Cao Zhencai had just used Void Jump to escape a certain distance when a group of extremely eerie and terrifying dark auras gathered in front of him.

This dark aura, like a cloud, instantly enveloped him.

The attack came so suddenly that Cao Zhen had no chance to dodge.

In the clouds and mist, the dark demonic energy flowed like a river, creating a strong suction force. Cao Zhen even felt as if his legs were being held by a pair of invisible hands, but he was unable to break free for a while. Come.

As the attack fell, another figure appeared in front of him.

Poor evil immortal!

Cao Zhen frowned instantly. It was obvious that the Poor Evil Immortal Lord knew his methods, so this attack was to trap him here.

The opponent is Daluo Jinxian. Under normal circumstances, he would never be able to break the opponent's spell so easily.

However, there are void turbulence everywhere here, and the space is extremely active. As long as he borrows these void turbulence, it is not difficult to defeat the attack.

Suddenly, the endless immortal energy in his body surged crazily, causing the void around him to start to rotate.

In just an instant, the space began to fold, and at the same time, the power of the void around him began to gather in his direction.

In just an instant, the world wrapped in black mist around him changed, forming obvious wrinkles.

The next moment, the space in these folds shattered inch by inch, and the entire space exploded with such force that there were aftermaths visible to the naked eye.

These aftermath waves surged towards the surroundings. Each aftershock looked like it was made up of several void turbulences. During the surge, it caused the surrounding void to shake again.

Although the spell of the Poor Immortal Lord was broken, Cao Zhen's figure also slowed down.

With just a slight slowness, in an instant, phantoms of giant hands filled with different auras fell down in the void.

Some shadows are extremely hot, while others are extremely cold, as if they want to freeze the space in this place...

The phantoms of four giant hands completely covered this space. In an instant, they grabbed Cao Zhen's limbs and seemed to drag Cao Zhen to their side.

At this moment, Cao Zhen felt as if his body was being torn apart.

Four different forces rushed into his body, raging crazily.

Although it is just a shadow of a giant hand, it is a shadow released by the four Daluo Golden Immortals.

In just an instant, his face turned pale, and all the internal organs in his body seemed to have been shattered.

Cao Zhen looked up and saw that the four Daluo Golden Immortals were already flying towards them. At the same time, the Poor and Evil Immortal Lord seemed to be planning to continue the attack.

If he is really surrounded by these five Da Luo Jinxian, even if he is good at void knowledge, he will not be able to fly out.

You must escape before the five people surround you.

The immortal energy in Cao Zhen's body surged crazily, and at the same time, it moved even more crazily to change the void around him.

The next moment, in the void, void turbulence suddenly condensed, forming a huge void vortex in an instant. Moreover, it was not one vortex, but two vortexes.

The vortexes of the two people were almost superimposed on top of each other, and then they spun rapidly in two completely opposite directions. As they rotated, waves of void power surged out, and then continued to superimpose themselves in the void. Together.

At the same time, the surrounding void was still rapidly twisting.

Different void powers collided with each other and rushed straight into the whirlpool of the two people.

In an instant, the two whirlpools could no longer bear it, and the force of distortion and collision suddenly exploded. At the same time, waves of twisted void power surged towards the surroundings.

The power was so strong that it seemed to destroy the entire void in an instant.

Countless turbulent streams of void shot towards the surroundings.

The five Daluo Golden Immortals who were chasing after them all frowned when faced with the countless void turbulence, and had to gather their immortal energy to block the incoming void turbulence.

Cao Zhen took this opportunity and suddenly rushed out, jumping in the air and appearing in the distance instantly.



Behind them, five Daluo Golden Immortals saw a small Taiyi Golden Immortal flying away from them, and they all chased after them.

However, while chasing, they were surprised to find that the distance between them and each other was getting farther and farther.

Cao Zhen was originally good at the way of the void. At first, he was able to escape from the poor and evil immortal king in front of him, but now this place is full of void turbulence.

No matter how strong the opponent is, he is still affected by the turbulence of the void, but he is almost unaffected by it. As a result, he is faster than the opponent.

In just a moment, he threw away the five Da Luo Jinxian behind him.

Then, he suddenly turned his head and flew in the direction of the long river of void. There were still many treasures in the long river of void.

Now, these Daluo Golden Immortals are chasing him, and there may not be any monks flying over there in the future.

He had to make a time lag before getting some treasures out.

The five monks of the Poor and Evil Immortal Lord, while chasing each other all the way, lost sight of each other and frowned one by one.

"Let him escape."

"That monk is cultivating the Void Path. Under such circumstances, even if we are Daluo Jinxian, it will be difficult for us to find him."

"That's all, let's go back first."

The five Daluo Golden Immortal monks sighed, but they returned one after another. The secret realm of the Star Territory was so vast that they could not find each other. What's more, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, faced with the pursuit of five Daluo Golden Immortals, had a hard time. get away.

Then the other party will definitely run away as far away as possible.

I'm afraid that the monks from Taiyi Golden Immortal have now left the Star Territory Secret Realm and returned to the city.

The five Daluo Golden Immortals turned around and flew towards the long river of void again. They had not yet finished taking the treasures in the long river of void.

It seems that because this long river of void is too terrifying, and the number of Da Luo Jinxian here is limited, when Cao Zhen returned to the long river of void, there was not a single monk here.

He quickly stretched out his hands and placed them on the long river of void. Suddenly, the long river of void changed again. The treasures in various parts of the long river of void flew towards the direction of his palm due to the changes in space.

Soon, Cao Zhen waved his hand and accepted the treasures one by one.

Before long, most of the treasures had fallen into his hands.

Suddenly, gusts of strong wind came from the distance.

Cao Zhen turned around and saw the figures of the five Da Luo Jinxian appearing.

Coming back so soon? These people react quickly enough.

Before they could fly to the Void River, the five Daluo Golden Immortals, Poor Evil Immortal Lord, saw the figure holding treasures in front of the Void River from a distance.

In an instant, the five monks were furious.

"Damn it!"

"How dare he come back!"

They were just about to take action when Cao Zhen flew away first.

Behind them, the five Da Luo Jinxian looked at the flying figure, but none of them chased each other.

They just went after this kid, but he came back and took away so many treasures.

Look at the treasures in the long river of void. More than half of them were missing in one go. If we do this again, wouldn't all those treasures be taken away by this kid?

After Cao Zhen quickly flew away, he began to look for Immortal Lord Qiyunhu and Immortal Lord Shiwang.

The five Daluo Golden Immortals are not chasing him now. That's because the other party wants to take away the treasures in the void first. If these guys can take away all the treasures they can, they will definitely come after them.

I am not afraid of being caught up by them, but Immortal Lord Yunhu and Immortal Shiwang are different. If they are exposed on their own initiative and enter this place with me, then they will be in danger.

Cao Zhen flew quickly in the direction he entered here before.

Fortunately, Immortal Shiwang and Immortal Yunhu did not change their route. They retreated along the route they came from.

The two of them also quickly saw Cao Zhen flying over.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Immortal Lord Yunhu's face, and he said in surprise: "Why did you come back so quickly? I see that the long river of void has not dissipated.

Since the Void River has not dissipated, you should continue to grab treasures there. You're back. Are you saying that you can't reach the place where the Void River is, or are there other changes? "

"Something happened." Cao Zhen said anxiously, "There are four Daluo Golden Immortals near the Void River. I caught the treasure they all wanted in the Void River.

Therefore, those four Daluo Jinxian are all chasing me. That's nothing, the key is that a Daluo Jinxian appeared later. "

Cao Zhen said, looking at the Immortal Lord Shiwang and saying: "It's the Poor Immortal Lord we met before entering Ping'an City. The five of them have been chasing me.

I was able to escape, but you are different, especially you.

The Poor Immortal Lord had seen the two of us walking together with his own eyes before.

If he can't find me, he will definitely do something to you after he finds you. Therefore, for you, the wisest thing to do now is to quickly return to Ping An City. "

Immortal Lord Yunhu was stunned for a moment. What are these words?

A Taiyi Golden Immortal was being chased by five Daluo Golden Immortals, but he said it was nothing!

The key is that he finally got the treasure that none of the five Daluo Golden Immortals could get.

A Taiyi Golden Immortal snatched treasures under the eyes of five Daluo Golden Immortals!

Immortal Lord Shiwang's face suddenly dropped: "It's him! Why is this guy still lingering?

The Poor and Evil Immortal Lord is ruthless in addition to his reputation. It's really unlucky. It seems I won't be able to do it if I don't go back. "

Among the other monks, not many saw him and Immortal Lord Bai Feng together, but this poor and evil Immortal Lord had met them before.

Of course, as long as he leaves the Star Territory Secret Realm and returns to Ping An City, he will be safe.

But the problem is, he took out five peace orders and entered the secret realm of the star field.

Now, he has only entered the Star Territory Secret Realm not long ago and is about to leave.

Until now, he was in the secret realm of the Star Territory, but he had gotten nothing. Didn't he lose five peace orders in vain?

This is a big loss!

But now, it’s impossible not to leave.

Immortal Lord Shiwang could only sigh helplessly and said: "In this case, we can only go back first."

But just after he finished speaking, Immortal Lord Yunhu shook his head and said: "I don't have to go back, not many monks saw us together before, and the three stone men were also dead.

So they won't find us, and there's no point in going back now. I can only wait for the night to slowly fade away. It's better to continue exploring here, and maybe I'll encounter my own adventure. "

Just as she finished speaking, Cao Zhen's voice also rang out: "Fellow Taoist Shiwang, please go back first. I won't go back for the time being. I'll see if there are any opportunities here."

When Immortal Shi Wang heard the sound, he felt completely bad. So, after working on it for a long time, I went back by myself and you two stayed here? Why am I so unlucky?

At the beginning, he was the first one to propose entering here, and he was also the one who wanted to enter here the most. However, he became the first one to leave.

"In addition..." As Cao Zhen spoke, he took out five peace orders and said, "It's because of me that you were forced to leave this secret realm of the Star Territory.

Therefore, I have to compensate you for the ticket price. "

Immortal Lord Shiwang was stunned. How could such a thing happen? Immortal Lord Baifeng actually took the initiative to compensate for the peace order.

They have known each other for a short time, and this fellow Taoist is really good at getting along!

After he was filled with elixirs, he said: "This, fellow Taoist Bai Feng. You should go back with me. In fact, as long as the Void River appears in the Star Territory Secret Realm, there is such a high probability that this Star Territory Secret Realm will not appear in a short time. The long river road of void appears.

Of course, the main ones are the five Daluo Golden Immortals who want to hunt you down. "

As he spoke, in order to prove that his words were correct, he looked at Immortal Lord Yunhu on the side.

Immortal Lord Yunhu knew what Immortal Lord Shiwang meant, she nodded slightly and said: "That's true. Of course, if you are lucky, you can also get some treasures."

"In that case, I will continue to stay here."

If he were elsewhere, he really had no confidence in escaping from the five Da Luo Jinxian. After all, after entering Ping'an City, he seemed to have a shackle on his body and could not leave directly through the void.

However, this place is full of void turbulence. He can be said to be like a fish in water here. As long as there are these void turbulences, he can escape from the five Daluo Golden Immortals.

He spent five peace orders to enter this place, how could he leave just as he said so?

Although he chose to stay, he was not with Immortal Yunhu, which harmed Immortal Yunhu.

Cao Zhen started searching here.

Although it is said that there are many treasures here, it is impossible to exaggerate to the point where you can find the treasures by just walking a few steps.

I don't know if it was because of his bad luck or other reasons. He walked here for a long time, but he didn't see any treasures.

Suddenly, in the void, the chaotic flow of the void became a little rarer.

The long river of void disappeared.

"I don't know if those guys have taken away all the treasures in the void river."

After the long river of void appears, it will not always exist.

There are two situations where he will disappear.

One of the situations is that if all the treasures are taken away, the Void River will naturally disappear.

Another situation is that after the long river of void continues for a period of time, no matter how much treasure is lost, it will naturally dissipate.

"In addition to the long river of void, what other treasures can there be in this place?"

Cao Zhen continued to search around, while flying, he also used the art of time reincarnation, and the injuries on his body were recovering rapidly.

I don't know how long it took, but a familiar breath appeared behind him.

A wave of ice-cold air hit, and the temperature of this side of the world suddenly dropped. On the ground below, a sheet of frost instantly condensed, and the frost connected into one sheet, sealing the entire land in ice.

This is the aura of the Ice Flower Immortal!

As Cao Zhen thought, the void suddenly distorted, and the next moment, his figure disappeared.

And where he disappeared just now, the air suddenly became frozen.

Because of the distortion of the space, the frozen ice shattered and flew towards the surroundings.

Cao Zhen's figure appeared in the distance, and at the same time he turned back and looked at the figure opposite.

Sure enough, it was Ice Flower Immortal Lord!

Cao Zhen looked at the figure that appeared in his sight, with a strange look on his face. At this time, the other person should think that he had left.

So, I met the Ice Flower Immortal Lord purely because of bad luck?

In other words, too lucky.

The eyes of the Binghua Immortal Lord flashed with cold light. Looking at the monks in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm in front of him, the cold energy kept pouring out.

Cao Zhen felt the other party's hostility, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "The Void River has disappeared, and the treasures you should have taken away have also been taken away. They are not here either, why do you come to see me again? As an enemy.”

Fairy Binghua sneered: "Yes, I got some treasures, but the five of us together couldn't get as many treasures as you alone.

What's more, the most precious treasure is still in your hands.

If you want to survive, it's not impossible.

Take out your Qiankun Ring and I can spare your life. "

Cao Zhen laughed immediately when he heard this: "I'm curious, who gave you the confidence to think that you can kill me.

None of the five of you left me behind before, but now, you only have yourself. "

As soon as Cao Zhen finished speaking, there was a piece of blue silk in Fairy Binghua's hand across from her.

She had never taken out this satin before.

In an instant, streaks of ice condensed energy around her, seemingly forming a cold field.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply at this moment, and the air was filled with a cold breath that seemed to freeze the sky.

Then, she waved the blue satin in her hand suddenly, and in an instant, the ice energy all around her condensed into ice cones, ice blades and even ice arrows.

No matter which shape it is, it looks full of endless edges. Every ice pick or ice blade gives people the illusion that it can easily pierce the mountain.

Rays of light flew, ice cones fell vertically from the sky, the cold air condensed into sharp blades, ice arrows spread across every inch of the world, and ice arrows shot like raindrops, covering the entire battlefield, forming a sea of ​​ice. .

A cold murderous intent appeared on Cao Zhen's face. He could understand when these people were chasing him. After all, he had robbed the best treasure.

It can be understood, but it does not prove that he can let others chase him without fighting back.

If he were outside, would he have any thoughts of killing these people?

But the surrounding area is full of void turbulence. He can use these void turbulence to exert greater power and perform more changes.

Cao Zhen looked at the streaks of frost shooting down in front of him, and the Zixia Dongsheng Sword appeared in his hand. Facing the frost, the long sword turned.

With one turn, it seemed that the entire void was rotating with the long sword.

All around, there are more void turbulences, which are also gathering together with the rotation of the long sword. At a glance, it looks like a long river formed by the condensed void turbulence.

Within a moment, the streaks of frost were already flying down.

But after they came into contact with the turbulent flow of void, they disintegrated one after another and turned into nothingness in an instant.

Lord Ice Flower Immortal looked at his completely dissipated attack, with a look of deep surprise on his face. When the monk faced their attack before, he directly chose to run away.

Therefore, this was her first time fighting against the opponent in the true sense.

The fight was completely different from what she expected.

She is the existence of Daluo Jinxian, and the opponent is just Taiyi Jinxian. Even if the opponent can use those void turbulences to escape, it does not prove that the opponent can resist a Daluo Jinxian.

But now, what is this?

This guy actually blocked his attack head-on.

He could actually control the surrounding void turbulence so easily.

She had actually seen one of the monks who practiced the Way of Reincarnation in the Void before, and she had also met him in the secret realm of the Star Territory.

But that monk couldn't control the void turbulence in the secret realm of the star field so easily.

Suddenly, the Taiyi Golden Immortal monk opposite him disappeared.

The next moment, there was a wave beside her, and the void suddenly fluctuated.

"A little Taiyi Golden Immortal, instead of running away, actually wants to attack me?"

Binghua Fairy felt the fluctuations in the void, and was instantly furious. The other party clearly did not take her seriously.

She waved her arm, and in an instant, a terrifying breath of frost filled the surroundings, and the surrounding air condensed into a frozen land.

At the same time, her hands gathered together, and a huge ice pick formed in her hands. It seems that all the cold air in the world is gathered in this ice cone.

The space is completely frozen.

Time on this side has been completely frozen.

Suddenly, at the next moment, the air in front of her suddenly exploded.

All around, the void suddenly began to rotate, and the space continued to fold.

The power of reincarnation in the void.

Under the reincarnation of the void, the space changes, and a powerful twisting force comes, shattering the ice here.

Countless ice shards flew around.

At the same time, the surrounding space became extremely heavy.

The Ice Flower Immortal Lord showed a ferocious look on his face.


She pushed her hands towards the broken void.

In an instant, the ice pick suddenly rushed out.

Cao Zhencai had just emerged from the void when the ice cone flew down in front of him.

His eyes suddenly condensed, this is the difference between Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian.

When he attacked like this at the beginning, although the existence of Taiyi Golden Immortal could react, he would not have such a terrifying response.

Within Cao Zhen's body, the immortal energy circulated rapidly, and the energy of time and space reincarnation surged out.

The next moment, around him, the flow of time began to slow down, but the impact was minimal.

The opponent's level of cultivation is much higher than his.

Now, he is only in the Golden Immortal Realm, while the other party is the existence of Daluo Golden Immortal.

The power of reincarnation he cast was too difficult to affect the spell cast by the other party.

This still affects the air around him. If he directly exerts the power of time reincarnation on the other party, or on the other party's spell, it will not affect the other party at all.

Opposite, the Ice Flower Immortal Lord looked at the ice cone he had released, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes filled with ice-cold energy like snowflakes.

Time goes around!

This monk not only practiced void reincarnation, he also practiced the art of time reincarnation.

The way of reincarnation is a very profound avenue.

Those monks with low cultivation level do not even practice the way of reincarnation.

The way of reincarnation is divided into two broad categories, one of which is the way of reincarnation of time, and the other is the way of reincarnation of void.

Those monks who practice the way of reincarnation only practice one of them.

The reason is still because the way of reincarnation is too profound.

This monk actually practiced two ways of reincarnation at the same time, and he practiced both ways of reincarnation to an extremely advanced level.

Not to mention the other party's method of void reincarnation, this time's method of reincarnation is powerful enough if it can affect you!

After all, he is the existence of Daluo Golden Immortal, while the other party is just Taiyi Golden Immortal.

How did this guy practice?

His appearance and race seem to be human?

I have also met a Da Luo Jinxian of the human race before. Among the Da Luo Jinxian, the other party is indeed extremely powerful.

The strength of that human race is at least stronger than mine.

At that time, I didn’t think much about it.

After all, every race has some geniuses and people with extraordinary strength.

But now, when I see this human race guy, I think about the human race I met before.

I met two human beings, both of whom were existences whose strength far exceeded that of ordinary fellow practitioners.

This human race needs to pay close attention to it.

Just when she was surprised, Cao Zhen fell down after seeing her.

As soon as the sword fell, a hundred phantoms of Cao Zhen appeared in the void. Each phantom looked like substance.

At this moment, a hundred identical Cao Zhen seemed to appear in the void.

Every Cao Zhen waved his sword at the same time.

One hundred sword lights contain one hundred different sword intentions.

Ice Flower Immortal Lord, at this moment, had an illusion. It seemed that there were a hundred swordsmanship masters of different types, performing at the same time the most exquisite swordsmanship in their lives. The sword intention!

What made her feel even more incredible was that these one hundred swords seemed to be thrust out from one hundred different spaces at the same time.

As soon as the sword fell, time seemed to begin to reincarnate, and the void also reincarnated at the same time.

At this moment, the world originally wrapped in her frost seemed to be filled with sharp swords.

Vaguely, these hundred sharp swords seemed to converge into one sword.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were pale, and only the sword light was eternal!

A hundred different kinds of sword intent broke out, breaking through the frost that spread all over the world, breaking through the protective divine light around her, and shot on her body.

Wishes of bright red blood splashed out from her body.

The Binghua Immortal looked at the wounds on his body in shock. He couldn't believe what he saw. He was actually injured by a Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Moreover, in a head-on battle, he was injured by the opponent.

Is this still Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Cao Zhen lowered his sword and was about to continue attacking when suddenly, a huge figure appeared in the void.

Crazy Immortal Lord!

He frowned tightly. He originally wanted to see the strength gap between himself and Da Luo Jinxian in this world. As a result, at the critical moment, another Da Luo Jinxian appeared.

"The little Taiyi Golden Immortal still dares to stay here."

The Crazy Immortal Lord roared wildly, but rushed directly towards Cao Zhen.

Its figure was huge and mighty, like a devil in the night, it appeared in front of Cao Zhen instantly, its sharp claws cut through the air, releasing dark energy that tore everything apart.

Cao Zhen quickly swung his sword to meet him, with a dazzling purple brilliance flowing on his sword blade.

At this moment, the long sword in his hand thrust out countless swords. His sword skills were as smooth as a dancer showing off his gorgeous dance moves.

The attack is even more flexible and swift, like a gust of wind and like thunder falling.

From a distance, Cao Zhen even looked like a dexterous cheetah, shuttling through the dark whirlwind and dodging every attack.

The purple sword light cut through the night sky, like a meteor crossing the dark sky.

Every swing is a fatal threat.

Although the Crazy Immortal Lord roared angrily, his eyes were burning with hellish flames, as if he wanted to devour everything.

However, under his crazy attack, he was surprised to find that the opponent was like an indestructible mountain.

Swords and claws intertwined, light splashed out, and for a moment, the two sides were fighting at a draw.

The more the Crazy Immortal Lord fought, the angrier he became. He was the Daluo Golden Immortal, but now, he couldn't even capture a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

How can this be!

Even in the realm of fellow practitioners, I have nothing to fear, let alone a little Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and let out a horrifying roar. The sound resounded throughout this space. It seemed that this space could not bear it. The anger in the voice shattered into pieces.

The entire body of the Wild Immortal Lord is muscular, exuding an aura of wildness and strength. Holding a huge and sharp battle ax, he looked like an ancient beast on the battlefield.

The Crazy Immortal Lord launched an even more violent attack, swinging his battle ax and slashing down suddenly.

For a time, extremely violent power filled this world, raging like a violent storm.

Every swing of the ax carries a terrifying destructive power that can destroy this world.

Cao Zhen quickly retracted it, and the long sword in his hand danced into a barrier, trying to resist the attack of the arrogant Immortal Lord.

He did not really face the duel between the savage immortal kings, but used the method of reincarnation in the void to quickly shuttle through the battlefield to avoid the ferocious attacks of the savage beast kings.

After all, the other party is the existence of Daluo Golden Immortal, and he is just a Golden Immortal.

He doesn't even need to reach Daluo Golden Immortal. As long as he achieves Taiyi Golden Immortal, he will dare to fight head-on with the opponent.

But now he is just in Golden Wonderland.

His swordsmanship is integrated with the way of reincarnation of space and time, making his swordsmanship extremely agile.

Every time the sword is swung, it is accompanied by the distortion of time and the change of space.

The turbulent flow of void around him continued to fall as he swung his sword. At first glance, it looked like a winding river, converging and dispersing in an instant.

The momentum of the two strong men was sharp and majestic, and each exuded an unparalleled aura.

Their attacks were even more swift and agile, like thunder flying through the sky.

The surrounding void has become extremely stable because of the battle between the two sides.

Under their attacks, cracks appeared, as if a mirror had been shattered, with fragments flying everywhere.

The void turbulence surged crazily with their attacks, forming whirlpools.

At this moment, Void seemed to be unable to bear it. Their attacks sent out a series of explosions that created ripples in circles.

The color of the entire world even began to change continuously, from dark blue to red, from bright to dim.

It seemed that the entire void would collapse due to their battle.

Although the Crazy Immortal Lord is troubled by the way of reincarnation, he is still the existence of Da Luo Jin Immortal.

For a while, there was no winner between the two sides.

In the distance, Lord Binghua looked at the two fighting parties, but she didn't know what she was thinking and did not participate in the battle immediately.


The voice of the Crazy Immortal Lord suddenly rang out, with an obvious look of anger on his face, and he roared: "Don't do it yet!"

He didn't think that the opponent could block his attack at first, but under the opponent's attack, he was like a Daluo Golden Immortal, without falling into any disadvantage.

He even had to ask the Ice Flower Immortal to take action. After all, the other party fought against the Ice Flower Immortal in the first place.


The Ice Flower Immortal Lord shouted loudly, and his body rose into the air like lightning, as if a line of frozen ice streaked across the battlefield.

A stream of frost power that seemed to be able to freeze the souls of Taiyi Golden Immortals and even Daluo Golden Immortals was condensed into the palm of the hand, forming an extremely round ball of frost.

The ball is naturally round.

However, these circles are not perfect circles.

But in front of me, this ball of frost gave people the illusion that it couldn't be more rounded or perfect.

The oppressive cold air surged around me.

As she quickly twisted her wrist, the ice ball rotated rapidly, and an ice ray shot out from the ice ball.

This ray is like an ice arrow in the cold winter, sharp and deadly.

They roared in, cut across the battlefield, and headed straight for the Wild Immortal Lord.

It’s not Cao Zhen, it’s Madman Immortal Lord!

The Crazy Immortal Lord felt the sudden coldness around him, and felt the biting coldness. Countless hairs stood up all over his body, and his eyes widened. On his forehead, blue veins popped out, and he roared: " Binghua, what are you doing!"

The Binghua Immortal didn't seem to hear the Mad Barbarian Immortal's crossbow, and didn't respond to the Mad Barbarian Immortal at all. She even sent a message to Cao Zhen: "Work together to kill him, and you and I will share the spoils!"

She had seen this Taiyi Golden Immortal's Void Way before and knew that he was good at escaping.

Now, she saw how strong the opponent's fighting power was!

Even if she joins forces with the Crazy Immortal Lord, she may not be able to keep him.

On the contrary, the Crazy Immortal Lord is not good at speed, and the Crazy Immortal Lord is defenseless against her.

Since the combat power of this Taiyi Golden Immortal is almost the same as hers, why doesn't she join forces with this Taiyi Immortal Lord?

The Crazy Immortal Lord is the Daluo Golden Immortal, and the treasures obtained by killing the opponent are indispensable.

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of the Binghua Immortal. This wild and barbaric Immortal suddenly appeared to help the Binghua Immortal attack him.

As a result, this Ice Flower Immortal Lord wanted to join forces with him.

This is the cruelty of this world!

The monk who joined forces with him one moment may attack him the next moment.

In this world, I am afraid that no monk except his own clansmen can trust him.

After Cao Zhen saw the actions of Lord Binghua Immortal, he quickly swung his long sword.

For a moment, the aura in his body rose rapidly, and streams of pure immortal energy flowed into the Zixia Dongsheng Sword.

The next moment, the sword in his hand suddenly thrust out.

The sword flew down, and in an instant, two purple dragons seemed to appear in the void. The dragons flew up and down, easily pierced the void, and flew directly in front of the Madman Immortal Lord.

It was clearly a piece that fell, but at this moment, two long swords seemed to fly out, and the purple sword energy gathered into huge scissors, which were cut suddenly.

When this shear fell, it seemed as if the sun was broken into pieces.

The two sword lights seemed to merge with the surrounding world.

Each sword drew an arc that was so perfect that no flaws could be found.

In an instant, this space began to shake violently.

The purple light seemed like two purple divine dragons, staggering up and down, and also seemed like an extremely huge purple scissors, separated and then suddenly came together!

With one cut, the entire space was split into two instantly!

Even the turbulent flow of void without any rules was split into two instantly.

Although the Mad Barbarian Immortal Lord is the existence of Daluo Jinxian, at this moment, he doesn't know whether he should respond to the falling scissors-like sword or the ice aura.

He seemed to want to block the attacks at the same time, but despite all the considerations, none of the attacks were blocked.

Waves of cold energy instantly penetrated his body and poured into his body, freezing his flesh and blood and making his movements slow and stiff.

At the same time, the ball of frost exploded suddenly, releasing a powerful icy energy. Frost energy spread and covered her whole body.

The cold air condensed and formed a layer of ice, sealing the Crazy Immortal Lord tightly like an ice sculpture.

The savage beast king struggled to break free, but the ice restrained his body mercilessly, seeming to deprive him of his power, leaving him trapped in the frozen world, unable to escape.

At the same time, Cao Zhen's sword fell.

The purple light flashed across, fell on his neck in an instant, and cut hard.

Suddenly, two obvious cracks appeared on his neck, and bright red blood rose into the sky.

Although this sword was terrifying, it did not directly cut off his head. After all, he was the existence of Da Luo Jinxian.

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