Generally speaking, in the secret realm of the Star Territory, when the world is in turmoil and filled with a large number of void cracks and void whirlpools, if an unknown monk actively approaches other monks, all the monks will regard the other monk as malicious.

This was not the first time for Immortal Lord Yunhu to enter the secret realm of the Star Territory. After sensing the other party's intention, she immediately circulated her immortal energy, and her aura also climbed to its peak.

On the opposite side, the auras of several monks also rose rapidly.

For a moment, the sound of thunder resounded.

On the two stone-man-like monks, streaks of thunder danced and jumped.

Among them, the stone man holding a double axe, with electric light flowing on the ax blade, was hesitating.

The next moment, the giant ax in his hand suddenly struck down, and for a moment, thunder roared like a violent storm.

The lightning spread instantly, and the thunder clouds rolled, as if a boundless thunder sea was surging.

Another stone man monk had a huge green square seal in his hand, exuding a heart-stopping thunderous aura.

The two stone man monks cast thunder spells at the same time, converging their power.

The nearest Immortal Lord Yunhai even felt as if she was in a world of thunderous thunder. She even felt that every drop of blood in her body seemed to tremble due to the power of the thunder.

In the turbulent flow of the void, streaks of thunder fell crazily.

Although some thunderbolts were crushed and dissipated by the surrounding void turbulence as soon as they appeared, there were too many of them, and the distance between the two sides was very close.

More thunderbolts gathered, and it looked like they were about to blast Immortal Lord Yunhu into powder.

Suddenly, the turbulent flow of void flowing around Immortal Lord Yunhu accelerated rapidly, and the voids all around began to overlap.

Thunderbolts struck heavily on the overlapping and twisted space, instantly entering the cracks in the void, as if they had entered another world, and disappeared without a trace.

"What's this?"

"Why did the cracks in the void suddenly change? And the breath of the void..."

The three stone man monks instantly turned their heads towards the figure that suddenly flew here and looked at the figure surrounded by void breath.

The way of the void!

This monk practices the way of void! Moreover, his way of the void has reached a very terrifying level, and he can actually cause changes in the void on this side, causing those void cracks to change their positions, helping his companions and blocking their attacks.

For a moment, the expressions of the three of them became solemn.

Although there are very few monks who practice the Way of the Void, they are all Taiyi Golden Immortals, so they will not be surprised or even worried when they see a monk who practices the Void Way.

The main thing is that today's environment is full of void cracks and the power of the void. Those void turbulences are actually part of the power of the void.

In this environment, it is not a wise move to fight with a monk who is good at fighting the void.

Cao Zhen suddenly took action. After Yunhu Immortal Lord blocked the opponent's attack, he waved his hands again.

Then all around, the power of void that seemed to fill every place in this world suddenly stirred.

If he was in other places and wanted to use the power of the void, he could only rely on his own strength to induce changes in the void.

But in this place, the space is already changing, and there are turbulent voids everywhere. He can definitely borrow these powers.

As he moved, the surrounding space quickly wrinkled violently.

In just an instant, a huge void vortex formed.

In this whirlpool, turbulent currents of void surged.

The next moment, the vortex suddenly exploded, and streams of void turbulence bombarded the three stone men on the opposite side.

The other party has already taken action, so naturally he will take action too.

These turbulent flows in the void are like sword energy that can easily penetrate the sun and the moon. Each one is sharp and sharp. When each one flies by, it brings with it a sonic boom, and the surrounding space is constantly shattered. Cracked.

This side of the void was shaking crazily at this moment.

Even the surrounding void turbulence was also affected and flew towards the three stone men.

The three stone men felt the terrifying power of this sword, and a look of horror flowed from their eyes.

The stone monk's whole body was wrapped like lava, and the hot heat in his body shot out, forming a huge circular fire shield around him.

At the same time, the other two stone-man monks also condensed the immortal energy in their bodies to deal with the turbulent flow of falling void.

However, there are too many void turbulences in this world. What Cao Zhen released was not just the void turbulence caused by his immortal energy, but also the void turbulence in this world.

The turbulent currents of the void kept flying.

The defenses of the three stone men were instantly broken.

Before, they took the initiative to retreat because the void turbulence ahead was too terrifying. But now, the void turbulence they face is much denser than the void turbulence ahead. How can they stop it.

The next moment, streams of void turbulence flew over, directly piercing their protective divine light and falling on them.

In an instant, a series of ‘chichi’ sounds continued to be heard.

Although their bodies seemed to be extremely hard, after streams of void flow fell, they could easily cut open their bodies.

However, in an instant, their faces turned pale, and their bodies were covered with criss-crossing scars.

"Run away!"

The three stone man monks turned around with horrified expressions and fled towards the distance. They thought that it would be very disadvantageous for them to fight against monks who were good at the Way of the Void here, but they did not expect that the gap would be so big!

There are three of them, and all three of them are very strong among the Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Now, the three of them were completely suppressed under the attack of a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Mainly, they did not expect that the other party could change the void turbulence so much. Now, almost all the void turbulence around them is attacking them, instead of attacking the other party.

However, they want to escape now, but they don't even have the chance to escape.

Waves of void turbulence kept coming, and void whirlpools even appeared around them.

Waves of terrifying suction came from the whirlpool, so strong that it seemed to suck them into the whirlpool. Under this suction, it became difficult for them to even fly.

There was just a slight pause, and more turbulent flow of void came.

In an instant, their body tendencies were completely penetrated and turned into pieces of powder.

There is no blood on these stone men.

There are some alien races in the world who have no blood, or in other words, the color of their blood is not red.

On the side, Immortal Lord Yunhu was completely stunned.

She was not sure of winning any of these three monks who were like stone men, but Cao Zhen defeated them so easily.

In just an instant, all three monks on the opposite side were killed!

She knew that Cao Zhen was a genius, but she had been a Taiyi Golden Immortal for a long time, and she had been practicing outside. She had never been to the human world, and she had never seen Cao Zhen fight.

Now, after seeing Cao Zhen fight with her own eyes, she finally knows how strong Cao Zhen is, and she knows why all the tribes were unable to do anything against Cao Zhen.

Immortal Lord Shiwang was also stunned. He knew that Cao Zhen was good at reincarnation in the void, but Cao Zhen's understanding of the void was too terrifying.

Even when he flew here, he had to pay attention and move forward cautiously, but Cao Zhen, he was able to so easily change the void around him, thereby causing the turbulent flow of void to attack his opponent!

After Cao Zhen killed the three stone man monks, he raised his hand and grabbed it in the void. In the void, three Universe Rings flew over quickly.

He grabbed the Qiankun Ring, but without looking at it, he put it directly into his own Qiankun Ring.

On the side, Immortal Lord Shiwang and Immortal Lord Yunhu had no objections.

After all, neither of them had time to take action just now, so the trophy naturally has nothing to do with them.

Cao Zhen put away the Qiankun Ring, then looked at them and said: "The avenue of my cultivation is almost unaffected here. I can take you there to find the long river of void."

As soon as he finished speaking, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on the face of Immortal Shiwang.

On the side, Immortal Lord Yunhu also looked happy, but then, Immortal Lord Yunhu shook his head and whispered: "No need, you'd better go on your own."

"What?" A look of surprise appeared on Cao Zhen's face. Immortal Lord Yunhu had told himself before that the long river in the void was full of treasures.

Moreover, the long river of void just flew past their sight, and everyone also saw that there was indeed a top treasure in the long river of void.

Now, I said that I could take Immortal Yunhu there, but Immortal Yunhu actually refused.

Immortal Lord Shiwang looked at Immortal Lord Yunhu as if you were crazy.

Immortal Lord Shiwang sighed: "I naturally know that the long river of void is full of treasures, and since the turbulence of the void caused by this long river of void is so terrifying, the treasures in the long river must be even more precious.

I also want to take away the treasures in the Void River, but you cannot get the treasures in the Void River after you arrive.

If you want to get the treasures in the Void River, you must cross the Void River. With my current level of cultivation, even if I fly to the Void River with your help, I won't be able to break through the Void River's defense and take out the treasures inside.

After all, I can't even reach the Void River with my own strength, let alone break it.

And when you get there, you should also try your best to crack the Void River. I'm afraid you won't have time to take care of us.

At that time, without your care, we could not stop the void turbulence around the Void River. After all, the void turbulence in that area was the most terrifying.

Since you take us there and we can't get the treasure, and on the contrary, you have to distract us and take care of us, then why should we go?

At the same time, you take the two of us and move forward with the power of the void.

Other monks will definitely notice us. With your posture like this, the alien will be able to reach you. In this case, you will also be in danger of changing.

So, I decided to return. After all, here, too, I am under pressure.

Of course, I will not leave Xingyu Secret Realm directly. After all, I spent five peace orders to get in here.

I'll look around those edges to see if there are any adventures.

After all, the Secret Realm of Star Territory is not only where treasures and adventures can be found in the long river of void. "

She said and looked at Immortal Shi Wang.

Immortal Lord Shiwang sighed and said: "Forget it, I won't go either. Just like what he said, when you reach the Void River, I'm afraid you won't have the energy to care about me anymore.

And this long river of void is obviously extremely powerful, and I can't sustain it. In this case, I will also look around to see if there are any adventures. "

It's not that he couldn't see the contact before, the Void River was extremely powerful, but he thought that the Hundred Peaks Immortal Lord might still be able to help him.

But now, Immortal Yunhu has said that, what else can he say?

Can he still lick his face and go with Immortal Lord Bai Feng?

It's a pity that the Void River is too strong this time and I have no chance.

It can be seen that what if we encounter a weaker Void River next time?

Immortal Lord Bai Feng knows that the void is not something he is generally good at.

As long as he is still with Immortal Lord Baifeng when the time comes, and Immortal Lord Baifeng is still so fast, then with the help of Immortal Lord Baifeng, he will have a great chance to be among the first to rush to the Void River. Get the treasure in the void river.

Seeing that both of them were about to stay, Cao Zhen could only turn around and quickly fly towards the direction where the Void River stopped.

Without Immortal Shiwang and Immortal Yunhu, Cao Zhen's flying speed also accelerated again.

However, during this flight, he saw a few more monks.

Of course, these monks are all Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he has not encountered Daluo Golden Immortal.

As they continued to advance, the void turbulence in the surrounding space became more intense.

In addition, it is full of strong suction.

Under the rotation of those void whirlpools, the surrounding space continued to collapse, and there was a terrifying suction force, which seemed to suck in everything in this world and then devour it.

While Cao Zhen was flying, an aura of unparalleled might and at the same time extremely strange and mysterious surged around him.

As he flew, he looked around.

Here, it is not far from where the Void River stops. The auras of every monk who can fly here are extremely powerful.

Just by looking at the postures of these monks fighting against the turbulence of the void, one can feel that these Taiyi Golden Immortals are the strongest Taiyin True Immortals that they have ever encountered.

None of the Taiyi Golden Immortals I met before, including Immortal Lord Yunhu and Immortal Lord Shiwang, could compare with these Taiyi Golden Immortals here.

The gap is too big.

Soon, he surpassed the monks beside him.

Behind them, the top masters among the Taiyi Golden Immortals were stunned as they looked at the figure that quickly left.

"What is that? Is it Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

"Why is his speed so fast? It feels like he is not affected by the turbulence of the void or even the vortex of the void."

"This is really Taiyi Golden Immortal, not Daluo Golden Immortal."

"Everyone, please continue. I won't move forward. If I move forward, I'm afraid I will be in danger."

Among the top Taiyi Golden Immortals, some strong ones began to retreat.

Cao Zhen moved forward, and not long after, the long river of void appeared in his sight again.

At this time, there were already four different figures around the long river in the void.

One of the monks was tall, more than two feet tall. His skin was a scorching red, and he exuded a suffocating, fiery aura.

He has a pair of curved and sharp horns that burn like fire.

And he was wearing a set of armor condensed from hot magma, wrapping his body like a blazing flame.

The surface of the armor is covered with lines, and each line seems to contain the power of fire.

Before Cao Zhen got close to the other party, he could already feel the hot breath coming from the other party.

A stream of void flow fell down, but it was all burned and dissipated by his flames.

Not far from the flame monk, there is a monk who looks like a lion and some like wolves.

From the aura emanating from the other party, he could tell that the other party was definitely not an orc, but looked like an orc.

His body is tall and muscular, and his skin is tan. Just looking at him and the bulging muscle lines, you can feel a terrifying power.

There is a pair of huge horns on his head, which are curved and sharp, giving people a feeling of incomparable power. The eyes are deep and wild, shining with fierce light and exuding a primitive aura.

He held a huge battle axe, the blade was heavy and sharp, shining with wild light.

At the same time, there was a dazzling light that condensed around his body. The light gathered together and seemed to be an ancient demon king wearing silver armor.

And above his head, there was a shield.

Although this shield was only one side, it was like a cover, covering the whole body of the monk.

On the shield, there were runes engraved on it that Cao Zhendu couldn't quite understand. As the runes shone, an extremely thick and solid aura spread out.

Streams of void flow fell down and hit the shield, making crisp sounds.

It was extremely difficult for the top Taiyi Golden Immortals to move forward. The almost insurmountable void turbulence hit the shield, even just making the shield shake.

Daluo Jinxian!

These two are the existence of Daluo Jinxian.

Even aside...

Cao Zhen looked to one side. She had a graceful and slender figure, her skin was like white snowflakes, and she had an icy aura. The hair is also silvery white, shimmering like ice crystals.

She wore a robe made of ice and snow. The robe was covered with exquisite ice crystal patterns. The robe was elegant and cold.

As bursts of spiritual energy poured into the robe, a blue stream of light rotated rapidly around her, and there were countless snowflakes in the stream of light.

Void turbulence came one after another, and in the blue stream of light, snowflakes flew, colliding with the void turbulence, blocking all the void turbulence.

This space seemed to be completely frozen by the icy cold air.

The last monk has an appearance similar to that of a human being. His complexion is slightly pale, and he exudes a mysterious and indifferent aura. His eyes were like abyss, with a strange light shining in the darkness.

The air around him seemed to be quieter and more solemn than elsewhere.

At a glance, he looked like an invisible shadow.

Suddenly, a huge void vortex appeared beside him.

In the vortex, the turbulent void currents are like undercurrents in the deep sea. The rotation of these turbulent void currents creates a terrifying suction force.

The suction force is so strong that it seems to swallow up the entire space.

And his body was pulled even more, flying towards the direction of the whirlpool.

The whirlpool was full of void turbulence. Even if Daluo Jinxian fell into the void whirlpool, he would have a narrow escape!

Suddenly, a bright light shot out from his palm. This light seemed to be the convergence of golden light and silver light.

This is sword light!

The sword light is filled with endless edge!

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly condensed. He himself was a master of swordsmanship, and he had also seen many masters of swordsmanship.

The sword in front of him was the sharpest sword he had ever seen.

When the sword fell, wherever the sword light passed, it seemed that everything in the world was shattered in an instant!

This sword gave him the illusion that the entire secret realm of the Star Territory was split open at this moment!

This space also split open, not because he was proficient in the way of the void, but simply because the sword was too sharp, so it broke this space.

Because the space is split, the pulling force in the vortex is also disconnected.

Golden Wonderland, another Golden Wonderland.

The four monks here are all from the Golden Fairy Realm.

The moment Cao Zhen appeared, the four monks also looked over, with a look of difference on their faces.

Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Is there any Taiyi Golden Immortal who can fly here?

Especially the void turbulence and whirlpool here, only Da Luo can stop it this year. This monk...


The way of the void.

No wonder, being able to fly here, it turns out that the other party is practicing the way of void.

After they discovered the power of void emanating from the other person's body, they understood and stopped looking at the monk.

Now, what they care about is the long river of void in front of them and the treasure inside.

Among the four monks, the one full of wild aura roared like a beast.

This roar seemed to be the roar of all the ferocious beasts in the world at the same time.

The roar was so loud that it even shattered several void turbulences that were shot at him.

This roar, at the same time, seemed to be some kind of secret technique, instantly stimulating all the wild power in his body.

His aura surged, and then he rushed towards the turbulent river in the void, holding a giant ax high and descending.

The giant ax slashed at the turbulent void with manic power, and a strong wave of energy surged out wherever it passed.

In the void, an obvious crack appeared. The width of this crack was nearly ten times wider than those cracks that shot out the void turbulence!

This blow makes people feel as if it is a blow that splits the chaos.

With one strike of the ax, a crack was instantly opened in the long river of void.

But the next moment, the gap in the motionless river of void quickly closed.

All around, several monks did not take action immediately, but looked at the giant axe monk who took action.

"This long river of void is the strongest one I have ever encountered." Suddenly, the only female cultivator among several monks said, "The Crazy Immortal Lord broke the long river and repaired it in an instant. "

On the side, the monk whose whole body was burning with this flame said in a deep voice: "Binghua Immortal Lord, don't you go and try it?"

However, Binghua Immortal showed a faint smile and said with a smile: "If I want to test it, I have to wait until Yanyi Immortal and Shadow Immortal have tried it."

While they were talking, an even more violent wild aura erupted from the entire body of the Crazy Immortal Lord.

His body had some resemblance to humans before, at least in human form, but now, he has transformed into a giant beast as big as a mountain.

He crushed the ground beneath his feet, roaring and charging into the turbulent void.

His huge claws tore through the void and penetrated deep into the long river of void. At this moment, a thick layer of scales appeared on his arms.

In an instant, a huge shadow that looked like a tiger and a cruel wolf appeared.

In the long river of void, streams of void turbulence bombarded his arm, but it was like hitting a hard shield, making crisp sounds, and at the same time, bursts of dazzling light were fired. spark.

Then, his hand that entered the long river of void suddenly waved forward.

He did not use his magic weapon again, but the power of this blow seemed to be even more terrifying than using the giant axe.

As soon as the blow fell, a brief vacuum even appeared in the space in front of his palm.

And his other hand quickly stretched out towards the center of the turbulent flow and grabbed the piece of fairy ore.

There are many magic treasures in this long river of void, and the direction in which his palm extends is enough to capture many treasures.

However, in his opinion, the most precious treasure is the fairy mine!

He can feel that even if the fairy mine is not forged, it can be equivalent to a heaven-level magic weapon. What about after forging!

But the next moment, in the long river of void, the voids rotated rapidly in turn, forming a huge whirlpool.

The vortex flew directly towards his arm that entered the void.

In just an instant, his arms were wrapped up, and for a moment, strings of dazzling sparks burst out from the blue scales on his body.

A series of broken currents, as if strangling prey, surrounded his arms and strangled them crazily.

Just by breathing, most of the scales on his body have fallen off.

The Crazy Immortal Lord was instantly horrified and quickly backed away.

He had retreated quickly enough, but when his arms completely withdrew, all the scales on his arms had dissipated, and his arms had become bloody.

He is the existence of Daluo Jinxian!


Suddenly, a ray of light appeared on the face of the Shadow Immortal Lord. Now, the void turbulence in the long river of void is attacking the Wild Barbarian Immortal Lord.

Therefore, the void turbulence is deflected in the direction of the Wild Immortal Lord, and he can enter it from another direction.

His figure became more unreal.

Without even taking a breath, he completely disappeared and blended into the surroundings.

The next moment, he appeared on the other side of the void river, and the sharp sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out.

His sword was filled with an endless cold aura.

His sword was indeed sharp enough. With one slash, the long river of void suddenly split open, revealing a large gap.

But before he could make another move, the endless turbulent flow of void surged out like a torrent of river water from the cut long river of void.

This turbulent flow of void not only repaired the cracks he cut in an instant, but also rushed towards him.

He was shocked and quickly retreated back.

His attacks were effective, but against an unpredictable force like the Void Turbulence, his methods were far from enough.

At the same time, as the void turbulence flew out, the void turbulence in the long river of void also decreased significantly.

"Let's do it together."

Suddenly, the voice of Immortal Lord Yanyi rang.

He was radiating blazing fire, and his eyes were shining with fiery red light.

He held a long sword with burning flames lingering around the sword, and hot flames burst out from the tip of the sword.

As the sword blade danced, the flames twisted and surged into the void like a whirlwind.

The flaming sword blade pierced the turbulent flow of the void, immediately triggering a blazing sea of ​​fire.

The flames filled the sky, causing the temperature of this world to rise extremely. As the flames burned, they condensed into a huge fireball, as hot and dazzling as the sun. ,

The next moment, the fireball like the scorching sun suddenly exploded, directly exploding the long river of void.

The scorching flame energy rushed away, but when it came into contact with the void turbulence, it was almost completely absorbed, and the flame energy dissipated without a trace.

Not far away, the Binghua Immortal raised his eyebrows slightly, suddenly raised his hand, and released endless cold air. The cold air condensed into a sharp blade, and rushed into the void along the long river, breaking through the place.

The ice blade passed through, and the void flowed turbulently, instantly condensing into ice, and bursts of biting cold wind blew in the long river of void.

However, there are too many void turbulences in the long river of void. Even if part of the void turbulence in these long void rivers is diverted away, the number of void turbulence is still terrifying.

Endless void turbulence surged forward, destroying all the ice.

In just a short moment, the four Da Luo Jinxian made the first move, but they were unable to touch the fairy mine in the middle!

"No. If the fairy mine is on the periphery, we can all take it out, but it is too close to the middle. Even if the four of us join forces, we can't take out the fairy mine."

The Ice Flower Immortal Lord sighed helplessly.

The other three monks also fell silent. As for the Taiyi Golden Immortal behind them, they simply ignored him.

As Daluo Golden Immortals, it is useless to join forces. What's the use of adding a Taiyi Golden Immortal?

What's more, the four of them are not monks of the same race, and it is even less possible for them to join forces with all their strength.

Immortal Lord Yan Yi nodded and said: "It seems that we can only grab the treasures on the outside of the river first. Everyone, there are a lot of treasures here. I don't know if there will be any masters coming soon."

There is no need for us, at this time, to fight with each other. "

While speaking, he also glanced in the direction of Shadow Immortal Lord, who was known to be good at assassination.

Immortal Lord Shadow did not answer Immortal Lord Yanyi at all, but he took action again and grabbed a dagger-like magic weapon on the outside of the Void River.

Although he did not answer, he proved with actual actions that he did not want to compete with other monks at this time. His goal was the treasure on the outside of the void river.

As he took action, the other three masters of Daluo Jinxian also took action one after another and began to grab the treasures on the outside of the Void River.

Cao Zhen watched as the treasures were taken away by the four Da Luo Jinxian, and then came to a remote place in the Void River.

While the Shadow Immortal Lord was grabbing the treasure on the edge of the Void River, he glanced in the direction of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. The next moment, he withdrew his gaze again.

Obviously, this Taiyi Golden Immortal must have seen that they were unable to capture the treasure in the middle of the void river, so he also wanted to follow their example and capture the treasure at the edge.

The other party was still a Taiyi Golden Immortal. I was afraid of causing their attack, so I chose a place that was farthest and most remote from the four of them.

The opponent was just a Taiyi Golden Immortal and could not pose a threat to them at all. He also directly ignored the opponent and tried his best to seize the treasure in the void river.

This long river of void is indeed powerful, and even the treasures on the edge are not so easy to capture.

Cao Zhen stood on the edge of the turbulent river of void, raised his hands gently, touched the paper of the long river of void, stared into the depths of the long river of void, feeling the reincarnation of the void and the turbulent flow of the void in the long river of void. Reincarnation.

Everything in the world has reincarnation, but everything, from the entire universe to a plankton or a blade of grass, has reincarnation.

And even the same creatures have different reincarnations.

For example, after some plankton are born, it may be raining. Moistened by the rain, it may live extremely comfortably, and even find other plankton to combine with and give birth to offspring.

But after some plankton are born, the scorching sun may come immediately and be roasted instantly.

Their reincarnation phones are different.

The same human beings, some can cultivate immortality and have long lifespan, while some are just mortals and may farm their whole lives. Their reincarnations are also different.

Therefore, it was the same long river of void and the same turbulent flow of void, but their reincarnations were also different. He wanted to find the difference.

However, they have similarities. After all, they are still the same existence, and they are all void turbulence.

Just like dandelions, although they float in different directions in the distance, in the end, they all have to fall, scatter their seeds, and complete their reincarnation.

As Cao Zhen became more and more familiar with the long river of void in front of him and the turbulent flow of void inside, he began to use the method of reincarnation in the void to activate the vast immortal energy in his body.

Slowly, the turbulent flow of the void at the edge of the long river of void began to slowly change.

This change started from the edge and slowly spread to the inside of the long river of Void, the loyal advice of the long river of Void.

Slowly, the turbulent flow was repositioned, forming a strange rhythm, as if the entire void river was controlled by his thoughts.

But this kind of control is not control in a pure sense. The changes he made are in line with the reincarnation of this long river of void and the turbulent flow of void.

Unknowingly, the Yixian Mine that was originally buried deep in the void moved slightly.

At the same time, at the edge of the Void River, the Shadow Immortal Lord frowned slightly. He should have been able to grab the round mirror just now.

But just when his hand was about to fall on the round mirror, the direction of the round mirror suddenly changed.

He grabbed a man empty.


Why did the round mirror suddenly change? How do you feel that the turbulent flow of the void in this long river of void has become a little strange?

The turbulence in the void was originally irregular, but now!

No, it's the treasure in the void river, and their positions have shifted.

how so?

He was wondering, when suddenly, the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

At the center of the Void River, the fairy mine suddenly jumped, breaking through the turbulent flow of the Void, and instantly appeared on the outside of the Void River.

The energy of this fairy mine is so strong that even though it is still in the river of void, its terrifying energy fluctuations have already rushed out of the river of void.

Before, it was in the middle of the long river in the void, and there was no feeling. But now, when it appears behind the edge, the light it emits is a sign that the stars are even brighter.


"Why did that treasure suddenly change its location?"

After the four Daluo Jinxian monks were surprised, they were all ecstatic, but did not wait for them to make a move.

Cao Zhen had already stretched out his hand and directly entered the long river of void.

His palm was wrapped with rich power of the void. When his palm stretched out into the long river of void, the turbulent flow of void seemed to be just ordinary water, flowing past his palm. On the body, no trace of damage could be seen.

The next moment, he grabbed the fairy ore with his palm, and then put it into his Qiankun ring as quickly as possible.

All around, the expressions of the four Great Luo Jinxian changed drastically.

"Damn it, put that treasure down and I will spare your life!" The Barbarian King Immortal Lord reacted the fastest. He shouted violently and flew over quickly.

The other three Daluo Jinxian monks also flew over.

In just a short moment, they understood everything that had just happened.

It is impossible for the treasures in the long river of void to suddenly change their positions, and just now they felt the strong fluctuations in the void.

And this monk practices the way of reincarnation in the void.

It must be him who released the power of the void at that moment and changed the internal situation of the void river.

Either by folding the space, or by other means, the fairy mine was separated from its original position and appeared on the outside of the long river of void.

And this monk is just Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although his methods are special, they are Daluo Golden Immortal, and they can definitely control each other.

If they catch this monk, and if this happens again, then wouldn't all the treasures in the void belong to them!

We must catch this kid!

In an instant, the thoughts of the four Da Luo Jinxian were surprisingly consistent.

Their reaction was quick enough, but just as they rushed out, Cao Zhen had already flown back.

He got the most powerful treasure, why not run away!

But just as he flew out, a dark light suddenly fell down in front of his eyes.

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