My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 155: Sure enough, it was him. Unscrupulous is a hero

Like Dr. Shan in the Orthopedic Surgery Department, what Director Wen thinks most about now is how to keep Zhou Can to stay and help.

The two-month training period is too short.

It's gone in the blink of an eye.

When Zhou Can leaves, Director Wen will be beaten back to his original form.

This is a reality that Director Wen is very unwilling to face. In fact, Director Wen also knew that once the two months were up, Zhou Can would definitely not be able to keep him.

It is impossible for people to stay outside of God all the time.

According to regulations, all departments related to majors must be rotated once, and it is not as simple as a simple cutscene.

A certificate of completion of standardized training will be issued only after passing the standardized training assessment.

I can't keep it now, and after Zhou Can's training is finished, digging him over to cooperate with him will become the best choice left.

Therefore, Director Wen treats Zhou Can better and better.

Zhou Can was not only given a lot of high-risk surgical training opportunities during the operation, but also cared for in various daily tasks.

In addition, Peisheng Gui had to work a night shift almost every two days.

Zhou Can is privileged in this regard.

A total of two to three night shifts a month.

According to what Director Wen told his subordinates, Zhou Can was assigned to be on the night shift, and Director Wen had to have no surgery the next morning, and no more than three days a month.

Look, this kind of treatment can't even be enjoyed by the attending physicians.

Because Shenwai is special, there are four ICU wards, and at least one attending doctor must be on duty at night.

Then, the number of doctors outside of Shenwai is relatively small, and the probability of attending physicians taking turns is very high.

In addition to enjoying special care on duty, Zhou Can also enjoys some privileges in ward rounds, writing medical records, and changing medicines for patients.

Then Zhou Can has some medical problems outside of his mind, so he can ask Director Wen for advice at any time.

All kinds of special treatment, other doctors envy to death.

However, they didn't have Zhou Can's ability, so they could only feel sour in their hearts.

Director Wen was checking the doctor's orders and medical records in the office, and Wu Baihe led Director Xie over.

"Old Wen is busy!"

Director Xie greeted with a smile.

"Hey, Director Xie is a rare visitor! You and Director Wu are here together, there must be something to do, please sit down and talk."

Director Wen got up and asked the two to sit down.

Wu Baihe is the department director of Shenwai, and he can be regarded as his superior. In fact, no matter the surgical ability or the administrative rank, Wu Baihe was the one who stabilized him.

As for Director Xie, there is no need to mention it.

In charge of the business operations of the various departments of the entire major surgery, it is equivalent to the marshal of the surgery.

In addition, Director Xie's surgical and diagnostic abilities are also very strong.

Director Xie took the position of chief director of surgery back then. Although it was a bit of a coincidence, since he became the chief director of surgery, everyone has seen his hard work and dedication for the surgery room.

Definitely a qualified director.

The doctors of the surgery also have a high degree of support for Director Xie.

"Old Wen, we were classmates back then. I found that since I became the Chief of Surgery, you seldom visited me. More than five years ago, I was elected as the Chief of Surgery, you gave Qiang Li I will never forget this kindness for your support and vote. You can’t be strangers because of different positions!”

After Director Xie sat down, he first expressed his feelings and talked about old friendships.

Unexpectedly, he and Director Wen still have a classmate relationship.

And from the meaning of this, Director Xie was the chief director who was elected to the surgery department more than five years ago.

"Isn't it busy! Besides, you have become the chief director of surgery, and you are busier than me. You really want to connect with each other. After you retire, you can play chess together, fly birds in the park, or go fishing by the lake. There is a chance. You didn’t go to see it? Bajing Lake is doing well now, and I still want to buy a small house with two bedrooms and one living room there, and live there with my wife for the elderly!”

Director Wen answered with a smile while making tea for the two of them himself.

"I also went to see Bajing Lake, and I really did a good job. It's a good suggestion for us to organize a group to retire there after retirement. But the house price has doubled, and I think if you want to buy it, you have to start early."

Wu Baihe also interjected at the right time.

"That's it. If I don't have a meeting this Saturday, I will take time to look at the house. I just have some spare money in my hand. I bought stocks and lost money every day. When I saw the price of that stock, my blood pressure went up."

Director Xie's words made the other two laugh.

"Stocks are a fire pit. Anyone who jumps will be unlucky. As long as I mention money to buy stocks, my wife will rush to me with chicken felt." Director Wen seems to be very henpecked.

In fact, men who are afraid of their wives are seldom really afraid.

It is to let the wife, this is the expression of love.

"Come, try the green tea sent by my son! According to him, there are only five plants of this variety, and this year is the first one."

Director Wen took out the green tea sent by his son to entertain two heavyweight rare guests.

Director Xie picked it up and smelled it, his eyes lit up, "This tea is really good. The brewed tea is emerald green and pleasing to the eye, with a strong but not greasy fragrance, refreshing. Old Wen, is your son determined to devote himself to the business of traditional Chinese medicine? With his conditions, plus your network resources, wouldn't it be better to directly get Tuya to become a doctor?"

It is said that there are people in the court who are good officials.

Director Wen is the Chief Physician of Tuya's important department, so it's really not difficult to get his son to work in the hospital.

"Well, it's said that children don't follow their fathers. It's not that you don't know my son, he is more stubborn than me. I can't persuade him to persuade him. Instead, he educated me, saying that Chinese medicine is We are the quintessence of China, and now foreign countries have paid special attention to Chinese medicine, but our country has lost the precious inheritance left by our ancestors. Not only did he contribute to the cultivation of Chinese medicine, but he also asked me to do Chinese medicine research after retirement. "

Director Wen sighed.

When talking about his son, he is both proud and helpless.

"Haha, I see what you mean, sooner or later you have to support your son's career."

After Director Xie laughed, he bowed his head and sipped his tea.

The relationship is almost done, and then it's time to talk about business.

"Director Wen, when I checked the performance summary of the department today, I found that you had done a lot of endoscopic surgeries last month!"

Wu Baihe spoke first.

"I did do some, and nothing happened, did I?"

Director Wen's expression tightened.

As a doctor, I am afraid that something will happen to the patients I treat.

"No, no, don't be nervous. The endoscopic surgery you performed has a very high patient satisfaction rate. And the success rate is 100%. I am really happy for you to have made such great progress in the field of endoscopic surgery."

Wu Baihe smiled and waved his hands again and again.

"Haha, it's good that nothing happened. The two of you came to visit together and focused on the endoscopic surgery. I was afraid that something might happen." Director Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

The success rate of the operation was 100%, and the patient's satisfaction rate was extremely high when they were discharged from the hospital. These two indicators filled Director Wen with joy and pride.

It's a pity that most of these credits belong to Gui Peisheng.

Director Wen is purely discerning talents, boldly employing people, and then reaping a good harvest.

It can also be said to have picked up a big bargain.

"Old Wen, I'm a straightforward person. Don't take it for granted if I say the wrong thing. Remember that you don't have the talent for endoscopic surgery? Why did you suddenly improve so much?"

Director Xie's temper is really impatient.

Competitive with Director Lou of the emergency department.

He wants to know the answer now.

"Hey, I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell this. Didn't we have a new batch of Gui Peisheng last month? During an operation, I accidentally discovered that one of the Gui Peisheng's implantation surgery was done very well. Then he was directly transferred to my group, boldly delegating power, and focusing on training. The kid was stunned. Up to now, he has completed almost the key parts of most endoscopic operations, and he has never made a mistake. "

Director Wen didn't hide it either.

This matter can't be hidden even if you want to hide it. As long as the two directors investigate, they can find it out immediately.

Now to ask him directly, on the one hand, it is trust, on the other hand, it is also respect.

"Gu Peisheng, the new rotation to neurosurgery?"

Director Xie was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Impossible! Even if you are talented in endoscopic surgery, it must be based on traditional surgery. A Gui Peisheng can complete so many complicated fourth-level surgeries? This is too sensational."

Wu Baihe was also shocked.

Both of them are senior surgeons, and they are well aware of the difficulty of various operations.

Endoscopic surgery is more demanding than conventional surgery.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it to be true. That kid is so awesome. I have to say, talent is really important. He is so amazing that he has won many chief physicians in surgery. An achievement that is unattainable, given time, I can't even imagine it. I dare to say that that kid will definitely lead Tuya to a higher level in the future."

Director Wen gave Zhou Can a very high evaluation.

In fact, this is still a very conservative statement.

With Zhou Can's potential, it is possible to become the top famous doctor in China and even the world in the future.

It may even become an epoch-making medical figure.

"Who is that Gui Peisheng? Shouldn't his surname be Zhou?"

Director Xie couldn't help but see a rebellious young figure in his mind.

That day in his chief director's office, that Gui Peisheng gave him a hard lesson.

"Director Xie, did you check the bottom line before coming here? Or is it a clever plan?"

Director Wen asked with a smile.


Director Xie quickly cleared up.

"Well, to be honest, this Gui Peisheng named Zhou Can, I have been paying attention to him since he first entered the emergency department. Director Wu and I went to Shenwai for a consultation that time, so I must be very concerned about that kid. Is it very impressive?"

When Director Xie mentioned Zhou Can, his expression and tone were extremely complicated.

At that time when Gui Peisheng was selected, he had won the right to be the first to be selected, and he had the opportunity to select Zhou Can to enter the surgery room.

Considering that Zhou Can's education is low and his surgical ability is not the strongest, Director Xie was not optimistic about Zhou Can at that time.

Instead, he decisively chose Du Leng, who had an extremely dazzling academic record.

With a single thought, he missed a super genius.

In retrospect, Director Xie also had regrets.

But let him choose again, I am afraid that Du Leng will still be the first choice.

This is like when a man marries a wife, he would rather take a beautiful vase and keep it at home than marry a talented and capable ugly girl.

After Du Leng entered surgery, he performed quite well.

Especially in terms of medical knowledge, sometimes even the chief physicians in the surgery room are not as good as him.

In just over half a year, Du Leng has already published two SCI medical papers.

Although it was only published in District 2, and the impact factor score was low, SCI belongs to the top interdisciplinary journals. This achievement is already very dazzling.

"It turned out to be him! I didn't expect that he not only has outstanding diagnostic ability, but also has top-notch talents in endoscopic surgery and traditional surgery. I don't think we should be so pedantic about sticking to his undergraduate education for this kind of evildoer."

When Wu Baihe learned that this Gui Peisheng was Zhou Can, he was both surprised and reasonable.

"I didn't care about his education for a long time. It's just that the kid is determined to enter the emergency department, and he can't dig it out at all!"

Director Xie looked helpless.

"Director Xie already poached him?"

Director Wen was surprised.

"A while ago, the number of surgeries in the emergency department surged. You may not have been affected much by this incident. However, the two departments of general surgery and orthopedic surgery have suffered greatly. A large number of primary and secondary surgeries have been taken away by the emergency department. , and then digested it. I took advantage of the opportunity of Zhou Can to go to the Orthopedic Surgery Department for regular training, and privately wanted to dig him out. But I couldn’t dig him out. To tell you the truth, I used all threats and lures, and that kid would not buy it .”

"That's fine. Later, director Lou of the emergency department heard about it for some reason. He went to the hospital office directly to stand up for Zhou Can, and the director of the hospital office beat me up. Speaking of this It's depressing."

When Director Xie mentioned these things, he just said two words, I'm so angry.

A chief of surgery has a hard bone that can't be chewed.

His teeth were knocked out by a Gui Peisheng, and it was too embarrassing to spread the word.

"Director Xie, speaking of this matter, I think it's not right for you to directly suppress a Gui Peisheng. Although you are thinking of the interests of the surgery department, if you deal with a Gui Peisheng regardless of your status, this is not to provoke others. The heart of hatred!"

Only Director Wen dared to say such things.

After all, he and Director Xie were old classmates.

"How do you say it? A hero is a hero who does not change his original intention. I would rather not be a hero, but a hero who uses all means for the development and growth of surgery. Although the situation of surgery is good now, but the building is collapsing, It was only for a moment. Director Lou of the emergency department is very ambitious, and you all know it."

"Zhou Can's surgical talent is so great. He entered the emergency department. Will the emergency department be just a triage department? The first one to die is our surgeon."

Director Xie sat in the high position of the chief surgical director, and his vision was longer than that of Director Wen and others.

If he is not in his position, he will not seek his own government.

In this position, he must be responsible for the future and destiny of surgery.

"Director Xie's concern is not unreasonable. We have a deep understanding of the sincerity of devoting ourselves to surgery. It's just that no matter how powerful that kid is, there is only one person in the end. It shouldn't shake the foundation of our surgery, right? Even if he is one day Sixteen hours of surgery, how much can he do? Besides, there are specializations in the surgery industry, so he will definitely only be able to choose one or two sub-fields of surgery in the end."

Wu Baihe was optimistic about this matter.

He has no objection to Director Xie's downsizing and suppressing Zhou Can.

As the director of this neurosurgery department, sometimes he would be unscrupulous in dealing with certain matters~ He had too many worries to accomplish anything.

There is a saying that goes well, kindness does not lead soldiers, righteousness does not do business.

When you become the director of a department, you must be responsible for the future and destiny of the entire department.

From this point of view, it's normal for Director Wen not to understand their thoughts.

After all, Director Wen is just a doctor.

The thing to consider is how to cure the patients in this group, manage the doctors under him well, don't cause trouble, and be alert to the occurrence of medical accidents.

That's all.

"I think this kid must find a way to get here, or continue to suppress. We can't let him learn too much real skills in surgery. In this way, his achievements in the field of surgery are limited, and he will eventually choose to specialize in internal medicine obediently. We will look back Worry free."

Director Xie gave his opinion.

"However, this time, we need to be more thoughtful and not be too obvious. What I mean is, only let him do trivial things in the ward, and at most observe first-level and second-level operations in the operating room, and resolutely prevent him from participating in major operations."

Director Xie is in charge of the entire surgery.

If you really want to limit Zhou Can's development, it is really possible.

At least he can beat Zhou Can to death in the field of surgery.

There are not a thousand ways for a leader to wear small shoes for his subordinates, but there are hundreds of ways.

"I support it! But it's better not to make enemies, it should be done naturally."

Wu Baihe is not a charitable person either.

No one who can be the director of a department is merciful. Otherwise, you won't be able to sit in this seat at all.

I can't control the doctors in a department.

"I don't agree. I agree with finding a way to poach him to the neurosurgery department, and I'm willing to do my best to facilitate this. But I don't agree with what you said about restricting his development. Such a good genius, we can't stop him for our own self-interest. improvement."

Director Wen insisted on opposing the suppression of Zhou Can.

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