My monster merges everything

Chapter 129 Exploration and Survivors

Cao Yubao's voice came and everyone looked over.

The old man took his time and said, "Drug hoarding is one of them, but I would also like to suggest trying to cultivate medicinal materials and plant those medicinal species to see if we can cultivate evolved medicines as Miss Bai Qilan deduced."

He paused and said: "The finished medicine will eventually be used up one day, and we have to prepare early."

Cao Yubao's suggestion was pertinent. Yan Meiyu quickly wrote this down and turned her attention to Su Han.

Su Han nodded and said: "Leave this matter to Meiyu to handle. Mr. Cao should also pay more attention to the specific number of plantings and what can be planted. However, it may not be possible to find so many medicinal seeds in the current situation."

"I understand," Cao Yubao smiled bitterly: "It's just that if you can save one more person, save one more person."

"Boss, I have a question."

Zhang Dahai raised his hands, and his appearance was a bit funny.

However, he looked serious and was not joking around in the meeting.


Zhang Dahai asked: "How do we expand?"

Su Han was stunned for a moment, and Zhang Dahai also realized that he was speaking in general terms, so he said: "The Shanhu Villa area originally had walls, which are naturally a barrier against monsters. This place is easy to defend, but the number of people it can accommodate is limited. What do you think? If we expand, there will definitely be more and more people. At that time, there will be no protective walls when we expand. How will we arrange it?"

Even if there is no deliberate search and rescue, just when Zhu Xiong and others are searching for supplies, they will pick up a few survivors one after another, with more or less problems.

If we take the initiative to expand, the number of people will only increase, and the place of residence will be a problem.

Zhang Dahai is a construction worker, and he knows the ropes. The rate of building houses cannot keep up with the increase in the number of people. Moreover, if the wall needs to be expanded to a sufficient extent, it will be a big project.

His words made everyone think deeply. This is a question, how to defend after expansion?

This place is no different from the new industrial park in the south of the city. The entire industrial park itself has certain partitions, and the major factories inside also have towering walls.

As long as one factory is captured and the monsters are eliminated, the Southern City camp can accommodate thousands or even tens of thousands more people, and there will be employee dormitories and factory buildings where people can sleep.

"Should we change places?"

Zhu Xiong muttered and immediately shook his head. The crops are growing taller and taller, and there are more and more evolved fish in the lake. Wouldn't it be ruining the home to move at this time?

Su Han's eyes moved slightly, he looked at the map on the table, thought for a while, and then said: "The intersections are blocked in the directions of Xiayuan Building, Nanshan Community, Beiling Road, and Hepan Avenue, relying on the surrounding buildings to form partitions. Although It’s not as strict as the Shanhu Villa area, but it’s enough for the time being. After the number of people comes up, we will slowly arrange the walls.”

Everyone looked at the map, and as expected, as Su Han said, after the intersections in several places were blocked, a ring was formed on the east side of the Mountain Lake Villa District.

These plans are completely feasible to expand the camp area and have certain protection capabilities, and there is no need to build new residences, there are already existing buildings that can be used.

“But it’s not easy to clean up.”

I have been to Xiayuan Building and Nanshan Community and cleaned up a lot. Searching for supplies is not a complete cleanup, there must be some missing items.

And the remaining places have to be cleaned floor by floor, which is not that simple.

"Clean up slowly, gathering survivors and supplies at the same time. I will let the tree worms and the giant vine rats help you."

Most of the area in this circle is within a thousand meters in a straight line, and the tree worms and giant vine rats can fully support it.

"It's best to take down Yunling Mountain," came Bai Qilan's voice. "If we expand to the city, there will be very little land resources that can be cultivated, unless we turn over the buildings and roads, but that is not realistic. So we need a backing of planting, Yunling Mountain That’s good.”

Bai Qilan's words hit the nail on the head. Su Han nodded and said, "Then add Yunling Mountain."


After making plans for the Mountain Lake Villa Camp, the huge machinery started to run like clockwork.

First, middle-level combatants such as Zhao Yimin, Xia Ning, and Cheng Xiyuan exchanged their merits for a wave of injections to further enhance their power. Then they immediately signed up to Zhu Xiong and actively participated in the cleanup work.

This time the cleanup was all about cleaning up, so it wasn't that easy, but no one was backing down.

Only by fighting and contributing to the camp can it be possible to exchange for more powerful injections and have stronger power.

No one doesn't desire power, so they all want to make progress.

Zhu Xiong, Gan Xinglei, Zhang Dahai, and Guo Gang each led a team of people and started cleaning up from four directions.

The cleanup plan is not complicated. First, find a suitable intersection and set it as a blocking point, and then pull all the used cars scattered on the street as a preliminary accumulation.

Use car wreckage to block the influx of foreign monsters. Later, Su Han and the Scorpion Spider Demon will use metal controls to form a metal gate at the pass intersection, completely sealing off the entire area.

Zhu Xiong rode the bone-armored giant pig with twenty people behind him and quickly arrived in the direction of Beiling Avenue. Among the land reclamation teams, he was the most powerful, so this area that had not yet been cleared was naturally left to him.

The twenty people behind him did not drive this time, but rode two people together, riding a giant rat with a black bag around their waist, which contained the crystal of the ancient tree.

"Place the ancient tree crystal, dispel the fog and start cleaning up the monsters. First find a suitable location for sealing."

"I understand, Brother Zhu."

Zhu Xiong and others took out the ancient tree crystals from their waists, and then placed them from time to time along the road to both sides of Beiling Avenue. The light dispelled the fog, but it also attracted the attention of the monsters.


A large number of monsters began to come, and the one rushing at the front was a first-class high-grade giant phag dog.

Before Zhu Xiong could say anything, Zhao Yimin, who was accompanying him, had already summoned his apostles and rushed forward.

Zhao Yimin participated in the battle at the Beiqing Grain Depot and also participated in the transportation of grain. His contribution value has always been very high. Therefore, after a new round of exchange for injections was opened, he used his contribution value to exchange for No. 2 injection and completed the injection. .

At this time, his apostle had transformed from a corpse into a humanoid monster over three meters tall. Half of his body was covered with wooden skin, which matched the iron armor on his body. One of his left and right arms was a claw, and the other was a palm twisted together by tree vines. The fingers and claws are sharp and can be extended, and the combat power is not weak. It is also the best among the first-level superiors.

As soon as the giant dog rushed forward, it was hit by Zhao Yimin's corpse with a vine arm, which then wrapped around his neck, bullied him, and hit him hard on the head with a heavy punch.

The giant phag dog received a heavy blow and rushed violently, but Zhao Yimin's apostle restrained him even tighter, and then continued to attack, and after a while he had already crushed it to the ground.


Zhao Yimin on the side cooperated tacitly. He directly raised his hand and shot a crossbow arrow on the head of the giant eating dog, severely injuring it at once.

"Get your hands dirty and work hard. These are all contributions."

Zhu Xiong said hello, and everyone else summoned their own apostles and started rushing towards the incoming monster wave.

They were not afraid at all, but rather a little excited, because taking the monster corpse back could really count as a contribution. Whether it was their boss or some crops and monsters in the camp, they all needed flesh and blood.

The apostles quickly charged forward. Zhu Xiong's two second-level apostles were placed on both sides of the street to bear the greatest pressure, while the other apostles were cooperating in the attack.

The people who participated in the cleanup mission this time were all combatants who had used injections. The apostles were basically not weak in strength, half of them were at the first level, and their bodies had some obvious characteristics of tree worms or giant vine rats.

In addition to the apostles of these combatants, ten giant vine rats have joined the battle.

The docile appearance when he was a mount had changed drastically. His huge body rushed into the group of monsters and immediately overturned many corpses.

The vines' tails danced, rolling up corpses or other monsters and then started smashing them, and their sharp claws were like knives, disembowelling them.

The battle was like a one-sided massacre. More than three hundred corpses, giant phag dogs, and crawlers could not threaten the cleanup team at all.

Soon the ground was covered with corpses and blood was flowing everywhere.

"Last hit, and then we move forward."

Zhu Xiong ordered everyone to start finishing their blows, and after more than ten minutes, everyone began to move forward.

"Brother Zhu, the shops and buildings along the streets on both sides are at the bend in front. Beyond that is the Nanwang Bridge. After getting on the bridge, it leads directly to the upper reaches of the Ertiao River and Nanwang Lake. It is too open and cannot be stopped."

Zhao Yimin talked to Zhu Xiong about the situation. Zhu Xiong frowned and said decisively, then pile the cars in the opening in front.

They laid down ancient tree crystals along the road, and then killed the monsters that rushed out from time to time. The giant vine rats became the largest labor force, and one car after another was pulled to the intersection.

There were more than a dozen vehicles piled up into a hill, next to the buildings on both sides, blocking the intersection tightly.

"Go to the next intersection."

There is more than one intersection, and of course the one here is undoubtedly the largest one.

Throughout the morning, Zhu Xiong and the others hardly stopped. The remaining three teams also made progress at a very fast pace, blocking half of the intersections.

"There are three more intersections, near Ertiao River."

Zhu Xiong killed the monster that suddenly rushed out with an axe, and then looked down.

It was already afternoon. After blocking these intersections, today's affairs were temporarily over.

Tomorrow we can start cleaning up the inside, and try to clear out this ring in a few days.

"Block them!"

Just as they stepped into the entrance of the path, before the ancient tree crystals could be arranged on both sides of the path, the sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came.

Zhu Xiong's eyes moved and he looked in the direction of the sound, which was on the other side of the street.

Is there anyone outside?

Along the way, they found no trace of survivors, but most of them were hiding on the floors.

Zhu Xiong and the others had their most important task, so they ignored it for the time being and left it until they could clean up inside, but now it was different.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look."

Zhu Xiong and the others hurried over, using the Ancient Tree Crystal to dispel the fog, and soon saw another group of people fighting a scarlet monster at the end of the street.

The monster was red all over, had no skin, and looked like a bull, but it had a mouth full of sharp teeth, dark eyes, and a terrifying appearance.

"I'll stop it, you guys go first!"

Among the more than twenty people in the group, two men controlled the apostle to stand in front of the monster.

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