, while the other party was the Daluo Golden Immortal.

This gap is too huge.

The immortal energy in his body condensed on the long sword. He swung the long sword again, and the surrounding space suddenly began to twist and change. This space was instantly chaotic.

Strange cracks appeared in the void, and rays of light flickered in them, like stars traveling through the universe.

However, these cracks quickly shattered in the face of the dark attack.

As if a mirror had been penetrated by a sharp weapon, crisp shattering sounds could even be heard in the void.

The dark energy emits evil spirits, greatly affecting the surrounding world.

The earth cracked open, and countless cracks extended in all directions, as if being eaten away by the air of darkness. The ground shook, releasing a low and dangerous sound.

The air instantly became heavy due to the battle.

The aura of darkness enveloped the entire space, filled with a strange and evil aura.

After Cao Zhen's defenses were defeated one after another, they did not stop. The space ripples around him spread out, forming a defensive barrier.

This space barrier seems fragile, but it hides endless changes. It's like a distorted mirror.

The power of the opponent's attacks began to weaken as they successively broke through his defenses.

The dark aura hit the space barrier and began to reflect, dancing wildly in the air.

At this moment, in this world, time and space are intertwined. Time ripples shuttle through the space, like silver ripples, while the cracks in space are like flying ribbons, ever-changing.

However, he continued to display his defenses, and the many parties did not stop, and an even more terrifying dark aura came.

The mighty dark energy hit him, as if it were boundless darkness, once again breaking through his defense.

This time, the dark energy struck too quickly.

Cao Zhen didn't even have time to release his defense again. The dark energy had already fallen, instantly breaking through his protective divine light and bombarding him.

In an instant, his chest exploded, and bright red instantly stained his robe.

Corroded by the dark aura, his body was corroded rapidly.

But the next moment, the lights of reincarnation turned, and Cao Zhen's injuries quickly recovered. At the same time, Cao Zhen was even faster, seeming to fly back.

Under the overlapping of spaces, his figure instantly appeared in the distance. Although his figure had disappeared, his voice remained.

"Daluo Jinxian is nothing more than that."

"Damn it!" The poor evil immortal's face instantly turned livid, and he actually let a little Taiyi Golden Immortal escape in front of him.

"The way of reincarnation in the void, the opponent's control of the void is too proficient. Unless he can trap the opponent, or severely injure the kid instantly, otherwise, the monk will definitely be able to escape with the help of the way of reincarnation in the void."

The Poor Immortal Lord looked in the same direction as Ping An City, but did not pursue it.

The other party left not long ago, but if the other party could leave on his own, I am afraid he could also leave with another companion, using the method of reincarnation in the void.

He may not be able to catch up with the opponent.

Not long after Immortal Lord Shiwang flew out, suddenly, the void fluctuated beside him, and then a familiar figure appeared in his sight.

"Baifeng Immortal Lord."

Immortal Shiwang looked at the figure appearing beside him in surprise, completely dumbfounded: "You...you got rid of him so quickly, and got rid of a Da Luo Jinxian who flew over. Huh? No, you are injured. ”

"There are some injuries, but the impact is not big. That guy may come after me, I will take you away."

Cao Zhen said, grabbing Immortal Lord Time Network directly, using the method of reincarnation in the void, and quickly flew forward.

His injuries were indeed not particularly serious, but the main reason was that his body suddenly became stronger.

If you are in the ordinary Golden Immortal Realm and are hit by a Daluo Golden Immortal, you will be seriously injured and lose your combat effectiveness even if you don't die.

Soon, he discovered that what Immortal Shi Wang said was true, and the two of them were indeed very suitable for cooperation.

After he used Void Reincarnation, Immortal Lord Time Network wrapped the two of them with the energy of time reincarnation, and the flow of time around them slowed down. As a result, the speed of their flight increased again.

Immortal Lord Shiwang looked at the sky that was constantly flying around, and his heart was full of surprise. He escaped from a Daluo Golden Immortal so quickly. Even if he was injured, he might be able to escape, but that was not something that any Taiyi Golden Immortal could do, at least. He couldn't do it.

Otherwise, he would not have immediately considered leaving the peace order to the other party.

This Baifeng Immortal Lord did not use all his strength when he rescued him before. The opponent had a very strong one among the Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Moreover, the other party is so good at escaping, so being with him will greatly increase your chances of survival.

No matter what you say, you have to find a way and join forces with him. Wherever he goes, you will go.

While Cao Zhen was in a hurry, they flew for another stick of incense before they saw a city.

On a barren land, a huge and gloomy city stood abruptly. From a distance, this seems to be a dark fortress isolated from the world.

Because there was no water source, the city was not surrounded by a moat.

There are no towering buildings in the city, and the city walls are not high. The walls seem to be inlaid with a layer of dark shadow, shrouding the entire city in shadow.

Although there is no light, this city possesses an astonishing magnificence, making people feel like a giant beast standing on the earth, exuding a mysterious and strange atmosphere.

One by one, floating ghosts were floating on the city wall.

Their faces were twisted and terrifying, exuding a pale light. Their eyes were empty, as if they had lost all traces of their humanity. Some ghosts wore broken helmets, revealing a pair of empty eye sockets.

The leading ghost among them is wearing ancient armor, like a warrior from the underworld.

In this city, on the wall above the city gate, there are three characters engraved - Earthstorm City.

"This is the safe city."

Even though Immortal Shiwang flew all the way and could feel how fast they were, his heart was still tight, for fear of any danger or accident.

Seeing the city at this time, he immediately felt relieved.

After Cao Zhenfei arrived outside the city and stopped at the city gate, he took out two peace orders and handed them to a ghost wearing shabby armor. He pointed at him and Cao Zhen at the same time: "These are for the two of us. .”

If it weren't for Immortal Lord Bai Feng, he might really have to hand over all his treasures to Immortal Lord Qinge.

What's more, he still wants to continue to be with Immortal Lord Bai Feng, so what does it mean to take the initiative to help pay the entrance fee.

The ghost took away the time order, nodded slightly, and stepped aside.

Immortal Lord Shi Wang quickly pulled Cao Zhen and walked forward to enter the safe city.

Cao Zhen had just stepped into Ping'an City. The next moment, his whole expression suddenly changed. He could no longer feel the immortal energy.

All the immortal energy in his body was sealed.

This is not the first time he has had such an experience. He also had this kind of energy in the outer battlefield.

But the difference is that he feels that his connection with this world has become closer, and while the connection has become closer, he has a feeling.

A shackle was added to his body, which prevented him from freely traveling through the void.

Before, the reason why he dared to stay and fight against a Daluo Jinxian was that he had the last trump card. Even if he was not hostile to the opponent, he could still travel through the void and leave.

But now, he feels that he no longer has such ability.

Even if the immortal energy is restored, he may have lost this ability.

He looked at the black stone slabs paved in front of him and the Heian City, which was no different from the big human city, and his expression became serious.

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