My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 156: Snakes never know they are poisonous, deputy director-level medical skills

"Old Wen, I'm really not talking about you. Everything else is good, but the way things are done is too pedantic. You can think clearly when you are constantly interrupted, and you will suffer from it. When the time comes, the emergency department will really seize the opportunity to grow. It has inherent advantages, it can hold back all the patients that can be treated, and digest them directly in the emergency department. At that time, the volume of surgical operations will shrink step by step, everyone's income will be seriously affected, and you will also become a sinner in the surgical room .”

Director Xie tried his best to do the work of this old classmate.

I just hope Director Wen can cooperate and suppress Zhou Can together.

This kind of thing can't be put on the table in the first place, and it's impossible to force Director Wen to order.

The only way to do his ideological work well is to understand it with emotion and understand it with reason.

"Hmph! Even if I really become a sinner in surgery, it's better than becoming a sinner in Tuya Hospital or Huaxia Medical Field. Let's not say that you can't suppress a genius like Zhou Can, even if you really do. Do you think it's worth it to delay his development in the field of surgery just for your so-called narrow interests?"

Director Wen's face was already icy cold.

If it wasn't for the face of his old classmate, he might have already got up to see off the guests.


Director Xie is at a loss for words.

Compared with the interests of surgery, the interests of Tuya Hospital and the interests of the Chinese medical community are naturally greater.

Zhou Can is so good, as long as he grows up, he can definitely bring huge dividends to Tuya Hospital. It will make great contributions to the Chinese medical field and even the world medicine.

"If you think about it again, after Zhou Can grows into a new generation of famous doctors, the stronger he is, the more patients will come here attracted by his name. It even creates a siphon effect, directly pushing Tuya's reputation to a new height. To At that time, the volume of surgical diagnosis and treatment will not shrink, but will increase."

I really didn't expect Director Wen's thought to be far superior to Director Xie's.

At least in this matter, Director Xie's level is far behind him.

"I, I can't say no to you! Anyway, just one word, if you can't get him to the surgery, will you agree to cooperate with suppressing him?"

Director Xie argued with him and was completely defeated.

In embarrassment, he directly used his identity as the chief director and the affection of his old classmates to force Director Wen to agree.

Wu Baihe obviously didn't want to get involved in this kind of dispute.

Sitting next to him, drinking tea with his head bowed, silent.

"Do you still need to ask? I definitely don't agree! If you want to be Tuya's sinner, that is your freedom. I will not be at your mercy. No matter whether Zhou Can agrees to join the surgery, I will do my best to train him and do my best. Teach him if you can. This is my freedom, you can't stop it."

Director Wen's old school poor temper has come up, and nine donkeys can't even try to pull him.

The two looked at each other, and their eyes clashed fiercely.

"Old Wen, with our classmate friendship and decades of friendship, there is no need to discuss this matter?"

Director Xie's tone softened a lot.

"There is absolutely no room for negotiation. Whether it is Zhou Can or other geniuses in the future, as long as I meet them, I will do my best to cultivate them. For the sake of decades of old classmates, I want to advise you, Personal interests overriding the interests of the unit, or even overriding the interests of the country, will definitely bring disaster to you."

Director Wen answered firmly.

"After knowing that you became the chief director, why did I seldom visit you? Because you have changed. What you pursue in your eyes and heart is no longer medical skills, but the interests of the department. You don't feel like me now. A doctor is more like a profit-seeking businessman."

This is really harsh criticism.

It hit the nail on the head, piercing the depths of Director Xie's heart.

"It's not that I've changed, it's that you don't understand my difficulties. In my position, I must manage my own affairs and be responsible for all the medical care in the surgery. In addition to getting paid in the hospital, you and I, Director Wu, can also have teaching, lectures, etc. Tan, other incomes such as sitting in other hospitals. But what about the doctors below? They rely on the salary earned by the hospital and need to support their families."

Director Xie's eyes turned red when he talked about the excitement, and his voice even stopped several times.

"Oh...forget it, I can't understand it even if I tell you. Zhou Can digs as much as he can! I'm leaving!"

Master Xie waved his hand in a moody manner, and left the office lonely.

The dispute with his old classmates had a strong impact on his heart.

He definitely needs to be alone now and think about it.

There is no right or wrong in all things in the world. Everyone's thinking angle and starting point are different, and eventually they form opposites.

If you have to judge, public order and good customs may be the best reference standard.

Just as mice never think that what they eat is stolen, snakes never know that they are poisonous.

Thoughts are not at the same level, no one can convince anyone.

Different values, different perspectives.

In the following days, Zhou Can still followed Director Wen for surgery and consultation, and everything was as usual.

Director Xie wanted Director Wen to suppress Zhou Can, but it never came to fruition.

After getting a lot of surgical training opportunities, Zhou Can's level of endoscopic surgery can be said to be improving rapidly. In particular, his anastomosis has been promoted to the attending level, and he has no shortcomings.

The surgery performed is of high quality.

However, because his surgical skills are all at the attending level, this also leads to some ultra-difficult operations that he dare not touch at all.

When encountering such extremely difficult operations, they are basically handed over to the surgical team led by Wu Baihe.

There is no doubt about Wu Baihe's strength, including the strength of his deputy chief physician.

As the master of neurosurgery, Wu Baihe has completed cases of extremely difficult neurosurgery by virtue of his strength.

The surgeons at the attending level can handle some anastomosis, resection, and separation with moderate to high difficulty, all of which can be successfully completed. But in the face of some ultra-difficult delicate operations, Zhou Can can deeply feel the powerlessness.

The feeling of inadequacy made him deeply yearn for medical skills to reach a higher level.

In addition to Zhou Can's rapid progress in surgical skills, his experience in pathological diagnosis has also increased a lot. A large number of new cases appear in the group every day. He reads these cases, and every time he diagnoses a case, he can add 1 point of pathological diagnosis experience.

In the past two months, almost 400 points of experience in pathological diagnosis have been added.

At present, his pathological diagnosis and medical skills are already at the middle level of residents.

It's a pity that his regular training outside the gods is coming to an end soon.

Otherwise, if you stay for another two months, the pathological diagnosis will definitely be upgraded to the attending level.

In the operating room, Zhou Can, Director Wen and others cooperated to complete a case of trigeminal neurotomy.

The operation went fairly well.

Only the last seams remain.

The surgical method they chose was the suboccipital approach, which is simple and straightforward to operate from this site.

"Director Wen, can you leave the skin sewing to me?"

Zhou Can asked.

"Doctor Zhou, at least give us a chance to exercise!" Several residents said dissatisfied.

"Isn't my divine training coming to an end soon? No matter how hard I try to rob you, I won't be able to rob you twice."

Zhou Can responded with a smile.

Originally, he wouldn't have competed so hard with several residents for the opportunity to sew skin.

The main reason is that his suturing and ligation skills are only a dozen points away from being promoted to level five.

In addition, the regular training for Shenwai is about to end, and he wants to make another rush to upgrade both medical skills to level five before leaving.

The fifth level is the medical skill of the deputy director level.

He also eagerly wanted to feel how good the deputy director's surgical skills were.

"Don't compete with Zhou Can, there will be more opportunities for skin sewing in the future."

Director Wen spoke.

Basically, as long as Zhou Can opens his mouth to fight for training opportunities, he will usually give priority to taking care of Zhou Can.

Director Wen naturally has a certain selfishness in doing this.

Two months is a very short time to get along.

Build up a relationship foundation as much as possible, and it will be easier to invite Zhou Can to join Shenwai after Zhou Can's regular training is over in the future.

If you don't have any friendship, how dare you open your mouth?

"Alright alright!"

"We were actually just joking with Dr. Zhou."

After hearing this, several residents gave up decisively.

No one competed with Zhou Can for the chance to sew skin.

Zhou Can was also polite, took the needle holder and tweezers from the equipment nurse, and began to sew up the wound for the patient.

For every suture stitch, he can get 1 suture experience point and 1 ligation experience point.

One stitch, two stitches, three stitches...

Congratulations, your suture technique has been promoted to level current experience value is 1/100000, the junior level of the deputy director. 】

To advance to level six, a full 100,000 experience points are required.

It's too scary.

However, it is also understandable that the level of medical skills at the director level is not so easy to achieve.

Many people never reach the director level in their lifetime.

He tried to suture the remaining part of the wound for the patient using the fifth-level suture technique.

Select the needle position, puncture, thread out, and take up the thread. The whole process is like a miracle. I can't say it, I feel that all the actions just now, including thinking, have become a natural instinct.

Quite a bit of a back-to-basics taste.

Before the promotion, he will first look for a suitable needle insertion position when stitching. It's good now, there is no need to look for it at all, the needle is inserted into the skin naturally, and then pierced out.

It seems that there is no need to think and search at all, let alone confirmation.

It has completely become an instinct.

Where to insert the needle, where to thread it out, and to draw and tighten the thread all become instinctive.

At the same time, he found that there is almost no pulling force on the wound skin during the whole suturing process, whether it is needle insertion, puncturing, piercing, or even tensioning.

It is equivalent to the pulling force of a slight breeze blowing.

Very gentle.

The key is that his speed is not slow, even faster than before.

Is this the stitching technique at the deputy director level?


It turned out that there was no earth-shattering change from the fourth-level attending level to the fifth-level deputy director level. Instead, turn all actions into instincts, just like blinking and opening eyes as you like.

There is no need to go through complex thinking of the brain at all, let alone be careful.

Because no matter how difficult the stitching action is, it has now become an ordinary, ordinary little thing.

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