Cao Zhen found that this safe city was much more lively than he expected.

At a glance, there were monks from various races in the city. They gathered in various places, and many of them were chatting, as if they wanted to exchange some treasures.

"There are so many monks here?" Cao Zhenman whispered to Shiwang Immortal Lord in surprise, "Are there so many monks above the Taiyi Golden Immortal of all races? This is just a safe city, but there are so many monks.

There are still 107 such safe cities. "

"There are indeed many monks above the Taiyi Golden Immortal from all races. Of course, the main reason is that there are too many races in the world.

And this Earthly Storm City, among the 108 cities, has a relatively large number of monks.

Because of the location of this city, if you want to go to many safe cities, you must pass through this geostorm city. Therefore, there are many monks in this city. "

Cao Zhen nodded in understanding. To put it simply, Diba City is a traffic intersection. You have to pass through it wherever you go, so there are many monks.

Suddenly, his eyes fell to the side again.

A few monks directly took out a peace order, handed it to the ghost nearby, and then wrote it on a wooden sign.

Soon, lines of text appeared on the wooden sign.

Some of these words are about seeking some treasure, and some are about asking monks for help.

After noticing Cao Zhen's gaze, Master Shiwang explained softly: "That notice board, if you need something urgently, but you can't stay here forever, then you can take out a peace order, Give it to those ghosts, then use the notice.

After using the notice, you can state your request and leave your address. That is, which house.

You should be able to see that there are many houses here.

These houses can be entered at will.

However, if you leave a message on the notice, the house you leave becomes yours for ten days.

It’s the ten days here, not the ten days we have outside. At the same time, the content of the notice will also be retained for ten days.

As for the notice, because you have already handed in the peace order, the ghosts here will naturally help you keep an eye on the notice, and no other monks will look for trouble to destroy the notice. "

"I see. Sure enough, everything you do here requires spending a peace order." Cao Zhen felt that this peace order could be regarded as a common currency.

"It seems that we should find a house first."

Cao Zhen turned to look at Immortal Shiwang and asked, "Do you have a fixed residence near here?"

Immortal Lord Shiwang immediately shook his head and said: "Of course not. After all, if you want a fixed residence, you need a peace order."

"Then it seems we need to find a place to live first."

There are enough houses here, and Cao Zhen and Shi Wangxianjun quickly found two houses side by side.

Then, Cao Zhen quickly left and returned to the notice area.

He took out a peace order, then walked to a ghost, took out a peace order and handed it to the ghost. Then, he took out a notice and raised his hand to write on it.

"Looking for a human companion—Baifeng Immortal Lord, yellow number sixteen."

There is no Immortal Lord Hundred Peaks among the human race. If other human races saw this, they would be curious about who Immortal Lord Hundred Peaks is.

Of course, it is also possible that they will think that it is him, and it is also possible that the masters of their human race do not know that there is such a person as him.

However, after the Grand Master sees this word, he will definitely know that it is him who is here.

I don’t know where the Grand Master is now.

There were quite a few notices here, but as soon as Cao Zhen finished his words, all the monks around him looked over.

He doesn't have many words, but the difference between his words and the other words around him is obvious at a glance.

"What beautiful words."

"This is the most beautiful calligraphy I have ever seen."

"Is this a monk who has mastered calligraphy?"

Even Immortal Shiwang had a look of surprise on his face. Didn't Immortal Baifeng practice the way of reincarnation? Why is this word written so well? This word can no longer be described only as good.

The key is that this word also contains obvious calligraphy techniques.

"Fellow Taoist's calligraphy is very good, but it can be seen that fellow Taoist did not write with all his strength." Among the monks, there was one with white hair. He looked very similar to the human race, but his face was more obvious. The monk who was round and weak, with two completely round eyes and a round mouth came over.

He smiled and said: "I am the Calligraphy Immortal Lord, and I entered Taoism through calligraphy. I wonder if I can discuss Taoism with my Taoist friends?"

In Ping An City, unless you spend the Ping An Order, you cannot feel the immortal energy, and naturally you cannot practice, so many monks will choose to find other monks to discuss the Tao.

While the other party was talking, Cao Zhen discovered that both of his hands had six fingers.

He chuckled and said: "I am the Immortal Lord of the Hundred Peaks. I'm really sorry. I didn't enter Taoism through calligraphy. I am practicing other Taoisms now, but I can't discuss Taoism with my fellow Taoists."

"Isn't it about calligraphy?" A look of obvious surprise appeared on Bi Shuxianjun's face, and he sighed, "I think it is Taoist friend who first practiced calligraphy, but later gave up on calligraphy.

It's a pity, it's really a pity. Looking at Taoist friends' calligraphy, if you stick to the way of calligraphy, your achievements will definitely not be low. "

He sighed, turned and walked away.

Cao Zhen also walked towards the house he had just chosen.

This house does have a yard, but Shiwang Xianjun did not enter his room, but followed Cao Zhen in.

Cao Zhen looked at Immortal Lord Shiwang and asked, "Fellow Taoist, I don't know, apart from our human race, have you seen other races? For example, those who look very similar to our human race, but a certain Some places are very special, for example, there is a fox tail, long ears...

For example..."

Cao Zhen and Immortal Lord Shiwang described the races in their world such as the demon race, the beast race, the heavenly race, etc.

There are also mentions of the vampires and the tentacles.

"Those tentacle tribes you are talking about, I have seen some similar races, but they should not be the tentacle tribes you are talking about.

As for other races... I have seen the demon clan and beast clan you mentioned, and I have also seen the heavenly clan.

Especially those Celestial Clan, their lives are not very good.

That is a race from your side of the world. How is its relationship with your human race? If they are allies with you, you'd better not show it, otherwise, you may be in trouble too. "

"Of course we are not allies, but rather opponents." Cao Zhen asked curiously, "What happened to those Celestial Clan? Did they provoke any powerful force?"

"It's not that they have provoked a powerful force, but their name is too crazy. They are called Tian Clan. Tian is such a powerful existence. They dare to call themselves Tian. Doesn't that mean they don't take the other tribes in their eyes!

Therefore, when monks from all races see the monks from the Heavenly Clan, they will attack them.

Nowadays, it is rare to see monks from the Celestial Clan. "

Cao Zhen immediately laughed when he heard this. The Tian Clan really had a good name.

He continued to ask: "What about the vampires?"

"There are very few monks of the Vampire Clan in this wasteland. It is said that the monks of the Vampire Clan have all gone to another place called Qianliu Lake. I only know that place, but I have not gone there.

I have never come into contact with any of the other monks you mentioned. "

Cao Zhen nodded slightly.

Suddenly, at the next moment, there were waves of terrifying loud noises, and then he felt that the whole earth was shaking.

"It has been dark for an hour." Immortal Lord Shiwang reminded, "Now those horrific attacks outside have appeared.

Of course, we are safe here, and we don't have to worry about attacks. "

"Those attacks have already appeared. So, the monks who should have entered the city have also entered."

Cao Zhen said, but walked out of the yard. He wanted to walk around to see if he could meet any human monks.

Even if you don't meet any monks from the human race, it would be great if you see those from the demon race or the beast race.

Although it is said that the world where their human race is now is temporarily safe.

Moreover, all the monks above Taiyi Golden Immortal are here, so it will be difficult for the Blood Clan and Tentacle Clan to reopen the passage.

Unless the monks in the Golden Fairy Realm are as proficient in the Way of the Void as he is, and there are still many monks who are proficient in the Way of the Void, otherwise, it will be difficult to open the passage.

This possibility is very, very low. If they have so many monks who are proficient in the way of the void, they can directly send people to the world where their human race is located, and they can directly destroy their human race's world.

However, the world where their human race lives cannot rest easy.

After all, those tribes still had monks above Taiyi Golden Immortal. He now urgently wanted to know how many monks there were among those blood tribe and tentacle tribe who were above Taiyi Golden Immortal.

As for the Celestial Clan, he was originally worried about the Celestial Clan, but now that he heard Immortal Lord Shiwang say that the Celestial Clan was beaten so badly, he was no longer worried about the Celestial Clan.

While walking, he also informed Lirico of his current situation through the Chinese Cloud.

Although this is his first time entering here, he has entered the original world before, so he has seen many races.

He has seen all the races he sees in the city now.

There are only a lot more races in the original world than there are here.

After all, he was in the True Immortal Realm of the original world. Among many races, the strongest one is the Golden Immortal Realm. None of them have the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm, let alone the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Unfortunately, he walked around the city and did not see any of their human monks.

"Stop looking." Immortal Lord Shi Wang also knew what Cao Zhen was looking for, so he advised, "Everyone who enters the city will look at the notice board.

If there are any monks from your human race in this safe city, they will definitely wait outside your house. "

Cao Zhen nodded with some disappointment and walked towards his house.

Before he reached the house, he saw a figure standing outside his house in the distance.

There are several faint brown stripes on the other party's exposed white skin, which looks like a fairy tale tattoo.

And on the opponent's forehead, there is the word "王".

Monster clan.

The tiger demon clan!

Cao Zhen's spirit was shaken. He was finally here and saw the monks from his own side of the world.

And it’s a demon race that is allied with the human race.

The other party obviously waited here specially for him.

Therefore, the other party should know about him.

After Cao Zhen saw her, the tiger demon also discovered Cao Zhen. She quickly walked over and stared at Cao Zhen with her eyes full of surprise: "Why are you here? You... You shouldn't be..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Immortal Shiwang beside her, but she didn't say the next words.

"We'll talk after we go in."

Cao Zhen pointed to his house, and the tiger demon nodded slightly.

Soon, they walked into the courtyard, and Immortal Shi Wang also knew that the other party obviously had a secret to tell, so he did not follow them into the courtyard, but just stayed outside the courtyard.

He looked at the two figures walking in, but sighed in his heart. The relationship between the human race and the demon race was obviously good.

In their world, there are two big clans, the Sky Eye clan and the Orc clan. Unfortunately, the relationship between the two clans is not very good.

They agreed to join forces and jointly deal with the battle between one world and another world that will come back next.

But the two clans were actually still fighting, but they didn't fight openly.

It would be great if the relationship between the Sky Eye Clan and the Orc Clan could be like the relationship between the Human Clan and the Monster Clan.

Cao Zhen and the tiger demon had just walked into the room from the yard and closed the door when the tiger demon's voice rang.

"I am Yunhu Immortal Lord. Cao Zhen, I know you. When I saw the four characters "Baifeng Immortal Lord", I guessed it was you. Aren't you a true fairyland? When we left, you seemed to have entered original realm.

Why, in the blink of an eye, you broke through and entered the Taiyi Golden Immortal? "

"I broke through." Cao Zhen answered simply, without saying whether he broke through and became the Golden Immortal Realm or the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Immediately, he quickly asked: "What is the situation here now? Why, the other fellow Taoists in our world did not gather together, but dispersed."

Immortal Lord Yunhu quickly explained: "Everyone is looking for their own opportunities. Of course, most of the Taoist friends are together. I was also the three Taoist friends together before. But later, we encountered danger and each of us Get separated.

And here is very special. Although we can release immortal energy outside Ping An City, our clan table cannot be used. So I couldn't find them for a while.

Now that I've met you, let's go together. By the way, how did you find this safe city when you came here, or is that monk..."

"I have entered his world through the original world before, and I have some connections with one of their tribesmen. After coming here, he was attacked, and I helped him. Then he took me to Ping An City."

"I see." Immortal Lord Yunhu nodded slightly and asked, "How is our world now? How is our demon clan?"

"Our world is safe for the time being, but there are some special circumstances. In fact, the strongest ones are not the Celestial Clan, but I think it is the Blood Clan or the Tentacle Clan.

In addition, there is another point. We have never thought before that the world closest to us is actually the Celestial Clan.

They have been stirring up fights among various races to suppress certain races, but this is actually just for convenience. They will attack our world in the future.

After that, it was probably because of the vampires and tentacles that they changed their strategy and were no longer the same as before. "

Immortal Lord Yunhu was stunned for a moment when she heard the sound, and after a while, she sighed: "So that's it, those evil clans are still following the Celestial clan.

By the way, you said before that they are currently not a threat because? "

"Before I entered here, I was in our world. They had been almost wiped out, and all the remaining monks were hiding." Cao Zhen simply told the situation about their world. Immortal Lord Yunhu.

Immortal Lord Yunhu was immediately relieved when he heard this. At the same time, he was secretly glad that fortunately, the demon clan had always felt that there was something wrong with the Celestial Clan and had never thought of cooperating with the Celestial Clan.

Even more fortunately, they formed Liang Meng with the human race, and there was a genius like Cao Zhen among the human race.

If the demon race had not formed an alliance with the human race, I am afraid that the race that is hiding everywhere now would include the demon race.

Immortal Lord Yunhu told Cao Zhen again about the situation in this world, and then they opened the door.

Immortal Lord Shiwang never left.

Another ten hours passed, and after seeing that no one came to find Cao Zhen, he proposed to Cao Zhen again: "Fellow Taoist Baifeng, we always wait from here, and the time is wasted.

How about we enter the Star Territory Secret Realm? "

As he spoke, he looked at Immortal Lord Yunhu on the side and said, "Fellow Taoist Yunhu should also know that the monks who enter the city will enter the secret realm of the Star Territory if they have enough peace orders."

Upon hearing this, Immortal Lord Yunhu nodded slightly and said: "The secret realm of the Star Territory is indeed full of treasures.

There are even some powerful legacies.

In this world, the greatest adventure is the various inheritances. This seems to be a relic from the ancient times that disappeared and then reappeared. It has a lot of inheritance.

As for the monks who enter Ping An City, if they have enough Ping An Order, they will also enter the Star Territory Secret Realm, and I have entered it twice.

In fact, when I left the Secret Realm of Star Territory, I had more peace orders on my body.

In the secret realm of the Star Territory, there are not only many treasures, but also many peace orders.

And the three of us are the best choice in terms of quantity.

After all, it is too dangerous to enter any ruins or secret realm alone without fellow Taoists looking after each other.

But if there are too many, they will be targeted by other monks. Three is just the right amount. "

It can be seen that Immortal Lord Yunhu is also very interested in the Star Territory Secret Realm.

Cao Zhen actually has little interest in those magic weapons and inheritance.

But Immortal Lord Yunhu and Immortal Lord Shiwang both wanted to enter, so he had no choice but to follow them.

The Star Territory Secret Realm is in the center of Ping An City.

On the one hand, it looks extremely rough. Above the simple altar, there is a downward passage in the center, extending downward. Because of the light, it is not known how long this passage is.

Outside the altar, several ghosts were floating.

Perhaps it is because it has been dark for ten hours now, and those monks who want to enter the secret realm of the Star Territory have already entered. When Cao Zhen, Immortal Lord Yunhu, and Lord Immortal Time Network arrived together, there were no other monks around. .

After Cao Zhen handed over the five peace orders, the ghost on the side pointed downwards, indicating that Cao Zhen could enter.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly. Fortunately, these ghosts did not deliberately make things difficult. What if the other party insists on asking for more peace orders? He didn't believe that other ghosts would break in deliberately and take him into the secret realm.

He also knows why this place is called the Star Territory Secret Realm.

This secret realm is filled with stars, and the earth under his feet is also made up of pieces of broken earth. There are no rivers in the middle of these earths, only turbulent flows of time and space.

It feels like this secret realm seems to be in the void.

This feeling really feels like being in the star field.

Fortunately, the moment I set foot in this secret realm, the fairy energy in my body also recovered, but...

Cao Zhen frowned tightly, and sure enough, it still didn't work.

I can clearly feel that I seem to be locked by some shackles. Generally, I cannot use the way of the void and fly away from this world.


Suddenly, a gust of strong wind blew by. It seemed that the wind was not very strong, and it did not even form the force of a tornado. However, when the strong wind blew, it almost blew away the protective divine light on his body.

Immortal Lord Shiwang whispered: "There are no strange beasts here. The danger here comes from the secret realm itself. In the secret realm, there are all kinds of disasters like disasters happening all the time.

This kind of strong wind is still relatively weak, and what is even more terrifying is the turbulence of time and space. I have even seen with my own eyes that a master who is extremely powerful among the Great Luo Jinxian was drawn into the center of the void turbulence, and might be crushed into powder by the void turbulence. "

This is also one of the main reasons why he has always wanted to take the other party into the secret realm of the Star Territory. The Immortal Lord of the Hundred Peaks is a person who has traveled through the Void Reincarnation and has extremely profound attainments.

He said, paused slightly, and then continued: "Of course, many treasures here are also in the turbulent flow of the void, which we call the long river of void.

It’s just that there is no pattern in the appearance of this long river of void. No one knows when or where the long river of void will appear.

At the same time, in this long river of void, the power of the turbulent flow of void is also different. Some long rivers in the void are not strong, and it is not difficult to get treasures through them.

But there are top treasures in some long rivers in the void, and those long rivers in the void are extremely dangerous. "

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver light suddenly fell above their heads.

Cao Zhen subconsciously looked up, and in the void, a long void river that seemed to be made up of countless formations, like the Milky Way, flew by.

In the long river of void, in addition to the star-like existences, there are also turbulent streams of void.

And the treasures are mixed among these void turbulence and stars, and they are brilliant and brilliant.

Cao Zhen's eyes first fell on a long sword. The sword's entire body was made of crystal clear blue gems, emitting a faint blue light, like a piece of blue sea waves.

The hilt of the sword is engraved with silver runes, as delicate and mysterious as the trajectory of the stars.

This light, this is the magic weapon of the earth level, it should be the magic weapon of the middle level of the earth level.

Cao Zhen's eyes fell to the rear again, where he saw a crystal clear jade pendant carved from natural jasper.

The jade pendant is inlaid with a twinkling star stone, which exudes colorful light.

This jade pendant swayed in the long river of void. Every time it shook, the star stones in the jade pendant were like beating stars, emitting mysterious cosmic energy.

There is also a handful made of feathers, each feather is a different color of light.

Earth Level, these two pieces are also the middle-grade magic weapons of the Earth Level.


Suddenly, Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened.

In this long river of void, a silver stone emerged.

The galaxy pattern of the universe is vaguely drawn on the stone, dotted with stars, like a beautiful picture of stars in the sky.

And around this stone, there is a faint aura of time surrounding it.

A special cosmic energy spreads all around, forming a dreamlike starry sky.

This is a stone that gathers the power of void and time.

On the side, the eyes of Immortal Lord Shiwang and Immortal Lord Yunhu instantly fell on the stone.

"A strange stone, I don't know what kind of fairy mine it is! The fairy mines here are very different from the fairy mines in our world!"

"No matter what kind of fairy mine it is, the energy alone feels like a heaven-level magic weapon. Take it back, even if you don't build it, it will be almost equivalent to a heaven-level magic weapon!"

The two of them looked at the fairy mine with burning eyes.

Cao Zhen also became interested. He didn't have much interest in the treasures here at first.

But now, after seeing this fairy mine, he became active again.

The aura of this fairy mine is the most suitable path for me to take now.

The question is, how to get this treasure.

The long river of void flew rapidly over their heads. During the flight, it was spread all around. Countless void turbulence caused the void around them to continuously fluctuate and twist.

Cao Zhen frowned deeply. It was so twisted that he couldn't even get through it and grab the treasure inside.

In the blink of an eye, the long river of void flew past them.

But the silver light did not disappear, but appeared in the distance, and then stopped moving.

"Quickly, catch up. This long river of void has stopped. As long as the long river of void stops flying, we will have a chance to capture the treasure inside."

"This long void river is a very powerful long void river, and there are enough treasures in it. We are really lucky this time."

Immortal Lord Shiwang and Immortal Lord Yunhu were overjoyed and flew rapidly towards the direction where the long river of void stopped.

Cao Zhen also followed, but just as the three of them took two or three breaths, the space around them suddenly started to shake crazily.

Suddenly, not far in front of him, the void suddenly opened.

A crack suddenly appeared. It looked like an invisible giant ax cutting through the sky, and the space on both sides of the crack began to twist and twist.

Even, in the distance, whirlpools formed into rotating black holes, swallowing everything around them. All the energy and matter around it seems to be unable to escape the gravity of this vortex and enter the vortex.

The scene in the center of the vortex is even more distorted and unclear.

The moment the void cracks and whirlpools appeared, the balance of the world was broken. Powerful energy fluctuations surged around. The whole world trembled crazily, and it seemed like the end was coming.

Immortal Lord Yunhu looked at the sudden changes around him, and a pair of huge translucent wings emerged from his back. At the same time, he explained to Cao Zhen: "Every time the Void River appears, it will cause chaos in this world, causing cracks and whirlpools in the void. .

We must pass through these void cracks and void whirlpools before we can reach the long river of void, and the closer we get to the long river of void, the denser these void cracks and void whirlpools become.

More importantly, this is not all the danger, because the monks here are not just us.

Therefore, when facing these void cracks and whirlpools, if you feel that you have reached your limit, then retreat immediately.

Because other monks, depending on how difficult it is for you to resist, will most likely launch an attack immediately and attack you. "

She knew that Cao Zhen was extremely powerful in all realms of cultivation, but among the monks here, the weakest were all Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Being able to cultivate to the Taiyi Golden Immortal level means that everyone is invincible at other cultivation realms.

As for Cao Zhen, she had just broken through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal and was still unclear about the situation in this world, so she naturally wanted to remind him.

As her words fell, cracks in the void continued to appear.

There are even more void turbulences, shooting out from the cracks and whirlpools in the void.

Every turbulent flow of void is extremely sharp, and seems to be able to easily destroy mountains and penetrate the sun and moon.

On the side, Immortal Lord Shiwang was already flying forward, but he did not give any reminder. Immortal Lord Baifeng was proficient in the way of reincarnation in the void.

What's more, Baifeng Immortal Lord can still escape from the eyes of a Daluo Jinxian, how powerful his fighting power is!

Facing such void turbulence, even if the two of them are unable to move forward, Baifeng Immortal Lord will not have any problems.

In his body, waves of pure immortal energy surged, the aura in his body continued to rise, and the divine light around him became more and more brilliant.

While flying, a golden disk appeared in front of him.

As golden rays of light shot out from the disc, the flow of time around him suddenly slowed down slightly, and the turbulent flow of void that hit his side also slowed down.

Immortal Lord Shiwang was not affected by the speed of the flow of time, and he moved and dodged freely. None of the turbulent flows of void fell on him.

Immortal Lord Yunhu looked at the movements of Immortal Shiwang, with a strange look in his eyes. This Immortal Lord Shiwang was a good tactic, and the opponent's strength was definitely not considered weak among the Taiyi Golden Immortals.

She looked at it while flying forward. Although she could not change the speed of time like the Time Net Immortal, her own speed was fast enough to avoid the turbulence of the void.

Still slowly, as they continued to advance, the void turbulence around them became more and more dense. No matter how fast she was, she still couldn't dodge.

Seeing a turbulent flow of void bombarding her.

Suddenly, her translucent wings, as thin as cicada wings, suddenly closed together, as if they were two shields. The sharp void turbulence bombarded her wings, making a sound of metal collision.

The turbulent flow of the void was completely blocked.

However, as her wings retracted, her flight speed also slowed down a bit, and more void turbulence hit. Seeing it, Immortal Lord Yunhu was about to be swallowed up by the turbulent flow of void.

But the next moment, streaks of cyan light suddenly appeared on his wings. The wings seemed to turn into two auspicious clouds, and two almost phantoms appeared in the clouds.

Then her wings suddenly opened.

The clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

But her name is Yunhu, and she has a strong reputation.

For a moment, waves of boundless aura surged out.

In an instant, the situation suddenly changed.

The strong wind swept away, but it blew away the void turbulence, and some of the void turbulence even collided with the flying void turbulence.

Immortal Lord Yunhu's expression remained unchanged and she continued to fly forward, but as she continued to advance, her pressure gradually began to increase.

Immortal Lord Time Network, who was not far in front of her, began to fly at a slower speed.

Cao Zhen, on the other hand, kept flying forward at a constant speed. He had received the inheritance of the Void Clan and could travel through the universe, let alone advance here.

On the contrary, Immortal Lord Yunhu seems to be struggling. Perhaps, I can help her.

As soon as the idea came to his mind, Immortal Lord Yunhu's voice rang out.

"I'm already a little exhausted. Although I can continue to move forward, I'm still far away from the long river of void. I'm afraid I won't be able to fly to the front of the long river of void.

If you can't fly there, there's no point in continuing to move forward. It's better to exit first when you get there. "

The void turbulence caused by the long river of void this time was too terrifying, much more powerful than she expected.

She had just finished speaking and Cao Zheng was about to speak when three figures appeared not far away.

Three monks with the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation level.

One of them was short and looked like a stone man, with a brown body and one hand holding a giant ax larger than himself. Although he is not tall, he looks like he is bigger and towering than the mountains.

His body seemed to be carved from solid rock, and his muscles were strong and strong, as stable as a mountain.

He was holding a giant axe. The giant ax looked heavy and heavy, but in his hand it was like a snake swimming with agile and sharp movements. At the same time, his giant ax seemed to contain endless power. Every time he swung the ax, the void seemed to tremble.

He wielded the giant axe, and the ax blade cut through the turbulence of the void. With each strike, the giant ax released a dazzling purple light, like thunder and lightning hovering in the sky.

The purple light contains infinite power, instantly tearing apart the turbulent flow of the void, forming deep cracks.

There is another stone man, but he is much taller. He looks about the same height as a human being, but his body is green and looks like it is made of green bricks. The whole man exudes a strong and heavy aura.

He held two huge cyan square seals with both hands. The square seals contained incomparable majesty and power.

He held up the huge square seal, and electric lights flashed on the square seal.

He activated the square seal, and thunder and lightning burst out from it, like silver pythons traveling through the void. Thunder and lightning criss-crossed, like the force of an army, shattering the turbulence of the void into pieces. Every time the square seal strikes, the power of thunder causes the heaven and earth to shake.

The last stone man was red all over. It felt like it was formed by the condensation of magma after a volcanic eruption, and the hot breath filled the surroundings.

The aura he exuded was even more powerful than the previous two stone men. His hands are as hot as fire, and can burn everything with just one touch.

He moved forward in the turbulent flow of void, his whole body was like lava surging, and the fire was shining. Erupting energy like the heart of a volcano.

The flames burned blazingly, and all the turbulence in the void was melted away, even forming a scene of a sea of ​​fire burning crazily.

The other party was flying from another direction, and they discovered Cao Zhen and the three of them almost at the same time.

"Finally met the monk."

"The other party, the monk with wings, is obviously struggling."

The eyes of these three monks instantly fell on Immortal Lord Yunhu, and murderous intent surged out of their eyes without concealment.

After they discovered the long river of void, they naturally headed towards the long river of void, but as they flew, they changed their minds. They found that the long river of void that appeared this time was really terrifying.

They are already very powerful existences among the Taiyi Golden Immortals.

However, after flying for a certain distance, they felt obvious pressure. If they continued to fly, they could not fly to the long river of void.

Therefore, the three of them instantly changed their minds and no longer flew in the direction of the long river in the void. Instead, they turned around and flew back.

Although they cannot fly into the long river of void and obtain the treasures in the long river of void, the current environment is not without help for them.

Usually, when they meet other monks, Daluo Jinxian will not say anything. They are definitely not opponents. If they encounter Daluo Jinxian, they will avoid them.

But those Taiyi Golden Immortals are different.

However, even if they want to rob each other, they dare not do it easily.

After all, everyone is Taiyi Golden Immortal, and they usually don't release all their combat power, so they really don't know whether the other party is stronger than them.

But it's different in this environment.

If there is chaos in the void, everyone has to deal with the chaos in the void. In this way, the strength of other monks can be easily judged by how well they resist the chaos in the void.

What they have to do is to find those monks who are struggling to resist in the long river of void.

Now, they discovered such a monk.

Although the other party has three monks, they are also three.

Judging from the degree of void turbulence in the opponent's place, it is obviously not as good as them.

They looked at the three monks opposite and accelerated to fly over. There were too many void turbulences here. If they attacked from too far away, their attacks might be blocked by the void turbulence.

So the best way is to fly directly in front of the opponent.

Immortal Lord Yunhu saw the other party's movements and instantly understood the other party's intentions. Her eyes instantly became solemn. At the same time, the aura in her body also rose rapidly, reaching its peak in an instant.

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